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Sonnet 29

Writer's picture: willerwiller

When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes 遭人白眼,命运把我羞辱-    I all alone beweep my outcast state, 只身向隅,为被弃而哀哭, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, 冲聩聩苍天,我徒然惨呼,    And look upon myself, and curse my fate, 反躬自顾,我将厄运咒诅。 Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, 但愿我如某君前程煌煌,    Featur'd like him, like him with friends possess'd, 喜其交际宽广,容颜厮像; Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope, 机巧者、通达者,我都向往,    With what I most enjoy contented least; -最为欣赏的,希望最渺茫; Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, 但这么想,几将自身看轻,    Haply I think on thee,—and then my state, 我陡然想到你,宛若百灵- Like to the lark at break of day arising 从晦暗的大地冲破黎明,    From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate; 高唱着圣歌在天府门庭。 For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings 念及你的柔情富可敌国- That then I scorn to change my state with kings. 那君王之位算得了什么!

十四行诗第29首 莎士比亚

  我一旦失去了幸福,又遭人白眼;   就独自哭泣,怨人家把我抛弃,   白白地用哭喊来麻烦聋耳的苍天,   又看看自己,只痛恨时运不济,   愿自己像人家那样:或前途远大,   或一表人才,或胜友如云广交谊,   想有这人的权威,那人的才华,   于自己平素最得意的,倒最不满意;   但在这几乎是看轻自己的思想里,   我偶尔想到你呵,---我的心怀   顿时像破晚的云雀从阴郁的大地,   冲上了天门,歌唱起赞美诗来,   我记得你的甜爱,就是珍宝,   教我不屑把处境跟帝王对调.

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27 de jan. de 2019

Sonnet 66 何忍弃你于浊世

  Tired with all these,for restful death I cry,   厌倦了这一切,我渴求安息——   As to behold desert a beggar born,   眼见天生良材注定街头行乞,   And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity,   一无是处的饭桶披着光鲜外衣,   And purest faith unhappily forsworn,   至信忠诚,却只赢得无情背弃,   And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd,   尊贵的荣誉授给了无耻屑小,   And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,   美德横遭玷污,如贞女沦为娼妓,   And right perfection wrongfully disgrac'd,   公道屡被欺凌,至善徒惹嗤笑,   And strength by limping sway disabled   权势倒行逆施,摧残人间正气,   And art made tongue-tied by authority,   学术结舌失语,饱受当局钳制,   And folly,doctor-like,controlling skill,   博士状的蠢货打压着真才实学,   And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,   淳朴与诚实被讥笑为天真幼稚,   And captive good attending captain ill:   善良成为俘虏,被迫委身奸邪.   Tir'd with all these,from these would I be gone,   厌倦了这一切,我真想撒手而去,   Save that,to die,I leave my love alone.   却何忍抛下爱人,让他独品孤寂?

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