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Forty-fourth day Lin Daiyu's Love Expectation 第四十四天 林黛玉的爱情期待

Updated: Mar 19, 2018

Particularly given the one thing he was certain about, was that impermanence and change were the only things that were definite in this world.


A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream.


A flash of lightning in a summer cloud.


A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.


希腊哲学家赫拉克利特有一句名言:“世上唯一不变的就是变化。”这句在墙上看到过,印象深刻。再之前查网络有看到佛教的无常说。后来还看到视频解释世界千变万化,跟不上变化的人就落伍了。后面的诗句不像中文的抽象,而是非常具体形象。dawn感觉很像夜空,想到一个星星✨ 在夜空中孤独,泡泡非常圆亮晶晶的拉进一个近距离的大的泡泡想象在头脑里。下一句想到夏天天地交泰的雷电。最后一句想到林黛玉给贾宝玉的那盏灯,他最后一集还在提着,幽灵想到马克思共产主义幽灵在缥缈飞荡,梦红楼梦。——今晚有超级大月亮,千里共婵娟,今天分析事件时又一次想了。纳兰妻子的梦中语。











因今天天空的泡泡云想到似昨天看听太阳之谜的大爆炸的烟雾,回看后与VENUS高温画面一样,再往后看视频,原来就是太阳动荡而暴力的画面,当时听到turbulent and violent感到深刻,其威力巨大之感。昨晚看到星巴克开业图片,天花板设计让我想到BUBBLE,但那是多边形又不全对应,但整体感就是泡泡。前面也提到a bubble in a stream及对应的超级大月亮。又看星巴克新闻的咖啡豆,现在才想起来设计的天花板是咖啡豆,也对应bubble。昨天上午看李劼的红楼梦提到白鲸,想到了星巴克,然后才看到星巴克新店图片;同时热搜有125-521手机数字;心经泡泡--云泡泡--及太阳之谜动荡泡泡--星巴克天花板似泡泡。


上午刚刚看完太阳之谜说氢气是宇宙最基本的,我们的婴儿是不是犹如氢弹爆炸产生出了量子单位10^-43的级别的反应后的果实呢?好像见过一匹马的画、吉林、李劼想过士口,打字出来一堆词组:理解、历劫、李杰 ,想到一树梨花写的情劫,世界上最大的情劫...怎么把劫变好呢,想此一闪而过便没再想...吉林今日5版报纸3篇文章讲核弹-太阳之谜氢弹,核武器常识及防护。还有吉林四平骏马狂奔高速公路。






看到哪个演员要拍纪录片~看到博物馆宝藏演员演绎小品~ 看过这个乾隆大釉瓶视频小品,想了乾隆,乾龙,就想到那个明朝来知德了,为什么其他朝代的皇帝没有一个给自己起号为乾啊龙啊的?也许易经是明朝清初才有的乎?~今天上午看到太阳之谜的冬至唤醒祖先。而冬至这一天应该和易经的一阳来复有对应。









秋蓝看罢一微博的室内聚餐视频写道:宇宙的这个时空点,你们聚在了三边都是玻璃窗的餐厅里吃饭,确实是某种思维的凝聚力够强。因她想过这样的景象。今天看到做动物饼干图片后,妙儿那边就捏葫芦面团。面团的事刚刚就想了,禅思怎么能够让其最终如想的实现呢?问妙儿,她说看到了电视在做菜,又看到了厨房,想到了煎饼,然后就想捏面团。莫非禅思黑洞可以聚焦所在的所有的所能控制的东西,因而集中快速准确的完成了同样的结果?如是那个stumble思维黑洞所牵连的一切都是为了维密秀上的那一片断的那辗。而那人那台那事件,就像太阳之谜说的melt ice时间记时是一秒,就算是三十年,对于禅思的光速来说,禅思那一刻亦是静止不动一样,因为今天想了这个图像:一断时间线,这边是运动一秒到达,而光速要走完相同的路段,岂不是就负时间了?10^-15那样的?


李劼:林黛玉的爱情期待:爱思想,高棉,文化大革命,圣经,基督教,西方思想家那个文章,均是秋蓝在爱思想网站于大概2013年第一次听说知晓! 还有两章就看完李劼红楼梦了,不得不说,这本书如同刚才的孔之视频一样让我迷茫:同泛易哲学的对称性归类情智神(明)~情梦灵结构;对资治通鉴类史书的摈弃不屑一顾;男性女性世界的关照点不同;还有上面那些的爱思想网站时的印象深刻的东西……只有红楼梦唯写一人而没有揭示出来,但有很多人物副本积聚在主角光环内应该是有些许感应的。如果李劼这本书和我有什么渊源的话,那么应该是2013年时的,那时候我主要看爱思想中的上面内容。

这时一人问秋蓝可不可讲讲伏羲女娲。她说刚看到这里有所同感,你就发问了,这个就是伏羲女娲的答案。男人与女人的区别具有人类文化学和历史发生学的意义及由此建构的人类社会理想。爱情,推广之是爱人之情。李劼红楼梦正是对昨天看到的CGTN希腊多元文化中一个人口延续性推断的反驳 。这就是牵涉到人类起源大问题了,伏羲女娲人形神体,那么究竟人类起源如何发生的呢?想到的有一的法则中说的无限造物者及其三个变貌(自由意志,爱,光),类似道生一至生三那个。这个问题又让我想起昨天看到鱼缸中的鱼儿,它似乎很有灵气,经常听到它跳水的很大的声音,都觉得它要跳出来鱼缸了。心里对它问道:鱼儿鱼儿,你的生命元初怎么来的呢?你为什么这么小而五脏俱全,会呼吸有活力呢?又想了鱼儿如同男子性特征,水是它的空气一样。后来看到微博有说英国科学家发现海绵体是人类起源,想到为什么是海绵体呢?也没仔细看。现在想起来原来对应这个禅思乎?然后接着看李劼书,就看到火剑必须放入灵河清洗才能获得灵气。红楼梦的性爱意向与弗洛伊德理论有同步性。那么由此推理,人的起源发生是否就是男性体如矢剑,女性体如真空呢?如此发生元性爱连接,则人类元体出现了。如按照前面李劼说的男需要太虚幻境警幻仙姑的授情、然后宝玉的浇灌、然后黛玉的还泪,则矢剑先初有与真空“意淫”体的互流动,如同波性意识?而警幻仙姑是一个人代表合一体,那么这个意淫体是合一的,是共通的,是男矢与女空的爱情圣杯。怎么也觉得男物性,女灵性,那么对应此波性实在是警幻仙姑,男矢是波性物质,女空是波性意识。前者代表力量,后者代表灵动。如图,波性实在:警幻仙姑灵,贾宝玉明。粒性实在:大观园梦,红楼梦故事情节情。外围分别对应女娲,炼石,补天,警世。


12月10日中午13时许12:39分,位于四川绵竹市九龙镇灵官楼突发大火,寺庙塔式建筑已燃起熊熊大火,伴有黑烟四起。据了解,这座寺庙还未完全建成,起火地点位于大殿,起火后引燃旁边的高塔。被大火烧毁的木塔已修建8年,采用中国传统卯榫结构,共16层高,号称亚洲第一高木塔。秋蓝今天上午看李劼红楼梦说到长城孟姜女哭倒,想起以前猜测长城非建造而是禅思的,那么哭倒则是哭到长城。红楼梦都是金人,金人入侵前是明朝,那么哭到长城不想胡人来犯者难道是明朝皇宫一女?崇祯被逼无奈……佛教宝地西来寺1万个小佛像满墙都是……香港大佛特大只一个……又看什么想到究竟是康熙还是顺治薛蟠纳兰搞不灵清了,中午后2点左右又看到李白的梦游天姥吟留别的蜀道之难,难于上青天,想到避暑山庄,蜀碧血流成河,蜀似菊,薛宝钗柳絮好风凭借力送我上青云,而李白难于上青天,这得多烦闷啊!怪不得书里说林黛玉鞭挞男权搭建的泥土浑浊世界之决心与气势——香港有九龙,蜀道难有火剑,灵梦情。秋蓝下午3点看完的书,书中多次提到怀古诗是对男权世界的反抗,其中一炬非常印象深刻: 赤壁沉埋水不流,徒留名姓载空舟。喧阗一炬悲风冷,无限英魂在内游。秋蓝后来又看到报道:2017年12月10日绵竹市九龙镇九龙寺大雄宝殿突发火灾,由于现场风势较大,快速引燃毗邻的祖师殿、毗卢佛塔。此次火灾造成九龙寺大雄宝殿、祖师殿、毗卢佛塔烧毁,过火面积800余平方米,无人员伤亡。

耶路撒冷位于犹地亚山区顶部,海拔790米,是古代宗教活动中心之一。犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教分别根据自己的宗教传说,都奉该城为圣地。城圈面积约1平方公里,划为4个区。 耶路撒冷同时是犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教三大亚伯拉罕宗教(或称“三大天启宗教”)的圣地。秋蓝看到金圆顶似土馒头想到妙玉的“纵有千年铁门槛,终须一个土馒头”。 三教同宗共源抢耶路撒冷,难道是著作红楼梦时的禅思而来吗?伊斯兰~佛家,基督教~儒家,犹太教~道家?伊斯兰为什么不吃猪肉吃羊肉,这与猪八戒背媳妇和纳兰1655属羊黛玉属羊、实似蝙蝠小鼠哭倒长城倒挂金钩,纳兰反过来就是1955。猪八戒佛教有戒律剃头不谈恋爱、天蓬元帅被贬下凡离开皇宫离开嫦娥,因之不能爱情,不要小脚女人只要打坐静心,似伊斯兰女人全身包裹不谈情。基督教谈爱,儒家谈仁,下午李劼红楼梦书说孔子是天真的世故。庄子是世故的天真,有智在里面围绕自身展开,似犹太教的商业成功。具体犹太教是什么不清楚。

耶路撒冷老城最下面是锡安,和印度最下面的锡安一模一样,且前两天查印度北部与中国接壤边境同时有三教在那个地方。今天就看到耶路撒冷也是三个教在一个地方。亚伯拉罕的故乡美索不达米亚古时候信奉萨比教,以日月星辰为崇拜对象,其中太阳是最主要的神祇。传说亚伯拉罕曾与故乡的人们发生争执, 宣称比太阳更伟大的造物主才值得人们敬拜。为此,他遭到了众人的反对, 而且还被国王关进了监狱。耶路撒冷(阿拉伯语:القدس الشريف 、英语:Jerusalem、希伯来语:ירושלים 、拉丁语:Yerushalayim或Yerushalaim),秋蓝看到古代拉丁语不就是拼音吗?爷入撒拉。




“吉普赛”一词源于欧洲人对罗姆人起源的误解,当时欧洲人误以为罗姆人来自埃及,于是称之为“埃及人”,而“吉普赛”(Gypsy)是“埃及”(Egypt)的音变。一直折腾Egypt确实符合他们是流浪民族的特点,这个也和一的法则里的流浪者有联系应该。因为他们的工作主要有占卜,歌舞等。查耶路撒冷看到过吉普赛人名称的不同: 罗姆人,为起源于印度北部,散居全世界的流浪民族。罗姆人与跟他们有密切关系的辛提人又合称为吉卜赛人或吉普赛人。不过,大多数罗姆人都认为“吉卜赛人”这个名称有歧视意义,所以不使用。欧洲亦有许多国家称罗姆人为茨冈人。罗姆人以其神秘的形象著称,历史上多从事占卜、歌舞等职业。

对包法利夫人中,永镇药剂师奥梅把初级小学与无知修会(基督教会)比较, 还编了一部统计概论,统计学又把他引向了哲学。对艾玛的墓地是想有圆鼓(音同远古)型立柱,还是有褶皱帷幔。接着提出建一座金字塔,然后是维斯太神庙,像圆亭。所有方案奥梅都要求有垂柳。(圆穹顶,这个佛教宝地香港大佛头部描述和尼泊尔塔描述有)。最后碑铭觉得用行人止步与脚下有无爱妻两个句子。(想到埃及法老墓行人止步,乱世佳人十二橡树园也有此字)。全书经常看到斜体字燕子与金狮(客栈)。而燕子似乎有的指燕子,有的指马车,有的指什么也看不明白。




昨天看到get还可以把人带来get a doctor,想到overdose、get him想到 《Love Me Like You Do》。另ge to COEX似EXO。现在想起来get a doctor是那篇文章毛泽东会见外国领导人说的话,寓意两个医生或博士。上瘾(Overdose)是S.M.与美国团队The Underdogs的合作作品,在创作和制作方面得过六次格莱美奖的主创Manson赋予了它R&B元素和美妙的旋律。昨天看书有get up,一个人躺着然后状态转向醒着的状态up–站着,头顶写着up,主题get 就是行动。各一页男人来自火星女人来自金星,how do i get her to understand?想了understand为什么是明白理解呢?站立之下,在站的地下就是明白了?想到了包法利夫人的脚下有吾妻。以前还想过为什么英文的dog 和god如此接近呢?狄仁杰,推背图女子脚下有犬。元素完全一样只是组合不同。——写出来发现先up后understand.上瘾制作美国团队underdogs。

she's got blue eys and blonde hair.她金发碧眼。——蘭眼金人发。外国人时空哪时候开启的呢?一口袋小子,曾经只要看到英语就会感到自惭形秽。现在,他将从英语道士那里掌握的流利英语秘诀大公开,让我们跟他一起,轻松搞定英语!英语是一门“围绕动词转”的语言,而其中get、do、take等基本动词的使用频率最高。这些基本动词看上去很简单,但含义可谓五花八门,这正是英语让我们头痛不已的主要原因。秋蓝想:这本书的简介和我心里想的一模一样啊!以前妙儿学英语有puppy,觉得很好听,也有点像happy一样,快乐英语~前些天看到妙儿看一个动漫,说是魔法口袋,看了有英文名称puppy in my pocket~佛教宝地说过buddha布袋,小god在buddha里?~看到韩国英文宋仲基,韩语形式简单像回归太极道~韩国英文学习书口袋小子从英文道长那里学到的。

Forty-fourth day Lin Daiyu's Love Expectation

Particularly given the one thing he was certain about, was that impermanence and change were the only things that were definite in this world.

In particular, the one thing that he is very sure about, the constant change, is the only thing that is unchanged in this world.

A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream.

Everything works, such as a dream bubble.

A flash of lightning in a summer cloud.

If Lu also likes electricity, it should be used as a concept.

A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.

A flashing light, a ghost, a dream.

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, famously said: "The only constant in the world is change." This phrase was seen on the wall and was very impressive. Then look at the network and see the Buddhist impermanence. Later, it was also seen that video explained the ever-changing world and people who couldn't keep up with the changes were left behind. The back verses are not like Chinese abstractions, but very specific images. Dawn feels a lot like the night sky, think of a star ✨ lonely in the night sky, bubbles are very round and sparkling into a large bubble in the near distance imagine in the mind. The next sentence thinks of thunder and lightning in the summer of heaven and earth. The last sentence thought of the lamp that Lin Yu-yu gave to Jia Baoyu. His last episode was still being raised. The specter thought that the specter of Marx communism was flying and dreaming about the dream of Red Mansions. - There is a super-large moon tonight and a total of 1,000 miles in total. I think again when analyzing the incident today. Nalan wife's dream language.

Yesterday, because the song was a MV, the black sphere was like a proton. It was thought that the electrons in the atom were impermanently caused by the action of the protons of the protons on the nucleus, like the material planets that are farther and farther away from us. And people, such as the carriers of wave consciousness, are the center of the universe... and then they see this line of poetry:

I am not on the edge

I am in the center of the universe,

The wave function diffused from me.

Return to me again.

Every cycle,

The universe has been reformed for me.

The idea that the nucleus is virtual is that the information is like an equation program, and that the planet that is getting farther and farther is the entity as if it were a chemical reaction like a quantum entangled counterpart. Seeing shineking's Apollo Temple is a powerful energy. To put a crystal on it, think of it as a proton. The rest should be the bubble association in the poetic verse of Buddhism: this bubble is an imaginary world. The center of the universe, and thus the association above.

I think people can understand what I said in the previous article "A Dream of Red Mansions" is the meaning of a fate. Although this monumental work preserves a lot of memories of the spring era of culture through the creation of color images, she does not face history but face fate. That is to say, the creation of history is something she has been unable to recall. Even the vigorous lust of the Song and Ming dynasties, she was completely poetic. Her basic point is not color, but empty. This kind of space not only gave her nothing but made her contain everything. This kind of empty space is not empty. It is a kind of black hole formed by cosmology and revealed by the collapse of a superstar. It is infinitely deep and unpredictable in the void. If we want to find a symmetrical Western philosophy on this empty image, it is not Schopenhauer's will to say, but Heidegger's ontology. This section of Li Yong's commentary on the Dream of the Red Mansions and the morning viewed the collapse of 10^-43 powers of deep meditation. Li Hao was like a robbery. Twenty-four histories in 2012 had the same exclusionary comments as him.

Li Wei also mentioned Hitler: Perhaps a diachronic culture, when faced with a synchronic culture, is often a philosophy whose literary or artistic counterparts are directly opposed to each other. Because the classic philosophy is often synchronic, and it is fateful. Even Schopenhauer's philosophy, for example, also meant a prediction for Hitler, and Hitler's cultural connotation was a fate of Western culture.

Because today's bubble cloud of the sky comes to mind the smoke of the big bang like yesterday's riddle of the sun's mystery, after watching it, like VENUS's high-temperature picture, we watched the video again. It turned out to be a turbulent and violent picture of the sun. At that time, I heard turbulent and Violent felt deeply, its power was huge. I saw Starbucks opening pictures last night. The ceiling design reminds me of BUBBLE, but that's because polygons don't quite correspond, but the overall sense is bubbles. Also mentioned in front of a bubble in a stream and the corresponding super-large moon. Looking at Starbucks News's coffee beans again, it is only now that the design ceiling is coffee beans, which also corresponds to bubble. Yesterday morning, I read Lee Hung's Dream of the Red Mansion mentioned the white whale, think of Starbucks, and then saw the Starbucks new store pictures; at the same time hot search has 125-521 mobile phone numbers; Heart Sutra bubble - cloud bubble - and the sun mystery bubble Bubbles - Starbucks ceiling bubbles.

Yesterday SHINEK made a string of letters in the Greek S-type cloud. I wonder if it is Greek. Also think of Wang Xi Meng Baoyu wax. Today I saw the Russian language on the cancellation of the Russian event. Is this Russian language the same as the Greek language? All are like alien characters.

After reading the mystery of the sun in the morning and saying that hydrogen is the most basic aspect of the universe, is our infant like a hydrogen bomb that produces a fruit with a quantum unit of 10^-43? Seems to have seen a horse's painting, Jilin and Li Yu thought about the shikou, typing out a bunch of phrases: understanding, robbing, Li Jie, thinking of a tree pear blossoms, the world's largest rob... How do you get robbed? If you think of this, you wouldn't think about it. Jilin Today's 5th edition newspaper 3 articles on nuclear bombs - sun puzzle hydrogen bombs, nuclear weapons knowledge and protection. There is also the Jilin Siping Horse rushing highway.

At 7:29 pm on December 07, a magnitude 5.2 earthquake occurred in Yecheng County, Kashgar, Xinjiang. Yesterday: The guests of the poems think of Dezhan Nalan and the Hakkas. Kash is the meaning of the mandarin gift that you say. Li Hong House dreamed of two trees. Jilin horses run at the end of the highway with leaves. 125521 Jinyun thought of 127. Ma Yunxing Buck thinks that Ali Baba Ali is from Taiwan. The location is wrong? This map also has Ali.

At 23:19 on December 06, a magnitude 4.3 earthquake occurred in India. Kash, thinking of Kashmir, checked out a Hindu Muslim Hindu, thinking that if it was Narendra, the spread should be on the border with China. Kathmandu Nepal The yurt tower is indeed close to the Chinese border. 43 is a special age of time.

Just after listening to the second episode of the mystery of the sun, I thought that this episode was very ordinary and there was nothing but the gallery that it described as depicting the Chambers in the Neolithic Meishoweigu’s tomb (a Buddhist treasure also has this description). Inside, I kept walking on the slope (Pyramid Road) and found a pile of skulls. Later, it was said that there was a miracle on this day of the winter solstice, and that sunset was shot into the entrance of the tunnel, illuminating the interior, and finally it was awakening the ancestors on this day.

The discovery of the autumn blue discovered the mysterious empty space corresponding to the upper part of the dragonfly that was previously mentioned inside the pyramid. There is a winter solstice that corresponds to the dream of the Red Mansions. Think of the words of the first episode of the Big Bang and describe the history of cosmic history that corresponds to TED for 18 seconds. The English-style pillars were often mentioned before. The Tao Temple in Shanxi, which was circled by friends just now, is similar to the British stone pillar.

The first episode talks about the core of the sun where hydrogen is transformed into four helium by pressure and then the big bang produces solar energy. Launched to the sun's surface. I thought that this is the birth of a baby, so what is this source, love? Where does love come from? The particle accelerators just seen in the circle of friends are similar to those found in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. They still have a whirlpool, isn't it that the vortex is the source of these explosions? Then it is similar to the vortex generated by the merger of black holes, and it can be inferred that the source of black hole merger is what? This should be the first driving force.

See which actor wants to take a documentary~ See the treasure of the museum actor to interpret the skit ~ Seen this Qianlong glazed bottle video sketch, thought of Qianlong, Qianlong, thought of the Ming Dynasty to know Germany, why did the other dynasty emperor not give one to himself? What's the name for the dry dragon? Maybe the Book of Changes was the only thing that happened in the early Ming and early Qing dynasties? ~ The solstice of the winter solstice to see the sun's mystery awakened this morning The winter solstice should correspond to Yi Yang of the Book of Changes.

"Nature": This large "empty hole" is about 30 meters long. Its cross-section is similar to the Dagu Road that connects Pharaoh's tomb just below it. The international research team conducted a survey called "Scanning the Pyramid." Researchers sought to unravel the internal structure underneath the exterior of the pyramid through radiographic imaging techniques that penetrate deep into the interior of the pyramid. After two years of exploration and data analysis, this huge "empty hole" was eventually discovered. After seeing Autumn Blue, I thought that the past two years were still a bit closer. I often had strange discoveries. The odd words that happened to surprise him once, and the two words of the pyramid of Giza, turned out to be the opposite. Isn't that empty space in the sky hidden in the pyramid?

Seeing the mystery of the sun, it is said that the stream of hydroquinone particles makes the accumulation of clouds change, and it is understood that the most basic elements of the universe form a cloud. The sky has been clouded for these two days. The day before yesterday, I saw the metal likes of Greek tourists (I used to see holes in the Metal Belt and Road Meeting, think of metal companies) s-shaped clouds and spiral clouds (I always remembered the spiral of genes in the sky above the community). Then there was an S-shaped cloud in the sky yesterday. At the end, it was connected to the sun, and the back was like a spiral body.

A few trees were shot in the autumn blue afternoon and they were found to be symmetrical. The mirror image game was found in the evening. This morning, the sky divergence on both sides of the sky is like a mirror image. There is also a UFO cloud like a Greek traveler. This image should be a cloud that is always beautiful between the two buildings before taking the photo two days before, and the emphasis placed on the building highlights the beauty of the cloud.

There was also a cloud that was found out at the beginning. I thought about the rappelling bergamot of Leijiayin, one out of four, and the other one later discovered three. Think of the virtue of 妃 43. The moon next to it is particularly clean and is in accordance with the virtue. In the first two days of watching the Wukong probe, there are articles saying that the name of China will not be like the sun god, and it is the name associated with Chinese mythology.

Seeing the edict, remembering Wang Xifeng’s verdict mentioned earlier, it should correspond to Nalanyi’s obedience (Wang Xifeng and Jiarui’s time), and entering the palace to serve Jiamiao’s orders, as well as Wang Xifeng’s Liyuan (Jia Rong’s period). Qing Wen was rushed to Lin Daiyu's death and Jing Jing Wang died. Wang Xifeng's birthday was crowned by Wang Xifeng's birthday. He completed the time cycle (the actual lingering spread of the Rongning Prefecture's simultaneity). It is difficult to conceive of such an exquisite and wide-ranging alternative autobiographical body that can be created by someone other than himself, and Lin Baoyu’s soul mate, Jia Baoyu, may not be able to grasp the accuracy of her daughterhood and the depth of her daughter’s will. Once I doubted my instinct that the Dream of the Red Chamber was an autobiography created by a woman. She was always between Jia Baoyu and Lin Yuyu. But men in the world can love such a thing, but they can't explore women's micro? However, my current evidence of intuition is not enough.

Think of Steve Jobs's autobiography, think about anyone's autobiography, which has the world's ignorance and truth on the peculiar should be according to why? But why are those songs such as Luo Shenfu's Chu Ci poetry, the admiration of her daughter, and certainly come from In the book of Jia Baoyu's real human hand, there is a question as to why autobiography must be so admired. From this point of view, it seems that Jia Baoyu was the author's right as mentioned in the opening chapter... The book is also very light on the poetry talent of Jia Baoyu... And Nalan's poetry, Li Bai's poems are by no means ordinary. Maybe Jia Baoyu Lin Yuyu’s concerns are different?

If Li Hong's Dream of the Red Chamber and the Book of Changes are the books of the Book of Heaven, they all think that the Dream of the Red Chamber is a book of the sky. However, the logic of the Dream of the Red Chamber is extremely ambushing deeply. The Book of Changes should be caused by meditation, and the dream of the Red Chamber is absolutely painstaking. Moreover, the author intends to make this work out of man's handwriting, so it is reasonable to write praise. Perhaps this is the same as the role of the son-in-law, mainly for Jin Ping Mei's feminization and kitsch, the twenty-four history of the male world, Wang Xifeng's experience of time and space through and emboldened the emperor to pull down all kinds of ...

Maybe eventually Wang Xifeng and Jia Baoyu and other females of Jiamu's family were descended from monkhood. Perhaps they are all corresponding to Temple of Prisons. The secularization of Wang Xifeng was replaced by Miaoyu. This escaped the Grand View Garden of the Dream of Red Mansions. Missing Xiangling (Wang Xi). This deductive reasoning can be linked in thousands of ways, but the realistic theme framework: Rongning Erfu, Baodi love, marriage snatch (Jingxing woman: this gold and gold person, Jin Shengtan are closely linked), four major families (guardians of four Sentences are gold, jade is second!) - This is the backbone of the real world. Similar to the full-scale development of the West Chamber. The abstract framework of abstraction has spread through the ages: Mu Shi Qianmeng, Nu Wa Bu Tian, ​​Destiny Proverbs, Bibi Qiankun, Life and Death, First Ageless Procreation, Zen Buddhism, Too Fantasy, and Love and Red Dream.

Qiu Lan sees Weibo's indoor dinner video. He wrote: At this time and space of the universe, you gather in restaurants with glass windows on all sides. It is indeed a strong cohesiveness of some kind of thinking. Because she thought about this scene. Today, after seeing pictures of animal biscuits, Miu'll have gourd dough. The dough has just been thought of. How can meditation make its ultimate realization? Asked wonderfully, she said that she saw TV cooking, saw the kitchen again, thought of pancakes, and wanted to squeeze the dough. Is it true that the black hole of the meditation can focus on all the controllable things, and thus concentrate on doing the same result quickly and accurately? For example, everything that is involved in the stumbleness black hole is for the part of Wei Mixiu. . And that person’s incident was just a second, like the melting ice time of the sun’s mystery. Even if it was for 30 years, for the speed of light for meditation, the moment of meditation is still the same, because Today I missed this image: I have broken the timeline. Here is the movement to arrive in one second, and the speed of light is going to go on the same road. Isn't it time to lose? 10^-15 like that?

Seeing one microblogging location in Italy, and just two days before Qiu Lan, I just saw Gu Ye’s article comparing the close relationship between Italian and Chinese culture. At that time, in the space designated by this meditation, we went back and forth through the weaving machine, weaving beautiful patterns like meditation, and finally fulfilling the task of meditation. Is this not easy? There is plenty of time, space is limited, and the spectrum of available energy is so much more. The key is to have a meditation blueprint! Autumn blue is the first thought of how to collapse the problem of time and space, and then only to see this person in the window restaurant to eat video, and one of them is the content of speech: the universe space time gathered in this space and time!

Li Yu: Lin Daiyu's love expectations: love thoughts, Khmer, the Cultural Revolution, the Bible, Christianity, and the Western thinker's article were all the first time that Qiu Lan heard about the website of Love Thoughts in 2013. There are two chapters to see Li Hong's dream, and I have to say that this book is as confused as the hole video just now: the symmetry of the Pan-Easy Philosophy categorizes the Sense of Mind (Ming)-Qing Mengling structure Disregarding the historical books of the Zitong Tongshi; disregarding the care points of the male and female worlds; and the impressive things of the above-mentioned love-mind websites... Only the Dream of the Red Chamber wrote only one person without revealing it, but there was The accumulation of many characters in the protagonist halo should be somewhat inductive. If Li Yu’s book has anything to do with me, then it should be in 2013. At that time, I mainly look at the above content in my thoughts.

At this time, one person asked Qiu Lan to talk about Fuxi. She said that she had just seen something in the same place. You asked this question. This is the answer to Fuxi Nuwa. The difference between men and women has the significance of human culture and historical genesis and the human social ideal constructed from it. Love, the promotion of love is love. Li Yuhong's dream is a refutation of the continuation of a population in the multicultural culture of CGTN seen yesterday. This is a big question involving human origins. Fuxi Nu is a humanoid god. So how did human origin happen? The infinity creator and his three transformations (free will, love, and light) in the thought of the one that comes to mind are similar to Daosheng. This question reminded me of the fish I saw in the fish tank yesterday. It seemed remarkably aura, and I heard the great sound of diving. I felt that it had to jump out of the fish tank. I asked him in my heart: Fish, fish, how did your life come? Why are you so small and well-organized, will you breathe vitality? Also think of the fish as the male sexual characteristics, water is the same as its air. Later, I saw Weibo saying that British scientists have discovered that the cavernous body is of human origin. Why is it thought to be a sponge body? Did not look carefully. Now think of the original corresponding to this meditation? Then, after seeing Li Shushu, I saw that the fire sword must be placed in the Linghe cleansing to gain reiki. The dream of sex in Red Mansions is synchronized with the Freudian theory. From this reasoning, is the origin of human beings such as male swords and females like vacuums? So the occurrence of meta-sexual connection, the human body appears. For example, according to Li Yu’s men’s needs, they need to be too imaginary and the fairy’s affection, then the watering of Baoyu, and then the tears of the jade, then the sword first has a mutual flow with vacuum “interesting”, like waves. Sexual awareness, but the police fantasy fairy is a person representative, then the impersonal body is a unity, is common, is the male holy and female space love holy grail. How do you think male sex, female spirituality, then this wave is really a police fantasy fairy, male vector is a wave of material, female space is a wave of consciousness. The former represents power and the latter represents clever activity. As shown in the figure, the wave of reality is: Jing Huan Gu Gu Ling, Jia Bao Yuming. Granular reality: Grand View Garden Dream, the story of the Red Mansion Dream story. Peripherals correspond to sons-in-law, stone-making, patchwork, and warning.

This book is quite different from the fact that women in Yinyuejing need to inject intelligence to run better. The Taoist theory of picking up and supplementing is entirely a combination of men and women in terms of existence and time. And the abandonment of the utilitarianism of patriarchal rights is the basis of the argument in the law of ONE, which is a part of the self that needs more spirituality. Moreover, many of the book's major structural judgments are very close to the birth and death maps, and these are consistent with the taxonomic structure of the Pan-Easy philosophy.

 At 12:39 on the afternoon of December 10th at noon, it was located in Lingguan Building, Jiulong Town, Mianzhu City, Sichuan Province. There was a blazing fire in the temple tower building, accompanied by black smoke. It is understood that this temple has not yet been fully completed, the fire site is located in the hall, the fire ignited next to the tower. The wooden tower burned down by the fire has been built for 8 years. It adopts a traditional Chinese gong structure and is a total of 16 stories tall, and is called the tallest wooden tower in Asia. Autumn blue this morning to see Li Yuhong Lou Meng said that the Great Wall Meng Jiangnu cried, remembering that before the Great Wall was not constructed but meditation, then cry is crying to the Great Wall. The Dream of the Red Chamber is a golden man. Before the invasion of the Jin Dynasty, it was the Ming dynasty. Then cried to the Great Wall and did not want the prisoner to be the prisoner of the Ming dynasty. Chong Zhen was forced to help... 10,000 small Buddha statues in Buddhist temple Xilai Temple It's all... The Hong Kong Giant Buddha is only one big one...and sees what it is to think of whether Kangxi or Shunzhi Xue Hao Nalan is incapable of clearing up, and at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon it is hard to see Li Bai’s sleepwalking in the sky. , Difficult to go to the blue sky, think of the summer resort, Yan Bi blood into a river, like the chrysanthemum, Xue Baoxi catkins winds by virtue of sending me on the Qingyun, and Li Bai is difficult to go to the blue sky, which is much trouble! No wonder the book says that Lin Daiyu's determination and imposing turmoil in the muddy world built by men and women - Hong Kong has Kowloon, it's hard to have a fire sword and a dream. After reading the book at 3pm in the afternoon, the book mentioned many times that the ancient poetry was a resistance to the world of male rights, and one of them was very impressed: The red water did not flow and the last name was empty. As soon as the torch is cold, the infinite souls swim in. Qiu Lan later saw the report: On December 10, 2017, a sudden fire broke out at the main hall of the Jiulong Temple in Jiulong Town, Mianzhu City. As a result of the greater wind on the spot, it quickly ignited the adjacent Patriarch Hall and Pilu Buddha Tower. The fire caused the main hall of the Nine Dragons Temple, the founder's house, and the Buddha's Pyramid to be destroyed. The burned area was more than 800 square meters and there were no casualties.

Jerusalem is located at the top of the mountainous area of ​​Judea, 790 meters above sea level, and is one of the centers of ancient religious activities. According to their religious legends, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all worship the city as a holy place. The area of ​​the city circle is about 1 square kilometer and it is divided into 4 districts. Jerusalem is also a sacred place for the three major Abraham religions (or “Three Religious Religions”) of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Autumn blue to see the gold dome like the bandits head think of Miao Yu's "There are miles of iron gates, and finally a bandit head." When the three religions shared the same source and robbed Jerusalem, was it the meditation of the Red Mansion Dream? Islamic ~ Buddhist, Christian ~ Confucian, Jewish ~ Taoist? Islam Why do not eat pork to eat lamb, this is the same as the pig's wife and Nalan 1655 are sheep's jade jade sheep, like a bat mouse cry Great Wall hanging hook, satisfied Lan is in turn 1955. The pigs of Buddhism have the precepts of shameless love, Marshal of the canopy is degraded to leave the palace and leave, because it can not be love, do not meditate as long as a woman meditation, like an Islamic woman wrapped in love. Christianity talks about love, and Confucianism talks about it. In the afternoon, Li Shuhong's dream book says that Confucius is naive. Zhuangzi is a worldly innocence, and there is intelligence in it that unfolds around itself, like the commercial success of Judaism. What is specific Judaism is not clear.

At the bottom of Jerusalem’s Old City is Zion, which is exactly the same as the lowermost Zion in India. In the previous two days, the northern part of India’s border with China was bordered by three religions. Today it is seen that Jerusalem is also taught in one place. Abraham’s hometown of Mesopotamia was worshipped by Sabbi in ancient times. The sun, moon, and stars were the objects of worship. The sun was the most important shrine. It is said that Abraham had a dispute with people in his hometown and claimed that the Creator who is greater than the Sun is worthy of worship. For this reason, he was opposed by many people and was also jailed by the king. Jerusalem (Arabic: القدس الشريف, English: Jerusalem, Hebrew: ירושלים, Latin: Yerushalayim, or Yerushalaim). Did the autumn blue see ancient Latin instead of pinyin? Lord into the Sarah.

Autumn Blue Yesterday saw a friend circle Trump lectured in Jerusalem, the difference between the three religions to see the Islamic site is the moon and the stars icon, check the map to see the Mediterranean circle in Algeria. The article mentioned that Trump said North Korean Rockets (this morning Chinese-dominant article also mentioned how the word Chinese-English combination is the new term). Then I saw the news today that China successfully launched satellites for Algeria. There are places in France where the Mediterranean Sea is quite large, on the far left of the Mediterranean Sea, and Spain. The entrance to the Red Sea below is the mention of Egypt and Israel that have been thundering, and the Islamic icon that launches rockets in the morning. Algeria, Arabian Peninsula, with Syria and many more. In the middle of the sea is the Italian peninsula, Greece.

See Li Honghong's dream that this book refers to fate and not other superficial content; Miao Yu thinks of the specific circumstances of his meditation and being robbed; Bao Yu’s only ambiguous imaginative red imaginative thought may be meditation collapse. Some people are not born with such things as Baoyu’s reading of red blossoms; Patriarchal churches have a cardinal; Chasha’s Israel has Abraham; the garment production actually has a cloak and thinks of the red cloak of Jia Baoyu, and Where do you see a woman wearing a cloak that looks like a Qing Dynasty design cloak and a child's painting; a picture of a Qing Dynasty dress? A man wears a red hat like a clock, is that the end of the clock not the core? Thinking of the meaning of the poem to the passenger ship by the moonlight and the Ukrainian frost, whether this hat is the meditation of the meditation alarm clock, why did the Jin people invade the Ming Dynasty's fate of pushing back the idiom? Turned to Notre Dame Cathedral, there are: cloak, cardinal, many countries around the Mediterranean name, Egyptian women have been repeatedly said, like the concave Crystal Museum Notre Dame on the Seine, like stole the plot of Saitama Save the name of Melissa (Idol of the Holy Girl) Isemellada. Ring the bell. Poets philosophers like Naran, especially Beavers mean the sun. alchemy. This book is like a man, just like the black ink in the Dream of the Red Chamber. The book is divided into three men, but it is arranged in the background of the religion of Jesus Muhammad. Autumn Blue had no connection with the 16-story wooden pagoda in the firecrackers of the Kowloon Lingwang Monastery and the tower. The female lead of the Notre Dame seen today is 16 years old, the actor is 36 years old, and the other man is just 20 years old. Simon More did not see. The heroine was sold as if she had been abducted, and she was also stolen by her mother as an Egyptian woman when she was one year old. And this hidden Sister mother is more likely than Imagined Liu, and her daughter should be Liu Wuer.

Mrs. Bovary is also French, and Garley is a puppy name, seeing the same name as the goat of Notre Dame. Originally I thought that if I wanted to go to Switzerland and Spain in the past, I thought this was connected with the Mediterranean. I had turned this book and the preamble a few days ago. It was a bit confusing to write a carriage. It is not like the vague and double semantic meaning of Chinese poetry. ? I also used this book because I saw Pan Jinlian not seeing the poster with Madame Bovary. Perhaps these French books are all meditations? Even animal names are the same, but also Emma and Leon, Leon and the killer is not too cold actor. Garley to Scarlett, Melada to Melenda. Madame Bovary, Notre Dame Cathedral was connected to the troubled ladies through animals. The bells in the field also have Gypsies. For a hundred years, the loneliness is also a gypsies. This Notre Dame de Paris has always been an Egyptian woman.

The term "Gypsy" originated from the European misunderstanding of the origin of the Roma, when Europeans mistakenly thought that the Roma came from Egypt and called it "Egyptian" and "Gypsy" was "Egyptian". (Egypt) sound change. Tossing Egypt is indeed consistent with the characteristics of the people they are wandering in, and this is also related to the wanderer in the rules of one. Because their work mainly includes divination, song and dance, etc. Jerusalem has seen the difference in the name of the Gypsies: The Roma, a wandering people that originated in northern India and scattered throughout the world. The Roma and the Sinti people who are closely related to them are also known as Gypsies or Gypsies. However, most Roma believe that the name "Gypsies" is discriminatory and therefore not used. There are also many countries in Europe that call the Roma people as the Zigbang people. Roma people are known for their mysterious image and they are engaged in divination, singing and dancing and other professions in history.

For Mrs. Bovary, Yongzheng Apothecary Ome compared primary school to ignorance (Christianity), and also compiled an introduction to statistics, which in turn led him to philosophy. For Emma's cemetery is to want to have a round drum (sound with the ancient)-type column, there is still folds. Then proposed to build a pyramid, then the Temple of Wisdom, like a round pavilion. All programs in Ome have requested weeping willow. (Round dome, description of the head of this Buddhist treasure in Hong Kong and description of the Nepalese Pagoda there). The last inscription feels that there are two sentences that stop with a pedestrian and there is no wife under the foot. (Thinking of the stoppage of Pharaoh's grave in Egypt, the Twelve Oaks Garden also has this word). The book often sees italic swallows and golden lions (inns). The swallows seem to have swallows, some refer to carriages, and some do not understand.

Yesterday in the row of religious bookshelves saw a lot of Christian Buddhism Islam, which found a new book: Isis's veil - the history of natural ideas essay. Turning over the catalogue, the first one was the opening remarks: A mystical word caught my curiosity. Then see the first part is the veil of death, the rumor is: everything that is born tends to disappear. This sentence was very impressive. At that time there was indeed something to think of, but no details were determined in mind.

Yesterday I thought about learning English skills. I feel that the sentence structure is a very logical grammatical structure. If you learn the simple but varied verbs, you may be able to solve a lot of problems, such as make, get, etc. phrase. Then yesterday I discovered a Korean book devoted to explaining verbs divided into one, two and three. Just seeing the first verb of the book, when I saw keep suddenly discovering these English verbs at the first level, it is very much in line with Buddhism's idea of ​​living in bad air. Is there any connection between English in English and Buddhism? And this epiphany is inextricably linked with the words Isis borrowed yesterday. Then look at the other two or three levels of vocabulary and feel that all of them can be put into a bad time. And those verbs that do actions can be nested in Egyptian Egypt, which has been thundering. Corresponding to bad, Chinese men are not bad women do not love, It should be this bad idea.

The news bulletin that just saw the auto bomb was visiting China today. Some time ago, Hong Kong mama had a smooth and accurate English song. These are the causes of death. Just seeing the robbery of Buddhism, a robbery is a birth and death, looting power, and it is corresponding to the world you just saw, and gone with the wind. The floating Scarlett was just looking at the word before this book. The contents of the borrowed red words made me stumble, and the names of their heroes caught my attention.

Yesterday, seeing get can also bring people to get a doctor, think of overdose, get him to think of "Love Me Like You Do". Another ge to COEX like EXO. Now think of get a doctor is that article Mao Zedong met with foreign leaders to say something, meaning two doctors or doctors. Addictive (Overdose) is a collaboration between S.M. and the American team The Underdogs. Manson, who has won six Grammy Awards for creation and production, has given it R&B elements and wonderful melodies. Yesterday reading got up, a person lying down and the state turned to awake state up– standing, with the top written up, the theme get is action. Each page of a man comes from Mars. Woman comes from Venus. How do you understand understand why? Standing under the ground in the station is understood? I thought of my wife at the foot of Madame Bovary. Have you ever thought why English dog and god are so close? Di Renjie, pushing her back, has a dog at her feet. The elements are exactly the same but the combination is different. - Write out to discover first up after understand. Addicted to make American team underdogs.

She's got blue eys and blonde hair. She was blond. - Lan eye gold hair. When do foreigners open time? A pocket boy once felt ashamed to see English. Now, he will open up the fluent English secrets from English priests and let us work with him to make it easy! English is a language that “turns around verbs,” and uses basic verbs such as get, do, and take. The highest frequency. These basic verbs look simple, but their meanings can be varied. This is the main reason why English has caused us headaches. Autumn blue thought: The introduction of this book is exactly the same as what I thought! In the past, it was puppy to learn English and I thought it was nice to listen to, and it was a bit like happy. It was fun to see an anime a few days ago. It was a magic pocket. I read the English name of “puppy in my pocket~” After budha bag, small god in buddha? ~ see South Korea English Song Zhongji, Korean language form simply return to Tai Chi Road ~ Korean English learning pocket boy learned from English commander.

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