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Seventeenth day To the Promise Tai Chi 第十七天 归无极创太极





日夜以继 失杂非究 若即若离 若我若狂——前两天看到九天湘君湘夫人类此意。


阳:天下为公我为母 山河洞房天星烛 来年妆成万骨枯 癫色深浅入时无?





今年的六一果真是蟠桃大会一样美味了。秋蓝一早就看到热搜“中央吃瓜学院。一夜之间校园内铺满西瓜”,照片视频都是绿松林环绕着满地大西瓜,还飘着一层仙气薄雾。秋蓝又吃惊了,因为清晰记得自己想过满地的西瓜景象:前两天她用颜料画画,还吃过两个大西瓜,前一阵子又看到有怎么辨别西瓜熟且好的视频(瓜圆颜色深纹路清晰蒂浅)。她问了自己涂抹的绿草地还画什么呢?我说西瓜……有一瞬间想象了西瓜满地的样子,有那样像爬山虎叶子的秧苗和西瓜满地都是。因为似乎在回忆小时候见过西瓜地是那样的。不过后来她不会画西瓜画了几个樱桃在草地上。她又和我嬉闹着拿着樱桃茎互相逗吃樱桃,偶然又问怎么知道树上的哪个果子熟了啊?怎么摘呢?我说熟了自然就从树上掉下来了,心中在解释瓜熟蒂落。昨天还见到阿蒂雅图片发的一句英文话, 自己蹩脚翻译为你所能想象的都是真的。想到如果人类想象力丰富,那么一切皆有可能,这就是一句真理了。联系到禅思塌缩现实,又想这句话意思是你能想象到的一切都是能够真实存在的。所想即所得。

9日,秋蓝看到热搜南通人民医院门口发现一只里面装着女婴的蓝色旅行箱。秋蓝追忆到:看南通什么新闻,想到新南纸业,通达南方,澳大利亚新大陆。易经95,想到六爻就到顶了成熟了。纳兰蓝色 。箱字哪里见过,想到竹木目。看到7.15想到鬼节。5.30,想过52.3.2+1=3,出生日期。533车牌号。现在想到水木氏可能就是个湘字。


秋蓝还看到重庆惊现“太空南瓜” 可长到600斤以上的新闻,上面写着四个字红什么(似军)南瓜。秋蓝追忆到:她把一直未看完的房考看完了,其中一章专门讨论缠足,提到相亲满意则男子送一对金鱼,女子有送繡花鞋的。秋蓝想起小时看到的墙画拾玉镯,查看此戏后也有互送礼物以表情意,觉知似纳兰之事,便查贾芸是否也似拾玉镯那样对应送小红什么玉东西了,在搜索时偶然看到了薛蟠说的四样东西很是奇怪,尤其看到大西瓜,想到以前分析红楼梦提到的破瓜瓜州什么的,想了是否是黛玉宝玉的性事。对薛蟠形容的那么大大的西瓜印象深刻,对暹罗想到了地图上处于南方的泰国。




Seventeenth day To the Promise Tai Chi

A storm of sand and sand that night or two, and then thunder three times, they can not hear the rain, and then there has been an occasional thunder, lightning a few times. Morning autumn blue saw the earthquake in Jingzhou Shashi 3.5, Is it related to Quyuan? 5.30 days were labeled as a special day autumn blue, but in order to accompany the flower Fairy went to the library to forget, they get on the car license plate number 533, on the ground with a water reflection of the lofty clear sky beautiful farewell. Autumn blue in the library to see the mystery of culture in the book of the mermaid, looks like a full picture of Ekaterina that illustration, the sky there is a white moonlight. In the afternoon she also saw South Korea Cui Mou returned from Denmark, wondering why she went to Denmark. Also saw a walking "leaves" insects, the back has a clear "veins", the shape resembles the eaten leaves, the name of the leaves of Yunnan. Autumn blue picked up the day before picking up the flowers, and saw the willow leaves on the feeling of insects, a little bright and bright, like the oil point, afraid it is worms yet? But not as intensive as the previous year. Also noted that the opposite side of the willow pale whitish clear positive green, think of the difference between peony flowers and peony flowers also see the difference between the leaves.

The second day of autumn and winter saw the micro-remember the Danish red mermaid, a message on the sidewalk in front of the sculpture: "Denmark, the protection of the Faroe Islands whales", kept sighing. Fortunately, autumn blue in the circle of friends to hear a beautiful song, dashing soul. However, after carefully understand the lyrics, I found a lot of keywords she had seen. Yesterday the library did not forget the mystery of the cultural mysteries of the book, Momentum, Hengchang what the name of the sky destroyer nameplate letter, it seems that is the First Emperor, was surprised to see that this is not a dream in the Mo Mo forget , Xianshou Hengchang; never betray, Fong Wing forever? Is it true that the Emperor Qin Shi Huang was speculated before the Kangxi period fabricated? The nameplate is discovered during the reign of Emperor Kangxi?

There are still flowers in the lyrics is formed into a mud often open unbeaten - cool songs have thoughts into the river for the mud nurturing me (into the spring to save more flowers).

Snow is eclipse sunrise and sunset ebb white, the moon is close to the end of the world thousands of years ago - mentioned two days before the collapse of the moon, the moon poetry End of the World at this time.

Day and night, complex misconduct if I am insane - the previous two days to see nine days Xianjun Jun lady meaning.

Snow is brow Liang Wei Hua, the month is to remove the Lonely Nebula buried - Xue Baochai snow, when the moon out of the Black Hole moon reasoning out.

Yang: The world for the public I am a mother, mountain and sky house candle, come makeup into million bone dry, epileptic color into the depth?

Places: "romantic, that is, I want to talk with you (the world) a love." - These two days because of deer and South Korea mentioned Mulan. Today referred to the longing for the North and South destitute and poetry cold-summer, think of Defei posing as a man to accompany the Nalan Nan Zheng war? Cold and heat, a few days ago show love can have cold to summer, Department of words to the summer, yesterday saw an indoor Xi'an floor tile temperature up to 45 °, with a thermometer Tianjin what summer and winter thermometer plant, did not find out why.

Wang Luohong these two days to see the news, think of Xu Jing, and then think of her play that a romantic story impressed with this name.

This song is to extract your emotional information (such as with you and the world of love feelings) plus coerced some of the relevant information (wind and snow superposition state: geographical and natural writing extends to the world, often seen in the Tang poetry and Song of the wind / flower / Snow / Moon words implied supernatural power what is the real, and what is the relationship between love? Love personal correspondence you Mo forget forgetfulness SanSiSi, love the world corresponding to these questions is really magic illusion like a dream? . I do not know what the situation is, I do not know where I am going, but I do not know what is going on in the foreseeable future. This song seems to be full of contradictions.

Autumn day blue also see the share link: You despise other people's children in the education chain, it stands at the top of the food chain despise you, read this article autumn blue confident full wrote at three o'clock in the afternoon: Until now, the feeling Books in the library are useless! She sensed that although she did not read the books in the library, after years of experiencing she had been able to remove the crutches that made her validate her meditation as a record. For the article actually a while ago she saw the title of this article wondering why this sentence and her heart thought the same ah? Autumn and blue in the evening and thought nothing of writing their own words that the library books are useless, and think of the First Emperor burning books Confucianism, the imagination of burning paper books, the heart wondered whether the Qin Shi Huang Qina made during the Nalan period What? For example, when they discovered the archeological tomb or the book of Qin Shi Huang or the terracotta warriors and horses or something and discovered the existence of this peculiar meta-time-space fact, they burned books and studied Confucianism? However, because of the discovery of many archeological tombs, or collapsed out of many ancient books, such as the Qu Yuan Laois River Tuoluoshu or morality by the Book of Changes ... ... So made history, into the Tang and Song Dynasties Qin and Yuan Dynasties ... ... Wind to the outside roaring past, just like the wind and the snow that the wind is the imagination of the mountains across the water. Listening to the wind, it was late at night, autumn blue ready to sleep, but was surprised to find heat Yuanyuan paper pile heap of as high as the door of the waste paper inside the fire, that scene suddenly as the ancient city walls of the same fire camp.

This year's June 1 is as delicious as the Peach Conference. Qiu Lan early in the morning to see the heat search, "Central Institute of eating melons overnight covered with watermelons on campus," photos and videos are surrounded by green turquoise watermelon, but also floating a layer of fairy mist. Autumn blue and surprised, because I clearly remember the watermelon scene full of thought: the first two days she painted with paint, but also eaten two large watermelon, a while ago saw how to distinguish the watermelon cooked and good video (Melon circle color dark lines clear and shallow). She asked what he painted green grass painting? I said watermelon ... ... for a moment imagined the watermelon full of looks, there are so young leaves like creeper seedlings and watermelon all over. Because it seems that in memories of childhood I saw watermelon is like that. But then she would not draw a few cherries on the grass. She was frolic with me holding a cherry stalk to each other eat cherry, occasionally asked how do you know which fruit on the tree cooked ah? How to pick it? I said that when I got cooked, I fell from the tree and explained my heart. Yesterday I saw an Adiya picture of an English speech, and I could not translate my own words as you can imagine. It is a truth to think that if human imagination is rich, then everything is possible. Contact Zen collapse collapse reality, think this sentence means that everything you can imagine can be real. Think what you get.

On the 9th, Qiu Lan saw the hot search Nantong People's Hospital found a blue suitcase with a baby girl inside. Qiu Lan recalls: Nantong to see what news, think of the new South Paper, Mastery South, Australia New World. I Ching 95, thought six 爻 reached the top of the maturity. Nalan blue. Where the box seen, think of bamboo head. See 7.15 think of Halloween. 5.30, thought 52.3.2 + 1 = 3, date of birth. 533 license plate number. Now think of Mizuki may be a word.

On the 12th, autumn chin surprised the jaws are almost out, a few out of several major events for her. Today, autumn blue by the mind remember the happy time words on the paper and lamented the passage of time, life is a dream, beauty is so perishable and difficult to gain. Seeing that Yang Zhenning has not been to the United States for six years, he has three separate articles: the Young-Mills Law (or non-Abelian gauge theory) that was co-operated with Mills in 1954, the one in 1956 The parity of Li Zhengdao's cooperation is not conservative and the 1967 Yang-Baxter equation. Mao Zedong thought of the possible Zen relations was 61 to 74 years old. Article referred to Sophora japonica ginkgo tree, naive prediction Autumn and High School notebook first page written solemn, taste a delicious college entrance examination? 6 years did not go to the United States? So long! Yang Zhenning This hot search? Really strange, think about the woman he came to the United States, not simply come out so simple ... ...

Qiu Lan also saw Chongqing Jingxian "space pumpkin" can grow to more than 600 pounds of news, which says what the word red (like army) pumpkin. Qiu Lan recalls: she has been reading the room has not finished reading, one chapter devoted to footbinding, referred to the blind date is satisfied with the man to send a pair of goldfish, the woman has to send embroidered shoes. Qiu Lan reminded hours of wall paintings picked up jade bracelets, check the show after each also have a gift to express their emotions, aware of Nalan matter, then check Jiayun also like picking up the jade bracelet that send red what jade Things, and occasionally saw the four things that Xue Pan said in the search is very strange, especially to see the big watermelon, think of the previous analysis of the Dream of Red Mansions referred to Guagua what, think whether it is Daiyu gem sex. Impressed with the big watermelon described by Xue Pan, Siam remembered Thailand in the south on the map.

Autumn Lan saw 16-year-old boy in Hanzhong million from Building 3, Building 3 (students in the second floor) fall from the building, standing in front of their school for learning is growing. Autumn and blue think of the loss for the day, surprised why the students actually want to jump off? What strength so much? Arrived before going to bed to see the news, Manpower Group Human Resources Department in June 1 this year, released an internal mail, "the face of real estate 'Golden Age' is over, the company more emphasis on real value creation, the Group will be based on the remuneration policy Qiu Lan think of his personal records and the universe Zen collapsed relationship notes mentioned three human resources department, of which there are special types of job skills to give salary increases; Yesterday saw real estate 20 banks limit credit; real Where the value has been seen, it seems that the college entrance essay three books thought, the real value of the core is the book of the soul; 204 training room;

Autumn and winter the next day the night is still shuttling the network, check the birthday of Junna Nalan 12-year-old think of twelve hairpin, 24 hairpin, 36 before looking at what 36 and vice hairpin. Later I heard two people came outside quiet, a person said that this floor to live so many people, why not light? Do you want to turn off the lights? Looked under the cell phone time at about 23:30 fast, and so on, by the way think of a floor window is the way the lights. The next day saw the explosion news: a fire in a 24-storey apartment building in London, the entire building as a strangely lit fire of light. This building was built in 1974, there are Notting Hill, Tower of London, Muslims in Africa related information.

A day later, autumn blue at 14:42 on the 15th wrote COVFEFE articles before, when written to the East and West, yin and yang so meditation created a new vocabulary, but also create a new life, Events and future think of the birth of life, the collapse of a variety of meditation events, hit the creators or creative vocabulary or delete the creative choice of creation, because the word covfefe is generated by the intersection of yin and yang natural forces , Rather than artificial innovation out. Watching television at noon is Guo Degang comic single men and women, mentions Pisces woman, fireworks, gypsophila. Finally, when it comes to sending fireworks on the balcony, the original spot was Ma Lei. Autumn Evening Blue also shocked the same day, as the comic dialogue has been open mouth surprised: Innovation Inn Kindergarten in front of an explosion, people dressed, lying in the allegedly have a variety of marshmallow, skewer electronic stalls point before. There are 199 mobile broadband on the ground in the picture, and a pedestrian dress written by Yunhe. Kindergarten building walls brush the Israeli international thinking courses, let the children think like the Jews. Qiu Lan saw a few related videos, strangely like the big bang happened during the Wanli period, and in particular, it was deeply impressed by the fact that "all the wounded men and women were in positions of redness and nakedness". The kindergarten incident also saw a man being So, some people in Wanli incident analysis of the earthquake said that the tornado said meteorite said.

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