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Fourteenth day Black hole in the book 第十四章 书之黑洞










秋蓝认为此诗和弼马温,八王走马,康熙有关。康熙如同走马的重大事件是:除鳌拜,撤三藩,隐含还有驮龟村郯城地震,南巡去孔庙,圆明园题名,避暑山庄题名,花港观鱼题名等等……她如是写道:是时候开启红楼梦+西游记组合解了:为什么红楼梦很多二爷,宝二爷,琏二爷,芸二爷,因为唐僧是老大。红楼梦茜香国国王送汗巾,最后几经转手到了花袭人手中,就是西游记女儿国国王送,最后花果山孙悟空蒋玉菡得着了。为什么宝玉衔玉而生,因为孙悟空石猴出世……因为秋蓝想把红楼梦与西游记进行组合解,猪八戒是和乌雅氏(姓氏意思为猪)的对应关系,猪八戒拿着九爪耙子,和林黛玉的葬花锄似是有一致性。又比如:西游记的女妖固然漂亮,但原著中最漂亮的是金鼻白毛老鼠精(想和唐僧结婚的)。秋蓝直接会如此对应:老鼠,林黛玉。白毛,郯城地震地生白毛。金鼻,金玉良缘。 ​​​西游记南海观音在紫竹林中对应黛玉竹林。遇到弱水三千,流沙河中的沙僧描述又似红楼梦秦可卿之迷津,宝玉叫可卿救救我,说明秦可卿对应观音。召孙悟空时观音说的是易经十翼之句其言善,千里之外应之,也对应纳兰考取了第十名。

这日秋蓝又追溯《红楼梦》提到脂批本,有“事则实事,然亦叙得有间架,有曲折, 有顺逆,有映带,有隐有见,有正有闰,以至草蛇灰线、空谷传声、一击两鸣、明修栈道、暗度陈仓、云龙雾雨、两山对峙、烘云托月、背面傅粉、千皴万染诸奇。”秋蓝直接会如此套入草蛇灰线法之程序:林黛玉的葬花香囊与史湘云醉卧芍药的头枕芍药香囊,这就是草蛇灰线的对应关系,她们是一个人。又看到青青草自田间出,有人说是董元。懂袁天罡吗?懂事物来源吗?如同孙悟空解得花果山水帘洞的来源而被推为猴王?房考亦是研究阴阳两性问题来源的。青青河畔草此诗内容似很平常,可是金圣叹谈论后获罪,房考中记录也是19首,对应红楼梦贾宝玉19岁出家吗?

不日秋蓝因查四库全书搜索到朱筠上言:“中秘所贮《永乐大典》,裒集至富。。。可得人间未见书数百种。”上览奏嘉许,因开四库全书馆,校理各省上进之书。 又看到朱筠!筠即是竹子的青皮 。秋蓝看到此字后发现以前地震过的筠某地又地震了,她想如果似地震这般一旦发生纠缠联系,以后的时空绝对还能遇到;那么如果我们有前世来生,一旦再一次遇到,岂不是非常的熟悉了?所以宝玉与黛玉唱词中有:分明是外来客 ,心底却是旧时友......





过大年了,秋蓝还在研究红楼梦及她认定与之强关联的房考、推背、纪昀等书。看房考书有重耳的负羁之妻想到薛宝钗的我不知道什么叫负荆请罪;看到朋友群有队员怎么不自重了;又看到哲学伏特加,查阅伏特加看到三个女人举杯图片;又看了与纪昀阅微链接的一文章讲特殊职业,沦入女手。又看到同性恋别名有“京师士大夫一时好谈男色,讳之日勇巴。” 第二天秋蓝看到微记中有某国某队员被三个女人性侵,龙争虎斗事可哀吗? 宁波雅各洱动物园一男子被三个老虎咬看了半天,突然想起来这个人不会是喝酒了吧?要不是什么队员?



隔几日秋蓝又注意到那三个老虎也是斑马纹,尾巴更像更清晰。一会儿发现乌达伟确定恋爱上热门了,难道这是吴+大尾?刚才看到有人说乌大尾尾,打weiwei拼音出来的字令她惊讶,因为发现很多都刚刚看过有印象的:巍巍看推背图想此字是山下十八女鬼 厥象维离 马来西亚环滩地翻船的蔚蓝海岸 韦小宝 老虎可畏 卫若兰 芦苇 饺子口味多种 伟大斯大林毛泽东 4.26未时属羊 转发的御制道德经有精微 洞玄子有其违者则陷于危亡(违危)刘凯威 攻击3有伪字 马嵬坡 看毛阿敏隐含了韦唯? 安慰丽江女子视频......这么多尾尾岂不是大尾了?老虎尾巴斓很清晰黑白色的,搜索斓本义:格栅样文章,平行的系列条纹,斑马身上的文章就是典型的"斓"。

这天秋蓝又回忆起凤姐姐的求祝福文章眉头有一句话:不喜欢穆聪的肯定都喜欢我!看到西游伏魔篇微记瞥见乌逸帆那张海报。为什么今天就有他们俩在一起的微记呢?而且为什么进热搜?难道两个信息黑洞合二为一散发的引力波传播到每一个人心中了吗?这就是心灵感应,心动而起的源头吗?为什么毛泽东遍及每一个人的心里,包括全世界?是否也是如此力量理论?是因为源头信息足够大还是什么?黑洞为什么那么大的传播范围能散发几亿年的引力波改变时空?如此说来,心,是最容易牵引的,因为黑洞引力波;也是最难牵引的,因为很少有人能创造那样大的引力波? 平行宇宙通道,如同斑马纹斓?就是说可以让时空同时发生,即那个什么量子开关的原理?同时进行时空事件已保证最后结果的确定?难道热搜就是这么形成的?穿过平行宇宙黑洞去和你们汇合?如果是一件东西,就是和天空螺旋云汇合;如果是一件事情,就是两个黑洞信息合二为一ppap组合后的散发传播引力波,以致最终能很多人可以同步汇合?如果是追溯到过去的则平行宇宙让你回到过去进行引力波牵引,然后结果就如此同步了?不知道这似乎找不到未来的什么事情了,只是产出结果,难道只是当下?不过如同红楼梦,它是我们未来的黑洞原材料。

天涯来者: 有人问,宇宙爆炸之前是什么?爆炸之前是奇点,那奇点是黑洞吗?不同,黑洞是物质的大量聚集,而奇点富含各种创世特征,奇点之前是什么,据说天然奇点来自膜,而膜自然像是母体一样,富有创世特点。秋蓝查阅黑洞知识后想:这么说感觉奇点像精子种子,膜像卵子土地,黑洞形成即是大量物质聚焦,大爆炸就是两个黑洞合二为一,散发出了引力波?如此说来,不就是XY是一个黑洞,XX是一个黑洞,两个黑洞结合即是大爆炸产生出了有无数星辰的宇宙(胎儿)了吗?为什么黑洞是xx和xy,为什么不是x和y,难道这是代表最基本单位的黑洞(大量的最小单位)组合吗?土地让人想到河图洛书的中土5,她是xx,五行运转创世出了新的x☞y,然后最初的x与y形成了黑洞xy,两个黑洞合二为一形成新的xx 或xy.以此类推,ppap扩散开来一发不可收拾,形成宇宙大爆炸,各种产成品就这样百花齐放的出来了。染色体xy /xx犹如最初的黑洞原型,它们就是太极图中的红点与白点,坎离而已。再多的重复组合莫不如此抽象的纳入其麾下。怪不得西游记唐僧一直说我来自中土大唐!可是这个唐字究竟什么意思啊?和唐山大地震肯定有关系。唐:5.古代朝堂前或宗庙门内的大路。6.古同“螗”,指蝉。秋蓝又看到房考上写道金刚,空性,最终的不可摧毁的空,那么这与唐有空的意思应上了,应该大唐还有宗庙大路意思。所以禅思的唐朝盛世武则天迷恋佛教?那么一团和气图,禅空,道虚,儒德,都是一个立体大象的不同语言的描述了?秋蓝又听到西游记说唐僧是法师,孙悟空是护法。她想那么唐僧应该是禅思主体母体,所以只动嘴懒懒的什么也不用行动。孙悟空就是思想工具,它的功能是其大无外其小无内的思想特征,犹如种子可大可小变化多端,亦对应前面的XX 与XY。这似乎符合了道家思想了。不过如果道虚佛空都是母体,有创造性,是硬币的数字一面(虚数,空有),那么儒家就是硬币的另一面图案(量子结果,得)?只有这个立体三角你都明白了,才能看到数字面便知晓对面是什么,反之亦然。即禅界与现象界浑然一体而信息语言不同。



当秋蓝看到微记视频不落帝国首相说chang is in the air,她对这一句深有同感,完全赞同。这些天她一直在想波性意识如何渗透到人们心里使之心动发生心灵感应,否则川璞如何胜利的呢?当然还有不落帝国脱欧。得出的结果亦是毛泽东说的人民是上帝。巴奥演讲是你们造就了我。当然这是禅思已经发射后的开端原因,已经是属创世后的开端了。当看到一篇中国诞生第一个黑洞文章时,秋蓝想到了休斯敦城市上空群鸟乱飞,又想莫非人们的光速电磁波被黑洞平行世界者高频强力吸收,然后在里面扒拉扒拉,就“看到”了共同的最强信息组合即“人民改变的需求”,这就是整体客观性的展现?如果反之非吸收而是发射,则只能是两个黑洞间的碰撞组合了的ppap结果了。不过似乎前者还是有高频权威下的整体河图审视,后者是洛书运行了。

Fourteenth day Black hole in the book

Qiu Lan paid close attention to the earthquake for a long time. She viewed the world earthquake and saw the 8.58 Shandong Gaocheng earthquake in 1668, and the geological reconstruction of Gaocheng earthquake rupture one billion years ago. She also found that the weird phenomenon is the white hair in Jiangnan. Autumn blue want to look at the meticulous point to search for documentaries, which referred to: Xiong Er Shan Rift Valley produced, the city of Meishan thought of Guan Yu Meicheng; the memorial that year 3: off Shanhaiguan, by footbinding, reopened the eight shares of text test. The epicenter of a large number of red sand gushing, a tree under the cliff ditch, wells, trees, sand forming a triangle △ architecture; legend here is the saying goes Turtle Village, a turtle laden with something. As many special events fall blue will Nalan and its counterparts, when she saw these events and dates are so special thinking: the Chungsung gushing red sand, think of Udayad, but why sand? Somehow ... ... Sand, Sahara, De Fei, Xue Bao Chai, snow. Think Nalan this year 13 years old, if the time is changed to 1686, then Naren died or retreated to 31 years old. If it is the day of the future, such as Nalan think memory problem in 1686 and the earthquake have entangled relations, then the time of the intersection of numbers can correspond to.

This autumn Qiuyan exams, said: heaven and earth that clouds and rain sperm, holographic people yin and yang, which she had thought before a light exploration black hole similar. Also see the man married woman married to marry the word impressed, then see the book mentioned in this article is to study the body of women in the form of geography, the author of the female body as he traveled a country, describing the fun and Dangerous ... autumn and blue immediately think of Tancheng earthquake, because yesterday I saw the poem by the word, that is Tancheng earthquake, check only to find the word is the ear, so Tancheng earthquake immediately and room where the executive woman ear, geography Contact with the female body, and more firmly believe that the Nalan and Tancheng earthquake link. She had seen Nalan escorting the southern tour where there Confucius Temple in Shandong Province, the southern tiger Qiu door and other places, perhaps Nalan accompanied Kangxi tour through the place, may be related to the Tancheng earthquake. She immediately checked the specific content of the southern tour patrol indeed Tancheng, and in 1684 South Tour was Kangxi 10.17 years to reach Tancheng Honghuabu, Tancheng earthquake is Kangxi seven years 6.17. This is a very shocking result of her, although she would have hoped that the guess is right, but still stunned! If the light of future Zen expands into the past, some of our current incredible things or actions may find answers in the future. Today, some of our own special features (such as young age, tooth loss), may be the future of my high meditation. So, Tancheng earthquake will understand a little.

Autumn Blue has just spent a long time recently in accordance with the reality of information entanglement experience reinterpretation of the Dream of Red Mansions, which she thought these are attributed to the Dream of Red Mansions: I saw the card reads "really blessedly," the four characters on both sides of a couplet , But is: False True False False True False True Religion Jeans Turned around the torii, is a palace door. There are also four large letters in the front of the door, "Fukkatankan". Another pair of couplets, a large book said: the past, Moxian can not break; antecedents and consequences, the instructions do not come close to each other.

A few days an afternoon, Qiu Lan thought seen TV magic phone is time and space through the drama, access to information to see: As the screenwriter nine years of careless "magic phone" broadcast to the second episode, the story appeared in a beautiful female thief Sun Feiyan , Reported a set of their own cell phone number. This set of cell phone number is really easy to remember, 13801382640, the result was busy the cell phone owner priority. Autumn Blue saw this information, think of the movie 2046. At night, he was surprised to find that microblogging hot is the joy of the previous night broadcast bumper touch, also occurred in the same exposed cell phone number, but also the most popular mobile phone constantly Chen Yan. His phone number is also displayed directly on the TV screen, without masking. Qiu Lan asked that live it? Did trace back to the past?

Autumn blue and saw Mei Nina on the hot, and she carefully read Wu Zetian (624 - 705 years), name 曌 (zhào), and state water (nowWenshuiWenshui County East) people, thus thinking of Defei father mighty , Follow the sky for the day, push back 27 like the sun and the moon, the Monkey King Ming Kong, Journey to the West as Nalan seek hidden lines, starting from the flower cave curtain cave, but also think of flowers, pine, heart Zen, see Wenshui like Wenchuan. Magic phone story is back to the Tang Dynasty 641 years. Li Zhi, Li 18 son, De Fei 18-year-old son of the 1678 Yongzheng Li Tang Dynasty. Autumn and Blue Riddles sigh here: the original Tang is so ah? No way! The future dominance in the past so obvious? If, by analogy, the final history of the human world is not the evolutionary history of a Zen soul? We are all supporting actors, and all are secondary souls to be evolved. In the end, where do we live?

Another day, autumn and blue sat in the lawn, where concise calculation De Fei age 1660 + 40 years = 1700 years, 1723 is 63 years old, do not know what is proof. She saw the micro-note asked someone who like the most like micro-notes, Qiu-lan thought his micro-note has 260,000 up, it is that Pao seems to have said that sunshine, another thought should be smiling Yan And think again that reading is not praise. Is just thinking of a friend called a friend to tell her how her mother and mother how, what to do, she did beauty ... ... Qiu Lan also flash back memories of the previous image of the workplace, there are sharks A lot of birds mark. For a moment because of Solomon Earthquake and think of the Dream of Red Mansions described the northern king Wugong Longji an earthquake corresponding to the mind there again think of how to arrange claws. At this time little fairy do not know where to run over excitement: I have never seen the dragon I know what the dragon looks like: before and after each have their feet, who have scales ... autumn blue surprised to ask how do you know ah? She said that when I was born, I knew what a dragon would look like. Qiu Lan laughed straightly, but she was surprised to see that little fairy said exactly what she had just wanted. Back to home autumn blue see the island five-star hotel Golden Dragon column debut hot. This information shocked her very much, actually there are 8 things in these two days Zen information fully in line with the details of this popular show, so concentrated so compact, the combination has become generous large-scale! What is the meaning of this world!

Autumn blue is very confused about these information entanglements. This day saw Bute Ma Wen made her think of the Dream of Red Mansions puzzle: the third (Lin Daiyu)

駬 駬 Ho Lao tied purple rope? Ching Cheng by cutting potential 狰 逐.

The owner indicated that the situation moved, Aoshan three mountains independent name.

Autumn Blue think this poem and Bute Ma Wen, eight kings, Kangxi related. Kangxi as a major event of the horse is: In addition to Ao Bai, withdrawal of San Francisco, implicit there Turtle Village Tancheng earthquake, the South Tour to Confucius Temple, Yuanmingyuan title, Mountain Resort title, Huagangguanyu title and so on ... ... She wrote Road: It is time to open the Dream of Red Mansions + Journey to the West combination of solutions: Why A Dream of Red Mansions are many Erye, Po Erye, 琏 Erye, Yun Erye, because the monk is the boss. Dream of Red Mansions incense King send sweat towel, the last after several hand to the flower hand, is the daughter of King Journey to the West, the last Huaguoshan Sun Wukong Jiang Yudai got. Why gem jade and born, because Monkey King Monkey was born ... ... because autumn and blue want to dream of Red Mansions and Journey to the West combination, Pig Journey is the corresponding relationship with the Juya (surname meaning pig), Pig eight holding a nine-claw rake, And Lin Daiyu buried flower hoe seems to be consistent. Another example: Journey to the West of the Bansome, of course, is beautiful, but the most beautiful of the original is the golden nose white mouse (want to marry the monk). Autumn blue will correspond directly to: mouse, Lin Daiyu. White hair, Tancheng earthquake born white hair. Golden nose, Jinyu good edge. Journey to the West Guanyin in the purple bamboo forest corresponding Daiyu bamboo. Encounter the weak 3000, quicksand in the description of the monk also like the dream of Qin Keqing Red Mansions, Bao Yu called Ke Qing help me, that Qin Keqing Guanyin corresponding. When called the Monkey King Goddess of Mercy said that the Yi Jing ten wing of its good words, thousands of miles away should also take Nalan took the tenth.

Today, autumn and fall are traced back to "Dream of Red Mansions" and referred to fat copies. There are "facts but things are also recorded. There are ups and downs, twists and turns, reflection and reflection, there are positive and negative, and even Grass snake gray line, Valley voice, a blow two Ming, plank road, darkness, fog, the two mountain confrontation, cloud care on the moon, the back of Fu Fen, thousands of million Wanzhong Zhu Qi. Grass snake gray line procedure: Lin Daiyu's funeral sachet and Shi Xiangyun drunk peony head pillow peony sachet, which is the corresponding relationship between grass snake gray line, they are a person. See the green grass from the field, some people say is Dong Yuan. Understand Yuan Tiangang it? Know the source of things? As Monkey King solution Huaguo Shan Shuidong Cave source was pushed to the Monkey King? Room test is also a source of Yin and Yang both sexes. Green River grass this poem content seems to be very common, but Jin Shengtan talk about the crime, the test records is 19, corresponding to the Dream of Red Mansions Jia Baoyu 19-year-old monk it?

Qiu Siqiu search day to day due to Zhu Yun said: "The secret storage" Yongle ceremony ", 裒 set to enrich ... available to the world can not see hundreds of books. Open four library library, school discipline in the province of the book. Also see Zhu Yun! Jun is the green bamboo skin. Qiu Lan saw this word and found that the earthquakes have occurred before the earthquakes earthquake, and she thought if it seems like an earthquake so entangled in the future, after the time and space can definitely encounter; then if we have past lives, once again, once again Encounter, would not it be very familiar? So Baoyu and Daiyu lyrics are: it is clear that foreign visitors, the heart is the old friend ... ...

The first chapter is based on the Book of Songs based on the discussion, the second chapter is Zuo Chuan, which coincides with the book specifically mentioned in the Dream of Red Mansions, these books are a great source of Zen Dream of Red Mansions. It also referred to the princes as civil servants advisers, etc., and later developed into literati doctor's prototype. Another mention of ink is made of carbon or lacquer grinding, and immediately think of Yongzheng alchemy, several people to buy a large number of charcoal, there are also mentioned in the Dream of Red Chamber there are a lot of charcoal tribute. At that time, why did you want to use charcoal, alchemy is only? Now it may seem to copy to the Defei Dream of Red Mansions raw materials. Room test in both men and women balance the Taoist priest with two circles, inside the painting Kan from the gossip, is very similar to pushing back the first image. Push the back of the figure, the ridge from the red and white, grass, horses, tiger rabbits, choppers, misfire, fruit trees and trees and trees, sun and the moon, dragon snake, fish and birds, bookcases, heart, skeleton, stone, monk , Ax, parrot monkey ... and Dream of Red Mansions (Nalan) are extremely relevant. Room test mentioned the medical room book contains Cheng Cheng, son, Yao and Shun, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the Yellow Emperor ... ... If these books Chengrong if the past life has been entangled, then this life once associated with this matter, he is very interested in research Will it automatically match to his life? There is a meditation here is active or passive question. In other words, meditation depth and breadth of the lower are combined by the higher? Passive I do not know why, while the high covers a wide range of high strength, so the list of small hills, both combined and known why? Like yin and yang Breadth and depth) operation, in yin and yang endless reincarnation, and the black hole Promise, it is a higher level, insight into reincarnation?

Room test mentioned: alchemy warrior as a woman with alchemy Ding, their quiet that the egg as vermilion, the white man as the same as the lead, the sexual intercourse with vermilion, lead, sulfur and other ingredients mixed. This comparison provides a key to understanding the contractual lease. In the test book, comparing the extraction of mercury from cinnabar and lead (ie gold in saver) with sexual behavior. This discussion is based on the philosophical background of the operation of nature expressed in the Five Elements Theory and the Yi Jing Gua. Qiu Lan see these, think of the contract deeds Chan combination may be: room surgery (element: a small yin and yang) + I Ching (yin and yang) + five elements running (income statement) + endless (profit, fetus, afterlife) ☞ saver. Therefore, alchemy may be non-existent, or that the true consciousness of both sides of the yin and yang entanglement of both heaven's water wave material, in order to generate granular material and awareness of this saver.

Autumn blue continue to read for a while, think of Nalan may see these two figures (Dragon and Tiger Crossing diagram and balance of men and women of both priests), but also according to Xuannv's martial arts, then sex is also said to be fighting, then fighting the tiger , Yin and yang interaction becomes sad, he may have thought of the rise and fall of the palace struggle dynasty, it may be that his meditation push back plans and the replacement of the reincarnation has had a great relationship. Of course, this pushback diagram is a combination of large-scale and small-scale combination of state and home based on his actual life experiences. The priests who have balanced both men and women have been sublimated by the Aesthetic Consciousness into Fu Xi, and the other small ones have also become large. Thus, the element of Naran's life is thus replaced by the dynastic alternation. In fact, this is the dualism of thinking in 1984, which contains both small and big powers. Or this is a push back to the picture is a complete expression of Nalan's life language, and the A Dream of Red Mansions itself also supporting. In order to spread this pushback map, some versions of the confusion rewritten, so as to be more widely let more people know, spread to date without being denied. Because he uttered some obscure fact, the alternative fact that was said in 1984.

Autumn blue during this period continue to taste sweet dreams, because of Jarrei chapter to see the description, I thought why should describe such a person, but the word Rui Zi However, the meaning of Tianrui, extreme compliment too! What if Jia Rui is a positive anti-write style in the Spring and Autumn Period? Then Jia Rui like Wang Xifeng is actually two people are positive people? Is it not written in the Dream of Red Mansions can not be directly written are carried out character lending to dark line to write it? Wang Xifeng it can only be after the palace Daiyu? So other women is not the same way? Twelve beauties Dreams are a person nothing more! Written is the written Seam Sing Jin Shengtan write one person. Think of this fall after the red floor, according to the dark line to think about the future development of the dark line, and sure enough, a lot of gains. After the solution to the Red House did not see "Zhi Yanzhai" on the "Chai Dai-one" argument: "Chai, jade Although two, but one person, this magic pen also. Book to thirty-eight back, had More than one-third, so the writing is back, so that the two combined into one. Please look at the Dai Bao Dai Chai after the death of the text, I see I can not falter "(forty-second total). Although it is only that Chai Dai Dai is not the same as a Twelve Chai, Qiu Lan knows why, the other Chai should be added to the author's side more of the personality modification of the composition, but the identity behind the fact is revealing the only individual and clues her Heart finally believe more of their own judgment.

In the New Year, autumn blue is still studying the Dream of Red Mansions and she finds strong association with the room test, push back, Ji Yun and other books. Look at the test books have heavy ears of negative temptation think of Xue Baochai think I do not know what is negative Jing apology; see a group of friends there are not self-respect; see the philosopher vodka, see vodka to see three women toast picture; Also read a link with Ji Yun micro-link an article about a special occupation, into a female hand. Also see the alias of homosexuality, "Beijing Normal University doctor briefly talked about male color, Taboo Day brave." The second day of autumn and blue see micro-note in a country where a member of a woman was sexually assaulted by a woman, a tiger fight miserable it? Ningbo Jacob Lake Zoo a man was bitten by the three tigers for a long time, suddenly remembered this person will not be drinking, right? What is not a team member?

Autumn blue is greeted this day is: Mandala is Sanskrit, intended to be thought tools. She thought so many combinations of things that she thought maybe thought meditation is a package, just like the packaging process in a computer program. After the thought of this has been imagined in the mind, that is, it is created, it is an available package in the universe (ie, collapsed). From this we can deduce that the original ideas of those elements are combined and linked in this package. Once this package is started, the world will feed back. Qiu Lan think of the package Think of Mandala thought he had had: like the program shuttle in the universe, it seems that the electronic operation in the computer, so that everything becomes a reality.

Mentioned in the test room so men feel yin is jade stem vibration, its shape, steeply towering, if the solitary peak of the Han Dynasty; female feeling yang, Dan hole Jin flow, its shape, If the quiet spring vomit valley. This is Yin and Yang grateful, non-human caused also. Han refers to the lofty sky. Han, Tianhan, Galaxy, on behalf of the sky. Qiu Lan think this is a hammer peak, the source of the meditation of the Wu Lie River? However, due to check this sentence to see a tour of Laoshan in mind there, said Laoshan scenery actually Optimus Prime ... ... Look at the pictures there are actually full of Shouzi Shek Pik, this is not the Prince of the Twelve Chai Yong Full background picture is life? Shek Pik fonts of all kinds of life is because Jiamu received such a variety of fonts and calligraphy Shou Zha think out of it? That should be the mandarin mandarin side meditation out ah! Also see the book picture Wu Xian, Xue Tao, mother, gem and so on.

A few days later autumn blue also noticed that the three tigers are also zebra pattern, the tail more like clearer. Suddenly found Wuda Wei love hot, is it Wu + big tail? Just saw someone say U tail, playing weiwei pinyin out of the word she was surprised, because I found a lot of have just seen the impression: Towering look push this figure is the word of the mountain is eighteen girls ghost like Juewei Victoria from the ring beach in Malaysia flip-flops Weihai Bao Wei Timberland fearful Weilaoweila reed dumplings taste a variety of great Stalin Mao Zedong 4.26 is not yet a goat sheep forwarding Royal moral After a subtle cave mysterious son of its offenders are caught in danger (against danger) Liu Kaiwei attack 3 fake words Mabu slope to see Mao Amin implied Wei Wei? Comfort Lijiang women video ... so much tail tail not big tail It? Tiger tail is very clear black and white color, the search for the original meaning of the gorgeous: grille-like articles, parallel to the series of stripes, articles of the zebra is a typical "gorgeous."

Autumn day and blue memories of the sister of Feng sister seeking blessings article brows have a saying: do not like Mu Cong certainly like me! See the Voyeur Journey to the West caught a glimpse of Wu Yi-fan that posters. Why is there a meme for both of them today? And why into hot search? Is it possible that the two black holes of information merge into each other's gravitational waves? This is the telepathy, the source of the heart it? Why Mao Zedong in everyone's heart, including the world? Is also the theory of power? Is the source information large enough or what? So why is the black hole so big that it can emit hundreds of millions of years of gravitational waves to change space-time? In this sense, the heart is the easiest to pull because the black-hole gravitational waves are also the hardest ones to pull because few can create that big Gravitational waves? Parallel cosmic passages, as zebra gorgeous? That is to say that allows time and space occur at the same time, that what the principle of quantum switching? Simultaneous spatiotemporal events have guaranteed the final result? Is this hot search is so formed? Through the parallel universe black hole to meet you? If it is a thing that is the convergence of the sky spiral clouds; if it is one thing, is the combination of two black holes into a ppap combination of dissemination of transmission of gravitational waves, so eventually a lot of people can be synchronized convergence? If it is traced back to the past, the parallel universe allows you to return to the past gravitational pull, and the result is so synchronized? Do not know what can not seem to find the future, just the output, is it just the moment? However, like the Dream of Red Mansions, it is our future black hole raw materials.

End of the World: Someone asked what is the universe before the explosion? Before the explosion is a singularity, that singularity is a black hole? Differently, the black hole is a large accumulation of matter, and the singularity is rich in all kinds of creation features. Before the singularity, it is said that the natural singularity originates from the film, and the film naturally has the same genesis as the mother. Qiu Lan access to black hole knowledge after thinking: So to say the feeling of singularity like sperm seeds, membrane like egg land, the formation of black holes that is a lot of material focus, the big bang is two black holes in one, emits a gravitational wave? , Is not that XY is a black hole, XX is a black hole, the combination of two black holes that is the big bang has produced numerous stars of the universe (fetus) yet? Why black holes are xx and xy, why not x and y, is this a black hole (a large number of minimum units) combination that represents the most basic unit? The land is reminiscent of Hetuochu of Middle-earth 5, she is xx, the five elements operate to create a new x ☞, and then the initial x and y form a black hole xy, the two black holes merge into one to form a new xx or xy. By analogy, ppap spread out of control, the formation of the Big Bang, all kinds of finished products so out of flowers. Chromosomes xy / xx are like the original black hole prototypes, which are the red and white dots in the tai chi chart. More repeated combinations are so abstract into his arm. No wonder the Journey to the West Tang Dynasty monk has said that I come from Middle earth! But what is the meaning of this Tang character ah? It is certainly related to the Tangshan earthquake. Tang: 5. The ancient court hall or the main road inside the temple. 6. Old with "螗", refers to cicadas. Autumn blue and see the room test wrote King Kong, emptiness, the ultimate indestructible empty, then this is the meaning of the Tang should be on, there should be the meaning of Datang Jinding Temple Road. So meditation of the Tang Dynasty Shengshi Wu is day obsessed with Buddhism? So a group of qi qi, Zen empty, Tao virtual, Confucianism and morality, are three-dimensional elephant different language description? Autumn Lan heard Journey to the West that the monk is the Master, Monkey King is law enforcement. She thought that the monk should be the mainstay of the Zen meditation, so only move the mouth without any action. Sun Wukong is a tool of thought. Its function is its mere nonsense ideological features, as if the seed can be varied and varied, and also corresponds to the front of XX and XY. This seems to fit Taoist thought. But if Dharma Buddhism is motherhood, creative, the digital side of the coin (an imaginary number, empty), then is Confucianism the other side of the coin (quantum result)? Only this solid triangle you understand, you can see the digital surface will know what is the opposite, and vice versa. That is, the Zen community and the phenomenon of the world and the different information languages.

After just a few days of information bombing, autumn blue has a new tiger reverie obscenity: the concept of male supremacy put aside. Is it possible that the conjecture follows that the innate remix of silence is as empty as nothing, but nothing is derived from it. So men will be a woman meditation and meditation created? So a man is in some way taller and more powerful than a woman, like a tiger stronger than a cat. Now women in the world are squeezed by the men's strong momentum (just as computer-intelligent machines at this stage will, to some extent, invade the living space of human beings at an initial stage), but they have no innate love. Does it mean that a woman is not using innate intelligence? If she creates more advanced species like computer alpha dogs, she should jump out of the circle of rules to engage in a higher level of intellectual reconciliation. Or why ancient myths and legends are Nuwa creation rather than men? And the beginning of the legendary history of women's assembly society? Is this possible? So men are more aggressive than women. For example, the book of the Qinglong white tiger cross-map, the woman riding a green dragon man riding a white tiger, the Red Mansions also said Baidi is Jia Baoyu, bamboo house to the Xiaoxiang Museum, the book mentioned Longyin thin. However, the room book explain the picture that this is the cause of ancient feminist socialism, a word to turn things around, overthrow the meaning of the picture, and the fact why not the opposite? For example, the East-West creation doctrine is the opposite. Has China been assimilated by the West now? China is a Nuwa creation, and the Western Bible says women are the ribs of a man. What basis is it based on? Does China want to live a virtuous life according to Western thought? And the room book mentions that the director in the room has always been a woman, not a man. Jiabao Yu in Dream of Red Mansions was guided by Qin Keqing police fantasy fairy. Laoshan peak life word is also enshrined a fairy like, class police magic fairy. If we are going to see these (Dream of Red Mansions, one's law, double-slit experiment, quantum switch) is the future of the Zen content, we are in the quantum switch process, why we can not do the same thing, we must eliminate Do not be afraid of their own disintegration (such as warfare, not the evolution of the soul of duty and admiration of wealth) look like? The woman is the earth, the earth Datang, is the entire earth, the Western commentary Earth video also said the earth is a big rock, and the stone book of the Dream of Red Mansions corresponded. The beginning of the Dream of Red Mansions that this stone Jingdong Jixi move, desire to experience the wealth and prosperity of the earth, and how to say just how ah. There are men mentioned above travel as a place to travel women's body, which should be the woman corresponds to the body of the Earth. Earthquake contact is also the earth's stone ECG?

Room test Zhucheng explain the phenomenon of the yin and yang, and Qiu Lan said how the formation of chromosomal genes male and female exactly the same process. At that time, she imagined an image in her head: if the woman's x wrapped up y, she might have formed a male. If the opposite is the female fetus. At the time, it was not clear whether this was a matter of men or women, but in the end we thought of the core as the basis for determining who decides men and women in the nucleus.

When the autumn blue saw the micro-video does not fall empire, said the prime minister said in the air, she agreed with this sentence, fully agree. These days she has been trying to see how the awareness of the wave of consciousness to infiltrate the hearts of people to make telepathy, or Chuan Pu how to victory? Of course, there is no fall off the empire from the EU. The result is also Mao Zedong said the people are God. Pao speech is that you made me. Of course, this is the beginning of Zen after it has been launched, which is already the beginning of creation. When I saw a Chinese black hole article was born, Qiu Lan think of flying over the city of Houston, birds and people want light speed electromagnetic wave by the black hole parallel to the strong absorption of high frequency in the world, and then pull the grill pull it "To see" the most common combination of information that is "the changing needs of the people" is the overall objectivity of the show? If the opposite is not absorbed but launched, it can only be a combination of ppap results of the collision between two black holes It's However, it seems that the former is still under the authority of the high-frequency review of the river map, the latter is a Luo book run.

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