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Fifty-fifth day Inverted M variable W 第五十五天 倒立M变W

Updated: Mar 29, 2018

  • 淑女的品格、斯里兰卡冲突、万米高空开机门、金拱门倒立M变W

  • 小人不恥不仁、大姨妈干细胞、冯唐不二

  • 建议缩短学制、我们知道个X

  • 回归太极之路、312飞机坠落、火山喷出红猫云

  • 霍金去世、锦鲤游成心形、红蓝衣女记者翻白眼

  • 希伯来循环画圈圈、腾讯告fuckqq、走入地中海


————— 2018-03-08 —————

Qiulan 06:46


Qiulan 06:47

新剧《淑女的品格》即将上线,该剧由著名脑洞博主SUM不二 同名脑洞改编,讲述了四位不婚主义的精英女性,在都市生活中的潇洒人生!该剧没有家长里短,没有婆媳争斗,没有小三出轨,所有糟心的情节都没有!医生

Qiulan 09:28


Qiulan 09:43


Qiulan 09:46



Qiulan 10:13


Qiulan 10:15




Qiulan 19:30


Qiulan 19:31

【加州麦当劳金拱门倒立M变W 原是庆祝国际妇女节】当地时间3月7日美国加州林伍德市,麦当劳出现倒立“金拱门”。“M”变“W”,意在为庆祝国际妇女节。这是麦当劳历史上第一次颠倒标志。妇女节当天,麦当劳社交账号头像也都倒立。 ​[/cp]

Qiulan 20:06

今天看到庆祝三八节那句her,hero,想到her o~她的圆,女性是o,男性是1。想到两性特征。以前提到女性是黑洞的储藏室。


————— 2018-03-09 —————

Qiulan 09:44

Zi Wei: The villain is not shameless, not afraid of injustice, but not profit and persuasion. Not punishable but not punished, small punishment and big brother, the blessing of this villain.The easy-to-follow "to go to school to exterminate toe, no flaw", this also said. The good is not enough to become famous, but evil is not enough to destroy the body. The villain uses the small good for no benefit and the Ephesus for the evil.

Qiulan 09:53




Qiulan 09:59

真奇怪,我粘贴易学网的来知德系辞,十几章了才发现每一章最后都多出来:本文 取自易学网 ,子曰:小人不恥不仁,不畏不義,不見利不勸。不威不懲......小人以小善為无益而弗為也,以小惡為无傷而弗去也。一开始发现翻译有网站链接,知道有易学网插入了,没注意多出来的这句zi wei 紫WEI说的。这一句我以前也因姚明的汉语一说,而延伸查看孔子言论的小人之定义,而展开引申这句话的,当时情绪较强烈。

Qiulan 10:00


Qiulan 10:31


Qiulan 10:32

【科研团队再招“大姨妈”捐献者:宫血干细胞可治疗多种疾病】3月8日从该项目组了解到,两年来已完成369人次的宫血收集,用分离得到的宫血干细胞开展肝硬化、肺纤维化的临床前和临床研究,研发计划 “人间充质干细胞治疗重症肝病的临床研究”。 http://mapi/005vnhZYgy1fp5o1rtnuzj30bm056t8q[/cp]

Qiulan 23:25










————— 2018-03-11 —————

Qiulan 07:16


Qiulan 07:28


Qiulan 13:02



Qiulan 22:21

看万物一理英文版,Fu chan英文翻译名字想到福。文章提到很多个core核。足球队员两个去世,一个31岁。哪里看到131。想过比特币图标是13组成的B。原来今天就是311啊!


————— 2018-03-12 —————

Qiulan 12:56


Qiulan 13:02


Qiulan 20:43


Qiulan 20:43


Qiulan 20:44


Qiulan 20:45


Qiulan 22:31

[Why Iranian women are taking off their veils:]


————— 2018-03-14 —————

Qiulan 13:07

【霍金去世】据BBC消息,物理学家霍金去世,享年76岁。霍金1942年1月8日出生于英国牛津,他证明了广义相对论的奇性定理和黑洞面积定理,是现代最伟大的物理学家之一。 ​


Qiulan 20:04


Qiulan 20:06


Qiulan 20:07


Qiulan 20:35


Qiulan 20:36



Qiulan 20:47


Qiulan 22:07


Qiulan 22:16

传了一个完成的blog后,接着下一篇,第一句话就是霍金的:霍金首次免费公开博士论文, 勉励全球人“仰望星空”,想到霍金21岁 1942年是1963年,想起昨天看肯尼迪也是这一年被枪杀,子弹还穿越两个人及他头颅。因前四篇blog都是以前整理好的记录,所以改写为blog比较省心。这一篇开始后面四个月的都没有整理,感觉会很麻烦,得至少看两遍才行。改了第一天霍金这个,看到肯尼迪被枪杀,渐冻症,下面就是独坐黄昏射覆,很多零散的字词,脑袋很累了,就不看了,打开热搜霍金去世微博爆了!

Qiulan 22:30


Qiulan 23:53


Qiulan 23:57



————— 2018-03-15 —————

Qiulan 00:03

女新闻记者 (红)抖搂知道的知识 ,(蓝)质疑自己。看到jade belt 那篇blog图片被经济学人用,还有一带一路图片及文章——此新闻记者事件。

Qiulan 10:35

昨晚修改网页字体样式,想让手机显示字多一些,看的段落正是毛泽东说秦始皇的句子。为记录快,简写毛泽东为毛,看到Google智能翻译为Mao shi(士吗?)。今天一打开记录整理笔记,就看到了毛泽东1963年70岁。发觉这个细微对接点很有点循环画圈圈的感觉。

Qiulan 10:41


Qiulan 10:45


Qiulan 11:01

[庄子不二传 白眼看孔子:]

Qiulan 11:12


Qiulan 11:12

酱紫也是“这样子”速读连音,也作“绛紫”。 网络用语“酱紫”指的是“这样子”的意思。由于“这样子”念得比较快的时候,听起来就像“酱紫”,而“不要这样子”则顺理成章地被演绎成“表酱紫”。

Qiulan 15:02


Qiulan 15:03

Domain name: Creation Date: 2009-08-20T04:10:03Z Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2018-08-19T16:00:00Z Registry Registrant ID: p41591318 Registrant Name: xuxianbiao Organization: xuxianbiao BeiJingChangPingQuTianTongYuanBeiErQu13HaoLouLiuDanYuan1203S[/cp]

Qiulan 15:04


Qiulan 15:10


Qiulan 15:11


n. 性交;杂种;一丁点儿

vt. 与...性交;诅咒;欺骗

vi. 性交;鬼混

int. 他妈的

n. (Fuck)人名;(德)富克

Qiulan 15:20


Qiulan 15:22


Qiulan 15:41


——那个时间刚发表走入地中海文章,有霍金三根指头,还有约三个国家感应。因查希伯来人看到渡江地中海想过宝玉秦可卿,联想了也许他们去了地中海,现在想想难道是纳兰1655 33-1688年走入地中海了?所以3.3级?这些想法也直接导致了想标题名字就用了走入地中海。

Fifty-fifth day Inverted M variable W

  • Lady's character, Sri Lankan conflict, 10,000 meters high boot door, gold arch inverted M change W

  • The villain is not shameless, big aunt stem cells, Feng Tang two

  • It is recommended to shorten the school system, we know that X

  • Return to Tai Chi Road, 312 plane crash, volcano squirting red cat cloud

  • Hawking's death, Koi travels into a heart shape, red and blue women journalists roll their eyes

  • Hebrew circle draws circle, Tencent tells fuckqq, walks into the Mediterranean

Lady's character, Sri Lankan conflict, 10,000 meters high boot door, gold arch inverted M change W

————— 2018-03-08 —————

Qiulan 06:46

Yesterday saw the article mention that one person can collapse the occupation of several people at the same time. The less important words in the Japanese language are cursive, abbreviated. Four categories catelog. Everyone's quality is inherited, not just wealth and shells.

Qiulan 06:47

The new drama “Lady's Character” is about to be launched. The play is adapted from the famous brain hole blogger SUM Fujin of the same name, and tells about the four unmarried female elites and their cool life in urban life! The drama is not short of parents, there is no wrestling, there is no first-class derailment, all the bad plots are not! Doctors

Qiulan 09:28

Local people light tires as roadblocks. Sri Lanka "Daily News".

Qiulan 09:43

Harry Sally, Harry had a tantrum not to have a round coffee table. There was also a crater above. Seeing differences in ethnic and religious issues, no one led to war. Jasper painted a black face and thought it would be dark when people practiced deep? Originally thought of kandy, senty, I feel inaccurate and use Sally. Just looked at candy is candy.

Qiulan 09:46

[Clashes between Buddhists and Muslims, and Sri Lanka has also entered a state of emergency] The reason is that there was a village fighting between Buddhists and Muslims in the middle of the country, killing two people.

On March 6th, a conflict broke out between Buddhists and Muslims in the central city of Kandy, Sri Lanka.[/cp]

Qiulan 10:13

[On the 10,000 meters high, the first class woman wants to boot the door: I am God! Let me go! :]

Qiulan 10:15

Midway through the flight, the woman suddenly swept away and rushed to the front of the cabin, trying to open the door.

"I'm going to die! Let me get off the plane!" In the process of subduing her, the female mouth kept chanting: "I am God... I am God... I am God... I am God..."

Although it was subdued, her mouth was not blocked. The female passenger kept saying something baffling, such as "God has all the data," "I have no data," "We landed in Boise 15 minutes ago."

Qiulan 19:30

Full man, our woman, these two days combined Bible and men and women to think of the source of meditation in English. Yesterday saw H over W, SV thought M became V, but only one was not perfect. The X Diamond connects the infinite intelligence, Mona Lisa and Google72 qubits, hidden W, Mona Lisa read Sally ah. See the article McDonald's Chicken Legs Fall Dreams. The monk Lushan thought of what he was doing.

Qiulan 19:31

[California McDonald's Gold Arch Inverted M to W celebrate International Women's Day] March 7, local time, Linwood, California, McDonald's inverted "Gold Arch." "M" changes to "W" in order to celebrate International Women's Day. This is the first time that McDonald's has reversed its mark. On the day of Women's Day, the portraits of the McDonald's social account were all inverted. [/cp]

Qiulan 20:06

Today, I saw her, her, the heroic and the heroic, and her round. The female is o and the male is 1. Think of gender features. It was mentioned that women are black hole storage rooms.

The villain is not shameless, big aunt stem cells, Feng Tang two

————— 2018-03-09 —————

Qiulan 09:44

Zi Wei: The villain is not shameless, not afraid of injustice, but not profit and persuasion. Not punishable but not punished, small punishment and big brother, the blessing of this villain.The easy-to-follow "to go to school to Exterminate toe, no flaw", this also said. The good is not enough to become famous, but evil is not enough to destroy the body. The villain uses the small good for no benefit and the Ephesus for the evil.

Qiulan 09:53

Chapter 12 on the right

This chapter on the book is not exhaustive. Insufficient words. And valuing it with virtue. This article is taken from Zi Wei: The villain is not shameless, not afraid of injustice, but not profit and persuasion. Not punishable, not punished, small punishment and big brother, the blessing of this villain too.

The easy-to-know "to go to school without extortion" means this. The good is not enough to become famous, but evil is not enough to destroy the body. The villain uses the small good for no benefit and the Ephesus for the evil.

Qiulan 09:59

It's strange that I paste the e-learning message of, and after more than a dozen chapters, I found out that each chapter is more out of the end: This article is taken from The child: The villain is not shameless, not afraid of injustice, not profitable advise. It is not impertinent and not punishable... The villain uses the small good for no benefit and the fu for the same. At first, it was found that there was a link to the website of the translation. I knew that there was an IELTS.NET plug-in. I did not pay attention to the extra zi wei purple WEI said. This phrase, which I used to extend the definition of the villain of Confucius remarks because of Yao Ming’s Chinese language, was more emotional.

Qiulan 10:00

The two types of words that cannot be seen on the website will appear when they are pasted.

Qiulan 10:31

Yesterday I saw a foreign scholar commenting on equality between men and women and saying that women give a lot. Why does menstruation think of a woman, is it really related to the moon? If all animals, are other animals having menstruation? If not, why do women have, and when do they have something to do with meditation? Are they related to pain? Think of the poem that struck the tower/early summer: You are the god of humanity.

Qiulan 10:32

[Scientific Research Team Recruiting “Big Auntie” Donor: Palace Blood Stem Cells Can Treat a Variety of Diseases] March 8th learned from the project team that 369 person-times of uterine blood collection had been completed in the past two years and the isolated uterine blood stem cells were used. Conduct preclinical and clinical studies of cirrhosis and pulmonary fibrosis, and develop a “Clinical Study on Treatment of Severe Liver Diseases with Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells”. http://mapi/005vnhZYgy1fp5o1rtnuzj30bm056t8q[/cp]

Qiulan 23:25

May I like to smoke and want me to be lazy

Seeing me crazy also sees me funny and dignified

If I want to be glamorous, I must kill people.

Wish I am happy from this time and wish I will not die

For my deaf, but also for me

Figure I really show my eye wave ecstasy

I ran away with me and did not work with me.

- See the hot video of the silk screen of temperament, four people have written yellow novels. Not the second group. Hot search flammable and explosive, the lyrics are unequivocal, check the specific meaning, see Feng Tang Fujia article. Godaddy's full 5200, before thinking about the Siku Quanshu - the book is full of tears, but also see the Japanese Bitcoin specification think of Zhong Biao.

It is recommended to shorten the school system, we know that X

————— 2018-03-11 —————

Qiulan 07:16

When did graduate students appear? To see the picture of the learning ladder, the university used to follow the Six Miles to four books in the Siku Quanshu. If the doctoral master is now a university in the actual sense, then it is six to 12 years from primary school to university, and the master is four books. 4 years. Junior - Junior High School 6 years, High School - University 6 years, Masters 4 years.

Qiulan 07:28

[National Committee of CPPCC National Committee member Zhang Lixue: It is suggested that the school system should be shortened, and that the primary school will be changed for 5 years and become a high school for 2 years:]

Qiulan 13:02

The beginning of the endless possibilities, the supreme spirit, and then the big explosion, and the entrepreneurial project you want to do at the beginning can have the same intrinsic and connotation of numerous paths. Then, after seeing quantum entanglement technology news, he met this documentary. Pasha came into contact later.

Take a cinema to watch the scenes of the movie and the method of the sun. The recollection before the reincarnation. The image of a lifetime is like a picture! 730 East and West Road. - Look again we know that the X documentary is still so thrilling and unforgettable, like yesterday. Are these are shot by the hidden world?

Qiulan 22:21

To see the English version of All Things, Fu chan translated the name in English. The article mentions many cores. Two football players died, a 31-year-old. Where do you see 131? Think of the Bitcoin icon as a B of 13. It turned out to be 311 today!

Return to Tai Chi Road, 312 plane crash, volcano squirting red cat cloud

————— 2018-03-12 —————

Qiulan 12:56

421 - Pan-Yi 4, the principle of all things, one, two, one. It is not difficult to understand this way.

Qiulan 13:02

The four elephants - two instrument - Tai Chi, Qing is returning to the Tai Chi Road, the cloud is collapsed into four elephants. Rejection of complementarity, wave-particle duality, four types of web pages, blogs and four images correspond to the ideals of wisdom and wisdom. Frum is a gossip, and then go back and subdivide it. Just finishing the notes also said that the above shot of enlightenment reason.

Qiulan 20:43

In the morning, it was found that today is 312 days. What will happen when we think of dates? Then did not think again. Afterwards, did you think the Japanese Prime Minister went to the United States to discuss this matter? Also seen at station B Kawai, the two women were missing. Did you contact Japan 123? // On the way to H: Today there are 3 aircraft, a Bombardier business jet in Iran, a helicopter in New York, USA, and the Bombardier Chong-8 airliner from Bangladesh to Nepal.

Qiulan 20:43

Buddhism treasures have been listening, often heard by the nun singing, that tower in Kathmandu, Nepal. Two soccer players passed away one after another. Yesterday saw linked Iranian English. Think of what Japan will talk about in the United States.

Qiulan 20:44

[Japan's new Mt. Yoshino volcano erupts and gushes out a jump...:]

Qiulan 20:45

Organize your notes today and see the Japanese pink cats, which correspond to Shanghai's pink sky. It was strange to see the name of the new Mt. Yoshino volcano. - Japan's volcanic eruption of red cat clouds.

Qiulan 22:31

[Why Iranian women are taking off their veils:]

Hawking's death, Koi travels into a heart shape, red and blue women journalists roll their eyes

——————— 2018-03-14 —————

Qiulan 13:07

[Hawking died] According to BBC news, physicist Hawking died at the age of 76. Born in Oxford, England on January 8, 1942, Hawking proved the singularity theorem and the black hole area theorem of general theory of relativity. He is one of the greatest modern physicists. The

- Don't think about bravery. Today I read the notes and said that the body is the substitute for the wave consciousness. See Twitter couples in the morning, and tomorrow it will rain tomorrow. Sweet potato little word pictures, think of the Shaolin Temple, Nalan went there to no accompany the beautiful women, so no bird became a Shaolin beauty it?

Qiulan 20:04

Yesterday saw the anniversary of the 7th anniversary of the 311 Great Earthquake of Abe, a nuclear leak, and thought of the last day of the 131st.

Qiulan 20:06

The death of British shrimps and crabs on the beach, seeing black lobsters, have never seen black lobsters. It was strange that at the time the dragon prawn soldiers would be considered. What kind of shrimp would it be? Non-philosophical Zen scholars? I can't think of anything.

Qiulan 20:07

Yesterday, I found out that there was no golden meaning for the divine woman to pass the blog. I didn't know what the meaning was. I thought of the Golden Dream of the Red Chamber. I also wondered what gold is.

Qiulan 20:35

[Today's Koi! College Koi actually swim into a heart-shaped, it is said that forwarding good luck can take a single? :]

Qiulan 20:36

On March 14th, a group of koi actually swam into the heart of the rule on the lake of Sanquan College in Xinxiang, Henan Province. Today is Valentine's Day on March 14 and it's a coincidence! Video

- When you pass on the blog: The moldy song, I think only love is not the only real money; The Koi travels into the galaxy to rotate the article and thinks about the scene of the Koi lake in the lake; In the morning Hawking died, there was the birth of Einstein 3.14. It is white Valentine's Day.

Qiulan 20:47

The thought-seeing and thought-seeing corresponded to the place, Koiwako play, Koi, and arranged the heart shape, respectively.

Qiulan 22:07

Sanquan: Seeing the moldy song think of the place name, why is it Sanquan Academy? The lake scenery is very familiar. The first three clues in the first place are all due to blogging. Now I think of a blog as the middle and upper reaches of the world. At the time of the title, I remembered when I entered the persuasion group. When I mentioned the three talents of heaven and earth, I wished I would like to travel in the program. Go, so that people throughout the world have changed this.

Qiulan 22:16

After passing a completed blog, follow the next one. The first sentence is Hawking's: Hawking's first free public doctoral thesis, encouraging the global people to "look up at the starry sky", thinking that Hawking was 21 years old in 1942, 1963, remembered yesterday to see Kennedy. It was also shot this year. The bullet also crossed two people and his head. Since the first four blogs are all records that were previously collated, it is more comfortable to change them to blogs. The four months after the beginning of this article were not sorted out, and it would be very troublesome. At least we must look at it twice. Changed the first day of Hawking this, see Kennedy was shot, gradually frozen disease, the following is a lonely sitting alone shot, a lot of scattered words, his head is very tired, do not read, open the hot search Hawking died microblogging It!

Qiulan 22:30

Wouldn’t Hawking be shot dead? The last time he was interviewed by National Geographic Hawking, and said that the same combination of sentences I wanted was just like the two articles written by boys in grade six.

Qiulan 23:53

The abandoning female reporter looks a bit like the 83rd edition of Huang Rong. Isn't the fiery news related to meditation? Seeing that there is a certain inconsistency in the beginning, it is now recorded: When uploading a blog in the morning, some of the paragraphs are The records of the disjointed discovery, in my mind, would be unwilling to delete it, not to delete it as if you knew something to shake it up and show it to others. It would be a little bit of a disguise. There are important paragraphs echoed and others deleted.

Qiulan 23:57

Yesterday I wanted to check out Sally's laziness. Today I'm sorting out notes and seeing Sally's meaning, Hebrew Princess. When watching an interview with Jiang Shuying or an Iranian female plane like Sally’s heroine crashed, she thought of Sally as a journalist.

Hebrew circle draws circle, Tencent tells fuckqq, walks into the Mediterranean

————— 2018-03-15 —————

Qiulan 00:03

The female journalist (Red) knows what he knows and (blue) questions himself. See jade belt that blog picture was used by the Economist, there are pictures and articles along the way - this news reporter incident.

Qiulan 10:35

Modified the webpage font style last night. I wanted to display more characters on the mobile phone. The paragraph I saw was Mao Zedong's sentence of Qin Shihuang. To record fast, write Mao Zedong as Mao, and see Google Smart translate as Mao shi. As soon as I opened the record and took notes, I saw Mao Zedong was 70 years old in 1963. Finding this subtle docking point is a bit of a circular drawing circle.

Qiulan 10:41

Just because of seeing Qiulan Ya robot, I thought of Sally as the Hebrew princess. She wanted to see what the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Hebrew was, and then searched for the Hebrew encyclopedia. Seeing the Hebrews mean crossing the river. The pronunciation is evri, means to spend and think of Ava who writes second sex. He also said that it was people who crossed the river and thought of the Red Chamber Dream Qin Keqing and Jia Baoyu crossing the river in the cliff, and Bao Yu wanted Qin Keqing to save him from the plot. Then I took a rest and began to arrange my notes. I came to say that the 5.2-magnitude earthquake in Ruoqiang County of Xinjiang Province was analyzed. There was an analysis of the ferry crossing of Guazhou, and the ferry crossing was the center of the river. This is like a loop circle in front of you!

Qiulan 10:45

Now think about why there is a feeling of these two loops? The thought of yesterday's Sanquan College was that the Koi swims into a heart shape, which corresponds to the previous rotation of the Koi into the Nebula. Later, we added two items to the web forums, which were arranged in a similar way to gossip. Then look at the eight categories and imagine the gossip that corresponds to translation philosophy. Because there is no strict accordance with that arrangement, the hearts of the connected hooks, how to put them into a loop.

Qiulan 11:01

[Zhuangzi never passes Confucius with a blank look:]

Qiulan 11:12

Yesterday, I saw Ah faintly, and then there were four words I didn't know to ask me. I watched it purple. What did you mean with her? Yesterday I saw that the news of the female journalist in the Fujin Group was overwhelming. Then I analyzed it. There is Jia Lin's love in blogs. The disagreement between Chinese and foreigners about love is mentioned in the analysis that the Chinese dig their graves and ethically annoyed themselves. Farewell today is the only way to express Confucius's articles, not only the concepts that they had thought of yesterday, love and moral education, but also the words of sauce and violet.

Qiulan 11:12

Sauce violet is also "like this" fast-reading and can even make "Zi Zi". The Internet term "garlic violet" means "like this". Because "like this" read faster, it sounds like "japanese purple", and "not like this" is naturally interpreted as "table sauce purple."

Qiulan 15:02

At noon to see the hot search was reported to Tencent, checked domain name registrant xuxianbiao, do not understand what exactly meant. See the discussion face, the original translation is shameless. That Xu Xiantong was supposed to be Xu Xian not mean?

Qiulan 15:03

Domain name: Creation Date: 2009-08-20T04:10:03Z Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2018-08-19T16:00:00Z Registry Registrant ID: p41591318 Registrant Name: xuxianbiao Organization: xuxianbiao BeiJingChangPingQuTianTongYuanBeiErQu13HaoLouLiuDanYuan1203S[/cp]

Qiulan 15:04

The registration place is 1203S, Building 13, North District, Beijing Tianping Court, Changping District, Beijing. The article just published said that the birds flying all over the sky is also a building No. 13.

Qiulan 15:10

Tian Tong Yuan is the address indicated by the New Zen QQ. And just this release into the Mediterranean article, there are Trump Twitter was sealed for 11 minutes, and it is not relevant. This morning, I thought that it wouldn’t be the simple but pure, like-minded love showdown. Then I discovered that Tencent’s domain name hot search and Trump’s Twitter were blocked.

Qiulan 15:11


n. sexual intercourse; hybrids; a little bit

Vt. Sexually sexual intercourse; curse; deception

Vi. Sexual intercourse; fooling around

Int. fucking

n. (Fuck) name; (German) Fok

Qiulan 15:20

Just want to search fuckqq article, enter fu to see fuchanyou. Think of fuck as if it were an English fox fox, a sly person, Focus Focus is the same as the Focus Focus that I added a few days ago.

Qiulan 15:22

Is it the domain name that came out on August 20, 2009, 10 years of 3Q war, so Tencent wanted to do a new platform WeChat?

Qiulan 15:41

At 14:00 on March 15th, an earthquake of magnitude 3.3 occurred in Zizhong County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province. The source depth was 6 km.

- That time just published into the Mediterranean article, there are three fingers of Hawking, and about three countries feel. When the Hebrews saw the crossing of the river, they thought of Bao Yu and Qin Keqing. They thought that maybe they went to the Mediterranean. Now, is it because Nalan entered the Mediterranean in 1655, 33-1688? So the 3.3 level, these ideas also led to I wanted to use the name of the heading to enter the Mediterranean.

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