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Fortieth day Gravitational waves of consciousness 第四十天 意识引力波






昨天看到:毒舌王尔德的微博语句里面有提到借钱问题、婚姻女子问题等; 看了贴吧林黛玉现代会做什么工作?有说广告的,有说创意文案的,钱什么,策展,艺术……;看到疤痕还是什么想到年轻时期的相片,可能还有微博赵薇艺术照,赵丽颖巴黎毛衣照片,因年轻女子而想到春花易逝,看到前两天胡枚国际选角有林黛玉葬花词仔细读了一遍。





写支付宝文案分析提到玻璃洗浴室,想了玻璃。射覆有人问八卦类象,有人回答: 为时为变,玻璃划伤人了是金是兑透明取离更贴切,至于钻石水晶,没有被发觉价值的时候就是土、艮,现在呢是宝石就是乾。—— 这热搜就出现玻利维亚天空了,原来是玻璃啊!


昨天看到微博白云观发的吕洞宾的炼丹救人事迹,最后一个是当东西裹带了个金钗,当主人偷偷拿走了,吕洞宾其实给这个奸商当铺人留个纸条,再不与其有交集∩。弘薯画的马在黑夜中奔跑。玻璃射覆~玻利维亚透明天空~听取蛙声一片被投诉~东北采松子氢气球飞跑~中午电视飞屋环游记说去南美洲☞南美洲玻璃蛙 。


秋蓝前两天看读者,有战争机器人自杀问题文章,想着原来世界早已经研发了智能互相对垒啊~因小s孙俪热搜想到了英国楼房灯火通明样的失火事件,想到了说是因为二楼电冰箱失火了,难道是因为机器人事故吗?这是提醒人类与机器的关系吗?人类可以操控智能的。又想到那次英国航空IT事故☞这些叠加后,秋蓝看到10.1日全球机场系统崩溃报道:航空公司的软件供应商TAmadeus Alta公司确认,其软件系统因为网络问题而出现问题。该问题影响了大量的机场,例如伦敦希思罗国际机场,法国戴高乐贵机场和华盛顿的罗纳德-里根国际机场。

2016年2月12日,激光干涉引力波天文台(Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory,LIGO)合作组宣布,他们于2015年9月14日探测到了引力波,它来自一个质量为36太阳质量的黑洞与一个29太阳质量的黑洞的碰撞,然后并合为一个62太阳质量的黑洞,失去的3太阳质量转化为引力波的能量。“太阳质量”是天体质量的单位,1个太阳质量意思就是说,它的质量等于太阳的质量。2015年12月26日,2017年1月4日,2017年8月14日,LIGO又先后三次探测到黑洞并合产生的引力波。为什么都是9.14 1.4 8.14?禅思光速可以控制星球以光速传播发生涟漪?或者禅思可以形成黑洞进行纠缠?1984年建造开始ligo,想过如何捕捉引力波,可能像射覆夹烫盘子的夹子,夹煤球空心的夹子那样抓住大质量而不可直接接触捕捉的方法一样,要能抓空才能得到答案~然后就有浅笑射覆白色的陶瓷假手茶漏垫子。


秋蓝前两天想到玻璃上贴的福字,现在已经到十月份还贴在上面,已经旧了,但是自我安慰这样福了一整年也是吉利极其好的。福字还想了一口田。今天上午看到贴吧瞧乐发的黄河魂兮及来源,提到发源青海星宿,历经内蒙古等……还有陕西?想到陕西好像是在地图的上面怎么也经过呢?陕西也是和下午说的立雪亭武则天什么什么的……后面又提到大荔人,觉得很奇怪,荔枝怎么成了荔人了?后面说河古代叫做川。后面又写了河图洛书都是从黄河由马龟而承载,想到这是自然天启,犹如前面说的粮食都是大自然赐予的一样,与人的禅思息息相关的。☞然后秋蓝看到陕西 大荔 河 田 福~水中福字!且是芦苇草,与红楼梦黛玉房考有关系!黄河岸边现最大水中福字:10月2日,一个呈现在水中的巨型“福”字现身陕西大荔县的黄河岸边,民众坐着小船在“福”字笔画间的水面畅游。这个水中“福”字约占水面有百亩以上,字体轮廓由水中生长的芦苇和水草组成,可谓目前国内最大的水中福字。

10.2日写的: 昨天同吹一种圣诞节的小玩具,有气则直无气则卷,气足虽遇到障碍也能顺障碍而长,很像植物的生长之蓬勃气息,心想原来事物都是因经常听说的道气而存在的啊?这是元气满满意思啊!可是我关注的都是元气从哪里来,如何保持的问题,包括射覆也是这样的情况,由此推断,心禅思之波性与物积聚之粒性,对应意识与物质的关系,你关注哪方面则是那个方面的机制,所在阶梯不一样。

秋蓝看到少林寺图片立雪亭,想到德妃红楼梦薛宝钗,难道是黛玉妙玉曾经立于此处吗?武则天~看到此微博笠翁对韵,感觉就是红楼梦的脚本解释。对赤日对苍穹有点迷惑,明明太阳在上对着大地啊,怎么对苍穹天空呢?想到以前看到过说天在上地在下是相对的,天也在地球之下,地球漂浮在其上什么的意思,想着也许赤日跑到地上哪个地方了,那样就对着星空穹庐如球状那样的无极限太空了~今天看到 加拿大出现神秘带状光束,图片是太阳落山对着圆弧紫色光束,如太空边缘?


秋蓝射覆胶水下面有TNT,感觉有点熟悉。射覆月亮卦象组诗。昨天拍月亮发现特别亮,像火球一样了,下方还有一个灯差不多样子,似乎月亮跑那里去了,就又拍了一个没有灯的,怕分不清楚月亮和灯。拍月亮如火球特别亮,不像印象中的皎洁明月光如水了,像如火了——第二天秋蓝发现昨天的云南陨石新闻描述有 小行星撞地球 云南香格里拉发生陨石掉落事件,丽江网友拍摄的一段10秒钟的视频显示,漆黑的夜空中,一颗看上去有月球大小的物体在云层极速滑落,不仅是夜空亮如白昼,还能清楚看到远处的山岗。青年公园当晚20时32分发文称,其在香格里拉看到巨型流星,当时他们全部人在后院烧烤篝火,天空突然间全亮了,亮光闪了两下,紧接着一道带着火光像陨石的火球从天空擦过。如同月亮大小,天空突然全亮了,亮如白昼,火球流空——这些描述和昨晚看月亮的心情一模一样:月亮跑右下角的灯那里距离,亮如白昼,如火却不如水的月亮。




射覆有人问,那个自卫武器广告加特林突突突就是你发的吧?~看到杜鹃阮经天亲吻,又看到张一山拍戏搂躺地上的女子,此镜头美国音乐节枪击看到有雷同的事故图片~想象过加特林是枪如炮弹一样发射,喷出~然后看到美国加特林机枪音乐节事故。射覆茶漏陶瓷手形状垫时,想到自己按照图片信息全是鞋脚椅子腿的线索,想到美国音乐节满地奔跑的脚与地上垃圾还有加特林及子弹……这个手形状图片给出的答案很像小孩子比划手枪。拉斯维加斯音乐节发生枪击图片中有麦当劳m,如同smile嫣然基金的心形m。金字塔顶端发出蓝色极光,似射覆红白胶水对应我买的華日美super glue502胶样子,对此想过超级蓝,纳兰.glue想成blue。

三星火了(日月星辰内容,又看到云笔记有note字样,想过此真相的揭示出来肯定火了),苹果随地球母亲的呼吸而呼吸了?墨西哥地震后地面呼吸。—— iPhone 8内地首现爆裂:新机屏幕侧边裂开,没充过电的。













突发!一架阿斯塔纳航空的757飞机在厦门区域因起落架问题盘旋,目前航班在厦门区域以北德化县上空盘旋。 秋蓝想到,射覆曲别针想到螺旋纹,地铁75、57是门号正反看的,今天路上遇到有蜗牛射覆。一人外应数字是7392(9如月,想到731,不会是把1涂改成那样的吧?)。射覆有立体书,似曲别针轨道。天津红衣女画两圈撞小区门口的人——此盘旋飞机是kc1392,路线图似立体曲别针。

马云再次登台献唱4首歌, 秋蓝查后三个歌,发现想你的时候专辑居然是喜欢的很熟悉的走过咖啡屋,查此歌MV歌词是卡斯写的,发行于1989年10月15日的一张国语专辑。卡斯,cars.汽车?看到其他视频这首歌词是另外一个人作者名字啊?

秋蓝想到:推理,因射覆人的简单话语之内涵意,而直接联通到答案临近点,这才是最近路途,刚才的乒乓球就是这样。 前两天一直想这个问题,怎么直指射覆物品的本质。

姑娘用4元买彩票中1320万,秋蓝看到很特别,分析道:1320、214情人节想过来历寓意,德妃纳兰生日。412 谢霆锋歌曲。彩票号5、8、17、18、23、4、12,难道是德妃纳兰推理分析过的年龄?5岁进贾府,8岁1668年郯城大地震。17岁颐和园桥孔17个。18岁1678年雍正出生。23岁1638+23--1661顺治退位,1638-1660=22岁,1655+23--1688年纳兰去世。6601551*2=13203102,两个1320数字的重叠。

昨天林志颖,想到88-90年代的歌的联系。青海海东地震想到苏东坡,东海,东边的海。1320万彩票奖金提到了颐和园桥洞有17个,想到了那副图有桥有海有阳光金色照片。今天热搜莫文蔚唱解晓东的今儿个真高兴很奇怪,查找是翻唱英国东方17的house of love,看到MV第一个镜头居然就是刚刚对射覆情延猜的狗被绳牵着的联想,里面还有一的法则的标志♀。






1989年为年度改革题材大片《热恋》配唱主题歌《我不知道风》,秋蓝搜索解晓东资料发现这个电影热恋,疑问为什么这个热恋电影名字是年度改革大片呢?觉得不搭,就好奇的点开链接看了看,发现女主角演过看过的电影谁是第三者,再看还演过如同外来妹那样的题裁,觉得李克纯似乎有某种牵连,就把热恋电影查了一下,关键词很有禅思塌缩的感觉,如同许多时空穿越的事件(比如house of love视频音乐,名人油画,墨子号)一样,解晓东还演唱过十六岁的花季主题歌。


秋蓝昨天中午买了射覆说的钓鱼竿式鹦鹉电动玩具,看那鹰钩鼻和外国人鼻子特像,鹦鹉英文鹰钩鼻,此类基因的人难道都是这个禅思产生的?那他们会是什么特征?那就得知晓是什么禅思关键词组合......想到林黛玉教鹦鹉念葬花吟,鹦鹉能学黛玉的诗词。被禅思者都是围绕着禅思者运转的,如同围绕太阳......英国学习中国的什么呢?他们似老鹰鹰钩鼻,应该是有锐利的眼光与高地俯瞰能力的......后来秋蓝看到英国橙色天空似美国加州天空数字后的火后天空新闻: 伦敦现橙色天空、火红太阳 当地居民:这一幕让我敬畏自然

Fortieth day Gravitational waves of consciousness

Qiu Lan thinks that addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are first multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction, and finally the balance is considered. Then the most basic is the balance equal sign. Addition and subtraction are the simple cornerstones. Multiplication and division are addition and subtraction complication formulas, just like the basic superstructure. Addition and subtraction is the foundation. This is related to the balance of balance of assets and liabilities of the Heluo God formula mentioned in previous years. For example, I think of scales. I think of the scales that mention heart and feathers in cartoons. The heart is sinners. This is the same as the Egyptian book of life and death.

Seeing Mao's Qin Shihuang verses circling friends, I just saw that foreigners do not understand Dream of the Red Chamber. Some foreigners do not understand why Jia Lin loves not to elope. Qiu Lan thought of the essence of the interpretation of the universe, thinking that it may be the Chinese quest for strange ways of thinking to solve the problem of enclosing a high-walled network, and the complex state of confusion caused by God’s inquiries has in turn besieged the Chinese people. The spirit of freedom, so foreigners are concise, and the Chinese people are really making their own decisions. Mao Shi said that the burning of the book by Emperor Qin Shihuang should be discussed.

Yesterday I just thought about the truth of the Korean earthquake. Who is the author of the excellent comics and children's stories in various countries and the global alliance of global service architects? Who is the global board of directors? Only the United Nations? Researchers are digging deeper into the basic issues, then the leaders of major companies are the people who have carried out the development of operations.... Last night, they also saw the entrance examination increase from 2.1 million to 4 million this year. A video mentions that you use The people are not graduate students so you are not a Fortune 500.. ....

In this copy, there are 16 fund companies that appear in turn. Aiming at Alipay’s denial of planning and production of copywriters, one of the fund companies stated that “this copy (copy case) is a joint promotion of Ant Fortune, the specific copy does not come from the hands of the fund company”. However, all three have confirmed that ‘is Alipay’’. “Do you think there is anyone but Alipay? The style is so uniform. "After the incident, the fund company involved has been notified by Alipay to use Alipay's official caliber. "In addition to this caliber, do not make other explanations."

Autumn Blue yesterday saw the post as Lin Daiyu lived in modern times. What would she do? Impressions include editors, advertisements, curators, sales, art cell painters ~ Then in the afternoon to see the Alipay copy of the text, a bit strange, some of the statement is exactly what I thought, the screen has a lot of thought, think back at night, There is a record link - Basha charity party at the end of the article there are charitable funds for the Fund, China Charity Association, etc.; later saw the hot search Faye to dance with me, the faith word auction charity check Li Yapeng Li Xin information to see the bleak Angel Fund The hot search has Chen Xiaochun's name as a pheasant; the painting of the sweet potato is a phoenix painting, which is not a word but a bird. It is also thought that the bird is a chicken word; the shot thinks of the pyramid, the worship of gold, the dream of the Red Chamber, the gold woman.

Yesterday saw: Poor Tong Wilde's microblogging statement mentioned the problem of borrowing money, marriage issues, etc.; read the post it Lin Daiyu What will the modern work? There are advertising, creative writing, money, curating, art... Seeing the scars or thinking about the photos of young age, there may be micro-blog pictures Zhao Wei, Zhao Liying Paris sweater photos, Because of the young woman's thought of spring flowers perishable, I read the words of Lin Daiyu's burial flower in the Hu Tian international cast selection two days before.

The first picture:. Sun Wei's four choir geese flew to the south and listened to the songs. He thought of the bathroom in the south and thought of the idea of ​​a glass-washed bathroom. The old electric water heater may be broken off. The body was duplicated in the book and she was holding a drink and sitting under a beach umbrella. Hot search subway stopped running and saw a woman in a photo waiting for a slanted backpack. Recently, due to lack of autumn or late at night or too many shots to shoot too many thoughts, it is always difficult to sleep, day and day always want to sleep. Feeling trapped in prisoner's room?

The second picture: I haven't been to the garden for a long time. Yesterday afternoon, there were a lot of trees around the tennis court that happened to go to play near it. There were two people on the green swing craft mentioned yesterday.

Several other pairs:. Did not eat sooner, quickly to fear the late 15th anniversary of investment funds for the 15th anniversary of Bazaar Charity projector to shoot over many times, renting office room is very expensive financial distress, there has never been any money to spend any holiday. See the circle of friends grab red packets. Think of a ride. Taobao shopping has to spend time to make up for the savings. Also see where lonely people love to sleep, thought I am lonely now? The circle of friends is actually insomnia, but she may not be alone? Maybe our body is the substitute for that wave of consciousness, and it will be used as a matter of incense.

From 9:00 last night to 11:00 pm today, it took a full six hours to recall the copy of this copy. It really took time... Yesterday, I still wanted to think about why meditation always leads to reality. Correspondingly, how did the process advance? The result is a picture, and the process is all you can contact to promote? Why can clouds understand your heart? Why can she act/talk as you want? Is it the operation of a Russian ring like a substitute? After the autumn blue, I remembered that the first to see the cover of the deserted Dadao Book was Dudley Media. I was very impressed with the media. Then I saw Alipay's copy and saw that the introduction was accompanied by Pinyin Media.

Write Alipay copy analysis mentioned glass bathroom, think of glass. Someone asked if they had asked the gossip. Someone answered: When the time is changed, the glass scratches people, but gold is more appropriate for transparent access. As for the diamond crystal, it is earth when it is not found to be valuable. Now, it is The jewel is dry.-- This hot search reveals the sky in Bolivia. It was glass!

Autumn Blue saw the White Lady across the bridge last night to see the National People's Multi-player video, today's 11.1 million people traveled to Hangzhou, 11.10 days seemed to have seen where, think of it, moldy new album "reputation" issued on November 10, At that time it was strange to see this date. Why was the song released on this day? Have you seen the piano girl's performance in Australia for the first two days?

Yesterday I saw Wei Lunbin’s alchemy to save people in the Baiyun View of Weibo. The last one was when the thing was wrapped up with a gold dragonfly. When the owner secretly took it away, Lu Dongbin actually left a note for the profiteer’s pawn shop. Intersection ∩. Hongma's painting horse runs in the darkness. Glass shot ~ Bolivia transparent sky ~ Hearing frog sound One complaint ~ Northeast pine nuts hydrogen ball fly ~ noon TV Fly house travels say South America South America glass frog.

This autumn blue saw one of the mangosteens I drunk drunk, said purple seeking forest, checked is Zizhu Lin. Where the picture is emperor. The woman's five-colored soil shot to mention red blood, cyan veins. Where did my father go? Three goats, mentioned Yang Zi Bolivia's transparent sky, today's TV playful adventure Kampo Jade, pink and yellow green, and finally purple is very beautiful and then autumn blue to see hot search:! Nanjing, the United States, was a purple glass day last night. In the evening, the sky in Nanjing turned purple, and the city seemed to be covered in a purple halo.

In the two days before Autumn Blue, I read readers and articles on the issue of war robots committing suicide. I think that the original world had already developed intelligent mutual confrontation. Because of her hot search, the small number of Sun Hao recalled the fire accident of a British building. Because the second floor of the refrigerator has caught fire, is it because of a robot accident? Is this a reminder of the relationship between humans and machines? Humans can control smart. After thinking about the British Airways IT accidents and these superpositions, Qiu Lan saw the crash of the global airport system on the 1st of the 10th: Airline software supplier TAmadeus Alta confirmed that its software system had problems due to network problems. This problem affects a large number of airports, such as London Heathrow International Airport, France Charles de Gaulle Airport and Ronald Reagan International Airport in Washington.

On February 12, 2016, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) cooperation group announced that they detected gravitational waves on September 14, 2015. It came from a black hole with a mass of 36 solar masses. A collision of 29 solar-mass black holes then merges into a 62-mass black hole, and the lost 3 solar masses are converted into gravitational wave energy. The "mass of the sun" is the unit of mass of the celestial body. The meaning of a mass of the sun means that its mass is equal to the mass of the sun. On December 26, 2015, on January 4, 2017, and on August 14, 2017, LIGO detected the gravitational waves generated by the black holes in succession three times. Why are all 9.14 1.4 8.14? Meditation Light speed can control the planet to spread at the speed of light? Or can meditation create black holes for entanglement? LIGO was built in 1984 and thought about how to capture gravitational waves. It might be like a hot platen clip on a hot plate. If you hold a coal-ball hollow clip and grab a large mass and cannot directly touch the capture method, you need to be able to catch air to get the answer. Then there is a light smile on a white ceramic fake tea leak mat.

At 11:50 local time on October 3, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that the 2017 Nobel Prize in physics will be awarded to three scientists Lenares, Barry Barish, and Kiphorne for their gravitational wave studies. Contributions. Autumn Blue saw that the names of these three people were very strange. They read like Venus, Alibaba, and Jeep. Today's Autumn Blue wanted to say that Jeanswest's clothes couldn't remember, what Venus, Las Vegas wanted to bring out... The October birthday richman Alibaba’s message made her think of the story of Forty Thieves.. .... Where does my father go on Jeep? He always sees the light of JEEP Freedom....

Two days before the autumn blue, I thought of the blessing character on the glass. It was already posted on October and it is already old. However, self-comforting this blessing for a whole year is also very good for Geely. Fu character also thought about a field. This morning, we will see the soul of the Yellow River and the source of the Yellow River. We will mention the source of Qinghai Stars, the Inner Mongolia, etc.... and Shaanxi. Think of Shaanxi as if it was on the top of the map. Shaanxi is also talking about Li Xueting Wu Zetian in the afternoon and what is it... Later, I mentioned Daxuan people. I feel very strange. How did Lichee become a monk? Behind the river is called Sichuan. Later wrote He Tuluo books are inherited from the Yellow River by the turtle, think of this as a natural revelation, as previously said the food is given by nature, and is closely related to people's Zen. There is a relationship between the grass and the Dream of the Red Chamber, the largest water in the Yellow River. On October 2, a giant “Fu” appeared in the water and appeared on the bank of the Yellow River in Daxie County, Shaanxi Province. The people were sitting on a boat. " "The strokes of the strokes of the painting swim. The ‘fu’ word in this water accounts for about 100 mu above the surface of the water. The outline of the font consists of reeds and aquatic plants growing in the water. It can be described as the largest water character in the country.

On the 2nd, it was written: Yesterday, a small toy was blown with a kind of Christmas. When there was gas, it was straight and there was no gas, but the air was full of obstacles and obstacles. It was like the vigorous growth of plants. Think of the original things are all due to the often heard of the existence of ah? This is full of vitality! However, my focus is on where the vitality comes from, and how to maintain it, including overshooting. This infers that the wave of nature's meditation and the granular nature of the accumulation of material correspond to the relationship between consciousness and matter. Which aspect is the mechanism in that aspect, the ladder is not the same.

Autumn blue to see the picture of the Shaolin Temple Li Xueting, think of the German dream of Red Mansions Xue Baoxi, is it that Yu Miao Yu was established here? Wu Zetian ~ Seeing this micro-blog, Weng Yun, feeling is the script interpretation of Dream of the Red Chamber. The Red Sun was a bit confused by the sky. Obviously the sun was facing the earth. How could it be against the sky? Think of what I saw in the past as saying that the heavens are opposite in the earth. The heavens are also under the earth. The earth is floating on what it means, thinking of where it might be to run to the ground on the red day. There is no limit to space like a spherical globe. Today we saw a mysterious ribbon beam in Canada. The picture shows the sun setting against a purple arc of light, such as the edge of space.

Qiu Lan watched the 2017 Physiology and Medicine Award-winning research: a self-inhibiting molecule, how to hide the secrets of sleeping and sobering she thought of reading the Yin Fu Jingli in January. Figure ~ Baiyun View of the Eight Diagrams of Baiyun also has a similar monthly profit and loss cycle. The moon corresponds to the body and the sun corresponds to consciousness, so that it can explain the constant source of water flow. Think of people's consciousness that you want the body to behave in a way that you can do it freely. Studying this person's consciousness and the body's interaction is not a matter of researching the relationship between consciousness and matter. The circadian clock link is: Every day is also sleepy ~ Insomnia made by friends, Think of sleeping people posts, sleep during the day and night do not sleep the night poet songs ~ AliPay copy ~ Nobel Prize clock.

Autumn blue shoot glue below TNT, I feel a bit familiar. Shoot the moon as a group poem. The moon was found to be particularly bright yesterday, like a fireball. There is also a light below. It seems that the moon ran there, and took another shot without lights, afraid that it would be unclear whether the Moon and the lights would shoot the moon like a fireball. Unlike the bright moonlight in the image, it was like a fire. On the second day, Qiu Lan discovered yesterday that the Yunnan Meteorite News describes: Asteroids hit Earth Shangri-La Yunnan Meteorite drop incident, Lijiang netizens took a 10-second video display, dark night sky, one looks like a moon size The objects are falling in the clouds, not only the night sky is bright, but also the distant hills can be clearly seen. At 20:32 on the evening of the Youth Park, it was reported that it saw a giant shooting star in Shangri-La. At the time, all of them had barbecued fire in the backyard. The sky was suddenly bright and the light flashed twice, followed by a fireball with a flaming stone like a meteorite. From the sky, as the size of the moon shines, the sky is suddenly bright, bright and white, and the fireball is empty. - These descriptions are exactly the same as the mood of the moon last night: The moon runs from the lamp in the bottom right corner. It is as bright as day, but it is not as fire as the moon in water.

Before the United States also disappeared from the space physics female researcher, Zhang Yingying has not seen for a long time, thinking that the United States is doing what? Do you have a chance to study with women? In the past two days, I had thought that steel machines are ubiquitous in space. If we look at the spam mail or see the U.S. repair of the Golden Gate Bridge, it's very strange how the United States also has Kinmen. There is not any Kinmen in Taiwan. Because we haven’t seen it for a long time. Take a closer look. Yesterday, when I saw the drama group's meeting in the middle of the eight prayers, I was putting other scores on the table. Suddenly I put a slang again. Didn’t think that this is the idiom that I often listen to? Thinking of the Gatling Kipling at the American Music Festival, the festival also mentioned who went to the local government to bring local soil conservation. Just checked the Golden Gate Bridge also used its own university brick to build the bridge. - Chinese Space Physics Researcher Lost.

Yesterday, I saw that the five-color drama is also a woman-in-law colored earth, what color is the front fragrance? I feel that the fragrance is a taste, how is the color vision? Yesterday also thought of the word cloud, contact with Ma Yun, Tengyun fog, Jia Yu, Xuan Xuan, the hot day of the flower search; search 1919 event to see who was born, see the Nankai University icon, think of the word South , mainly thought of the half-grass head, the door is a fragrant character in the five colored topics of this drama of Yu-Yang Yang - a combination of Yunnan Shangri-La just saw the video of the White Cloud Festival, has inserted a root incense into the ash incense burner, which Is Shangri-La?

Shooting a prescription form in a Chinese medicine hospital, and thinking of the corresponding town of Gossip. Did you ever think of Lin Daiyu's name as a substitute for the gem in your mouth? Later I saw red beans in the community. I was very clear and crystal-clear. Suddenly I remembered the saying: Contained in the mouth, afraid of falling out of the mouth... Does this mean that the relationship between Baoyu and Daiyu is profound? Is the writer the Daiyu, Prince Edward is the son of her (nursing mother), an important connotation of the literary works of this expression? Later, Qiu Lan sees a baby girl born in Zhejiang Tiantai County with jade birth news. She feels that this color is confessional but she is obviously looking at yellow. It is more like the situation of shooting heart-shaped jade. The landlord says it is white. It looks like this. In yellow, he said that because of the light taking pictures.

The shooter asked if the self-defense weapon advertisement Gatling suddenly took the offensive, is it that you made it?~ Seeing Du Fu's kiss through the sky, she also saw Zhang Yishan taking a picture and lying on the ground. This shot of the American Music Festival gunshots saw similar incidents. Picture ~ Imagine Gatling is shooting like a bullet, squirting ~ Then see the American Gatling Machine Gun Music Festival accident. When I shot a teapot with a ceramic hand-shaped pad, I thought that I was clueless about the leg of the shoe leg according to the picture information. I thought about the feet of the American music festival running over the floor, the garbage on the ground, the Gatling and the bullet... This hand shape picture gives The answer is like a child's gesture pistol. Shooting at the Las Vegas Festival takes pictures of McDonald's m, just like the heart-shaped m of the Smile Fund. The top of the pyramid emits a blue aurora, which is similar to the red-and-white glue that I bought. It looks like the super glue 502 that I bought. I think of Super Blue. Nalan.glu wants to be blue.

Samsung fired (the content of the sun and the moon, and saw the note on the cloud note, thought of the truth revealed to confirm the fire), Apple breathed with the earth mother's breath? Breathing ground after the earthquake in Mexico. - The iPhone 8 is the first place in the Mainland to burst: The side of the new machine's screen is cracked and has not been charged.

Yesterday evening, I saw the music and asked if the moon had any, and I also said that 15 was very bright. I saw that it was getting dark and cloudy and I felt I didn’t know if there was any. After several busy shooting incidents, they forgot to read. Before going to sleep, they saw two people talking about the moon. They remembered to look at the moon and hurried to the balcony. They had already run to the back of the tall building, but the spectacular dark clouds below were very beautiful. Not only the moon but only the light, but also to another window to see the moon, it is still too close to the building is not clear, suddenly the moon walked to the right, but also flashed very bright, seems to tell me out, Take it! Also remembering the cloud under the moon, it was like the moon in the Yanshi video of Yunnan passed through thick dark grey clouds.

Autumn Blue had a nine-day nine-day shooting, nine-a-half garlic and nine-violet travel. Drama Fighter Farewell My Concubine in the Ditch Henan ... Sichuan earthquake in Jiuzhaigou 4.0; Last night recorded Jiuzhaigou earthquake, there are many nine, think of the 95th. The ditch leader Farewell My Concubine thought that Daxie County's character was in the water, and that character was like a water-like island... Japan's Fukushima Earthquake was 5.9.

Is it the subconscious organization that has accumulated the incident of Fu + Island + Earthquake + 5.9? Is it that the subconscious has been working smartly? Maybe the spontaneity of the things that are related to you is in the organization? There may also be this information to participate in the enrichment: Yesterday, adding a shot to regroup was No. 37, and 731 Japan, Malaysia Airlines 730.

Autumn Blue shot the financial center souvenir yesterday, guessing the castle. The answer posted on the financial center thought of the Shanghai Museum. Shooting eye necklace reported 10,11, think of two legs related shoes walking related. Broken glass shot to see the picture is blurred like a car, guess the car, wine. The arrow on the subway to shoot the arrow, the time is 1911 think of 911, the soldiers said that you have to guess to the bigger side, telephone poles, street lights, rockets. Later, when the autumn blue saw 11 people were injured, the crash of the car outside the Natural History Museum in London, England was a traffic accident.

Emerald shot in the shot glass image, shot in the financial center souvenirs think of the bird thought of the castle, shooting a mobile phone with a castle pattern, eating a roll of squid - British Museum of Natural History encyclopedia picture text emerald, bird, squid, snake stone pictures It's a lot like eating squid, style is the castle like a medieval cathedral. It is possible that this person is a drunk driver: There is a reference to the grape wine luminous cup. A few days ago there was a hot search in addition to lychees, egg yolks, and the addition of eating grapes also detected alcohol. In the morning, I saw the 911 video. The plane flew into the building's animation slow motion. I thought of the smoke lock pond willow on the joint Qianlong yesterday, the building hammered on the building, the smoke on the building floor, and the pond on the hammerhead. The above news said that driving into the middle of the two cars.

Ancient couples married into the conservatory to drink "cooked together" wine, that is, gourd, which means that the soul can fit the couple after a hundred years, so the ancients regard the gourd as a mascot for seeking good body protection, avoid evil spirits. This hulu wine is consistent with the love friendship previously mentioned, peanuts. Just shot the gourd, the background of the ground is a floor tile with a lot of plaids underneath the double circle, think of the 911 plane into the building. This shot missed 911, and the shooting was also linked to the accident at the British Museum of Nature, but the United States and Britain are not saying that it was a terrorist attack. It was a bit like the gourd case in the gourd temple of the Dream of Red Mansions.


Autumn blue see today's thrust ball bearings may be: in the morning to see the principle of the dynamic data ball rolling + the last time the bearing on what the doubt + the morning to see the furniture to push the folding video feels like a roller After connecting to the Internet video for the first time, at noon, when the computer did not find the charger, it saw a thrust ball bearing next to it.

At 20:07 on October 4th, a meteorite fell to the Diqing state in northwest Yunnan. I thought about 20 o'clock on the 4th - hot search Luhan 2 million, there are two men fall from the floor, search Luyi actually born 1990.4.20 days - today to see the Internet + course mentioned that China's access to the Internet is also 1994.4 .20 days!

Over the past two days, the word Eugene was thought of by Ouyang, and Li Bingshan had thought about it. When talking about tourism or talking, there is a picture of Bo Tizi. Think of the Tropical Botanical Garden: There is something like a person, a bamboo forest with a lot of lettering, and a linden tree. Yesterday, the film was shot and there was a deer in it. Some people said that the deer was a horse. Did the deer Lin Daiyu think of the grass horse as a deer? Where or what the map sees Yue. Then Qiu Lan saw the bamboo in Yuelu Academy engraved by tourists, including Japanese and Korean.

Listening to the Internet + course yesterday, it was mentioned that the middle class of the past management will gradually be eliminated. In the past, one person managed dozens of people. Now that technology has been added to the flat operation, hundreds of thousands of people can be managed directly on WeChat or QQ. So I thought of science and technology changing the world because if there was no new technology in the past, interest groups would control most other interests, and ordinary people would not get the corresponding benefits. If technological innovation is added, interest groups will use new technology because of it. Also beneficial, then slowly give up the previous stick to stereotypes, the whole world will take a big step forward. In front of hearing the time when China first accessed the Internet, it was a related video. It mentioned that the three Chinese Academy of Sciences at Tsinghua University in Tsinghua University are committed to accessing the Internet in the United States. Thinking of the co-sharing of the Internet from there, the fact that the Internet has covered China to such a large scale in the past 20 years has already caused tremendous changes in China. This is a very good example.

The shooting case was a 7.5-meter tape measure - Qiu Lan said, isn't that the paper clip? Qi - linear body. The Transformers of the three-dimensional book, two-dimensional boundaries. Today saw a soft tape measure. The number 75 of the MTR had been thought of before and it was related to the shooting, and it should go to another group of 75 people. To see the news this evening, the mayor of Hangzhou, taking the subway, thinks of this 57, 75. The original is a subway and a soft tape measure – the metal tape measure 7.5 ah? Maybe the spacecraft is a function that allows iron to float freely and protect iron? So that we can fly?

Yesterday I thought of a standard insurance for the Chinese School of English~ Then I used a soft ruler and a ruler for shopping. There are 45 questions and 45 shots. Today Dharma Hangzhou was established. Ishishi hot search is the landing of iron. Your name is to see Japan is a country formed by meteorite. Imagine searching for Su Dongpo's big data. Did the Dongpo meteorite fall into the sea and formed Japan? It is thought that Shangri-La may have fallen into the sea. The map is close to the South China Sea. It should have been seen before that the southern character is a grass sheep and it is thought that it may fall into the South China Sea. See the news that the United States Chafi was opened to the South China Sea.

Burst! An Air Astana 757 aircraft circling in the Xiamen area due to landing gear problems, currently flights hovering over Dehua County north of the Xiamen region. Autumn Blue thought that when he shot the paperclip, he thought of the spiral pattern. Metros 75 and 57 were viewed from the front and the back of the door. Today, there are snail shots on the road. The number should be 7392 outside a person (9 months, think of 731, will not be changed to 1 like it?). Covered with a pop-up book, like a paperclip track. Tianjin red women's paintings hit the door of the community in two laps - this hovering aircraft is kc1392, the road map is like a three-dimensional clip.

Ma Yun once again staged 4 songs, and Qiu Lan checked the last three songs. He found that when he wanted you, the album was actually very familiar and walked through the coffee shop. Check this song MV lyrics was written by Kas, published in 1989. A Mandarin album on October 15th. Kas, cars. Cars? See other video this lyric is the author name of another person ah?

Qiu Lan thinks of reasoning: due to the connotation of the simple words of the overwhelming people, and direct connection to the immediate point of the answer, this is the nearest road, just like the table tennis. The previous two days had been thinking about this issue, how to direct the nature of the item.

The girl used $13.2 million in lottery tickets, and Qiu Lan saw it very special. Analyzed: 1320, 214 Valentine's Day would like to see the meaning of the calendar, Dezhan Nalan's birthday. 412 Nicholas Tse songs. Lottery numbers 5, 8, 17, 18, 23, 4, and 12 are the ages of deananalan's reasoning analysis? At the age of 5, he went to Jiafu, and at the age of 8 years old, the 1668 Rucheng earthquake. 17-year-old Summer Palace Bridge Hole 17. 18 years old was born in 1678. The 23-year-old 1638+23--1661 Shunji abdicated, 1638-1660=22 years old, and Nalan died 1655+23-1688. 6601551*2=13203102, the overlap of two 1320 numbers.

Yesterday, Lin Zhiying thought of the connection between the songs of the 88-90s. The Haidong earthquake in Qinghai thought of Su Dongpo, the East China Sea, and the eastern sea. The 13.2 million lottery prize mentions 17 bridges in the Summer Palace Bridge. It is thought that there are bridges and golden sun photos. Today, it is strange to find out how Wen Wenwei sang Xie Xiaodong's son. It was a house of love that was covered in the English East 17 and the first shot of the MV actually was the association that had just been led by the dog who had shot the Yan Yan guess. There is also a sign of the law inside.

When Malaysia Airlines flew from London to Kuala Lumpur on MH3 and landed at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, it found that the front wheel had lost one tire and the other tire on the plane had been deformed. Autumn Blue recalls: Check Hot Search has a world ranking, Michelin tires actually third, think of its name is very special. A hot search from the Australian plane accident in Bali, thought of the news that Bali had seen the disappearance. Shooting guess (this thing) is deformed. Tire + disappear + deformation.

Humans first discovered gravitational waves! Do not tell you that gravitational wave events were initiated by Einstein in "General Relativity," and that it is the spittoon of time and space itself that spreads at the speed of light.

Qiu Lan saw 19 large inventory hot search projects last night. Karen Mok ~ Xie Xiaodong ~east17~ Seeing who is the third party film found Li Kechun's passionate movie story, it feels like it is a story through time and space. So, if you ask shots, can you see your past time and space? ~ Feeling meditation through time and space speed of light, wrapped in a lot of relevant personnel time and space came to the past to perform the same reality. The large mass sphere in front of it will come to the membrane, and it will produce time and space, passing through the effect of space and time, and this massive sphere will be produced by the meditation black hole. Therefore, the principle of the law of one is accurate, and it is the meditation through the future. Time and space to the present time and space prediction. Yesterday I thought about the origin of this law when I fell in love with movies. Therefore, meditation is a black hole. This is the source of truth. It is not that the light emitted by the collision of neutron stars is the source, because the neutron stars are formed by meditation. Avenue is invisible and can only be observed indirectly. Material light energy can be observed directly. The greater the quality of your meditation black hole, the greater the influence of the space-time quests involved in space-time character events, and the greater the degree of change in the historical process, the greater the scope of the self-running character events surrounding the meditation black hole. Wide, as the moon turns around the sun, the galaxy turns around the galaxy of larger masses...

In front of the Malaysian Airlines lost tires, thought about whether the tires went to Bali in the meditation location? If the tires can be lost, then it can be confirmed that the meditation also makes Malaysia Airlines 370 disappear? Did the Malaysia Airlines 370 cross the time and space to the space-time location of the meditation black hole? Where is it? Is it Antarctica penguin? Because I have seen the presentation of the conference's manuscript, the Purple Mountain Observatory and the Antarctic expedition (singing the national anthem), and I have thought about QQ.

The quality of meditation black holes and material black holes is different, the former is the wave consciousness is the quality of light, and the latter is the granular material is the quality of Shen Cai. Correspond to the previous picture of birth and death. Humans first discovered the gravitational waves that twin neutron stars collided with! This video says that the black hole has a larger mass than the neutron star. It is not as if it was misunderstood in the past. The black hole merged to reach 1.3 billion light years. The merger has no gas. Only gravitational waves can be detected. The neutron star is 130 million light years, and light energy can be detected. Looking at our eternal video of self-confidence truth, I was impressed by the fact that the Chinese project did not know about 14 X-ray vision.

In 1989, the theme song for the annual reform theme "Love" sang the theme song "I don't know the wind". Qiulan searched Xie Xiaodong's data and found that this film was in love. Why did the film's name in this year's movie is an annual reform blockbuster? Do not think, take a look at the curious point of the open link, found that the heroine acted in the movie who watched the third party, and also looked like the foreign girl did the same as the title, think Li Kechun seems to have some kind of involvement, After checking out the infatuation movie, the keyword has a feeling of meditation and collapse. Like many events of time and space (such as house of love video music, celebrity oil painting, and Mozi), Xie Xiaodong also sang 16-year-old. Seasonal theme song.

Shot with red dragon fruit ~ There are hair with skin to eat red dragon fruit ~ Shooting Christmas blowing dragon blowing roll, some people have made vampire fangs picture guess ~ eat buy red dragon fruit, found into a vampire mouth ~ Daddy Where Jasper eats red dragon fruit is also so mouthful.

Autumn Blue bought a fishing rod-style parrot video toy at noon yesterday. Look at the eagle nose and foreigner's nose image, and the parrot's hook nose. Is this kind of gene being produced by this meditation? What characteristics would they be? Then you have to know what the meditation keyword combination is ... ... think of Lin Xiyu teach parrots to bury flowers, parrots can learn the poems of Daiyu. The people who are meditation are all working around the meditation mind, as they are around the sun... What does Britain learn from China? They are like eagles hooked nose, should have a sharp vision and highland overlooking capacity ... Later autumn blue sky to see the British orange sky like the California sky after the number of fire after the sky News: London is orange sky, red Sun local residents: This scene makes me fear the nature.

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