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Updated: Apr 11, 2018









  • 当写到:你要尽量使你的生活过的有意义,内心丰富而灵性,如此,在来世过去世,才能塌缩出更富有你特色的本性来;那么你深入灵魂的关键词信息,就那么地伴随着你的前世与来世。他们乞求你,不要让他们如灰色地带一样漠然,不要让他们似沉闷空气一样窒息,他们想和你共同频率出一个非常的你。所以,此刻,不要放弃自己,「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.」努力粹练自己,打造出如宝石、如水晶、珍珠般的光芒来吧! 想到乔布斯,于是偶像奉上。

  • 发现劳伦娜与原网页似是laured相似,刚才看到一句话:never underestimate your power to change yourself, POWER大写。

  • 为什么10.16日是乔布斯日?

Steve Jobs (Steven Paul Jobs) (February 24, 1955—October 5, 2011), born in San Francisco, United States, co-founder of Apple.

Jobs and his friend Steve Garry Wozniak founded Apple Computer in 1976;

Introduced Macintosh, iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and other popular electronic products;

Belief in Buddhism; Graduate School of American Reed College;

Spouse Laurene Powell (Laurene Powell);

On October 5, 2011, she died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56.

California, USA, set October 16 as "Jobs Day."


  • When it is written that you want to make your life more meaningful and richer and more spiritual in spirit, so that in the afterlife, you will be able to collapse out and become richer in your own nature; Then you go deep into the key words of the soul. Then with your past and future lives. they begged you not to let them be as indifferent as the grey areas, and not to let them suffocate like a dreary air. They wanted to share a very special one with you. So, at this moment, don't give up yourself, "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish." Try hard to practice yourself and create a jewel-like, crystal, pearl-like glow!

  • Think of Steve Jobs, so idols offer it.

  • It was found that Lorenna was similar to the original web page laured. It just saw a word: never underestimate your power to change yourself, POWER capitalization.

  •  Why 10.16 Day is Jobs Day?

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