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tenth day Where do I exist?第十天 高我存在于哪里?

Updated: Mar 3, 2018

看完来知德易经书,秋蓝最近迷恋上了第六感,她看了爱因斯坦说爱就是引力,是一种宇宙中占据统治地位的超强力,宇宙最强能量是爱乘以光速的平方;也看了原初双黑洞合并过程;她认为上帝公式 0是奇点,eiπ是信息,1是物质;阴、阳神本质上对应真空零点脉动背景中处于湮灭和裂象平衡的虚粒子形成的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态;她提出疑问:黑洞蒸发理论,为什么黑洞视界边缘的虚实粒子对里面只有虚粒子进入视界内?为什么不是虚实粒子随机进入视界呢?她理解道,无形,未知,上一层次,理想,阳,本质,生 久之源;德,可形,已知,下一层次,阴,表象......如此这些如同上帝的饮料一样被她一饮而尽。


人间四月天又来到了,这一晚,秋蓝突然开了窍想到:为什么寂静涅槃(大爆炸)是第一观察测量者?是万物产生的源头?正是因为寂静涅槃是第一推动力,是第一个起始观测者!其他后来的所有观测者都是在其后一环套一环,还有谁能比这个观测者更往前的呢?其中一个被操作(例如量子测量)状态发生改变(黑洞吸收虚粒子,涅槃寂静,神识)☞另一个即刻改变(实粒子潜在状态即刻塌缩)。 她异常兴奋自己发现了这个答案。隔天4月5日晚上看到一Q群在论道,她便把这些发了,扶桑问道为什么又是什么引起大爆炸,秋蓝答说形容寂静涅槃的信息能量的,所以说大爆炸。寂静涅槃,无思无为引起的大爆炸。又一个环中同学也跟着发言,最后提醒我们可以看一的律法的书。自此秋蓝又迷恋上了此书,只是她不明白,她刚想了庄子说的居环中而不立于其环上,怎么就出来个环中同学呢?怎么不彻底就叫中环同学更贴切呢?

这日稍加放松思维的秋蓝继续看起了荣格的书,荣格的治愈灵魂方法:有意识的联通(集体)无意识;禅-觉知直接的力量 ;佛陀的解脱方法:觉悟-认识到意识转化发生在每个人自我的深处,去觉知真相;具体模式为:心灵(静心☞观想神抵)、身体(手印)、语言(咒语,产生于心智)。秋蓝放下这些专业性强的又开始看较简便的RA说:你同时存在所有的层次。明确地说,你的高我是第六密度中期的你;以你们衡量的时间尺度,你的高我是未来的你[自己]。高我是迄今为止所有该心/身/灵复合体经验的发展的结果。刚看至此,星海群有人问高我是什么?秋蓝把RA说的回答后,又看到书中说:实际的情况是从宇宙到宇宙之间然后高我从心/身/灵复合全体取得的信息来编写平行存在关于在任何一个关键点的可能性/或然率漩涡。秋蓝想到她在看了谭崔一关于爱之文后想到的上帝公式中e^iπ自横轴旋转至纵轴再至负轴说明时空因爱/涅槃而转换和这点有交集。后来事实证实了这一点,即秋蓝看天生杀人狂电影的情况,她当时想了竖灵轴横实轴与此句有对应。秋蓝因为对高我及时空穿越问题特别上心,由此想到了她在图书馆遇到的来知德易经与在网络遇到的一的律法有种让她迷魂的感受,于是她记录道:此刻宇宙同时灭去(没有来知德书的宇宙),下一刻宇宙同时升起(有来知德的宇宙)。

5月5日秋蓝读罢一的律法后,想到这些信息和自己的纠缠关系又开始混沌了,她想道:圆心、思维、道心为本源(因音引隐贴) ;层级递进进化、道生一是整体意识(自由意志)生二是分类(爱)(阳光万里贴);经验作为催化剂(酶的作用贴)……一切的一切让她迷惑,她想的和一的律法里的精神实质完全一样。不知道是她的创造,还是一的律法的创造?不知道是一的律法事先灌输给她,还是她灌输出一的律法?难道她和高我本是一个人,在时/空里她们一起完成了此思想形态,然后她在空/时里慢慢的追随跟进这一切经验吗?多么像庄周梦蝶的情形啊!



过了一年,秋蓝再次回看到第六感之思考,想到这一年来的离奇古怪,对其中黑洞与禅思、波性意识等更加深入了思考:难道现在的禅思塌缩为现实即是黑洞=能量蒸发过程吗?即你的禅思=黑洞;现实物质事件=黑洞蒸发。那么,黑洞有多少,如何产生的?是否它即是波性意识生生不息,黑洞蒸发完即对应波性意识塌缩为粒性意识,那么其黑洞边缘即是阴阳交界处,如同彼岸花可以重生?爱是最纯净的涅槃?所以是最轻质量最大的黑洞?是否就是吸收的过程-沉思 对应 释放能量过程-创造,即虚粒子入黑洞则对应实粒子成白洞。超三维空间下运行:尺子质量 空间 为0,为空;钟表摆动 时间 为0,为定——涅槃波性让一切事物时空为0,任意组合,然后再塌缩在三维时空,如此让我们不知所措,看似不合常规的时空错乱现象出现。这样之思考,可能可以解答曾经让秋蓝迷糊的量子开关之谜吧!

tenth day

Where do I exist?

After reading the Book of Change, Qiu Lan was recently obsessed with the sixth sense. She read that Einstein said that love is gravity. It is a superpower that dominates the universe. The strongest energy in the universe is love multiplied by the speed of light Square; also saw the original double black hole merger process; she thinks God formula 0 is a singularity, eiπ is information, 1 is material; Yin and Yang God essentially corresponds to vacuum zero pulse background in the annihilation and split-balanced virtual particles The formation of the Bose - Einstein condensate; she asks questions: black hole evaporation theory, why the black hole horizon virtual particles on the inside only virtual particles into the horizon? Why is not the virtual reality particles into the horizon? She understands that invisible, unknown, superior, ideal, positive, essential, source of long life; virtue, shape, known, next level, shade, appearance ... ... these are like God's drink Her drink.

In the late afternoon of spring, Qiu Lan realized that the message, symbol, logic and energy of her head were running. For a moment she felt that the process of reducing her own information and the universe information all to the minimum state was naturalized in one Until naturalization in the absence. She heard drops of mobile phones and found that the circle of friends Zhang Yi painted hair, is exactly what her meditation, such as time tunnels, such as black holes, three-dimensional colorful ring tightly a center, the left black right. But autumn blue meditation without IPL, as if only black, because it seems closed under the eyes. Autumn Lan thought of Zen collapsed things, they recorded: Promise singularity is the depth of thinking of concentration into a black hole, as it is compressed to a certain extent (5 for the pole) will be a big explosion, radiating waves. Before the explosion, the awareness black hole (doubt, question) will absorb the vacuum virtual reality particles, absorb the virtual, another escape is real, so a explosion (ie Nirvana silence), the quantum entanglement characteristics, The state, a reality.

April sky came again, this night, autumn and blue suddenly opened a hole thought: why the silence Nirvana (Big Bang) is the first observer? Is the source of all things? It is because of silence Nirvana is the first driving force, is the first observer! All other subsequent observers are in a loop, and who is ahead of the observer? One of them is manipulated (for example, quantum measurement). The state changes (the black hole absorbs the virtual particles, the nirvana, the mind) ☞ Another changes immediately (the real particles collapse instantly). She was so excited she found the answer. The next day on the evening of April 5 I saw a group of Q in the discussion, she put these hair, Fuso asked why and what caused the big bang, Qiu Lan replied to describe the information energy of the silent nirvana, so that the big bang . Silence Nirvana, ignorance caused by the Big Bang. Another ring of classmates also spoke, finally reminding us that we can read a book of the law. Since then Qiu Lan has been obsessed with this book, but she did not understand that she had just wanted Chuang Tzu to say that she lived in the ring instead of standing on her ring, how come out of a ring of classmates? How not to call Central graduates more appropriate?

Autumn Blues, a little relaxing today, continues to look at Jung's book, Jung's cure for the soul: Conscious Unicom (collective) unconsciousness; Zen-awareness of immediate power; Buddha's method of liberation: Consciousness-recognizing Consciousness transformation takes place in the depths of each person's self, to perceive the truth; specific patterns are: the mind (meditation ☞ view God), the body (fingerprints), language (incantation, resulting from the mind). Autumn blue put down these highly professional and began to look more simple RA said: You exist at the same time all levels. To be clear, your ego is you in the middle of the sixth density; your high I am you [myself] in the time scale you measure. High I was the result of all the experience of so many mind / body / spirit complexes so far. Just now, Xinghai group asked me what is high? Qiu Lan RA said the answer, but also read the book said: The actual situation is from the universe to the universe and then high from my heart / body / soul complex information to prepare for the existence of parallel at any one key point The possibility / probability of whirlpool. Qiu Lan thought she saw Tan Cui Yi on the love of the text after the thought of God formula e ^ iπ from the horizontal axis to the vertical axis and then to the negative axis that space-time due to love / Nirvana conversion and this intersection. Later confirmed the fact that Qiu Lan to see the case of a born killer movie, she was thinking of vertical axis vertical axis and the sentence has a correspondence. Qiu Lan because of my high space-time and cross the issue of special heart, thus thinking of her encountered in the library to the Ching-tai Yi Jing and the laws encountered in the network has a kind of feeling she was ecstatic, so She records: At the moment, the universe is extinct at the same time (the universe without the Book of Knowledge), and at the next moment the universe rises at the same time.

May 5 autumn and winter after reading a law, think of these information and their relationship began to chaos again, she thought: heart, thinking, Taoism as the origin (due to tone cited hidden); hierarchy Evolution, Taoism One is the overall consciousness (free will) Two is the classification (love) (Sunshine Wanlizhe); experience as a catalyst (the role of enzymes posted) ...... Everything makes her confused, she wanted and a law The essence of spirit is exactly the same. Do not know her creation, or the creation of a law? Do not know is a law instilled in advance to her, or she poured out a law? Is she and the ego I am a person, in the time / space they completed this thought-form, and then she in the air / time to follow slowly follow up all this experience? What a dream like Chuang Zhou butterfly!

Another day, after thinking for a long time about the problem of quantum entanglement and reincarnation, coupled with the new knowledge of a law read, Qiu Lan concludes: "I am free will go beyond the speed of light and the quantum state The nirvana state of the greatest state), he collapsed the past and present in the future, and the nirvana in the transformation of each past and present life collapsed his past lives, thus superimposing entanglement and root consciousness on the strength of his observations Collapse into roots can reach the strongest state, so is the flower. In this way, you develop yourself in all times. When such an interpretation of source consciousness ends up, it realizes that its own interpretation of this deduction collapses, and then all the previous past and present life is extinct (or partially), immediate or return to the new state of nirvana, end.

Qiu Lan thought of the reincarnation of the Star Theory, which was elaborated on the earlier reincarnation. It is said that the consciousness of the living organism appearing on Earth simply exists in the cosmic wave consciousness body without proper beginnings and then collapses and transforms, Then appeared in the phenomenal world. Every independent human body of the bodily consciousness exists in the universe from the very beginning. Self is an eternityless, one with the universe. This point, just as what was said in the deep blue X-generation article when he first began to study Zen, is an ancient, selfless and immortal.

After a year, autumn blue back to see the sixth sense of thinking, think of this year's bizarre, of which the black hole and meditation, wave consciousness and so on more in-depth thinking: Is the collapse of the Zen meditation to reality Is black hole = energy evaporation process? That is, your meditation = black hole; actual material event = black hole evaporation. So, how many black holes, how to produce? Whether it is the wave of awareness of endless, black hole evaporation that corresponds to wave consciousness collapsed into a granular consciousness, then the black hole edge that is, at the junction of yin and yang, as Bana flower can be born again? Is love the purest nirvana? So it is the lightest mass black hole? Whether it is the process of absorption - contemplation corresponds to the release of energy process - to create, that is, the virtual particles into the black hole corresponds to a particle into a white hole. Run in ultra-three-dimensional space: ruler quality space is 0, is empty; watch swing time is 0, for the set - nirvana wave everything for space-time 0, any combination, and then collapsed in three-dimensional space-time, so that we do not know What happens, the seemingly unconventional spatiotemporal confusion. Such thinking, may be able to answer the mystery of Quantum switch once confused autumn blue it!

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