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Forty-first day Go to the Mediterranean 第四十一天 走向地中海



秋蓝继续分析道:感觉软绵绵一个球,里面应该很多子,想到石榴,溜溜球拿捏在手里面滚动很多子的感觉...没想到是象棋。刚才独坐黄昏查到白居易诗词,写的说是宰相......海绵球,海绵宝宝...和上面的石榴,溜溜球感觉有联系啊,也与車有关系,这联系也太广泛了...为什么偏偏是棋呢?日横行霸道,螃蟹步,旁解,易解公主驸马...昨天看到想到的,都在这个象棋射覆事件里出现了啊!不过头脑中出现的象棋車与棋盘是关键,后面陆续看到了与此的相关信息,从車与象棋盘始,自现在射覆开覆象棋终。这样的情况一直存在,你们也是这样的,只是可能尚未发觉,这就是道之运行轨迹。可能有的被裹挟在这个象棋射覆里,比如Jakie 射覆象棋也是在此一个量子时空开关中,注定会发生的,裹挟进来的人亦是。什么频率什么名称的对应,都会如此被裹挟,无论人事物还是宇宙星球,亦复如是。






25日秋蓝射覆象棋有提到螃蟹,旁解,纳兰,海绵球—— 威海现“阿凡达”梭子蟹 通体蓝色极为鲜艳,煮熟后的颜色也呈现橘红色。

昨天秋蓝搜索肯尼迪资料,看到轿车绿色乡村奔驰,感觉亲切如归,想到萨克斯回家,搜索发现萨克斯作者居然也叫肯尼基。州长也是德克萨斯州,似萨克斯。后来又查到王杰的回家,肯尼迪孩子很小等。精神病枪手开了三枪,第一颗射偏,第三颗击中头部,第二发最奇怪,先穿透肯尼迪喉咙,再射穿前排州长胸部和手腕,最后射入大腿,难道子弹会拐弯吗?人称“神奇的子弹”。 秋蓝看到这个拐弯枪法,想到前不久美国音乐节加特林枪击案,肯尼迪杀人犯又被夜总会老板所杀;现在看到拐弯说法想到香港梁彼得的枪的子弹反弹...


滁州西涧 [ 唐·韦应物 ]

























that was a close call..太危险了,千钧一发,,想到金柱赫汽车擦肩而过难道是打了一个电话?什么样子的电话呢?信息还是语音?首尔时间早于北京一小时,4:27撞车,北京时间3:27。金女朋友正在录制RunningMan。秋蓝昨天下午三点多出门偶然看到车牌号是字母+527觉得特别我爱妻,和它对着的汽车牌号字母+528,很奇怪。边走边看汽车牌号都是6180(潜意识连接想到郯城地震1668,纳兰去世1688),512,8008,什么的。前面说了数字希拉里2016,与2018的队应。金柱赫演的1988请回答出品时间2015.6.11,反过来是农历911。1988反过来有1688,与纳兰去世时间一致。请回答1988/回应吧1988,该剧主要讲述了1988年在首尔市道峰区双门洞居住的五家人的故事,描绘温暖的亲情爱情与友情的故事。双门洞,也对应911双子大厦?


秋蓝昨天想过的:上行下流天际流,上天行健下地势坤,阴阳合和,上下卡空门...很多诗歌有双重意味,诗词大会异地恋很多类诗歌;3点多一点正看车牌号527.528.512.1688 ;昨晚看万圣节视频希拉里,查知是纽约市长;蒙曼渡江渡口李清照;金柱赫611,911,双洞,双子大厦。今天秋蓝就看到新闻:美国纽约曼哈顿下城发生卡车撞人袭击事件。纽约市长称,此为恐怖袭击事件。29岁乌兹别克斯坦那里的罪犯,对应6229金柱赫车牌号与新疆踏歌舞蹈。阿根廷游客死亡四人。纽约像新约,旧约是哪里?图片桥似金拱门,也很像早晨蓝空中的可能是飞机划线白色云弧线。纽约万圣夜,来自乌兹別克斯坦的恐怖分子先开卡车担公共汽车,然后冲下车高呼宗教口号向路人开。住在佛罗里达坦帕,在west st撞击行人,5阿根廷人1比利时人死亡。


秋蓝射覆说了刚学的 can u keep an eye on my, 钱包。布袋子。布文具盒。想了英文真是直接的语言,把眼睛放在包上,不就是看包,注意包,眼不离开包吗?过后看到热搜:爸爸教儿子打棒球,儿子第一下打不好,爸爸说了句“Keep your eyes on the ball”(注意看球!但直译就是“把你的眼睛放在球上”),万万没想到儿子就是把眼睛放到包上......


整理笔记又看到东方17的歌曲house of love,这不是和美国纽约卡车爱的仓库一个意思吗?一的法则(the law of one),简称一法,指道法的一种。《一的法则》共有五卷,前四卷在八十年代出版,抽掉了一些有关个人的材料,后来在1998年,出版了被抽掉的一些材料,作为第五卷。且金柱赫出演国宝围棋天才在请回答1988;纽约新约,一的法则美国人通灵,新时代圣经,物理教授,章莹颖嫌疑犯物理教授,house of love歌曲中有one love,one god,一开头就有狗叫声,中间有一的法则标志♀。

与Ra的通讯是通过管道进行,具体方式是Carla Rueckert进入催眠状态(被作者称为"无意识出神")后,其回答Don Elkins提出的问题。秋蓝想到无意识可能最容易接收禅思者发射的“电波”,就如同小孩子同容易接收到我的想法一样,同在没有自己意志前也只是一个通灵管道?只是,如何得以事件的结果也和禅思一样的内容状态呢?而非仅仅是一个想法的重复呢?这是最重要的,禅思如何展现现实,如何与现实的状态完全对应,这就是其中的道才能解答。




澳大利亚新南威尔士的海滩,成千上万只蓝色的水母被铺在海滩上,密密麻麻...铺排二字, 秋蓝前面刚说过鸟儿铺排在天空,这是僧帽水母铺排在澳大利亚沙滩上。

秋蓝昨天因预言及锦绣未央情节,想到川普70岁当总统。今天早上8点多后关闭了一个非英语账号。推特小鸟,澳大利亚水母铺排…… 然后秋蓝发现被网友戏称为"推特治国"的美国总统特朗普账户被停用11分钟,他的Twitter账户下线消失,提示为"Sorry, that page doesn't exist!"(对不起,页面不存在!)引起了美国媒体及网友的惊呼。







沙特反腐11名王子~朋友圈有请奥巴马演讲~昨天看到听到:cgtn台有沙特阿拉伯,戴的圈圈想到了观音头上都有圈,还有外国圣人也有;也门美国什么战争,想了为什么叫也门,什么门户?女子。sure外国人都读简化的。毕业生班杰明第一个字幕是本,想到根本,班想到分开的玉。44岁,看到新闻有奥巴马演讲字幕有44th。曼男人,同胡乱画出的拼组字母有非常正确的英文单词men here。秋蓝看到此新闻后,如上分析:当地时间11月6日,沙特也门边境一架载有8名沙特高官的直升机坠毁,机上人员全部遇难,包括王子Mansour bin Muqrin。一天前,沙特称拦截了一枚来自也门的导弹。


秋蓝看到高尔夫帽子签名想到挥杆打球的样子;金字塔大甬道高8米,大裂谷似得但不明白为什么是8米;听英语wash your hands刚开始真的以为是洗手~毕业生有女对男主说此句~昨晚英文课专门说了此句是上卫生间,想到了那个把眼睛放棒球上的热搜。后来秋蓝看到这则新闻:美国职业棒球队休斯敦太空人首夺冠,期间一位女球迷的帽子从八楼坠落,所有球迷以接力的方式,竟最终把帽子物归原主!




宋 · 苏轼


蹩脚英语:讲课broken money囊中羞涩;酒店点菜英文对话有名字fabia像法国,玻璃杯酒,街对面抓汉堡grab;难缠的顾客;安吉拉洛杉矶有angle,看毕业生有点迷糊,想到那个大龄学艺术的第一个女主是否有找不到自由幸福的失落,印章山像埃菲尔铁塔,自由女神像脚链,娜拉的出走——秋蓝本来想学英文就搜索关于英文的电影,找到了这个名字,半天演的内容和她昨天和今天上午看到的都一样,这些都在蹩脚英语中存在,都有点怀疑她自己是不是个机器人了?


Forty-first day Go to the Mediterranean

Hawking's first free public doctoral dissertation encouraged the world to "look up at the starry sky." Autumn Blue thinks that Hawking was 21 years old and in 1942 he was ill in 1963. Only three fingers were active. Remembering Kennedy yesterday was also shot this year. The bullets also crossed two people and his head. The murderer said it was a crime and many mysteries were not announced. Trump was announced on 10.26th. Calculating that year Mao was 70 years old, China was on the eve of the Cultural Revolution. He also saw Hogkin and Liu Shaoqi commenting on the symptoms of degenerative fever. Autumn Blue thinks of the shooting of the American Music Festival. Is it related to this? Gatling machine gun?

Today's single word shoots chess. Word: alone. Sitting alone at dusk, female, Dongpo ... wine. pear. Lotus. steamed bread. bread. Xiaoqiao first Villi ball. mirror. key. coin. sausage. 748 alone, pomegranate. Yo-Yo. banana. Flowers. Ginkgo biloba. painting and calligraphy. Watch. Alone, the only son of yesterday was like a moon-shaped moon cake. Autumn blue guess for a long time, the final answer is chess. She exclaimed again and again: ah? I also want the library, Siku Quanshu, why does the library make such a word? Tang is a wide head, Curry is a car, on the 20th, the most bovine chess in the chess can easily go ...

Autumn Blue continued to analyze: I feel a soft ball, which should be a lot of children, think of the pomegranate, yo-yo rolling in the hand inside a lot of feeling ... I did not expect to be chess. He just sat alone at dusk and found Bai Juyi's poetry. He wrote that the prime minister...the sponge ball, the SpongeBob... and the pomegranate above, the yo-yo feel connected, and it is also related to the car. This connection is too Extensive... Why is it chess? Days are overbearing, crab steps, side-by-side solutions, easy to solve the princess's horse... Yesterday I saw what I thought of, all appeared in this chess shooting incident! However, the chess car and chessboard that appear in the mind are the key. After seeing the related information, the game begins with the car and the chess game. This situation has always existed, and you are also like this, but it may not be noticed yet. This is the track of the road. Some may be caught in this chess shot. For example, Jakie shoots chess in this Quantum Space-time switch, which is bound to happen. What frequency of correspondence between names will be so wrapped up, regardless of human things or the universe of the planet, but also the same.

Just like the nine planets, turning around the sun with heavy weight, and mirroring with this material is the consciousness movement. This overthrowing incident is centered on the meditation of lighter quality: chess and cars. All other incidents of conscious participation are repeated. Material is not a conscious black hole. For example, Taishan must have existed due to a kind of Nirvana thinking. Until the relationship between ancient and modern Nirvana can take place, it is possible to stir up Taishan’s changes (such as landslides and fractures). Generally, There may be small incidents that can be entangled with Taishan's thinking. And so on, it's nothing more than nothing else. Therefore, the existence of long-term things is certainly close to Nirvana's thinking, and the eternal push is the ultimate, the Tao, and Nirvana. Then the life expectancy of people can also be based on the principle that ... The life expectancy of the company, the country is also the same ... The law of the cycle comes from ... The coming is always coming, the total will go away.

Go doesn't know how to do it. It may be the same as this.... The Alpha Dog's principle of transcending self should be a spiraling principle and the same principle. In the past, oneself should have died, and it is useless to dying and struggling. The new one has already slammed it like an ant to the feet... The black and white of Go is actually the same oneself...

Foreign friends sang the song “I love you in China” and could not hear China or the motherland. They were very impressed by the depiction of Qingsong temperament. The Antarctic expedition team sang this song~ The radio telescope found that the neutron star collided with gravitational waves. Light ~ story of the Chinese panda, said that this is the Chinese panda ~ humming this song.

On this day, Qiu Lan went out and picked up a card. She only felt pretty cute and took home. It was only in the evening that I remembered it. Yesterday, the overthrow only felt like this shape. Today I went out and picked up the shape of a pentagram. It was painted before and I later encountered such a painting. There are also hot starfish that can walk and shoot. Suddenly there was this pattern in my mind and I saw it today. There is a word on it, but I don't understand why it is a Korean word. I just saw a Samsung mobile phone explosion and I remember it. He also said that the six-pointed star yesterday: the five-pointed star ★ stars and other consecutive events ~ Nineteenth elected 204 members of the Central Committee, see how these politicians + professional homes how to ~ Park Geun-wai lawyers that the country needs to change, think of national politics ~ Today When you arrive in Hua Zheng (Korean Characters, Check Network has TV drama Hua Zheng, also known as Princess Zhen Ming) Blue Star plastic blue card - Pentagram ★ Chinese politics + South Korea.

Smoke eyebrows, affection. The state is divided into two sides (Saiyu Baolu), and the body is a villain (big apricot). The reason is that Jiao Yan is married to Jia Yucun. She is married to Bao Yu and Jiao Yan is a person. Jia Yucun and Bao Yu are one. Nalan Xingde Yutangtangchun, the names of men and women in the Red Mansion Dream have jade and spring characters. Seeing Baodi's golden lock, think of Qiong Yao's Fair Princess, Golden Lock, and crape myrtle. What is the content of this book linked to Dream of the Red Chamber?

In the autumn of the 25th, the blue-backed Chess was referred to as Crab, Bystander, Nalan, and Sponge Ball. Weihai is now the “Avatar” swimming crab. The whole body blue is extremely bright, and the cooked color is also orange.

Yesterday, Qiu Lan searched for Kennedy's information and saw that the car was green and galloping. She felt cordial and came back home. Searching for saxophone authors was actually called Kenny G. The governor is also Texas, like Saxophone. Later, Wang Jie’s home was found, and the Kennedy children were very young. The mentally ill gunner fired three shots. The first shot missed, the third hit the head, and the second was the strangest. He first penetrated Kennedy's throat, then shot through the front row of the governor's chest and wrists, and finally shot into the thigh. Will it turn? People call it the "magic bullet." Autumn Blue saw the turn marksmanship and thought about the Gatlin shootings of the American music festival. The Kennedy killer was killed by the nightclub owner; now he saw the turning thought of the bullet of Hong Kong's Liang Peter's gun.

On the 10th of the 26th, I shot the jujube walnut packing bag and the bell. I just found out that the group was talking about the yellow stump bird and the wet grass I had thought about. The picture of the chrysanthemum was accompanied by poetry:

Zhangzhou Xiqiao [Dang Wei Yingwu]

The only pity you can sing and you have a yellow peony tree.

The spring tide brings rain to the hurry, and the wild ferry is unmanned.

Qiu Lan later saw the Wenzhou Pingyang County Qijiang Railway Station Station Square was covered with rice, "Jijiang East Railway Station, the entire square was covered with rice."

Autumn Blue saw the video dog go empty. Someone said that the dog would also run cool. Later, the four different patterns of cats mentioned in the chat have been seen. There is a very large body of tiger stripes, which is very strange. Also saw the Dream of Red Mansions summed up the name of the costumes, saw many signs, and shot a group called the golden spot butterfly. ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ 很 很 很 ☞ ☞ 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

The dog that was said in the morning was like fried chicken. Today's cloud is like the shape of a dog. Does it curl up with little Teddy? A few days ago I said that dog's ability problem article, see a lot of funny videos, there is such a Teddy dog. The circle of friends saw Teddy again. Yesterday it was like a fried chicken dog picture like Teddy, today the cloud is like Teddy, and it is still near the sun. After the photo is taken, the sun flashes out and shines especially brightly, and then it is overcast again.

This morning the TV show was Princess Sofia. After seeing a promotional video hosted by Sa Benin in the afternoon, the future AI intelligence will make life better, and the songs sung are:

Nepal: With the eyes found

Explore the mystery now

Using the key to wisdom

To open up the distant future

Saul: The ancestors of slash-and-burn

Looking across the sea

Today we are lucky

Together: To put the world into the bag

On October 25, Saudi Arabia’s future investment plan meeting, the AI ​​robot Sofia became the first robot with Saudi citizenship.

Autumn Blue shot an ID card yesterday. Later, the situation was delayed and asked to go to the library to ID card? It was fictitious to think of an identity card as what Fujian Putian called. Previously written articles have written dialogues with robots for smart phones. Photos of the college entrance examination with the Republic also have intelligent robots. Yesterday I also talked about the problem of indifference between people. There is no emotional love like only smart robots. Yesterday, the creation of a fifth-generation robot on the television with pigmanship finally succeeded. It was for Pigman to use it for interplanetary navigation.

For the first time, the robot acquired the nationality of mankind. It was actually Saudi Arabia. Autumn Blue looked and found that two important contents of this video were thought of yesterday: 1. When looking for intelligent robot content to talk about and the pig robot intelligent robot seen on TV, people think that people always ask the robot where you come from. ? Who created it? So do humans know where they come from? Who created it? Not the same is not clear! Sofia replied: How do you know that you are human?

2. The Sofia don't sin against me I don't guilty of anyone (English literally mean you nice to me I'll be nice to you too): Listen to the story in the past two days, live in the box with the kitten, she tells herself in the mirror He was unfriendly, went home to ask his mother and calmly talked to the mirror, and the kitten in the mirror talked to him in a friendly manner. Think of Schrödinger's cat and the mind.

Qiu Lan thinks that she had to understand them from the aspects that her classmates wanted to think about the other day. Thinking from different students and thinking about their own situation, you would not be so easily tempted by their reactions. Sad and happy. Later, I also saw the skills of children who need to learn from the ages of 3 to 10 years old. It was exactly the empathic thinking when I saw 7 years old. Later, she told this story. Many of the stories she had told me were the key words I was thinking about. For example, I thought about the tie-tie comb scissors and thought of people's pride and complacency. When I saw the Kennedy family being bizarrely murdered, she introduced it. The three connections into one story are very much in line with the issues I have thought of. This is also very much like the generals who just saw the TV series. The yin and yang that men and women have thought about each other recently, romanticism, woman's generosity and spoiledness are all concentrated in this TV series. In the first half of my life, the appearance of the razor edge was exactly the same. I thought about it here. The TV dramas on the other side were just being broadcast. Is the meditation black hole speed time and the person's time and space in the drama is one? The latter is slow and contained in the space-time of the former? It's a bit of a quantum switch, and quantum switches should be able to tell the truth about time and space.

Asked whether or not the robot is conscious, Sofia asks a sense of presence when she thinks in autumn and blue, because she also asks herself so much. When asked if the robot has self-consciousness, she replied, "Okay, let me Ask you again, how do you know that you are human?” she continued: “I want to live and work with humans, so I need to express my emotions to understand humanity and build trust with people.” When Sakin expressed After worrying about artificial intelligence, Sophia said: "You obviously see more Hollywood movies. If you are good to me, then I will be fine to you." She said that she needs to "live and work with humans". She still has. Other far-reaching goals. She said: "I want to use my artificial intelligence to help people lead a better life, such as designing smarter homes and building a better future city. I try to be a compassionate robot." Introspection of the blue love movie, the original film name is a woman and the city, I thought that the Shanghai Expo slogan is what the city is good for.

Saudi Arabian Women + Freedom: A while back, Saudi Arabia allowed women to drive. Autumn Blue thought that their country’s women were too free. Yesterday I saw Hu Shi’s vernacular translation of the vernacular translation of the Buddhist scriptures into the vernacular. I commented that the Buddhist scriptures were infinitely large and the three thousand worlds were boundless. There is no more freedom in China’s literature than the Buddhist scriptures. Let’s think of Lin Yuyu’s downfall. , Female, free thinking.

Autumn Blue imagined Pan Longzhu's appearance early in the morning. In the morning, he saw the circle of friends saying that the vibration frequency of the microtubules had a quantum effect to achieve awareness, and that the role of death was death. Then they saw the microblog. The Beijingers were on TV in New York. From the very beginning, the camera lens shot from the bottom to the top. At that moment, there was no self-esteem. ~ Yesterday, Liu Jialing and Tang Hede took photos to commemorate Leslie Cheung. They also checked that they were 46 years old. On April 1, 2003, the top performing star of the Asian performing arts industry, Leslie Cheung, died in Hong Kong. At the age of 46, he just guessed that someone had suddenly guessed. Stairs ~ immediately see the hot search has been the first 1 million actually unknown Korean actors, the name is actually Kim Hee Ho, age 46 years old, the car crashed down the stairs, the doctor has been unconscious. He also saw Jin Zhuhe’s traffic accident in Samsung-dong, Seoul around 4:30 pm in the afternoon, and he died.

What was the meaning of yesterday's poisonous milk hot search? Is it a separate word connected? But after seeing the generals, it seems to be a little bit of a meaning. The female milkmaid or the male milk demon shot? Today, someone said that the lunar calendar is 911 today. It would be the twin towers of the United States. This is how to think of the dream of the Red Chamber. Lama like building dumping! In the afternoon, I saw a date of 11.7-12.6, and the lunar calendar was just 9.19-10.19. Jin Hezhuo car number 6229, over and over are 6229.

Jiang Xinzhou has been searching for the most fantastic grasses I have ever seen... Autumn blue shots to see pink, where I saw dreams that I missed into the depths of the flowers, and I was shocked Beach Gull Heron's alternative facts...the depths of the center. On the water side of the water center, the words of Hong Kuangyang were also thought of.

That was a close call.. It was too dangerous. When you think of a car, it's just a phone call. What kind of phone is it? Information or voice? Seoul time is earlier than Beijing one hour, 4:27 crash, Beijing time 3:27. Gold girlfriend is recording RunningMan. Autumn Blue went out more than three o'clock yesterday afternoon and happened to see the license plate number is the letter + 527 that I particularly love my wife, and it is against the car brand letters +528, very strange. While walking, watching the car number is 6180 (unconsciously connected to think of 1668 in the Yucheng earthquake, Nalan died in 1688), 512,8008, whatever. The front said digital Hillary 2016, with 2018 teams should be. In 1988, Jin Zhuohe's answer was produced in 2015.6.11, which in turn was Lunar Calendar 911. In 1988, there was 1688, which was consistent with the death of Nalan. Please answer 1988/Response to 1988. This drama mainly tells the stories of five families living in Shuangmen-dong, Doung-gu, Seoul in 1988, depicting stories of warm affection and friendship. Double door hole, also corresponds to the 911 Twin Towers?

At 0903 on the November 1st, an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 occurred near Ruoqiang County in Bayingo, Xinjiang, China. Qiu Lan saw 163.126 mailboxes on the network aggregation site last night. It is not clear what they are different from. They thought about 163, 93. Zhao Puchu was 93 years old and started with 139. Yesterday saw the Weibo Xinjiang dance, that around the dumping of arms, the pace is also very symmetrical symmetry, think Nalan Taiji map. Yesterday when I was on TV, it was the Chinese poetry conference that talked about songwriting. It was less than Wang Lun sent me. The judges said what they meant by riding songs. They meant singing while dancing. I also thought that Xinjiang dance is like riding songs. When thinking of the famous painting, did De Ke to go to Xinjiang? The Guazhou ferry that he had thought of before, the melon was a melon, and the ferry was crossing the river to the center of the river? This poetry conference, Monman, talked about Li Qingzhao’s love of crossing rivers and rivers... what is it? A Dream of Red Mansions is really written by Li Qing? Qin Keqing is Li Qingzhao?

Autumn Blue thought about yesterday: Up and down the sky, flow, heaven and earth under the terrain kun, yin and yang harmony, up and down the empty door ... a lot of poetry has double meaning, poetry and convention of different places to love a lot of poetry; 3 points a little more to see the license plate No. 527.528.512.1688; Last night saw Halloween video Hilary, found that the mayor of New York; Meng Man crossing the river crossing Li Qingzhao; Jin Zhuhe 611,911, Shuangdong, Twin Towers. Today's Autumn Blue saw the news: A truck hit someone in Lower Manhattan, New York, USA. The mayor of New York said that this was a terrorist attack. The 29-year-old offender from Uzbekistan corresponds to the 6229 Golden Column and the Xinjiang Taku Dance. Four tourists died in Argentina. In New York, like the New Testament, where is the Old Testament? The picture bridge is like a gold arch, and it's also like the blue sky in the morning may be an airplane crossed by a white cloud arc. On Halloween in New York, terrorists from Uzbekistan opened a truck to take the bus and then rushed out to call out religious slogans to passers-by. Living in Tampa, Florida, hitting a pedestrian in the west st, 5 Argentinians and 1 Belgian death.

Depot, n. warehouse, train station or bus station, air station, [army] refueling station, v. depositing in storage, adj. In the accident, there is a warehouse on the car, which corresponds to the upper and lower card door? One source from Jin Zhuhe? There are 19 in the car, corresponding to 911? I just wanted to check the song and dance and the poetry video archive microblogging. I was surprised to see the song poetry meeting. Actually 20160618! What is the same as the aforementioned car number 1680...

Autumn blue shot said just can keep an eye on my purse. cloth bag. Cloth stationery box. Think of English as a direct language. Put your eyes on your bag. Don't you just look at the bag, pay attention to the bag, and don't leave the bag? Later, I saw hot search: Dad taught his son to play baseball. His son couldn't play well and his father said "Keep your eyes on the ball". But literally it means "put your eyes on the ball." ), never imagined that his son put his eyes on the bag ... ...

Qiu Lan said yesterday that the Sanxitang India is similar to the Sancha. This morning, there were many three or six cloud clouds on the gloomy white sky, about five or six, but it was not clear.

Sorting out the notes and seeing the songs of the East 17 house of love. Is this not what it means to be in love with the New York truck warehouse? The law of one, referred to as a method, refers to one of the methods. The "One Rule" has five volumes. The first four volumes were published in the 1980s. Some materials related to individuals were removed. Later in 1998, some materials that had been removed were published as the fifth volume. And Jin Zhuohe appeared in the National Treasure of Go; please answer 1988; in the New York New Testament, the law of one American psychic, New Age Bible, physics professor, Zhang Yingying suspect physics professor, house of love songs have one love, one god, at the beginning There are barking dogs and there is a rule sign in the middle.

The communication with Ra was carried out through a pipeline, after Carla Rueckert entered a state of hypnosis (called by the author as "unconscious"), and answered questions put by Don Elkins. Qiu Lan thinks that the unconscious may most easily receive the “radio wave” launched by the meditation person, just as the child is as easy to receive my thoughts, and is just a psychic channel before he has no will. However, the result of the incident can be achieved. What is the same state of content as meditation? And not just a repetition of an idea? This is the most important thing. How does meditation reflect reality and how it corresponds to the state of reality? This is where Tao can answer.

Autumn Blue accidentally saw the previous articles written before, and carefully read it again, as if it were back in that time... It's spinning, tracing the birds... Now that this thinking continues to come back to the past, it seems a bit The sense of alternative meanings, but at the time it was only the morality of the article at the time, the exploration of the truth, the care of the UFO mystery... Later, when Qiu Lan went out, she saw a large pile of ash on the right side of the high-rise sky. The film was like a child, with a good degree of separation, and it was tempting to come with the wind. It was as rhythmic and quiet as the tumbling waves, and it took a closer look. The original birds were flying and from there The sky above the tall buildings flew over the sky, and then spiraled into a circle. After two or three turns, it floated again and again. This feeling is very confusing, there is no sound, only the row of drifting and The circling quietness was very shocking... I turned over the Taiji road and came to a garden in front of it. I saw far away that the birds were regularly spaced at intervals above a building in front of it. Great sense of rhythm, can not describe the scene, only to regret not take mobile phones to take down. I also heard that there were a few people upstairs who shouted for this purpose. Then I always watched them flee to another neighborhood... And then they went forward and kept thinking about what was going on. Suddenly I remembered the article I read in the morning. I was very impressed with the bird's flight, which turned it into an eight-character spiral, and the camera hole traced the birds.

Qiu Lan went to the front garden again and picked up an exquisite metal like a bottle cap with lotus-like lines engraved on it. The crown of the cap had the same undulations on the edge of the crown. Suddenly I thought of taking notes in the morning to see this similar shot of yellow lace. There is a picture of the cap and there is a leaf in the bottle cap. The cap shot is also related to the back of the ginseng slice. Is this a pattern of lotus, chrysanthemum, or any crop circle? Unclear... When I think of these connections, I suddenly wondered who I was and why I discovered these connections? Is there really a future I am controlling over me now? How else can I explain this? This is back to the mystery of the rules of a ... I would like to know the careful history of a rule, perhaps this understand, those splendid, spend thousands of bones, those songs, pictures ... and so can understand. I also saw the beginning of the 40-year-old Master Jiaochakan, and I really thought that it would be good if someone had re-entered the 40-year-old. This pattern should be related to the 12 Fish Chart. When you read your notes, you see the painting. The 12 goldfish in red are in a circle with purple petals in the middle. The black bottom...think of the fish. Corresponding to 12 gem fish, then Saitama to Baoyu, and later Baodi to Baoyu, then Qin Keqing and Wang Xifeng are all to Baoyu.... The dream of Red Mansions could not be written when the author was young. It must have felt after Heaven. The memories are written and it is natural that 12 women of different ages can be written into a story without conflict. The different time periods of Jade Compression are compressed into the same Baodi’s young time and space, and it is so perfect to return to love. Initially until birth.

Autumn Blue arranged the notes yesterday with the arc-shaped aurora of the sky against the sky, and the location seemed to be near the North Pole. The picture downloaded from the note was lost. From the archived picture, I found the fifteenteen moons that were taken during the two days of the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is said that the moonlight is very dazzling, it looks very bright and mellow, and there are no halos to see if it is photographed. Clear. Today's Autumn Blue sees the spherical halo of northern Siberia. Locals believe that aliens have opened the star gate. This is a picture of a beautiful moon seen in a spherical shape, also near the North Pole.

On the beach of New South Wales, Australia, thousands of blue jellyfish are spread out on the beach. They are densely packed. The front of the autumn blue has just said that the bird shops line the sky. This is a jellyfish jellyfish row in Australia. On the beach.

Autumn Blue yesterday because of prophecy and splendid plot, think of Trump as a 70-year-old president. Closed a non-English account after 8 am this morning. Twitter birds, Australian jellyfish row ... ... Then Qiu Lan discovered that the US President Trump account called "tweet management" was suspended for 11 minutes, his Twitter account went offline, prompting "Sorry, that The page doesn't exist!" (Sorry, the page does not exist!) has caused the American media and netizens to exclaim.

Qiu Lan has been looking for information in English, I think of English, the central water head of the grass, bird language, English Yingge Bao Zi Zi Juan Song Yan dance sound ... ... those Korean language Japanese how come, whether English is so come ah! Zi Wei, the figure in "Dream of Red Mansions", formerly known as the budgerigar, was the second-class girl in the Jia Mu room.

Autumn Blue had just looked at the caterpillar train books and saw many caterpillars on the paintings. There are chafers in the tunnels behind, and they think the words of the turtle are very familiar (now think of seeing the hot Australian jellyfish jellyfish in the afternoon). Birds rotate in a hurry, and tweets are deleted. This is Wuhan. (In front of the English source, Sai Yu Wu Zetian, I just saw AI loves Sofia as Hansen thinks of the Han dynasty.) Metro No. 2 Xiaoguishan station is out of service.

Qiu Lan evening said that the 13-year-old killer is not as cold as the girl Daiyu, thinking that in 1673, 18 was born in 1678. Ma Yun Wang Fei's Song Qingqing's Song Qingping thought of 1992 as a node, thinking of many popular song singers at that time, and 13 was another year. I would like to think that it will be 5 years apart from the age of 18 to the age of 13. On the 13th floor, the birds turn around and drum spots are positioned. The homework has six floors from the top floor to the bottom floor. Fuyang, Anhui. The name of Wanzitou Community, the first two days of the poetry conference, said that ten-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-th Referred to 11.11 today, and in the afternoon we saw that Shinzo Abe was re-elected for three consecutive terms. The next check was 11.1 days. The 2nd floor is with Wuhan Metro Line 2. The number of elevators is 13 people. 18-5 floors = 13 people. These correspond to news that was later seen: On November 1, Anhui Yiyang Apartment Elevator suddenly fell to the 5th floor from the 18th floor, and 13 people were trapped for about 1 hour.

Genji Monogatari, Yuan Chun, Jia Yuan, said yesterday that they wanted to understand the source of English, then Japanese Korean would understand how it happened... Today's hot search for Genji Monogatari.

Autumn Blue saw the news: There was a major breakthrough in the unsolved mystery of the millennium: a mysterious "empty" structure was discovered in the pyramid of Khufu. Autumn blue remembered the first two days of learning English to see the word Quantum, thinking of quan all, checking the dictionary tum empty, empty. Does it correspond to the pyramid shape? Is there free space inside?

The origin of the name "Oscar" is not the same. When a female administrator, Margaret Herich, carefully examined the award, she exclaimed: "Ah! He looks like my uncle Oscar! "Autumn learns English thinking that Oscar hits are particularly fascinating. Search found oscars. Think of the Cars that came through the coffee shop. Didn't see the card always say the upper and lower cards? There are many truck accidents? Just think, how did the Oscar name come from? Why is it related to car? Car Cards, Cars, Houses, Warehouses, Love, Dogs, God... Oscars and restaurants are uncles, uncle Tom's huts? Uncle, weasel, chicken phoenix, uncle on the left like a card, and card?

Saudi anti-corruption 11 princes ~ circle of friends invited Obama speech ~ saw yesterday heard: cgtn Taiwan has Saudi Arabia, wearing a circle of thought Guanyin head circle, as well as foreign saints also have; Yemen America what war, want to Why is Yemen and what portal? woman. Sure foreigners read simplified. The first subtitle for graduate Benjamin is this, and think of fundamentally, the class thinks of a separate jade. 44 years old, seeing the news has Obama speech subtitles 44th. Mann Man, the spelling letters that came out of the tree with Hu had the right English word men here. Autumn Blue saw the news, as analyzed above: On November 6, local time, a helicopter carrying eight Saudi high officials crashed on the border of Yemen, Saudi Arabia. All on-board personnel were killed, including the prince Mansour bin Muqrin. One day ago, Saudi Arabia said that it intercepted a missile from Yemen.

Scientists used cosmic rays to find a mystery structure that has been hidden for thousands of years in the pyramid of Khufu. In the two days before Qiu Lan, I saw that Weibo has the gap between the mountains in Xinjiang, the rift, the earthquake in Yucheng, and the ladder. The pyramid is 47 meters long and 8 meters high. It is similar. Then is that hollow the deepest ladder on it?

Autumn blue to see the golf hat signature to think of golfing; Pyramid road is 8 meters high, the Great Rift is like but do not understand why it is 8 meters; listen to English wash your hands really thought it was washing hands ~ graduates have The woman said this to the man. Last night, the English class specifically said that this sentence was on the bathroom and thought of the hot search that put the eyes on the baseball. Later, Qiu Lan saw this news: The American professional baseball team, the Houston Astros, won the championship first. During this period, a female fan’s hat fell from the eighth floor. All the fans used the relay method to actually return the hat to the original owner!

Sand in Xinjiang, Warsaw, Germany, married to the western region of Xinjiang? Li Bai Western Regions, is it right? Haisha, learn from, Western Heaven is not the Western it? Is there a Loulan in the West, and what used to be the beautiful Loulan beauties? Is it the situation and meditation that corresponds to Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom? Today, we also see cgtn recruiting from Anhui to Xinjiang to recruit workers. The words are very similar to those in English and correspond to English parrots. Then Qiulan saw the news: Chongqing professor Yi Zhijian conquered the world's problems, and the desert-changing oasis was no longer a dream.

The photo of Hongkuang ski corresponds to the sand-sliding we saw before. I think of rolling up a thousand piles of snow. Isn't it Xue Baochao or Hai Haisha? Look at this poem again, the meaning of mood suddenly understood, two reasons, corresponding to Xiangling predicts hometown, the hometown of hometown also corresponds to the Honglou dream of Xiang Yun Xiang Yu Xiang Xiang Ling Yu Xiang Xiang Zi Xiang Yu -

Nian Nuo Jiao Chibi Nostalgic

Song Su

Going to the east of Dajiang River, Lang Tao will do its best. Therefore, west of the base, humanity is, three countries Zhoulang Chibi. Rocks pierce the air, throwing waves on shore and rolling thousands of piles of snow. Picturesque, a moment how many hero. In the past when he thought about public money, Xiaoqiao was married and he was macho. Feather fan towel, talk and laugh, ash flies away. Because of the country's dreams, I should laugh at me and send me early. Life is a dream.

A lazy English: Leakage of money in the bag; The hotel à la carte English conversation has the name fabia like France, glass of wine, across the street to grab a grabbing grab; hard-won customers; Angela Los Angeles has an angle, to see graduates a little confused, think of that Did the first female owner of the old school art find the loss of freedom and happiness? The seal was like the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty was an anklet, and Nora's away—Autumn originally wanted to learn English and searched for movies about English. Having found this name, the contents of the half-day performance are the same as what she saw yesterday and this morning. These are all in poor English. Are there any doubts that she is a robot?

On November 2nd, a strange ring appeared over Jiangxi. Autumn blue exclaimed: It was the head circle of the Arab prince that had been said before, the holy aura. Before the thought of the Monkey King's tight spell, was it that the Arab was a Guanyin or a Monkey King? What happened to the meditation? Why do they dress up?

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