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Day 9 Psychedelic and real alien world 第九天 迷幻又真实的外星世界

Updated: Mar 3, 2018




这期间秋蓝借的书有荣格心理学与藏传佛教 :东西方的心灵之路,她把荣格与一的律法对比--荣格的炼金术对应灵性成长周期:黑化-母体魔王,火-赋能者被闪电击中的高塔,白化-经验月亮,红化-形意者太阳,哲人石-蜕变石棺,心物一体-大道世界。书中还提到曼陀罗或称曼荼罗、满达、曼扎、曼达,梵文:mandala。意译为坛场,以轮围具足或“聚集”为本意。指一切圣贤、一切功德的聚集之处。供曼扎是积聚福德与智慧最圆满而巧妙的方法,以曼达的形式来供养整个宇宙。














某日,秋蓝看到有人发阿斯塔.谢兰的图片,如同前几日明媚午后窗户边看到的外星人样子。她心想昨天刚刚看过荣格说空行母(以太,空间)是女人,看阿尼玛想到阿诗玛,又写了首冲击高塔的人儿,这合起来不就是阿斯塔.谢兰(Ashtar Sheren)吗?就是在1977年英国电台被外星人劫持中外星人Vrillon提到的“阿斯塔银河星系指挥所”的指挥官。难道这些都是我想出来的吗?那个一的律法塔罗牌中样的网络空间幻阵?可是我明明看见了人啊!不会这个世界只有我一个人吧?其他都是我的幻觉?



编织时空 ——读量子开关有感





了无天地 全弃身心





恰如量子开关把我迷 ​​​​

Day 9 Psychedelic and real alien world

Autumn blue this day is seen friends of Guyuan UFO video, it is very strange, mesmerizing, because she rarely access this information. Who knows she has no foreign affair for a long time she must go out to work today, and today it was a special day she did not know. Evening autumn blue has been sitting in the back seat of a car, the sky gradually disappear, the sky is glittering, exudes the last warmth, from time to time there are beautiful birds across the sky. Quickly under the overpass when the autumn and winter to see a high-rise building there is the top of the hexagrams icon, turn around a few cars will gallop around the empty highway in the sky, the sky gradually dark, autumn blue there is nothing to see. A few minutes later she nodded her head and actually saw her flirting above the sight of a place not too high a fighter-like, many non-glaring bright spots in the back of its multi-wing. Autumn Blue is not sure what it is, afraid it soon fly past, it has been staring, did not dare to disturb other people. Who knows this warship-like things with their vehicles have been moving in the autumn blue that line of sight, it seems there is no motionless sound, autumn and blue feel the silence. After a long while it seems that it would be two minutes, eventually it disappeared. After getting off the car, autumn blue felt the headache was more irritable. Later, autumn blue and saw the Guyuan video, was surprised to find myself and today Guyuan UFO video exactly the same!

Since that time I saw the UFO, autumn blue sky often pay attention to the sky, after two days autumn blue in the Crest Road, see the sky a lot of ink cloud special beautiful, take a picture in the car, by the way the sun also shot in, Two, from the phone saw a white fly into the phone from the right field of vision. Autumn blue doubt what is this ah? But fear of vehicles had no chance to shoot the sky side of the cloud, car glass did not open the car film and very dark, it did not attend to see what the bright spot outside is, continue to take pictures. When I got home, I noticed that there were several white spots on the photo, and there was not any explanation on it. Autumn blue can not be reconciled, because I firmly believe that the day I saw the Guyuan UFO is their own eyes to see.

The sky was full of eyes, this morning just saw a friend circled on the UFO video, see that UFO metal texture, shiny, and then go out. On the way back, she habitually looked up at the sky, saw the blue sky cloudless, but she saw a small piece of very pale white clouds on the west side of the sky, which leaked a UFO shape, but also the light of the metal texture, flash A moment saw a blurred outline, immediately only a white cloud of smoke slowly moving, and soon into the blue sky, can not see anything. Autumn blue excited and disappointed. Since then, she is like standing in the way, looking forward to seeing a big UFO. Autumn day blue thought green, white ufo see pictures, and there will be purple? There is also a rule mentioned crystal UFO how beautiful! Sure enough it did not take long to see the Friends of the autumn and blue hair purple and white crystal Pyramid like UFO pictures, but unfortunately or failed to see.

During this period, the book borrowed from the autumn and the blue borrowed Jung Jung Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism: the soul of the East and the West, she compared the Jungian law with one - Jung's alchemy corresponds to the spiritual growth cycle: black-maternal The devil, the fire - Empire was struck by lightning towers, albino - experience moon, red - shaped meaning sun, philosopher's stone - Metamorphosis sarcophagus, mind one body - Avenue world. The book also mentions mandala or mandala, Manda, Manza, Manda, Sanskrit: mandala. Free translation for the mandala, to round with enough or "gather" is the intention. Refers to all saints, all merit of the gathering place. Manzha is the most successful and ingenious way to accumulate the virtues and wisdom to support the entire universe in the form of Mandala.

In a sunny afternoon, Qiu Lan thought of going through all kinds of events filled with emotion, she wrote:

People who attack the tower

You have to squeeze me out of every flesh

Rinse my slightest trough

I am facing the darkness of the archaic

Looking around day and night

That spiritual glimmer of glory

Heart-shaped tight let me realize the contradictory experience

Although the soul has already crossed over

But the body is still walking slowly

I heard the birds singing outside the window

Seems to soothe my overheated people

        ~ Dedicated to the warriors seeking truth

One day, Qiu Lan saw someone making a picture of Asta Xie Lan, just like the alien appearance seen by the bright afternoon afternoon window. She thought yesterday just saw Jung said emptiness (ether, space) is a woman, to see Anima thought Ashima, and wrote the first person to attack the tower, which together is not Asta. Ashtar Sheren? Is the commander of the "Asta Galaxy Galaxy Command Post" mentioned by British alien Vrillon on British radio in 1977. Do these are all I figured it out? Law Tarot that kind of cyberspace magic array? But I obviously saw people ah! Will not this world be me alone? Other are my illusion?

Autumn blue afternoon and listened to some words in the Himalayan Bank Alliance audio, even more strange, it is a lot of words which she recently saw, such as the mandala, spacecraft, love light, light love, interval, Ascension ... There is even a long section of what she thought yesterday!

Today, autumn and blue continue to see the UFO book, see Adamski and Venus, they search the Internet for more detailed information, find an article made her stunned, the original article says the creator named Adam, Venus counterparts The law says it is philosophical conservation than our previous evolutionary density; and autumn blue just chatting with a netizen yesterday UFO mentioned that she hopes to find a wise way beyond all political opponents of thinking; before noon The overall impression of the electronic broadcast blue pants that people see is similar to that of Venus. On November 20, the fireflies and the members of the UFO group they saw were the same names. The philosophers and poets, Panama (Observatory), the extraordinary handsome aliens, Mexico , At the age of 74, confused audio-visual, lung cancer and heart disease have thought of. Qiu Lan was addicted, and later in a cloudy afternoon looking for the Dream of Red Mansions pearl ring also happened a similar thing, what would you like to see related articles, so read several series of related articles Almost consistent with her idea, so the search results article close to the heart of the question mark and the key words that make her almost crazy, it seems that there are beaded in the extraction of articles connecting different space-time with its current thinking line entangled ,vice versa. She was also searching links to a knowledge of quantum switch knowledge articles, it seems that is the day of her own incident, such as the autumn blue so recorded:

Weaving space-time - Reading quantum switch feel

That dark day

Zen meditation in the cottage

Leap around the jump

With the beautiful lines of the question mark

A total of all abandoned

Yu-yu Bao Yu red floor

Emotional wonderful mysterious electronic Wai

Necklace jade ring beads flash

Who who after who who who next

Just like a quantum switch to my fan

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