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The fiftieth day 2018turberlent 第五十天 2018turberlent

Updated: Mar 20, 2018


  • 残割女性生殖器零容忍国际日

  • 窗外

  • 花莲地震、SpaceX猎鹰重型火箭发射升空

  • 宇宙的爱情、救世主大教堂滑雪、僵尸鹿病

  • 高木弘樹去世、全球富豪身家蒸发近1000亿美元

  • 黄金来源、2018turberlent、实验室培养出人类卵子

  • 俄罗斯载71人飞机坠毁/失联

————— 2018-02-06 —————


Qiulan 15:49

Qiulan 15:49

非洲、妃州、容嬷嬷? 第一次听说有这样的事情在21世纪仍然存在!?

Qiulan 15:49

Qiulan 15:49

狮子、 阿拉安拉、 PPR家园提到想知道这是什么意思、 北非东非中东地中海地图 、一个人的战斗改变非洲、 英国伦敦模特。

Qiulan 15:50

今天2.6日国学大师101岁去世,想了为什么是这个日期呢? 然后就看到2.6日是个这么残忍的节日。非洲,黑暗女孩的悲惨映射?fair 公平的,金色的(头发),白色的......黑人,英文怎么说呢?

Qiulan 15:50

黑人black B lack, lackaday,悲哉!哀哉!white,hit,,caucasian,paleface.康熙开始不再殉葬,,中国小脚,pig为伊斯兰尊贵,吃羊传统,西方吃牛肉传统,中国大部分是猪肉?


Qiulan 23:05

窗外|    “如果我的生命属于父母的,那么为什么又有‘我’的观念呢?为什么这个‘我’的思想、感情、意识、兴趣都和父母不一样呢?为什么‘我’不是一具木偶呢?为什么这个‘我’又有独立的性格和独自的欲望呢?”——这不就是我写过的吗?因为还珠格格热搜,想其内容想到这个小说是否与禅思有关系,看到窗外,想到高中曾经望着窗外的情景。于是看了,发现异乎寻常的合拍似的,莫非这个世界都在演绎黑洞思想的一切细枝末节?

Qiulan 23:09


Qiulan 23:28


Qiulan 23:28


Qiulan 23:29


Qiulan 23:38


Qiulan 23:44


Qiulan 23:46


Qiulan 23:46


为哲的异体字。 基本字义 同“哲”,意为有智慧,聪明的人。多用于人名。


————— 2018-02-07 —————


Qiulan 08:04


Qiulan 08:05


Qiulan 08:05


Qiulan 08:09


Qiulan 08:13


Qiulan 08:14


Qiulan 08:15


Qiulan 08:16


Qiulan 08:17


Qiulan 08:19


Qiulan 09:50


Qiulan 09:51

窗外(林青霞第一部电影) | 随便翻看一下,居然其中一句想年轻的台词,就是昨天看还珠格格视频里乾隆与香妃说的,一个字也不错的,难道还珠格格与窗外还有联系?当然,都是同一个作者。

Qiulan 10:27


Qiulan 10:28


Qiulan 22:45


Qiulan 22:46

【马斯克成功搞事情!】北京时间2月7日凌晨4:45,SpaceX公司的猎鹰重型火箭发射升空。不仅成功回收了两枚助推火箭,还送了一辆特斯拉上天,这辆跑车现在带着三台照相机和假宇航员(眼熟太空服[笑而不语])正在太空漫步。 ​

Qiulan 22:57


Qiulan 23:07

在David Bowie生命最后一张专辑《Blackstar》中出现的“Major Tom”。

Qiulan 23:40


Qiulan 23:42


————— 2018-02-08 —————


Qiulan 07:35


Qiulan 07:42


Qiulan 07:50

妙儿画在箱子大隔板上不太清楚,问画的两个人是什么?说男子打了把伞。周围全是像雨点☔️ ,想到看到过:射覆画的禅思对应的男子在七色光膜中打伞背影,还有刚刚看到的雨点浇灌新出土的发芽,这些都是儿童画。先问的是画的什么,答:宇宙的爱情。想了禅思出现星球,星际穿越开拓旅行等。

Qiulan 08:19


Qiulan 08:19


Qiulan 08:24


Qiulan 10:09




Qiulan 10:10

Qiulan 14:39

Qiulan 14:39


Qiulan 14:42


Qiulan 14:44


Qiulan 14:45


Qiulan 14:45

 该疾病被称为慢性消耗性疾病(chronic wasting disease,CWD),这也叫做“僵尸鹿病”。CWD是由阮病毒引起,是一种具异常形式的正常蛋白,它可以诱导身体本身的蛋白质发生异常,当有足够的蛋白质受到感染时,大脑会开始变“空洞”,进而引发其他生理和行为的异常。

Qiulan 14:48


Qiulan 22:08



Qiulan 22:11


————— 2018-02-09 —————


Qiulan 18:46



Qiulan 21:05

怎么都是53、35的?球拍35元有十字形。刚刚看地震花莲介绍有三五路。今天看reddit帖子2018动荡的一年、有64卦,看到63乾卦,专门看了看53、 49 ......难道先这个经济股市动荡?

Qiulan 21:05

【美股周四再度上演大跳水 全球富豪身家蒸发近1000亿美元】周四的市场动荡让世界前500位富豪损失了930亿美元的净值,其中20人每人至少蒸发了10亿美元的身家。据彭博亿万富翁指数,世界首富贝佐斯的净值下降了53亿美元,至1132亿美元,亚马逊当日股价下跌了4.7%。巴Qiulan特的净值下降了35亿美元,扎克伯格的财富减少了34亿美元。

Qiulan 21:12


Qiulan 21:48


Qiulan 21:49

【南阳发生4.3级地震】据中国地震台网测定,北京时间 2018年2月9日19时0分在河南南阳市淅川县( 北纬32.83度, 东经111.56度)发生4.3级地震,震源深度 10千米。 ​​​

Qiulan 21:51


————— 2018-02-10 —————


Qiulan 08:13


Qiulan 08:14


Qiulan 08:23


Qiulan 08:31

当金被熔化时发出的蒸汽是绿色的;冶炼过程中它的金粉通常是啡色; 若将它铸成薄薄的一片,它更可以传送绿色的光线。——金之子,红楼梦金姓女子与金圣叹之子?

Qiulan 08:48


Qiulan 13:56

Qiulan 14:00

之前想过这三个词:2018、 turberlent(太阳之谜此词印象深刻)、 doomed。这个reddit红迪网也是如此说。

Qiulan 14:05


Qiulan 14:13


Qiulan 14:47


Qiulan 18:15

human 一词马斯克车上有 ,想了宇宙飞船是蛋形,椭圆形蛋那样的。~马斯克car车,女性子宫孕育新生命地方。今天human eggs,是人类卵子意思?

Qiulan 18:16


————— 2018-02-11 —————


Qiulan 21:35


Qiulan 21:35

俄罗斯载71人飞机坠毁,飞机坠毁在拉缅斯科耶区Argunovo村附近。目前救援人员尚未抵达现场。 ​

Qiulan 21:43

2011.12.15 金陵十三钗 1937.12.13红楼梦南京12钗13日钗 日本 武则天13岁 1673德妃13岁入宫


Qiulan 21:45


Qiulan 21:47


Qiulan 21:54

姚明表情包果然国际通用,在叙利亚防空部队击落了以色列F-16战斗机之后,黎巴嫩南部某城镇的大街出现了一条嘲讽以色列的横幅,上面是阿拉伯语,下面则是希伯来语,其希伯来语写到“你的飞机坠落了”。 ​

Qiulan 23:41

【失事客机或无人生还】据俄罗斯卫星网消息,6W703航班在起飞后2分钟从雷达上消失。消息人士称,乘客及机组成员或无人生还。这里也有307数字 ​​​

The fiftieth day 2018turberlent

table of Contents

  • International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

  • Out of the window

  • Hualien Earthquake, SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket Launch Lifting

  • Cosmic Love, Saviour Cathedral Skiing, Zombie Deer Disease

  • Takagi Hiroshi's death, the world's richest man evaporates nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars

  • Gold source, 2018turberlent, laboratory culture human eggs

  • Russia crashed/lost plane with 71 people

————— 2018-02-06 —————

- International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Qiulan 15:49

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Qiulan 15:49

Africa, Ganzhou, Rong Yu? The first time I heard that there is such a thing still exists in the 21st century! ?

Qiulan 15:49

4 years old was raped, 13 years old fled for marriage, now 28 ...:

Qiulan 15:49

The Lions, Ala-Allah, PPR Homeland mentioned wanting to know what this means, North Africa, East Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean map, a man's battle to change Africa, the British London model.

Qiulan 15:50

Today, on the 2.6th day, the master of national studies died at the age of 101. Why did you think of this date? Then I saw 2.6 is such a cruel holiday. In Africa, the tragic map of dark girls?fair fair, golden (hair),, how do you say in English?

Qiulan 15:50

Black black B lack, lackaday, sad! Sadness! White,hit,,caucasian,paleface. Kangxi began to no longer bury, the Chinese feet, Pig is the Islamic dignity, eating sheep tradition, Western beef eating tradition, China is mostly pork?

- outside the window

Qiulan 23:05

Out-of-window | “If my life belongs to my parents, then why is there a concept of 'I'? Why is this 'I' thought, feeling, consciousness, interest? Are you different from your parents? Why is 'I' not a puppet? Why does this 'I' have independent character and individual desire?' - Isn't that what I wrote? Because she is still hot, she wants to think about whether the novel is related to meditation. She sees the window and thinks that high school once looked out of the window. Then he looked and found an unusual coherence. Is it that the world is deconstructing all the details of the black hole?

Qiulan 23:09

Just like those famous British and American literary classics, Madame Bovary, Notre Dame de Paris, and the bells of the field... all tell the love of the hero of the Red Chamber Dream.

Qiulan 23:28

Between 1842 and 1997, Hong Kong was a British colony. On July 1, 1997, the People's Republic of China formally resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Qiulan 23:28

"My Fair Princess" is a book published by Guangdong Huacheng Press in October 1997. The author is Taiwanese romantic writer Qiong Yao.

Qiulan 23:29

The king of the mind has to say where the Pearl of the Orient is, and once he has answered the Shanghai Oriental Pearl, it should be the Hong Kong song of the Oriental Pearl.

Qiulan 23:38

Qiong Yao (April 20th, 1938), formerly known as Chen Xuan, is a famous romance fiction writer and film producer in Taiwan. His pen name comes from the book of Songs, "Teach me to use wood peach, and report it to Qiong Yao." Born in 1938, at the age of twenty-five, he published the first short story collection "Out of the Window."

Qiulan 23:44

1963 out of the window! Dr. Mystery was also produced by the BBC in 1963. Born in Hunan, Qiong Yao, in 1938, the window book mentioned that Connan was killed by the Communist Party in 38 years. Chen Yu, singer Tao Yu, Ma Rong Song Yu, this auspicious and happy mean?

Qiulan 23:46

Xia Ziwei Xia Jingui, Xiao swallow's tuxedo, Falcon's first blessing for Kangxi world. Lagerstroemia, Shou and Kang, have words in this prophecy.

Qiulan 23:46

Zhai Tongzhe found a balance in the strength of both parties.

Different words for philosophy. The basic meaning of the word "philosophy" means wise and intelligent people. Mostly used for names.

Er, represents the philosophy of the Chinese civilization, not only as the ultimate pursuit of man's "contrast and mutual verification" of modern philosophy, but also to solve the problem of "liberty for martial arts," and to solve the problem of "respecting each other and mutual verification." The problem of being thin and chaotic, and the establishment of a close and harmonious relationship between people, can easily pursue the realm of "Tao" to complete the process of "producing people by nature, human beings, and kings, and Wang Chengquan". Lord's advanced evolutionary process. This is the strength guarantee that the Chinese civilization has extended to this day and stands proudly.

————— 2018-02-07 —————

- Hualien Earthquake, SpaceX Falcon Launch of Heavy Rocket

Qiulan 08:04

Two days before the Hualien earthquake, I thought why Hualien is always an earthquake. Is it a Buddhist lotus? Why did the 2.6 earthquake buildings collapse so severely? On the 2.6th day, African women were just known to be circumcised and their anger was abnormal. Is it because Taiwan believes in Christianity? From 1963 outside the window, time flies to Taiwan? However, Qiong Yao is the hometown of Hunan, Mao Zedong ah? There were 38 years of being hunted down by the Communist Party. Qiong Yao and Jin Yong have relatives, and Pearl Zhuge also sees the British Air Man Women.

Qiulan 08:05

 At 2:00:50 on February 6th, a 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck the waters near Hualien County in Taiwan. The source depth was 11 km. Hualien successively reported the collapse of the Commander Hotel and the tilt of the No. 2 Hotel on Shang School Street.

Qiulan 08:05

Several times this time, the hotel collapsed. Why?

Qiulan 08:09

A while ago I thought of a restaurant. Looking at the first two episodes of the novel outside the window last night, I saw the recreation and I might have pulled it to the hotel again. Didn't the Commander reveal the third level of recreation after it collapsed on two levels?

Qiulan 08:13

Found out of the window was shot in Hong Kong by Taiwanese screenwriter Hong Kong. Qiong Yao infringed the film and prohibited it from being broadcast in Taiwan. He also saw Lin Qingxia give up her first kiss, clench her teeth, her teeth creaked, and the gas photographer jumped.

Qiulan 08:14

Think of Pearl Green's heart is such a hot search.

Qiulan 08:15

Clenching your teeth is not trying to overcome difficulties in the harsh environment of internal and external stress? How do you project to Taiwan women to keep a virginity kiss?

Qiulan 08:16

The first time I heard about this most advanced virgin knowledge... Who taught it? Is it right?

Qiulan 08:17

Was it Kang Men's teacher out of the window?

Qiulan 08:19

Last night I saw Rong Zhenzhen's needle, the Queen instructed him, why does Rong Yong so hard to tie it? why? Lagerstroemia is said to be innocent and hateful. Why? In my heart, does it mean for a meal?

Qiulan 09:50

The homeland documentary mentioned Brazil and thought about a large country map and a female slave TV show. Then, as a result of the African state of Perak, we saw African women circumcise. Then it is outside the window. The earthquake hotel in Taiwan collapsed.

Qiulan 09:51

Out of the window (Lin Qingxia's first movie) | Just to look at it, actually one of the lines that wanted to be young, was to watch the video of Qianlong and Qianlong yesterday. Ah, a word is also good, is it still linked to the outside of the window? Of course, all are the same author.

Qiulan 10:27

Yunmen Cuidi Building is located at the intersection of Shangshang Street and Guosheng First Street in Hualien City, about 10 stories. The left side of the collapsed 1st and 2nd floors is the hotel. The right side is the hot pot store. The third floor is the community households and about 85 households. The rescue team dispatched ladder trucks from top to bottom to rescue them.

Qiulan 10:28

Are only the restaurants being collapsed, should they be allowed to eat that guess?

Qiulan 22:45

Black, white, thought of China as the center of meditation, stretching up and down to two levels of consciousness: hit, lack. The sexual opening of the United States VS African Middle East sex imprisonment, this sexuality also has the positive side of the temperament, the United States seems to stimulate the comparison of the Middle East, perhaps African female circumcision is their comparison of the reality of concocted it? The Alaskan economy has Elmandorf and thinks of the alien man's Dodge Card. Ted red. The spaceship is a car, and there is an empty tai chi above and below.

Qiulan 22:46

[Masker succeeds in doing things! 】 Beijing at 4:45 on the morning of February 7, SpaceX's Falcon heavy rocket launched. Not only did it succeed in recovering two booster rockets, but it also sent a Tesla to heaven. This sports car is now walking in space with three cameras and a fake astronaut (a familiar space suit [laughs without words]).

Qiulan 22:57

Yesterday 2.6, I thought about 2.7 is my wife. Bob Dylan thinks that the male singer he is singing with is very magnetic. This song is very much like him. Check it is no, it is a British rock singer.

Qiulan 23:07

The "Major Tom" appeared in David Bowie's last album "Blackstar".

Qiulan 23:40

Everyone who thinks about fairness and fairness, pays attention to the disadvantages, but also pays attention to the strong ones. There is room for them to go from top to bottom. People pay attention to food, clothing and shelter. Some people have greater dreams, such as the personal heroism of the United States. Can not be paranoid to one side.

Qiulan 23:42

Because of the homeland documentary, think of Trumpin reaching the pan? Based on the forum's business experience in governing the country, there is also a post on Planet Efficiency Formula.

————— 2018-02-08 —————

- Love in the Universe, Saviour Cathedral Skiing, Zombie Deer Disease

Qiulan 07:35

The woman is swinging under the blue planet. The man walks in front of the planet and sees a rainbow of seven colors in Brazil. Someone puts a rainbow on Mount Wutai to think of a spacecraft.

Qiulan 07:42

See the hot search, think of it as often as the previous round of rocket vertebral body did not see, and later saw the appearance of three or five times to look at, a little dreamlike feeling, this is true? If it is reality, it is far away from reality. If it is not reality, it is said that it is a real-life live broadcast and deeply understands the dreamy meaning of the Dream of the Red Chamber. Think of why it was a stone in the beginning. Is it the Himalayan Mt. There was definitely no snow before...

Qiulan 07:50

Miao'er painting is not clear on the big partition of the box. What are the two people who asked to draw? Said the man hit an umbrella. All around is like a rain shower, I think I have seen: The men with the meditation thought of shooting the paintings are backswinged in the seven-color light film, as well as the freshly-emerged sprouts that have just been seen in the rain. These are all children's drawings. The first thing to ask is what is painted. A: The love of the universe. Think of the planet of meditation, interstellar traversal and pioneering travel.

Qiulan 08:19

The last album, Blackstar, resembles a black hole. When one thinks of black and white analysis, a black hole is information that holds information, stores information to enhance energy, and white holes release information and create energy. This corresponds to birth and death. Tian Xingjian, topography Kun, also corresponds to.

Qiulan 08:19

Musk was born on 28 June 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. Her mother, Mey Musk, is a Canadian and British hybrid and is a well-known model, and his father, Errol Musk, is a British born in South Africa and works as an electrical and mechanical engineer.

Qiulan 08:24

The song is a British rock singer. Checking out Musk is also a British descendant. He was born in South Africa and corresponds to black hole storage, white hole creation, and fifty degrees of gray. Yesterday I saw Ted checking up on African speeches and seeing a foreign white man speak African art. His style is unusual. One is that Mickey Minnie dances on the colorful planet; he also sees two speakers: African men wearing black and white gray plaid long shirts; An African girl dressed like Minnie.

Qiulan 10:09

Just saw Moscow skied over the Cathedral of the Savior, the Red Square, and think of Moscow as Musk. Big snow means high mountain? Muske’s humanity, human, made it and thought of him.

Elongate, musk, make longer, musk, musk deer. Muslim Muslims. The first two letters of El Elizabeth.

Musk model mother ~ Mei Yi clothing is not conservative like the American Chuanpu model lady style. Today I saw Musk model mother named Mey.

Qiulan 10:10

[Shuayu deep-fried days! Moscow street changes the ski field Russian guy wears the city and popular network]

Qiulan 14:39

[Thinking fear! Zombie deer spreading North America "Zombies" brain is suffering from the virus Twilight Spit crazy molars (Figure)]

Qiulan 14:39

Seeing this push is even more confused, is this true? Is false news true?

Qiulan 14:42

Yesterday's Chatteras song singer information, there are zombies word, singer photos like, there are drug users, male and female male and female, Tom think of cats and mice in the song, the cat can not catch mice, and eat protein tablets Film, think of robots.

Qiulan 14:44

Charmask has the meaning of the elk, and thinks of the bright moon in the dream of Red Mansions, the source of deer. I saw Musk reading the library book at the age of 8 and began reading the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Qiulan 14:45

This information and zombie deer have the same keyword. Musk's mother is a descendant of Canada and the United Kingdom.

Qiulan 14:45

The disease is known as chronic wasting disease (CWD), which is also called "zombie deer disease." CWD is caused by prions. It is a normal form of abnormal protein that induces abnormalities in the body's own proteins. When there are enough proteins to be infected, the brain starts to become "empty," causing other physiological and behavioral problems. Abnormality.

Qiulan 14:48

Penis, Pacific has mentioned that there is Panici on the sports car in Musk.

Qiulan 22:08

The Hunan Satellite TV Na Ying has a thousand years - it has just decided to watch the hundred years of collections. Tesla's sports car, thinking about time and space, when he had just watched a French romantic video, had an interstellar romantic plus a rocket.

The Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a miracle, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are miracles, and Mars is a miracle. Each country has its own love and interest in miracles. China, on the other hand, should be the last pure land to trace the miracle of man.

Qiulan 22:11

The first sentence of the beautiful Chinese documentary that I just saw was: China, the last hidden land, combined with the previous understanding of archaeology and the thoughts of the leaders of all countries to visit China. And today I listened to an English teacher interview. I didn't understand the name with clean. The interviewer said it was a net, net.

————— 2018-02-09 —————

- Takagi Hiroki's death, the world's richest man evaporates nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars

Qiulan 18:46

Checking the map on the back of this morning and seeing the explanation of gold and black hiding in the white ocean, the Japanese flag has no sun. Isn’t it four-dimensional white and white ocean? This bath in white ocean? In case of a severe cold, we also saw the death of many people in Hong Kong. Most of them were children under the primary school.

- "Death" painting supervision, "mobile police" people set Takagi Hiroki died on the 2nd of this month, at the age of 56 years, according to friends attending his funeral, Takagi was diagnosed with flu, lost his strength in a bath and died . The

Qiulan 21:05

How are all 53, 35? Racket 35 yuan has a cross. Just look at the earthquake Hualien introduced 35 roads. Looking at reddit posts 2018 in the turbulent year today, there are 64 miles, see 63 miles, specifically looked at 53, 49 ... ... Is this economic market turmoil first?

Qiulan 21:05

[US stocks once again staged a big dive on Thursday, the global wealthy's net worth evaporates nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars.] The market turmoil on Thursday caused the world's top 500 billionaires to lose a net worth of 93 billion U.S. dollars, 20 of whom each evaporate at least 1 billion U.S. dollars. According to the Bloomberg billionaire index, the net worth of Bezos, the world’s richest man, dropped by 5.3 billion U.S. dollars to 113.2 billion U.S. dollars, and Amazon’s shares fell by 4.7% on that day. The net value of Pakistani Qiulante dropped by 3.5 billion U.S. dollars, and Zuckerberg's wealth decreased by 3.4 billion U.S. dollars.

Qiulan 21:12

After the Tesla sports car lifted off with the Super Rocket, Musk’s wealth "back to Earth" and the net value dropped by 1.1 billion U.S. dollars. Tesla shares fell 8.6%.

Qiulan 21:48

Today, I think why Aixin Juluo used this name as Shakespeare did. Split words is love Qinjin (Qin Wing Qing) feel four days (A Dream of Red Mansions). What had previously seen the Yang Yang, as well as the Nanyang Baiyang. Xian De妃 43 years old summer resort 1703. Today I saw Qianlong’s mercy for Tan Xiang and Mactan to escape and think of Miao Yuxian.

Qiulan 21:49

[4.3 Earthquake Occurred in Nanyang] According to the Chinese Seismological Network, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake occurred in the Jingchuan County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, at 19:00 on February 9, 2018, at 9:30 degrees north latitude and 111.56 degrees east longitude. The focal depth was 10,000. Meter. The

Qiulan 21:51

Only discovered 1703 also has 731. 137 is the beginning of the mobile phone. 13.7 billion universe ages. 1937 Japan invaded China.

————— 2018-02-10 —————

- Gold source, 2018turberlent, laboratory culture of human eggs

Qiulan 08:13

In early December 1904, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Liang Cheng, argued with the US Secretary of State Sea John on the merits that China’s claim for compensation was gold or silver. During the conversation, Sea John revealed that "Gengzi's claims are too many ---" This information was immediately captured by Liang Cheng.

Qiulan 08:14

I very much want to know the origin of gold and silver because of the origin of gold.

Qiulan 08:23

Some people think that: In the history of thousands of years before the 19th century, humans produced a total of less than 10,000 tons of gold, such as 100 tons of gold produced in the 18th century. Due to the discovery of a series of gold resources in the 19th century, gold production has been greatly improved since then, especially in the 50 years after the second half of the 19th century, gold output exceeded the total amount of 5,000 years ago.

Qiulan 08:31

The steam that is emitted when gold is melted is green; its gold powder is usually brown during smelting; if it is cast into a thin piece, it can transmit green light more. - The son of Jin, the son of Honglou Mengjin and Jin Shengtan's son?

Qiulan 08:48

Silver will always shine like a moon, and silver's thesis will mean "bright." China also uses silver words to describe white and shiny things, such as Galaxy, Ginkgo, Silverfish, Tremella, and Silver Screen.

Qiulan 13:56


Qiulan 14:00

I had thought about these three words before: 2018, turberlent (the word sun is very impressive), doomed. This is also the reddit Red Dee network.

Qiulan 14:05

Just now I saw that there were English moods, emotions, and emotions that corresponded to the philosophy of Pan-Easy philosophy and the law of one's love. Then ascension is God. Combining with free will (reason, ascension) in the Tao, it is light, reality, ie doomed. These connection points are, if ruthless, reality cannot come true, if there is no wisdom The reality cannot be good.

Qiulan 14:13

The former is the line, the latter is the knowledge, and the knowledge and practice are the incarnation. Some of the separation of knowledge and practice is divided into the above symptoms, not the unity of Heaven and Man. In fact, for the Tai Chi culture, it is impossible to completely separate the two. Like men and women, although there are separations, they cannot be completely separated at the level of the Tao. There are yin and yang in Yangyin, and each has its own temperament. Only when they are male and female, they are shown to be in the real world. However, they cannot be completely separated on the deeper level. That is, Tai Chi is infinite. This is true for any fundamental things in the universe. The cosmos that has changed from this cognition to a different one has such beautiful and problematic...

Qiulan 14:47

The philosophy of the Pan-Easy Philosophy is not a one-way street. It is a circle like the stage of the Pingchang Winter Olympics. It has no beginning or end, no end of office, and the combined parts are divided into wave and grain on the birth and death chart: the god is the wave, and the wisdom For the grain-to-anything-everything-everything-everything-everything-out-of-entry-by-entry-by-entry-by-entry-by-entry-by-entry practice, because of their different talents, each has its own entrance

Qiulan 18:15

The word human has on the Musk car and thinks that the spacecraft is egg-shaped, like an oval egg. ~ Musk car car, female uterus gave birth to a new place of life. Today human eggs are human eggs.

Qiulan 18:16

[Scientists cultivate human eggs for the first time in the laboratory] The maturation of human eggs no longer depends solely on feminine ontology. February 9th, "Molecular Human Reproduction," published a new online result: the first time human eggs were matured in the laboratory from an early stage. The egg can gradually mature in vitro, which means that a new female infertility treatment plan will emerge, which will bring new hope to women who lose fertility.

————— 2018-02-11 —————

- Russia crashed/disconnected with 71 aircraft

Qiulan 21:35

Tras red sports car Mars ... South Korea Red Blue Tai Chi map Olympics ... Discover the wonderful red sports car is actually made in Malaysia, think of the Malaysia Airlines red and blue aircraft ... ... to see Syria laugh at the Israeli aircraft crashed Yao Ming, thought: female In the sun, moon and moon, there is the BBC on the plane crashed in Russia. Do not use force to fight the war. How to solve the people's belief that different ideas have different disputes... ra~61074..

Qiulan 21:35

In Russia, 71 people crashed and the plane crashed near Argunovo village in Skane district, Ramen. Rescue workers have not yet arrived at the scene. The

Qiulan 21:43

2011.12.15 Jinling 13th Anniversary 1937.12.13 Dream of the Red Chamber 12th, 13th Nanjing, Japan Wu Zetian 13 years old 1673 Dezhe 13 years old

Facing the Jinling thirteen miles, it was also written by Yan Song.

Qiulan 21:45

[A lost plane with 71 passengers lost near Moscow] An An-148 passenger plane with 65 passengers and 6 crew members was lost near Moscow on the 11th.

Qiulan 21:47

20:38 reported that they were missing and are now killed. The missing of the Malaysia Airlines 370 disappeared from the radar.

Qiulan 21:54

Yao Ming's facial expressions are international.

After the Syrian air defense forces shot down the Israeli F-16 fighter plane, a banner mocking Israel appeared on the main street of a town in

southern Lebanon. The Arabic banner is on top, and the Hebrew language is below. The address read "Your plane has fallen."

Qiulan 23:41

[Failed passenger plane or no human life] According to the Russian satellite network news, 6W703 flight disappeared from the radar 2 minutes after take-off. According to sources, passengers and crew members may not have survived. There are also 307 figures here

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