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Sixtieth dayThe most dazzling red in history 第六十天 历史上最刺眼的红




加州法庭裁定星巴克等咖啡商须贴咖啡致癌警告。理由是烘焙咖啡中被发现含有的高浓度丙烯酰胺——一种有毒的致癌化学物质。秋蓝查看到 Buck钱,印第安人意思。美人鱼皇冠象Sally头像旁边的 ,白鲸见过。前天买茴香可能隐含了咖啡。男女灵性不同关注点不同,想了男子只会想着下半身。网站似聪明药adderall。喝咖啡可助熬夜学习。可能隐含addrall。美国妈妈都买adderall文章有说会有什么副作用。英文课co-founder性丑闻影响电影发行、FB前高管说孩子的头脑被什么思想浸染。

“Council for Education and Research on Toxics”的非盈利组织8年来一直起诉咖啡公司,累计涉及90家企业。秋蓝在俄罗斯间谍翻译中有看到毒品是toxic,感觉此词另类又熟悉,现在想想似乎和分析过的异国风情类似。4.10日前上诉,和高承勇律师一直提到的10日内可上诉对应。秋蓝又确认Exotic是异国风情,Toxics有毒物质,果真类似。这之前查看过咖啡,可可,茶,世界三大饮料,想过咖啡浓郁与茶确实是异国风情。为什么裁定视频中有黑色招牌咖啡馆?像中国这样的招牌集中一起就被认为殡仪馆了,这也是东西方差异吧?这个教育研究毒品(adderall)的新闻现实,兴奋剂、聪明药、学习助力,可能类似发烧达菲事件一样。

外网reddit上4.7万人点赞的日本樱花,其实是贵阳的……Japan反拼似潘金莲家。秋蓝近期感应颇多的宁静夏鹏都是贵州的,想了贵是什么意思呢? 日本国花樱花象征纯洁热烈高尚。

美国佛蒙特州进行州长大选,该州史上最小竞选者13岁的Ethan力主控枪。Ethan称观点和想法才是关键。that place in your heart,秋蓝一开始看到的名称是the,不是that,想了应该是that,那个,中国特指不好明面上说的或复杂的隐私隐晦事物。专辑名anthem,赞美诗,圣歌,想了直译是和他们。又看了几个MV,有看到评论此歌是反战的和平之歌,一同名专辑是generation。反抗被选人无休止的胡作非为提到州长。人名Ethan,控枪。



秋蓝看到庐山恋电影介绍内容,回想起想过92年、35月、青城距离白银308米,爱情电影不是小儿科 ​​​​。


浆、蓝桥、易经、牛津……莫非德妃到英国了?想到魂断蓝桥,一查果真是水路桥,滑铁卢桥(Waterloo Bridge)。秋蓝再读纳兰诗,简直就是李清照、红楼梦作者的感觉,果真是女子?






奧,三星这个标志真的是呢sʌms ung,与MV一样的了。2016.8.2发布note7,8.23日首爆。秋蓝看到三星取代IBM成美国专利霸主中的三星商标图文,才觉知不仅是含义一致,名称符号都差不多了。



历史上最刺眼的红 - 辛德勒的名单 。 1974年10月9日辛德勒去世,被犹太人称为“36名正义者”之一,安葬在耶路撒冷。jew,红字里就看到,想到zhu竹朱红明的发音,jewel是宝石的意思,july是七月。很多红的书,为什么没有绿或蓝的,偏偏是红呢?和红楼梦有关吗? ​​​​The list is an absolute good ,the list is life ,All around its margins lies the gulf .——这份名单代表着至善,这份名单就是生命,名单的外围是一片可怕的深渊! ​​​​


如果过去时代的爱默生是我禅思物,那么红楼梦里提到的书,和德妃契合的,应该也是她的禅思物,都有时空穿越之力,所以红楼梦最后的诗词有莫说你能看穿时空。庄子,孟子,孔子,那些子们可能都是如此来的吗? ​​​​

听英文课哈里王子,想到八国联军。兴,百姓苦,亡,百姓苦。为什么苦?因为不自由不能有马斯洛需求的提升,就会被吸引侵犯打击,和那些神仙的需求契合,纠缠塌缩出来大战。第一二次大战,肯定不是纯粹的因为利益而战,只可能和心灵的提升有关。那个心灵的净化,是最终的涅槃目的。所以,心灵不净化,或阻止心灵净化进步者,灭。七杀碑:“天生万物与人,人无一物与天,杀杀杀杀杀杀杀”。“天生万物以养人,世人犹怨天不仁。 不知蝗蠹遍天下,苦尽苍生尽王臣...... 山头代天树此碑,逆天之人立死跪亦死!”。













犹太人商业智慧,辛德勒的名单,希特勒大屠杀,一的法则,红衣服女孩,白银案,美国女性,英国女性,巴勒斯坦,耶路撒冷,霉霉歌曲枪与畫红线名单,魂断蓝桥,智慧从何而来,地球来源于哪里,sleep栖息何处?一大团搅和一起,蹩脚英语电影,哈里婚姻,灵性与智能…… ​​​​ 希特勒与毛泽东,911事件,双子楼沉没,WTO贸易2001,1988-2002白银案,泰坦尼克号沉没,in your heart,庄子本真,道德经朴,圣经爱,古兰经是什么,好像只有伊斯兰教没接触了。

Sixtieth dayThe most dazzling red in history

A sophomore student from Hunan University, who was studying mechanical engineering, was found dead in the school's Tianma apartment. Autumn blue exclaimed how the matter was not Ms. Mao's die clothes, Mao Zedong's death written by Hunan University mechanical men, as well as dreams with the same name Tianma. Jesus Christ, tell me the true face of this fantasy world! After finishing the information in the afternoon, Russian spies jealous of poisons and poisoning agents envy envy! The translation of the messenger of the Inter-Conflict Federation is actually envoy. Russia questioned and asked whether it was at home, in restaurants, airports, or bars. They had noisy families and may have died at home. I also asked the father if he had no information and he thought it would not be Hawking. He also saw the Hot Hawker office sitting in a mechanical wheelchair, thinking that the woman was resurrected because of the song. Why didn't the father?

The literary critic Radar died in the afternoon of March 31st at the age of 75. Autumn blue memories translation Bree font is Bree, think of not thunder. He saw Hawking's age, Hawking's funeral today.

Autumn Blue sees a TV series and compares pictures. The US drama tells how the police are dedicated to their work and the process of cracking the case. The Japanese drama borrows cases to expose the darkness and the ugliness of human nature; China speaks of police love. Autumn blue asked, do you think love is just a pediatric? This method of shooting corresponds to science, philosophy, and theology, respectively.

The California court ruled that Starbucks and other coffee makers were required to post coffee carcinogenic warnings. The reason is the high concentration of acrylamide found in roasted coffee, a toxic carcinogenic chemical. Autumn blue view to Buck money, Indian meaning. The mermaid crown resembles the portrait of Sally's head, and the white whale has seen it. Buying fen may have implied coffee the day before yesterday. Men and women of different spiritualities have different concerns, thinking that men only think about the lower body. The website looks like smart adderall. Drinking coffee can help you stay up late. May imply addrall. American moms have bought adderall articles to say what side effects there are. The co-founder sex scandal in the English class affected film distribution, and the former executives of FB said that the child's mind was immersed in what kind of thinking.

The non-profit organization “Council for Education and Research on Toxics” has been suing coffee companies for eight years, involving a total of 90 companies. Autumn Blue has seen poison in Russian spy translators. It feels like the word is different and familiar. Now it seems that the analysis is similar to the analysis of exotic customs. 4.10 days before the appeal, and Gao Chengyong lawyer has been mentioned within 10 days of appeal. Autumn Blue also confirmed that Exotic is an exotic and Toxics toxic substance. Before that, I checked coffee, cocoa, tea, and the world's top three beverages. I thought that coffee and tea are truly exotic. Why is there a black signature cafe in the video? The signboards like China are considered to be funeral parlours. Is this the difference between the East and the West? This education research on drug adder news reality, stimulants, smart drugs, and learning aids may be similar to the feverish Duffy incident.

The cherry blossoms of the 47,000 people on the extranet reddit are actually Guiyang's.... Japan's anti-spelling is similar to the Pan Jinlian's. Qiu-Lan recently induced a lot of quiet Xia Peng is Guizhou, what does it mean to be expensive? The Japanese national flower cherry symbolizes purity and warmth.

The US presidential election was held in Vermont, and the 13-year-old Ethan, the smallest candidate in the state’s history, controlled the gun. Ethan said that ideas and ideas are the key. That place in your heart, the name that Qiu Lan sees at the beginning is the, not that, thinking that it should be that, that, China specifically refers to something that is not well-known or complicated hidden secrets of privacy. The album name anthem, hymns, chants, and literal translations are for them. After watching several MVs, I saw that this song was an anti-war song of peace, and that the same album was generation. The non-stop rebellion against the elected people referred to the governor. Ethan, control the gun.

Sophia and movie star Will Smith came to a "date" in the Cayman Islands. Autumn Blue viewed the giraffe when Buck had a buck. Sophia was forced by a man to stretch his neck and kiss in an indecent manner. Qiu Lan thought that he could not see the Buddha or the Fa in the heart of desire. Difficulties in life and death. Thought of sprit and shape. Men and women have different concerns. Men are too low. If Sophia is treated as such, it is inevitable that the date will end.

Kagawa Prefecture, Japan held a press conference and announced the change to Dumeng Beast! Autumn Blue think of technology vsZen? Western vs Eastern?

Autumn Blue sees the content of Lushan Love Movie, recalling that in 1992 and 35, Qingcheng was 308 meters away from silver, and love movies were not pediatrics.

"You are all unreasonable because you did not trust the disease." When Diao Yu listened to these words, if he thundered and slammed the electricity, he thought carefully, and he was even more eager than he was in his lungs. There are thousands of words, full of heart to say, but only half a word can not be spit out, just stare at him. Autumn Blue sees this thought of mind reading that was previously perceived. Then if the thunder is due to what Jade Yu thinks of, it is exactly the same, reading minds vs 2015 brain control.

Pulp, Blue Bridge, I-Ching, Oxford... Murphy went to England. When you think of the Soul Bridge, one look is really the Water Bridge, the Waterloo Bridge. Autumn and then read Nalan poetry, is simply the feeling of Li Qingzhao, the author of the Red Mansion dream, really a woman?

At 21:00 on April 01, a 3.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in Lufeng County, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Yes, I think the word is going as it is going. Then isis is: Yes, it is true. Israe. 4.1 days 910. Starbucks Buck money. Israel has thought about it: Business representatives can make money freely, and officials can not make money on behalf of officials.

Sanxi City, Fujian Province has a slight earthquake. I thought about group activities with sandwiches. Think of the Dream of the Red Mansions You Sanjie sword, cracks in Africa and Kenya say that the sword. The Shanghai circle of friends sang the picture of Christian hymns and thought of the resurrection of two people in Fujian.

After seeing this news, Qiu Lan can not help but say that this is the same as the Cassini program in English: The Tiangong-1 target aircraft has re-entered the atmosphere, and the re-entry area is located in the central area of ​​the South Pacific. Most of the devices are re-entered. The atmosphere is destroyed by ablation.

Qiu Lan saw Sabeien's explanation of the red iron pipe picture in Wu Yifan's picture, thinking that it was like he would shoot! There is also echo of the material VS consciousness in recent events. The excessive pollution of industrialized people's hearts and minds is not environmentally friendly. How to solve the urgent problems of life and death is not a drag. Isn't it environmentally friendly? China's informatization should sweep across the globe and stop all mental pollution. Like Pan-Easy Philosophy steps...

Is the case in the world like a silver case? This is what is thinking of revolting against what? Fifty gray yin and yang showdown? Density chemical reaction? Autumn blue to see an article, the world's top 10 crimes are more devastating than the Ripper Jack is a perverted murderer, silver case on the list. Is it possible to move around the body and think about the world? This article contains descriptions of the dead girl in the “Schindler List” who evoke the infinite pity of the audience. In this case, the cold-blooded murderer specifically slaughtered the red-clad woman, including an 8-year-old girl.

Olympics, Samsung this sign is really it sʌms ung, like the MV. 2016.8.2 released note7, the first blast on 8.23 ​​days. Autumn Blue saw that Samsung replaced IBM as Samsung logo in the US patent hegemony, only to realize that not only is the meaning consistent, the name symbol is almost the same.

The main defensive method of the human body against tuberculosis: There is no way for individual soldiers to fight against tuberculosis, and the human body mobilizes a variety of cells for cofferdams. This type of cofferdam is particularly typical in the lungs. The macrophage fixes the tubercle bacillus and finds that countless lymphocytes surround the outer three layers of the three layers, eventually forming a nucleus, and eventually forming a stone-like structure and healing.

About 9:00 a.m. EST on September 11th (before and after 9:00 p.m. Beijing time on the 11th), the two planes hit the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The two collisions were only about 18 minutes apart. Autumn blue brains think hot, 2011.9.11 US time, Beijing time should be 9.10 days, I do not know how to think of 911 and 910 went together.

The most glamorous red in history - Schindler's list . Schindler died on October 9, 1974 and was called by the Jews as one of the “36 justices” and was buried in Jerusalem. Jew, see in red characters, think of Zhu Zhuming's pronunciation, jewel is the meaning of gems, july is in July. Why are many red books not green or blue, but why are they red? Is it related to the Dream of Red Mansions? The list is an absolute good , the list is life ,All around its margins lies the gulf . --The list represents the best, the list is life, the list is a terrible abyss! The

Yesterday, Park Geun-hye was sentenced. Hot search has the Chinese Air Force's release of the "God of War" comic music film, taking note of the comics. Calm! Park Gee-Hui quietly read comics before the verdict, prison guards startled.

If Emerson of the past era was my meditation, then the books mentioned in the Dream of the Red Chamber should be her meditations in harmony with Germany and Germany. All of them have the power of time and space, so the final poetry of the Dream of the Red Chamber cannot be overstated. You can see time and space. Chuang Tzu, Mencius, Confucius, those children may have come this way?

Listen to Prince Harry in English and think of the eight-nation coalition. Xing, the people suffer, die, the people suffer. Why bitter? Because Maslow's needs are not increased because of lack of freedom, they will be attracted to infringement attacks, and meet the needs of those immortals, entangled in collapse and war. The First World War was certainly not purely for the benefit of the war. It could only be related to the ascension of the soul. The purification of that soul is the ultimate goal of nirvana. Therefore, the mind does not purify or prevent the mind from purifying and improving. Seven killing tablets: "All things and people are born, people have nothing and heaven, killing and killing." "All things are born to support people, and the world is still indifferent to the world. I do not know all over the world, do their best to fulfill the king's court ... ... This is the monument of the mountain on behalf of the sky, the people of the heavens die!".

Those who boast of the primitive resources of the earth, such as minerals, electricity, oceans, wind energy, land, fire energy, sunlight, deep forests, and jewelry, are all heavenly objects that belong to all humanity, such as Antarctica. In 2018 can not change the thinker, turberlent! Autumn Blue later thought of Google’s 72-bit quantum. The birth of the Internet and the inspiration of scientists are all inborn and attributable to all humanity. As with Earth resources, it complies with the above regulations.

Alibaba launched a lawsuit against a Dubai company accusing the latter of using misleading trademark names to raise more than $3.5 million in cryptocurrency. The company's cryptocurrency is called "Alibabacoins." Oh, it was like the name of Samsung yesterday; when using a shared bicycle, you need to see the credit of OFO's deposit. What is Alibaba's acquisition of hungry? cions.

The millet at home had bugs, and the insects broke the plastic bag. Did the bite-cut plastic bag be eaten by insects? If you eat it, is the plastic bag digested? Professor Beihang devoted 13 years to researching insects to eat plastics, and eventually discovered that the intestinal microflora of insects can degrade plastics and is promoting the industrialization of results. Autumn blue thought, a question from a curious question, how great the question would be? Keep asking questions and you will find the answer.

The classic quotations of the three raccoon bearers, including women who want to have an S-shaped body, can make men walk straight. Autumn blue thought, I see this first, or do I know the size of S? Two outstanding women, the result was later three pairs of two sizes S.

Israeli nano eye drops can cure myopia! Some media rumored that the details of the report were unknown and there were false news reports. Autumn blue to see Zhang Yanhan eye makeup under the eyeliner teardrop-like, very nice. Does this news eye drops make the eyes bright? It's so great, let's be successful.

The autumn blue saw that the heart of the pineapple was broken, and the cabbage was heartbroken the next day. The heart was broken. Mao Zedong said at the beginning of the founding of the country. Beijing Huairou snow or where to see hail. In April, Xinyi West Road, Tianxin District, Changsha, was hailed.

The video of Dili Erba in Xinjiang has the protagonist's name of the descendants of the sun and thinks of the Red Sun Mao Zedong. Reddit has pure white crows, thought of Uya's. A 4.9-magnitude earthquake occurred in Wuqia County, Kezile, Xinjiang.

Autumn Blue thinks that Hong Jinbao watched horse racing two days before and thought of Tian Ji's horse racing and Lin Yuyu's poetry and horses. Most Islamic Muslims have surnames. Double-feather four-legged, horse or four-legged, double-feather is what. Then she saw: Look tired of horse racing, come to see the camel! Every year from October to April of the following year is a camel of Kuwait than the season.

Mulan, flower attack people, Lin Yu-yu, Nalande. Autumn Blue thinks that the nicknames from childhood to childhood are three, and the flowers, sisters, cats and beans are all connected. Think about Pisces Yupei again, and use characters and relatives to correspond to characters.

After hearing the Lego brand cottage English, think of Samsung, who copied whom? If you understand the entanglement of time and space, you will understand that although Samsung is ahead of time, and the sun and moon are behind, it is actually the sun and moon that collapsed out of the Samsung mobile phone. It may be the case that South Korea took Dragon Boat Festival with his time and logic. Therefore, the significance of the cause of the saints is here.

Qiu Lan saw Yao Mengyao as the Qiao Enqing student microblogging. He mentioned Chen Qiaoen's drunk driving and Yu Mengyao's fall. This is how true and clear the induction is! So, if I come to trappist-1 in the next life, I must know that I was born. Does she understand?

The Irish song analyzes the moldy song because the former has put down your gun and thinks that she uses the finger to simulate the gun in the moldy MV. Seeing excellent rabbits, China cannot see it. See California. In the morning, I saw the post pushing back the picture, there was a gold sword, and I thought of the Red Mansion Dream gold woman. Back door into the Imperial Palace, back door. The shooting at the YouTube headquarters: The police received more than 50 calls and said that the shot was fired from the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California. The gunner was a female and entered at least 20 shots from the back door.

Jewish Business Wisdom, Schindler's List, Hitler Massacre, The Law of One, Red Dress Girls, Silver Case, American Women, British Women, Palestine, Jerusalem, Muddy Songs Guns and Painted Red Lines List, Hunchback Blue Bridge, Wisdom Where did the Earth come from and where did it sleep? A large group stirs together, lame English movies, Harry's marriage, spirituality and intelligence... Hitler and Mao Zedong, 9/11 incident, Twin Towers sinking, WTO trade 2001, 1988-2002 silver case, Titanic sinking, in your Heart, Zhuangzi is true, moral simplicity, biblical love, what the Quran is, as if only Islam has not touched.

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