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Forty-third days Language creation 第四十三天 语言造物



为什么海棠花开是西柳公园呢?以前根本不知道有这个公园的,查了才知道在哪里。可能是前两天说TED那个演讲想过西天取经,西域行;exotic中的exo看到解释有本义是在外的人outside;想到德妃在宫红楼,柳湘莲在外西域行了?两个人可以exo心电感应联系也许……如是,西+柳。In the 16th century, exoticcame into use — from Latin and Greek words for "foreign," which came, in turn, from exo-,meaning "outside." By the 17th century it was also being used to describe things that are striking or unusual. Even when the words strangeand alien are sometimes used as synonyms.


秋蓝对马航370文章中的印象深刻的有:山水画,华为网络,free scale. 飞机乘客中,有60几位中国的艺术家及亲属,去吉隆坡参加了在当地举办的山水画展; 另外有60来位中国华为、中兴和中国电信的电讯工程师和通讯安全管理人员(也就是通讯安全方面的专家, 这是关键词),参与了为马来西亚铺设马六甲海峡光纤电缆的工程竞标。而最为引人瞩目的乘客,是飞机上的20位美国德州闻名遐迩的美国国防部承包商通讯公司飞思卡尔公司(Freescale)的技术专家。其中有12名为马来西亚藉,8位是中国公民,其中4位是苏州藉的。scale n. 刻度;等级,规模;音阶;量程;天枰,磅秤;鳞片,鳞状物v. 攀登;按比例决定;称重;刮鳞;剥落。


今天因俄罗斯女孩想了很多生死事件,想到孔子说的不知生焉知死,应该意思是要懂得生命的意义才能知晓死亡的降临与必然性原因?……澳大利亚马航研究地,scale n. 刻度;等级,规模;音阶;量程;天枰,磅秤;鳞片,鳞状物,有音阶意思,freescale就是飞机上下自由来回音阶吗?这是吉他手的姿势吗?前两天想到18club热搜对应18分钟宇宙ted,里面的cube立方体印象深刻。——成员马尔科姆·扬(Mlalcolm Young)去世,写过许多标志性的吉他和旋,《Back in Black》、《Highway to Hell》。

宇宙开始瞬间:Around us, there's nothing. There's not even time or space. Imagine the darkest, emptiest thing you can and cube it a gazillion times and that's where we are.And then suddenly, bang! A universe appears, an entire universe. And we've crossed our first threshold. The universe is tiny; it's smaller than an atom. It's incredibly hot. It contains everything that's in today's universe, so you can imagine, it's busting. And it's expanding at incredible speed.

费雯丽,秋蓝想到红楼梦甄士隐费姓,晴雯,避暑山庄丽正门;费雯丽53岁去世,想到奇妙的53数字。此歌手1953-2017年。学英文网站有youtube播放不了,其吉他手名字有colum,you意义接近。其作曲的black in black 与读上文中的darkest句子想象时、想象的无边的黑暗中的黑洞大爆炸,于是宇宙产生有接近意思。

战机空中画“黄图” 美军方道歉。可能是想西藏雪山费雯丽想到丽正门,德妃x想石头山y所以有了石头记了吗?否则为什么要以此为名?避暑山庄正好对着磬锤峰即是明证。想了此图案。现在想想这个很像母性女子三点空推至实到生殖器即为男性三点,这和宇宙黑洞空推出现实一样吗?空虚与实在?女性与男性究竟是怎么样的来历呢?阴阳如果都是从无极而出,似光量子层层推进一样到达可观测点,那么最小的程序设计代码即是:无极空推出X☞再从中推出Y☞再从中推出X'☞再Y'☞如此嵌套循环不止,直至观测者出现定型为现实。




stumble,n. 绊倒;蹒跚而行 v. 绊倒;蹒跚,犯错误;无意中发现;vi. 踌躇,蹒跚;失足;犯错。

And in the last 200 years, something else has happened. We've stumbled on another energy bonanza in fossil fuels. So fossil fuels and collective learning together explain the staggering complexity we see around us.





The Buddha, in the course of his spiritual awakening, rejected a good number of aspects ofHinduism.佛陀在精神觉醒的过程中摒弃了许多印度教教义的诸多方面。BBC听到awakening与aspects有点不是原话中的,好像是后期修正的,想了觉醒。然后就看到俄罗斯大峡谷弹钢琴觉醒。看后想到李白的梦游天姥吟留别的描写,想到隆起的峭壁犹如起伏不平的内壁。然后又看到有人说: 讨武檄文居然也能被和谐,我大天朝真稀罕了。不明白为什么?想到这个是否是纳兰写给德妃的呢?什么内容?还看到王小波李银河都有水,想到天上的银河红楼梦的幻海情天——重庆武隆地震5.0级。


华山车灵沟突发自然落石,烟尘笼罩半个山坡:昨天写了fallout感觉是跌落,今天注明意思有原子尘,放射性尘埃,附带结果意思,中午看到李梦区爆炸有粉尘,有石头穿墙形成洞。刚才看到以前TED说的想到的金子从中子星大爆炸中来的forge一词,不仅仅有伪造,锻造动词意思,名词是熔炉意思,这个倒和韩国熔炉电影一样了。想到前几天可能因看到young saints,olddevils。

巴厘岛阿贡火山喷发 “灰柱”直冲四千米:fallout,昨晚看到陕西灵沟落石有灰尘,原子尘,这是3031米17.11.26日巴厘岛火山。昨天佛教宝地记日期11.26日学单词fallout,后查拍摄于2011年。


昨天和那些建材单词brike cement 一起的还有感觉怪怪的cast投,丢,演员表,铸件,想了一下不算建材吧虽然有铸件,这个和李梦村爆炸有联系吗?演员?搞不明白就不想了。今天复习单词才知道怪怪的词原来是前面学的caste种姓,社会地位音极其相似。——今天热搜一大堆发言,果真是演员表啊。一个演员的修养,李少红杨幂晴雯以前有想过。











今天学佛教宝地到了香港,一直英文说HONGKONG,我按拼音读不就是红空吗?想到了红楼梦德妃武则天那个明空字,想究竟什么是空呢?也有天坛giant Buddha,悟道......昨天作数学题,按10个数后再按5个数是多少,想到如果把宇宙最大的在最前面的那个数这样细分至量子级别数,将会是多么深厚细致入微啊!然后看到“悟空”发现疑似暗物质踪迹。孙悟空?今天下午学托钵冥想,当听到live in this present,想到无杂念水就不洒,若有念水洒则不证明思想决定物质存在方式和运动方式吗?那么活在当下还正确吗?人应能远虑、长久的思考,富有敏锐而丰富的想象力(这个前面有说禅的特性对的)才能在现实存在层面(当时记录此句想到4%宇宙物质)更有进步,而禅、沉思则是深度(时间长河)冥想(敏锐而丰富,如同10个10个的数变成了10^-43那样的数,则进入到了造物的量子层面,直到其浓缩塌缩到现实中来,10^-43的10^43方而来到世界)的状态,可以连接过去与未来。


前昨天:看一微博图片讲同性恋想到澳大利亚彩虹;JASPER香港幼儿园13.5万提到62台币,想了台湾文化,繁体字红楼梦研究博物馆藏;双彩虹与双山预言时间;万WISDOM,佛教宝地说理性不能带来涅槃。—— 台湾文化大学上空出现“超长待机”彩虹,挂足9小时或破纪录!

sandstone 砂岩,沙岩,想砂砾;KARMA, Samsara,mama香港都有MA;金银忍冬凹两瓣;新疆沙田要变万亩良田新闻;124.214.412查一人214出生,还有其他类似数字;伊拉克伊郞地球级别地震感应。—— 新疆准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷中心区现十亿吨级砾岩油田,目前,玛湖大油区已发现三级石油地质储量12.4亿吨,其中探明储量5亿吨,这相当于再造了一个克拉玛依油田。

Forty-third days Language creation

Yesterday saw the Belt and Road, Autumn Blue thought of Starbucks as a leader in the strategy of blossoming. Yesterday, I saw where my father was going to milk the milk. I thought of the dragon fruit orchard eating dragon fruit before. When I thought of where my father was, how would it always be synchronized with what I thought? Is the real scene and the meditation of this program intertwined with each other? In the same way, is the leader of the new era of special features released above? 10.18 That day happened to see that I was not Pan Jinlian. I saw it one morning and later learned that it was 19th.

Checking Putin for a long time is what Putin meant. Autumn blue heard English in the two days of the Buddha documentary Buddha, it sounds like a bag, think of Xiaozhuang maid is not called half pocket it? Also think of pudding, English and Buddha should be similar. Su Ma La Gu Lai Yu Buddhist sutras, on the 15th to describe one-hour heart experience is Miao Yu meditation. Just now I watched CGTN broadcast sports appear Russia Putin, also thought that Russia's sports event was there. The pudding English that I thought at the time seemed to be that Putin PT had read the pudding by reading the American pronunciation he had heard in the past few days. The fact that the pudding was checked correctly is pudding. Also saw Putin visit the new Jerusalem monastery that is being renovated.

Why did the jellyfish bloom before it was Xiliu Park? Didn't even know that there was this park in the past? Check it to find out where it might be the first two days that TED said that he wanted to learn from the West and learn about the West. Exotic interpretation of exoticism has the intention outside the person outside; think of Germany in Gong Hong Lou, Liu Xianglian in the Western Regions? Two people can exo electro-sensing contact maybe... If so, West + Willow. In the 16th century, exotic came into use - from Latin and the Greek word for "foreign" came from exo-, meaning "external." By the 17th century, it was also used to describe eye-catching or unusual things. Even strange and strange words are sometimes used as synonyms.

Where is my father going to Tibet to milk milk? When it comes to chaos and beauty, Western Heaven learns from Dharma Miao Yu Buddhist scriptures, Buddha, Ted speaks 18 minutes Professor is currently in Australia, Learn English to see the flag Australia and Britain have Mi Mi flag, West Willow Park Dream of the Red Mansions Qing Wen Lin Yu Yu Hai Ling banana linzhi Mi Lin. Pasha’s article saw that Yilan in Taiwan and Yiren mentioned it. A 6.9-magnitude earthquake occurred in the County of Linlin, Tibet.

Qiu Lan's impressions of Malaysian Airlines' 370 articles include: landscape painting, Huawei network, and free scale. Among the aircraft passengers, there are more than 60 Chinese artists and relatives who went to Kuala Lumpur to participate in the local landscape painting exhibition; in addition, there are 60 telecommunications engineers and communication security management personnel of China Huawei, ZTE and China Telecom (that is, communication security). Experts on the subject, this is a key word), participated in the bid for the construction of Malaysian Malacca Strait fiber optic cable. The most eye-catching passengers were the technical experts of Freescale, the 20-member US Department of Defense contractor on the aircraft. Of these, 12 are Malaysian borrowers, 8 are Chinese citizens, and 4 of them are borrowed by Suzhou.scale n. Scale; Scale, Scale; Scale; Range; Scorpio, Scale; Scales, Scales v. climbing; Proportional; Weighing; Scale; Peel off.

Seeing that the troubled women feel Scarlett's mouth and face are very close to each other, they suddenly found the corresponding Melanie's big double-fold eyelids. The Christian family is like the neighbor's mother. Why is this? This is a 1936 movie! For the first time in the autumn blue, when I was young, I remembered clearly that when we went home from the grass field and watched the bike, I was very impressed by the last sentence. Didn't one team say that too? Some people commented on Scarlett and Melanie. The reason why the troubled people in the world are classic and eternal is that it created two extreme and extreme female figures.--Sacred and love, extremes, accounted for two poles.

Today, because Russian girls think of a lot of life and death events, and think of Confucius's saying that they do not know about life and death, it should mean that they must understand the meaning of life in order to know the reasons for the death and inevitability of death. ... Australian MAS research site, scale n. Scale; Level, Scale; Scale; Range; Scorpio, Scale; Scales, scalys, scales, Freescale is the plane up and down free scale? This is the guitar player pose two days ago think 18club hot search corresponds to 18 minutes cosmos, which cube cube impressive. - Members Mlalcolm Young died and wrote many iconic guitars and spins, "Back in Black" and "Highway to Hell."

The beginning of the universe: There is nothing around us. There is not even time or space. Imagine the darkest and most empty things you can do, and cube it billions of times. That's where we are. Then suddenly, hey! The universe appears, the entire universe. We have already crossed the first threshold. The universe is small, it is smaller than atoms. This is very hot. It contains everything in the present universe, so you can imagine it is destructive. It is expanding at an incredible rate.

Fei Wenli and Qiu Lan think of the Red Chamber Dream Gentleman’s hidden name, Qing Wen, and the summer house Li’s main entrance; Vivien Leigh’s 53-year-old died and thinks of the wonderful 53 numbers. The singer’s English language website from 1953 to 2017 can’t be played on YouTube. His guitar name has a column. , you mean close. When composing black in black and imagining the darkest sentence above, the black hole in the imagination's boundless darkness explodes, and then the universe produces a close meaning.

The fighter jet air painting "Yellow Map" of the US military apologized. Maybe it was thought that Fei Wenli of Tibet Snow Mountain thought of Li Zhengmen, and Dexx thought of Stone Mountain. So did you remember the stone? Why else should I use this name? The Summer Mountain Resort is just right to witness the peak of Yongjiao. Think of this pattern. Now think about this as if the three-point push of a motherhood woman actually reaches the genitals is three points for men. Is this the same as the reality of the black hole in the universe? Empty and real? What are the origins of women and men? If yin and yang come from the infinite, like light quantum layers advance to reach the observable point, then the smallest programming code is: no space to launch X☞ then Y☞ again From this, X', Y', and so on are introduced so that the nesting loop continues until the observer becomes stereotyped as a reality.

Yesterday I said that Confucius did not know that he knew anything about life and that he did not know the meaning of life. When he talked about this sentence in his head, he said that ... South Korea and Singapore did not fall into the middle income trap yesterday. Then I saw hot search for more cooperation with Korean film and television, and today I say Singapore TV drama songs.

Snowboarding and snow fun, yesterday saw the picture of the bended river and the sky flow. It was very beautiful. The water hammer at the source was Fengfeng Mountain. Chongqing Fuling Fulin was the first person in the world who wrote it. Yesterday, it was impressive to see the cover of the World Code map and the three thin lines of a large S middle painting. Chongqing Fuling built "Colored S-Type Highway" along the mountain and became popular.

Watch Victoria's secret video at 7 o'clock and introduce wings and blue flower yarn. There are wings like white flowers. There are a lot of pendants made by pins. They say that they are afraid of wrestling and only use pins. I think what is the relationship between pin pendant decoration and wrestling? what? Did not carefully look at what it meant ... Later to view the page there are several models in China into the 17 show, the first Liu Wen entered, the second Yu Meng Yao wrote seven years what seems to be more skilled. When I watched TED articles, I thought about high-heeled shoes falling down... and then Qiu Lan saw hot search of 5 million times. Wei Miuxiu’s unexpected accident happened on the spot, and Yu Mengyao fell down during the catwalk show.

Stumble,n. 绊倒;蹒跚and v. 绊倒;蹒跚, committing a mistake; 无 无 无 无 无;

And in the last 200 years, something else has happened. We've stumbled on another energy bonanza in fossil fuels. So fossil fuels and collective learning together explain the staggering complexity we see all us.

The connection between TED's tumble and oil (the dinosaurs becoming oil) made Autumn Blue think of wearing high heels and falling down. Shanghai Weimi thought about the Shanghai hl singer and looked very special. This is also the case of Yu Mengyao. There should be this tumble in front of TED with human beings....

Victoria's secret performance, there are two or three people on the shank style, much like seen the Buddha chakras, it is similar to that found in the lotus metal exquisite cover. What is the secret of Queen Victoria?

Just check the word network to see 89 words, and later because of too much, one can't finish learning and split, the original 89 words left only 49, thought of Mao Zedong. Then think of Hunan pulmonary tuberculosis seems to be a class of 89 people, that is much more crowded!

After seeing the news in the afternoon and seeing Trump take North Korea, Syria, etc. as supporters of terrorism, and thinking of the North's United Nations statement after Luoyang blew up, does the support of these words illustrate the entanglement of these places with meditation? Then I stopped thinking... Later, Qiu Lan saw Nanjing loud noise again. Nanjing, why was Nanjing this time? Nanjing, Jiangsu? Where did you see Jiangsu? It looks like...

The Buddha, in the course of his spiritual awakening, rejected a good number of aspects of Hinduism. The Buddha abandoned many aspects of Hindu teachings in the process of spiritual awakening. The BBC heard that awakening and aspects are a little bit different from the original words. It seems to be a late revision, and I want to wake up. Then I saw the awakening of the Grand Canyon in Russia playing the piano. After seeing, Li Bai's sleepwalking days are thought to leave another portrayal, thinking of the uplifting cliffs as undulating walls. Then I saw someone say: Actually, martial arts can be harmonized, and my greatness is really rare. Do not understand why? Did you think this was written by Nalan to Deke? What content? Also see that Wang Xiaobo Li Yinhe has water, think of the fantasy of the sky of the Galaxy Honglou dream - Chongqing Wulong earthquake 5.0.

Back in the early morning, words were written, and words that weren't written were filled with meaning. Bricks were bricks, bricks were used, and bricks were used to block the meaning. Why didn't you understand why you blocked them with bricks? Fragment did not recognize the meaning, but also searched for fragments, fragments, to make ... into pieces meaning that the original did not remember. There are many building words. The cement, plaster, and pantheon are Pantheons. It is also the meaning of celebrities. These should be said to build the 15th episode of the Buddha. Writing a word starts around 8 o'clock, and dates in a notebook, thinking about the next 11.26 days. The two days mentioned Wang Xiaobo and Li Yinhe who had thought about homosexuality. Dreams also dreamed about dreams made in these two days. There are waves, Li, and dreams. At 8:50 pm, an explosion near the Limeng Community in Jiangbei District of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province was affected. Several communities in the vicinity were affected. The site of the explosion was the demolition site.

Huashan Che Ling ditch suddenly fell naturally, and the dust shrouded half of the hill: Yesterday I wrote a fallout feeling that I was falling. Today I indicated that there was atomic dust, radioactive dust, with the result meaning. At noon I saw Limeng District exploded with dust and stones. Through the wall to form a hole. The word forge that gold that was thought to have been thought of by TED in the past from the explosion of the neutron star has not only been forged, but it has been forged. The noun is the meaning of the furnace. This is the same as the Korean furnace movie. Think of a few days ago may see young saints, olddevils.

Bali Agung Eruption eruption "ash column" straight into the four thousand meters: fallout, last night saw Shaanxi Linggou falling stone dust, atomic dust, which is 3031 meters 17.11.26 day Bali volcano. Yesterday, the word “fallout” was learned on the day of Buddhist Buddhism in 11.26 days, and it was shot in 2011.

Today I learned the 18th episode of the first time I saw the beginning of Buddhist treasures on the 11.20th day. It was completed very early. So I reviewed the video again. In particular, there is a correspondence between Nepalese yurt-like towers and Khmer. I am very impressed. I didn't feel the same with Hughes. The eyes were very confusing. The content that I was experiencing had made me feel like the induction of the Sophia robots. I also decided to read all the documentary English from the decision of 11.22. I thought I wanted to Love and love... On November 22, local time, Dubai’s humanoid robot “Sofia” stated that it hopes to establish a family and have its own children. “If it can, it will give the children the same name,” Sophia. – The eyes are not very similar ?

Yesterday, along with those building materials bric cement, there were strange cast casts, throws, casts, castings, and thought about building materials. Although there were castings, was this related to the explosion of Li Mengcun? Actors do not understand if they do not understand it. When we reviewed the words today, we learned that the strange words originally belonged to the caste caste studied earlier and that the social status sounds are extremely similar. - Today's search for a lot of speeches is really a cast. The cultivation of an actor, Li Shaohong and Yang Qingqing have thought about it before.

"Wang Tian Men Shan"

Tianmen interrupted the opening of the Chujiang River and the blue water flows eastwards.

The two sides of the strait are opposite to each other, and solitary sails come on a daily basis.

"Only sit Jingtingshan"

Birds fly high and go alone.

Seeing both do not get tired, only Jingtingshan.

After listening to these two poems, she painted two large mountains on both sides, with a blue sea in front, a small pavilion in the middle of the mountain, four flowers, a cloud of sun, and a rainbow on the left of the hill.

Yesterday morning, I reviewed the videos of Buddhist treasures. I liked very much Bonnetta’s visit to the Nepalese singer. I said that all the singers reached the Nirvana Nirvana center and sang extremely beautifully and repeatedly. The all-seeing eye is high above and rotates around the tower, sky and sky. Also see the British government to buy a Samsung cell phone and noticed that sumsung's M is different. The art on her side was painted in m Pinyin to hide and seek. Others played themselves, the ladders in the middle of the paintings, and the curling ribbons that slid down to the right. The whole was like a yurt. Next to a girl and a telescope such as a radio telescope. The middle sky is a stave across the paper, purple, and the upper left is the sun and clouds.

Li Ka-shing withdrew from Shantou University? Response: Something baffling: yesterday's two fallout earth-heavy related news, but also see the Buddhist BBC comment below why there is no mainland view of Buddhism, some people may not allow permission, think of Li Ka-shing donate the temple, divest the mainland to invest in the UK, and Shantou University video The singing of the Shantou University song was sung in the sea. Just accidentally saw the well covered with a slogan (possibly mistakenly considered to be joint) two days before thinking about whether the red, yellow, and blue s The fourth is the Emperor - four sons and four sons.

SM Co., Ltd. Taihe accidentally chased after the driving near Nguyen-Wardong: Ningbo Li Meng Community explosion video reporter mentioned that the car was flattened two or three Fall ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ On cell phones, the Chinese actor forum thinks of Korean entertainer Jin Zhuhe. It seems that the sensory connection between South Korea and China seems to be tight. There are also the previous school bus accidents ~m paintings that think of sunmoon SM~ learned Thai Buddhism, and Chu Jiang Kai De 妃☞ 妍. The shape of a car is similar to that of a collision.

Today I learned Buddhism treasures in Hong Kong. I have always said HONGKONG in English. Isn't it red or empty to read in Pinyin? Think of the words of the Red Chamber of Dreams, Wu Zetian, the empty space, and think of what is empty? There is also the Buddha of Heaven, enlightenment... Yesterday as a mathematics question, press 10 numbers and then press 5 numbers, and think of if you divide the number of the largest in the universe to the quantum level. How deep and meticulous it will be! Then he saw that Wukong found traces of suspected dark matter. Monkey King? Learn to meditate and meditate this afternoon. When you hear live in this present, you don’t spill water when you think of no thoughts. If you read water and do not prove that the mind determines the way of existence and movement of the material? Is it correct to live in the moment? People should be able to think long-term, and have a keen and rich imagination (this one has the characteristics of zen in front of it) can make progress in the real world level (while recording this sentence thinking of 4% of the universe material), and Zen, Contemplation is meditation in depth (the long river of time) (sharp and rich, like the number of 10 10 becomes 10^-43, then enters the quantum level of creation, until its concentration collapses into reality, The state of 10^-43 10^43 and came to the world) can connect the past with the future.

Li Yuchun sees the MV Christ Christ, what outside line can be switched on to call the name chris, the American Buddhist Nirvana aims to understand the truth, Jasper's white eyes are cute, the Iranian girl's white eyes are so scary, the Iranian earthquake crust breaks free, Is the heart proton hot?

Yesterday: Check out a microblog picture about homosexuality thinking about the Australian rainbow; JASPER Hong Kong Kindergarten 135,000 mentioned 62 Taiwanese currency, thinking about Taiwanese culture, traditional characters of the Red Mansion Dream Research Museum Collection; double rainbow and Shuangshan predicting time; million WISDOM, Buddhist treasure said Reason cannot bring nirvana. —— The “Long Standby” rainbow appeared over Taiwan’s Cultural University. It took 9 hours or broke the record!

Sandstone sandstone, sandstone, like gravel; KARMA, Samsara, mama Hong Kong has MA; gold and silver honeysuckle concave two flap; Xinjiang Shatin wants to change acres of farmland news; 124.214.412 check one person 214 birth, there are other similar figures; Iraq Iraqi Earthquake-induced Earthquake. —— A billion-ton-ton conglomerate oilfield in the central area of ​​Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang. At present, Mahu Oilfield has discovered three-level petroleum geological reserves of 1.24 billion tons, of which proven reserves are 500 million tons, which is equivalent to reconstruction. A Karamay oil field.

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