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Forty-fifth days Abstract black hole 第四十五天 抽象的黑洞

Updated: Mar 19, 2018

谷歌和NASA强强联手,发现了另一个“太阳系”:确认了 Kepler 90 星系第八颗行星 Kepler 90i 的存在,这表明,太阳系不是拥有众多行星的唯一记录保持者,这是人类发现的首个和太阳系一样的具有 8 颗行星的星系。 ​余光中 90岁1214日。秋蓝昨天分析想到余光中,意思是在最强的涅槃光中之外围绕旋转,那个光想到了,昨天没想起来具体以前想过的是什么光了,今天写出来想到涅槃。而听的英文一直都是佛教宝地与太阳之谜。难道余光中变成了大舍利子?开普勒90?!刚才看到微博余光中说过的话和我说过的一模一样:余光中生前说过“不要把诺贝尔文学奖看作世界文学奖,把它当做西方文学奖就比较好一些,因为它主要就是给西方语系的。”他认为华人作家遍布世界各地…… ​​​这个余光中说的不是我说过的曾经的观点吗?岗次吉普赛人,余光中像,上午看到普京也像以前查的吉普赛人长相描述。第一直觉是余光中变成星星了,不过前两天看到徐的图片舍利子很漂亮,有水晶球样的,大部分都是石头样子,摆在一起也很像星球的,这个想法加上太阳加上余光中名字——第二个太阳系。

难道人是精神~物质~精神这样的循环体吗?今天学英文有make,有说不是是god make人,是human beings made god!想了人的思想禅思创造物质。后面说对流星许愿,而西方人说制造愿望make a wish,想到昨晚看到单词headhunt是物色人才,over the moon极为高兴,配一个牛趴在月亮上,觉得英文把该单词的关键信息表示出来了,就如同那篇文章说外国人深度不全面,而中国人全面可化繁为简。但他们的深度接近实质也不容小觑,容易抓住局部要点,可能会忽略万物联系的连接点。弥散开再深度再弥散开,如此修行方能前进大方,而不是原地兜圈子无谓的锦上添花。也许,人和天上的星星分别对应这样的话是有可取之处了?如果星星与你量子纠缠上了,那么你的力量就联通宇宙了吗?首先你的思想得能到达那里,以光速,而不是100米/秒。否则只能别人的卫星在左右你的思绪,此生不能自由做主。make up my mind决定,如果别人的光速卫星up your mind,那么你的make从何而来呢?

widow、 window。《绝句》作者:杜甫


窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。 ​​​


莺歌岭是新石器时期古人类生活居地的一处遗址。东北古民族选择了这片土地繁衍生息。海音山,林木蓄积量相当可观。皮克山,昔年,无皮克山之名(大地测量时命名),与神顶山混称臭松顶子,是进山“采参刨夫”寻宝之地。完达山(狭义),亦称“王达岭”。完达,满语为“梯”之意。完达山名称之由起,盖因穆棱市与林口县间有山及村名完达(满语,意为梯子),随之呼为完达山。——如果英语有联系查了wander是漫游,走神,wonder是想知道,疑惑,奇迹之义。佛教宝地也是seven wonders。wonderful惊人的奇妙的。

秋蓝上午想了前两天写的乾noble坤humble,想到了医患关系那个帖子,乾坤互动关系。昨天研究完达山后金四大家族,四级英文医患关系师生家长孩子关系,余光中给未来的你,余光中开普勒90数了数第四个星星,黄河长江守夜人视频想到发源源头与诗词描写,黄泰山,佛教宝地里的草药,观沧海如何翻译 ,居里夫人小区名言照片。观沧海英文翻译想过俯瞰那样视野高范围广才行,沧海是什么海,苍天之of海吗?四级考试黄山泰山有俯瞰云海。mountain tai刚才想到印象深的mountain top,查了是黄龄唱的嗨歌2007年的!还和乔任梁长寿路是好朋友。皮肤病看到口袋小子里面有满身红点斑。



秋蓝感叹后想知道内容,看到影评也熟悉:整个影片最让我触动的大概就是,刘峰看到林丁丁发胖的照片,眼神里饱含的深情了。 ​看芳华的时候,最不解的地方是林丁丁在被活雷锋刘峰表白后,污蔑刘峰猥亵她这件事。虽然严歌苓也通过穗子的旁白解释了一回。她说那是活雷锋竟然也会有情欲,纯洁高尚的形象在丁丁心里塌陷后产生的阴郁。我们不爱这个人,甚至厌恶这个人对自己的爱,但,这样的情绪会让我们去加害他吗?一个疑问。 ​碧珊文章:用脚勾门端菜出来,卫生巾kick出来如内裤,暧昧摄影门当户对,丁丁历险记,背扣…… ​​​



秋蓝刚刚看了李易峰说的科比81秒不知道是什么,打开这个81分钟。9*9,,9大行星九天九星连珠投胎,第二个太阳系第四个星星余光中被收割了。四个婴儿投胎81分钟9²。首尔souel精神头脑make 卍↹up my mind。梨花木洞黄河长江龙头围成子宫:韩国首尔医院4名新生儿81分钟内接连死亡-首尔梨大木洞医院接受治疗的4名新生儿相继死亡,当时孩子们腹部鼓起,有呼吸困难的症状。



Carbon Monoxide Poisoning as a New Method of Suicide in Hong Kong,^Life is precious^港人烧炭自杀世界称冠^〈英国医学杂志:港传媒引发全球烧炭潮〉,载香港《明报》,2003年3月4日。1998年11月在香港发生的一宗中年妇女自杀事件,相信是世上第一宗烧炭自杀案。案中死者用这种方法在睡房内自杀。由于这种方法在1993年出版的《完全自杀手册》内并未有提及,因此相信是该名妇女依据其化学工程的知识而自创。秋蓝想到太阳之谜里说有人猜测太阳是煤炭组成的,很奇怪BBC这么专业的媒体会有专家这么猜测。




昨天英文书有fell,drop,dump,有跌落水里,脱轨,猝死,卡车上掉人以及drop off有从汽车上掉下来的漫画。fall apart瓦解,体制崩溃,关系破裂。看美国火车出轨新闻前,秋蓝刚刚看到谷歌发的文章,扫描到有Google train很奇怪,没有仔细看文章内容,心想新太阳系怎么会有火车呢?原来train,n.火车; 行列; 一系列相关的事情; 拖裾;v.训练; 培养; 教育; 修整。The discovery of Kepler-90i, came after NASA let Google train its machine learning algorithms on 15,000 signals from potential planets in the Kepler database. The scientists then took the trained system and set it to work on data from 670 stars that were already known to have multiple planets, as they considered those to be the most likely hiding places.

列车为美铁瀑布线(Cascades trains),18日是美铁瀑布线高速列车开通新路线的第一天,增加了两趟西雅图和波特兰之间的往返旅程。据悉,该干线为总投资造价8亿美元的工程。其中一列车厢从桥上坠下,桥下为州际5号公路。秋蓝看过waterfall瀑布,train,5号,byrant.科比Kobe神户。







Sally莎莉,希伯来 公主。n.(军队等的)突击;突围,(常指无目的地的)漫游,(感情、爱好等的)迸发,奔放,俏皮话;妙语。今天看一的法则ra,想到很熟悉。现在看到sara想起来与轮回samsara联系很近。昨晚也聊到轮回,循环问题。“Sarah”是来自圣经里的名字,在《旧约》的“起源”中提及她。上帝来到他们身边,告诉他们他们将成为以色列乐土(Promised Land)的创造者。将被人们认作“Sarah”(莎拉)和“Abraham”(亚伯拉罕)。“Sarah”字面上的意思是“万物之公主”。El是闪语(Semitic)中表示最高神的一般性名称。

* First published by The Writer’s Coffee Shop, 2011

* Copyright ? E L James, 2011

* The right of E L James to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000 前阵子看包法利夫人与巴黎圣母院,还有许多英美女作家写的书与某种禅思有极大的联系。~看耶路撒冷查犹太教有El觉得很特别。~前两天想灰字,想到五十度灰也应该是如此。搜索此书来源发现此作者名字叫El,其实作者以雪后冰龙在网络上参加名著续书竞赛写的,很像以前发现的几个网站的书与禅思片段有深深的联系。~看一的法则英文版,目录许多fragment,有的版本用session,学fragment单词印象深刻。



From solar minimum where there can be no spots at all


on the sun for weeks or months at a time,


to at maximum where you can have a hundred spots visible


on the surface of the sun,and then they decline again,


usually over about six years or so,to, back to minimum.




珠穆朗玛峰(珠峰)是喜马拉雅山脉的主峰,是世界最高峰。藏语中“珠穆”是女神的意思,“朗玛”是第三的意思。因为在珠穆朗玛峰的附近还有四座山峰,珠峰位居第三,所以称为珠穆朗玛峰。藏语“job-mo glang-ma rib”(珠穆朗玛)就是“大地之母”的意思。藏语Jo-mo“珠穆”是女神的之意。西方普遍称这山峰作额菲尔士峰或艾佛勒斯峰(Mount Everest。尼泊尔语名是萨迦玛塔(Sagarmatha),意思是“天空之女神”。





泰勒一生只致力于《巴巴爸爸》的创作,米勒一辈子创作《鼹鼠的故事》,贝约一辈子创作《蓝精灵》。秋蓝看到巴巴爸爸是美国法国夫妻创造,英国专家好评,德国拍电视,于美国中国1981.1988年播放,奇怪的圈圈。阿里巴巴,18个大盗与阿里巴巴, 粉色上海、黑道真理。

抗流感明星药“达菲”曝副作用强烈或致人死亡。5 7、10OCH.日本。瑞士。中国sars.发烧流感 ​​​。如果能够发现一种药物抑制住神经氨酸酶的活性,病毒没法去感染新的细胞,也就抑制住了病毒的繁殖。1983年,澳大利亚分子生物学家破解了神经氨酸酶分子的立体结构,发现它是由4个一模一样的部分组成的,形状就像一个“田”字,正中央是个窟窿,那就是和唾液酸结合、将它水解的地方。

深圳地铁11号线列车从机场行驶至碧海站时,一人被碾压身亡。碧海湾-福田区段、碧头-机场区段维持正常运营。机场-碧海湾启动公交接驳。 ​​​






SpaceX发射火箭 不明真相的网友:是UFO!是导弹?19日想过五十度飞,鱼儿飞向月亮……又看到完整的视频一开始就像个大刀在生成,然后刀变成了鲸鱼。







上面除了对新禅学,也有对泛易哲学,一的法则的终极真相的质疑。我一直在追问这个上帝的答案,是对我经验到的谜团的追问,也同时是对他们真相阐述的追问。而他们的本质似乎都是易经,无极太极道涅槃,我的这个质疑有对宿命论的最高阶层的涅槃/道的死系统的怀疑,对时空穿梭问题的重点关注,关键是这点不同。认为泛易哲学的最高点中人,道,涅槃,新禅学的波粒看宇宙,都是目前为止所能领会到的道,而此道绝不仅仅就是本来如此,这些道都是目前存在being的规律特性,你遵循则吉否则凶 ,而对于跨越时空的那个X则不能算是宇宙法则,那只是目前存在事物的子系统。








太阳之谜turn out不知道意思查有结果意思,18分钟Ted有cube,昨天看到单词似面条noodle。刚才听英文写作有turn out,何以笙箫默,cubing,looping.


妙儿告诉我她看见一个小猫咪,身上黑色,肚子脚白色,脸上面是黑色下面是白色。我怀疑问,真的吗,脸上两个颜色,不成两个脸了吗?不相信。她说其实我也没看清脸什么颜色。这之前想念过自己发现的那只奇特的猫咪,脸上眼睛边毛色一个黑一个白的。南非诞生一只双脸小猫,两张嘴两个鼻子三只眼,这只名叫贝蒂•比(Betty Bee)的小猫拥有两张脸、三只眼、两个鼻和两张嘴。



秋蓝说道:转换是否通过虫洞?天国的门是窄的?任何人都是虫洞的寄存体也许,任何中子?电子不是可以在任何时空上吗?在你不看它时,波函数叠加态时。你要是涅槃存在于那一叠加态中,你就是虫洞的building block。那些异常事件的参与者是波函数塌缩的黑洞,而涅槃叠加态是白洞,它们之间的转换通过对称中间的虫洞。这个虫洞的聚集地意识和物质是均衡的。白洞很弥散而轻,黑洞很聚焦而重。黄金就是中子星大爆炸产生的新物质。黄金的化学符号为Au,金融上的英文代码是XAU或者是GOLD。Au的名称来自一个罗马神话中的黎明女神欧若拉(Aurora )的一个故事,意为闪耀的黎明。

当金被熔化时发出的蒸汽是绿色的;冶炼过程中它的金粉通常是啡色; 若将它铸成薄薄的一片,它更可以传送绿色的光线。黄金gold god dog ,和推背图红楼梦,上帝有关。黄金应该和林黛玉贾宝玉有关,极有可能是他们俩形成的。纳兰黄旗,金人满族肃慎封肃,抢婚金姓女子,金圣叹。



基督教也是2000年前,基督教和佛教什么关系?儒教和伊斯兰教什么关系?耶稣被钉十字架,鲁滨逊作者1668年28岁,荒岛求生英国,纳兰1688年去世取西经?耶稣耳朵旁艹稣,佛陀小王子西域行?贾宝玉被打耶稣受难?莎士比亚,摇晃的梨树,一树梨花压海棠,中国话与外国人。莎士比亚与苏轼极其有关,可能是禅思苏轼才有的莎士比亚let it be。肺炎,和红楼梦的嫉妒基督疗汤什么关系?究竟红楼梦中林黛玉是肺炎吗?

sunu 古英语sun 。像蘇奴,或书奴,笔尖乾坤。太阳也是笔尖乾坤,行星什么的都是。書、蘇、日雪、艹鱼禾苗绛珠仙草、拆字,金钗,∫像撅起嘴巴放个手指的不让说话的嘘轼清辅音声,对应的浊辅音就是撅起嘴巴发出声音的日音。以前发音总是没有撅起嘴巴,看到发音嘴型看到了很早的错误,这就是中式发音的音似形不似。而th发音的两个清辅音浊辅音都是要把厚厚的舌头轻咬在双唇间后才能发音准确,而以前都是没有咬舌头。这夸张的口唇形总让我想起史湘云的爱二哥哥来。看到古英语从希腊传来,希腊臘林黛玉蜡炬成灰泪始干王熙凤。这些都是我在找英语从中国禅思而起源的证据。ch的发音和j,ʒ的对应发音也是撅起嘴巴,而不是拉下巴发音。


我们拼音的发音r 是张开两片嘴唇的,而英文发音r是撅起嘴唇的,联系上面两组发音,原来英文的都是爱二哥哥的嘟嘟嘴啊!红楼梦中贾宝玉去哪里外面碰见几个丫鬟都嘟嘟嘴,问宝玉还要不要吃胭脂,嘴唇的胭脂不就是问亲亲嘴吗?贾宝玉去上课后,林黛玉也问过宝玉这样的话。

莎士比亚摇晃梨树叶子,琦玉艹加4.5 1688 1655 1654。日本千叶4.5级地震1227日,地震了。摇曳着。日本的东京附近在地震中摇晃着。​ ​​​




Forty-fifth days Abstract black hole

Google and NASA teamed up and found another “solar system”: the existence of Kepler 90i, the eighth planet of the Kepler 90 galaxy, was confirmed. This shows that the solar system is not the only record holder with many planets. This is the first human discovery. The same galaxy with 8 planets as the solar system. Yu Guangzhong is 90 years old and 1214. Autumn Blue yesterday analyzed Yu Guangzhong's thoughts, meaning that it was rotated around in the strongest nirvana light. That light came to mind. Yesterday I didn't think of what light I had thought of before. I wrote it today to think of Nirvana. Listening to English has always been the mystery of Buddhism treasures and the sun. Is Yu Guangzhong a big relic? Kepler 90? ! Just now I saw the words spoken by Weibo Yuguang in exactly the same way as I said: Yu Guangzhong said before his death: “Don’t regard the Nobel Prize for Literature as a World Literature Prize, and it would be better to regard it as a Western Literature Prize because it is mainly for the West. Of language." He thinks that Chinese writers are all over the world... Is this what I said in the rest of the world not what I once said? The post Gypsies, Yu Guangzhong, like in the morning, saw Putin describe the looks of the Gypsies as before. The first is that Yu Guangzhong has become a star, but the picture of Xu who saw Xu in the previous two days is very beautiful. There are crystal balls. Most of them are like a stone. They are placed together like a star. This idea is added. Sun plus Yu Guangzhong's name - the second solar system.

Is it a body of spirit-material-spirituality? Learn English today has make, some people say is not god make people, is human beings made god! think of people's meditation to create material. Later said that the meteors wish, and Westerners say that the desire to make a wish, think of the word headhunt last night is to find talent, over the moon is very happy, with a calf on the moon, think English to the key information of the word Come out, just as the article said that the depth of foreigners is not comprehensive, and the Chinese people can be comprehensive and simple. However, their depth is close to the essence and cannot be underestimated. It is easy to grasp local points and may ignore the connection points of all things. Divide and then deepen the dispersion, so that practice can only advance generously, rather than idling in the same place. Maybe there are merits for people and the stars in the sky. If the stars are entangled with your quanta, will your power be connected to the universe? First your thoughts can get there, at the speed of light, not 100 meters/second. Otherwise, only other people's satellites will influence your thoughts. You cannot be free in this life. Make up my mind decided that if your speed of light satellite up your mind, then your make come from?

Widow, window. "Quatrains" Author: Du Fu

Two yellow cicadas Cui Liu, a line of egrets on the blue sky.

The window contains Chiling Snow, and the door moors in Wanli Wanli.

In the first year of Yongle of the Ming Dynasty (1403), Emperor Zhu of the Ming Dynasty sent people to Heilongjiang and Ussuri Rivers to appeal to the Jurchens. Jurchen, originally known as "Zhu Lizhen", is known in Manchu as Zhu Shen and Zhu Shen. In the middle and late Ming dynasty, the Central Plains called it 鞑靼, 鞑虏, and 虏. The army was called 虏. On the 13th of the year after Qin Tiancong (1635), Huang Taiji issued an order to rename the ethnic group to Manchuria. Since then, the name of Manchuria has officially emerged. Some people in Putin's video misunderstood saying that Bye Bye is a proverbial language. It seems that reasoning about the people of Red Mansions derived from English is supported by some reasonable evidence.

Yinggeling is a site of ancient human life in the Neolithic period. The ancient peoples of Northeast China chose this piece of land to flourish. Haiyinshan, the volume of forest reserves is considerable. Mount Pique, in the past year, the name of No Pike Mountain (named after geodetic survey), mixed with Jingdingshan and named Zhuangsongzi, is the place where Jinshan’s “Paleontology” can be found. Wandashan (narrow sense), also known as "Wang Daling." Wanda, Manchu is "ladder". From the name of Wandashan, there were mountains and village names between the Geyin Muling City and Linkou County (Manchu, meaning ladders), and they called Wandashan. - If English has contact wander is roaming, go god, wonder is to know, doubts, miracles. Buddhist wonders are also seven wonders. Wonderful amazing wonderful.

Autumn blue morning thought of writing dry noble kun humble two days ago, thought of the doctor-patient relationship that post, interaction between heaven and earth. Yesterday after researching Dashan’s four golden families, the four-level English doctor-patient relationship teacher-student parent-child relationship, Yu Guangzhong gave you the future, Yu Guangzhong Kepler counted the fourth star, and the Yellow River Changjiang Watchman thought about the origin of the source. With poetry description, Huang Taishan, herbal medicine in Buddhist treasureland, how to translate Guanhai Sea, photos of Madame Curie's community. Guanlanhai translation of English thought of overlooking a wide range of high vision, so what is the sea, the sea of ​​heaven? Grade 4 Taishan Huangshan overlooks the sea of ​​clouds. Mountain tai just thought of the impressive mountain top and checked the yellow singer's Yangge in 2007! And Joe Ren Liang Changshou Road is a good friend. Skin disease sees a red spot on the pocket kid.

The four-level mountain view of the Bohai Sea is said to be nonsense. It has been said that the shape of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River has been used to describe a few characters. To see the map, two rivers have been drawn into two dragons, and the source has originated from Qinghai. The two rivers resemble a palace and a cross. See Yixing Zisha apologize to the running insects to come back. -- Tucao 46: The six levels of translation are Qinghai Lake, Dongting Lake and Taihu Lake.

See Fang Hua search, Qiu Lan said, why do you feel familiar ... ... those young and beautiful swimsuits such as Mao Zedong's daughter Li Na Li Min, Lei Feng Liu Feng like Li Yuli said that Lei Feng should be him, Vietnam Haiqing, the Korean War Shangganling, cultural and arts groups Jiang Qing cultural model opera, ballet swan dance disc seen in youth youth MacArthur is not admiring red lips but a deep spring of deep will of the will of life, why would such a movie be formed? Do not know the specific content. Veterans.

Autumn blue sighed after wanting to know the content, see the film critics are also familiar with: the whole film is probably the most touched by me, Liu Feng Lin Tin Ding saw fat photos, eyes full of affectionate. When I saw Fanghua, the most puzzling place was Lin Dingding's confession of Liu Feng after she was confessed by Liu Feng. Although Yan Geling also explained it through the narration of the ear. She said that it was that Huolei Feng actually had lust, and the image of purity and loftyness produced after Tintin's heart collapsed. We do not love this person, or even dislike this person's love for him. But does this emotion make us hurt him? A question. Bi Shan article: Go out the door and pick out the vegetables, the sanitary napkin kicks out like a pair of underpants, and the photographic door is right. Tintin’s adventures, back buttons...

Yes, good quality goes to a person and it is like Jiabao Yu. The other women are countless. Is it a routine like the Lady Notre Dame de Bovary? Breaststroke? Fanghua's swimming picture. It is understood that Yan Geling was the first draft of Fanghua completed in April last year. However, he did not call this name but called “You Touch Me”. Yan Geling said that this is because the novel is based on the fact that the male soldier Liu Feng was born in response to the "touch event" being handled.

The commissar said: Goodbye, dear comrades, cheers! Qiu Lan thought of the poem Mao Zedong had thought of Zhou En from the previous days, because he thought of the succession of the English translation successor. What is the cause of his struggle? Also think where they are now? No trace can be found anymore, but there is still a sense of being, but I can't hear it but I can't hear it, but where does their spirit exist? Is there contact with us now? Where is the older person now? For example, in the Dream of a Dream of Red Mansions, lifelike and pleasant people, where do they live?

Autumn Blue just watched Li Yifeng say Bryant 81 seconds do not know what to open this 81 minutes. The 9*9, 9 planets relied on nine days and nine stars, and the fourth solar system in the second solar system was reaped. Four babies reincarnation 81 minutes 92. Seoul souel mental mind make 卍↹ up my mind. Ewha Mudong Yellow River Yangtze River leading to uterus: 4 babies in South Korea's Seoul Hospital died within 81 minutes - 4 newborn babies treated at the Ida-Mita-dong Hospital in Seoul died. The children bulged on their stomachs and had symptoms of dyspnea. .

The Republic of Korea (Korean: 대한민국), referred to as Korea, is also known as South Korea or South Korea. Autumn Blue saw that the Republic of Korea thought of this as a Kuomintang-like name. It was originally what Republic of China was in Taiwan. Seeing in the afternoon should be microblogging Jiangge commentary says that Norway killed 77 people and checked the murderer to learn Korean and Japanese simplification and cannot be diversified. Han is one of the four little dragons in Asia. Yangtze River Yellow Dragon Map.

Shinee is you? SM.8.4. Admiralty, the Qing Dynasty men's hat Admiralty, the head resembles a bell. Nanping was late in the evening and late, and the meaning of the death knell did not make sense for the sound of a half-night bell to the passenger ship. Who is the source of the sewer ghosts? The mystery of the sun's mystery exploded, and the power of the sun's anger was thought to make everything on the edge vanish. Later, Qiu Lan saw the SM company's SHINee, Admiralty, confirmed death, suspected of committing suicide by burning charcoal. It was found that Kim Jong-soo’s apartment was not the home of Kim Jong-hee, but he had just rented it at noon today.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning as a New Method of Suicide in Hong Kong, ^Life is precious^ Hong Kong People's Charcoal Suicide World Champion ^ (British Medical Journal: Hong Kong Media Triggers Global Charcoal Tide), in Hong Kong, "Ming Pao", 2003 3 On the 4th of the month. A middle-aged woman suicide in Hong Kong in November 1998 was believed to be the world’s first charcoal suicide case. The deceased used this method to commit suicide in his bedroom. Since this method was not mentioned in the Complete Suicide Manual published in 1993, it is believed that the woman created her own knowledge based on her chemical engineering. Autumn Blue thinks of the sun's mystery that there is speculation that the sun is made of coal, and it's strange that experts in the BBC's professional media would guess so.

If the sun allows plants to feed animals, it is not a matter of inspiration, smart insprition, like the breath of birth, like the most basic element of hydrogen. Without this basic ethos, people will disappear and disappear, just as if the plants left the sun's life unsustainable. The key to this kind of thinking is like flowing water. It is not a run. In English, not only people run is run, the machine is running, and water flows. As long as it is non-stop, it is run. People breathe in a breath, too. Uninterrupted thoughts endow themselves with such a life that they can continue without thinking, that is, the inspiration people can receive is just like a dead corpse. The body is nothing more than a carrier of gas. Inanimate breath is nothing more than a meat mass.

Runman, South Korea and China have this program. Qin Qingqin Qin Keqing, Da Riru Ruyi Temple Yellow River Yangtze River, black and white impermanence, dinosaur coal sun air dragon air space Longkong caves ... ... morning view of the killing of 77 people in Norway, but also happened to see the Swedish beauty champion is pressured by big stones Half-naked, a local and foreign man from Tsinghua University jumped from the palace. Then see these two Korean hot search in the afternoon.

Yesterday I thought of quail egg. The mystery of the sun, thinking of Mao Zedong's surely had a lot of quaint eggs at that time, specifically destroying his majestic plans. Is there anything wrong with these issues? Numbers contained in 7420.7423 have thought. Seattle, DuPont formula DuPont chemistry, see who is learning chemistry think of South. The various religions of the Middle East and the Mediterranean Jerusalem. Today, Qiu Lan saw the derailment of 501th train of Amtrak, Washington, USA. The train had 78 passengers and 5 crew members. After leaving Seattle at 6 o'clock local time, it derailed near DuPont around 7:40. A railway bridge hits several cars and the train “may have hit something on the track” before it derails.

Yesterday the English book had fell, drop, dump, falling into the water, derailed, drowned, the truck dropped off, and the drop off had cartoons that fell from the car. The fall fell apart, the system collapsed, and the relationship broke down. Before seeing the American train derailment news, Qiu Lan just saw an article made by Google. It was very strange to scan the Google train and did not read the article carefully. I wondered how the new solar system would have a train. The original train, n. train; ranks; a series of related matters; procrastination; v. training; training; education; The discovery of Kepler-90i, came after NASA let Google train its machine learning algorithms on 15,000 signals from potential planets in the Kepler database. The scientists then took the trained system and set it to work on data from 670 stars that were already Known to have multiple planets, as they considered those to be the most visible hanging places.

The train is the Cascades trains. On the 18th, the first day of the opening of the new route for the Amtrak high-speed train, two round trips between Seattle and Portland were added. It is reported that the trunk line is a project with a total investment of 800 million U.S. dollars. One of the trains fell from the bridge and the Interstate 5 road under the bridge. Autumn blue seen waterfall falls, train, number 5, byrant. Kobe Kobe Kobe.

Tesla CEO Musk looks back on his hard work and has been choked on several occasions. Autumn Blue has seen TED interviews with Mars Venus and has opened up a vast universe. Have thought of the majestic plan of Mao Zedong or someone obstruct. Korean singers are very hard. Think of American entrepreneurs. rocket.

A few days ago I watched the Jerusalem documentary and saw a Muslim dome at the top of a stone wall. In the afternoon, it was a beautifully painted painting. There was actually a man sitting on a high table. She had a portrait of a building like Notre Dame, and no place changed. This roller coaster mouse looks like. Later I saw Emeishan think of this golden dome. There were strange snow characters in the Heart Sutra auction, and there were two Chinese characters in the snow. It was only thought that there was rain and snow was produced. Jerusalem and Chinese religions are inextricably linked. The Mount Emei gold dome is almost the same form as the golden dome of Jerusalem! There is no delusion.

The Emeishan Jinding was built in the Tang Dynasty and the roof was covered by Siwa. In the Yuan Dynasty it was also known as the "silver top." On the side of the temple there are lying clouds, in the golden dome can watch the four wonders of Emei - sunrise, sea of ​​clouds, Buddha light, holy lamp. Jinding is adjacent to the top of the thousand Buddhas and the top of the Ten Thousand Buddhas. There are also buildings on the top of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, and there are sightseeing ropeways connecting the Golden Summit and the Temple of Heaven. The correspondence between Islam and Buddhism should be good. This is a clear proof.

Has there been war in the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in China? How do you want to cause war when you go to a foreign country and split into various countries? It may be related to the change of China. Some of the dynasty's main channels, some believers, now believe in Confucianism...

A ferry boat carrying 251 people from the province of Quezon in the Philippines to the island of Polym, overturned in the waters near the Philippines. Luhan's Christmas wishes, Qiu Lan thought of shooting the small box for 1225 numbers. The map of the Yellow River and Yangtze River thinks of where the Yangtze River flows into Shanghai and where the Yellow River flows. Do not know and did not check. The previous two days mentioned that it was quite scary to see the ghost story in the Yellow River posts in the previous night. The next day saw the Southeast Asia where the ship turned.垦利东营. I also thought about the shape of the uterus formed by the map of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. When you see the hot spicy picture, you think of Debusi's hot girl, but also think of the Philippines?

Yesterday saw the fire on the second floor rescued three people. Today Zhejiang 1802 fire hot search court, too high and three are not survived. Finding a new concept book in the morning found that the English name Sally Sally had previously appeared in English and thought of Saatchi when she was surprised. Seeing that L.G.alexander is thinking of Korean mobile phones, the source of British and American languages. Longman translates into Longman, a long-term man. Yesterday I wanted to gray and found that the following was a fire. I thought of the Jin Shengshou grass snake gray line Python snake fire line. An 8-story sports center building at Shimo-dong, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea, burst into flames. 28 people were killed and 26 were injured. At the time of the incident, the deceased were trapped in the saunas on the second and third floors.

Sally Sally, Hebrew Princess. n.(Army and other) assault; breakout, (often refers to the destination) roaming, (emotions, hobbies, etc.) bursts, unrestrained, witty; witty. Today's rule of thumb, ra, is very familiar. Now see sara think of it very close to samsara. Last night also talked about reincarnation, circulation problems. "Sarah" is a name from the Bible. She was mentioned in "Origin" of the Old Testament. God came to them and told them that they would become creators of the Promised Land. It will be recognized as "Sarah" and "Abraham" (Abraham). "Sarah" literally means "Princess of All Things." El is the general name of the highest deity in Semitic.

* First published by The Writer’s Coffee Shop, 2011

* Copyright ? E L James, 2011

* The right of EL James to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000. A while ago, Madame Bovary and Notre Dame de Paris, there were many British beauty writers. The book has a great connection with some kind of meditation. ~ El Sees Judaism in Jerusalem and feels very special. The first two days I want to gray words, think of fifty degrees of gray should also be the case. Search this book source found that this author's name is El, in fact, the author of the Ice Dragon after the snow on the network to participate in the masterpiece continued sprint competition written, much like the previous found a few sites of the book and the meditation fragment has a deep connection. ~ Look at the rules of the English version, catalog many fragments, some versions using session, learning fragment word is impressive.

The memories of scattered galaxy, I am not Pan Jinlian, Madame Bovary, Notre Dame de Paris, Fanghua, Sanshi III ten miles of peach blossoms, spend thousands of bones, splendid is not the central, rumors ... ... many of them have meditation shadow. Perhaps there is not much to see in the list of people who do not even know about it. Now the foreign fifty-fifty ash is also an internet novel...

The trend of the adaptation of online novels to film and television dramas began in 2010 and rose in 2011 and 2012. The trend is booming in 2013 and 2014. By 2015, the entire film and television industry will almost certainly be called “IP,” and domestic original network novels will become this “ One of the important sources of IP". From the second half of 2014 to the present, the rush to buy online novels has been intensified. The network novel was adapted from the movie and television dramas. Since 2008, it has become popular in 2011.

From solar minimum where there can be no spots at all

From weeks or months in a row

On the sun for weeks or months at a time,

Solar activity with no sunspots

To at maximum where you can have a hundred seen visible

The solar activity peaks on the surface where hundreds of sunspots appear on the surface

On the surface of the sun,and then they decline again,

Next is a six-year recession

Usually over about six years or so,to, back to minimum.

Until entering the minimum period of solar activity

Chongqing’s Youkang was born with a black skull on the body from 11.8 days. Youkang traveled to the UK and re-diagnosed polymyositis and successfully completed the first operation. However, the doctor said "There is currently no way to completely cure the disease."

Wutaishan has 47 existing temples. Because five peaks such as the five pillars of the sky rise, the peak flat as Taiwan, hence the name of five. It is also called Qingliang Mountain. Is it like the Peak of Summer Mountain? Mount Wutai is the only Buddhism temple in China that has a beautiful temple (Chinese Buddhism) and a yellow temple (Tibetan Buddhism).

Mount Everest (Mount Everest) is the main peak of the Himalayas and the highest peak in the world. In Tibetan, "Zhumu" is the meaning of the goddess, and "Rangma" is the third meaning. Because there are four peaks in the vicinity of Mount Everest, Mount Everest is the third, so it is called Mount Everest. The Tibetan word "job-mo glang-ma rib" means "mother of the earth." The Tibetan Jo-mo "Zhumu" is the meaning of the goddess. Westerners generally call this peak the Mount Everest or Mount Everest. The Nepalese name is Sagarmatha, which means “Goddess of the Sky”.

Wufeng and Baita on Everest and Wutaishan have five and Baita. The solar riddle just mentioned that the quality of the sun's flash flames is the same as that of the Jerusalem peak. This peak is the Mount Everest.

The "Lotus Passion" unearthed in 1258 was called "Lazi", and the Kagyupa camp claimed that the location of the Mount Everest was "top snowy". In 1717, the "Emperor's Map" was named after "Jumalangmaaulin." "Alin" is Manchu, which means "mountain." Taiwan has traditionally used the "Jerusalem Peak" to call this mountain.

Snow on top, Mt. Fuji, wealthy idlers, Alin Daiyu, southeastern depression, northwest slope, earthquakes on the border between Tibet and Nepal, Wutaishan Buddhism Hanchuan and Tibetan, Qin Keqing Qin Wingqing, Rockets.

Ever's top everest, Effie Towers, Pfeiffer. 1953.5.29 for the first time, 1957.5.29 China again, 2003.5.21 Wang Shi is 52 years old, these dates are very special.

Taylor devoted his life to the creation of Baba's Dad. Miller wrote the story of Mole for life and Bayo created the Smurf for a lifetime. Autumn Blue sees Baba's father as the creation of American French couples, praised by British experts, and made television in Germany. It was played in the United States in China in 1981 and 1988. It was a strange circle. Alibaba, 18 thieves and Alibaba, Pink Shanghai, the truth of the underworld.

Anti-influenza drug "Tamiflu" exposed side effects are strong or cause death. 5 7,10 OCH. Japan. Switzerland. Chinese sars. fever flu. If it can be found that a drug inhibits the activity of neuraminidase, the virus cannot infect new cells, thus inhibiting the reproduction of the virus. In 1983, Australian molecular biologists solved the three-dimensional structure of the neuraminidase molecule and found that it was composed of four identical parts, shaped like a "field", with a hole in the center, and that is sialic acid. Combine and hydrolyze it.

When the Shenzhen Metro Line 11 train traveled from the airport to Bihai Station, one person was killed. The Green Bay-Fukuda section and Bitou-Airport section maintained normal operations. Airport - Green Bay starts public transport. The

A fire broke out at a coffee shop and shop in the London Zoo. Checking fifty degrees of gray is a British woman writer, Australian Coffee Press. Ash has fire. animal. manor.

Rocket video entrepreneur tears. Learn the sun's mystery or see the microblogging word to see Decline actually declined. Think of the former essay writing is a mobile phone. When you see English in Shakespeare’s period, you can't read it. English has changed a lot. Today Chadhafi registered in Switzerland and thought that Trump Twitter has sent coffee to be registered. A new type of English question: Shakespeare only remembered to read his old home ... before the invitation letter also focus on ...

Didn't someone speak in English during the drama exam English? There is also drama in Shakespeare. I listened to it three times, and I still want to know if Li Yixi's English is really so bad? Intentional? Now that Chinese-language English should be thought about, many people's time and energy are lost... They have lost the courage to explore the world of foreign languages. Qiu Lan was dissatisfied that the current education lags behind the existence of network technology. The children are also educated as before. What should modern children learn to be truly learning? Does the English from primary school to the big school still have the same dumb Chinese style as the previous generation? Then she discovered that Tencent and Ali had been playing games and had had a fever and Tamiflu, and they were singing Chinese songs with mildew.

Wutai Mountain Jingxian Xingren colorful clouds. It was thought that the emerald light should be purple, the dazzling white light like the sun, and the dreamy color. Because of the 5A scenic spot Orange Island Chau or mobile phone 5X, and check Wutaishan think of a woman to Wutaishan talking about Buddha. ~ Wutai Mountain Lingguang Clouds ~ Sun's Enigma Everest Himalaya Snow Top, Emeishan Jinding Snow Top Cloud Sea.

Last night, I checked the movie appreciation of Moo Chuanyan of Renmin University. I mentioned that a man had to face the disappearance of his silent movie. What did he think of a silent movie like Chaplin? Did not look back to see what kind of. Today's beautifully watched the silent movie Kung-Fu rabbit and vegetable bag dog.

SpaceX launches the rocket Unknown users: UFO! Is it a missile? On the 19th, I thought about flying fifty degrees, and the fish flew to the moon... And seeing the complete video was like a big knife at the beginning, and then the knife became a whale.

Today, I think of the deep blue X, the process of thought forming the world. Thinking of that chaotic thought should not be a simple pointless formation of the world universe, but a thoughtful thinking of systematic thinking. It takes it in a vacuum to surf hundreds of millions of years of experience or the imaginary system of epiphanies, that is, the infinite. The essence of Nirvana, and the intellect of one's mind, are mapped to real-world real world, so that our universe follows the process of sketching the creation process of the universe, our time and space. The former is the one or two quadrants of the birth and death map, and the latter is the three or four quadrants. Just like systemic thoughts generate the body of our systemic human beings, there are input and output systems, physical blood circulation systems, and digestive systems. There should also be thought circulation systems, similar to the birth and extinction systems of the birth and extinction diagram. These sub-function systems Both are holographic subsystems of the birth and death system.

Autumn blue due to dream problems, thought: The wave function should be real, physical. Otherwise, the combination of information in a dream may not be exactly the same, and it is impossible for others to follow your wave function. They are all crawling, and this wave function of yours is real and it has formed her and his reality. Where exactly existed at that time is just like the existence of the speed of light. A little mass can burst out of enormous energy. So these wave functions really look like they have the feeling of being in all spaces at all times, but it is only the universality caused by its enormous energy. The effect, like the singular explosion, is like gravitational waves, like gravitational waves, like immeasurable, like Tao, like Everest. The light grab of human consciousness is the result of frequency consistency, or is mainly the result of passive positioning of information by wave function, like brain control; the weight of the object is not grasped, but is the result of bombardment of the wave function, as in Sub-bombing protons generate pressure like a big explosion, just like hydrogen bombs. Just like the little prince, there has been an embarrassment between the two, resulting in the domestication of the relationship, the mutual conversion of intimate and frequent resonance. Just as what Mao Zedong said yesterday saw the existence of left, right and right in the desert, the wave function is just like the middle. Just like the mooc curriculum, the wave function is like the combination of reality and virtual information software, separated from the Internet's magnetic resonance tools, and the content is closely related to reality.

Spatially, the wave function is neither left nor right. It also contains both left and right features. In time, the wave function is neither a real computer nor a virtual consciousness carrier software information content, but also contains the characteristics of the computer and software content. This, like Duffy, should be a new kind of drug, not a western drug, not a Chinese medicine, but it contains the characteristics of two drugs. It is a new gene-like thinking program that can create miracles. It may be similar to the system update of chaotic thinking. The universe is not dead, but it is also a living meditation system.

Our current human beings exist at this time and space point. The subsystems of the holographic cosmic meditation system that we have acquired so far are a confirmation of its thinking. The creation of the universe and the creation of man's own systems are all such concepts. In the future, it may be another situation that may be the resonance of the space-time future man and the universe meditation system. We do exist in the present and we are in the future. And this person who controls us now and in the future is not our humanity now, but the meditation system of the wave function, and this system is similar to the principle of the human body and mind. The collective complex.

We believe that the laws of physics we acquired in the past were acquired by the time and space of human beings, and the new laws of quantum mechanics that we humans have acquired are acquired at this space-time point, and will be further detailed later, and this is not the universe. It has always been there, but it has been evolved by the cosmic spirits, the spirits of heaven and earth, and the people. The Chinese can create materials and create consciousness. Of course, they can also create new abstract categories of these two categories. Based on this understanding, it can be inferred that for the people, both the material and the consciousness are illusions, and only the creation itself is real, since it can be preceded by the human and so on.

The above I wrote a little beyond my own understanding, a bit like the English brainstorming method I just listened to, thought flow. Is this a meditation in the future that is infusing me? My feeling of frequency has slightly jumped out of the framework of the new Zen, and I would like to expand even more to cover one layer. This may be the frequency characteristic of the energy of the future. I have now resonated with them and I have played out these contents, and I still don’t seem to have Fully understandable, ignorant.

In addition to the above-mentioned new Zen studies, there is also a question about the ultimate truth of the philosophy of Pan-Easy philosophy, one. I have been pursuing this God's answer. It is an inquiry of the mysteries I have experienced and at the same time it is an inquiry into the truth of their truth. However, their essence seems to be the I Ching and the Promised Tai Chi Taoist Nirvana. My doubts have doubts about the death system of Nirvana and Tao in the highest class of fatalism. The key to this issue is the difference in the focus on space-time shuttle problems. It is believed that the highest point of the Pan-Ease philosophy is that people, Taoism, Nirvana, and the new wave of Zen are looking at the universe. They are all so far able to comprehend the Tao. This Tao is more than just the original, these are all present. The regularity of the law, you follow Jijirui fierce, but for the X across the space and time can not be regarded as the law of the universe, it is only the existence of things subsystem.

One thing that must be mentioned in Zhao Puchu's chronicle and historical data is that Mao Zedong and Zhao Puchu received foreign guests together. Before the foreign guest arrived in a dialogue, Mao Zedong asked Zhao Puchu: “Does Buddhism have such a formula?” is the name of Zhao Puchu That is non-Zhao Puchu'."

"Yes," Zhao Puchu answered.

"Surely, afterwards, deny it..." Mao Zedong said sternly.

"No! At the same time, affirmative, and deny at the same time." Zhao Puchu explained to him.

"It's hard to understand." Mao Zedong got into thinking.

At this time, the foreign guests came. They failed to go further.

People are created, names are expressions, and at the same time they deny the nature of this non-universe; man-made, all human information is associated with the name (position: universe - Earth - China - Zhao Puchu), and at the same time this is certainly the essence of the universe. Renaming is easy, and the conscious mind, the body, the soul, and the complex are associated with the name.

Mystery of the sun turned out I didn't know what the meaning of the meaning was. Ted had a cube in 18 minutes. I saw the words like noodles yesterday. Just listening to English writing has turned out, why silent, cubing, looping.

Fifty degrees of gray, ice dragons after the snow, push back to map Di Renjie dog, gray is a fire, like the top cover around, fire. Pine trees, like the pineal flower shape at high altitude. Blood circulation and heart. Russia has more than 70 degrees below zero. France, London. Countless animated short films "Fire". The man took his dog and trekked in the snow-covered wilderness. When the accidentally falling snow had extinguished the bonfire, his survival was facing daunting challenges...

Miao told me that she saw a kitten, black on her body, white on her tummy, black on her face and white on her face. I doubt to ask, really, two colors on the face, not two faces? Do not believe. She said that in fact, I did not see what color the face. Before that, I missed the strange cat she had discovered. Her face was black and white. A twin-faced kitten was born in South Africa, with two mouths, two noses and three eyes. The kitten named Betty Bee had two faces, three eyes, two noses, and two mouths.

The first video of Durex's hot search is Japanese style 48. Then a Japanese man is automatically broadcast to cut oversized trees in the woods, and the sliding rails slide down to a lip entrance in the ground. Does Japan want to imagine this tree? Behind Durex is a Christmas tree, the copy is Christmas Eve, set a whole night. A bus in Moscow slipped into the underground passage of the Slavyansk Boulevard, killing five people. Looking at the Japanese video, the news is about Russia's big bus. Maybe Russia is cold in front, and it is burning snow, thinking about Xue Baochao. Checking it is naturalism, thinking that the fire of love can't be ignited? gray.

Skywalk: Superposition states (waves) and eigenstates (grains) are a standard symmetric transformation!

Qiu Lan said: Does the conversion pass through the wormhole? The gate of heaven is narrow? Anyone is a wormhole's depositor. Maybe any neutron? Can electrons not be in any space and time? When you don't look at it, the wave function superimposes on the state. If you want Nirvana to exist in that superposition, you are the building block of the wormhole. The participants of those anomalous events are black holes where the wave function collapses, and the Nirvana superposition state is a white hole. The transition between them is through the symmetrical wormhole in the middle. This wormhole has a balanced awareness of ground and matter. The white hole is very diffuse and light, and the black hole is very focused and heavy. Gold is the new substance produced by the explosion of the neutron star. The chemical symbol of gold is Au, and the English code in finance is XAU or GOLD. Au's name comes from a story of Aurora, a goddess of the Roman mythology, which means a shining dawn.

The steam that is emitted when gold is melted is green; its gold powder is usually brown during smelting; if it is cast into a thin piece, it can transmit green light more. Gold gold god dog, and pushing back to the dream of Red Mansions, God. Gold should be related to Lin Yuyu Jia Baoyu, most likely the two formed. Nalan Huangqi, Jin Manchu Caesal, take the gold-rimmed woman, Jin Shengtan.

Tianyun: Skywalker, then you list out the abstract mathematics ontology equation of the golden wave material. Autumn Blue thinks that gold should indeed be formed like a trappist.

The Buddha is a pen and the Buddha is a liar. I will be responsible for what I say. Not at all, but the Buddha did harm many women. Before the Nirvana of the Buddha, there were 500 Bunukis who set themselves on fire. Seeing these two words of Heaven’s line, Autumn Blue thought: There has always been an intuition that the Buddha is a holographic projection wanderer out of Lin’s meditation. Isn't there a film in India that is homeless? And so is Jesus Christ. The religion of the world can be said to be meditation from China. Do you not feel like describing the essence of Jia Baoyu, just like the spirit of Christ? Did you walk out of Egyptian egypt and walk out of it all the way out of your life? Isn't that Jia Baoyu's feeling of seeing Lin Daiyu's funeral? The story of both of them was transformed into Mrs. Bovary, Notre-Dame de Paris, Egyptian women and Gypsies. The Buddha harmed the woman, Buddha as the emperor? Before the woman gets married, what kind of Buddha is the first to have sex before marriage? Isn't this as if the emperor had taken over everything in the world? Buddha is a product of meditation in the feudal society? Was it born out of Daoism and the emperor's emperor's honor? This conclusion can be inferred from the Heart Sutra, from the personal baht to the embarrassing fuzzy trace of Heaven. In this way, the religious line should be as follows: I Ching - Taoism - Buddhism - Confucianism (demonstrated in the Dream of the Red Chamber). The above three breeding Pisces Yupei correspond to: foreign Judaism - Islam - Christianity.

Christianity was also 2000 years ago. What is the relationship between Christianity and Buddhism? What is the relationship between Confucianism and Islam? Jesus was crucified. Robinson was 28 years old in 1668. He lived in desert islands in England. Nalan died in 1688 to take the West. Jesus whispers Jesus' ear, Buddha's little prince West Field? Jia Baoyu was beaten by Jesus? Shakespeare, shaking pears, pears pressed by a tree pear, Chinese and foreigners. Shakespeare is extremely related to Su Shi, and may be Shakespeare's let it be. What is the relationship between pneumonia and the Achilles heel of Christ? Is Lin Yuyu a pneumonia in the Dream of a Red Mansion?

Sunu Old English sun. Like a slave, or a book slave, he has a nimble universe. The sun is also a nimble universe, planets and everything. The book, the Su, the Japanese snow, the squid, the seedlings, the beaded grass, the split words, the gold gongs, the gongs and the gongs, and the squeaking of the fingers to keep the voice of the consonants from clearing the consonants, the corresponding voiced consonant sounds Japanese tone. In the past, the pronunciation did not look up at the mouth, and seeing the mouth of the pronunciation saw an early mistake. This is the sound of the Chinese pronunciation. The two pronounced consonants of the th sound are consonants that are intended to be pronounced by nipping the thick tongue between the lips, but they did not bite the tongue before. This exaggerated lip shape reminds me of Shi Xiangyun's love two brother. Seeing that Old English came from Greece, Greek Lalin's waxing jade torch began to dry up Wang Xifeng. These are the evidence that I was looking for English originating from Chinese meditation. The pronunciation of ch and j, ʒ ʒ 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 对应 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"Wang Xiaoyong" of "Tiger Roar" teaches you to recite "Apprenticeship Form" in a dialect. Yesterday I saw mooc in English and saw Elizabeth’s speech before the war. They also talked about bravery (mutual love with oranges) when they were in the prewar war. They saw Wang Luoyong and Hu Xiaolong (a red stamp is the only one). English version. Checked that he was the first Chinese of Broadway. This TV series is truly a tiger seal, Tiger Shakespeare, with English translation. Launched 12.7 days. Love is also 1227 days. There are also 1227 numbers just paid.

Our pinyin pronunciation r is to open two lips, and English pronunciation r is to pick up the lips, contact the above two groups of pronunciation, the original English is love the brother's dumb mouth ah! In the Dream of the Red Chamber, Jia Baoyu met with a few beggars outside and asked him whether he would like to eat rouge or not. Isn't the lip rouge just to ask him to kiss him? After Jia Baoyu went to class, Lin Yuyu also asked Baoyu to say this.

Shakespeare shakes the leaves of pears, and Saitama adds 4.5 1688 1655 1654. The magnitude earthquake of Japan Chiba 4.5 earthquake occurred on 1227. Swaying. Near Tokyo in Japan shook in the earthquake. The

The maximum period of solar activity: Strong magnetic field - Large sunspots → The sunspot core is the strongest in its magnetic field, where the magnetic force can be magnified 10,000 times. Because the sun rotates faster than the equator, it pulls. With the sun flare, quality As big as the Jungfrau - pull large enough to launch energy to the Earth - affect the Earth's magnetic field, as gravitational waves - such as the production of space weather, dreamlike effect. Wutaishan Caiyun is similar to this process?

Philosophy/True Love (abstract like black hole) is the core of the world. The magnetic field is strong. It rotates the world with the composition of the outside world. It generates pulling force. With bright flames, the mass is as large as the Himalayas. It emits its energy to the outside world, like gravitational waves. Affect the external part of the magnetic field, such Zen wave weather, dreamlike effect.

Launched energy gravitational waves, can be stationed in the material, stationed in consciousness, change Wutaishan Caiyun, Mudanjiang earthquake; brain control of Islam, Chrysanthemum bat; projection of the president, beauty; control of blackmail virus, British Airways. This is the intrusion of gravitational waves. Once the core of the flame, waiting for the time machine to forge the real world territory, regardless of ancient, or modern and future!

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