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Fifty-sixth day The sound of wind and rain sounded in the ear 第五十六天 风声雨声读书声声声入耳


因提到翻白眼的红蓝女新闻记者,秋蓝想到蓝对应纳兰,可是也和自己名字对应啊,红也对应,这倒奇怪了,莫非分析的红蓝女记者是自己在禅思时的正反思维的对应分身?她前一天也刚查看了自己写的正反粒子诗词,今天就看到这热火朝天的红蓝二女新闻了。会否红楼梦作者是小红,纳兰性德诗词也是小红写的? 秋蓝直觉这两个著作风格类似,都偏爱情与女性类别,虽然亦有男性思考方面,但与男性作品有点风格不搭。再转念一想,自己的偶像是来知德,是易经方面的,对佛家只看过心经,其他的大部头从来未接触过,为什么我对佛家经典至今未看呢?红楼梦佛渡女道渡男,那道祖和佛祖他们谁渡谁呢?会否道祖渡佛,佛祖渡道?那德妃就是佛了?看到了印度湿婆像的乳房对应梦境乳房,这也说明潜意识佛是黛玉了。红楼梦妙玉等分身查看贝叶经抄心经且看淡世俗,都对应佛家思想。现在秋蓝看到佛教历史也提到世界三大神秘微笑:蒙娜丽莎、高棉、北魏北齐佛像的微笑。文章前面有罗生门图片,似中国古代人物而不像日本本土人物,想想电影内容,感觉很像是纳兰抢劫妙玉的禅思故事吧?

早上秋蓝发现何新的新武侠中的多变态文章,看到其中有僧尼道隐多是丐帮,多游历。她想到查射雕英雄传时看到黄蓉是丐帮帮主;昨天查希伯来人看到上帝对以色列人说要出游各地中去;前几天看到新闻要新时代的上山下乡运动,突然想到了昨天朋友圈发的毛泽东穿着破破烂烂的衣服图片;昨天走向地中海文章英文翻译看到文化大革命,这不就是说,毛泽东是新武侠之人吗? ​​​​再想到昨晚看到的Google去墨西哥做网络WIFI,美国泥石流富人区,美国第51区的建立隔绝沿海网络巨头,新生代的网络教育问题,川普的墨西哥建高墙之故意?走向地中海似乎有隐含有智的以色列人应该上山下乡发挥其智慧的寓意......一连串的胡思乱想让秋蓝步伐轻快,感觉自己就像是黄蓉了一样。今日不像昨日雾霾深厚,象她的心情一样阳光灿烂。再看妙儿居然穿了一条磨破有洞的裤子,套上靴子,也心里哼着歌微笑着走着。








Fifty-sixth day The sound of wind and rain sounded in the ear

Qiu Lan is more and more aware of his desires and his thinking is ever-changing. why? If she is engaged in a dialogue with the world, a moment of this point of view, a moment of that point of view, and a break away from the entanglement of world affairs, these views actually have contradictions, and it seems that Qiu Lan is an incredible person. In fact, Qiu Lan knew that she only responded when she was in the situation. There was self, and she seemed to always have a reason. However, she did not think she had something wrong. Instead, she thought she was such a 360-degree perspective. The perspective of each perspective is not the same, so her views are not the same, nothing more. Recently, she has been listening to English Buddhist temple treasures. He always heard that Gooney said that Nirvana is doing whatever she likes. It also seems to have verified her perception, and the FUCKQQ domain name dispute search actually corresponds to the 360!

Because of the mention of the blue-and-white female journalists, Qiu Lan thinks of the blue correspondence to Nalan, but it also corresponds to his own name, and the red also corresponds. This is weird. Is it the analysis of the red and blue female journalists who are meditations? Correspondence between positive and negative thinking? She had just read the positive and negative particle poems she had written the day before, and today I saw this hot red and blue woman news. Whether or not the Red Chamber Dream author is Xiao Hong and Na Lan Xingde's poetry is written by Xiao Hong? Autumn Blue Intuition These two writing styles are similar, both in favor of love and feminine categories. Although there are also male thinking, there is a bit of style with male works. take. Then I think again, my idol is to come to know the virtues, is the I Ching aspect, only see the Heart Sutra for the Buddhists, the other major has never been in contact, why do I not read the Buddhist classics? The Dream of Red Mansions Buddha crossing the female road crossing men, the ancestors and the Buddha who are they who cross it? Will the ancestral Buddha, Buddha Road ferry? Nadezhe is the Buddha? The breasts of the Indian Shiva statue correspond to dream breasts, which also shows that the subconscious Buddha is a jade. Red Mansion Dream Miao Yu and other avatars view Bayeux by copying the heart and look down on the secular, they correspond to Buddhist thought. Now Autumn Blue sees the history of Buddhism also mentions three mysterious smiles of the world: the smiles of the Mona Lisa, Khmer, and the Northern Wei Dynasty buddha statues. In front of the article, there is a picture of Rashomon, which resembles an ancient Chinese character rather than a native Japanese figure. Thinking about the content of the movie, it feels very much like the narrative story of Nalan's robbery Miao Yu.

In the morning, Qiu Lan discovered the new metamorphosis articles in the new martial arts and saw that there were many monks and nuns who were guilty and traveled. She thought of Huang Rong as a gang leader when she thought of the heroes of the Eagles; yesterday, the Hebrew people saw that God said to Israel that they would travel around; and the previous few days saw the news go to the mountains to the countryside in the new era. Suddenly thought of the pictures of Mao Zedong wearing tattered clothes yesterday by friends; Yesterday I went to the Mediterranean English translation of the article to see the Cultural Revolution. Doesn't that mean that Mao Zedong was the new martial arts person? Think of the Google that went to Mexico last night to do network WIFI, the US mudslide rich area, the establishment of the 51st district in the United States to isolate the coastal network giants, the new generation of online education issues, Trump’s Mexico built high walls deliberately? To the Mediterranean, there seems to be a sense of wisdom that the Israelis should go to the countryside to show their wisdom of morality ... ... A series of cranky to make the autumn blue pace brisk, I feel like Huang Rong. Today is not like the deep haze of yesterday. It is as bright as her mood. Looking at Miao Er, he even wore a worn-out trousers, put on boots, and walked with a smile in his heart.

Qiu Lan feels like Huang Rong now. She thinks of what she said yesterday. If he saw Huang Rong two days ago and was impressed, then he himself experienced Huang Rong's reality today. Isn't the usual meditation reality that the keyword plot collapse? Isn't that true in a dream? Then this explains why he seems to be in a state of change. Because the more keywords you have for meditation, the more you will change into more characters, and the more you will show to the world. Those who can change less, they will think you are hypocritical, you are ridiculous, you can not be sensible, which is the difference between the people who have access to the pan and the people who do not have pan. If you can star in the good qualities that the world can have, maybe you are the best person. If you can be innovative, you may reach the middle.

The patriotic youth patriotism (Hu Zhiming, 1890-1969) left the motherland overseas on June 5, 1911 to seek a way to save the country. He successively went to France, Britain, the United States, and French African colonial countries to accept Marxism-Leninism. On February 3, 1930, Aung Pao Pao held a meeting in Kowloon, Hong Kong, China to establish the Communist Party of Vietnam. The revolutionary goal set forth by the party's political program was to defeat the imperialists and the feudal group so that the motherland would become completely independent. Autumn blue took notes to see these, a period of time between Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong. Isn't 1911 the year of China's great transition? When you think of Sun Yat-sen as a foreigner looking for funds overseas, you can see that Marxism is not Sun Yat-Sen and it looks like Mao Zedong. Behind the Communist Party, the goal is the independence of the motherland. This is more like Mao Zedong. Is Ho Chi Minh’s entire life experience a reflection of Mao Zedong's meditation? In 1911, he sought to save the country by Mao Zedong's 18-year-old reading his foreign classic meditation, and correspondingly, Ho Chi Minh went out to seek overseas. Then Mao Zedong’s key words may correspond to Ho Chi Minh’s reality: Patriotic (阮 patriotic) posts in the school in 911 support the overthrow of the Manchus and the establishment of the Republic of China; dropouts in the provincial library to learn the classics of Western politics and science (Hu Zhiming 1911 The way to overseas search for a nation) + Marxism to transform society + Hunan (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, and Surname Hu have Nanhai).

Autumn Blue would like to take a break and take a look, see a Libo school basketball practice, with the music rhythm of the incomprehensible and interesting sports video. She thought that yesterday's wonderful shooting basketball in this way, to see the WIX made sharing blocks\rhythm\work vocabulary, did not understand all the English meaning, and my heart understands the text also has a sense of rhythm; just check the introduction of Mao Zedong do not see that bleeding The violent revolution; also saw the Minister of Education answered the reporter asked a sentence of campus sports. Then Qiu Lan saw the gymnastics video. Maybe all this meeting is very interesting and consistent with the consistency of the ping pong and music rhythm felt by the other days.

Autumn blue opens the mobile phone, the mobile phone wallpaper is: If the life is only first sight ~ is not ruthless, also is not fortunate; but we will meet a lot of people in the life, can really stop a few? Life is a ferocious ferry that will eventually be lost. Even our own lives are passing guests. The picture is a symmetrical panorama of the surface of the snow-capped mountains like Fuji, with pink purple dreamy flowers in front. The blue and the blue are strange. Isn't this the idea of ​​the Buddhist temple of the jade that I just thought about? Is the difference with Jia Baoyu's idea of ​​wanting a brilliant life? Yesterday I saw Shi Lei's picture is the beauty of mountains and waters that are completely symmetrical, and there is snow; there is also a dream in the article that looks like the flowers of the picture; the ferry is the Mediterranean Sea, the Dream of Red Mansions crossing the river and Guazhou just mentioned in the previous article. ferry.

Qiu Lan saw the 93-year-old professor talking about the couplet video, including a couplet in Wuxi Donglin College, “The sound of wind and rain sounded in the ear, the family affairs and the affairs of the world are concerned”, and this couplet read out before the autumn blue. Deep meaning, non-reading the Dream of the Red Mansion cannot be explained. Isn't she becoming such a busy person now?

How have Hawkings and Li Sheng passed away in succession? Is this not related to petrified petrochemicals and woolly curtain calls? Autumn Blue still wondered if Hawking was really dead, he heard the songs of the mountains and seas, and he was more shocked to hear the superstitious sentence. He thought that Mao Zedong was disappointed with someone or someone, and that the MV singer was grass. East PARTY. People who are not bound by the environment are turning to walk away. The mountains are three mountains. The sea is the Mediterranean? Then she saw the curtain song of the base camp, and then Li Yan died. Taiwan and the West? After the autumn blue topic, ISIS did not use Tai Chi, because I thought of the mystery and thought that the I Ching was also a collapse of ISIS. Then she looks at the picture of the ISIS link: Why is the worship of the goddess Isis widespread in the Mediterranean? Even more confused why ISIS can appear everywhere in places other than China?

Qiu Lan organizes notes to see meditation time and level of consciousness. One second of time corresponds to one year of other people. Thinking of maybe one second of your real life thinking, those quantum levels have already run 10 billion times, so the reality of things that you think of within 1 second has appeared - double black hole gravitational waves, thought meditation leads to double black holes. ? Are people black holes? - Today, why did Google translate so fast? One paste 5000 words, immediately came out in English translation. This may explain why the time between people or the time between meditations is not the same? Think of a computer that can compare. Autumn Blue went to check the supercomputer's operation so quickly. The basic components of a supercomputer are not much different from the concept of a personal computer, but its specifications and performance are much more powerful. It is a super-large computer. Has a strong ability to calculate and process data, the main features of high speed and large capacity, with a variety of external and peripheral devices and a wealth of high-performance software systems. Most of the existing supercomputers can operate at speeds of more than one Trillion per second. So, it still goes back to the problem that people's mind software needs to be upgraded. You are an ordinary computer. Compared to the super-computers with rich black hole connotation of meditation people, there will be time-space crossing and script writing effects. --- think of this feeling that the mind can not be loaded, and then go to organize the notes, are seeing: if you want to do anything, then the reality is annihilated? Is it true that the real world is positive energy and meditation is negative energy. The two meet, and then it is as if the positive and negative particles in the black hole have been destroyed? Then the positive and negative particles corresponding to the additional positive and negative energy completely disappeared? Just like the human body's nuclear body and its accompanying decorative emotional thinking, the idea of ​​extinguishment is destroyed! ? The body is the core, and granular consciousness is an additional reaction. After all, the body is also meditation. Just as the Bible says that God created everything, those animals on the earth are also under the control of God and later they are replaced. This also fully corresponds to the principle of wave and grain in all things.

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