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Zhouyi Sets Volume 13 周易集註卷十三 來知德繫辭上傳

Chapter One: Heavenly and Humbleness, Hardness and Softness 第一章:天尊地卑,剛柔相摩



明 來知德 撰





* 「之卦名…易中」原文闕,依慈恩本補,









Chapter One: Heavenly and Humbleness, Hardness and Softness

The Fourth Book of Securites

Zhou Yi set note 13


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Heavenly and earthly and lowly, heaven and earth dignified, humbled and high-ranked, noble and tittle, movements and events, hard and soft, broken and fragile, gathered in groups, divided into groups, with good intentions, in heaven, formed in the earth, and changed. ,

The heaven and earth are also entities of yin and yang-shaped gas. The universe is also the name of pure and pure Yangyang, which is the highest place in heaven and earth. The activist Yang often, static yin often. With heaven and earth, the sky is moving, the male moves and the female moves quietly. The male sings and moves, and the female volts and quiet also. The soft and easy person is also known as the yin and yang. Breaking, judging, is a natural sub-judgment, not by people. The northeastern and northeastern quadrant of the party is also a cluster of people, and in the world, the state of Zhangzhou and Quzhou are together, and Jingzhou and the like are clustered together in Jingzhou. In the official language, the South and the South are together and the North and the North are together. The object of all things, the group of people, the group of horns are in hair, and the group of hair is in feathers, and the group of feathers is in nakedness. Good and bad are good and evil. In a word, the four sides of China and Turkey have the good and the evil in the abdomen and the inside. There are gentlemen and villains in the world. In other words, cattle and horses are good, and tigers and wolves are evil. This is also the difference between yin and yang. The culprits, Yi Zhongyi’s decision-making resignation, all these saints are observing and observing, and they are listed among the two who are visible. Therefore, there is one humble and one humble, one humble, one humble, one static and one static, one group, one form and one likeness. Before the Confucianists claimed that they were doing things, they would not be embarrassed. Like the moon and stars of the elephant, the shape of the mountains and rivers is planted and belonged to the two images, which have past, there is hidden, there are glories, there is life and death, ever-changing. Changes in Yi, then the extreme changes in Yin Yang, the most extreme of yin.


This is a statement of heaven and earth. Before the painting was made, an "Book of Changes" has been listed in two places. Therefore, it is not a matter of heaven or earth. The humble is high, and there is no nobleness, but the noble has been bitten. There are often movements, but there is no rigid and soft, and rigid and soft have broken. As a matter of fact, the group gathers in groups and divides them into groups. It is not easy to be frightened, and the good and bad have been born. In the image of heaven, there is no change in the shape of the earth, and the change has been seen. The sage's easiness, but it's written like an image, and it's not organized. Confucius made this article because of Fuxi's plan of circularity, yin and yang, one by one, yin and yang, and Yang and yin.

* "The name of the nickname...Easy Chinese" is written in the original text.


Because of this, it is hard and soft, and the gossip fluctuates. The sun and the moon are running and it is a cold and a sunny day. Road into a male, kundao into a woman. Knowing the beginning, Kun made.

The gossip of heaven and earth is made up of the words of heaven, earth, water, fire, thunder, wind, and wind. The non-dry ups and shocks are away from Kun, but if the old note is a two-phase mosque and the four-phase mop is an eight, then the men and women in the sun and the moon will not be able to speak. . The gossip person is a rigid and soft body. The rigid and soft person is a gossip. The general is rigid and soft and is divided into gossip. The mortals are matched by the two instruments. However, the atmosphere between the two, sympathetic, and then fertile. The masculine person is a man, and the yin qi is a woman. However, a man is a main road, and the men and women are all affected by it. The woman who is born is born of men and women. All Kun to become one. In other words, men and women will do their work, but when they are combined, they will begin and end in Kun. Knowing that this matter is also known, the author can do this. Covering unfinished things, nothing is created, so the words and deeds are known; Doing nothing and knowing nothing, Kun can only make things and don't have anything to do, so it is easy and simple. The knowledge of mortals is that qi is the soul. Therefore, with his knowledge, Kun can speak well. The meaning of the grandeur is totally meaningless. He is born and raised, and has a life-long water. The heart of two fires is the heart. Three trees are the liver, four of them are the lungs, five of the earth are the spleen, and one of the bones and visors is fully prepared. Alas, the cover is not the beginning but also the beginning.


This is a statement of the prevalence of the yin and yang of heaven and earth. All things in heaven and earth are to be treated. Therefore, there is nothing but softness and gossip, and the phase of turbulentness is boundless. Then the thunderstorms, wind and rain, and the sun, the moon, the summer and the heat, and the movements and exchanges of gas and air, and the men and women are in harmony. Therefore, the only thing known by those who do it is that the one who Kun can only achieve. If you don't do anything, you can't become the end of Kun; if you don't have Kun, you can't do it. Only by knowing that you can accept it, you can receive it. Confucius said that because of Wang Wenyuan's plan, the emperor came out of the earthquake, became a monk, but also the king of the preface, the yin confluence was almost Yang, and the yang was almost yin, so this article was issued.


With easy-to-know, Kun is simple. Easy to know, easy to follow. It is easy to know that you have pro, and that you have merit. Some parents may be long, and others may have great merit. For a long time, the virtues of the wise man can be as great as the wise man. The principle of easy conciseness and the best of the world can be attained.

The easy-to-know who comes at will and the creatures do not stagnate. This is the conscience of good fortune, and there is no one who knows what it is. Those who are simple performers are those who follow the heavens and do not act on their own. This is the goodness of creation, and there is no one who has nothing to do with it. The person who covered the beginnings and became the clerk of heaven and earth was the office of heaven and earth. He also made it difficult for the wicked to perform hard. However, because of its conscience, it is not difficult to find things. However, Jane is a good creature of nature. Therefore, it is not annoying. People are born in the heavens and the earth, and their nature is divided into heaven and heaven. For the good and the good, the heavens are as easy as the heavens, and the dangers are unknowable. This is the same place as the earth, but it is not the same as the earth. People want private ears. Therefore, it is easy to know, easy to understand, and easy to know. I easily know about this unselfishness. Also, I easily care about this unselfishness, and non-humans know from others. The easy word is easy and easy.


In this one, the words are made into a position that is similar to the one in which one speaks. Kun can only become a thing, is Kun to Jane. What people know is easy to do, what they know is intrinsic to nature, and it is not easy to know without the hardship of a human desire. What human beings can do, such as Kun Jian, are those who are able to do what they do, and there is no one who wants to be confused. Easy to know that this theory is in my heart, often contact the pro-bearing, not separated from the separation, so there are pro. Easy to follow the example of this practice in my own body, often accumulate months, there is no wasteland, so there is merit. There are pro-days that are new and endless. If you have great merit, you can do so. For a long time, the virtues of the wise men and their days are long. The sage's business can be as big as it is. The husband took advantage of the principle of simplicity and the world, and the virtues of the wise man are heaven and earth. The heart of my heart is also easy. The earth is simple. My body is also Jane. Hey. Yi Zhongsancai became its six people. Reasonably attained a position, that is, the meaning of neutrality, heavenly status, and all-round physical education. Sages are saints, and they are three with heaven and earth, not saints.


The first chapter of the right

This chapter is one of the most respected places in the world. Rigid and soft phase one, saying popular use. If one is easy to know, one will be in the world. In the middle of a position, the body of the heavens and the earth is written in the form of an easy person. The three articles, the reasons for Confucius' original reason, have not been said to be easy to go. To the second chapter, it is easy to look at the sights and dialects.

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