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Pan - Yi Philosophical - A Metaphysical Framework for Integrating the World 泛易哲学--整合世界的元哲学框架

Updated: Apr 8, 2018





目 录


第一章 泛易哲学原理




第二章 各学派的融会贯通


二、 心理学


四、 泛的修证要点

五、 禅定和身心四态

六、 物理

七、 儒学

八、 佛学

九、 道学内丹术


十一、 社会












第一章 泛易哲学原理



























第二章 各学派的融会贯通







二、 心理学
































四、 泛的修证要点






五、 禅定和身心四态




六、 物理
















9. 八卦中的体,即通常所见的物理实物,是情智神三者叠加纠结的产物,一旦解开纠结就会出现物体消失的现象。这可以解释一些特异现象。

七、 儒学













八、 佛学


毗婆沙从身体(体能)入手,观身不净,自然涉及身体物质构成的极微。 “体能”的四象组成分别是“情智神”和“情智明”,说明体能的底层是“神明”。思维毗婆沙教义“以极微为胜义,以蕴聚为世俗”能快速生起空观,也就是“神明”的“明”。这个教义本来是经验总结,上升为理论后又指导了实践,促进了对空的领悟。这个法门其实适合所有人,因为身体的执着对所有人都比较顽固。













 印度禅和中国禅是中国人对禅的一种划分,印度禅也称为如来禅,中国禅也称为祖师禅,二者区别明显。印度禅以神明为目标,不太能忍受世俗干扰。中国禅以大同或整合为目标,平等看待世俗和神圣,生活也是修行。 人身难得,佛从此出。觉悟后不断烦恼不求真,因为烦恼已经不是障碍。


九、 道学内丹术




























从上表可以看出,一般来说 “感情”人格重视财富休闲和感情,“理智”人格重视名声地位和责任。如果发掘出内心深处的神明,也可能以心灵为重心,只是这样的人比较少。





a. 农牧社会的家庭是一个生产和生存组织,核心是生存繁衍,不管对家庭成员还是对社会都非常重要,难免带来人身依附关系,通常表现为身体和财产交换,甚至表现为“婚姻是合法的嫖娼”,这种类型可以称为依附制家庭。

b. 工业社会的家庭是一个董事会式的经济组织,核心是财富休闲,不具备直接生产功能,更多追求精彩刺激的娱乐休闲生活,对成员生存的影响减弱,较少人身依附关系,更趋向平等,可称为股份制家庭,以贡献和权利达成平衡为原则。这一层次的主要需求就是精彩刺激的娱乐感,贪欲较重。“婚姻以爱情为基础”原则,就是这个时期的婚姻原则。不过这个原则婚后很少应用,因为爱情一般被认为是持续3-6个月,过了半年依照这个原则就应该离婚。

c. 信息社会的家庭是一个政党式的同盟团体,核心是名声地位,其功能主要是带来责任和安全感,经济不再是家庭存在的决定因素,人格平等更为明显,这就是同盟制家庭。这一层次更关注责任和安全感。存在着“婚姻以责任为基础”原则,比以爱情为基础更稳定。

d. 心灵社会的家庭则是一个灵性团体,核心是文化心灵,男女双方心灵契合是主要特征,到这里达到人性的回归,名利不再成为影响家庭的因素,平等不再成为一种要求,而是一种自然结果,这就是同心制家庭。双方都挖掘出内心深处的神明,达到心灵契合才能称为真爱,第2层次中浪漫精彩刺激的那种感情只是一种贪欲,不能称为真爱。


十一、 社会












这里顺便说一说文化大革命,很多人文革后沉重地认为中华文明传承断了,这是只知其一不知其二。文化大革命实际上让中华文明的表层恢复为一张白纸,为以后的建设打下基础,而中华文明的核心一直是保持着的,它有超越性,不管是自己还是别人都不可能破坏。佛经里有个故事说一个老太太不想见佛,用手遮住眼睛,结果佛在她的手指缝里闪光--躲无可躲。另外一些人认为中华文明在以科学为代表的西方文明面前崩溃了,更是无稽之谈。 近百年中华文明的发展脉络是很明显的。






  八卦 10年 1991.1-2001 累计10年

  四象 5年 2001-2006 累计15年

  两仪 2.5年 2006-2008 累计17.5年










最后更新 2017年12月27日。

Pan - Yi Philosophical - A Metaphysical Framework for Integrating the World

Release title

Pan, meaning diffuse, on behalf of the nature of integration. Yi, the word meaning on the next month's yin and yang, on behalf of the classification of the foreign minister. Pan-Yi philosophy is a clear classification and integration of knowledge. Complex things in fact is an organic whole, the concept of Datong or integration or pan-general. Interpreting the world's major philosophies, religions, psychology, sociology, economics, and natural sciences using the generic framework of pan-philosophical philosophy, as if colored threads wear pearl, can make all disciplines appropriate, so Pan-Yi philosophy as the world of integration Yuan philosophy framework. Pan-Yi philosophy helps people establish a world-view outlook on life and values ​​conforming to the laws of nature. It also helps to see clearly that the current development orientation of China and the world should fundamentally follow the trend of informationization and spiritualization so as to coordinate and solve the political and Economic conflicts and crises.


Absorb the essence of the world civilization, seize the context of the spiritual universe, establish the spiritual evolution of life, experience the happiness of continuous integration.

table of Contents


The first chapter Pan Yi philosophy

First, fractal spiral world view

Second, the spiritual evolution of the outlook on life

Third, the values ​​of continuous integration

The second chapter is the mastery of all schools

First, the traditional inheritance and development of learning

Second, psychology

Third, the core of the world's four major differences in civilization

Fourth, pan-proof repair points

Five, meditation and physical and mental state

Sixth, physics

Seven, Confucianism

Eight, Buddhism

Nine, Taoist alchemy

Ten, love family

Eleven, society

Release Notes



Western philosophy, Indian philosophy and Chinese philosophy, the author first contact with Western philosophy, the Western philosophy can feel the constant access to ideological inspiration, but not systematic, messy and superficial. Later learned that the advantage of Western philosophy is not in fact system integration, but rather to explore the unknown, emphasis on emotional practice. No matter how messy its concept, all behind point to the only God or some ultimate idea as the scattered gems on the beach, equal before God, subordinate to research without integration, is the branch of science - science and majors. Second, I came into contact with Indian philosophy to find out that philosophy did not need to be so messy and could be such a magnificent majestic ideological building. At first glance it was amazing. However, later on, it was found that this ideological building was not in the air and had the tendency to ignore perceptual practices as if it were in the air. The last contact with Chinese philosophy, the former two "scattered gems" and "sky pavilion" of the control, at the beginning how can not find where the core of Chinese philosophy, it seems very boring, and then suddenly understand that Chinese philosophy is like the former two background "The sea sky", no wonder easily overlooked. Chinese philosophy seems dull, but in fact arson, back to nature, rich in heritage, endless stretches, the sea cross-section was heroic.

The three philosophies can be perfectly complemented in theory. They have developed into the three major civilizations in the world and have derived other tributaries and will become integrated in the future. In the exploration of unknown mankind, in the perceptual practice of Western civilization, Indian civilization played an important pioneering role in the liberation of philosophy. In the globalization today, the task of integrating the three civilizations mainly falls on the Chinese civilization. Is a logical necessity, is the destiny of the sky heaven.

Philosophical integration is an important step in the process of civilized integration. Pan-Yi philosophy is a metaphysical framework that integrates the three major philosophies based on Yi-ology.

Many people think that easy to represent variation, in fact, variation is general, easy to represent the classification is the exact meaning. Literally, Yi is the next month, on behalf of the yin and yang, and yin and yang is the result of a split. Yi-ology is a scientific system that completely classifies things by permutations and combinations. There is no repetition or omission. After classifying two-character and four-character and gossip, it is natural for the categories to expand beyond and to integrate. This article will be "expansion beyond the" simplified into two words is "integration", a word is "pan." Pan-meaning diffuse, extended to integration.

Pan-Yi philosophy is a general Yi-ology deduction system, according to the principle of permutation and combination, the world's major philosophy and religion are completely classified, and then be integrated. However, the discovery of this system is inductive in the opposite direction. It is not simply derived from the theory of Yi-ology but mainly from the experience of the soul, from the life and from the concrete vivid appearance of life. Pan-Yi philosophy is also a kind of spiritual science.

The first chapter Pan Yi philosophy. The Pan-Yi philosophy of the world outlook on life and values ​​and values, and various schools of fine and pan-Yi philosophy four taboos list correspondence, in order to integrate and integrate the various schools of thought, we can understand the difference between the three major civilizations .

The second chapter explains the gossip correspondence table. These interpretations did not discover the whole connotation of pan-philosophical philosophy, and have yet to be further explored and elaborated in the future.

The meanings of Pan-Yi philosophical terms are basically their literal meanings, which are similar to the meanings of Yi-zhi dialect. They are equivalent to filling in the Taiji two instruments and four gossip with concrete philosophical concepts and connecting with other major philosophical schools in the world, religion, psychology, Sociology, economics and science are also compatible with the content and terminology. The different philosophical genres are due to the differences in positions and areas of care. As long as they understand and understand the different levels of positions of the factions and the areas of concern, one can understand the inherent relevance and respective limitations of the concepts of different schools of thought, Complement each other to inspire each other, so as to avoid the controversy and confusion brought by blind people touching the image and understand the whole picture. Pan-Yi philosophy hopes to end the confusion of many concepts in various philosophies of philosophy and open the door to social equality through philosophical common ground.

Pan is not an ultimate state, but an ultimate process. Pan-Yi philosophy is also an open system that is constantly evolving.


The first chapter Pan Yi philosophy

First, fractal spiral world view

The world outlook tells us what kind of world we are in. It requires speculation and practical verification to study this issue. In the face of the confused and confused world, the simple and scientific way is to first divide the things in the world into two parts and oppose each other. Taking graphics as an example, it is the visible line and the surrounding blank. Then, the antithesis will be entangled with evolution, and the thread evolution will form a spiral, which is then tangled by the spiral. Thus, the visible white space can be considered as a thicker line, but also can be wound to form a larger spiral. In doing so, a fractal spiral is formed, as shown in Figure 1, which means that the large spiral as a whole is similar to the small spiral as a part. Fractal spiral embodies the classification of the side, such as the line and the blank, the level and the small level, but also reflects the integration side, such as the visible line is not a solid line is only a blank space, the line formed by the blank expansion, large spiral and small The spiral structure is similar, the large spiral is promoted by the small spiral. Expansion and improvement means that the integrated and integrated graphics are fractal spirals. The ultimate view of the world, a word is pan, two words are integrated, three words and one, four words are extended to enhance. Narrow integration and classification corresponding to the broad integration includes narrow integration and classification of both, a careful understanding should be easy to distinguish.

In fact, the fractal spiral classification and integration is also proven by countless practices, which will be detailed later. From the perspective of introspection, the integrated nature of the fractal spiral can be represented by pan (meaning diffuse), and the categorized outer phase of the fractal spiral can be represented by Yi (the yin-yang of the next month). Pan-Yi philosophy is a clear classification and integration of knowledge. Pan as the ultimate process, a consistent, outline project directory. Easy for thousands of states, things to gather together, hierarchical calendar.

The so-called visible blank is equivalent to the concept of "qi" in Chinese traditional philosophy. So the tangible line and the enclosed blank part, can be named respectively with cloud and clear. Turbidity is equivalent to "matter" or thing, and Qing is equivalent to "consciousness" or heart. From the fractal spiral we can see that the tangible line is still empty inside, and there is no solid line; at the same time the blank must have a certain shape at a certain level, showing the shape of the visible line, there is no absolute abstract blank, that is, voicing Or the heart is homogeneous, but different levels. The so-called contradiction between idealism and materialism can be resolved according to the principle of the same substance and different levels of psychology.

Fractal spiral Small helix and large helix level difference is the micro and macro differences, respectively, micro and macro to name. According to the principle of homogenous mind, cloud corresponds to the emotional activity, corresponding to rational activity. "Voicing" is equivalent to two instruments in I Ching, through and four different combinations of "micro macro", you can derive four images as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3: micro-turbidity that micro-sensibility can be described as love Or desire; micro-clear that is, micro-rational, can be referred to as wisdom or reasoning; macro-turbid that is macro-sensual, can be called god or destiny; macro-clear macro-rationality, can be called as Ming or compatible. The intellectual verification of the four images of practice verification is done through introspection.

Fractal spiral can have infinite levels, but the combination of four images for the convenience of analysis, only divided into basic two levels, after the plane shown in Figure 2.

Four images are four kinds of basic psychological activities, and can have a good correspondence with the concepts of other schools, as shown in the four-object correspondence table.

Four image correspondence table


The classification of things into four images, sometimes still can not be a good classification and interpretation of some phenomena, it needs to be further classified into gossip. Four images to gossip, traditionally divided into four images and become gossip, pan-Yi philosophy is the combination of four icons superimposed into gossip, which is different from the traditional. Why stack? Because only in this way is consistent with introspective experience, and the concept of other schools have a better response.

Since the four images in the Ming equivalent to the blank background, so only the remaining three elephants arranged and combined, you can superimpose the body can emotion sensible divine gossip. The specific combination shown in Figure 3.

Gossip is still based on the naming of the combination of introspection experience with the concept of the other school correspondence, the list is as follows. Through the four images and gossip correspondence table, many schools of social interest can learn more understanding, and then achieve harmony.

Gossip correspondence table

Second, the spiritual evolution of the outlook on life

The previous section introduced the complete classification of the world at different levels. The following gossip classification and evolution of life combination, as the following table.

There are two theories of human origin: creationism and evolutionism. Pan-Yi philosophy that the actual process is the unity of the two: First, senior elements to inject information into the low-level elements, the second is to get out of the shackles of low-level elements to produce senior elements.

"Body" is material, "energy" is energy, energy contains meaning and interaction. Conflicted by the positive and negative particles annihilated into photons, and photons belong to the electromagnetic wave has no rest mass, we can know the energy can be transformed into each other. Consistent with wave-particle duality, fitness is also one of the two sides of the relationship. Physical stratum belongs to what is commonly called the physical world. Photosynthesis in the light of the role of inorganic matter into organic matter, is the senior elements of light into inorganic information and energy, the low-level inorganic into high-level organic process. There are many photocatalytic examples of chemical reactions, also belong to a similar situation. The "body" and "energy" in gossip are respectively formed by superposition of "intelligence and intelligence" and "intelligence and intelligence" in the four images. Physical fitness is the product of intelligence and intelligence tangled and solidified. If the intelligence and intelligence are not tangled, the phenomenon of "Honghua" may occur, and phenomena such as spontaneous combustion and relics may also be explained accordingly.

"Feeling" is feeling. "Love" is the desire. Part of the emotional tangle untied, "intelligence and intelligence God" into a "god of love", "body" also sublimated out of "feeling", then gave birth to life. The basic characteristic of life is feeling. "Love god" superimposed "feeling", that feeling is the desire (love) by the fate of God (God) is the result of some rules of restraint. Desire did not feel independent, can only feel passive, is a low-level microorganisms. After the desire is independent from the feeling, the sense of direction can be adjusted. It is a multicellular organism, of which one develops into a plant. Feelings and feelings, but also one of the two sides of the relationship, the formation of the emotional world. As the saying goes, the aura is in the "emotional" field.

Theory is theory. "Chi" is reasoning, with self-determination. Part of emotional intelligence tangle untied, the situation eased, "intelligence and intelligence God" into "intellectual God", "body" in the sublimation out of "reason." "Reason" is the superposition of "intellectual gods", and the theory is the result of groping reasoning (wisdom) on the law (god, destiny). From the "reason" independent "wisdom" later, can independently adjust the thinking point of view, does not recognize the truth. Multicellular organisms evolved, if the mind model and rules are completely fixed, there is no independent consciousness, that is, animals. There is an independent consciousness has become a man. Between reason is also one of the two sides of the relationship between the formation of the thinking world. For people, "reason" and "wisdom" can be obtained through external injection and internal production in two ways. For example, the progress of human thought may be the result of external education or the result of self-actualization.

"God" is destiny, there is no distorted narrow desire. "Ming" is compatible, there is no stubborn point of view. If the emotional intelligence tangled into emotional Chi dual death, the "god" naturally appear, can be called the saints and the most people. God and Ming are also one and the same.

"Pan" namely four images coordinated, integrated into the organic whole. People who understand the Pan-known as the middleman, is the meaning of the road. Understand Pan, the gods are connected, intelligence and wisdom freely, perfect solution. Awareness needs to be sustained without end because of the integration and classification of both sides.

The evolution of life is the process of evolving from the "body" of gossip to the god, and then the process of continuous integration is the ultimate and the process of spiritual evolution. People should be spiritually evolved into the goal of life and to take life as a spiritual practice. Pan-Yi philosophy advocates spiritual outlook on life, because it is consistent with the laws of nature, rather than artificial rigid rules.


Third, the values ​​of continuous integration

In terms of values, people tend to be happier, but how to define happiness is the key. According to the laws of nature, intelligence and intellectual tangles are bitter and troublesome. After liberation, the gods show their happiness. After understanding the pan, they can surpass the bitterness and enjoy the joy of being in harmony so that they can not be trapped by intelligence and intelligence. Get the ultimate happiness. Emotional intelligence tangled, intelligence and wisdom of the dominant value may be different, from the experience of life know, "Zhi Zhi Qu Love" and "emotional intelligence" to be happier, similarly, "Ming Zhi God" is also more than "Divine Peace "It is easier and smoother. Therefore, among the five elements of love, wisdom, god, empire and pan-parliament, the latter should be at a higher dominance than the former. Maslow's hierarchy of needs hierarchy also describes a similar sequence of satisfaction and well-being in descending order: Satiety (physical), emotional attribution (emotional), respect (intellectual), self-actualization (God domain). Maslow apparently stood in the position of Western civilization, the god of heaven experience as the highest pleasure. He did not mention, there is an ultimate happiness worth having, that is enlightenment Pan.

It is noteworthy that different values ​​of dominance and existence, low and high dominance have the same value of existence, and one-sided suppression and elimination of lower-level elements will cause higher-level elements to lose their dominance and thus lose their meaning of existence. Therefore, the existence of the four images of the value of equality, domination value in accordance with the order of intelligence wise god gradually increased. Finally, the ultimate value is pan, which is the process of continuous integration. To understand Pan, first of all have to experience the four images, and then dominance in intelligence and intelligence gods in turn increased, and finally try to follow the principle of fractal spiral integrated into the organic whole. There is a difference between domination and integration, domination is one-way control, and integration is multi-directional coordination, each appropriate.

The four images are the appearances of fractal spirals from different perspectives. Originally, they were integrated through integration. They differ from each other in their standpoints. Low-level images are obscured by their delusional demeanor. In his view, the four images are separated rather than integrated and even deny the existence of higher-class images. Elevated elephants can unify the lower elephants to a certain degree, or realize that the four elephants are integrated but their comprehension is not deep. Only in a pan-universal position can we fully realize the unity of the four images. For low-level images, invisible hands dominate their behavior. For the high-class image, the hand becomes more and more obvious and gradually becomes the visible hand. As can be seen from the evolution of life, integration or unification is the evolutionary trend of the individual. From the gossip correspondence table, we can see that people and the society are isomorphic, so integration or unification is also a social development trend. Unification, that is, great harmony, is not homogeneity but means harmony.

Pan-Yi philosophy of the three concepts, the concept of the world outlook on life values, thus establishing it.


The second chapter is the mastery of all schools

First, the traditional inheritance and development of learning

The thought of Yi-ology is the source of thinking of Chinese civilization. It deduces the whole world from a basic point of view-the transformation of yin and yang. The traditional Yi-ology only emphasizes the process of split deduction: the two instruments divide the four images and the four images divide the gossip. There is no emphasis on the aggregation of gossip by four images, nor does it emphasize the ontological meaning. Pan-Yi philosophy is a generalized Yi-ology, which increases the deduction method of fractal spiral, points out the possibility of aggregation path and reveals the ontological significance of Yi-ology.

Pan-Yi philosophy gossip and traditional easy to learn gossip in the meaning of the perfect correspondence, the corresponding relationship is: dry sky on behalf of the sky, and the "open" ethereal open compatible and package correspondence; on behalf of the lake Zehai convergence Vientiane, and "God" of the law The fate of the fate corresponds to the fate of God; the fierce fire from the representative, corresponding to the will reasoning of the "wise"; the representative of the Zhen Lei eloquently corresponds to the argument of "Li"; the representative of the breeze goes through the exploration and corresponds to the desire of " Infiltration, and the sense of "feeling" corresponds to; Genshan on behalf of the terrain, and "energy" of the corresponding life; Kun on behalf of the earth carrier, and the "body" of the material corresponding.

Pan-Yi philosophical four-image and the traditional five elements of the theory can also be perfectly matched, the corresponding relationship as follows: Love corresponds to water, wisdom corresponds to fire, God corresponds to gold, corresponding to wood, pan-corresponding soil, and further can also be one with the concept of traditional Chinese medicine up , Water kidney possession of Chi, possession of the heart of fire, golden lung possession of soul, liver hidden soul, soil spleen possession. Through these correspondences, we can relate the evolutionary path of Pan-philosophical four-image to the five-line theory, which can surpass the superficial understanding of living grammar and can be more in-depth and meticulous.

This shows that Pan-Yi philosophy inherited and developed the traditional Yi-ology.

By the way introduce the basic principles of Chinese medicine. The basic idea of ​​Chinese medicine belongs to Taoism. It does not simply pursue the spiritual transcendence, but believes that all human spiritual activities must have a "material foundation," and only if the "material foundation" is harmonious can a high-level spiritual realm be reached. This "material basis" is not the material concept of the West but the "strength" and its derivatives. According to the principle of the unity of man and nature, vitality derived from the laws of spring, summer, autumn, winter and winter running at four o'clock in the nature of liver and lung, kidney and spleen and other internal organs, summarized in five elements, and according to the laws of the twelve hour daily derived twelve meridians. Meridian zang fu organs is the path and the midst of the state of running, is dynamic rather than static. Therefore, Chinese medicine emphasizes the overall harmonious living condition without being limited to the local lesion. It analyzes and resolves the problem through the correlation before and after the process of vitality rather than the headaches and pains, and finally emphasizes that the medical approach and lifestyle To be compatible with Tao, nature can take preventive measures, treat disease without disease has been cured.

Second, psychology

Pan-Yi philosophy of human psychological characteristics of personality that is more clear discrimination. Such as Freud's subconscious, subconscious, consciousness, superconscious, at first glance puzzling, in fact, corresponding to the Pan-Yi philosophy body, emotion, reason, God level, so it is easier to understand.

In terms of personality classification, Jung proposed several dimensions of index, introverted I / extroverted E, intuitionistic N / sensory S, meditative T / affective F, later developed into MBTI (Myers-Briggs type indicator) , Adds another dimension: Judgment J / Perception P. MBTI has two questions. The first problem is that the meanings of the indicators are rather superficial, the underlying principle is not pointed out, the intrinsic linkages between the indicators are not disclosed, and there are no explanations why these indicators should be divided into several indicators. Therefore, the definitions of indicators also have their own meanings. The second problem is that in the measurement of MBTI, those who would like to chat may choose the "like meditation" option they expect, so the accuracy of the measurement and the statistical results may be in doubt.

Pan-Yi philosophy personality classification can be to some extent avoid these two problems. First of all, the definition of F, T, N, S of the Pan Yi Si Xiang Patriarchal and the MBTI is roughly similar, except that both S and "Ming" are observations, but S is concerned with details and "Ming" is macroscopic and rational. As the pan-Yi philosophy classification method from the Book of Changes, are completely classified, there is no omission nor redundant, so more complete and more scientific. In the pan-easy philosophy, attention to detail is sentiment, and there is no need to separate out a "detail" item, and the definition of MB in S has some problems. Elsewhere, those who tend to "gods" are introverted and those who tend to "sentimental" are extroverted. The "emotional gods" who tend to be sentimental are judgments or plans, and tend to be rational "intellectual" conscious or casual. Introverts and judgments of perception are not independent categories, but only four attributes of the description of it. MBTI can be understood as a sort of emphasis on the degree of pan-four sorts. There are 16 kinds of four kinds of full arrangement, the same with the number of types of MBTI. If the use of four full array to sort of personality types, will be more clearly understood. Pan-Yi philosophy can be a good solution to the problems raised earlier one. The following table lists the correspondence. It can also be seen from the table that there are corresponding relationships between the four images and the four temperament types.


Personality types in accordance with the order of four images to sort is slightly more general, combined with gossip classification will be more precise. This is because a person has eight energy centers that can be felt during meditation, that is, the sensible and intelligent gossip of physical feelings. The hexagrams and the bright hexagrams on both sides of the gossip represent the substance and emptiness, respectively, excluding the type of personality In the hexagram, a hexagram plays a leading role as the main center. So the middle of the hexagrams can represent six types of personality, according to the experience concluded that exactly correspond to the six ABO blood type, such as AB-type people's wisdom is the main center plays a leading role. This classification is easier to objectively determine, called for convenience is still called gossip personality types. Among the six blood types, the middle type is the most common one and is the research focus. The following is the blood type personality correspondence table, for reference only.

With blood type knowledge: ABO blood group system, only three factors ABO, A and B are dominant factors, O is a recessive factor. A person has two factors, respectively, from the parents, so AO and AA will show type A blood, BO and BB will show type B blood, only through genetic identification to distinguish the general blood test is not resolved. We usually can be found in four blood groups A, B, O, AB, but there are six blood types in science, so the personality measurement table lists six blood types.


The six personality types are objective. However, blood type is only one of the determinants of personality. It can only determine the basic part of personality. Environment, education, experience, personal effort and so on also have a great impact. The greatest impact on the personality or the implied pan-penetration, strong and can learn from other types of advantages, breaking their own limitations. The commoner power of the pan is also the power to overcome self-restraint, which means stronger control of higher elephants. As the saying goes in the heart of a strong, it means strong through, ideas accessible. Psychological differences between men and women, fundamentally speaking, is the strength of the differences. Generally, women have weak penetrating power, so they tend to be lower-level ones that are not controlled and are easy going extremes; while men have stronger penetrating power, so they have stronger control over higher-level ones. The so-called "female intuition" is actually the subtle observation of emotions and not an intuition of the overall situation (God) of the trend. The four images of passive (ie not through), controlled by the invisible hand, will appear natural, but uncontrollable; emotional intelligence semi-active, and sometimes harder; to the four images of the initiative (that is, through) natural.

Gossip consists of two or three "four elephant" elements, so most people have two or three temperament. For example, the main center of type AB is the wisdom of the Gua, which is formed by the superposition of Chi Ming, the combination of mucinous mass (Chi) and pleiotropic mass (Ming). If this person is just born in autumn and the autumn corresponds to biliary mass This person may also have some bile quality (God) features, if we can see through the observation that his wisdom, then the person's four-figure strength should be the love <God <wise <Ming. In this way, the efficiency and accuracy of the four-image arrangement sequence can be much higher than that of the simple questionnaire survey, thus to some extent, the problem II mentioned above is solved.

What are the six personality types of thinking characteristics?

Divine Gua living in their own joy, will exclude emotional tedious and troubles, impatience vulgar, tend to be liberated, this is the liberation of thinking.

Zhi Gua and Li Gua have intellectual, reasoning ability is relatively strong, generally prefer to reason.

Zhi Gu Zhi Ming Zhi Ming composition, corresponding to AB type. Ming means compatibility is strong. No love and God mean no preconceived position, less prejudice, so wisdom will not be extended in the direction of love or God, but to see the pros and cons in the legislature, the dialectical thinking. Since there is no preconceived position, it is easier to communicate with other types and is therefore suitable for coordination. When the pan-empowerment is weak, changes in position may be too fast, fickle and disorganized. Mental image is the image of the ego, which also means that the wisdom and wisdom may appear too self due to lack of position. There is no position in itself but society often requires a choice of position. Therefore, it may face frequent reckless gains and losses and the brain may easily over-calculate and crash.

Divine wisdom by the composition of God, corresponding to the B-type. God is a hidden trend in the fate of the general view of the general situation of a class of rules, wisdom to serve God easy to produce a system theory is the Internet thinking, the overall situation is suitable for strategic development. AB Although there is no position, but the information is more likely to tend to interconnect thinking more than linear thinking, because the interconnection of thinking is relatively perfect. When the pan through the weakness, the trend of law can not see clearly, it may be stubborn in a number of ideas, thinking can not be network, only to become fragmented.

Emotions and feelings Gua have the image, strong desire, value momentum, tend to learn in action. Because of the pursuit of desire, the way of thinking tends to be linear.

Emotional intelligence by the Ming composition, corresponding to type A. Observing the search along the arrow of desire, a chain deduction, a spirit of exploration, is conducive to new discoveries and break new roads, this is a linear chain of thinking. Love is the position, tend to focus on the fate of the micro-small people. Strong through those who can reflect the chain of desire to find out the causal relationship between a series of events, and this is the causal thinking; weakness through desire control, blindly stubborn forward, regardless of collapse in the future, this is passionate thinking. Due to the weaker intelligence and gods between Emotions and Mood, there may be more out-of-sync between thoughts and actions.

The feeling of the Divine Emotion composition, corresponding to the O-type. Due to the relative weakness of wisdom and the fact that both of the two positions of love and God are dispersed, they are not as good as A-type and B-type in breaking new roads and building theories. However, the two positions also make O-type psychological stability at ordinary times and are good at understanding imitation for what I use. Mobility and adaptability, this is the template thinking. Reflected in the production process is thinking, in the daily life there is a community of thinking. In both positions, the theoretical aspect tends to be God, and in reality, it tends to be emotionally oriented. Therefore, under the circumstances of violent conflicts, conflicts are easily created and mental depression is caused.

Gua intelligence intelligence by the composition, corresponding to the AA type. Due to the lack of the guidance of God, emotional intelligence is difficult to sort out the entanglement, or in accordance with the desire to act in accordance with the ambitions of the often contradictions, making them tend to grab a rigid commandments, in accordance with the rules of life to live in peace of mind This is the way of thinking.

Understanding differences in personality types and cohesion helps to promote mutual understanding. Personality types have their own advantages and disadvantages, regardless of height, the key is to recognize themselves, identify their own position, and as far as possible to enhance their own cohesion, the internal strength of the good nature of what type can play a role, can build success.

For the community, we should combine the strength of all kinds of people, make rational arrangements, learn from each other's strengths, take the right people in the right place and do the right things, so as to form a stable and powerful group. As far as the four common types are concerned, we can arrange for the development of the Gua in strategic direction and fine-tuning according to the practical feedback. The Guahua formulates a flexible strategy around this strategy while coordinating the cooperation among the teams; Improve the operational steps and implement the implementation.


Third, the core of the world's four major differences in civilization

From a spatial point of view, the world civilization has four major sections: Islamic civilization, Western civilization, Chinese civilization and Indian civilization. In the gossip correspondence table, Islamic civilization corresponds to the field of physical ability, western civilization corresponds to the field of emotion, Chinese civilization corresponds to the area of ​​rationality, and Indian civilization corresponds to the field of deity. As far as society is concerned, Islamic civilization dominates the resources. The economy of the West dominates. Chinese politics dominates and the Indian culture dominates.

How to explain the differences between civilizations? Can refer to the second section to explain from the psychological type. From the point of view of blood type, B type in India accounts for about 40%, and due to the caste system, it is reasonable to estimate that there are many types of BB. Therefore, the pursuit of the gods to get rid of the secular and free thinking is dominant. Western Occidental Europe and the United States about the type O and A-type population of 45%, the dominant is to follow the desire (economic interests) of the linear thinking. In China, the A-type and B-type O-type accounts for about 30% each, while the AB type accounts for 10%. It is an equilibrium blood type structure but the interconnected thinking of rational type (political allocation) and following the god of life Love <Chi <God <Ming's order, which is conducive to pan-powerful natural integration.

The distribution of blood in the Middle East is similar to that in China, but its culture is very different, which is related to the initial geographical environment and population density. The initial density of deserts in the Middle East is low, the interrelationships between people are simple, and various intelligence and intelligence conditions can be mixed together without integration. Later, when the population grew more closely, the situation became cluttered and some rules of order were rigidly formulated in order to clean up the situation. In the later development, rigid rules reduced the necessity of free integration, resulting in a situation of low integration. As far as the Bodhisattva and AB (Li Mingzhi) and Zhi Gua (Zhi Ming Ming) are concerned, when the integration power is weak, they will be far away from the gods and tend to lose their power and lose their leadership. In the society The lack of O and A type of "love" situation is bound to make the intelligence and intelligence entangled together, into the intelligence of God (body Gua) and intelligence wise (can Gua) combination, so the community as a whole fell into the field of physical fitness. In order to allow the society to function properly when intelligence and intelligence are tangled, it can only rely on strict and detailed rules of abstention. This is the thinking of abstinence. The detailed Islamic stipulations have just adapted to the social needs.

The interconnected thinking and strong integration features of Chinese civilization are just like overpasses that extend beyond the lone single channel of desire and open air paragons of the gods and are not limited to some way of thinking. The core of Chinese civilization is pan-integration, which can lead to any kind of thinking. Chinese traditional Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Taoism can all integrate intelligence and intelligence better, and their kernels are all pan-things. Taoism is characterized by the initiative to make the coupling of sensibility and rationality, that is, full of indifference and beyond introspection. The precepts of Chinese Zen are perfecting rationality. When it comes to words, it is compulsive and comprehensible. When the two meet, the reflection and surpassing are the clear-heartedness. Confucianism is characterized by the social practice of the world to let the body and mind expand and improve until the rule of the country, the purpose or the integration of sensibility and rationality, with the inside and outside the king.

The four major civilizations have three stages in terms of time: the founding stage of extraversion, the inward stage of intrusiveness and the mature stage of internal and external integration.

Indian civilization to abandon the secular to seek the liberation of the mainstream, began in the Vedic scriptures, the middle is the rise of Buddhism, and then to Vedanta's conclusion. The era of Vedic is the period of the outward expression of liberation of thought, and the formation of a clear caste system based on the ease of liberation. The Buddhist era is an introverted period of experience for the liberation of thought, with emphasis on the nirvana as the end point, emphasis on conversion, and neglect of secular caste. Vedanto summed up the first two phases, the rejuvenation of Hinduism and the unity of both inside and outside, claiming that the results of the action yoga, but also marks the maturity of Indian civilization. The four civilizations in India first reached maturity. In modern India, as a British colony, it is also influenced by Western civilization. It is more difficult for the two civilizations to coexist and coexist. The advantage of Indian civilization is that the analysis of the inner spiritual structure of human beings is accurate, original and never-ending; the disadvantage is that for the sake of liberation, they think and despise material practice. It is obvious that light practice is not conducive to globalization, as we can see from the fact that Hinduism can not become a universal religion.

Western civilization to explore the mainstream, began in ancient Greek philosophy, the middle is the Medieval Scholastic philosophy, and then to the Renaissance for the beginning of modern times. The Greek-Roman era explores the desire to be enterprising, to conduct physical and material exploration, to express feelings and desires, and to establish a democratic system of linear development that meets the desire of the society. To the medieval Christian era, explore introverted, explore and experience the divinity, the establishment of scholasticism, to the ascension of virtue as virtue. Renaissance, explore the unity of both inside and outside, let science replace God as the new dominance, develop practical science and technology, establish an industrialized society, rapid development of linear efficiency, and improve the social equality of fraternity . The advantage of western civilization is that it is easy to produce scientific original theories and discoveries because of persistent exploration. The disadvantage is that there is a lack of a braking mechanism in the pursuit of desire, easy one-sided and linear development, difficulty in turning corners during crises, and social collapse and retrogression. In modern times, the western civilization is a kind of strong civilization and has undergone global expansion through its strength. However, after the development of the network information technology, technological progress has slowed down and the western civilization has also reached maturity. It can no longer rely on strength to conquer the world. Therefore, its global Rapid decline in stamina.

The integration of Chinese civilization with the mainstream of the Internet, beginning with the Book of Changes, the middle of the Chinese Zen, and then to the upcoming new Chinese civilization. In the pre-Qin era, the Internet represented the integration of outward causation, the establishment of the ethics of the Book of Changes and the establishment of the status quo and the formation of a family patriarchal clan system in society. The Confucian benevolent and Taoist societies easily formed the social and political form of China's long-term positive and negative Confucianism. The introduction of Indian Buddhism into the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties and the agitation of the Wei and Jin dynasties converged. The introversive features played a role in fueling the inward turning of Chinese civilization. It led to the rise of the Chinese Zen in the Tang and Song Dynasties. The Chinese Zen was an introverted experience of interconnection and integration. The changes within the external revolution have created splendid cultures such as the art of poetry, and have also produced the Neo-Confucianism of "saving nature and desiring humanity." As the society becomes more and more incongruous, . Since modern times, the spread of western civilization has awakened the Chinese civilization in internal repair, which will lead the Chinese civilization to a mature stage of unity between inside and outside, and make the inner accomplishments and external incidents complete. Chinese civilization will integrate the best of Indian and Western civilization. The disadvantage of Chinese civilization is the lack of perseverance in local studies and the inability to create Indian philosophy of mind and western scientific theories. The advantage is that they are invincible and conciliatory, and their ability to integrate is strong. Every time the old system collapses, it means upgrading rather than retrogression. After Western civilization and Indian civilization have matured, the advantages of Chinese civilization will be fully reflected.

The liberation of Indian civilization and the desire of Western civilization are antagonistic incompatible. The interconnection and interconnection of Chinese civilization is like Babel, which transcends and is compatible with the former two.

Hindu civilization hopes to get rid of troubles and create a theory of liberation, but lags behind in its birth. Western civilization hopes to be free from ignorance and create scientific theories, but it lags behind materialism. The continuous integration of Chinese civilization is the ultimate solution to troubles and ignorance Programs that are capable of absorbing the essence of the world's civilizations and inviting the people of the world to join them naturally. Therefore, Chinese civilization is the most appropriate civilization for globalization and universalism. Only by leading the globalization of Chinese civilization can we generally bring happiness to the people of the world. The third stage of Chinese civilization is also a worldwide new civilization.

The third stage of Chinese civilization, "internal and external unity", mainly manifested in the information as a means to enhance the spiritual as the core, Indian civilization, Western civilization and Chinese civilization integration. The new civilization will allow the new social system to be based not on the Western system but on the sole purpose of materialism. Instead, it will be more closely integrated with information technology and artificial intelligence and will allow mankind more leisure to carry out all-round spiritual development. Will make religious beliefs no longer blind and immersed in the passion, and turn to more rational and more operational; will allow science to unify the direction of further and closer to the distance between science and the soul; will make all kinds of knowledge all over again, and Complement each other. Under the guidance of the correct world outlook, people are able to evolve their spiritual goals into their own life so as to obtain the ultimate happiness and happiness. The economic and political relations between the two sides of the society can be increasingly coordinated so that human civilization will be improved day by day and gradually and gradually become a common ground.

Islamic civilization is dominated by precept and commandments, beginning with the Qur'an, with the Middle Ages dating to the teachings and the modern secularization and Islamic renaissance. In the initial stage, it was caped by firm conviction and formulated and perfected teaching methods according to the actual situation at the time, promoting social development and creating a thriving and prosperous situation. After the Western Expeditions in Mongolia and the Ottoman Empire were established, they were the period when the rules of discipline were internalized. Since the modern era, due to its different from the core of Western civilization, the secularization of Westernization has failed. The way to be thought of is to revive the rules. How to adapt the new rules to the new situation and solve the new problems is the key to the success or failure of the Islamic renaissance. Muhammad said: Even knowledge as far as China is required. After the formation of the new Chinese civilization, there will be an integrated ideological theory. Using this ideological theory to interpret precepts and give new sparks to the precepts will be a contribution made by the Chinese civilization to the world.


Fourth, pan-proof repair points

The way to reach "God" is "devotion, emptiness", that is, everything that is perceived as being perceived is superficial or illusory and should be sacrificed. The inner reality that remains is God. The way to achieve "Ming" is "without me, self-emptiness", that is, to recognize and experience both individuals and gods is uncertain.

Pan is not like a simple state of God or plain, but intelligence and intelligence God all four as one realm of integration, one can not be missing.

Through can epiphany, but also step by step certification. Step by step, then according to the situation <Chi << God <Ming order ("<" symbol indicates the size of control), the first constraints of feelings, so that rational control of feelings; and then the feelings and the mind are calm down, fuzzy things Boundaries, entering the inner world to listen to their inner soft, but objective and true voice, which reached the God; finally realized that everything in front was fantastic and uncertain. Then in the intelligence between God repeatedly switch to understand the implications of a fractal spiral, pan-integration has been mastered, that is, enlightenment pan. Can be freely adjusted between voicing, macro-micro at different levels can be converted, is a sign of pan-Pan.

The controlling power of the four images, the intelligence <God << Ming, does not mean the need to exclude feelings of intelligence, on the contrary, the need is through, in the through which can give full play to all four functions of the image. So a complete sequence of control should be: Love <God << Ming <<< Pan.

Pan is not only the theoretical basis of spiritual evolution, but also the ultimate method of comprehension, as well as the result of ultimate happiness.


Five, meditation and physical and mental state

In fact, meditation is to give up the intelligence and wisdom to different degrees to show the gods or to unite with the gods. The unity with God is called the definition of color, and the unity is called the definition of colorless. The table below explains the mental states of gods and intelligences corresponding to the Four Zen Buddhism.

The general requirement of meditation for meditation is that the classes of the definition of the color and the definition of the colorlessness should be the same, which is more conducive to the appearance of pan-gods. If one side while the other is low, such as the three Zen meditation at the same time the lack of emptiness of understanding, will be easy to indulge in strong happiness can not extricate themselves, and this kind of happy happiness is still a kind of pain, like a cage and will eventually dissipate in it Wrong detours will affect the ultimate happiness of possession. Therefore, a better strategy is to start pan-enlightenment after the first mantra is reached, or even close enough to reach the first mantra. But if you can not get close enough, it's too early to talk about enlightenment. Colorless definition is usually less emphasized, because can have the correct sense of identification, rational thinking, rational control of non-emptiness and emptiness, in fact, it is equivalent to empty set. As long as there is a preliminary experience of God, witness pan there is a basic guarantee.

The table below explains the four states of awakening, state of mind, state of mind, state of dreams, states of rest and fourth state. One of the fourth state into the state. Into the general state and the difference is that, into the timing of God and wake up, in an active state; general awakening sleep state, God and Ming are in a hidden state. Zen meditation can overlap the first three states.

Sixth, physics

The Pan-Yi philosophical framework can try to explain the world view of modern physics.

1. Time and space straight.

Newtonian spacetime is straight, and the space-time developed to Einstein is curved, so is it true that bending is the only one that is right? Pan-Yi philosophy does not seem certain.

God and love in four images are the goals of physics, and wisdom and wisdom are observers.

God is not moving, time can be regarded as two-way freedom. Without dynamic distortion, the space is flat, this is Newtonian spacetime.

Love is dynamically distorted, time is generated, space is also distorted, which is relativistic space-time, energy and space-time. According to the fractal spiral, the dynamic causes the space to bend, and then the closed-loop forms a finite unbounded space quantum. The space helical interval forms the time quantum to form the time quantum, and the space-time quantum changes cause the relativistic effect.

Physical fitness is the product of intelligence and intelligence tangling. In order to observe physical fitness, wisdom is not only the observer but also the observed object. Therefore, the observing behavior has an influence on the observed object. This is the space-time of quantum mechanics and the quantum space-time.

So time and space bending and leveling may be correct, depending on the circumstances.

2. Coexistence of several different times. The time corresponding to "God" is free and bi-directional. "Love" time is one-way quantization. The time of "physical" is one-way quantization and uncertain. Regardless of how space-time distorts theory of relativity, it implies that a non-distorted and straightforward space-time platform can calculate the extent of distortion with straightforward time and space. Therefore, straight-time and space-time are not only the approximate treatment of curved space-time, but also coexist of.

Big bang The singularity of the big bang in physics is the time when the "feeling" is creating a sense of movement and the time is beginning to be unidirectional.

4. The form of theory of relativity. This means that in the relativistic world of "love," the results of the observations of "wisdom" should be formally unchanged. Hint God is the law of invariance. The company is located in:

5. Speculate the reason for the speed limit. The speed limit of light is caused by quantum quantization in space and time. The essence of constant light velocity is the quantization of space-time, there is a minimum unit of time, correspondingly there is a minimum unit of space. The minimum unit of space and the smallest unit of time in different frame of reference is different, the ratio is the speed of light. The speed of light should be deduced from the theory. The company is located in:

6. Theory of Relativity In the case of quantum quantization of time and space, the basic unit of time and space in different motion coordinate systems is different, that is, the size of the time-space quantum is not the same, so the measured values ​​of time and space are not the same. This is the relativistic effect. The Newtonian space-time in the non-quantum case has become the background of the theory of relativity and has not been eliminated. Only in the context of Newtonian time and space in order to compare the relative size of quantum.

7. The main feature of quantum mechanics is that the observer influences the observation. Some of its conclusions can correspond to Pan-Philosophical gossip. The collisions of the antiparticle and the antiparticle can annihilate and produce photons, and the gravitation overrides several other basic forces, so the "energy" and the "sense" correspond to the physical electromagnetic interaction and the gravitational interaction, respectively. Since "feeling" is not in the physical world, graviton can only be deduced mathematically but not detected by the instrument, and photons can be detected by the instrument in the physical world. From fermions to bosons to gravitons, an increase in the number of spins seems to mean an increase in the degree of freedom.

8. Speculation: The quantum space-time representation of the physical world is a fractal spiral, which may be used to establish the unified theory of physics. Fractal spiral appearance "voicing" reflects the spatial relationship, "macro micro" reflects the continuation of time. The law of time-space conversion may be: Time is a dynamic illusion of space, space is the accumulation of time impression.

9. Gossip in the body, that is, physical objects are usually seen, the intelligence of the three gods superimposed tangled products, once untwisted tangled things will disappear phenomenon. This can explain some specific phenomena.



Seven, Confucianism

As can be seen from the Pan-Yi philosophical framework, the sentiments in the areas of emotions and gossip in the Western civilization are respectively composed of the god of love and the emotion of the four images. So Western civilization is mainly characterized by love or desire. Desire points to God, is looking forward to the redemption of God, Christianity; under the light of (bright) desire to point to God, diligently pursuing the laws of nature is the spirit of Masonic, and promote the birth of modern science and modern society. Freemasonry is a high-level version of Christianity. If the desire to the secular, it is lust. Desire in a straight line both positive and negative shocks, and can not be adjusted. Western civilization to go the two extremes, both the rules of masters craftsmanship, tyranny also chaos, civilized ups and downs can not be adjusted.

Chinese civilization corresponds to the field of reason, reason, respectively, by the four images of wise God and wise wise combination. Compared with the irreconcilable desire of Western civilization, the wisdom of Chinese civilization is more developed to adjust the desire. The adjustment of desire (feeling) by the mind to conform to the divine (God) is the Confucian existential desire to exterminate human nature. Its purpose is not to suppress but to adjust the urge to indulge.

"Ming" according to the "wisdom" to regulate "love" point to "God" is the integration of intelligence and intelligence of the four images. Means to understand the boundaries of the law, rational regulation of desire to comply with the law, that is, seeking truth from facts, but also the spirit of advanced version of Confucianism. The modern Chinese have carried forward the spirit of seeking truth from facts, absorbed and integrated Western civilization, and made remarkable achievements in China's modernization.

Western civilization economy (love) control of politics (wisdom), adapt to industrial society. Chinese civilization and politics control the economy, adapt to the information society and the people in the world. With the development of information society and artificial intelligence, the advantages of western civilization can be replaced by artificial intelligence. However, the fractal spiral integration thinking of Chinese civilization can not be replaced by artificial intelligence. Therefore, the decline of western civilization and the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization are inevitable in history .

As can be seen from the above comparison, "Shu Wen Jie Zi" said "Confucianism, soft, warlock said" means that Confucianism is to make the desire to be flexible, to maintain energy and reduce sharp, understanding of the rules of the restrictions, According to the objective law. To do this requires diligent practice, not want to do can be done, so Confucianism is the desire to regulate professionals. Confucius IV never: Do not mean, do not be, do not solid, do not me, in short, soft also.

Ethical virtue, interpersonal ethics, and other religions also have these elements. However, when the desire is made flexible, it will have a distinctive moral character that is different from other religions.

The ordinary version of Confucianism, which made the naturalization of religion absolutely rigid, would result in social rigidity. The advanced version of Confucianism understands that natural sciences have scope of application and seek truth from facts. Those who say that Confucianism is outdated actually speak only ordinary versions of Confucianism. Advanced Confucianism just adapted to the requirements of the information society and the society of Datong, representing the direction of the development of human thought.

The Pan-Yi philosophical framework can not only solve the definition of Confucianism, but also explain the Confucian practice items and steps.

The righteousness and righteousness of Confucianism is not inherently virtuous, but rather intrinsically connected. The ultimate goal of Confucianism Datong and "Pan" correspond, showing the integration (from the heart do not exceed the moment); benevolence and gossip "Ming" correspondence, showing broad-minded and inclusive (ear Shun). Justice and gossip "God" corresponds spontaneously to follow the ethics of Heaven (know destiny). Etiquette and gossip "wisdom" corresponds to a clear understanding of the level of clarity to others (not confused). Intelligence and gossip of the "reason" corresponds to the rationale for clarity, to find their own direction (and legislation). Letter and gossip "love" corresponds, confident and credibility.

To achieve the ideal state of Confucianism's perfection and harmony with the world, there is a set of practice times. Gezhizhizhi is to study various disciplines to increase their knowledge. Sincerity is to adjust the feelings of reason, temperament personality. Slim is learning to talk and communicate, in order to achieve "gentle and gentleman" effect. Qijia learn the art of getting along with people, identify the location is not lost without self. To govern the country is to observe the laws of the people and serve the people. The world is under the rule of the arch and rule the world Datong, peace of mind is the world peace. Repair Qi eight equal articles with Pan Yi philosophy gossip one by one correspondence. The above steps are not non-overlapping.

Three programs in the Ming and Ming De correspond to the eight main purpose is honest; close to the people corresponding to the eight repair Qi Zhi Ping; stop at perfection is to achieve and adhere to the common ground.

In a word, according to Pan-Yi philosophy, Confucianism has characteristics that other denominations and schools do not have. It is to rationalize the desire with flexibility, and then integrate the four images with all the gossip and become a complete person.


Eight, Buddhism

The concept of living is not pure, by suffering, heart impermanence, law without me, corresponding to Pan-gossip in the physical, emotional, rational, and divine, respectively, from the four parts of body and mind start to realize "Ming" ) Method, not for the digital look good together four ways. Buddhism 4: Adjacent to Po Sa sand, the volume, the only knowledge, the concept of, their doctrine, in fact, the concept of the four kinds of remembrance of the theoretical summary, the main purpose is not to establish a metaphysical theory, but as a thinking skill , Consider the problem can quickly understand the emptiness. Basically can be said that the road is different, the ultimate goal is the same. Each of the four Dharma doors has its own range of applications that adapt to different people and different stages. Where is the application, what kind of people to adapt to do some understanding is useful.

Adjacent to Po sand from the body (physical) to start, the body is not net, naturally involved in the composition of the body minimal. The four images of "physical energy" are "intelligence and intelligence" and "intelligence and intelligence", respectively, indicating that the underlying physical energy is "the god." Thinking of the popesah doctrine "to the utmost triumphs, to accumulate for the secular" can quickly give birth to empty view, that is, "god" "Ming". This doctrine was originally a summary of experiences. After it rose to theory, it guided practice and promoted comprehension of emptiness. This method is in fact suitable for everyone, because the attachment of the body is more stubborn for all.

The amount of the Ministry of love from the start, the concept of suffering is, the basic unit involved in psychological continuity of the moment. The four images of "feelings" are "god of affection" and "affectionateness" respectively. In accordance with "to have a role as the righteousness, no effect to the secular" to think, it is easy to reach the bottom of the feelings "Ming", emptiness. This method is suitable for emotional people.

After both of them have broken away from the idea that "the mind and the mind continue to be the real thing," there is no meaning of going there, and naturally it is not the realm of nirvana, that is, the realm of "Ming". As for whether the moment and the subtle moment will always be the basic units of time and space, Wukong's wisdom will be further enhanced afterwards. Their scope of application is only physical and emotional, and there is no need to argue with the Sense of Virtue.

Vipassana start with reason, mind and heart impermanence. In the field of reason only thought, no outside, of course, is the only knowledgeless. The four components of "reason" are "wise God" and "wise wise." Since wisdom is universal, all thoughts are distorted, so we need to stop. View of impermanence and see empty, calm down to enter the realm of the gods, but also the realm of meditation, so the only school of thought is also known as yoga school. The "gods" correspond to the Alaya and Amoros, respectively. Chi also did not stop completely. The result of the "God" that is, the alaya consciousness is "the seed is a raging storm," so it depends on him and is also empty. The god-world is the perfect world of the only consciousness, that is, the reality of the circle, not the reality that is as simple as that of Puxha and the Ministry of Education. This method is suitable for rational people.

Self-renewal Zhongguan start with the gods, where God is the law, that is empty. The imperceptible empty space is empty, and the law without my empty space is empty. The actual practice is not so hard as the theory, he is empty and more empty. The so-called start from the gods, which is equivalent to the only consciousness or the follow-up practice. From the perspective of theoretical connection, there are two kinds of self-renewal meditation in the line of the Yogis and the Sutra, equivalent to the enhancement of the consciousness or the ministry. Since the concept of self-renewal advocated that all from the heart of the heart, respectively, or from the language of aphorism, but the kana will inevitably be able to find a real law, fake must be based on reality, so the famous self-phase. Falsehood must be based on the true awareness of Islalaeh consciousness behind the consciousness, and what is true behind the so-called true laws is that victoriousness is void. He broke away from the self-nature and the physical substance of consciousness in the "sacred" sanctuary. After living in an illusory sacred place, he immerses himself in illusive nirvana and takes a step beyond consciousness. This method is suitable for easy access to meditation. Even here to reach the ultimate success, but also should be further into the concept.

Should be from the edge or the heart should be (ie pan) start advocating that all the famous are falsehoods, kana do not have to find a real law behind the famous not self-phase. Therefore, there is no real thing. I need to get rid of the natural "I" without thinking carefully. What I want to get rid of is the reality or self-nature behind all kinds of pseudonyms. So there is no need to live in even the fantastic holy places and illusory nirvana, where there is no real difference between rebirth and nirvana. This is where the constant worry of Zen does not seek the true theoretical foundations. This method is suitable for people who are good at integration. They do not look down upon the front door but are capable of comprehensive utilization.

Among the four Famennianses, the first three are independent and the other are self-sustaining. The concept of self-renewal is the follow-up to the first three.

The following analysis of other Buddhist ideas.

The Vaisnhists classify their minds into six categories, the last ones, the second ones, and the Arabs. Among them, the first five senses of the six senses belong to the receptor, which corresponds to the "reason" of thinking in logic and mind, Knowledge is the possession of all knowledge, "God" contains all the laws, so the two are quite, the consciousness of Amor and "Ming" quite.

The transformation of the Vipassana into consciousness is the transformation of the first five wisdom into the wisdom of doing, the conversion of consciousness into wonderful observation wisdom, the realization of equality into intellectual wisdom, the transformation of the Alaya consciousness into a great wisdom mirror, Dharma physical wisdom. Into the intelligence to make the imagination into reality (corresponding to the physical feelings); wonderful observation of the intelligent reincarnation machine, wonderful turn Falun (correspondence); Equality intelligent calm analysis of things without distinction, neither like nor tired, not my executive (Corresponding to wisdom); Great Mirror reflects the actual intelligence of the law, understand the method as the ideal of all (Corresponding to God);

Buddhism Tantric that the human body from the bottom up in turn arranged seven rounds of a Vatican, respectively, corresponding to gossip. The functions of these wheels can correspond to the six magical powers, and also correspond to the concepts corresponding to the aforementioned psychology and Confucianism.

Buddhism according to the texture and color of the groundwater fire as the four to characterize things, respectively, with physical, emotional, rational and deity correspondence.

Four kinds of food segment index finger three meals a day, eat Gu Yun paragraph by paragraph, is to add energy to the body. Touch is emotional contact, exchange, compensation, sustenance, etc., is to meet the emotional needs of the emotional food absorbed. Sifu is the exchange of ideas, is to meet the needs of reason to absorb the idea of ​​food. Food for God to meet the needs of the gods food. Four kinds of food and gossip also have a corresponding relationship.

Indian Zen and Chinese Zen are a kind of division of Zen by Chinese people. Indian Zen is also called "Buddha" and Chinese Zen is also called "Zen Buddhism". The difference between the two is obvious. The goal of the goddess in India is not to endure worldly interference. As the goal of China's common prosperity or integration, Zen is equal to the secular and holy, and life is a practice as well. Very rare, Buddha from out. Continued trouble after enlightenment do not seek truth, because trouble is not an obstacle.

Sensible principle is this: Through the emotional contradictions and "squeeze" to reach a certain time and intensity of the heart will be somewhere after the release of perseverance, sensory rationality through integration, this time if you can reflect on seizing the integration through the mentality, Repeatedly recognized without forgetting, that is, clear-mindedness, that is, enlightenment Pan. Only happy, painless life is hard to squeeze, and mixed life is a favorable condition for enlightenment.

Nine, Taoist alchemy

The so-called practice, there are three goals. The first is the Pan Yi Yi as the god of God; the second is the Ming; third Pan. God, is a spiritual realm; Ming, is the silence or no realm; Pan, is a four-image realm of integration. There is a progressive relationship between these three goals.

How to reach God? There are three ways. First, starting from the body. See the front table in the four-image combination, the body is composed of intelligence and intelligence God, intelligence and intelligence have tangled together, behavior is not a chapter law. Routine is to let love and intelligence do not have to think about it, simply by light of the form of convenience, so emotional intelligence to relax, the sheltered God revealed. Islam mainly rely on discipline practice, Buddhism also have a ruling, from a spiritual perspective have their truth. Things are complicated, intelligence is easy to break the rules, or troubled by the rules themselves, quiet no longer, so it is easier to retreat from God.

This requires evolution to the second way, starting from the flu. Feelings by the god of emotions, as long as the desire pious to God, can reach God. Pure Land Buddhism, Christian belong to this category. In this way God is more flexible than the first, and more stable than the first. However, desire is not easy to control, once the desire to turn to the secular, God will be reversed, so we still need to evolve to the third way.

The third way is to start with reason. Reason God is composed wise, meditation under the control of reason, to be able to freely enter the realm of God. Can take the initiative to regulate, it is more stable. Like learning to ride a bike, it is not easy to forget.

The first way to reach God is equivalent to the first Zen, the second way to reach God is equivalent to two Zen, the third way to reach God is equivalent to three Zen.

What is the relationship between alchemy and these? In fact, the corresponding spirit of God are physical, emotional, rational. Refinery and gasification gods have much to do with the first and second ways. Refinement gas is from the elite reach the realm of God (the first way), then the natural energy spillover, not refined into gas directly. Gasification God is from the gas first departure to the realm of God (second way), the realm of the state can naturally reflect the improvement of intelligence. Gas filling and intellectual upgrading is a natural result, the real concern is only the realm of gods. Gas and intelligence (metaphor for the lead mercury, male and female yin and yang concept) combination, that is, knot, baby, body and body, there may be a class of day soaring vision. However, practice in this area is not necessary, they are the bait to introduce spiritual practice, the real heaven is only the deepest spiritual realms.

More worthy of further study is that the practice of refining God is still empty, that is, starting from reason to nothingness, that is, the second goal mentioned earlier, "Ming", with almost empty Buddhism. Therefore, refining the virtual aspect if you feel bad grasp, you can go to see the classic Buddhist scriptures. Reasonable achievers should be able to immediately feel something, without understanding that the need to refine the gods in the next effort, we must continue to enhance intelligence.

The gods and the nihility are equivalent to the roots, while the secular ones are the branches and leaves, so that the inverted tree is the rootless tree spoken by Taoism.

After being skilled in the nihility, you need to integrate the previous experience, which is a combination of practice and refinement. Mainly to constantly enhance the experience of nothing, but they can not give up the secular, a little trouble. However, I realized that the concept of "integration" will slowly come to terms with my understanding of the nature of my heart. This achieves the third goal, "pan", previously stated.

Dan means red, used to metaphor heart. Inner alchemy, saver, is the heart, precious heart meaning. After refining the alchemy is completed.

There are many similarities between alchemy and Buddhism Tantric practices, which have been acknowledged by many people. However, the relationship between Confucianism and orthodox surgery has not been revealed yet. In fact, it can be seen from the above table that Confucianism and Buddhism practice can be interlinked and correspond one by one. In particular, the ultimate goal is interlinked. The main difference lies in the fact that the practice of Confucianism is the use of external activities to internalize the requirements of self-cultivation to promote their own evolution, resulting in a uncomfortable pressure not to be relieved, and Buddhism cultivation practice is to avoid external interference, Find a proactive evolutionary path from within. Under the pressure of Confucianism, people may eventually fail to escape because they can not find a practical way to transform themselves. Given the pressure on Confucianism and the lack of ways to give it, it is not surprising that Confucian etiquette "cannibalize" people. The practice of Buddhism and Taoism to avoid external interference, the drawback is that there is no pressure without power, although the relief of the road but often too lazy to go, or walked a very easy to be tempted to stop or turn back. Obviously, the combination of Confucianism, Buddhism, Buddhism and Taoism can be very beneficial to the improvement of self-cultivation and the attainment of the ultimate realization.

In short, Confucianism focuses on the road of social practice, and Taoism focuses on the path of individual cultivation. Zen focuses on the ultimate mentality of integration. Confucianism is the most complete, each specializing in Buddhism.

Yoga is also a way of getting relief. There are different types of yoga for different practitioners. One is Yoga, which takes all actions from the secular cause (including body tempering) as the dedication to God, the Yoga from the prayers of faith, the Yoga from philosophical speculation, Meditation set back from the starting Yoga Wang.


Ten, love family

Between people's feelings, according to four elephant classification, there are four kinds of love intelligence god. The love between men and women is also the four elephants.

Love is the desire to lead the search for exciting exciting playmates;

Intellectual love is a self-centered partnership that takes care of face and sense of security.

An idol of love is a compassionate and leading, warm, interdependent relationship; for example, if you love or do not love me, love is there, unabated.

Ming love of love, is the non-dominant predicament of the elegant and distant relationship. For example, to meet the people you want to meet among millions of people, there is no earlier step, no later step, in the infinite wilderness of millions of years, just in time, and nothing else Say, only gently ask: "Oh, are you here?"

Four types of personality types, or gossip in the hexagrams, love Gua, Li Gua, wisdom of the Divine Love, respectively, is the above four icons among the two or three combinations.

Personality according to Pan Yi gossip can be divided into eight categories, including the middle of the "emotional reason" the four most common, and in accordance with the "emotional reason" in the order of rationality increased.

Emotional personality, by the "god of intelligence," which means that you want to implement God as the standard reality, is the template copy thinking. When there is a conflict between righteousness and affection, it will tangle with depression. Male-oriented tend to "Ming", will select the template and design process; female-oriented tend to "love God", not from the crowd selected.

Personality of the situation, by the "clear out", which means that the chain of desire by the chain of a recourse, is the chain of thinking. There is often conflict between desire and reality, so depression is more pessimistic. Male-oriented tend to "Ming", will choose the design line to achieve their goals; female-prone tend to "love", followed by feeling go.

Rational personality, composed of "wise gods", means to understand the principle and comply with the small desire can be adjusted, the major principles are generally interrelated, that is, network thinking. Smaller sections may be hidden. Male geniuses tend to be "sensible," explore the grand principle's boundaries, and be flexible when flexible. Female models tend to "God", the principle of the heart more stubborn.

Intellectual personality, composed of "wise wise", meaning is random, yin and yang repeatedly, without being disturbed by feelings and principles, that is, yin and yang thinking. There is no standard without a sense of security. Both men and women are wise intellectual "wise control", the main control area is not emotional. Only in other supporting areas, women's intellectual sensibility is stronger and has a certain balance of reason. The male-type will be less emotional, unbalanced may bring some problems.

"Emotional reason" four types of personality, according to the preliminary study and the corresponding relationship between the four blood groups, but also need more examples of validation.

The focus of different personalities is also different.

As can be seen from the table, in general, "emotional" personality emphasizes leisure and emotional wealth, "rational" personality attaches importance to reputation and responsibility. If you dig out in the heart of the gods, but also may focus on the soul, but such people are relatively small.

Male and female partners and work in different relations. Working relationship There are off hours every day, there will be time to ease and lick the wound back to his home, so the work partner most value each other, complementary work may be better. The family is the place to rest and lick the wound. If you want to be patient and tolerant everywhere, then there is no time and place to lick the wound. Everyone feels tired and the relationship can not be sustained. Therefore, the family partner most values ​​the consistency.

So mate principle is to distinguish the above four kinds of personality, choose and their own personality similarities and differences. Step back and said, "feeling" and "love" two personality can also be partners, "reason" and "wisdom" two personality can be. As for the "emotional" and "rational" personality, we should try to avoid becoming partners.

Conversely, if you can not accept your own type, and hope that others endure or even like, it is too self-centered. It is a long time since such people get along with anyone and there is no unforgiving tolerance in the world.

After finding the same kind of opposite sex, the choice of spouse is based on feelings or responsibilities? With the development of society, the basis of spouse selection will also change. Marriage laws and customs should also keep pace with the times. Here are the different cores of spouse selection under different social formations.

a. The family in farming and pastoral society is a production and survival organization. The core of survival and reproduction is the core of survival and reproduction. It is inevitable to bring personal attachment to family members and to society. It is usually manifested in the exchange of body and property and even in the form of "marriage Is a legal prostitution ", this type can be called dependency system family.

b. The family of industrial society is a board-type economic organization. Its core is wealth leisure, does not have the direct production function, more pursuit of exciting entertainment and leisure life, weakened the impact on the survival of members, less personal dependence, tend to Equality, which can be called a joint-stock family, is based on the principle of balancing contributions and rights. The main demand at this level is the excitement of the entertainment, greed heavier. The principle of "marriage based on love" is the principle of marriage during this period. However, this principle rarely used after marriage, because love is generally considered to last 3-6 months, after six months in accordance with this principle should be divorced.

c. The family of the information society is a coalition of political parties. Its core is its reputation. Its function is mainly to bring responsibility and sense of security. The economy is no longer the deciding factor of family existence. The equality of personality is even more obvious. This is the ally system family. This level is more concerned with responsibility and security. There is a principle that "marriage is based on responsibility", which is more stable than on the basis of love.

d. The family of the spiritual society is a spiritual group, the core is the cultural heart, the spiritual fit of both men and women is the main feature, here to achieve the return of humanity, fame and fortune no longer become a factor affecting the family, equality is no longer a requirement, and Is a natural result, this is the concentric family. Both sides dig out the gods in their hearts and reach the spiritual fit to be called true love. The feeling in the second level of romantic and exciting stimulation is only a kind of greed and can not be called true love.

The above four types of spouse-choice basis can co-exist, but the proportion of different social forms are different. The progress of mate selection is conducive to the liberation of both sexes, the liberation of creativity and the liberation of mankind.

Eleven, society

In the past, in many cases, social science was not a science but an art. Knowledge was trivial and fragmented, lacking in systematicness. This article integrates the concept of social science with the Pan-Yi philosophical framework and hopes to put an end to the scattered state of social science so as to truly enter the scientific category, just as Mendeleev's chemical periodic table has ended the chaos of chemistry.

Social structure can be analogous to one's body and mind. To think of society as a person, the social structure can also correspond to gossip. Social structure can also be divided into four groups, namely materials, economy, politics and culture. The economy corresponds to the sentiment, indicating that affection is the most important factor (the desire for money) in the economic field, not to say that the economic area does not need reason and insight. The rest of the correspondence only indicates that the corresponding element is the most important factor.

From the gossip correspondence table can be seen in four forms of society. In the farming and animal husbandry society, the abundance of raw materials and the low production capacity are the main social conflicts (the contradiction between body and energy), which are to be solved by industrialization and the development of a commodity economy. In industrial society, logistics and finance (ie, the supply and purchasing power of goods) are the main social contradictions (the contradiction between feeling and feeling) and must be solved by means of information and political coordination. In the information society, princes and the central government are the major contradictions in society (the contradiction between reason and intellect), and are solved by the system of spiritualization and unification. That is, to establish a persuasive philosophical system as the benchmark of the world outlook outlook on life values, To pay levies can not be resolved. In psychic society, law and compatibility are the major social conflicts (the contradiction between god and the light). This contradiction is rather weak and in fact easy to integrate.

It is easier to understand society as a person to interpret politics and economy.

Economy includes circulation and finance, finance ("love") represents the capital allocation ability or purchasing power of society, and circulation ("sense") represents the degree of social material supply. If the purchasing power is greater than the supply, it will go to inflation. When productivity is allowed, it will also promote supply and promote prosperity. Whether it is consumer-driven or investment-driven, if uncontrolled, it will be as much as excuse to give up reason and indulgence. Excessively, it will quickly consume the earth's resources If the purchasing power is less than supply, it will lead to deflation. In turn, the supply will be suppressed. Excessive repression will also bring about pain and shrinkage, which will detract from productivity. The solution to the contradictions in the economic field is to strengthen the control of the reason, strengthen the communication of information and enter the transformation of informationization. The objective is to control the financial and circulation more accurately and reach an effective macro-control. The power of reason is equivalent to that of political power. Actually, it is the macro-control of the economic cycle by political forces. Under the premise of the completion of informatization transformation, the task of control and control can be accomplished well. The so-called transformation of information, mainly to virtual and simplify the organizational structure, the original organizational functions by the information big data and artificial intelligence to complete, so that the political economy to reduce entanglement, each embarked on the fast lane, to avoid too much interference in the other area , While macro-control was strengthened by precise control.

Politics includes democracy and concentration (or princes and the central government, "reason" and "wisdom"). The decision-making power ("wisdom") represents the position of the Central Government. If it is too concentrated, it may be divorced from the masses and the executive power will be reduced, the legitimate demands of the masses will not be met, and a political crisis will also be triggered. If too much power is devolved, it will result in fragmentation and princely economy, affecting the overall efficiency. After the informationization transformation, the fragmentation and princely economy will be well controlled. To a certain extent, the power of centralization will be enhanced. At the same time, local supervision over the central government will also be strengthened, and the supervision over the government by the masses will also be enhanced. Strong and powerful conflicts may occur frequently. The Central Government has the authority of the Central Government to maintain it. Where local governments have reason to adhere to it, and if the information is smooth, if everything is to be gambled, the efficiency will be very low. This situation requires that all of us have similar views, and that speaking according to a common three-pronged viewpoint can we save a lot of unnecessary explanations and arguments so that the advantages of informationization can be brought into play. Otherwise, informationization will cause the decision blockage. Like a person to accept too much information, there is no solid three concepts, do not know how to choose, and finally the brain crashes.

Therefore, for China, the current task is to respond to the upcoming economic crisis with the transformation of information. Then it is time to establish a common concept of politics to deal with the silting up of political decisions. Man is the Spirit of all things. A stable three-viewpoint must be inclined to spirituality, and subject to material and personal self rather than domination by material and personal self.

Democracy and freedom are but superficial phenomena. The difference between the West and China lies in the fact that in the West, the rich tend to control the government (rich democracy) while China prefers the government to control the rich (democratic). The West is finance-minded. Unlike China, where politics can control its economy, their informationization can only magnify the financial crisis and dig their own graves. At the same time, their cultural tradition will prevent them from turning their financial minds into political minds . So those countries in the face of economic crisis, generally only follow its natural course.

Spiritualization or humanization has always been valued by the Chinese culture. In the history and reality of China, the exchanges with other countries mostly take the benevolence as the standard and the heavy ren virtue. Rende is actually a spiritual principle with an integrated character. Strong economic regulation is also the tradition of Chinese civilization. These traditional features were considered as backward features in a short period of historical strength during the strong phase of Western civilization. However, these traditional features will be shown after and after China's initial completion and continued deepening of industrialization and informatization. Out more and more advantages. When we study the so-called advanced western civilization, we should make careful analysis and we can not copy everything.

The field of culture includes both law and compatibility, and the two are a bit contradictory. Only through pan-integration can we reach both sides. Only the Chinese civilization in the world has such a state of mind, so it can develop into a spiritual society and further develop into a world class society through integration.

Many people summed up the characteristics of Chinese civilization and did not grasp the core. In fact, Chinese civilization is not praised for power, not truth, not God, not morality, not money, not science. The characteristic of Chinese civilization is actually continuous integration, that is, "pan". It is like a dragon connected end to end, there is no fixed image, freedom of change, arbitrarily display, from the heart without more than the moment. Chinese civilization can tolerate exceeding all opposition without damage, will not be destroyed by any opposite, unlike other cultures, one or more conquests caused a deep wounded disruption. Chinese civilization is not limited to a truly universal race, it is different and pay attention to the natural attraction, once learned, other nations will become the Chinese nation.

Here, by the way, the Cultural Revolution, many people after the Cultural Revolution found it hard to believe that the Chinese civilization was broken down. In fact, the Cultural Revolution restored the surface of Chinese civilization to a blank sheet of paper and laid the foundation for future construction. The core of Chinese civilization has always been maintained. Its transcendence can not be destroyed by itself or by others. There is a story in the Sutra saying that an old lady does not want to see a Buddha and covers her eyes with her hands. As a result, the Buddha flashes in her fingers. Others think that the Chinese civilization collapses in the face of the Western civilization represented by science and it is even nonsense. The development of the Chinese civilization in the past century has been very clear.

Since the May Fourth Movement in 1919, China has changed dramatically every 30 years. From 1919 to 1949, it was a military and political revolution (the field of reason), establishing a powerful democratic and centralized political system and initially establishing the communist norms. From 1949 to 1979, it was a material production revolution (physical field) that initially established a complete industrial system. During the period Also eradicated the surface of the old culture through communist norms through the Cultural Revolution. From 1979 to 2009, it was an economic revolution (the field of feeling), establishing a market economy system, initially realizing informationization, perfecting industrialization and discarding communism as a broom, resulting in Culture and morality, so there is no shelter and directly reveal the core of Chinese civilization, that is transcendent pan; ten years after 2009 will be a period of informationalization and spiritual development of the three (God), in the economic crisis response In the meantime, the transformation of information technology should be perfected and spiritualization should be initially realized by using the ubiquitous light of the pan, or the voluntary spiritual needs of the people.

The weakness of Chinese civilization is its lack of perseverance and lack of depth and meticulousness in the fields of natural science and spiritual philosophy. Therefore, it needs to be supplemented by Western civilization and Indian civilization. When natural science has been developed into information technology, the Chinese civilization should give full play to the advantage of strong integration, attach importance to Western science, creatively absorb all kinds of scientific and technological achievements that have been obtained, dissolve them in the blood and become an organic whole of the new Chinese civilization component. At that time, China absorbed Indian civilization, triggered Chinese Zen and enriched the content of Chinese civilization. Now China can also absorb Western civilization and become a master of human civilization, creating a new modern civilization and benefiting all mankind.

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Release Notes

Pan-Yi philosophy began in January 1991, and the first draft was published in the collection of the author's institute under the heading of "Back to the Light." It was published in "Chinese Qigong Science" in 1995 and "Back to the Light" Philosophical prototype (full text link to download). Prototype produced a concept of 7 elements, and later also adopted the concept of 10 elements, but always felt that where inappropriate, to explain some things are not very smooth, so as the eight elements of the concept and gossip correspondence, I felt much smoother. Gossip was established in 2001, spent 10 years. After the establishment of gossip, I always feel behind some of the factors behind them secretly play a role, only the gossip will not be able to explain some things, so slowly dig out the four behind the image. Four-image building with 5 years, completed in 2006. At this time we found that gossip can be superimposed with four iconic. Then further into the two instruments and tai chi level. The time taken to develop the concepts is as follows:

Gossip 10 years 1991.1-2001 accumulated 10 years

Four images Five years 2001-2006 Total 15 years

Two instruments 2.5 years 2006-2008 cumulative 17.5 years

Taiji's naming and interpretation, after repeated research and understanding, until January 2011 was identified as "Pan" named, completed the construction of the basic theoretical framework, counting from the first time after 20 years. Pan-Yi philosophy is an open framework. The whole theoretical system needs to be continuously perfected and developed on the basis of the framework. The understanding of its core "pan" must also be deepened constantly, therefore, it will be updated from time to time.

In principle, the latest updated text is underlined.

20170101 version than the previous version in the first chapter have a greater change, unification without underlining. This version of the meaning of the pan-Yi explained more in-depth.

20170112 edition, in the first section of the first chapter updated voicing equivalent to the contents of the heart, eliminating the idealistic material disputes.

20170725 edition, a clear Pan-Genre spiral nature.

20170825 edition, Pan is the ultimate process, not the state.

20170914 version, Pan is integrated.

20171122 Edition, the distinction between narrow integration and generalized integration. Pan, integration, and in a, expansion and promotion, different words to express the same concept.

20171227 edition, updated the second chapter of Confucianism, Taoism, marriage and family of three parts.

Last updated on December 27, 2017.

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