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The 63rd day The smallest Tai Chi is love 第六十三天 最小的太极是爱情

印度东部奥里萨省,昨晚有一列火车的22节车厢与火车头脱离,载着约1000乘客向后滑行了12公里远,才被铁路工人在铁轨上放置的石块挡下来。秋蓝看过古兰经传道时间是23年2月22天,好多22。看到这个新闻,心想看来得看印度教了,印度教不知道什么内容。此新闻对应十二宫分析的那一句话:若要证实验证往回看,若想发现答案向未来。秋蓝又分析:也是失控,和生死时速一个道理模式吗?这个禅思可能是:若要证实验证往回看,若想发现答案向未来+古兰经传道时间很多22+又看到focus印度地图+想了奔驰高速不停奔驰的画面+哈瓦那风情有exobitant price,说超出轨道到外太空了,所以是过高的价格——往回追溯/22/奔驰/轨道/印度地图。

秋蓝看到被点赞的微博配图是霉霉歌词said the gun was mine,让她想到了秦可卿判词,验证了秦可卿就是潘金莲,被中国封建世俗所唾沫星指责移情别恋,实际是原来的人本质是滥情之人,秦可卿因此怒斥:漫言不肖皆荣出,造衅开端实在宁。

秋蓝觉知自己又有了大发现,马上查可卿的判词“情天情海幻情身,情既相逢必主淫。漫言不肖皆荣出,造衅开端实在宁。” 有人解释是,情天:指爱情的境界天高海深。 情既相逢:有情人之相遇。此句作者指斥的是“皮肤滥淫”的“情爱”。 秋蓝看罢,想到此判词意蕴同时可演绎扩展为世界上的纷纷扰扰之争斗事件,比如恐怖袭击,比如自然灾害,不能看到开端而只是局部就事论事,那皆被秦可卿所鄙夷!











广州市天河区棠安路一处河涌整治处理站有多名人员掉入排污道泵井。查誓约号看到类似词sewage。查秦可卿判词情天情海幻情身,情天指天高海深的爱情。天河。井道。羊城,今天英文北京相亲公园有人说不要属羊的,因为一辈子没有好命。想到林黛玉纳兰属羊,是因为涅槃悟道且香菱之命运多舛吗?相对于世俗的眼光就是命不好了,其实恰恰相反。基督也有羊。 ​​​​另一英文有a number of ​​​​是若干,一些的意思。









秋蓝看到朋友发的水龙吟-次韵章质夫杨花词,杨花据《辞源》解释为“柳絮”。秋蓝想到柳絮自燃事件、绵阳失火事件,认为这柳絮是德妃禅思之物。苏轼的似花还似非花,也无人惜从教坠。抛家傍路,欲开还闭。寻郎去处,又还被莺呼起。 恨西园,落红难缀。一池萍碎。春色三分,二分尘土,一分流水。不是杨花,点点是离人泪。这词中完全对应红楼梦中内容,柳五儿,众姐妹写柳絮词,白居易的花非花,西厢记的落红,香菱的被拐命运,龙吟细细,水柔之性为杨花,纳兰的明开夜合花,这许多的对应,不知道红楼梦中有多少禅思之宇宙之物呢!

The 63rd day The smallest Tai Chi is love

In Orissa province, in eastern India, 22 train cars left the locomotive last night. They carried about 1,000 passengers and taxied 12 kilometers backwards before being blocked by railroad workers. Autumn blue seen the Qur'an preaching time was 22 days in February 23, a lot of 22. Seeing this news, I think that it seems to have to look at Hinduism. Hinduism does not know anything. This news corresponds to the sentence of the zodiac analysis: If you want to verify the verification look back, if you want to find the answer to the future. Autumn and blue analysis: is it out of control, and a mode of death speed? This meditation may be: If you want to verify the verification look back, if you want to find the answer to the future + the Quran missionary time is much 22+ again see the focus India map + think of Mercedes-Benz high-speed non-stop Mercedes-Benz screen + Havana style with exobitant price, Saying it is out of orbit to outer space, so it is overpriced - backtracking/22/Mercedes/Track/India map.

Autumn blue to see the likes of the microblogging map is the mold lyrics said the gun was mine, reminded her of Qin Keqing verdict, verifying that Qin Keqing is Pan Jinlian, was accused by the Chinese feudal secular stars spoofing empathy, practical It is the original human nature that is indiscriminate. Qin Keqing therefore screamed at his words: Both swearing and voicing are glorious, and the attainment of ignorance begins with solitude.

Qiu Qiu blue knew that she had a big discovery, and immediately checked Ke Keqing's verdict: “Love is a lover of the sea, and love is both a must-have and a prostitution. Both men and women are prosperous. Yes, love day: refers to the realm of love, deep sea. Love meets: There are lover encounters. The author of this sentence criticizes the "love of the skin". Autumn blue to see, think of this verdict at the same time can be interpreted as expansion of the world of turmoil in the turmoil of events, such as terrorist attacks, such as natural disasters, can not see the beginning and only part of the matter, it was Qin Keqing contempt!

South Korea's "Shiyue No. SEWOL" shipwreck and maritime police call first exposure, did not save! Autumn blue think of the ship is also Kun, missed promise, the last boat accident, autumn blue looked SEWOL English when you see sew, sewage. Then watched the video and found that there were 123 ships and 304 deaths.

Lands were planted and suddenly cracked under the soles of the feet... The ground 30 miles southwest of the Kenyan capital of Nairobi cracked suddenly, crossing the nearby fields and villages. Autumn blue found a name like swan, the first two days to see the soul off the Blue Bridge there is the Swan Lake. There was ground crack in the video of Japan 311 earthquake. Seeing what kind of video, someone is standing, cracking a seam between his feet. Later, it was posted that some people said that Kenya cracked a large gap. Is it the same place again now?

Qiu Lan did not know what he had asked about the Qur'an: Why is Islam a hell? Later, when they saw the news of the French people throwing the photo of President Markron in the fire, he thought of this question. Why is Hellfire not another hell? Later I saw the news of Tianjin 812 a mother, and I think that is also a hell? Later, she wrote the sun and the moon. During the day, people were misunderstood from the hole. They didn't know that the origins were tossing and returning. They were actually dreaming. The quiet moon was the place where the souls converted and the soul was lifted. It was actually real. After thinking about the Dream of Dream of Red Mansions, he perceives the reality as if it were a dreamy dream. He thinks that only those who perceive the reality as illusory are those who are enlightened by Nirvana. Otherwise, they are still in endless endless retribution. Then she saw which Rinpoche also said the same article.

Autumn blue continues to operate: being roasted by the sun is the hell, the sun is burning, is it the meaning of the fire to be reborn? Islamic hell is the sun possible. The Qur'an has said that God controls the sun and moon. What can be done in the day? When you think of Sun Wu’s ephemera, why did you enter the fire? Is day a fire of desire? Is the lower body erotic, materialistic, possessive? The desire to become detached becomes the golden star of the world. This also corresponds to the abusive prostitution of the Red Mansion Dream, which corresponds to the Moon. It seems that it is an entanglement. The rotation of the nine planets around the sun is understandable. It is just not to overdo it. Otherwise it will fall into the hell of it without knowing it. The probability of escaping the solar system is zero.

Autumn Blue yesterday recalled Charing Lin's photo and saw a photo of Faye Wong and Sandy Lam together. Later, Qiu Lan saw the size of the other two actor's eyes being put on the English class ppt.

Autumn blue saw Gibran: I have despised my soul seven times. She thought of the second sentence as she said, regardless of disability or health. Crippled, deaf, severely weakened people, not just referring to deaf people. There is no limping, and there is no ridicule for those who are in failure.

Autumn Blue accidentally saw a real-life reorganized Korean movie homecoming video introduction. The contents corresponded to what she had recently thought of! The idol Steve Jobs mentioned that he would make his own diamonds and pearls. There is an implicit correspondence between the adderall drug level and the website. South Korea kills memories. Photograph of France Mark Long fire. The death of the Qur'an is a return to Allah. Autumn Blue would like to think that this movie is true, but it is linked to these keywords!

On October 30, 2004, a South Korean housewife brought her heroine, who was originally a diamond, to Europe with a reward of 4 million won. She was imprisoned in France for 22 hours before she arrived in Korea. prison. Young women were arrested by local police for trafficking in drugs. The Holy Koran 22 Full-time housewife.

Yesterday wrote Xiaoneng Bean nickname. Then I saw beans on beans and beans.

Seeing the comment on the leaked incident, Qiu Lan thought that privacy should not be used for the sake of greater publicity and truth rather than privacy. Privacy is the minimum protection limit for individuals. If it is violated, it may even be possible. Crisis life. This is evident from the style of the police of the zodiac killer and murderer. The two events, one in 1969 and one in 1986, are not as big as the average. The United States seems to be the place where Allah collapsed to reality sooner. At least for now, it seems that several major events are such as Emerson, Dylan, the zodiac, Dahlia, and later Lankee.

A number of people from the river consolidation treatment station at Zhaoan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, fell into the sewage pump well. Check the oath number to see a similar word sewage. Chin Qinqing judged the sentimental love of the sea, and the love of heaven was referring to Heaven's love. Tianhe. Well. In Yangcheng, the English-Chinese Beijing blind date park today said that it is not a sheep, because life is not good. Think of Lin Yu-Yu Na Lan is a sheep, because Nirvana enlightenment and the fate of Xiang Ling? Compared with the secular vision, life is not good. In fact, the opposite is true. Christ also has sheep. Another English has a number of which is some, some meaning.

Li Dawei, the director of "The Family of Gold Flour," died on April 10 at the age of 47 due to cholangiocarcinoma. Autumn Blue thought yesterday about Apple Jobs IDOL, the last Einstein statement in the autobiography book, Thesis, Pisces Yupei. The photographs of Joe at the time were all black and thought that he had indeed passed away his only autobiography. Did this Lee director really die? At the age of 47, is there really such a person? Qiu Lan has said that love is not a pediatric and I thought about which TV movie was taken by China to express this aspect? Did not think of it. A few days before the 4.1-4.10 trial date, the Silver case and Gao Yunxiang thought about what would happen on April 10th.

Zhang Henshui's "Flour Mill Family" was written on February 14, 1927. It was serialized in the "World Pearl" supplement "Pearl" and was completed in May 1932. This series of novels lasted for 5 years and 3 months, a total of 112 times, about 1 million words. Zhang Henshui is Zhang Ailing? A Dream of Red Mansions, rich, divorced, like her experience ah. Fire, hell. Next door, noisy family, Li Dawei was beaten up frequently?

The family of golden powder television lies in a round sunflower field and looks like red stilts; the papers of the sky are like the wind blown off by the day before yesterday and Miaoer said; Wulin has rumored that there are beans and soya beans in the belly; those who thought about the coming of 2003sars are confused. The panic response, thinking about this possibility: Perhaps Nirvana can create other, even a small virus is nothing but to create it in a time and space that can make people infected. Pisces Yu Pei Jobs photos + belly beans virus + lofty love TV.

The previous day gave me a wonderful flower, I played, a piece of petal squatted down, leaving only the least three flowers. When the petals leave the flowers, the dark fragrance remains. Dong Jie wedding and Lin Huiyin are exactly the same!

Idol, Yang Yang removed the icon, Wulin spread the words transmitted into the stomach there are beans, small energy beans, long acne, several actors have long pox.

Qiu Lan thinks of the mode of encirclement of his thinking. When the people and things he cares about are discarded, it seems like the sun and moon push each other, but they are all for better existence. This is a pan-ease route that spirals upward. Then he wrote: I am the day, I am the month, the middle and the day disappear, and the month is deep and gloomy; the moon hides the sun, and the sun rises on the moon. The golden mean is in balance, and it is too late for it, but it is too distrative when it is over. I reward you for admiring you. I abandon you for disliking you. I will love you. Red and blue interaction, Tai Chi push each other, for the purple full set of light.

Qiu Lan thought of Wang Qingzhi and Su Shi's clear and bright words. Their paintings showed the words of the sun and the eye, and they painted the Tai Chi map unconsciously. Is it two people in Japan and China written in the Ming Dynasty? Is there a Tai Chi figure with two singularities? Is this the source of the meditation of the Tai Chi diagram? Yesterday I thought that the love of the first immortals in the ages was the most basic and the smallest Tai Chi map. If we understand the love that is as far-reaching as the sea of heaven and heaven, then the heaven and the earth will be able to pass through, and you will be able to deduce that the world is full of time and space. This clear-sounding word is another proof that Tak Chan has contemplated the Tai Chi Book of Changes.

Probably unlimited, infinite intelligence - nested in two: freedom and love. Everyone is a combination of the two. When each person can practice the two to reach the same time, they can make their energy spectrum achieve the effect of creation, that is, create light. The inability to merge into one can only be a partial localization of one, and a one-action action - so all three things.

Qiu Lan sees a friend's water dragon 吟 吟 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 , 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨. Autumn Blue thought of catkins spontaneous combustion event, Mianyang misfire incident, that this catkins is a matter of Deyi meditation. Su Shi's like flowers are also like non-flowers, and no one cares to fall. Take a turn for the worse, want to open still closed. Look for a place to go to Lang, and be yelled again. I hate the West Park and it's hard to be red. A pond Ping broken. Three-point spring, two dust, a minute flow. Not Yang Hua, little bit tears from people. This word completely corresponds to the contents of the Dream of the Red Chamber, Liu Wuer, the sisters write the catkins, Bai Juyi's flowers are not spent, the West Chamber's fall is red, Xiang Ling's fate of being abducted, the dragons are thin, the water and softness are Yang Hua, Nalan's bright opening and closing of the night, this many correspondence, do not know how many meditation universe things in the Dream of Red Mansions!

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