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Sixty-first days Zodiac and Quran 第六十一天 Zodiac与古兰经




秋蓝放下其他,开始查寻从未了解的伊斯兰教的内容。看了古兰经—造物主的话、加密的圣经和解密的古兰经。秋蓝上午因Israel,又看到俄罗斯和中国油路到中国东部新闻,配图地图有很大的Russia字样,心里便自然的把它也重新排列了一下,发现不就是is Asia R,是亚洲啊! ​​​​然后她查古兰经就看到这个古兰经密码,居然这就是密法学,统计学由此由阿拉伯人发现,想到量子纠缠通信和统计学有关。

秋蓝看到关于伊斯兰是什么的帖子:你问得问题其实很简单,就是真主是什么 。我们相信宇宙间有一个主宰创造拥有一切。我们叫做安拉(主宰的意思)现在科学叫做奇点。华夏文明叫盘古。因为真主是宇宙之中唯一的主宰所以其他的神都是虚构的,不应该相信。因为宇宙一切都是真主创造的,一切都属于真主,那么以物配主当然没意义了。祖先去世也是回归真主,不应该太伤心,也不应该大肆祭奠。每个人都会有这一天。





农村出身?棉纺工人?四十年来,你对张艺谋的误解有多少?秋蓝偶尔看到1988年红高粱地里红衣服视频,想到1988年白银案,查红高粱看到张艺谋,又发觉有两个双鱼玉佩。昨天看到太极图影的图片,感觉张艺谋深度可以 ​​​​。现在就看到他的农村、棉纺工人很熟悉。

《红高粱》让人印象最为深刻的毫无疑问要数九儿和余占鳌在高粱地中的野合,这段戏堪称是这部史诗的“诗眼”。秋蓝看到麦田叠加围成圈很像麦田怪圈。白银案。 一关于电影的诗歌内容更是熟悉的不行,电影内容不就是这些的组合吗:酿酒-小时候看的阿里巴巴和四十大盗小人图画书有很多酒缸的画面印象深刻。以前看的土匪与山寨夫人劫富济贫的爱情故事、黑太阳731书籍的扒皮毒气......后来秋蓝发现红高粱也是红衣女主!会否下面的那些电影和红高梁有关呢?




达芬奇画作Salvator Mundi被拍卖;

第59天that place in your heart文中提到爱默生历史,又想到为什么美国的爱默生文章中会出现中国古代概念黄道12宫呢?







密钥,昨看伊斯兰看到密钥,红楼梦,古兰经,道德经,佛经,应该都是有密钥的密文,只有那些曾经纠缠过的人才能知道获得密钥,进而解读红楼梦古兰经等等......下面图片都像是密文,刚才adderall那个帖子有看到说写的字体像秘密,像character,not letter: unreadable cypher。


密码学是研究编制密码和破译密码的技术科学。研究密码变化的客观规律,应用于编制密码以保守通信秘密的,称为编码学;应用于破译密码以获取通信情报的,称为破译学,总称密... 密码学(在西欧语文中,源于希腊语kryptós“隐藏的”,和gráphein“书写”)是研究如何隐密地传递信息的学科。著名的密码学者Ron Rivest解释道:“密码学是关于如何在敌人存在的环境中通讯。


区块链实质是由多方参与共同维护一个持续增长的分布式数据库,也被称为分布式共享账本(Distributed Shared Ledger),其核心在于通过分布式网络、时序不可篡改的密码学账本及分布式共识机制建立彼此之间的信任关系,利用由自动化脚本代码组成的智能合约来编程和操作数据,最终实现由信息互联向价值互联的进化。该概念在中本聪的白皮书中提出,中本聪创造第一个区块,即“创世区块”。2009年1月3日,比特币的创始人中本聪在创世区块里留下一句永不可修改的话:“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks(2009年1月3日,财政大臣正处于实施第二轮银行紧急援助的边缘)。”当时正是英国的财政大臣达林被迫考虑第二次出手纾解银行危机的时刻,这句话是泰晤士报当天的头版文章标题。区块链的时间戳服务和存在证明,第一个区块链产生的时间和当时正发生的事件被永久性的保留了下来。


秋蓝想起小时候看的动画片,都能对应自己经历的世界:蓝精灵——蓝屋姐妹。巴巴爸爸,阿里巴巴与40大盗——阿里巴巴。花仙子——牡丹花神?猫和老鼠——间谍隐藏。 ​​​​

in Russia, water drinks you。秋蓝看到一杯水居然被水龙头喝进去了,想到这是因为 Russia反过来是Asian吗?


秋蓝看罢十二宫杀手与亚瑟李艾伦生日后写道:若要证实验证往回看,若想发现答案向未来。前两天发布Ma费雯丽,发现leigh是丽李。很想知道那个漫画家不会就是法句经漫画作者吧? ​​​​伊斯兰马姓难道是妈妈的禅思?马云马化腾亦是如此吗?馬。媽。Ma,make,man,manzhu......



八月湖水平,涵虚混太清。秋蓝第一次听到此诗,想到红楼梦平儿。秋蓝查找诗词大会中非常同感的一句诗词全文:残雪凝辉冷画屏,落梅横笛已三更,更无人处月胧明。 我是人间惆怅客,知君何事泪纵横,断肠声里忆平生。断肠,红楼梦香菱手拿断肠诗书,验证纳兰性德就是德妃,君是指自己,回忆平生过往,如何不为生死问题而断肠恸哭呢?秋蓝经常这样了。红楼梦果真就是德妃自传,和秋蓝的认识自我寓意一脉相承。秋蓝接着想:因看完了杀人回忆,十二宫,记忆迷局adderall diaries,以及白银案,发现它们都有生死问题上的纠缠关系,偶然看到诗词大会此句,写的正是最近感受啊,原来此诗在这个时空中等着她惺惺相惜呢!




山东滨州刮起大风,秦皇台风景区内号称“世界第一”的秦始皇铜像被大风吹倒!铜像被吹倒在地面目全非,铜制冕旒也散落一地。秋蓝回忆:秋蓝前两天想到103名人油画有日本谁跪在秦始皇面前。巴清如懿传重获发行许可微博,看到图片是以前的名称赢天下,那个冠冕很像秦始皇那样的,只是看了半天似乎是女方戴的,想不应该秦始皇是男的吗?最后还是看不清楚究竟是男是女戴的。看到adderall字体bree截图有毛泽东评论秦始皇焚书坑儒。昨天纳兰性德英文翻译是qing naran,感觉qing很像秦可卿。现在想想隐含倾倒青岛情?原来秦皇倒。没听说过还有这么个铜像。是颠倒是非吗?也许和昨天感知纳兰性德就是德妃女的,现在都认为是男的,这个颠倒吗?还有红楼梦作者,也是颠倒男女。疑惑过秦始皇究竟是真的还是与清朝有关,那些唐诗宋词般的纠缠关系,也许都是真的,只是他们前世有纠缠关系,所以后世也似乎粘合一起了。秋蓝又看到图片是秦始皇脸部贴地,想到前天头一天放假,和妙儿玩耍,她趴在我背上背着她玩,逗她故意把她朝前晃,然后听到她笑着说,你都把我脸栽到被窝里了。和秦始皇这个一样啊。然后昨晚就看到adderall日记一开始就是一个爸爸这样背着儿子,不过是翻到一边儿去了。上午学到虚拟助手物化女性,还有avatar,解说其本意是各类偶像雕塑会说话了。idol应该如同心里的圣地,而非花钱雕塑来圈钱?红楼梦,还是金圣叹说过,用笔建立最伟大的虚拟圣地。

根据盐的含量,Adderall,Adderall XR和Mydayis的活性成分是25%左旋安非他明盐(左旋“左手”对映体)和75%右旋安非他明盐(右旋或右手对映体)。秋蓝很奇怪兴奋药物里有盐成分还特别以此分类,想到佛经里海水咸是因为鱼尿尿,红楼梦盐城御史,泪水也咸,究竟这个盐是代表什么本质呢?

秋蓝学英文想到posion,prison ,position,毒剂,监狱,定位,是否有关联呢?这信息和“双面间谍”中毒案中所使用的神经毒剂有关联吗?

秋蓝查看objectify物化,有英文定义:Express (something abstract) in a concrete form。用具体的形式表达(抽象的东西)。秋蓝刚才听英文虚拟助手有objectify一词,意是贬低女性。提到调情不尊重,物化女性。

Sixty-first days Zodiac and Quran

Autumn Blue just listened to the English ambassador for the Korean Olympic Winter Games. Later, eating and opening TV cgtn was a dialogue with the Chinese Ambassador to the United States.

Autumn Blue recalled the past and continued to verify that Pink Girl was produced in 2002. Kangxi came to the broadcast in 2004. It is true that there is a pink first, a small S big S, and a second pair S. Kangxi came under the original name "Strangely arrived at Kangxi at ten o'clock". Autumn Blue thought that the original side of the wall was painted pink as if it was 2004. Joe also painted pink? Pink Girl This is 2002, what year wrote it?

Beijing blizzard warning! Autumn blue to see the video in the Forbidden City of the Red Palace corresponds to the snow is beautiful, wrote: Dezhe Shengong sinus, Magnolia, Britain, the United States and Africa, Qing Zhao Tiantan Wu Zetian, Royal Drunken Parrot Island. In the two days before Qiu Lan, he saw the drama songs of Qingcheng Yamashita and the Bodhisattva said that March 3 was the Ching Ming Festival, and the rain was raining during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was strange to think that it was March 3 of the year. The kite flew all over the sky. How was March 3rd the Ching Ming Festival? The next sentence was raining in the clear season.

Autumn Blue lays down the others, starting the search for Islamic content that has never been understood. Look at the words of the Quran—creator, the encrypted Bible, and the deciphered Koran. Autumn blue morning due to Israel, see Russia and China oil road to the East China News, map map has a large Russian word, my heart will naturally rearrange it, found that is not Asia Asia, is Asia what! Then she looked at the Qur'an and saw the Qur'an code. This was actually the law of secrecy. Statistics were discovered by Arabs and thought of quantum entanglement communication and statistics.

Autumn Blue sees a post about Islam: The question you ask is actually very simple, what is Allah. We believe there is a master in the universe that creates everything. Our name is Allah (dominant meaning). Now science is called singularity. Huaxia civilization is called Pangu. Because God is the only lord in the universe, other gods are imaginary and should not be believed. Because everything in the universe was created by Allah, and everything belongs to Allah, then taking the Lord of the Lord is certainly meaningless. The death of the ancestors is also a return to Allah. It should not be too sad, nor should it be sacrificed. Everyone will have this day.

Autumn Blue looked at the above and thought: Muslims, Mu is Lin, Lin Yu-yu. There is a dream in the Koran and it is like a dream in Red Mansions. A copy of the book is circulated like Red Mansion Dream and Siku Quanshu. The universe dominates the singularity like the Nirvana Center. The law is the purest thinking. 23 BC. Arabic Arabic, day abc, combined with pinyin abcdefg superimposed language of day ri?

Autumn and blue looked at the "Muslim's Funeral." When I first thought of entering high school, my classmates looked and borrowed to see it. There was no deep impression and it was impossible to understand it. Like reading the Dream of the Red Chamber for the first time, I thought it was the romantic mood of the wealthy idler. The story only. The names of Han Xinyue and Chu Yanchao are familiar and peculiar. At that time, I heard that Hui people cannot marry Han people. Autumn Blue discovered that there were Zhuangzi in his storytelling, learning English, religious warfare and love, and Qiu Lan could not remember anything at the moment.

Autumn blue entered koran and came out of Korea. Did you see Sud in the Quran? This is not the same as South Korea's Saddam? Yesterday, we also thought of Han Zhongjie, wondering if South Korea really had the most advanced ideas and technologies as Yuntu said. She read a few articles and it seemed to fit well with the law of one, consistent with the connotation of yesterday's legal order. He said that the reason for the order was that Spiderman had used this term on the Southern Weekend, and the Quran was a spider. The creation of the inside is the same as that of an ancient Chinese mythology.

 23-year-old female college students did not come to the hospital for 10 months because of dysmenorrhea, actually gave birth to a baby after 10 minutes ... 4.10 days, two or three things are during this period, silver case, Gao Yunpeng case, what else have you forgotten? . On the 4.1th day, it did not come and I felt that I had not come for a long time. Just now I saw the Koran goddess being pregnant with a baby. It was also said that someone came in two months and three months ago. Last night’s Islamic funeral, it was thought that someone had or did not come for half a year.

Rural origin? Cotton Spinners? Forty years, how many misconceptions did you have about Zhang Yimou? Autumn blue occasionally saw the video of the red dress in the red sorghum field in 1988. Considering the silver case in 1988, Chahong Gaochun saw Zhang Yimou and found two pairs of fish Yupei. Yesterday I saw a picture of a tai chi image. I feel that Zhang Yimou can have a deep impression. Now we can see that his rural and cotton spinning workers are familiar with it.

The most impressive of the "Red Sorghum" is undoubtedly the number nine children and Yu Zhanqi's wilderness in the highlands, this play is called the epic poem. Autumn blue to see the wheat field superimposed circle like a crop circle. Silver case. The content of a poem about a movie is more familiar than it is. The content of the movie is not a combination of these: Winemaking - and the Forty Thieves. The picture book with many wine jars is impressive. The bandits and cottages who used to see the love story of robbing the rich and the poor, the black sun 731 book's sinister poison gas... Later, Qiu Lan discovered that the red sorghum was also a red woman! Will the following movies be related to Hong Gaoliang?

Autumn Blue has been tangling this universe for two days. How to read is how you and I die. Is this saying that Nirvana and reality are in opposition? Autumn Blue then saw EXO sing a universal song.

Autumn Blue once again paid attention to the silver case to search for similar plots of murder memories and zodiac movies. During these days off, Qiu Lan has been watching all three movies that she has always wanted to watch. She found the induction of the zodiac killer as follows:

The Forbidden City blossoms, and the figure in the lower part of the forbidden city suggests Lü Dongbin;

Da Vinci painting Salvator Mundi was auctioned;

On the 59th day that place in your heart mentioned Emerson's history in his article, he also thought why the ancient Chinese concept of the ecliptic 12th house would appear in Emerson's article in the United States.

Why do many people wear bright red clothes in the PK show?

Life and death are hard to read through poetry.

Huo Siyan sings Bai Chengzhen under the Qingcheng Mountain.

The Sea Bridge in the Zodia Poster is similar to the door picture of her daughter, Guo Haibo, seen yesterday by Qiu Lan. The picture of her daughter's national defense is: At the end of the sea of ​​suffering, the door opened.

Qiu Lan also found that: The three real events are surprisingly consistent. The associations are: Qur'an, isis, love and materialism duel, Zodiac VS, a woman in red, adderall, we, womanVS, with the desire to see Buddha. Password, military boots, tied. The 36 breasts of the Koran have 36 things, the breast cloud, the password for Islamic statistics, the cross mold, the circle birth and death map. 1969-1986-1988---2002,universe, the body was destroyed only Nirvana covered the entire space-time, across life and death to spread the spirit of God to communicate with everyone, and then resurrect themselves in the moment. The font adderall, killing memories, all the diary of life, the cardinal, the truth of the universe, the oneness of Islam.

Qiu Lan asked, why the clear and clear words written by these few people are misleading, and the characters are the same. If Wang Zhenzhi, Zhao Mengfu, and Su Shi are all one person, is the Red Chamber Dream author De Ke? Is she trying to convey the information of future generations? ?

The key, yesterday saw that Islam saw the keys, the Red Chamber dreams, the Qur'an, the moral classics, and the Buddhist scriptures. It should all be secret ciphers with secret keys. Only those who had been entangled could know the keys, and read the Koran of the Red Chamber dream, etc. ..... The following pictures are all like ciphertexts. The adderall posts just saw the written and written fonts look like secrets, like characters, not letter: unreadable cypher.

Autumn Blue looks at the blockchain again from the key: In the core sense, the blockchain is an extremely simple and elegant data structure. A list, which adds content - that is, each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block. This approach creates an effective, irrevocable chain of blocks and their corresponding fingerprint information and extends all the way to the Genesis block. Autumn blue thought, isn't this 2O Nirvana Road in the picture of the Book of Changes?

Cryptography is a technical science that studies the preparation of passwords and deciphering them. The study of the objective law of password change, used to compile passwords to keep the secrets of communication is called coding; it is used to decipher passwords to obtain communication intelligence, which is called deciphering, and is called secret... Cryptography (in Western European languages, Greek "kryptós" (hidden) and gráphein ("writing") are the disciplines that study how confidential information is transmitted. The famous cryptologist Ron Rivest explained: "Cryptography is about how to communicate in the environment where the enemy exists.

Qiu Lan sees these questions: When did the blockchain appear? Is it the same as the Yijing Birth and Death Chart? Is it related to Satoshi Satoshi? Freedom zone links such as Dojo and Zen Friends?

The blockchain essence is a multi-party participation in maintaining a continuously growing distributed database, also known as Distributed Shared Ledger. The core of the blockchain lies in distributed accounting, non-disruptive cryptographic bookkeeping and distribution. The consensus mechanism establishes a trust relationship with each other, uses the smart contract composed of automated script code to program and manipulate data, and finally realizes the evolution from information interconnection to value interconnection. The concept was proposed in the white paper of Satoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto created the first block, the "Creation Block." On January 3, 2009, Bitcoin founder Nakamoto Satoshi left a last word in the creation block: "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks (January 2009) On the 3rd, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was on the verge of implementing the second round of bank emergency assistance." At that time, it was the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Darling, who was forced to consider the second time to relieve the banking crisis, which was the day of the Times. Front page article title. The blockchain's timestamp service and presence prove that the time of the first blockchain generation and the events that were happening at that time are permanently preserved.

Autumn blue reconciliation, step-by-step network, the Olympic Games 2008-09, and the development of the currency are very familiar with these keywords. I don't know how strong this Satoshi Cong and meditation are. The previous correspondence is not as self-conscious as now. Things go out and recall actively so efficient.

Autumn Blue remembers the cartoons that he saw when he was a child, and they can all correspond to the world they have experienced: the Smurfs – Blue House sisters. Baba's father, Alibaba and 40 thieves - Alibaba. Flower Fairy - Peony Flower God? Cats and Rats - Spy Hide. The

In Russia, water drinks you. Autumn Blue saw a glass of water actually being tapped into the faucet. Did you think this is because Russia is in turn Asian?

Xingtai County, Hebei Province, "red water irrigated land", the villagers do not dare to eat their own food. Autumn Blue thinks that she does not know what adderall is. Find the English font of Hebei Hengshui students who saw the picture with the most efforts to learn. It is the same as the font and website font of that post image.

After seeing the tenth house killer and Arthur Allen’s birthday, Autumn Blue writes: If you want to verify the verification, look back if you want to find the answer to the future. Ma Vivien was released two days ago and discovered that Lee was Lee. I am eager to know that the cartoonist would not be the author of the scripture scripture? Is the Islamic horse name the mother's meditation? Is Ma Yunma's meditation too? horse. mom. Ma, make,man,manzhu......

In Heshi County, Hubei Province, 65 students were admitted to the hospital for collective poisoning in Hefeng County: Department of Edible Supermarkets. Qiu Lan thought of Wuhan University of Technology, Enshi, and poisons.

Is the poor little mummy Ata really an alien? Due to his skull deformity and maturity like six-year-old children are suspected to be from extraterrestrial. Autumn Blue thought of King Kong is not bad body. Short stature and environmental protection. See the iron ruler. The peach forehead corresponds to his forehead (ie forehead) in the Qur'an.

August lake level, emptiness is too clear. Qiu Lan heard this poem for the first time, and thought of the Dream of the Red Chamber. Autumn Blue finds a poem full of poetry in the poetry conference: Can Xue condensates cold and paints the screen, and falling plum flute has been changed. I am a guest of the world, knowing what tears are tears in my heart, and my heart breaking in my voice. Heartbroken, Hong Lou Meng Xiang Ling took a heartbroken poem and book, verifying that Nalan Sex is German, and Jun refers to himself. He recalls how he did not cry for life and death. Autumn blue is often the case. The Dream of the Red Chamber is truly a German autobiography, and the understanding of Qiu Lan’s self-implication is in the same vein. Autumn Blue then thought: After watching the memories of murder, the zodiac, the adderall diaries of memory, and the silver case, they found that they all had entanglement on the issue of life and death, and occasionally saw the poetry in this sentence. Ah, the original poem in this space and time waiting for her to sympathize with it!

Autumn Blue just read the twelfth house of murder. Perception may be that the cartoonist who pursues the truth is the person behind the meditation. The password book he has read, the things he has thought of, and the thinking of tracing the truth can all be connected with the murder. . However, the time and space in the 1969 film is also quite consistent with Qiu Lan’s seeing the Islamic Qur'an. Perhaps this has a complex set of links to pursue the space-time shaping model. Eventually, 1969-2018 has the effect of quantum switching.

Autumn blue was noisy and irritability. It was not quiet and beautiful that Mao Zedong worked so hard for the offspring. It was a nasty child with noisy and noisy moths. No wonder that they had to kill and kill ants. Like the spies, not the messengers of all nations, but the small people who are separated by gaps, the seven killers will inevitably come. It's like in a wonderful cosmic melody, it comes out of the harsh rhythm of hell. This is like the rotation of men and women Tai Chi, seeking common ground while reconciliation and happiness, but now it is only to see each other's differences and abandon each other, where will love come to earth?

A 3.6-magnitude earthquake occurred in Wuwei County, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, and there were significant feedback from Nanjing netizens. Autumn blue yesterday because of the fire to see the 1802 microblogging, think of whether he hated anyone? Do not want to know also want to know who is the resentment caused by the noise. So look for the article that has lost the fire and see: Do nothing and do nothing. What Bruce Lee said was that his martial arts was ubiquitously run with Pan-Easy philosophy. After you have conceived your heart, you can freely change with the object. Qiu Lan is impressed by nothing and nothing. See the list of Hintler to see 36 people for their savior.

Binzhou, Shandong Province, caused winds to blow. Qin Shihuang's bronze statue known as "the world's first" in the Qinhuangtai Scenic Spot was blown down by the wind! The bronze statue was blown down on the ground, and the bronze enamel was also scattered. Autumn blue memories: Autumn blue two days before the thought of 103 celebrity oil paintings Japan who kneel in front of Qin Shihuang. Pa Qing Ruan Chuan re-issued microblogging permission to see the picture is the previous name to win the world, the crown is like Qin Shi Huang, just looking at a long time seems to be a woman to wear, would like to Qin Shi Huang is a man? Finally, it is still unclear whether men or women wear it. See adderall font bree screenshots with Mao Zedong's commentary on Qin Shihuang burning book pit Confucianism. Nalan Sex English translation yesterday was qing naran, feeling like Qin Keqing. Now think about the implied dumping of Qingdao, the original Qin Huang fell. Never heard of such a bronze statue. Is it right or wrong? Maybe yesterday's perception of Nalan Sex is that of a prostitute. Now it is considered to be a man. Is this upside down? There are also the authors of the Dream of the Red Chamber. It is doubtful whether the Qin Shi Huang is really related to the Qing Dynasty. Perhaps the entangling relationship between the Tang poetry and the Song Dynasty is true. It is only because they have entangled relationship in the past, so later generations seem to have cemented together. Qiu Lan also saw the picture was Qin Shihuang's face is attached to the ground, think of the day before yesterday's holiday, and Miao children play, she kneeling on my back carrying her play, teasing her deliberately shook her forward, and then heard her smile Say, you all put my face into bed. This is the same as Qin Shihuang. Then, last night, I saw that the adderall diary was a dad carrying his son like this, but he flipped over. In the morning, I learned that virtual assistants materialize women, as well as avatar, explaining that their intention is that various idol sculptures will speak. Idol should be like a holy place in the heart, rather than spend money sculpture to circling the money? Dream of the Red Chamber, or Jin Shengtan said, using the pen to establish the greatest virtual holy land.

Based on the salt content, the active ingredients of Adderall, Adderall XR and Mydayis are 25% Levo-Amphetamine salts (L-"Left" enantiomers) and 75% D-Amphetamine salts (dextro- or right-hand enantiomers. ). Autumn blue is very strange Excitement Salt ingredients in drugs are also particularly classified as such, I think that saltwater in the Buddhist scriptures is because of the fish pee, the critique of the Red Mansion Dream of Yancheng, tears are salty, what is the essence of the salt?

Autumn blue English think of posion, prison, position, poison, prison, positioning, is it related? Is this information related to the nerve agents used in the "double-sided spy" poisoning case?

Autumn blue view objectify physics, defined in English: Express (something abstract) in a concrete form. Express in concrete form (abstract things). Autumn Blue just listened to the English virtual assistant with objectify, which means to degrade women. Mentioned that flirting did not respect, materialized women.

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