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Forty-second days   Seismic free wave 第四十二天 地震自由波

TED这个18分钟的宇宙历史,是2011年的演讲?秋蓝想到这个演讲说的非常与那个2014年看到的研几网的自宇宙开端来认识自己相似,而且画面居然有731!137亿年以前在看到立行宇宙博客有讲。一上午在学TED演讲不会的单词,其中的一个是异国情调exotic提到熊猫,也没有刻意想什么。只是想了exo歌团:Something so unusual that it must be from some unfamiliar place isexotic. An exotic pet might be a panda, instead of a hamster. Anexotic trip might be a journey to the Galapagos Islands, instead of to Orlando's Sea World.秋蓝昨天看到热搜四川公务员考试,似乎人很多,想到四川出道人,难道都去追逐得道高人乎?再看是国家税务局。今早同问诸葛亮是谁?想过1110数字与日期。阴阳德阳绵竹。今天她看到:11月10日11时03分在四川德阳市绵竹市发生4.2级地震,震源深度19千米。









秋蓝想到她昨晚开始学英文,一开始看到app有单词最简单的懂你英语,下面有朗文,想了朗字,觉得很熟悉,然后选择了自然类单词学习。里面有泥土、地震、地球、月球,还有ted里的生词leak泄漏,漩涡蓝色球等等。不想睡觉还想看,躺着一直睡不着,想到了地球是有耳朵和th联系的一起的,又想了希拉里感应事件,又开始琢磨英语的来源问题了。以前就想过这个地球。地球为什么是有耳朵组成的呢?比如英文中有规律的数字,十几就是用teen似年轻人,几十就是用的ty似德妃年长,第几就是用th。这个耳朵地球难道和郯城地震有关联吗,还有郯城大裂缝。这不正应了房考书中说的女人的身体如地球吗。英文ice发音同中国爱死了,意思不就是红楼梦中的薛宝钗类似吗,可能是如惜春妙玉那样的冷冰冰吗。还有判词好水如冰空相妒。英文中的问候语how are you为什么是如此问候呢。想到了红楼梦中的以前说过的让那臘油迷了心像love you……查了有脂油迷了心,臘油的佛手……













伊丽莎白塔(Elizabeth Tower),旧称大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower)的大报时钟。秋蓝看到关于大本钟新闻,想到衣服上确实是大本钟,广东和巴黎圣母院都亮光了,英国大本钟到2021年才开始亮。热搜特蕾莎梅被逼宫,有关脱欧与领导力。英国和美国都是主要信仰基督教的吗?圣经与爱,i,臘蜡炬,iphone,I意思是我,唯我独尊红楼梦泰山——有此疑问查了下应该是的,又看到英格兰主要岛,鹦哥兰德,lan纳兰性德,lan瑞典省意思,land土地,兰的土地德妃鹦哥,不会这个英国岛屿也是如同香格里拉陨石那样形成的吧?刚才学英文看到墨西哥说西班牙语。

秋蓝看到iPhone X 被爆绿条门掉漆门问题新闻后,心想我的手机用了好久后壳也掉漆严重,漏出里面的一样的白色,像又刷了一层。昨天说拼音与英文字母对照,发现英文多了个x,想到女性基因,还提到iphone,后来查拼音有x,完全对应单个的。


And deep beneath those oceans, at cracks in the Earth's crust, you've got heat seeping up from inside the Earth, and you've got a great diversity of elements. So at those deep oceanic vents, fantastic chemistry began to happen, and atoms combined in all sorts of exotic combinations.--11.12秋蓝印象深刻,地球地壳,深海裂缝,渗出,奇特,这个应该和前面描述的那个泥土地下深海cruise自由扩展非常对应,可能是有禅思因缘联系。

So here's a great puzzle: in a universe ruled by the second law of thermodynamics, how is it possible to generate the sort of complexity I've described, the sort of complexity represented by you and me and the convention center?


we, as extremely complex creatures, desperately need to know this story of how the universe creates complexity despite the second law, and why complexity means vulnerability and fragility.

I remember very vividly as a child growing up in England, living through the Cuban Missile Crisis. For a few days, the entire biosphere seemed to be on the verge of destruction. And the same weapons are still here, and they are still armed. If we avoid that trap, others are waiting for us. 秋蓝刚把此文所有不会的单词记录了,看transcript自动跳转到weapons时一时搞不清楚指代的是什么具体的武器。过午吃饭看到韩国清净园酱上的韩文,很奇怪那几个:○工人大H竖线……就能囊括所有要表达的事物?难道到了八卦组合的最根本处了吗?比如四象就也能完全表达了?早晨看到那盆移植到大花盆的菊花只有中间那个活了,它的一圈的7个都死了,全部正好8个像八卦了。看花时应该想到了洛书河图中心。韩文只是想到了八卦根本,是回归到了其中心来源处。可能就是两个五,5.5。中午看到推送新闻标题习近平特使去韩国什么,后面没看。热搜巴菲特增持苹果股份,想到苹果掉漆事件,又联想到韩国三星手机都和禅思有关系。秋蓝过后看到韩国浦项市连续发生两次5级以上地震,首尔多地有震感。


乱世佳人《我的真爱》 看罢,秋蓝记录道:肯尼迪夫人,巴特勒船长。曹氏屯,瑞德,蓝眼睛孩子,军火商,皇上皇商!绿色衣服,红色底裙,木材生意,2人to2人设置,土地land,饥饿,战争南北方。Earth,n.地球; 泥土; 陆地; 兽穴;vt.把(电线)接地; 盖(土); 追赶入洞穴。

早晨秋蓝看到五月花水瓶上的花图案昨晚看乱世佳人,心里疑惑为什么他们俩说回伦敦桥伦敦塔,郝思嘉要留在美国泰拉土地12橡园里,他们为什么是英美来回跑呢,而不是美国南北方跑呢?不得而知作罢不想了。第二天早晨看到五月花水瓶上的图案,有红果子似红豆,绿叶粉红色花,感觉非常漂亮,但不知道什么花。查看五月份开放的花有: 石榴花(五月的花神)、樱花、梨花、喇叭花、桃花、玫瑰花、月季、野杜鹃、牡丹花、油菜花、槐花、荷花、栀子花、洋槐、枣树、兰花、丁香、海棠。才明白五月花水瓶上确实应该是海棠,红果子长茎应该开花的。后来秋蓝看到海棠花开的微博图片,确实有许多红果子粉花,这可是冬天11月份啊!秋蓝心想我是否发现了英美来源的重大问题了!乱世佳人还提到橡园警告,非常似埃及法老的诅咒,不要打扰他的宁静……还有一句话印象深刻:要珍惜时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。

秋蓝因五月花水瓶以前提到过美国五月花号,oxford牛津,cow,牛于1860年后才怎么怎么的,三国演义,英国三个岛,郝思嘉生的女儿蓝眼睛,有两个人对话蓝眼睛的问题,这不都是如同红楼梦中的首次发现外国真真国人的明证吗?斯嘉丽与梅兰妮很像晴雯与袭人,无论是性格还是长相。前两天看到美国蛇果上面贴的标签是美国公主,看的斯嘉丽生的女儿蓝眼睛是不是像白雪公主呢?莫非纳兰纳兰眼睛☞孩子就是蓝眼睛了?红蛇果上是 princess,n.公主; 王妃(王族女性成员); 女巨头,女名家; <古>女王;红苹果白雪公主,蛇引诱吃苹果。

Forty-second days   Seismic free wave

The 18-minute Universe history of TED is a speech in 2011. Qiu Lan thinks that this speech is very similar to the one in 2014, which marks the beginning of the universe since the start of the universe, and that the screen actually has 731.137 billion years. I used to talk about the Universe Blog. One of the words that I learned in the TED speech in the morning, one of which was exotic exotic mention of the panda, did not deliberately think of anything. Just thinking about the exo song: Something so unusual that it must be from some unfamiliar place isexotic. An exotic pet might be a panda, instead of a hamster. An exotic trip might be a journey to the Galapagos Islands, instead of to Orlando's Sea World. . Autumn blue yesterday saw the hot search Sichuan civil service examination, it seems that many people, think of Sichuan players, are all chasing decent high people? Look again at the State Taxation Bureau. Who are you talking to Zhuge Liang this morning? I have thought of 1110 numbers and dates. Yinyang Deyang Mianzhu. Today she saw: At 11:03 on November 10th, a magnitude 4.2 earthquake occurred in Mianzhu City, Sichuan Province. The source depth was 19 kilometers.

Autumn Blue listened to the supernova supernova to create a gold ring, think of the gold ring that the former US neutron star announced when the merger announced. Also see the moldy honor new shape wears rainbow dress gold boots. Now see Potala Palace gold trees. The Potala Palace is like a snow palace. The top is red, like Xue Baochao's Dream of Red Mansions?

At 11:00 on November 11th, with the Tmall's double 11 transaction valued at 168.2 billion yuan, this year's shopping carnival came to an end. The purchasing power of the pickpocket party is amazing, and it easily broke the record of 120.7 billion yuan last year! Autumn blue to see the number 168 is very familiar with, it should be China and the United States Chupu to China big single figure thinking, it has 186 like telephone numbers, 1754,512,2535 and so on. Yesterday I thought that there were 2.1271 Jingdong in the double eleventh year, 571 should be in the big ones, and 1270 in the previous year. There was also a very hot search yesterday. Whatever the hot search, there are two contacts: The cgtn host greets the name Jiang Jiang Ge and Liu Xin, and Sun Honglei cries Ala Lei, Ala Lei and Dong Li. I want 28 numbers. Sino-US large single 186+28☞1682! If Tak Tak Chuan is 22 years old, indeed, there are still 83 big ones, and think of Mao Zedong. Lei Feng, who implied Mao Zedong, is 22 years old?

Song Zhongji's oath to my noble wife is noble, how strange and noble? Qiu Lan thinks of the despicable mean pass, noble is the epitaph of the noble...Oh, yesterday saw the motto three words, then See the Weibo profile to think of the motto that was written before. In the early morning, when Vietnam was seen several times in Ho Chi Minh, what was South Vietnam's thought of Nalannan North, Hu was the Qing Dynasty’s Ming Dynasty? The Ming Dynasty was empty, was the narrow South China Sea resident a Qing emperor or a descendant of Nalan? Then he saw this. Hot search.

The northern part of ancient Vietnam belongs to Baiyue in Baiyue. The earliest dynasty in Vietnam was Hong Pang. Hong Pang's first monarch Lu continued, is the descendant of Shennong's, was named "King Yang King", governing the South, the number "Red Devil State". The eldest son of Sui Longjun is called "The King of the Kings" (also known as Luo Wang and Sui Wang). He inherited the throne and established the "Lianglang State." It has been for 18 generations for a total of more than 2,000 years. Therefore, the Vietnamese claimed to be "male prince" or "xianlong descendants." In 257 BC, the last prince of the Yu nationality claimed himself to be the king of Anyang. The patriotic youth patriotism (Hu Zhiming, 1890-1969) left the motherland overseas on June 5, 1911 to seek a way to save the country. He successively went to France, Britain, the United States, and French African colonial countries to accept Marxism-Leninism. On February 3, 1930, Aung Pao Pai held a meeting in Kowloon, Hong Kong, China to establish the Communist Party of Vietnam. The revolutionary goal set forth by the party's political program is to defeat the French imperialism and the feudal group to make the motherland completely independent.

Autumn Blue looked at this and thought that the Malaysian Airlines 370 had disappeared in Ho Chi Minh and thought that Shangri-La meteorite fell into the South China Sea or into the sea in the Mid-Autumn Festival. The narrow coastline of South China Sea in Vietnam was like guarding the South China Sea. Vietnam was seen early in the morning when it was seen that apec opened in Vietnam. The leader’s photo was gold in front of the English language. On 11.11th, he also thought of Vietnamese Haiqing, so he was curious. Could it be that Ma Hangguo really landed on the land in the sea? This is related to the reasoning and seeing of the Japanese anime, and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo will have weather or that regional exhibition. Is there an ideal big screen for submarine life related to this? However, after the meteorite thinking, the Malaysian Airlines disappeared and thought first. If it could exist in the same time and space, then the speed of light in the meteorite stone exceeds that of Malaysia Airlines, so that it can be assembled into a time and space due to its main reasoning...

Yesterday, I saw Liu Xin Jiang Ge and Zhang Yingying searching. I think the space physics assistant should really want to understand Chinese culture. Then I think about the necessity of learning English in the past two days. There is also the corresponding English culture that does not understand us. We should It's hard to learn how to learn English to communicate with them about Chinese culture. It's very difficult to get to know so it's very understandable. Today, I thought that Jiang Xulin would like to know Ligo. Therefore, she also thought that China should have many bilingual industry experts, so as to spread this grand plan. Hillary's two-minute video was very much in line with what I thought, but it was interpreted from another perspective.

Autumn blue yesterday saw a table in the middle of a tower on the clothes. Each floor emits light. The highest point has a spire. Do you not understand what this place is? Just now, the circle of friends saw the Huacheng Square in Guangdong Province, which also had these features. Each floor had a light-emitting roof spire, and the name of the tiger skin pepper that was just seen was the characteristic of the spiral pepper. In the evening, I saw Song Zhongji's wedding vows with noble ladies. Is this Notre Dame de Paris light show?

Autumn Blue saw the Three Kingdoms Earthquake: At 0218 hours on November 13th, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in Iraq with a depth of 20 km; at 10:28 PM, a magnitude 6.7 earthquake occurred in Costa Rica with a focal depth of 20 km; 06:24 A 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck the eastern coast of Honshu, Japan, with a focal depth of 10 kilometers.

Autumn Blue thinks that she began to learn English last night. At first she saw that the app has the most simple words to understand your English. The following are Longman, think of the Long Word, and I feel very familiar with it. Then I chose natural words to learn. There are dirt, earthquakes, earth, moon, and leaked vocabulary leaks, vortex blue balls, and so on. Do not want to sleep but also want to see, lying still can not sleep, think of the Earth is linked to the ear and th, but also thought of Hillary induction events, began to ponder the source of English. I had thought of this earth before. Why is the Earth composed of ears? For example, in English, there are regular figures, a dozen is to use teens like young people, dozens is to use like tycoon older, the first is to use th. Is this ear globe related to the Yucheng earthquake? There is also a large crack in the city. Didn't this correct the body of a woman as described in the room test book as Earth? The English pronunciation of ice is similar to that of Chinese love. Is it not similar to Xue Baochao in the Dream of the Red Chamber? Maybe it is as cold as Xichun Miuyu? There are also verdicts of water like ice and air. Why are you so greetings in English? Think of the dreams of the Red Mansions that had previously said that the oil was lost like a heart love you... Checked with fat oil fans, wax oil bergamot...

Yesterday, Qiu Lan saw hot search WikiLeaks said that the CIA was fraudulent, and put the virus program in Saudi Arabia, South Korea and China to deceive others to think that these countries have participated. Did you think that the ancient ancestors were one of the Arabs and Chinese South Korea? I also think of Arab, who in turn is Blah, and Shanghainese, who is me. They also thought of the 11 princes who imprisoned the Arabs for anti-corruption and thought that their anti-corruption might be related to women. Therefore, one of the princes later went to the Arab-Israeli border to crash. Why did the Arab prince South Korea Song Zhongji have such a strong wedding relationship with China? Longman corresponds to Iran, Arab to Iraq, and the crash border corresponds to the border between Iran and Iraq.

Autumn Blue thought of proposing age again. Is it the number of days? Then think of exactly which of De Gu and Nalan were ancient. Counting that 83 of the Dreams in the Red Mansions in Deqin had passed away, Nalanbier was eighty-eight years old when he was five years old. This is the year of 1655 when it was 88 years old. The Dream of Red Mansions said that Yin Dehua had died at the age of 43. Also thought about it indiscriminately, if Kangxi is one year younger than Kangxi in 1654, eighty-eight will be 87. I also think of other people's age figures, 27, 28, and 36.

Autumn Blue later did not know how to feel like a fish resembling a snake like a snake like a snake and not like the software, but also can not tell what type of shape does not know, fluttering but eager to stretch out the tactile one Perceptual objects, which feel very special, are deep in the Earth's mud, but there is a place where the density of rocky soil is oppressed in deep places, but it seems to have the ability to freely stretch out, like the freedom of the deep sea roaming. But for a while, it felt that the free-sensing locality restricted its freedom, and felt that the earth was somewhat blocked. It also thought that there was a need to spread out other places so that it could be relieved and no longer annoyed. After stretching, it felt that the entire planet could feel at ease. Freedom and unbearable restraint, it is simply released into the depths of the universe ... ... then slowly fell asleep.

Last night I learned English video. A boy is also called Ben Ben. I think that the graduate is also the name. Yesterday, I saw Zhang Jie sang deeply in love with deep feelings. There was a sense of swiftness in the air. I thought of the joint venture of Burning Foreign Waste Paper Piles in the Binhai New Area. Then I saw the Japanese University China Continuous Exhibition. Is it Japan's ancient royal family? Some of the essence of ancient times? When I was sleeping, I also wanted to have most of the Chinese characters in Japanese. What's not important is the expression of the sidelines? Before I saw Japan, the Chinese characters were used by men, and the women used them. Later, they were combined. Are Koreans biased? Songs are exo...

The natural world vocabulary has deep impressions on leak, crust, and jupiter. Jupiter is related to the professor of space physics in the United States. Other explosions are related to the explosion in the Binhai New Area. Earthquake mine mine earthquake aftershocks have been linked to earthquakes.

When thinking about the source of language yesterday, I also thought that the Chinese language used to see that it was centered on Henan and was the birthplace of the Chinese language. Then did the variety of dialects arise from the diversity of meditation? However, there is now a unified mandarin, so that the exchange is much more convenient. There are so many English in the world that there are English, American and English differences, and other accents in English. If you can unify English Mandarin, you may be able to communicate better.

It was previously seen that there are doubts that China is an ancient civilization and that the Wenchuan Golden Tomb may have originated from Egypt in western Asia. Yesterday saw the Trump movement is Egypt is the ancient civilization, thought of the Egyptian pyramids inverted triangle ufo, and pyramids empty tum archeological discoveries. This tum word did not exist in my 1997 Oxford dictionary! why? New word? Yesterday I thought whether the Chinese had taught from the rule of one before that the Egyptians did not give up successfully. So did the Egyptians be Chinese? Then they crossed the high mountains and came to China to settle in that place?

Above yesterday’s autumn blue, Iraq, Iran, Japan, Iraq, Japan, breaking free of bondage and seeking freedom to the depths of the universe, empty TUM, English vocabulary of leaked earthquakes, etc. These can correspond to the earthquake information of the Three Kingdoms and travel westward across the desert to China. Iran, Japan, across the ocean to Central America, and finally to the east, Japan, is the depth of the universe there is no earthquake, that autumn is not known.

With regard to the source of English language sources, Qiu Lan thought of a budgerigar brother's brother, and a parrot learnt the eagle's nose. This source of meditation corresponds very closely. In the Dream of the Red Chamber, foreign new gadgets were mentioned, glass, clocks, and western medicine... There was no such thing as before. The United States was born out of the United Kingdom and was naturally better. Is the Arabic language due to Manchu meditation?

Autumn Blue started because of the decomposition of step-by-step methodology of APP. The feeling is the divided thinking of Pan-Easy Philosophy. It seems that China's overall effect, the United States is more concerned about the specific context of the overall nature, logical thinking maps like that, You can break down the parsing to understand a thing. From this we also think of the characteristics and laws of English. It is emphasized that in front of the subject, the subject is on the back, and the Chinese language feels at any time that the subject is indispensable. The appearance of Chinese characters, the cosmic image of the table, so the shape of the universe, the sound is attached to the casual surface and different from the body; and the English may be the derogatory teaching of the hour, the positive literary meditation that spell out the phonetic + sound is the word + Is the combination of phonetic roots the new language words? Cui Yingying Yingying Yingying, gaolishi, g Golglish Lishi, Lux soaps, Hercules, history, history? Sima Qian's history of fake art?! So what has been suspected of the Tang Dynasty Li Bai ah Tang Xuanzong is what corresponds to the Qing Dynasty Nalan ... Yesterday, the phone did not delete the memory of large files to see the laws of the previous download, think of thousands of characters Deyi Waner, the whole set of people think of the name Is it unusual? Also think of Fu Lei's head portrait, not the confusion of time and space, and later people are not clear about our present, what exactly is the emergence of everything in the era of a book of reason?

The individual initials and finals add up to exactly 26 English letters. I, like the wax wax torch into the gray tears, Shi Xiangyun's love brother two brothers, Guinness, Korea, Korea Korea Gossip. l, love ear, ear ear.

Elizabeth Tower, formerly known as Big Ben, is the clock tower of the Westminster Palace, and the clock tower of the Clock Tower annexed to the British Parliament. Autumn Blue saw the news about Big Ben and thought that it was really Big Ben on the clothes. Notre Dame in Guangdong and Paris were bright. The British Big Ben did not start until 2021. Hot search for Teresa May was forced to leave the club with regard to Brexit and leadership. Is Britain and the United States both major Christians? The Bible and Love, i, wax wax, iphone, I mean me, but I only admire the Red Mansion dream Taishan - have this question checked under the should be, but also see the main island of England, the parrot rand, lan nalan sex, Lan Swedish province meaning, land land, blue land Deqian budgerigar, not this British island is also formed like the Shangri-La meteorite, right? I just learned English and saw Mexico speak Spanish.

Autumn blue to see the iPhone X was exploding green door paint door problem news, I thought my phone used a long time after the shell also dropped paint serious, leaking inside the same white, like brushing a layer. Yesterday I said that Pinyin was contrasted with the English alphabet and found that there was more English x. I thought of the female genes. I also mentioned iphone, and then I checked the phonetic alphabet to have x, which corresponds to a single one.

There is a long cloud on the horizon early in the morning, with a few waves above it. In the middle of the sky, planes fly over the clear blue sky and draw two long white roads. At the corner of the intersection where the sun rises, there are three white lines appearing on the side of the building, like a huge three-character/three-paragraph, but the autumn blue looks like a plane and it doesn't shoot. Later on, when I came back to the high-rise of the community, I remembered that there had been a white long white cloud swirling around this high-rise building and that dream-related strange cloud. Autumn and then blue and then went out and saw the sky full of white clouds full of the sky can be seen, white strips of clouds arranged in a radial, like the same cloud that time, but a much larger range, spread to her Today is out of the scope of activities.

And deep beneath those oceans, at cracks in the Earth's crust, you've got heat seeping up from inside the Earth, and you've got a great diversity of elements. So at those deep oceanic vents, fantastic chemistry begun to happen, and The autumn blue is impressive, the Earth's crust, deep-sea cracks, exudation, strange, this should correspond to the deep expansion of the deep-sea cruise described in the mud land described above, and it may be due to meditation. contact.

So here's a great puzzle: in a universe ruled by the second law of thermodynamics, how is it possible to generate the sort of complexity I've described, the sort ofthestanding represented by you and me and the convention center?

- Qiu Lan saw it here, thinking of the answer must be wave consciousness, physical law can only be followed by Kun, must follow the granular characteristics of the physical.

We, as extremely complex creatures, desperately need to know this story of how the space pose complexity despite the second law, and why complexity means vulnerability and fragility.

 I remember very vividly as a child growing up in England, living through the Cuban Missile Crisis. For a few days, the entire biosphere seemed to be on the verge of destruction. And the same weapons are still here, and they are still armed. If we avoid that trap, others are waiting for us. Autumn blue has just recorded all the words in this article will not be, see transcript automatically jump to weapons when it is not clear what specific weapons referred to. Afternoon meal to see the South Korean clean garden sauce on the Korean, it is strange that a few: ○ Workers H vertical line ... ... will be able to include all the things to be expressed? Is it the gossip combination of the most fundamental point yet? For example, four elephants can also fully express it? In the morning, I saw that the chrysanthemum transplanted into the big pot was only the middle one, and all seven of its laps were dead. All of them were just eight gossips. The center of the Luoshu River map should be thought of when looking at flowers. Korean only thought of the essence of gossip and returned to its central source. May be two five, 5.5. At noon I saw the news headline Xi Jinping’s special envoy to South Korea and did not look behind. Hot search Buffett increased holdings of Apple shares, think of Apple paint out incident, but also think that South Korea's Samsung mobile phones and meditation are related. After the autumn blue, we saw two consecutive earthquakes with magnitudes of more than 5 in Pohang City, South Korea, and many earthquakes in Seoul.

Oxford two days ago to check the dictionary Oxford ~ ​​read the English word source said that ox refers to the bull ~ think of the oxford of the Cowherd of Oxford, now think milk is milk? Last night to see the glory of many people in the shadow of the Dream of Red Mansions, see Hao Sijia came to a dead end, a cow, Let's take away or return home after the war. There is nothing to eat. Is it possible to milk it? Autumn Blue Cha Xiaozhuang Queen March 28, 1613 Ox Year of the Ox, is the "golden family" Genghis Khan's descendants. At the age of 13, he married the Fourth Belle Emperor Taiji of Houjinguo. Cows are vegetarian animals and they have a wide range of foods. They like to eat green grass most. They also like to eat some green plants (or fruits) such as water peanuts, sweet potato vines (seedlings), corn (seedlings), rice, and wheat seedlings.

Gone with the Wind: "My True Love" Watch, Autumn Blue records: Mrs. Kennedy, Captain Butler. Cao Tun, Rhett, Blue Eyes Kid, Arms Trader, Emperor Huang Shang! Green dress, red skirt, wood business, 2 people to2 people set, land land, hunger, war north and south. Earth, n. Earth; earth; land; caverns; vt. Earth (wire); cover (earth); chase into the cave.

In the morning and autumn blue, I saw the flower pattern on the Mayflower bottle last night and I wondered why the two of them said back to the Tower of London Bridge. Scarlett would like to stay in the Terra 12 Land in the United States. Why did they run back and forth between the United States and Britain? Is it not the United States running North and South? Do not know what to do. The next morning, I saw the pattern on the Mayflower bottle. There are red fruits like red beans and green leaves and pink flowers. I feel very beautiful, but I don't know what the flowers are. Look at the flowers that opened in May: Pomegranate (Mayflower), Sakura, Pear, Daffodil, Peach, Rose, Rose, Rhododendron, Peony, Rape, Azalea, Lotus, Gardenia, Artichoke , jujube, orchid, cloves, jellyfish. It is understood that the May flower bottle should indeed be a jellyfish, and the long stem of the red fruit should be flowered. Later, when the autumn blue saw the microblogging pictures of Begonia flowers, there were indeed many red fruits and pink flowers. This is winter in November! Autumn Blue wondered if I discovered a major problem in the Anglo-American source! Gone with the Wind also mentioned that the Oak Garden warned that it was very similar to the curse of Pharaoh of Egypt and did not disturb his tranquility... There was another impressive sentence: Treasure time because life is made up of time.

Autumn Blue for the Mayflower bottle previously mentioned the United States Mayflower, oxford Oxford, cow, what happened to the cow after 1860, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Three Isles of the United Kingdom, the daughter of Scarlett’s son with blue eyes, and two people The question of dialogue and blue eyes is not all the same as the first evidence of foreign real people in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Scarlett and Melanie are like Qing Wen and attacking people, regardless of their character or appearance. In the past two days, the label attached to the American snake fruit was an American princess. Did Scarlett's daughter's blue eyes look like Snow White? Does Murphy Nalanlan's eyes have blue eyes? The red snake fruit is princess, n. princess; Wang Xi (male female member); female giant, female famous family; <old> queen; red apple snow white, snake lures to eat apple.

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