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The 52nd day Heart Sutra 第五十二天 心之经

  • 女佛男道、金瓶梅与红楼梦、中西方自杀原因

  • 登鹳雀楼、大昭寺诵六字真言殿着火、法库与英格兰地震

  • 伊朗阿塞曼客机失事、死海、以色列轰炸伊朗

  • 城南旧事与404城市、海南岛与地中海与五行

  • the shape of water、高潮与心经、印刷术、过去分词ed与古德GOD、葬入你的瞳孔


————— 2018-02-16 —————

Qiulan 16:40


Qiulan 16:45









Qiulan 16:53


Qiulan 16:56


Qiulan 16:57


Qiulan 17:05


Qiulan 17:16


Qiulan 17:27


Qiulan 20:44


Some of her ruthlessness may have been warranted, since there were rebels stirring up civil war, and ultimately in 300 AD there was a successful coup. She was captured and forced to commit suicide.


Qiulan 20:44


Qiulan 20:52


Qiulan 20:58


Qiulan 21:02


Qiulan 22:53


Qiulan 22:54


Qiulan 22:58


Qiulan 23:04


Qiulan 23:07


Qiulan 23:12


Qiulan 23:17



————— 2018-02-17 —————

Qiulan 10:58


Qiulan 11:04


Qiulan 20:22

【当唐诗用歌声唱出来,竟美得让人流泪了……[泪]】“白日依山尽,黄河入海流。”“You can enjoy a grander sight,if you climb to a greater height.”中法印蒙四国顶尖音乐家,在#经典咏流传#演唱中英文版《登鹳雀楼》,这首耳熟能详的诗词在四国乐风中迸发出新声,空灵简单的旋律美得让人想哭。

Qiulan 20:24


Qiulan 21:44

哪里看到六字真言拼音样子的。看一个视频不知道怎么出来全是藏语似。朋友群发蒙古餐桌,觉得很像红楼梦时的餐具。想了这一年2018年该男性,则是火。秦始皇武则天陵,想到孝庄昭陵在清陵外面,难道也去了西安了吗?戊戌想到成德玄奘藏,福字右部像臣想到藏/Teenager:目前最新消息. 着火地点为大昭寺内后院一个诵六字真言的小殿着火,暂时火势没有影响到大昭寺主殿!

Qiulan 21:46


Qiulan 22:31


Qiulan 22:44


Qiulan 22:44


Qiulan 23:24


Qiulan 23:24


Qiulan 23:43

突发,英国发生4.7级地震,震中在英国Swansea斯旺西东北十四公里 ​——日本模特小女孩像霉霉,她有英国男友。大昭寺有人评论西藏有英国印度都想着呢。下午还看到中国自古以来地图朝代变迁,1912年中华民国后立即四分五裂碎成很多小片片,感叹清朝确实统一的不错了。

Qiulan 23:44



————— 2018-02-18 —————

Qiulan 14:32


Qiulan 14:46


Qiulan 16:57

失事客机型号为ATR-72,客机隶属于伊朗阿塞曼航空公司(Iran Aseman Airlines)。

Qiulan 17:01

正看的英文是Ain Sakhri恋人,想了Ain,以前看到A想了红字又联想到德妃了,和美国有关。诗词书有欲渡黄河冰塞川,想了塞。春晚有西塞山前白鹭飞。

Qiulan 17:09


Qiulan 18:59


Qiulan 19:00

死海位于约旦-以色列的最低处。这是一块下沉的地壳,夹在两个平行的地质断层崖之间。 死海形成在大裂谷地区,像是一个巨大的集水盆地。据传,《创世纪》中所记载上帝毁灭的罪恶之城所多玛城与蛾摩拉城都沉没于死海南部水底,“难怪水域南浅北深”。

Qiulan 19:01

这个Ain Sakhri恋人石雕中提到死海。东非大裂谷,山东郯城大地震,耶路撒冷以色列,耶稣,果真如此有强关联吗?

Qiulan 20:12


Qiulan 20:40


Qiulan 20:41


Qiulan 20:51

查雕塑来源地朱迪亚沙漠,发现了:朱迪亚·珀尔(英语:Judea Pearl,1936年-)是一名美国计算机科学家和哲学家,因其人工智能概率方法的杰出成绩和贝氏网络的研发而知名。2011年,他因通过概率和因果推理的算法研发在人工智能取得的杰出贡献而获得图灵奖。朱迪亚·珀尔是记者丹尼尔·珀尔的父亲。2002年,因为丹尼尔是美国人和犹太人,他在巴基斯坦被基地组织和国际伊斯兰阵线涉嫌的武装部队所劫持和杀害。

Qiulan 20:53



————— 2018-02-19 —————

Qiulan 20:21


Qiulan 20:24

昨晚看城南旧事想了这些:1976-1987毛泽东未去世隐藏起来了和周恩来或其去世后因唐山大地震?去了联系不到的404?今天看到海南岛?苏轼。 戈壁滩枪决。 兰姨, 想到核工业王光美。 煤矿企业全套职能什么都有,无人知道的小村庄,几里地外上小学。原子弹同学名字似。

Qiulan 20:25


Qiulan 20:29


Qiulan 20:32


Qiulan 20:34


Qiulan 21:24


Qiulan 21:28


Qiulan 23:27


Qiulan 23:48


Qiulan 23:53


the shape of water、高潮与心经、印刷术、过去分词ed与古德GOD、葬入你的瞳孔

————— 2018-02-20 —————

Qiulan 09:18

「死亡」的字眼在饶舌歌中是不可或缺的。如deep-six,light sb up,turn to the grave,go out等词组,都是"去死"之意,而cypress hill及six deep feet(指棺材埋在离地面六呎之下)都是坟墓之意,而动词多用bang及pump则是和被枪击致命有关。

Qiulan 09:20


Qiulan 09:21


Qiulan 09:58

the shape of water,电影名字这个?这两天想了山水,男人如山如剑那次,女人如水老子里的,山水相依。男人似鱼似鸟。想过大海/眼泪/女性激情爱意,春晚镜头有鲸鱼

Qiulan 10:01


Qiulan 10:08

一个长得像披着鳞皮、生活在水中的爬虫类奇异生物The AssetSt(道格·琼斯饰),可在空气中存活一阵子。----这不是和前两天说的鱼缸里的鱼儿会呼吸空气一样吗?!感觉它们都学会人类呼吸法了的。

Qiulan 13:04

[男性高潮一炮而灭,女性高潮漫天烟花? |:]

Qiulan 13:06


Qiulan 13:08


Qiulan 13:11


Qiulan 13:13


Qiulan 14:20

【四大发明之一:印刷术历史简介 发明与发展史】 | 这和那个福字印刷视频一样的。唐朝洪升?四库全书手写四套一样吗?是印刷的吗?现在电脑打字机复印机。可回收马斯克火箭一样。凸碧山庄/凹晶馆。红楼梦中作诗,在抽屉里找押韵字似活版印刷。

Qiulan 14:24


Qiulan 14:44


Qiulan 14:47


Qiulan 14:48


Qiulan 14:49


Qiulan 15:50

honed,hone,为什么都要加ed呢过去分词?昨天看到god,n. 神;(大写首字母时)上帝。vt. 膜拜,崇拜。n. (God)人名;(索、阿拉伯)古德,想到古德是古代的纳兰性德,远古之德。这过去分词不就是古代的性德或古德吗?ed反过来就是德de.和英/鹦ing一个造词意蕴。

Qiulan 17:18


Qiulan 19:21


Qiulan 19:22


Qiulan 19:24

瑞什么看到过。美国六个10米巨洞。非洲six deep beneth什么的六爻以下虚空。红包看到84。字笔画12 6*2都是如此。毛泽东76-93岁猜想,想了赵朴初93岁,想了139手机开头。

The 52nd day Heart Sutra

  • Female Buddha Man Road, Jin Ping Mei and Dream of Red Mansions, Causes of Suicide in China and the West

  • Dengque House, Jokhang Temple, Temple of Six Words, Fire, Faku and England Earthquake

  • Iranian Azeri plane crashes, Dead Sea, Israel bombing Iran

  • Old South City and 404 cities, Hainan Island and the Mediterranean and the Five Elements

  • The shape of water, orgasm and the Heart Sutra, typography, the past participle ed and Goode GOD, buried in your pupil

Female Buddha Man Road, Jin Ping Mei and Dream of Red Mansions, Causes of Suicide in China and the West

————— 2018-02-16 —————

Qiulan 16:40

[Details of handed down masterpiece "Female history map":]

Qiulan 16:45

The husband made a very small statement and he was honored and humiliated.

Do not be called the scorpion, spiritual surveillance no image.

Do not be called mysterious, God hears no sound.

Nothing is honorable, and Heaven is evil.

Nothing expensive, rumbling fall.

In view of the small star, or ignorant.

Compared with the heart, it is a kind of er.

This is simply the tone and wording of the Book of Changes. Whether you are lucky or sorry, is it not the same as Zhang Hua's thoughts? Intuitive Confucius is the author of a woman's history map. Fan Ji, corresponding to the love of Bai Juyi. I Ching and Deyi may have some kind of meditation connection, and the poems of the Dream of Red Mansions that span time and space are related to the Book of Changes.

Qiulan 16:53

These passages have a spirit of repair, against the impetuosity of reality, attributed to the practice of Buddhism, and the Dream of the Red Mansions to copy the Heart Sutra, Lin Juyu is better not to gather with Jia Baoyu, but the focus of joy should be taken care of differently; female by Buddha Du, Men are also represented by Dao.

Qiulan 16:56

Therefore, in the birth and extinction map, from the beginning to the end of life, the woman is good at her and she is not attached to the real substance. The wave of sexual consciousness that injects into men’s wisdom can reach the strong energy of the wave of matter, and it can spiral upward to the next real world cycle. .

Qiulan 16:57

This is also the union of men and women. The nature of the girl is natural, and the man seeks truth. If it is Tai Chi, it's true.

Qiulan 17:05

Therefore, women's wave consciousness is broad and not deep, men are deep but not wide, women are easily separated from the material world and seek love, and men are easy to fall into the material world. The man is fond of his wisdom by devoting himself to Tai Chi. The woman is fond of Tai Chi and loves her with great compassion.

Qiulan 17:16

Since males do not have a higher proportion of suicidal thoughts than females, why is male mortality from suicide higher than that of females? The core of the problem is that when men try to commit suicide, they will adopt methods that can ensure the success of suicide—firearms or suffocation (including hanging). But women often choose to take drugs. In 2010, 77% of men who committed suicide between the ages of 35 and 64 used firearms or hang-ups, compared with 49% of women. More than 40% of women commit suicide and only 15% of men.

Qiulan 17:27

The secret love of women does not manifest themselves. Like the books of the Red Chamber, they hide themselves as much as possible. All of them are only delivered to the world with genuine compassion and love. Men love to show themselves, such as mountains and swords. The characteristics of the two sexes are also so connotation, nature is where there is no respect. After entering Tai Chi, one can only look at the small mountains and the mountains.

Qiulan 20:44

Three chaos? King Yao, Pan Pan three? There are three women in Jin Pingmei, and the Red Chamber Dream corresponds to Wang Xifeng, Pinger, Miao Yumei?

Some of her ruthlessness may have been warranted, since there was people rebels stirring up civil war, and ultimately in 300 AD there was a successful coup. She was captured and forced to commit suicide.

Her coldness may be extenuating to some extent, because at that time, the rebellion of the King of Kings caused civil war. In a coup d’état of 300 AD, the empress Jia was captured and died.

Qiulan 20:44

The authors took the names of Pan Jinlian, Li Pinger, and Pang Chunmei as the names of the works, and Jin Ping Mei was like a diary. Its stories were launched year by month. The opening chapter says that “the words of Emperor Huizong Emperor of the Emperor and Emperor of the Year” indicate that “Jin Ping Mei” wrote the story of the end of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Qiulan 20:52

Ximen Qing Ximen like Jia, Song Huizong this painting has its writing, Ximen Qing he snatched the widows property, lured the brothers of the fraternal brothers, occupied civilian girls, the murder of the husband's wife - these correspond to Lin Daiyu has property, young to do the trick, After becoming Kangxi? Does Jin Ping Mei have some information on meditation and was created by someone? Just like Yang Guixiu wrote in Hongsheng? Like the original copy of the heart sensor?

Qiulan 20:58

The cloud of Miaoyu is not necessarily empty. There are many women's training books read by Li Yu, such as West Chamber, and they all gave birth to Jin Ping Mei. Jin Ping Mei is a member of the Water Margin and the four legends of the Ming Dynasty and the future. Is meditation entangled?

Qiulan 21:02

Look at these names are closely related to the era of Germany and Germany: Lan Ling Xiao Xiaosheng, Nalan 1685 dies; Three Kingdoms withdraws three dailies; Journey to the West, Nalan Xi Yuxing, Li Bai Xinjiang side; Outlaws of the Marsh, A Dream of Red Mansions . Not to mention the details inside, there must be corresponding.

Qiulan 22:53

On the 15th, today, because of the desire to think about the sexual consciousness of men and women in Buddhism and Taoism, the suicide rate of men and women can be counter-indicated, and it is surprising to find articles that see depression causing suicide. If you reduce these things, you have to sort out the connection between Tai Chi and yin and yang.//fresh: All the diseases in the world are body codes! Decrypting the body itself is to decipher God.

Qiulan 22:54

[Zheda University's team published two articles in the journal Nature: A major breakthrough in the study of depression] The article revealed the mechanism of action of rapid antidepressants and provided a number of new molecular targets for the development of new antidepressant drugs. “A lot of well-known research teams in the world are studying the anti-depressant field of upstart ketamine's disease resistance mechanism.” After nearly 4 years of research, Hu Hailuo team finally broke this problem.

Qiulan 22:58

In the world, only Chinese women commit suicide more than men, thinking that they may be forced by real men, and they may be too stupid. Foreign men are full of emotions. Real pressure will reduce emotions and God's sentiments. Pressure is more imbalance between yin and yang, so men are more likely to commit suicide. The lack of emotional experience of Chinese men is just a matter of inheritance and fame. Therefore, they will only commit suicide when they are desperate, and they will not go to extremes because of lack of yin and yang balance.

Qiulan 23:04

So, this is to say that Chinese men are still safe. What are the social needs? And Western men respect the level of need? The person who exceeds the self-needs needs level should not commit suicide most, because even if the following levels are not satisfied, he also has the quest to do. If something wants to do, he will not discard the available body.

Qiulan 23:07

Those who died accidentally or due to illness may have invaded the consciousness of foreign waves. Because of the strong wave consciousness, low wave consciousness is vulnerable to fatal attacks. Therefore, only if your level of needs spirals up and your wave consciousness increases, you can avoid being driven by different wave consciousness and have your own independence.

Qiulan 23:12

Just like the quantum transition across the consciousness level, there is nothing in the orbit. Suicide is the extreme state of imbalance in the yin and yang balance within the orbit. If there is no external good wave consciousness, it is difficult to get out of the shadow. Accidental death is an inability to withstand the explosion of high-strength space-time black hole wave consciousness. The death is secondarily followed by a period of time.

Qiulan 23:17

Rural women in China (the main part of the high rate of suicide) are not satisfied because of social customs. Therefore, they are more likely to commit suicide than Chinese men whose level of needs is not higher than that of foreign men.

Dengque House, Jokhang Temple, Temple of Six Words, Fire, Faku and England Earthquake

————— 2018-02-17 —————

Qiulan 10:58

Self-transcendence needs are similar to the need for harmony between man and nature. It is the pursuit of true nature. Therefore, even if a person has no color, no sense of security, no social recognition, and no respect, he is as indomitable as the world. The reason is that .

Qiulan 11:04

In the narrow entrance, the heights are overwhelming, the heroes sympathize with each other, and it is the highest friendship. If it is a man, if it is a woman, then it is the highest love; if the combination produces the alchemy effect, It is the highest affection. With such a cycle, there are endless steps, and there is no limit to Jin Dan.

Qiulan 20:22

[When Tang poetry sings out with singing, it's so beautiful that it makes people cry.] [Tears]] “Your day is done by mountains and the Yellow River flows into the sea.” “You can enjoy a grander sight, if you climb to a greater height.” The top musicians of the four countries in China, France, and Mongolia have been circulated in #Classic Chinese and English editions of "Tengluque House". This poem, which is familiar to the public, has been uttered with new voices in the Four Kingdoms style. The ethereal and simple melodies make people want to cry.

Qiulan 20:24

Writing above thinking of the Maslow Staircase, there is a boarding house, and poetry is very much in line with the deep foundations of the Yellow Crane Tower and the Yangtze River, which I have mentioned, and the need to climb ladders, conscious transitions and the like.

Qiulan 21:44

Where do you see the six-character pinyin? Seeing a video doesn't know how to come out. It's all Tibetan. A group of friends made Mongolian dining tables and felt like tableware in the Dream of Red Mansions. The man who thought of this year 2018 is a fire. When Emperor Qin Zehuang Wu Zetian Mausoleum thought of Xiao Zhuang Zhaoling Mausoleum outside Qingling Mausoleum, did he also go to Xi'an? Wuyi thought of Chengde Xuanzangzang, and the right-hand part of the blessing came to mind as he thought of Tibet/Teenager: The latest news. The fire was spotted on the back hall of the Jokhang Monastery. The temple was burning on fire. The temporary fire did not affect the main hall of the Jokhang Temple!

Qiulan 21:46

Today I missed a lot of accidents during the New Year in the previous year. There were also men who were bitten by tigers. There is nothing to be quiet this year. Maybe this year the male is a fire... Seeing something like a blaze...

Qiulan 22:31

Today, some people in the group of friends say that speaking verbally is easy and that it becomes even more difficult to become a reality. Use the word on the signature notebook and think of how meditation becomes a reality. There are black ink and ink, and the combination of the two is a two-dimensional reality information book. Then how do we become the reality of this three-dimensional event state? Could it be that we are also the combination of raw materials is OK, Zen thoughts so easy to achieve the reality? I think is what appears on the book, what God thinks is the reality of three-dimensional appear? Also think of the ancient four inventions will not Is there a burden? Such as printing papermaking, the Ming and Qing dynasties have it, because the Siku Quanshu handwriting still ancient. Gunpowder, the Nobel Prize was established by experts in chemical gunpowder. The compass is used for navigation. Maybe ancient times to go to Africa South America should have a Chinese colony.

Qiulan 22:44

Hot search for the four new inventions. Today, the four great celebrities of Gu Zheng also thought of the four great works and four inventions.

Qiulan 22:44

The Faku earthquake of magnitude 3.1 is the hometown of the legendary cranes, the cattle county of China, the capital of northeast China, the hometown of the prime minister, and the humanities law library. - What fucking you see today? Connected with three phrases. Find the above four birdhouses and see that they are white cranes. The English University of Oxford sees that china thinks of porcelain and the prime minister’s hometown.

Qiulan 23:24

The earthquake in Mexico thought that the map of the Black West Africa and the Mongolian Silk Road had arrived in Africa. The four inventions indicate that China’s navigation is available. Will it travel to the earth? You can get to Mexico and see the pictures they are also black hair. I thought of the Western Regions trip and the westernmost point of China’s world map is Britain. The British Museum fb video Qiulin reading, poetry will always see the two moved to cry, the United Kingdom visited China Yangtze River Yellow Crane Tower.

Qiulan 23:24

[M4.2 Earthquake occurred in southwest England:]

Qiulan 23:43

Suddenly, a magnitude 4.7 earthquake struck Britain. The epicenter was in the Swansea, England, fourteen kilometers northeast of Swansea. The Japanese model girl was a mildew and she had a British boyfriend. Some people in Jokhang have commented that there are British and Indian people in Tibet thinking about it. In the afternoon, we also saw the changes of the map dynasty since ancient times. Immediately after the Republic of China in 1912, it was fragmented into many small pieces and lamented that the Qing Dynasty was indeed united.

Qiulan 23:44

Now think about whether the Yuan Dynasty began to have a very large territory. Maybe it was the time of the Qin dynasty? The Yuan was destroyed and destroyed by the Golden Emperor. It was now.

Iranian Azeri plane crashes, Dead Sea, Israel bombing Iran

————— 2018-02-18 —————

Qiulan 14:32

A magnitude 4.4 earthquake occurred in Qingchuan County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, with a focal depth of 19 kilometers.

Qiulan 14:46

If you think of the Tang dynasty, then what about Kangxi Kang? They are all wide, with snow and water. In the Yuanchun period, every day is done by mountains. Look at ancient poetry books that want to cross the Yellow River ice-plugging river and Taihang snow-covered mountains. Qing Nalan, Du Mu, Du Fanchuan. 44 and 43.

Qiulan 16:57

The crashed aircraft model is ATR-72 and the passenger aircraft belongs to Iran Aseman Airlines.

Qiulan 17:01

The English I was looking at was Ain Sakhri's lover. I thought about Ain. I saw A thinks of a red letter and thinks of Deku, which is related to the United States. The book of poetry wants to cross the Yellow River ice plug river, thought of plug. In the Spring Festival Gala, there are white egrets flying in front of Cesena.

Qiulan 17:09

If this kind of thing corresponds to ancient times, what is the plane? What happened to the plane in the future in the future as we think of the Titanic in the morning with the Belgian Titans? Is the Titanic ancient disappearing ship?

Qiulan 18:59

The Dead Sea is 80 kilometers long, 18 kilometers wide, and has a surface area of ​​about 1,020 square kilometers. The average depth of the lake is 300 meters and the deepest point is 415 meters.

Qiulan 19:00

The Dead Sea is located at the lowest point of Jordan-Israel. This is a sinking crust sandwiched between two parallel geological fault cliffs. The Dead Sea formed in the Great Rift Valley, like a huge catchment basin. It is said that the cities of Somalia, the city of sin that God destroyed in Genesis, were buried in the southern bottom of the Dead Sea. "No wonder the waters are shallow and deep in the south."

Qiulan 19:01

This Ain Sakhri lover's stone carving mentions the Dead Sea. The Great Rift Valley in East Africa, the Great Earthquake in Shandong's Yucheng City, Israel in Jerusalem, Jesus, are there such strong connections?

Qiulan 20:12

Does the Dead Sea really like the sea that Qin Keqing said in the Dream of Red Mansions? There are also cliffs. Is it possible to remake the Rift Valley earthquake?

Qiulan 20:40

The word of Red Mansions is very eye-catching, salt, salt censors, one day the library saw a fat Wei Zhai evaluation Red Mansions book on the first page is Yancheng censor was very surprised. Later it was discovered that afternoon Yancheng Tornado.

Qiulan 20:41

The Dead Sea is the third largest salt-rich sea

Qiulan 20:51

The investigation of the origin of the sculpture in the Judean Desert revealed that Judea Pearl (1936) was an American computer scientist and philosopher due to his outstanding achievements in artificial intelligence probabilities and Bayes The network is well-known for its R&D. In 2011, he received the Turing Award for his outstanding contribution to artificial intelligence through the development of probabilistic and causal reasoning algorithms. Judea Pearl is the father of reporter Daniel Pearl. In 2002, because Daniel was an American and a Jewish man, he was abducted and killed in Pakistan by al-Qaeda and the International Islamic Front’s suspected armed forces.

Qiulan 20:53

See Israel bombing Iran and Syria in the morning only because a fighter plane 16 was knocked down?


Old South City and 404 cities, Hainan Island and the Mediterranean and the Five Elements


————— 2018-02-19 —————


Qiulan 20:21

[China's most mysterious city, with no name, only one code, called 404: ]

Qiulan 20:24

Seeing the old things in Seongnam last night thought of this: In 1976-1987, Mao Zedong had not died and hidden behind Zhou Enlai or his 404 who had lost contact with the Tangshan earthquake. He saw Hainan Island and Su Shi today. Gobi beach shot. Lancome, think of the nuclear industry Wang Guangmei. The full set of functions of a coal mining enterprise is that of a small village that nobody knows, and a few miles away from primary school. The atomic bombing students like their names.

Qiulan 20:25

The content of this article is the combination of the above thoughts, as well as Mao Zedong's legendary mountain lettering. This is because of the assumption that Mao Zedong might be 93 years old rather than 83... the Tangshan earthquake.

Qiulan 20:29

I would like to know whether this is written by a smart robot. Whether the Jinjiang Literature City novel is an intelligent robot or not, whether the news is false or not, this world is so illusory, the dream of the Dream of the Red Chamber is not a false pretending to be... But the old thing in Chengnan was Guangdong in 1960. Huacheng Press, outside Qiong Yao's window is also very early, love movies ... then there is a smart robot? It is also foreign production, right?

Qiulan 20:32

Or is it that I was attracted to this, everyone is attracting his world, assembling his crystal structure like snowflakes?

Qiulan 20:34

There is an eye on the upper left of the sky of the Jokhang Temple, and the lotus in the lower right corner of the video seen before the fire is painted. The eye in the upper left corner is similar to that of a woman. Then the Jokhang Temple corresponds to Buddhist treasures.

Qiulan 21:24

I am not Huang Rong, Jing brother perfect love, see Yang Zi TV video, think of the Eagle Shooting Heroes / Huang Qi Nalan / Jia Rong, Guo Jing / Li Jing / Japan's King, Mu Nian Ci Yang, Chengnan old things Zhang Shu, Yingzi?

Qiulan 21:28

In fact, I originally thought that Mao Zedong might be the behind-the-scenes advisor for the 87th edition of the Dream of Red Mansions... Just now, the old thing in Chengnan said that Mao Zedong was there. Did they go to Hainan Island? Hainan Island may be the source of meditation in the Mediterranean. Su Shi was in three years. Say that Hainan Island's second largest island thinks Taiwan may be the first.

Qiulan 23:27

At 22:47 on February 19, a 4.9-magnitude earthquake occurred in Yilan County, Taiwan, with a focal depth of 59 kilometers.

Qiulan 23:48

Oh! Tears, Hainan Island, the sea. No wonder that Saudi Arabia is a desert. Homeland has mentioned that water shortages are serious. Was it because women were confined? Whether or not women are confined to lack of water, imprisoned men are less likely to be young, and vice versa are floods and fires. To see who in ancient times studied the relationship between natural disasters and the national system?

Qiulan 23:53

This reasoning suggests that if the North needs the South-North Water Transfer, it will imprison women; if there is a fire, it will be women. The sky is light and the man is lacking. The flood and rain are the female sluts. The yin and yang are imbalanced and the disorder is disordered. The material world is quantum entangled and feedback.


The shape of water, orgasm and the Heart Sutra, typography, the past participle ed and Goode GOD, buried in your pupil


————— 2018-02-20 —————


Qiulan 09:18

The word "death" is indispensable in rap songs. Phrases such as deep-six, light sb up, turn to the grave, go out, etc. are all meanings of "death," while cypress hill and six deep feet (refers to the coffin buried below the ground) are tombs. The meaning of verbs and verbs with bang and pump are related to being killed by gunshots.

Qiulan 09:20

Yesterday I thought of feng shui. In the wind, insects and hats fluttered in the wind and were protected in a bell jar. Water flowed like a river. The wind is now the wind. It is thought that Shunzhi said a skeleton and the cross is like the combination of male and female yin and yang.

Qiulan 09:21

Today, we saw more than 100,000 people in the six giant caves in the United States. We don't know if there are any connections between the six and six. Just now I saw the British video Shui-style story is a cross-stitch dance for men and women.

Qiulan 09:58

The shape of water, the movie name this? These two days think of the landscape, the man is like a mountain sword, the woman is like the water in the old man, the mountains and rivers depend on each other. The man is like a fish. Thought of the sea/tears/female passionate love, Spring Whale shot with whale

Qiulan 10:01

Above, I thought about mountains and rivers, and then I thought that there were always songs of love. Then I saw the singing of this song by Wang Mingxi, who sang in the rumor of singing bridges.

Qiulan 10:08

A reptile-like exotic creature, The AssetSt (Dow Jones Jones), looks like a scaled-living animal and lives in the air for a while. ---- Isn't this the fish in the fish tank that you said the previous two days would be breathing the same air? It feels like they all learn how to breathe.

Qiulan 13:04

[The orgasm of men's orgasm is extinguished, and the female orgasm is filled with fireworks? |:]

Qiulan 13:06

The study did find a difference in brain changes between men and women when they were stimulated. However, more observations have been made of the common changes between men and women: brain activity related to coordination of movements, fears, and anxiety has ceased. For this change, and Stigger said in an interview with the media: This is actually to shut down all fears and uneasy feelings. To achieve an orgasm, forgetting is the most important, and it may even be necessary for an orgasm.

Qiulan 13:08

This can verify the emptyness of the Heart Sutra, no terror, no color in the sky, and is very consistent with the orgasm.

Qiulan 13:11

There is no terror, that is, away from the suffering experience of the reality, there is no need to have any ear, nose, and nose, and it reaches the unity of Heaven and man. No love can reach the entrance to this heaven gate.

Qiulan 13:13

When thinking goes deep into this realm, there is no self, nothing, empty and clear. It is like a blueprint. When you look at it again, it is not the blueprint image and the real world that it already has.

Qiulan 14:20

[one of the four inventions: history of printing technology invention and development history] | This is the same as that of the word printing video. Tang Chao Hong Sheng? Siku Quanshu handwriting four sets of the same? Is it printed? Now computer typewriter copier. Like Recyclable Musk Rocket. Bi Bi Shanzhuang/Concave Museum. In the Dream of Red Mansions, poetry and rhyming words in drawers look like typographical printing.

Qiulan 14:24

Looking at this printing yesterday, I thought Nalan Sex printed her own books to collect ancient and modern books. I saw the Qing Dynasty printed the Dream of the Red Chamber. The earliest 1322 Yinmaide Printing University Yan Yi name was also linked to Dream of the Red Chamber. Guess Mao Zedong used their seclusion to photograph the Dream of the Red Chamber. Families of six elderly people live together. Today saw the Red Mansion dream renamed continued. The printing of this four great inventions is definitely related to the Dream of the Red Chamber.

Qiulan 14:44

The emergence of the name “Peony” marks the beginning of the history of peony cultivation. In the Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica," he said: "Since the peony is seeded and rooted, it means "Om" (meaning asexual reproduction), and its bonus is "Dan."

Qiulan 14:47

Li Shizhen, Jia Yucun, when the word flies, Jia Zhen? At noon to see Shuizhe on (the kettle is Shuizhe?) Blue and white porcelain-like peony is very beautiful. Just saw the two greenhouse peony flowers.

Qiulan 14:48

Look at the peony profile are Li Shizhen / Wu Zetian / Lu You / Bai Juyi, are also these people, could not help but you suspect that are falsified / soap A village / Nalan sex Germany / Jia Baoyu home.

Qiulan 14:49

Isn’t it true that it is fraud? Originally, existence of higher dimensions is beyond time and space.

Qiulan 15:50

Honed,hone,why must we add ed to the past participle? Yesterday I saw god,n. God; (in capital letters)God. Vt. Worship, worship. n. (God) names; (Suo, Arab) Good, think of Goode is the ancient Nalan sex, the ancient virtue. Is this past participle not an ancient sexual virtue or goodness? In turn, ed is a deconstructive implication of De.

Qiulan 17:18

Because orgasm is so ecstasy, perhaps only the death of the destruction of the soul can match it. Therefore, there are countless literary cases that use death to describe descriptive orgasms. The genius of the British Romantic poet Shelley, who wrote "Winter coming, will spring be far behind?" writes in his poem: "No life is comparable to such death" as an orgasm Metaphor (A line before this passage read: "Suck me, suck me! I'm going to burn up, I'll burn it!"). Shakespeare’s works also have similar classic phrases: “I will live in your heart, die on your lap, and bury it in your pupils” and get orgasm under a woman’s knee as an option for death.

Qiulan 19:21

[Wuhan Subway is now "God Map" [Bad]:]

Qiulan 19:22

I just said that I am not a young man in the video of Huang Rong. Yang Zi is like a fat young man, and Zhang Yishan is thin. Shakespeare’s poems fall into your eyes.

Qiulan 19:24

Rui saw anything. The United States has six 10-meter giant caves. Africa's six deep beneth what's six under the void. Red packets see 84. This is true for the character strokes 12 6*2. Mao guessed at 76-93 years old and thought that Zhao Puchu was 93 years old and thought of the beginning of the 139 mobile phone.

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