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Forty-ninth day Our home 第四十九天 我们的家园




faster and faster,这个句子在家园多次出现。想起来太阳之谜那个爆炸头女子说过这个句子,印象深刻。


Seventy percent of this gas, without which our lungs cannot function,comes from the algae that tint the surface of the oceans.


Our Earth relies on a balance in which every being has a role to play and exists only through the existence of another being.


A subtle, fragile harmony that is easily shattered.

一种敏感而脆弱的和谐 极易破碎。

Thus, corals are born from the marriage of algae and shells.



In their unequal battle against industrial fishing fleets,they can't find enough fish to feed their young.















To see a world in a grain of sand

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

And eternity in an hour.





上面的四行诗是长诗《Auguries of Innocence》的开头四行。作者名唤威廉·布莱克(William Blake 1757-1827)。



——徐志摩 译


Living matter bonds water, air, earth and the sun.


In Borneo, this bond has been broken in what was one of the Earth's greatest reservoirs of biodiversity.




Once the pearl of the Caribbean,Haiti can no longer feed its population without foreign aid.




复活节岛是最与世隔绝的岛屿之一,离有人定居的皮特开恩群岛也有2,075 公里距离。该岛形状近似呈一三角形,由三座火山组成。三角形的每个角上各有一座火山。左边角上是拉诺考火山。右边是拉诺拉拉科火山,这座火山的斜坡上有岛上最大的巨型石像群。北方角上是拉诺阿鲁火山,它与特雷瓦卡山相邻。居民自认是两个种族的後裔︰长耳族和短耳族。秋蓝想到:三角形,以前一直想过身体三角灵。后来看到宇宙三角图片。家园纪录片rapa nui查不出意思,搜索网络发现这个复活岛居然是三角形,还每个角都是火山口。



秋蓝看到图片天狗吃月,一只狗在舔月亮。富士山顶部有雪。数了数梵高星空挂画有七个月晕,有云几条,下面房子想到买时误寄来是一棵很高的尖顶松树的画。山水对石花。网上看到雪月后又说有蓝月。日本白居易。月珍珠富士山...。刚刚她误打开读书软件一下子看到over the moon,狗趴在月亮之上图片,很逮的意思。

青藏高原冰川是长江恒河源头。青藏高原有雪如同富士山寓意。 清源山雪:泉州下雪了,都挤去清源山看雪了,上次下雪是清光绪二十二年(1896年)。


Must we always build walls.


to break the chain of human solidarity,separate peoples and protect the happiness of some from the misery of others?


It's too late to be a pessimist.


I know that a single human can knock down every wall.


It's too late to be a pessimist.



朝鲜战争与喜马拉雅山,加德满都研究院,秋蓝想到美国入侵后可能会劫持他搞不懂的资源,以后比如现在中国发展了就失去了研究的意义了,那么可就惨了,对世界更是损失。家园提到很多次faster and faster,还有最后面说的悲观不要太迟什么的,此视频对应挽救给予善意的机会。

昨天天行的文章,谈到自由市场经济是波性,被监禁也愿意服从,秋蓝印象深刻但对说法和真实性都有疑虑。 然后她看到马尔代夫在宣布紧急状态后,马尔代夫前总统,曾于执政30年(1978-2008执政)的穆蒙·阿卜杜勒·加尧姆(Maumoon Abdul Gayoom)也于5日在家中被逮捕。他今年81岁,是亚明同父异母的哥哥,此前他已经与反对派结盟。


Forty-ninth day Our home

The poster planet of homeland is very similar to the two planets at the beginning of the frog trip. It was weird that the homeland used to start assembling home words with various brand names. Why did you want to contrast them? There are ppr, Europa, like Europe is not ah? Just think of it and found out that it was originally Europa, and there was a mention of the universe in Hawking.

Autumn Blue saw that Boston was actually the same weather as Boston. Check stalk meaning stems, stems, think of Jia Baoyu stems, the home sentence should be quietly concerned about the verb. The dog and frog travel mentioned black and white ash. In the afternoon the frog brought it back. The photo was a black and white tower. The top of the tower was grey. Just think of GUCCI is the first home documentary, on the search, the official website is: Boston Terrier Bosco......

Nagoya, where the first frog trip was, the ancient dynasty of the Ming dynasty? Dear, de, Nalan Sex's ears. Hear, red, red house dream red ear? Ears for the whisper, and the owner Wuding.

Faster and faster, the sentence appeared many times in the home. It's impressive to think of the sun's mystery.

The truth of Zhengzhou's "Staircase Event" has come! After a ladder was withdrawn, Oumou fell along the rope from the top of the third floor. The lowest temperature in Zhengzhou was minus five degrees, and the city management took the ladder in the evening. The three-story roof was rather cold. Autumn and blue idioms yesterday read blatantly. The intention was good. The Disciplinary Inspection Commission made a clear and obvious exposure to corruption and later became a blatant evil. The airport cemetery must be converted into a school district. The circle of friends did not expect that 90% of the people who lost these questions were said to have a head of mind. If you lose the name of the other party, you will have this word. This situation is the same as that encountered by Qiu Lan. There is also Xiang Zi and Hunan Renou. Rhinoceros, Oxford. Autumn blue heart guess this article is written by an intelligent robot? The European word encountered several times in the past few days. What does it mean to think about Europe and the region? Chinese character "赟", pronunciation yūn. The meaning is good, mostly used for the name of the person, the extension refers to the large, and the shape of the text is taken as the solution to the military. People from such an ancient charm actually went to Zhengzhou to work as a welder from Hunan. The British intelligence that is overwhelming on the heights?

Seventy percent of this gas, without which our lungs cannot function,comes from the algae that tint the surface of the oceans.

70% of oxygen comes from seaweed. These seaweeds stained the ocean surface.

Our Earth relies on a balance in which every being has a role to play and exists only through the existence of another being.

The earth must rely on the ecological balance in which all things are interdependent.

A subtle, fragile harmony that is easily shattered.

A sensitive and fragile harmony can easily break.

Thus, corals are born from the marriage of algae and shells.

So the combination of seaweed and shell forms coral.

The fifth issue mentions that seaweed and shells are combined into corals and they are deeply impressed. They think of green jade and stone gemstones, and coral pavilions and nalan sex characters. Later on, seafood was like a combination of the sun and the moon. Sand had thought that the pearls would be sanded out. Yesterday I saw the word 兕 想到 想到 凹 凹 凹 凹 凹 이凹 , 凹 , ,? For example, Yongzheng.

In their unequal battle against industrial fishing fleets, they can't find enough fish to feed their young.

They are completely competitive but industrialized fishing fleets do not have enough food to feed offspring.

Where did the scallop go? The "Black Swan" incident on Zhangzi Island was once again staged. Autumn blue thought about the scallop garlic oysters. The pottery is made of hibiscus, and the travel frog brings the photo back to the shallow water raft that is full of stones. Later, they set off to send back two photos of the beach. Is it possible for the scallops of the scorpion island to go find algae?

The first "explosive money" book in Japan in 2018 may be surprising. On January 13th, Japan’s Rainbow Colors Co., Ltd. released the book “The Largest Prime Number in 2017”. The book is about 32mm thick and has a total of 719 pages. The whole book only prints one number, 2^77,232,917-1. This is the largest number of humans discovered so far, a total of 23,249,925 digits. Qiu Lan saw the prime minister saying prime numbers. 17.12.26 Mao Zedong. Prime's presence in the I Ching English or homeland is a first-rate and impressive impression:; primary; initial; basic

n.Essentials; early stage; heyday; youth

Make ready; fill in; prior guidance

Vi. (For guns) gunpowder; primer; trim branches; water injection into the pump


Parrot Island: In the southwest of Wuchang County, Hubei Province, when Han Huangzu served as Jiangxia Xia, he hosted a guest dinner. Someone presented parrots, so they called Parrot Island.

Township customs: hometown home.

Yanbo: The heavy and heavy river surface

Qiu Lan saw Parrot Island's explanation and confirmed the meaning of the British prime minister to Yellow Crane Tower. Parrot, in the past, analyzed what Lin Saoyu's meditation had to say. Colorful, English, eagle nose, United Kingdom. The Yangtze River Estuary, the Yellow River Women's Palace into the sea, the Yellow River, Yellow Crane Tower. The Yangtze River estuary in the East China Sea explodes like a Japanese nuclear bomb explosion mushroom cloud.

Cui Wei's "Yellow Crane Tower": The old man has taken the Yellow Crane to the Yellow Crane Tower. Huang He is gone forever and Baiyun is empty. Qingchuan has a history of Hanyang trees and Fangcao’s Parrot Island. Where is the Sundial Township? This sentence corresponds to the link between A Dream of Red Mansions and British English: the root and the lotus flower are a stick of incense. Since the two lands were solitary, the spirits returned to their hometown. Xiangguan, Xiangling Xiaoxiangzizi, hometown. Hanyangshu, the homeland mentioned that the tree is the only one that opposes gravity. Yellow crane bird, empty car, smoke wavelength river, the source of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

The Yellow River originated in the Bayan Har Mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of Qinghai Province and is called the Yellow River source. It finally flows into the Bohai Sea. The Yangtze River originates from the Ladangdong peak of the Tanggula Mountains in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and flows into the sea. To say the same thing, they all come from the Tibetan Plateau.

In the two places, solitary wood and Gui characters were carved into the palace to be separated from each other and turned into Xia Jingui's widow. This further verifies back to what has been said before: the spatial and temporal relationship between Lin Daiyu's meditation and Wu Zetian's Tang and Song dynasties. Since it is possible to move through time and space for a few days, of course, it is also possible to move through time and space through the millennium. Then, meditation and reality are precisely the entanglement of precision entanglement as if they were copied and pasted together, as in a dream. This is also the reason why Li Bai was said to be writing a pen. There was a reason for the admiration that "there is no way to see the eyes, and Cui Yu's poem is on top!" Li Bai's sleepwalking days can be compared with others. This understanding of the homeland documentary is certainly more profound than the source.

To see a world in a grain of sand

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

And eternity in an hour.

See the world in a grain of sand

See heaven in a flower

Keep infinity in your palm

The moment is eternal

The above four lines are the first four lines of the long poem “Auguries of Innocence”. The author calls William Blake (1757-1827).

One sand and one world, one flower and one heaven.

Unlimited palms are placed in the middle and moments are eternal.

- Xu Zhimo Translation

Qiu Lan thinks of the problem of time and space in these two days. When the moment becomes eternal, it is the world of Zen Buddhism. It corresponds to the thousand years of mortals. Isn't this the reason for eternal moments? Although the former only feels a few minutes, the latter has actually passed two hours. In front of the English poetry is grain millet, Zhuo Xiancao, Huifang Park twelve flower gods, Yi farmers, Xu Zhimo, Lin Huiyin, Jiang Qing, national emblem, wheat, cocoa, coffee, so simply connected by nature.

Living matter bonds water, air, earth and the sun.

Creatures combine water, earth, air, and sunlight.

In Borneo, this bond has been broken in what was one of the Earth's greatest reservoirs of biodiversity.

Borneo was once the cradle of the world's largest biological species, and now this chain is broken.

Think of autumn blue, gold and water, earth, is it biological wood, air is gold? Gold is also like God Buddha. Why does 78% of the nitrogen in the atmosphere that surrounds the Earth? Why is it not more oxygen? Can humans and creatures that we can move in are surrounded by gas and receive the same umbilical cord? Where is China Unicom? However, human life and death is not entirely due to suffocation? Suffocation is the ultimate existence of the destruction of life, the death zone has what dark matter that does not see?

The four goldfish in the house are always mixed with water. Whether they grab bread or not, there are also four defecations. The three waters on the balcony were clear, and the bread they fed seemed to be eaten together, not robbed. Then I saw a fish in the tank of four fishes pretending to be dead and floating, and it moved again. It was really dead in the afternoon. When the fish brought back from the balcony was returned to the outside balcony, I thought that the edge of the little green basin was low. When it was disturbed, it would leap around and jump out. Then the next day I saw a fish jump out and die on the ground. Whether you want nothing, and then annihilated in reality? What is this exactly? The Law of Attraction, the secret book popular in the Amazon bookstore, is like the prime number book is collapsed out?

Once the pearl of the Caribbean, Haiti can no longer feed its population without foreign aid.

The Pearl of the Caribbean once used to rely on foreign aid to support the people.

Autumn Blue just learned here. Yesterday saw China's accession to the UN vote by chance. Cuba, Mexico, Canada, and Canada are all in favor of red, but the United States does not support blue. Just saw the suicide of a Cuban leader's son in depression. Yesterday saw a map like a country kangaroo, and then saw a video of a kangaroo who was riding out and was injured. Image of crocodile in Cuba.

At the intersection of Xinchang Road, Nanjing West Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai (No. 7 Gate of People's Park), a vehicle (brown van) rushed onto the sidewalk and hit a pedestrian, causing minor fire. The driver Chen was suspected of illegally transporting dangerous substances and smoking in the vehicle while driving ignited the vehicle. When Autumn Blue analyzes the Thai van overturning, think of what appears to be a car accident, not a van, or a source of bread, or a bread maker? When the Yellow Crane Tower thought of the explosion of the Yangtze River estuary, was it a complete Iranian robot transport to verify whether the robot could complete its mission? Or how is the robot controlled? Was the Iranians smoking and igniting? The moment is eternal English analysis to think of coffee Starbucks. Check nitrogen said bottled may think about gas tank?

Easter Island is one of the most isolated islands and it is 2,075 kilometers away from the settled Pitcairn Islands. The shape of the island is approximately a triangle and consists of three volcanoes. There is a volcano in each corner of the triangle. In the left corner is Ranokao. On the right is Lano Larako, a volcanic slope with the largest giant stone statue on the island. In the northern corner is Lano Aru, which borders Trevira Mountain. Residents claim to be the descendants of two races: the Long Ears and the Short Ears. Autumn blue thought: triangle, had been thinking about the body of the triangle spirit. Later see the cosmic triangle picture. The homeland documentary rapa nui could not find out the meaning. The search network found that the Easter Island was actually a triangle, and each corner was a crater.

The Polynesians on the island do not understand the origin of these stone statues, and their ancestors did not tell the future generations who the stone statues were carved. They claim that the stone image is called Mao Ai and the stone hat is called "Pukao." The stone platform is called "Ahu." Autumn Blue thought: These days the pottery course has the imprints behind the statues, and the bamboo pottery arts done are the same as those on the island. These stone statues are very much like China’s Mao Zedong and the few Grand Marshals, the Soviet Union’s Stalin, who were wearing similar hats. Hundreds of unfinished sculptures resemble statues of the President of the United States. Perhaps the statues of the United States are also naturally formed!

Before the fall of the blue, she discovered the Tai Chi portrait she had uploaded and replaced it with a resurrected Bible language. (John 11:25) Jesus said to her, "Resurrection is at me, life is at me too! Those who believe in me, although they die It will also rise again.

Autumn blue see picture Tengu eat month, a dog is licking the moon. There is snow on the top of Mount Fuji. The number of Van Gogh paintings was seven months faint, and there were a few clouds. The house below was thought to be a picture of a very tall pine tree at the time of purchase. Landscape on stone flowers. After seeing snow on the Internet, she said that there was a blue moon. Japanese White House. Moon Pearl Mount Fuji.... Just after she accidentally opened the reading software and saw over the moon at once, the shit was above the moon and it was very arresting.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau glaciers are the source of the Yangtze River Ganges. The snow on the Tibetan Plateau has the same meaning as Mount Fuji. Qingyuan Mountain Snow: Quanzhou is snowing, and both are crowded for Qingyuan Mountain to see the snow. The last snowfall was in the 22nd year of Qing Emperor Guangxu (1896).

Alaska dogs, Gospel of Easter, Huaxia/Xia Jingui/Charlotte movies have been seen. Tongan Army Camp in Xiamen turned out to be snowing!

Must we always build walls.

We must build a wall.

To break the chain of human solidarity,separate peoples and protect the happiness of some from the misery of others?

To undermine human solidarity and separate humans from the well-being of certain people regardless of the lives of others?

It's too late to be a pessimist.

It is too late to be pessimistic.

I know that a single human can knock down every wall.

I know that one person can push down all the walls.

It's too late to be a pessimist.

It is too late to be pessimistic.

The content of the former homeland documentary is consistent with that of Trump (Building a wall, one can do a powerful push for the entire country), and Teresa Mei also mentions why she missed Europe.

The Korean War and the Himalayas, the Kathmandu Institute, thinks that after the US invasion, Qiu Lan may hijack resources that he does not understand. Afterwards, for example, if China develops now, it loses the significance of research. It can be disastrous. It is even more so for the world. loss. The homeland mentioned many times faster and faster, as well as the pessimistic aspect of the last thing that was not too late. This video corresponds to the opportunity to save goodwill.

Yesterday's Tianhang article talked about the fact that the free market economy is wave-like,

imprisoned and willing to obey, and Qiu Lan is deeply impressed but has doubts about the truth and argument. Then she saw the Maldives’ announcement of a state of emergency. The former Maldives president, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who had been in power for 30 years (ruling 1978-2008), was also at home on the 5th. arrest. He is 81 years old this year and is the older brother of Amin. He had already formed an alliance with the opposition.

To build a wall, Kangxi has commented on the Great Wall of China; optimistic people say that half a bottle of water/pessimists still say there is only half a bottle of water; material development is rapid and the environment is very destructive. Qiu Lan discovered that this was an impressive keyword phrase. Home documentaries were mentioned.

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