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The fifty-eighth day Great sorrow 第五十八天 大悲波罗蜜

Updated: Mar 31, 2018

秋蓝这天遇到了一个年轻力壮的农夫,很象见过的 一个人,他在没有鸟语花香的地方,踩了一脚屎粪,头上也落了鸟粪,什么也不管不顾,只是大哭。问他很久才止住眼泪,说了一个令人纠结的老套故事:原来,那天他看到,从外面又来了一些和他同样可怜的人,拿着锄头去犁地,开着拖拉机去耕地,因为机器都不那么灵光了,所以干起活儿费死个劲儿了,机器也震天响的把他们都快弄散架了。上周他就看到他们在那一亩三分地上来回折腾了千次,不知道他们究竟有什么活儿要完成。他现在不当农夫了,正学怎么当个好渔夫,把弄着渔网呢,被他们吵得也学不专心了,不过他有毅力克服这些困难。当那始终不停的令人心烦意乱的响声一起,他突然有了对付的办法了,就是离家大唱纤夫啊什么的与海洋有关的歌曲。如此循环,他练的不亦乐乎。那些响声这次突然停下来了,他望过去,原来拖拉机快翻倒了,太旧了确实。他不知怎么想到,这些象忠厚可爱的老家人的亲戚,难道一辈子就这样一直耕犁下去吗?再也没有出头之日了吗?为了活口,他们不得不这么做;他们也找不到其他的办法,因为没有其他技能。为什么没有呢?谁不让他们学习新的技能呢?谁又雇佣了他们一直不停地做这些低端可笑的工作呢?就如同我摆弄这些渔网一样,不知道能网住多少斤鱼儿。我的工作虽然技术含量不多高,总比他们似乎一直在出力不出活的那样傻干强多了吧?你说,他们还是哪个谁究竟要闹什么,生命如此短暂,我连渔网都没法好好织了,他们为什么要阻挡我对海洋的向往呢?我和他们无冤无仇的,为什么要在我想好好做个渔夫的时候捣蛋呢?







秋蓝冷静下来分析原由,她刚学到ousting下台是因为性别主义和种族主义,马航370有热搜。 想到昨天查到的圣经上说:“凡在主内死去的人是有福的。”想那挖沙船两个人被救,想到耶稣说过:"复活在我,生命也在我,信我的人,虽然死了,也必复活。这两句话秋蓝现在才深深体会到是何含义,就如同刚看了法句经一样的感受。后来秋蓝学英文也有斧头ING,是另一个含义大幅削减。

组合100%经纪公司TopMedia官方立场: 队长徐旻佑昨天被发现在首尔江南家中去世,享年33岁。 秋蓝想,​​​​media媒介诗词吗?此MEDIA诗歌确实在第一个。农夫讲的冲击波,心脏无法呼吸似的大悲中来。昨天做笔记有韩国二氧化碳到头部那个昏迷事件;依庸馆想了广雪用,看到書津畫都有喜马拉雅雪,想到文,现在想想对应那个闵桥大学華可能。这去世信息是真的吗?霍金李敖是真的去世了吗?秋蓝问谁去呢?她又查看媒介诗词,看到:





秋蓝正在学卡西尼计划英文,提到plung into atomsphere,想到马航弹孔失控,坠入斯里兰卡海里了吗?那句atmosphere说的此词让她想起了伊丽莎白女王的家园这一个词,印象非常深刻。下午秋蓝看到楼下一优美女子围绕四边行顶礼,然后从挂历上撕下来二月日历纸折叠后,跳起来舞蹈了,把纸张左摔右扯的与高抬腿交叉同步,很有力量也很有韵律,越跳越快,打得纸啪啪响,肯定手都疼了,她出了微汗,闭着眼睛,似乎身体都快忘记了,直到纸全部摔烂完了。秋蓝看着想到了萨满祭司舞蹈,那动作犹如远离世俗之恶,摈弃可笑之人事。秋蓝也想休息头脑,就举起手机听着那太空计划,感觉是整个太空被她举在手上,她想起来那个诡异的奥斯卡短片平衡。后来她看到热搜两个关于太空的,一中一美。


香港中环威灵顿街一珠宝店发生劫案,3名非华裔南非嫌疑人用铁锤击毁橱窗玻璃,抢劫珠宝总价值逾1800万港元。秋蓝想到看过视频中的周立波问,明天你会抢银行吗?她昨天还看到那英新闻提到她的珍珠耳坠。秋蓝这会看到铁锤,想到斧头之歌诗词,查找看到: 编者对前文提到的《西江月·秋收起义》一词中“军叫工农红军, 旗号镰刀斧头” 特意加了一个注释:“中国共产党党旗上的锤子当时常被误认为斧头”。

秋蓝看到有人发微博:神秘博士# 我大博士为什么突然上热搜?秋蓝想,因为Facebook道歉视频里男子似乎描述班农为神秘兮兮的,见他都得装学术范讨好。所以神秘博士热搜。打字班农出来搬弄是非?班农是谁啊?

The fifty-eighth day Great sorrow

On this day, Qiu Lan met a young, strong farmer, like someone he had seen. In a place without flowers and flowers, he stamped on his feet and dung, dropping bird droppings on his head. cry. Asked him a long time to stop tears, said a tangle of old-fashioned story: It turned out that day, he saw that from the outside, and some of the same poor people, took a hoe to plow the field, driving a tractor The farmland, because the machines are not so awesome, so it takes a lot of work to get up, and the machines shaken them all around. Last week he saw them tossing back and forth thousands of times on the three-acre land. They didn't know what they had to do. He was not a farmer now. He was learning how to be a good fisherman and to make fishing nets. They were also arguing and they did not pay attention, but he had the perseverance to overcome these difficulties. When the uninteresting sounds were constantly on the way, he suddenly had a way to deal with it, that is, the ocean-related songs that sing away from home. In this way, he is enjoying himself. The noises stopped suddenly and he looked over. The tractor was overturned. It was too old. He didn't know how to think that these relatives, like the loyal old family, would have been plowing all their lives so long? Is there no longer a day? In order to live, they had to do it; they could not find any other way because there were no other skills. Why not? Who doesn't let them learn new skills? Who hired them to keep doing these low-level ridiculous work? Just like I used to play with these fishing nets, I don't know how many jin fish I can hold. Although my work is not high in technology, it's better than they seem to have been so stupid that they can't work. You said, they are still the ones who are going to do something, and their lives are so short. I can't even sew the nets. Why should they stop my longing for the sea? I have no hatred with them, why should I be there? Want to be a fisherman?


Autumn Blue heard what the farmer said. He felt like he was a man of two parallel worlds. It was unclear what logic he said. She imagined that she would input those messages into her own world sentences. I do not know how to think of Buddha's greediness and enthusiasm. I can not help but feel sad and burst into tears. Qiu Lan immediately understood the tragedy of the Red Mansion Dream, and cried for his parents and children. He also remembered the villain's shamelessness, indifference, injustice, insincerity, persuasion, and impatience; he even remembered Marx's famous remarks reminded the global Internet and reminded of the alien planet. Qiu Lan comforted himself, perhaps this and the notes of POETRY that I saw yesterday are transcending time and space, and have been transformed from generation to generation. You can't beat down the ugly, because every era has the ugliness and greatness of each era, since ancient times. Ugly and ugly, beautiful and beautiful, it should be as Laozi said: The world knows beauty as beauty and evil as it is. Everyone knows goodness and goodness. Qiu Lan looked at the non-descript sky filled with tense air flow, decided to dissolve everything like water, and march toward the highest cultivation. Even if the world is not what she sensed, it is only the dream world that her heart woven into it belongs to her. The most beautiful light.


Autumn Blue remembered seeing the morning of the 11th floor of the Russian shopping mall OSTIN on the fourth floor. Children died in the morning and at least 37 people died. They said that they were holding a fire apparatus in a bubble-filled play area. She thought of a breast cloud-like foam. The day was shot due to use. Should be guessed by the breast cloud pillow, cotton, stirring rod. Is it that these children want to lie in the mind of the mother of the sky? Such indefatigable rushed to death, so that in the world of autumn blue can not stand such a God. Not so much sadness, endless crying, never in this life and death and passed from generation to generation, she felt the strongest, how can it not be sad? The feelings of these days made Qiu Lan think of the merciful plaque she had seen at the beginning of last week. Did she come up with so many incidents so soon? She remembered the thrilling phrase in the song of the axe:

       There are no slaves and no masters of slaves.

The people there stood up against the endless recklessness of the elected people.

The men and women there bravely rushed to the call of death, like the surging waves of the sea.

What is the difference between this world ant and human? What is the significance of this cycle of life and death? What are many of these inductions? Are you, me and him, together in a spider web? Still on a leaf boat?

Qiu Lan calm down to analyze the original reason, she just learned that ousting to step down because of sexism and racism, Malaysia Airlines 370 hot search. Think of the Bible found yesterday. "Blessed are those who have died in the Lord." Thinking that the dredgers were saved, they thought Jesus had said, "The resurrection is at me, and the life is at me. The ones who believe in me Even though these two words are dead, they will resurrect themselves.These words have only deeply understood what they mean, just as they have just read the Sentences. Later, the English language of Qilan also has an ax ING, which is another meaning. Sharply cut.

Combination of 100% brokerage company TopMedia Official Position: Captain Xu Yuyou was found dead in his home in Gangnam, Seoul, at the age of 33. Autumn blue thought, media media poetry? This MEDIA poetry is indeed the first one. The shock wave the farmer talked about came from the great sadness that the heart could not breathe. Yesterday, I took notes on the carbon dioxide incident in the head and the coma incident; Iwumi Museum thought about the use of Hiroshi, and I saw that there were Himalayan snow in the Book and Paintings. Is this death message true? Is Hawking Li Yan really dead? Who does the autumn blue ask? She looked at the media poetry again and saw:

There must be people who spread them and their works, people who spread the gospel,

People, events, and memories must be spread in the gospel. Trees, animals, and flowing water must be spread.

Death, future, and invisible beliefs must also be widely transmitted.

Isn't this event remembering that she is writing every day? In the universe of FORUM, the Universe prepares to record the meditation of animal and plant rivers and rivers and other meditations; that super-consciousness hasn't thought about what to write. Is it death, future or belief?

Autumn blue is learning Cassini planning English, mentioned plung into atomsphere, think of Malaysia Airlines bomb hole out of control, falling into the Sri Lanka sea? The phrase atmosphere said that reminded her of the word Queen Elizabeth's home, and she was very impressed. In the afternoon, the blue and the blue saw the graceful woman downstairs flaunting the four sides, and then tore off the calendar calendar from the calendar calendar. After the paper was folded, he danced and danced. There is also a rhythm, the more you jump and the faster, the paper buzzes, and surely your hands are hurt. She has a slight sweat and closes her eyes. It seems that the body is almost forgotten until the paper is completely smashed. Qiu Lan looked at the Shaman priest dance. It was like moving away from the evil of the world and abandoning the ridiculous things. Qiu Lan also wanted to take a rest and lifted up her mobile phone to listen to the space program. It felt that the entire space was being held by her. She remembered the strange Oscar video balance. Later she saw two hot search for space, one for China and one for the United States.

Recently, "orange snowfall" swept Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and other Eastern European countries. Skiers claim that the local scene is like "the end of the world" and it seems to step on the surface of Mars. Autumn blue to see this is very easy to analyze: The article has mentioned the orange four S corresponding to the web's four categories of self-understanding, the header orange, so she wanted oranges, Alibaba shrimp music is orange. Yesterday, I watched the Jin brand, thought of the snow paintings and calligraphy, and also thought that the sibling Sissi in turn read English isis Isis.

A robbery at a jewelry store in Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong, three non-Chinese ethnic South African suspects used a hammer to destroy the window glass and robbed the jewelry worth more than HK$18 million. Autumn Blue thought of watching Zhou Libo in the video. Will you rob the bank tomorrow? She also saw Na Ying News yesterday mentioning her pearl earrings. Autumn blue this will see the hammer, think of the songs of the axe song, find to see: The editor mentioned in the previous article, "Xijiang River Autumn Harvest Uprising" in the word "military called workers and peasants Red Army, the nickname knife axe" specially added a note : "The hammer on the banner of the Communist Party of China was often mistaken for an axe."

Autumn blue to see someone made microblogging: Dr. Mystery # Why did I suddenly hot search? Autumn Blue thought that because of the Facebook apology video, the man seemed to describe Bannon as mysterious. See him all have academic fanfare. So mystery doctor hot search. Typing farmer came out to play right and wrong? Who is Ban Nong?

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