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On the eighth day, everything has voicelessness第八天 万物有清音

Updated: Mar 3, 2018

秋蓝写诗自然写出来上九天,可她很纳闷,自己根本不懂这是什么意思,怎么就写出来了呢?查网络才知道九天指传说中的玉皇大帝居住的地方。后来形容极高极高的天空。 《吕氏春秋·有始》曰:天有九野,谓中央与四正四隅。由此秋蓝想到易经中提到的典礼也和现在自己理解的意思不同,来知德易经中如是解释:典者,常法也。礼即天理之节文也。可是自己总是磨不过弯来。不过这些东西离自己现实生活好遥远啊!



自从秋蓝很早以前看到科技新闻中的量子纠缠以后,就对量子科学很关注,这不又看到文章:如果说 Schrodinger 详谬提出了量子纠缠态基本特征, 则 EPR 详 谬则蕴含着量子非定域性关联现象。 非定域性的描述可分为带某种弥散性的描述和拓朴性描述 ​​​​。可是如同天书,秋蓝叹口气说,专业名词一大堆,比那典礼多了去了。


然后秋蓝就想听听歌,看到微记中正贴出电影从你的全世界路过海报,便听了全世界谁倾听你歌曲。进一步搜索此歌内容时,居然发现歌曲中间也有一句台词和天生杀人狂歌曲里一模一样的,就接着听后面那歌了。谁知道此歌里有金字塔,又发现麦田网有这首歌的解意,对麦字深刻,似乎有风吹麦浪的潜意识联想,与迪伦歌曲的轻摇滚风格亦有相关;然后又看到乔布斯提到麦金塔,立即想到迪伦的金字塔与麦字;傍晚发现麦当娜也开微博了。这些链接混乱的让秋蓝脑袋更大了,究竟是世界链接到一起了,还是自己思维逻辑粘到一起了,不想理睬了。谁知道结果看完电影几乎快让她崩溃了。太极图,蝎与心,最后的六阶梯式金字塔如同埃及生死书里的,螺旋DNA式血滴海、诺贝尔红五星、DRUG、爱甚自己、ILLIOUS、媒体炒作为量、I爱心图T恤、龙卷风、石头导演、昆汀189cm、了悟、多世轮回、新的(女)人…… ​​​​这些搞的秋蓝迷糊了,这些关键词如海浪涌拍岸边一样似曾相识,心想是否灵道在一个宇宙竖轴上,这些被接收或预言的画面在宇宙盘上慢慢唱片至今呢?


秋蓝做晚饭是橄榄油三文鱼,做菜间隙查看交子时,查到瑞典首都是斯德哥尔摩stock holm,不懂holm什么意思。秋蓝又看到诺贝尔奖的奖牌上,画的很象Isis 生育之神,造物主吗? 象弗洛伊德写达芬奇书中的提到的。奖牌画的还有七弦琴,灵性母体吗?又看到经济学奖奖牌,感觉这是一个1968-2016的专项时空隧道,它承载了诺贝尔深度的意义,而广度却是由诺贝尔本人的遗言即其信仰决定的。微记里鹣鹣出句:燕子春归老舍,秋蓝想到台湾出的一对联则回复:大鱼秋收东京。最后又看到中国内战反反复复,太多内容怎么理的清呢?如是,秋蓝总是未加休息,晚上定是睡得比较香吧?

又到了诺贝尔奖的时间了,老谷每年必定天天守候着。他看到10月3日,2016年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予大隅良典,以表彰他对细胞自噬机理的发现。物理学奖是物质拓扑相变和拓扑相的重大理论发现。化学奖是在分子机器的设计和合成;经济学奖奥列佛·哈特(Oliver Hart)和麻省理工大学的本特·霍姆斯特罗姆(Bengt Holmstrom)是契约理论,和平奖是为结束该国历时50多年的内战而奖励,文学奖10月13日揭晓,是为美国音乐人鲍勃·迪伦在伟大的美国歌曲传统中创造了新的诗歌形式而奖励。老谷仔细地看了每一个相关内容,只可惜自己力不从心,如何能够呢,自己又不是超人,只有为这些获奖者鼓掌吧。

On the eighth day everything has voicelessness

Autumn blue writing poetry naturally written on the nine days, but she wondered, they do not understand what it means, how to write it out? Check the network to know Jiu Tian refers to the legendary Jade Emperor lived in place. Later described as extremely high sky. "Lu Spring and Autumn Period" said: Heaven has nine wild, that the central and four positive four corners. Therefore, the autumn and blue thought I Ching mentioned in the ceremony and now understand the meaning of their own different, to know the German I Ching in the case is explained: Code, often. Ceremony is the text of the day also. But I always wear but bend to. But these things are far away from their real life ah!

Qiu Lan noon eating a bit daze, think of that day to see a foreigner riding backpack facing the sun go to work, still a little envy it. But think of that encounter a friend on that road, she was a bit sick, half past one can not go to class, autumn blue and so unknown ... just thought of this, they received friends hair To the message, the original her illness has been cured, and I feel very good, but friends or pour a belly bitter. A friend said a while ago because of the disease handover, for a long time did not organize mail, see a description of the situation, is written by her human resources department, because she was sick, performance has not been written off her to write, otherwise, One year's bonus will be soaked. I comfort her, good health, there are classes on the OK, do not think so much, peace of mind that is blessing. Having said that, Qiu Lan thought of his first design of the blue and yellow cross-shaped pages to the present still a dead letter, could not help but laugh at himself.

Afternoon autumn blue search information search supercomputer or innovative keywords, see the Tokyo Institute of Technology a text: How to create powerful scientific and technological innovation? Mentioned inside the swallow, because of the recent study of Cao Xueqin kite Yan, curious to continue reading. "We hope that future robots will be able to move like real people. This will require muscle to be flexible. For example, parts of a robot can only be motorized if they are active, but the motor can not be made small. "Also saw the image of a human skull, with a hoist-like shelf hanging.

Since Qiu Lan saw the quantum entanglement in the science news long ago, he paid close attention to quantum science. He does not read the article again: if Schrodinger's detailed explanation of the basic characteristics of quantum entanglement, then the detailed description of EPR implies Quantum non-locality correlation phenomenon. The description of non-locality can be divided into description with some diffuse description and topological description. But like the bible, autumn and blue sighed that a lot of professional terms, more than that ceremony went.

See someone circle of friends made plans, phagocytosis see do not understand, but the picture reveals the micro-sense of the feeling, I really want to know what those little invisible atomic molecules are how to act, but also how to do that? Autumn blue brain always nonstop, his head exploded, as if relaxed and pleasant point, it began to check the flags of various countries, Denmark and Norway found that the three Nordic countries Sweden flag are actually the same, Qiu Lan mind even worse.

Then Qiu Lan would like to listen to the song, see the micro-posted a movie from passing around the world posters, they listened to the world who listen to your songs. Further search this song content, actually found the middle of the song there is a line and born killer songs exactly the same, then listen to the song behind it. Who knows there is a pyramid in this song, but also found that the wheat field network has the solves the meaning of this song, profound words on the wheat, there seems to wind and waves of subconscious associations, and Dylan song light rock style also related; and then see Steve Jobs mentioned Macintosh, immediately thought of Dylan's pyramid and the letter; in the evening found Madonna also microblogging. These chaotic Qiu Lan Lan chaos bigger, what is the world linked together, or their own logic stick together, and do not want to ignore. Who knows the result After watching the movie almost let her collapse. Tai chi figure, scorpio and heart, the last six step pyramid as the book of life and death in Egypt, spiral DNA blood dripping sea, nobel star red, drug, love it yourself, illious, media speculation as quantity, i love map T shirt , Tornado, Stone Director, Quentin 189cm, Awareness, Genesis Reincarnation, New (Woman) ... These engage the autumn blue confused, the key words such as the surging sea surging like deja vu, heart Think of whether or not Psyche on a vertical axis of the universe, these received or predicted screen slowly recorded in the universe so far?

Is to worry about should not go out to relax, I heard a small K trickle down, I'll sing Dylan's song to you, to ensure that you no longer chaos, open the time back to the past, and then began to play a : The moment's ideas reach the past. Indeed, Dylan's song is Dylan sang, and now K is singing, I do not know how ancient and modern times a little bit of advancing, only willing to completely immersed in the language of Dylan's time to talk ......

Autumn blue make supper is olive oil salmon, making intercalary view of intercourse, find the capital of Sweden is the stock holm stockholm, do not understand what it means. Autumn blue and see the Nobel Prize medal, painting is very similar to Isis birth god, creator it? As Freud wrote in Da Vinci's book. Is there a lyre medal, a spiritual mother? Also see the economics medal, I feel this is a special space-time tunnel 1968-2016, it carries the depth of Nobel significance, but the breadth of it is by Nobel's last words that their faith determines. Micro-recorded 鹣 鹣 out ​​of a sentence: Swallow Spring return to the Lao She, autumn and blue think of a couplet from Taiwan Zeyi Reply: Big fish fall in Tokyo. Finally, I saw that the civil war in China is repeating again and again. If so, autumn and winter are always without rest, sleep at night is more fragrant, right?

It's time for the Nobel Prize, and the Valley is waiting every day every year. He observed that on October 3, 2016 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Osamu Osamu in recognition of his discovery of the mechanism of cellular autophagy. The Physics Prize is a major theoretical discovery of the phase transition and topological phase of matter. The Chemistry Prize is in the design and synthesis of molecular machines; the economics prize Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom at MIT are contractual and the Peace Prize is In an effort to put an end to the country's civil war which lasted more than 50 years, the Prize for Literature was announced on October 13, rewarding the American musician Bob Dylan for creating a new form of poetry in the great American song tradition. Alley carefully read each of the relevant content, but unfortunately their own powerless, how can it, they are not Superman, only for the winners applaud it.

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