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Day 51 Silk Road Landscape Map of Ming Dynasty第五十一天 明代丝路山水地图

  • 人person、伊斯兰堡islamabad、喇嘛lama、伊斯兰教islam、易经

  • 慈禧、张家口地震、阿拉伯语与粤语、步步惊心、散落星河的记忆

  • 秦始皇陵与武则天陵墓、air爱

  • 波性与婴儿、秋林读书图与蒙古丝路山水地图、女史箴图、钢架雪车、春节晚会感应


————— 2018-02-13 —————

Qiulan 16:59


Qiulan 17:02


Qiulan 17:19


Qiulan 19:29


Qiulan 20:13


Qiulan 20:13


Qiulan 20:13


Qiulan 20:13





Qiulan 20:13


Qiulan 20:32


Qiulan 22:02


Qiulan 23:13



————— 2018-02-14 —————

Qiulan 08:07


Qiulan 08:10


Qiulan 08:12


Qiulan 10:41


Qiulan 10:42

[比尔盖茨女儿 VS 乔布斯女儿,你更喜欢哪位白富美?:]

Qiulan 18:09


Qiulan 18:31


Qiulan 19:41

【白人和黑人生的孩子是什么肤色?】 像奥巴马他爸是黑人,妈是白人,为什么他不是白人,却是巧克力色!基因怎么解释!难道跟父亲有关?(分享自 @百度贴吧)#来手机贴吧,看你想看的# k看到zuma直播想到查黑人白人是否一开始都是一样的英语?碰到这个

Qiulan 20:23


有一字PHAT,发音同fat,则为对女性的赞美,是Perfect Hip And Touch的缩写,可用"尤物"称之,也因此字,使fat原本只有胖、之意,又出现了"美"的意思。

Qiulan 20:23


Qiulan 20:32


Qiulan 20:51


Qiulan 20:53


Qiulan 21:59


Qiulan 22:02


Qiulan 22:03


Qiulan 22:19


Qiulan 22:51


Qiulan 23:09


Qiulan 23:09


有趣的是,这两者都属于我们 ! 这才是最客观的事实 !

Qiulan 23:14


Qiulan 23:17


Qiulan 23:18

[《散落星河的记忆》桐华 ^第182章^ 最新更新:2018-02-14 10:00:00 晋江文学城:]

Qiulan 23:21


Qiulan 23:25



————— 2018-02-15 —————

Qiulan 12:39


Qiulan 12:39


Qiulan 12:50


Qiulan 12:58


Qiulan 13:08


Qiulan 13:08


Qiulan 13:13


Qiulan 13:17


Qiulan 13:20


Qiulan 13:22


Qiulan 13:59


Qiulan 14:04


Qiulan 14:04


Qiulan 14:10



Qiulan 14:15


Qiulan 14:22



Qiulan 17:18



Qiulan 17:22


Qiulan 19:31

air爱~ hair H air红爱,红学,红楼梦?为什么黑人英语那么多和头发有关的与白人英语不同呢?是暗处隐秘之意味吗?那个reddit分类有阴谋,密谋意思。为什么是阴谋,不是阳谋?是女性之隐私秘密吗?为什么头发叫青丝,明明是黑色的啊?秦始皇陵写的秦很像蘭,始女字很像执耳为娶的司母戊鼎那个象形文字,而右边的一弯折像乾陵碑乾字右边的竖弯钩。

Qiulan 23:15



————— 2018-02-16 —————

Qiulan 08:08


Qiulan 08:12


Qiulan 08:13


Qiulan 10:23

About half of the scroll is made up of painted scenes, each one divided from the next by lines from the poem. As the scroll was slowly unrolled for you, you would have read the poem and then been able to see only one part at a time, and that sense of unfolding is a key part of the pleasure.

脚卷中包含数幅场景,每幅各有箴文。画卷缓缓展开时,先看到几句诗文,然后是相应的图画,一次只能看到一幅,这种展开过程正是赏 的关键乐趣之一。~秋林读书图~蒙古丝路山水画。

Qiulan 10:28


Qiulan 10:45


Qiulan 11:00


Qiulan 11:02


Qiulan 11:08


Qiulan 11:13


Qiulan 11:14


Qiulan 11:16


Qiulan 12:09


Qiulan 12:12


Qiulan 12:51



Qiulan 12:55


Qiulan 14:15


Qiulan 14:15


Qiulan 14:19


Qiulan 14:36

春节晚会感应有想过的:高中生打架,驾校学开车,梦境玻璃有苍蝇有南瓜灯(岁月歌曲),丝路山水,语言腐败不落实行动(提意见小品),月球当气球/开水变冰花(勇气歌曲配合),诗词,太极平衡阴阳术/朋友群发的爱情像庙宇两个柱子(双雄会),take取水(贾玲takers),Black and white/Curry妃/非/妾是黑暗之处,女史箴图亦有表现。

Qiulan 14:37


Qiulan 14:41


Day 51 Silk Road Landscape Map of Ming Dynasty

  • Person person, islamabad islamabad, lama lama, islam islam, canon

  • Cixi, Zhangjiakou Earthquake, Arabic and Cantonese, Step by Step, Striking Star Trek Memory

  • Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum and Wu Zetian Mausoleum, air love

  • Waves and Babies, Qiulin reading maps and Mongolian Silk Road landscape maps, women history maps, steel snowmobiles, Spring Festival party induction

- Person person, Islamabad Islamabad, Lama Lama, Islam islam, I Ching

————— 2018-02-13 —————

Qiulan 16:59

Person, son, mother, person, body. In the past, people wrote and loved to write people. To speak of a person in the manner of a wife means that the person who writes secret is the wife. Wife, wife outside husband. English is yet another proof of the meditation of a woman. In the morning, when the Japanese speak English to Siri, the girls become gods, and rhythm, Curry.

Qiulan 17:02

The peacock flew southeast, Xuanzhuang Zhuangzi Xiaozhuang Empress.

Qiulan 17:19

I am very impressed with an ad, moson, is this pronunciation, isn't it my son?

Qiulan 19:29

In the northwestern part of the Linzi Mountain Temple in Shaanxi Province, there is a monument with images of rats, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, and pigs. It is called "Twelve Stones."

Qiulan 20:13

Islamabad, the surface is a combination of lamas, bad evil. Islam, Islam, Islam. Why does the capital of Pakistan call this name? Why does Islam eat lamb instead of pork? Lin Daiyu is a sheep, Christianity has a lamb, Yang, Yang, Yang... What exactly is Islam teaching?

Qiulan 20:13

Lama (Tibetan: lala, Willy: bla-ma), a Tibetan Buddhist term that means Guru, Shangren, is a title for the Tibetan Buddhist monks, the title of the elders, the pretender, and the monk. "Why" is the kind of compassion that all sentient beings like their mothers care for their children. It is the supreme compassion. There is such a supremely loving person called the "Lama."

Qiulan 20:13

Songtsan Gambo. He married Nepalese Princess Zion and Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. Princess Zizun and Princess Wencheng each brought a statue of Buddha to Tibet and built the famous Dazhao and Xiaozhao Temples in Lhasa. The craftsmen who came with the princess also successively built temples. The Buddhist monks who came with them began to translate sutras. Buddhism began from Nepal. Hedi was introduced into Tibet.

Qiulan 20:13

Lama: Lamaism

Alias: Rinpoche, Living Buddha, Guru

Origin: Tibetan Buddhism

Meaning: supreme "reincarnation and nirvana"

Qiulan 20:13

The September of the Islamic calendar (ie, May of the Gregorian calendar) is the Ramadan of Pakistani Muslims. This period is a day of prayer and repentance, and it is not until the evening that you can eat. The first day of the Islamic calendar in October is called Eid al-Fitr and it is a larger Muslim holiday in Pakistan. On this day Muslims went to the mosque to pray. They embraced each other and congratulated each other. They also met with relatives and friends and prepared candy treats for guests at home. According to the number of family members, wealthy people pay poor Muslims a day's living expenses.

Qiulan 20:32

Pushing the first red and white image on the back is the nirvana and rebirth of Red Mansion dreams. The second 21 fruits are in turn the 12 Taoist temples in Jinling, which are also written in the Dream of the Red Chamber.

Qiulan 22:02

I think the Book of Changes may be Yang Yuhuan when it appeared. It was the beginning of the day. It was the meaning of the grasslands in Inner Mongolia just breaking out of the earth. Leave the original grass. Think of children painting trees that have just sprouted, and paintings like pointed castles. Did you just look at Islamabad and see that the three finely pointed churches are like pens? - This will have Wang Meng hot search. There are tears inscriptions Yunmeng Mountain. Chadian also mentioned what was unearthed in Hubei Yunmeng.

Qiulan 23:13

The meaning is bright: "There are ~". Yesterday I just saw that there are three characters in the history of women's history. Think of the Dream of the Red Chamber, and examine the history of the woman. Wang Xifeng Stewardship warehouse delivery bookkeeping or something. An article said that the Yihetuan Shandong people used Junjun ministers and their sons and daughters how to capture the universal universal value of the living beings and the church advocated by the church. It is strange that this and the foreigners who Cixi wrote to rob people were in turn confused.

- Earthquake in Cixi, Zhangjiakou, Arabic and Cantonese, alarming steps, scattered memories of the Galaxy

————— 2018-02-14 —————

Qiulan 08:07

After thinking about the meaning of the three words that may be used to describe the meaning of the philosophical and philosophical thoughts of the Chongzhen and the righteousness of Confucius, then the Shandong people will rise up against the stigmatization that the Westerners did to believe in Cixi. So Cixi is grateful for zero. This is thinking on the one hand. Later Cixi also killed the Yihe Tuan. Maybe foreigners also started with their meditation. This is another reflection. The meditations are varied, such as dragons and phoenixes.

Qiulan 08:10

It is a bit of a balance, the meaning of the five elements, and the persistence of the Middle Road. Therefore, it has harassed people since ancient times, and has operated on the main road of a meditation.

Qiulan 08:12

This and the royal family in the secret history of Xiao Zhuang have caused the two forces to check each other to be different. The five elements can be simplified into two instruments. Is the parliamentary system in the Western countries really a deeper understanding of the Western system?

Qiulan 10:41

Yesterday, I read Cui Shunshi News, mentioned that she had a lot of money for her daughter's horsemanship, and that there was a link between Bill Gates' daughter video and equestrianism. Just said that once thought about the Western system, the two parliaments competed. Today saw equestrian, competition, Western daughter. Is it related to Lin Yu-Yu's poetry?

Qiulan 10:42

[Bill Gates daughter VS Jobs daughter, which white Fu Mei do you prefer? :]

Qiulan 18:09

The English articles in the collection of perfumes in the documentary are similar to the rise of the great powers. I wonder if the two videos are related. Yesterday I found that the immeasurable sitting Buddha said to sit and lie down, exactly the same as what was said in the Buddhist treasureland. Would it not be that the Buddhist treasures are like Jin Ping Mei and they have been pulled out of the Water Margin and meditation has collapsed? However, we can not find the description of this collection of documentary films, do not know the age.

Qiulan 18:31

Listening to the history of women this morning, there are Zhang Hua, Cha Hua's traditional Chinese characters, and she thinks of four dry and scribbled characters; Think of Inner Mongolia on the north side, the Qiankun Tunmun, think of the Mongolian word with the grass head under the pig house. The annual conference made chocolate on behalf of Apple News and thought of cocoa and kernels. There are 32 figures on the chocolate map. A 3.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. The focal depth was 12 kilometers.

Qiulan 19:41

What color of skin is between white and black children? ] Like Obama, his father is black and mother is white. Why he is not white, but chocolate! How to explain the gene! Is it related to my father? (Share from @ Baidu Post Bar) # to post it on the phone, see if you want to see # k see zuma live thought to check whether the black white is the same English in the beginning? Come across this

Qiulan 20:23

Be passive, child, ing parrot, shit, shi 屎.

There is a word PHAT, pronounced like fat. It is a praise for women. It is the abbreviation of Perfect Hip And Touch. It can be called “sweet thing”, and hence the word, so that fat is originally fat, meaning “beauty”. meaning.

Qiulan 20:23

[Black English:]

Qiulan 20:32

The Christmas party of the safflower club had a homonym, and the real black hip-hop language! There are hip-hops in China. I used to say that pgone was like someone. Will not change makeup?

Qiulan 20:51

[The world's oldest ethnic African San people are similar to Cantonese: Wu Ling Laojun:]

Qiulan 20:53

Homeland documentary in Arabic, listening to voice and tone is very much like Cantonese. I just thought that Wang Baoqiang was a bit like the Africans who just saw the photo. It was indeed a Cantonese!

Qiulan 21:59

Zhang Xiao, a white-collar worker in 2011, woke up and discovered that he had come to a completely unfamiliar world, the Eight Baylor House in the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, and was known as Miss Two, Malte Ruoqiang. The nearby maid Qiao Hui told her that she fell from the stairs and fainted. Actually, that day, she was arguing with her boyfriend Huang Wei on the street, and she accidentally hit an electric car and crashed into a large freight train. Crossed the Qing Dynasty.

Qiulan 22:02

Zhang Xiao, the actress who played with Deng Chao, the oldest diamond queen. Dawn, name. The plot of the crash is like the beginning of Han Xue’s play. These are all impressive. There are other plots that also have corresponding.

Qiulan 22:03

Step by step startling, this name is also particularly thought of 2011, and later in 2012 to see the TV broadcast, that period also saw the magic phone.

Qiulan 22:19

The TV dramas began to be filmed in July 2010, officially launched on December 8, 2010, and finished on March 20, 2011 and broadcasted on January 21, 201.10. Say it started shooting in 10.5 months

Qiulan 22:51

See Jinjiang commentary that step by step startling author is a small three, and later renamed Tonghua ... ... is the purple art, the original network of Jinjiang Literary City is gone, why delete, what is the secret?

Qiulan 23:09

I have thought that it is rich and powerful, mysterious and profound, from the real world, such as meditation and its corresponding reality analysis. But once you return to the real world, do you think that meditation is just that? It also has to deal with intricate disputes such as eating, drinking, drinking, and interpersonal relations with the company, which greatly binds and restrains oneself from moving and cannot be free.

Qiulan 23:09

Then I saw the king's writing in the evening: sometimes, the practitioner only pays attention to the greatness of his “essential spirit”, but he ignores the smallness of his own “human being”...

What is interesting is that both belong to us! This is the most objective fact!

Qiulan 23:14

Looking at him thinking of the combination of convex and concave as the heart-shaped geography of the earth, he thought of heaven and earth, and human beings are the combination of heaven and earth. Just to see step by step startled, think of it before the discovery of the novels scattered in the memory of the Star River, to view, but also Tong Hua. This chapter also has human insignificance, interstellar darkness floating (see yesterday's pictures similar to women swinging on the planet: a few people took the moon as a balloon sitting in a basket under the moon).

Qiulan 23:17

The birth of the universe in this article, species reproduction has been thought of, corresponding to the Kunming Tun Mongolia; and black and white people, homeland documentary also.

Qiulan 23:18

["Scattered Star River's Memory" Tonghua ^ Chapter 182 ^ Latest update: 2018-02-14 10:00:00 Jinjiang Literature City:]

Qiulan 23:21

The previous chapter was locked in a cage. Yesterday I saw a picture. The lion or the beast was locked in a cage. It was like a gesture!

Qiulan 23:25

Some people thought of being locked in a cage. Or there is a spider web between a man and a street lamp. The flowers in his hand are almost defeated, and the marks are seen and not seen.

- Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum and Wu Zetian Mausoleum, air love

————— 2018-02-15 —————

Qiulan 12:39

1660 + 75 --- 1735, to see step by step startling and Yongzheng, think Dezheng was 75 years old is the time of the death of Yongzheng, whether Dezheng is Yongzheng as Wu Zetian ruled and withdrawn like that? The Dream of the Red Chamber said that he had already 75, and if Jia mother was Xiaozhuang, she was 75 years old when she lived! If Degussa at the age of 83 was in 1743, he was the same as the deceased at the age of 43.

Qiulan 12:39

Prince Henrik of Denmark’s Queen Marguerite II died in Frederiksburg late on the 13th, at the age of 83.

Qiulan 12:50

If Miao Yu was robbed 43 years old, it was the palace in 1703, and then the summer resort 1703. If the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and the mausoleum of Wu Zetian are the true mausoleums of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, then the corresponding relationship of real people in Dream of Red Mansions can be solved.

Qiulan 12:58

According to the interpretation of the Taoist Yuan in the Northern Wei Dynasty, "The emperor Qin Shihuang had a great funeral and built a burial site in Yushan, a blue field. His yin and more gold, his yang, and more beautiful jade, and the emperor's emperor's reputation, were buried."

Qiulan 13:08

The picture of Emperor Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is very similar to the structure of pyramids seen in the past. It is also east to west. Could it be related to the Arabian Mediterranean Egypt?

Qiulan 13:08

In ancient China, the location of the south was respected, and the tombs of the emperors were basically in the pattern of facing south to the south. However, Qin Shihuang, who unified the world, took the pattern from west to east.

Qiulan 13:13

Since 2010, archaeologists have discovered a large building complex of a rectangular declining courtyard in the northwestern part of the inner city of the Qin Shihuang Emperor’s Mausoleum. Like the Forbidden City, the archeologists generally have a length of 690 meters from north to south and an area of ​​250 meters from east to west. 170,000 square meters, one-fourth of Beijing Forbidden City.

Qiulan 13:17

The cemetery has a range of 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 National Palaces, causing a sensation in the archaeological world. On January 29, 1974, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses found on the tomb of Qin Shi Huang.

Qiulan 13:20

Since 1974, 1.5 kilometers from the east of the cemetery, three burial terra-cotta warriors and horses pits have been discovered. The finished fonts have been arranged, covering a total area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters. There are 8,000 excavated pottery figurines, chariots, hundreds of rides, and tens of thousands of physical weapons. . One of the pits is the "Right Army," and about 6,000 Taoists and Taoma are buried with real people. The second pit is the "Left Army," and there are more than 1,300 pottery and pottery horses. 89 vehicles, a group composed of infantry, cavalry, and chariots, are also the essence of the Terracotta Army. There are 68 Samurai warriors on the 3rd pit, 1 chariot, and 4 Taumas. Command the command of the underground force. This army array is a microcosm of the formation of the Qin army.

Qiulan 13:22

This is similar to the military formation of Sun Tzu’s art. Who does nothing to do so many people? Is it like the Great Wall, built to the top of the mountains have enhanced defense energy?

Qiulan 13:59

The highlights of Fuling are the two groups of stone crowds on both sides of Shinto outside Suzaku Gate. The stone crowds are arranged neatly and respectfully in front of the tomb, 32 in the west, 29 in the east, and 61 in total. These stone men were members of the minority officials of the Tang Dynasty at that time and neighboring kings and envoys, Tang Gaozong went to the funeral when he was buried, and Wu Zetian showed off his mighty power to set up their statues in front of the mausoleum.

Qiulan 14:04

Pushing back the map of Kangxi in 61 years, Kangxi was in power for 61 years. There is a Nuzhen nationality script on the non-character tablet, and the Manchu nationality is the Nuzhen race.

Qiulan 14:04

In the middle and late Ming dynasty, the Central Plains called it 鞑靼, 鞑虏, and 虏. The army was called 虏. On the 13th of the year after Qin Tiancong (1635), Huang Taiji issued an order to rename the name of the ethnic group to Manchuria. Since then, the name of Manchuria has officially appeared.

Qiulan 14:10

Fuling site selection

After the death of Tang Gaozong, Wu Zetian decided to select the Jidi to build the Mausoleum in the Guanzhong and Northern Plateau. Soon afterwards, the imperial court selected two famous alchemists from the entire country, one is Xing Tianjun, the star of the family, and the other is Tai Shiling Li Zhifeng, who specializes in yin and yang and the astronomical calendar.

Qiulan 14:15

Wu Zetian Luoyang Peony and Hong Lou Meng Xuebao Chen Peony, Li Bai poetry Yang Guizhen Peony, who is all right and Peony?

Qiulan 14:22

According to the records, Fuling was built to imitate Chang'an City. There are many buildings inside, not to mention the treasures, and it is said that the "Lan Ting Xuan" is inside. This belongs to the top in the National Treasure.

- The tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang and the tomb of Wu Zetian had Shima Shiren. Are there not so many other imperial mausoleums? There are clues in Lan Ting's Dream of Red Mansions.

Qiulan 17:18

"Historical Records of the Historian" is a popular biography of Sima Qian's special narrative on commercial activities. He is the only person who was selected for the operation of Dansha. Li Yongming, a Bayu culture expert, believes that he was able to supply more than 100 tons of mercury at that time. Only the widows are clear.

There is a good relationship between Emperor Qin Shihuang and the widows and widows. On one side is the supreme power. On the other side is the raw material for the construction of the underground palace and the immortal medicine. This may be the link between the mysterious relationship between the two.

Qiulan 17:22

Zhang Weiying said that the content of language corruption has been thought of. In the morning, check the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and Wu Zetian’s tomb to see the widowhood of the widow. Then see someone send a video. Cinnabar, there is a fork on her forehead. Widows have family property. Isn't it similar to Gone with the Wind?

Qiulan 19:31

Air love ~ hair H air red love, Hong Xue, Dream of Red Mansions? Why is black English so much different from hair and white English? Is it hidden in the dark? That reddit classification has conspiracy, plotting meaning. Why is it a conspiracy, not an amphibian? Is it a woman's privacy secret? Why is the hair called black silk, obviously it is black? The Qin written by Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is very similar to Lan. The Beginning Zi character is very similar to the hieroglyphic syllable Wu Ding's hieroglyphic character, while the right-hand bend is like the vertical crook on the right hand side of the Fuling monument.

Qiulan 23:15

Dog Dego, Goth God, Goethe, Stockholm.



- Waves and Infants, Qiulin reading maps and Mongolian Silk Road landscape maps, women history maps, steel frame snow cars, Spring Festival party induction


————— 2018-02-16 —————

Qiulan 08:08

Wave is really like an egg, egg yolk is a wave of material, protein like wave consciousness, but they are superimposed on one another, the egg yolk is the same as the hydrogen alfalfa fierce nuclear fission generated by a variety of heavy metal superposition pressure As a result of gold, when they collapsed together and the big explosion collapsed, the gas wave consciousness and gold and other wave materials were separated. The process of enhancing the superposition of wave consciousness is to capture the same intense chemical energy as the nuclear reaction, and the accumulation of the wave material to a certain extent, just as the baby grows to a certain degree, it will produce a full term.

Qiulan 08:12

The mother and the child are one and the universe is united with me. In my own universe, that is, the child's genes have the wave consciousness (quality) of the parental Tai Chi, and the material characteristics (face) of the Tai Chi. Of course, there is also him. The new two types of genes (genetic mutations) caused by their own new nuclear reactions. Therefore, the child is not pure, it may be the wave reality that is doped with multiple parents, and it may be that there is a new wave of real characteristics.

Qiulan 08:13

The Nuzhen race and the black white race may have been genetic mutations. The most crucial reason is the creation of wave consciousness.

Qiulan 10:23

About half of the scroll is made up of painted scenes, each one divided from the next by lines from the poem. As the scroll was slowly unrolled for you, you would have read the poem and then been able to see only one part at a Time, and that sense of unfolding is a key part of the pleasure.

The foot curl contains several scenes, each of which has its own text. As the scroll slowly unfolds, it begins with a few poems and then a corresponding picture. Only one can be seen at a time. This unfolding process is one of the key pleasures of the reward. ~ Qiulin reading map ~ Mongolia Silk Road landscape painting.

Qiulan 10:28

Due to the Cao Wei incident of the Ministry of Information, the day before yesterday began to listen to the history of women. This English scroll, unrolled, unfolding word thinks about the process of scrolling open. The accidental seeing of the stereoscopic landscape painting video was amazing yesterday evening. At night, the National Treasure is the Silk Road of Mongolian Landscape. (Think of the maps of the mountains and rivers, the hills are all painted in blue, and Mongolia is said to have visited the mountains and waters, and thought about using net names to paint landscapes)

Qiulan 10:45

On January 17, the British Museum released a video of 2 minutes and 32 seconds on Facebook, using 3D technology to present a three-dimensional simulation of a painting. This work was created in 1623 by the famous painter Jia Shengxin in Jiaxing and was written in Qiulin.

Qiulan 11:00

Thousands of miles of Tulan Mountain in the country is the meaning of the mountain is Nalan sex? Snow is Xue Baozhen. In the past, graphite was used to analyze pencils. Have you thought about whether or not the tower in Islamabad was a result of the Western Region? Mongolian landscape painting is Jiayuguan to Mecca. (Your Majesty, the seller? Seeing that the immeasurable Buddha has mentioned the prosperous and powerful countries in order to spread its religion, and the Buddha who banned desires to sell luxury goods)

Qiulan 11:02

Huang Shang? emperor? Fan Yan? Lu Wei is not Cao Wei. Is Zuma President Zulu, Shandong?

Qiulan 11:08

[The endless charm of Chinese landscape painting:]

Qiulan 11:13

Look at this video first from the ground into the water of the forest, and then jump out of sight to high altitude, extending the mountains like the Great Wall. Austria, I have written here to understand that those who are in the Silk Road landscape painting are like the Great Wall! How can the Great Wall built on the mountains be protected against foreign invasion? There seems to be no efficiency at all. Imagine the city like the beacon tower between the Great Wall, but also thought that the Great Wall is not so easy for the enemy to have a way to run in the mountains?

Qiulan 11:14

Xiang Sheng-yi, in turn, is not Mo scene? The Buddhist meaning it

Qiulan 11:16

Title: Qiulin reading. Yu Yue Bai Yue when the value of autumn, along the way around the mountains and rivers sound, white clouds, red trees, wild trails, village huts, or the rod to lead home, or see the child drive back. Every sentence will be written under the ink book of the river, and return, from the Meikou boat, to Zhejiang, face all mountains, Tsui flowing and dripping, empty flying rain, brook rock, size confluence, dangerous beaches Excitingly, the sky is clear, the sky is clouded, the yellow leaves are full of red, the green smoke is off the coast, the landscape is changing, and there is no way to make a cleansing move. Even sitting in the suspect rain in the fast, fast breezes, a pot of wine, incense, reading history in the history of the map, according to the book and the sense of sympathy, help Hao Zuo this, talk with the appropriate, had such a room to study in, I would like to . Why do you do daily camps in the dusty city? The monks also feared. Who will be with you, I will be with the shepherd boy, father, fisherman, the old man laughing and proud of the smoke, sensibility outside, boiled Haoge, cooking tea and then, and smoke wet clothes, Wen Zhong and dizzy, enlightenment willow The embankment, sitting on a baitless fishing trip, a business boat sailing, listening to a flute without a cavity, and when it was time, I didn’t know what to do in order to take a deputy. If people would agree with me, the world would have heard this. What are you talking about? I do not dare to dare to wait until we are good enough. When the Apocalypse Revealed in October, both hope and knowledge, smoke wave fishing items of the Holy Ghost.

Qiulan 12:09

Jia's heart is hot and inhospitable, causing dissatisfaction with the ministers of the DPRK. Zhang Hua collected the stories of various generations of sages and sages in history and wrote them as “The History of Women” to show exhortations and warnings. Gu Kaizhi, a famous painter in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, arranged the paintings according to the paragraphs.

Qiulan 12:12

The sages and the saints, think of the room exam, the Red Chamber Dream Li Li read the book of the training of the strong girl. Wu Zetian is also a woman's history, and Wang Xifeng is also a demeanor. This painting should be painted by Lin Daiyu, the author of the Red Chamber Dream.

Qiulan 12:51

Female history

Forge creation, two instruments are divided. Dispersion flow shape, both Tao and Yan. In the emperor, chanting heaven. Beginning couples, and monarchs. Family Road is positive, and Wang Yu has it.

Qiulan 12:55

Zhang Hua, Zhang Caizhihua, Fei Ziye, Yanzi also. Both of them have written women's history. The above and Confucius's remarks were transmitted in the same way. What's more, the figure in the bed and the weft has a good word. Should it be taken in thousands of miles? Is Zhang Hua intentionally written on the basis of the Book of Changes? Nalan Xingde also has a study of the I Ching book.

Qiulan 14:15

This chute is exactly the same as the one I dreamed of on 17.12.25! The beginning of the dream begins when the camera starts sliding from the upper left to the lower right corner. Now think about it may be somewhat similar to the park tires. - Last night dreamed: Going to a lesbian school, she told me that after a long, rotating road, I sat down in a car like a ski. Although it was a lot of steep bends, I knew it would be all right. It will go on, although it will soon hit a high roadbed that is not wide.

Qiulan 14:15

[Steel frame snow vehicle: Chinese player Ruan Wenqiang create history! :]

Qiulan 14:19

The Winter Olympics has never seen it before. Now it is a little weird about sports like this. It's just a dream to dare to do it?

Qiulan 14:36

The Spring Festival Evening Sensation has thought about it: high school students fight, driving school to drive, dream glass flies with pumpkin lights (song songs), silk road landscape, language corruption does not implement the action (points of opinion), the moon when the balloon / boiling water iced (Combination of courage and song), poetry, Tai Chi balance yin and yang technique/cohort of friends love two pillars like a temple (double male society), take water intake (Jia Ling takesrs), Black and white/Curry/non-professionalism are dark places There are also performances in the history of women.

Qiulan 14:37

Jia Ling finished the sketch and said that she had collapsed. Then she started the lottery and thought about the collapse... Then Qiu lan opened Taobao to grab the red envelope. At first glance, the Taobao collapsed page.

Qiulan 14:41

"The lover must be like the two pillars of the temple, supporting the same roof, but it is separate." - Gibran

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