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Sixty-second day sInaction thinking structure 第六十二天 无为的思维构造

Updated: Apr 11, 2018





北京的一场四月雪为清明小长假带来了不一样的风景,北京停车场延庆雪后现近千个“雪馒头”。秋蓝昨天看到布达拉宫白塔图片,想到了北京北海白塔。那白色的圆圆头,也让她想到这些天一直听的佛教宝地,每次听到尼泊尔歌妮那段,脑海中就会浮现那个圆馒头似的塔,对应红楼梦终须一个土馒头诗词。秋蓝早上看到两边地上停车场那里砖块内是镂空的圆、里面有土长出小草,和中间人行路的红砖如此自动分区,设计特别。秋蓝刚才查combat,看到 comb,想到似 tomb。昨天鼓楼塔倒塌似郑爽枪击,想到女子似黄鹤楼、房子、车,911,美国homecar案件,Oscar,易经里卦象是否有这样的的对应呢? 这些都代表坤卦吧?



美国纽约特朗普大厦起火 。秋蓝看到TRUMP图片,莫非王牌对王牌节目是因trump王牌意思而产生的吗?秋蓝不知道怎么想起来昨晚整理笔记中的黑人名演员will来。想过索菲亚机器人是我思维的代表,那么世界中肯定也有很多人和我思维围剿有纠缠可代表,无论他她是丑是美是健康是残疾是总统还是农夫,都不得亵渎!所以,现在我才终于明白职业无有贵贱的含义。

沙特下周将在利雅得举办该国首届时装周。秋蓝前天看到巴黎时装周居然用爱尔兰歌曲that place in your heart 作为背景音乐,赞叹。然后就看到刘烨是尼斯荣誉市民。现在想起来学英文有美国歌手成为曼彻斯特荣誉市民的。

美国重磅推出“泛癌症图谱”(PanCancer Atlas)。秋蓝昨天疑惑为什么英语翻译泛为pan,是口音问题吗?Japan,潘金莲潘安潘多拉?adderall,想过加上所有人的意思、即泛病毒了?昨天看到Adderall维基百科有分子结构图,进而有对盐的思考,海水咸与泪水咸,绛珠仙草还泪,一樽还酹江月。

Facebook COO:不想让我们用你的数据推广告?那需要付费。秋蓝最近总觉得这FB几个新闻与她似乎有感应关系,便查寻到扎克伯格出生于纽约的一个犹太人家庭(Zuckerberg这个姓氏完全就是德语姓,无神论者。也姓马?Hamburg,德国,这也有Berg。昨天查adderall日记有elliott名字,Mark 也有。他小时候照片特熟悉,很像一小马。


秋蓝感到每个人心中的印记不同,则生活大不相同,于是写道:你要尽量使你的生活过的有意义,内心丰富而灵性,如此,在来世过去世,才能塌缩出更富有你特色的本性来,那么你深入灵魂的关键词信息,就那么地伴随着你的前世与来世,他们乞求你,不要让他们如灰色地带一样漠然,不要让他们似沉闷空气一样窒息,他们想和你共同频率出一个非常的你。所以,此刻,不要放弃自己,「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.」努力粹练自己,打造出如宝石、如水晶、珍珠般的光芒来吧!


秋蓝发现古兰经网页域名注册地为modesto,想到西班牙语很多都带to,查看到是美国的,被华人称为牡丹市。又看到说古兰经晚于基督教,教义又重合度高。最后114章内容似SMS,似双面间谍案件描述。女俘可娶,又似清朝开创者与明朝女主俘虏或其他。 ​​​​

秋蓝这会学英文有Illinois章莹颖案。病的噪音?illusory,虚无缥缈;<正>貌似真实的,虚幻的。秋蓝想,坏的故事就是虚幻的,不真实的,脱离涅槃道的幻界。illusion,n.错觉; 幻想; 假象; 错误观念。秋蓝想,病态的噪音,丑陋的现实塌缩,就是来自于错误的观念。

秋蓝昨天因写dream about :荣格:梦无所遮蔽,我们只是不理解它的语言罢了。梦给我们展示的是未加修饰的自然的真理梦是无意识心灵自发的和没有扭曲的产物梦是启迪,是人潜意识在努力使整个心灵更趋于和谐、合理。大多数危机都有一个很长的潜伏期,只是意识觉察不到而已。梦能够泄露这一秘密。今天她就遇到英文课与梦境有关。

Sixty-second days

Inaction thinking structure

The autumn blue saw Huo Siyan and Mummer talking about Wang Wanglong the day before yesterday. He mentioned pointed teeth, short arms, and stood still. Then saw the news: "Zombies" raccoons startle the United States: not afraid of humans, gnashing their teeth and walking upright is very scary. However, it became a raccoon, Tyrannosaurus rex replaced the bear, said giant panda was. Dinosaurs, Wolong's wife called Kong Long, meaning ugly. Viewed to the Americas there is Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The 9th-level wind blows, and Kaili, a 23rd-floor Drum Tower in Guizhou, was immediately scraped. Autumn Blue saw the news video: The Drum Tower collapsed, much like the Zheng Shuang guns that were seen in the evening and fell down after being shot. It was like a tornado; the tornado looked like the cherry blossom tornado in the evening; the dancing paper was like going out yesterday. Big white plastic bag. The 23rd floor corresponds to the 23rd missionary time of the Koran.

More than 10,000 20,000 jin Chinese sturgeons in 6 fish ponds in the Liukengling Chinese sturgeon breeding farm in Sankeng Shui, Heyuan Town, Heping County all died. Autumn blue think of buying frozen Guangdong golden squid like this sly white stomach, looked very cute, and felt very sick with a knife cut belly.

Qiu Lan has a sense of turbulence in the real world, unable to quietly think about free running, and thinks that people get out of the hole during the day, and there is no difference between eyes and ears in the night, and they all melt into the quiet place of the universe. The difference between the two is very different. Come up with this ever-changing world. Qiu Lan wants to think quietly, does not want to lively earth, and then think of the moon as a self-contained, self-satisfaction with the brilliance of the quiet, absolutely different from the hot sun. If the moon receives the sun's reflection, the sun will certainly receive the afterglow of the moon. The entanglement of the universe with chaos, as raw materials shattered and mixed into cakes, is on a larger scale; its inner layer is made of buns with a mix of raw materials and structures, and the mind can shuttle through the gap between structural connections. This is its inner level. If it is, there are no limits within and beyond. Just like a balance sheet such as a bun, the structure keeps changing and there is no end unless the singularity voluntarily recovers the investment collapse into a black hole. Profit statements such as cakes, chaos out of new profits, into the balance sheet, then chaos. Qiu Lan thinks her this is to overthrow the moon and it doesn't shine. It just reflects the common sense of the sun. Because of any existence, there must be its own light, no matter what the characteristics of light, is positive light, or negative light, unless it exists in the black hole, the black hole locked screen light. That is, every particle in the granular world has a surplus of light and enters a wave-like black hole, which locks the screen.

A April snow in Beijing brought a different landscape for the Ching Ming Festival. Beijing's parking lot is nearly a thousand snow hoe after Yanqing. Autumn Blue saw the White Tower image of the Potala Palace yesterday and thought of Beijing Baihai White Tower. The white round head reminds her of the Buddhist treasures that have been heard all these days. Every time I hear Nepali Goni, the tower that appears in my head will appear in my mind, and there must be a bandit poem before the Dream of Red Mansions. Autumn blue morning saw both sides of the parking lot on the ground where the brick is a hollow circle, there are soil grow grass, and the middle of the red brick so automatic partition, a special design. Autumn blue just check combbat, see comb, think of like tomb. The towering collapse of the Drum Tower last time resembled Zheng Shuang’s shooting. Imagine if the woman resembles a Yellow Crane Tower, a house, a car, a 911 case, an American homecar case, or Oscar. These are all representative of Kun Yu?

Autumn blue saw character again yesterday, I think that the zodiac Lee is leigh, and Vivien Li, the same thing, my mother thinks of Ma Qiang, Li, Peng Liyuan Peng Ma Ma. Today, I saw Peng Liyuan’s spring rain songs, which include the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Autumn blue can not help but sad tears millennium precarious world fantasy. Thinking of all the tuberculosis encroached yesterday, Mao Zedong broke the inherent structure and restructured his new structure. I think there is more Western religion in Taiwan. Thinking of one's own thoughts, one's own ignorance begins with the teaching of Pan-Easy philosophy. The Shentong Book of Changes begins with intensive reading, goes all the way through the world, learns from the doctrine of the family, and reaches the key node of death and reaches Christianity. And then one broke into Islam and became aware of Islam. So all of them were put into pockets and enchanted in black holes. Therefore, since ancient times, all the bonds between Houdezi and Zongzi have been extremely minimal, and they have become very small, and they have become small and small and they are now in reality. So, how can you self-determination in a black hole, you are from the black hole in the Birth and Death map, all the universe things come from the middle, entanglement is because of this causal relationship. We are one, you have me, and I have you. This is an ironclad fact, an eternal law!

I have so thoroughly integrated all religions. Although so far I have only read a few Christian and Islamic texts, I have been able to determine their origins, come from meditations, come from the Chinese people, and can only access to them. Everything, the only father can pierce everything, this is set by the characteristics of yin and yang. This kind of thinking circle around me can infer that since ancient times, since the explosion of the paradigm of thinking, this, the most abstract and most basic, is not the Tai Chi map? Therefore, Tao, Nirvana, and the Promise are the ultimate eternal omnipotent, and the Tai Chi diagram is the most basic form of apocalypse.

United States New York Trump Tower caught fire. Autumn blue to see the TRUMP picture, is it possible that the trump card is due to trump trumps? Autumn Blue does not know how to think of it. The black actor who will take notes in the last night will come. I thought Sofia robot is a representative of my thinking. Then there are certainly many people in the world who have entangled with my thinking and entanglement. No matter whether he is ugly or beautiful, healthy or disabled, he is a president or a farmer. So, now I finally understand that there is no meaning for the profession.

Saudi Arabia will host the country’s first fashion week in Riyadh next week. Autumn blue saw the Paris Fashion Week the day before yesterday with Irish songs that place in your heart as background music. Then I saw Liu Ye is an honored citizen of Nice. Now think of learning English as an American singer who became an honorary citizen of Manchester.

The United States is launching Pan Cancer Atlas heavily (Pan Cancer Atlas). Autumn Blue wondered why the English translation is pan, is it an accent question? Japan, Pan Jinlian Panan Pandora?adderall, thought about adding everyone's meaning, namely pandemic? Yesterday I saw a molecular structure chart of Adderall Wikipedia. Then there are reflections on salt, salty sea water and tears, salty grass, tears, and a month.

Facebook COO: Don't want us to use your data to push ads? That needs to pay. Qiu Lan has always felt that this FB news seems to have a relationship with her. She looked up to Zuckerberg's Jewish family born in New York (the name Zuckerberg is entirely a German name, atheist, and also a horse? Hamburg, Germany. This also has Berg. The adderall diary yesterday had elliott's name, and Mark also had. He was very familiar with childhood photos, and it was like a pony.

In the Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, an old man took a child and took a picture of him on a camel. He took it from the back of a camel with a height of more than two meters. Autumn Blue sees the camel's motion of shaking the body and throwing them down. I think of the adderall's diary from the very beginning. It was the way Dad teased her son to make him so funny. The autumn blue was so funny. Just now I saw a camel photo of Chengnan old things. That old city gate was like a round archway that entered the front of the road leading to the house.

When Qiu Lan feels that the imprint of each person's mind is different, life is very different. He writes: You must try to make your life more meaningful, richer and more spiritual, so that in the afterlife, you can collapse and become richer. Your characteristic nature comes, then you go deep into the key information of the soul, just follow your past and future life, they begged you not to let them be as indifferent as the gray zone, do not let them suffocate like air, they want Together with you, a very frequency of you. So, at this moment, don't give up yourself, "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish." Try hard to practice yourself and create a jewel-like, crystal, pearl-like glow!

Autumn Blue thought of those who do not understand the source, but in the middle of the trail tossing themselves tossing other people's personnel, and suddenly finally understand why Japan changed Kagawa County to silly stay County. Women are free, diffuse, men are solid, focused, so silly. Technology comes from spirituality, and spiritual exclusion leaves the technology dead.

Qiu Lan found that the domain name registration form for the Koran web site is modesto. Many people think that Spanish is brought to the United States. It is known to the Chinese as the peony city. It was also seen that the Qur'an was later than Christianity, and that the doctrine was highly coincident. The last 114 chapters are like SMS, which is like the description of double-sided spy cases. Female captives can be sinister, similar to the founders of the Qing dynasty and prisoners of the Ming dynasty or others.

Autumn blue This will learn English in the case of Illinois Zhang Yingying. Sick noise? Illusory, imaginary; <正> looks real, illusory. Autumn Blue thought that the bad story was illusory and unreal, and separated from the illusion of Nirvana. Illusion, n. illusion; fantasy; illusion; misconception. Autumn blue thought, sick noise, ugly reality collapse, it is from the wrong idea.

Autumn blue yesterday because of write dream about : Jung : The dream is not covered, we just do not understand its language. What dreams show us is the unmodified nature of the truth. The dream is the spontaneous and undistorted product of the unconscious mind. The dream is the enlightenment. It is the unconscious mind that is working hard to make the whole heart more harmonious and reasonable. Most crises have a long incubation period, but they are not aware of it. Dreams can reveal this secret. Today, she encountered English classes related to dreams.

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