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Eighteenth day I want a college entrance examination第十八天 我要高考










秋蓝看到微博写有321!准备……想到了123,哪里也推理出数字23。毛岸英和刘思齐49年在北京结婚,与告别妻子去战场都是10月15日。 过后秋蓝看到哈尔滨市第49中学考点14考场数学科目考试过程中钟表停在16时23分的热搜。秋蓝反复揣测,也许禅思信息穿越了信息虫洞,在不同的时空隧道里穿梭,来回于黑洞与白洞间,所以你知晓的禅思信息的关键词处于黑洞,和出现在白洞中的现实世界事件有了对应。


这天秋蓝继续查看相关的高考作文,想明确究竟那些满分作文究竟是怎么回事,看到16年满分高考作文无字碑歌,有写: “无字碑头镌字满,谁人能识古坤元?”一樽还酹女皇。信然。看到无字碑满, 想了那个为什么是无字碑?林黛玉认为本空,是否是其的一生即是书写空性?当然无字碑满满的写满了空……晚上就看到道安写的储空本质球。本质球就是:所有第一性原理的集合体。所有不言而喻的公理、所有第一性原理,全都可以在本质球里找到。这些15个规律不随时间和空间的变化而变化,可以让我们以不变应万变。15个规律的归结点:储空。整个世界的所有事物都可以代入到“在xx里”的存储空间,简称:储空。其它规律都是储空的属性,归结于储空。秋蓝想到是否本质球内环只有涅槃者才可穿透而至,得以拿起这些万有规律工具进行密宗所说的不可思议的力量之储流运动。以前提到的量子跃迁属于道安说的储流,每一个等级轨道环是储差,中心涅槃者利用万有规律工具,如黑洞吸收一切意识浓缩量子隧穿,如白洞放射一切能量产生大爆炸般的物质形成。量子开关是它的吸收放射规律。秋蓝又查到人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。想到无字碑坤元满,一樽还酹江月还酹武则天还泪林黛玉……怪不得103名人油画桌布湿了,原来是一樽还酹江月?

Eighteenth day

I want a college entrance examination

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Qiu Lan saw the face of misclassification. Whether the misunderstanding is clear or not, one wonderful woman said: The war of arms is bound to be incense and it must be clarified. I have not thought of whether or not to clarify, I am only very interested in her last sentence, because I have not heard, but it seems very familiar. After reading the debate on both sides of the argument is reasonable, it is late, autumn blue is not willing to sleep on the page turned over, accidentally saw Jialin stroll stroll sketches, happy to sleep after reading.

The second day hot search entire network a college entrance essay, Qiu Lan think a few days ago, I also dream of a college entrance examination, Miss yesterday to see the college entrance examination, I thought I also take a look at the college entrance essay are some what test it. See the college entrance essay title, autumn and blue are also ambiguous and seem very familiar with the recent thinking can correspond to the composition of their content. Beijing: Gold Line Golden Deer PATH. Tianjin: Lecture Wang Luming a father must be the first mountain. Zhejiang: As the AI ​​picture of the road is small and medium, then the corresponding spirit of the road is nothing but reading is still white, read the book of nature for the cognitive morality, self-study for the road. Imagine 2050 English composition. Car to and from people coming and going. Month is the hometown Ming, the original hometown is the ancient people, clothing is not as good as newcomers. Days Xingjian, face myself, at the moment. Belt and Road share bicycle square dance. Confucius in Shandong Province has been approved Lin holes old non-invasive? Predictions, the Book of Changes predicts the magical powers is her first biggest question. Autumn blue on which two of the ancient poems is the first time to see, why Qingzhao Li Qingzhao light blue, is always the best in the flowers. Du Fu's dew tonight white, month is the hometown Ming. Checked the meaning and then think of the room to go above, ran back to the roots of Tai Chi. Xiang Ling also think of the roots and a lotus root lotus, my heart could not help but have to ask why the entrance exam two poem? Until later, autumn and blue wrote the beautiful romantic song that only found the same sentence when the depth of epilepsy, she saw the end of last month, a little sensation but do not understand the meaning.

Jiangsu essay along with the issue of the first time to issue later said that the essay is not a college entrance examination, it is written: Do not look back, because the passing of the scenery no longer belong to you. Essay topic: back is no longer the past. Qiu blue ridiculous, this thought two days ago, a beautiful past gone, want to go back and continue such a wonderful past, but may not be as sweet as the original, the scenery gone ... ... Several composition is the key word combination Model, autumn and blue are also often referred to the Zen keyword combination that is rendered as a reality. Last night to see exotic flowers is also such a key quality word combinations, you have a strong point, it is best to have a specialty, so powerful combination, you will be able to excel. For example, humor + cartoon is a humorous cartoonist based on the world.

Autumn blue felt Japan joined the Belt and Road, South Korea to suspend Sade, the platform closed the account of the hype, wrote: may be related to the depth of Tai Chi, your small universe and the universe connected the channel, the main trunk that is the most The origin of the wave consciousness, others are all wave consciousness of corruption, if the main road unobstructed, while blocking the ravenous wave of consciousness of the branches of the channel, then your mind to think faster and faster running in Zen The forefront leads evolution. The next day, autumn and winter blue line noticed Shanghai Circus City subway to Hanzhong direction of the train speed operation, it seems that the subway door is a problem, are worried about candidates travel, some people say that Shanghai this morning without examination was relieved.

Gong peak of a delicious reading comprehension strange subject of light besieged by the candidates, Qiu Lan think of a few days ago has been studying the celebrity oil and search author, see the author's winning works have dried fish and to be eaten There are scissors in the fish bowl, while sighing lifeless helpless and unknown food chain, while those strange fish seem to send strange light, and now to write this article autumn blue just remembered painting color like newborn babies greasy greasy body Strange feeling. Autumn blue also wrote in micro-note: This article has three meanings on the bottom, the three have thought. Recently the old fish, strange touch its eyes will turn the bright ring of two layers. Mud fish cross the edge of the mouth will always move, and then immediately saw the razor edge of the article hot search. Often think of people eating kiwi, fish, then what is eaten by people? The article said do not want fish to be boiled, feeling hot water, my mother said the fish is still swimming in the water, sons or want to swim to the ditch to go? These are the facts that fish may collapse out of their meditation. Three rescued fish, or three self-help fish? High up to unpredictable, low-entry multi-angle!

Autumn blue and saw an article to the Republic photo writing, autumn blue also suspected intelligent robot wrote, because she had thought: deer Han Chen Cen legal documents scared to death, are afraid to speak, and the corresponding polite Credit points. Photographed corresponding to the celebrity oil painting at home after the brightness adjustment process of saturation, the text so adjusted accordingly. Saw Gong peak blog Imagine the elderly things, Liu Fei Liu Xin has photographers Association, corresponding to the middle-aged Photographic Association. Some people during the day and some people do not sleep at night, day and night magic. Shared parking spaces seen, accompanied by intelligent AI, astronomy microblogging Galaxy stars have seen.

Autumn blue and saw the TOP two days ago to see the 'because of excessive doses of tranquilizer and in-depth coma information, did not think of anything last time, but saw him two days did not wake up, why? Think carefully Think of lay, he is Bigbng, EXE. Also frowned and frowned thought, think of a few days ago borrowed Wizard of the Elves, which said the cycle was said again, to the flowers Fairy finished and then suddenly realized to her that you look good, you inhaled Oxygen enters the body and becomes co2, and then you exhale, and they run all the way to the head (imagine that the carbon dioxide goes straight to the head, actually alluding to the mouth of the head, but omitting the details) Need them again, and then into your oxygen inhalation, more perfect cycle ah. Autumn blue check sedative side effects and carbon dioxide can cause delirium, manifested as disturbance of consciousness, change in awakening, sensory abnormalities, I thought the two are very similar, and TOP 'disease also seems the same. Autumn blue and continue to analyze their condition, think maybe he can not absorb oxygen, right? So is the company did not provide such an oxygen environment? Alexander, like EXE? Later she saw the company statement responsible for the TOP 'incident, to accept accusations. Autumn blue and saw a Sanlian Hangzhou Sanlizhen coma trembling was sent to the Red Cross Hospital, I thought this and LAY the same? Not worried about his college entrance examination, the article wrote that he had been admitted in advance, do not have a college entrance examination.

Autumn blue two days to continue reading the exam, see the Great Wyatt, actually the author appreciates the great taste of his literature. Later, in order to understand the exact meaning of the weird word of the Maghdake Gobi, the investigation is an analogy of peace in the world and no longer employing troops. Now describe the idea of ​​paralysis. For example, "said Yue Quan Biography": At that time, the world has been peaceful for a long time. The real one is the Ma Le Gobi, sword and gun storage; bumper grain harvest, million people music industry. Came to think of the Gobi, knife storage, library is pants? No longer used, is to stop back to the crotch it? If so, is it to stop Kangxi then picking flowers? What does it mean? The second day of autumn and winter saw a Jiangsu entrance essay 0 minutes essay hot search, see the last one actually quoted the recently just looked at the room test Joy Yue words, surprised and cranky, this article is very Strange to Yu woman car, the last sentence of a very straightforward old saying fun, Qiu Lan heart doubts: Is this college entrance examination robots do?

Autumn blue day to see the college entrance essay, think of his own test written in the composition of Marie Curie. Going out to see the recently erected archway has been unnoticed, and went carefully to read it with the words: Madame Curie - If you can live with the ideal, in the spirit of integrity and freedom, Deceptive thinking goes, it will be able to achieve the best of the United States. Mrs. Curie found the radioactive material found in uranium. When I came home to see the news, there was a radioactive material leak in Oshima Town, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Radioactive material such as uranium and plutonium was scattered into the air. Fish issued strange light search list has been, is it a manifestation of radioactive elements? Radioactive elements are collapsed by Zen, and only then discovered by Marie Curie? Like the Sakyamuni crystal relics, there is radioactivity, so can it induce telepathy? Penetration of any substance? Just as the cloud-like radioactivity taken yesterday.

Autumn blue see microblogging wrote 321! Prepared ... think of 123, where also infer the number 23. Mao Anying and Liu Siqi married 49 years in Beijing, and bid farewell to his wife went to the battlefield on October 15. After the fall and winter to see the city of Harbin No. 49 Middle School test center exam 14 math test course stopped at 16:23 hot search. Autumn blue repeatedly speculated that perhaps Zen information through the wormhole information, shuttle in different time and space tunnels, back and forth between the black hole and the white hole, so you know the Zen information keywords in the black hole, and appear in the white hole The real-world events have been mapped.

Autumn blue day to see the article written by Daan is the college entrance examination and the content of the forecast part of the future: the more closed space, the fewer elements, the more predictable, the more you can use the target to plan the corresponding future. The more open the space, the more elements, the weaker the predictability, the more you need to use the beginning, faith, the initial rules, work principles to deal with things. Qiu Lan think of her just thinking this morning to: religion is really good and beautiful, because space is long and short, are not Qianlong, but the reality of the relationship between the States is not the case, because space is short, it is already Kang Long regret.

Autumn Day blue to see the relevant college entrance essay, to find out exactly what exactly those essay is what is going on, see 16 years full essay scoreless essay on the college entrance essay, there is written: "no word monument head full, who can Ancient Kun Yuan? "A bottle of Queen also Queen. Silently. I did not see that the monument was full, I thought that why there is no word monument? Lin Daiyu that empty, whether it is the life of writing is empty? Of course, no monument filled with empty full of words ... ... An empty ball of nature written ball. The essence of the ball is: a collection of all first principles. All self-evident axioms, all first principles, can all be found in the sphere of essence. These 15 laws do not change with the changes of time and space, which will allow us to maintain the status quo. 15 laws of the point: storage. All things in the world can be substituted into the "in xx" storage space, referred to as: storage. Other laws are the property of the void, due to the storage. Qiu Lan think of whether the essence of the ball inner ring only Nirvana can penetrate through to pick up all the laws of these tools for Tantric said magical power flow movement. The previously mentioned quantum transition belongs to Daoan reservoir flow, each level of the orbital ring is a reservoir of difference, the center of the Nirvana use of the law of tools, such as black holes absorb all conscious condensed quantum tunneling, such as the white hole radiation all energy generation Explosive material formation. Quantum switch is its law of radiation absorption. Autumn blue and found a dream in life, a bottle also Qiu Jiang month. Think of wordless monument Kun full, a bottle of 还 Jiang month also 酹 Wu Zetian also tears Lin Daiyu ... No wonder 103 celebrities canvas tablecloth wet, turned out to be a bottle of 酹 Jiang month?

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