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The fifty-seventh day Tolerate the paramita 第五十七天 忍辱波罗蜜

Updated: Mar 29, 2018




秋蓝看到一篇文章说李嘉诚和新加坡李都是依靠港口优势发家,新加坡是马六甲海峡港口,想了马六甲,甲鱼,马甲……秋蓝后来出门,天空有刚想的三个甲的马六甲云 。


澳工程师声称已找到马航MH370残骸 机身满是弹孔,被击落?根据McMahon的说法,这架马航客机的残骸就位于毛里求斯Round岛以南16公里处,这是一片从未被搜索过的海域。秋蓝今天整理笔记看到roost栖息,rooster意思英文有bird nest,奇怪和鸟巢一个意思了啊!此英文的中国发音很是奇怪,难怪是栖息之地?这就看到马航370是毛里求斯?弹孔和林彪飞机不就一样了吗?想不通原由,也就罢了。

花花唱山海非常贴切秋蓝心情,又看了MV居然一开始就是刚看过的文章,提到打猎好酒游手好闲 ,被批评不管什么的,这是对应向山里走去。海是对应地中海。树上白色漆对应前些天看到的十字白漆。后面的没看太懂。然后想到这个华晨宇选歌厉害,汪峰以前的歌,尤其对应伊朗地震自由波的那歌也很厉害,但是汪峰前一次唱的歌曲内容有点局域一点,没看出多好,是否故意让花花出彩呢?秋蓝看热搜出现汪峰华晨宇否认不和 ,紧接着歌手发辟谣声明,她也不知道这许多类似的对应都是真的还是假的了。体面歌曲有不负遇见、谢幕,听起来很伤感,突然又中途停电,几个主持人都很惊讶的样子。然后秋蓝就看到李敖去世,这究竟有什么联系呢?

秋蓝看漫画法句经,前面一页说的:若以强烈的欲望、怨愤之心来见我,那么佛陀离他很远,没看到法也就不能看到佛陀。这感觉像康熙与宝玉。后面sakymuni像母像尼,释迦摩尼佛,想到文章提到有西游释厄传,厄爱,那释是什么呢?史湘云吗?史家姆尼?半大口袋buddha? ​​​​

秋蓝看到天津动物园一惊恐国字脸猴子视频,配文猴子长了一张人脸,不知道是自然形成的人脸吗。秋蓝写道:确实细思极恐,monk也是恐惧表情。上午看蔡志忠法句经英文,好多个monk,读起来一直想的是猴子意思,想了金圣叹属猴的。又看到一张照片,头发像一个人,另一个人呢像广东的。前一天看一电视图片,想了丑人多作怪,为什么那么张扬,打扮那么不雅,就不花时间修心呢?法句经也写无有恐怖、颠倒梦想,(性高潮男女共通的变化:与动作协调、恐惧感和不安相关的脑域活动停止了。) 这个可以验证心经中的空明,无有恐怖,空中无色,与性高潮非常一致。无有恐怖,就是远离了现实的苦难感受,也就无需有身耳鼻意,则达到了天人合一。没有爱不可以到达这个天堂门的入口处。


秋蓝这两天不怎么看微博了,忙着做文章,看到这个巡航失控的奔驰,以为又是什么谣言文章,现在看来是真的啊!秋蓝看到很多人说车主说谎,根本不可能120迈跑一个小时高速的,车王亲测也认为不可能。秋蓝想可能是一秒钟的禅思高速上奔驰而去,对应现实中他的一个小时。 秋蓝想了很久,认为那个车主没有说谎,这是一个时空穿越问题,非常识可解。对应的时空穿越是:高速上无人驾驶车一直开下去,畅通无阻的奔驰而去。秋蓝前几天看到李彦宏热搜说几年内可以实现无人驾驶,然后想象了无人驾驶汽车上高速马路一直开着的画面。还看到一个视频,地下车库里自动无人驾驶车帮车主找车,像英国马车那样的。前面想的在高速口上车应该就是这样的车型,敞窗那样,两三个人上车,然后一直奔驰而去的画面。奔驰标志似文章中提到的身体三灵 ……为什么想了这样的车呢?应该是想了无人驾驶对应方便性,那肯定也好上好下吧!果然,这新闻中是开车门、开窗、解开安全带就降速了。秋蓝想找更多信息以获知真相,看到车买于2018.2.8日。车牌号H5L..想知道车牌号找不到,再一想他的名字想起来了有对应关系。前两天看FOCUS文章有印度地图,标记喜马拉雅,想了以前推理喜马拉雅山顶的雪是宝钗德妃,又看到印度地图那个形状,为什么形成那样子啊?会否是禅思纳兰西域行直达雪山之巅,然后进入root到了印度,最后还有斯里兰卡吧那一滴。薛立山。



3月17日,美国纽约时报和英国卫报共同曝光Facebook上超过5000万用户信息数据被一家名为“剑桥分析”(Cambridge Analytica)的公司泄露,帮助2016年特朗普团队参选美国总统。美国国会官员喊话扎克伯格,委员会称:“我们认为作为Facebook的CEO,他正是恰当的证人,能给美国人民一个答案。”秋蓝前两天出门看到一个人背上有cambrige,猛一看以为是com共同+bridge桥,再看是剑桥。网页有英文分类析梦analysis。昨天分析几个event也写了分析二字。斧头之歌有总统什么的只是人民的雇工,可以反抗无休止胡作非为的被选人。


秋蓝查爱默生只是想确认,这个人是真实存在的吗?犹如故人一般,看了他的一些随笔章节段落,比如历史、自然、超灵,简直就都是想过的。秋蓝他的诗自然,发现此诗与崟墨写的想象正反子极其内涵一致!后来秋蓝更惊讶地看到一网站有人发乳房云,是2014.11.20美国天空出现的罕见“乳房云”,多乳房不就是伊西斯吗?再一想发现就是Nature'breast cloud,她读诗时想了Nature 和breast胸部,以及对应的正反子诗词。

Though baffled seers cannot impart

The secret of its laboring heart,

Throb thine with Nature's throbbing breast,

And all is clear from east to west.









Where the men and women think lightly of the laws;

Where the slave ceases, and the master of slaves ceases; 120

Where the populace rise at once against the never-ending audacity of elected persons;

Where fierce men and women pour forth, as the sea to the whistle of death pours its sweeping and unript waves;

Where outside authority enters always after the precedence of inside authority;

Where the citizen is always the head and ideal—and President, Mayor, Governor, and what not, are agents for pay;







看到法句经释迦摩尼有融入dissolving into,说,如果我站着不动,我就沉下去。沉下去只画出溅起的水花印象很深。还有三法印四圣谛,对12因缘印象深,想到红楼梦的12 。

为什么总是马来西亚,看到驻马,此名称很熟悉。 看到地上全是沙土。






马前总理暗示波音远程操纵MH370 马民航局否认。秋蓝想,远程操控,这说法很像薛先生的生死时速那件事,那么失联不见了这个soul communication也是类似的了。可上可下薛停了车,马航是什么可以出现呢?

韩国当天下午15时47分(北京时间14时47分)许,一艘载有163人的客轮在韩国全罗南道新安郡附近海域发生触礁事故。秋蓝一直在分析挖沙船事件,查看到很多沉船事件。文章笔记看到时间有15、14、47什么的;三全学院,罗什么;焦作薛先生,灵魂真相传递。看到UFO帖子求外星人把他带走,有人说建国接触事件。reddit有人发帖很多stone soul,不明白什么意思。~礁。红蓝衣女记者~红蓝船体。163.139看到。前面有发说192人?

Scott and Mark compared the original DNA, but one year after Scott's space mission, 7% of DNA mutated. Autumn Blue added the words of the Iranian earthquake yesterday: Earthquake free waves diffused the earth. Whether or not it reached the universe would not be known... Will it fluctuate the genes of this astronaut?

Mao Zedong posted anti-feudalism in 1911 and thought of pushing back the Qing Dynasty ships. Yesterday, there were drops of snow on the glass windows, there were many water lines flowing down, and there was no one outside. Think of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River as women, outside of feudalism, the internal heat will produce the water of life? Qiu Lan thought for a long time and saw Han Xue’s voice Titan. Nick, the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, loves the water of life.

Autumn blue check wix on godadyy, think of this company name and icon are very connected, especially the four hair is orange S, four categories of web pages, DADDY is very familiar with, now think about and Alibaba sound have the same relationship? Autumn Blue also saw the note despacito sang by daddy. Look at this song today and search it.

Autumn Blue saw an article saying that both Li Ka-shing and Singapore Lee depended on the advantage of the port to make a fortune. Singapore was the port of Malacca and thought of Malacca, soft-shelled turtles, and vests....Autumn Blue later went out and the sky had just thought of the top three of the Malacca Clouds. .

74-year-old Peter Chen used a song "Jingyu·Xuanxi" to express his deep feelings and grief to Xin Qiji: "Your dream of a flourishing China, we achieved!" Autumn Blue just thought: Now I have such a little meditation I am surprised that it is the future senior who is thinking of me. Let me be like this? She misses me. The people of the past are like that because we have been recollecting them. For example, to see the dream of the Red Mansions, I have been thinking of Debao Baoyu, and I still remember the ancient people until the source of the Big Bang. Who will it be?

The Australian engineer claimed to have found the MH370 wreckage of the Malaysian Airlines. The fuselage was full of bullet holes and was shot down. According to McMahon, the wreckage of the Malaysian airliner is located 16 kilometers south of Mauritius's Round Island, a sea area that has never been searched. Autumn blue took notes today to see roost roost, rooster meaning in English bird nest, strange and nest one meaning ah! The English pronunciation of this English is very strange, it is no wonder that it is a habitat? Do you see that Malaysia Airlines 370 is a Mauritius? Are bullet holes and Linton aircraft not the same? Can not figure out the reason, it is nothing more.

Flowers and flowers sing the sea is very appropriate autumn and blue mood, but also saw the MV is actually the beginning of the article just read, mentioning hunting and drinking wine idle, was criticized no matter what, this is the corresponding walk to the mountains. The sea is the counterpart to the Mediterranean. The white lacquer of the tree corresponds to the cross white paint seen the other day. Didn't read too much behind. Then I think of this Brilliance's selection of songs. The previous songs of Wang Feng, especially the songs that corresponded to the Iranian earthquake free wave, were also very powerful. However, Wang Feng's songs once sang a bit of locality. I didn't see how good it was, and whether I deliberately let the flowers go. What about winning? Autumn Blue looked hot search Wang Fenghua Chen Yu denied the discord, followed by the singer issued a statement, she did not know whether these many similar correspondence is true or false. Decent songs lived up to expectations and made a curtain call. They sounded very sad, and suddenly the power went out and several hosts were surprised. Then Qiu Lan saw Li Zhi's death. What connection does this have?

Autumn Blue looks at the scriptures of the comic book. As I said on the previous page: If you come to see me with a strong desire and grievance, the Buddha is far away from him. You cannot see the Buddha without seeing the Fa. It feels like Kangxi and Baoyu. Behind sakymuni is like a mother elephant Nepal, Buddha Shakyamuni, think of the article that there is a West tour of Eritrea, Eritrea, what is that release? Shi Xiangyun it? Shi Menny's half pocket buddha?

Autumn Blue saw the Tianjin Zoo a frightened Chinese character face monkey video, the distribution of monkeys has a long face, do not know the natural formation of the face do. Qiu Lan wrote: I really ponder and fear, monk is also a fear expression. In the morning, we read Cai Zhizhong's English sentence. There are many monks. It is the meaning of the monkey who reads it all the time and thinks that Jin Shengtan is a monkey. Then I saw a photo with hair like a person and another person like Guangdong. The day before I watched a TV picture, I thought that ugly people would be more schizophrenic. Why is it so publicistic and dressy so indecent, it does not take time to repair it? The Sentence of Scripture also writes about dreams without fear and inversion, (changes in gender common in orgasm: brain activity related to movement coordination, fear, and restlessness ceases.) This can verify the emptiness of the Heart Sutra, no terror, The air is colorless and it is very consistent with orgasm. There is no terror, that is, away from the suffering experience of the reality, there is no need to have any ear, nose, and nose, and it reaches the unity of Heaven and man. No love can reach the entrance to this heaven gate.

March 21 is the "World Down Syndrome Day" because of the uniqueness of Down Syndrome--the 21st chromosome variation. Have you ever seen such a face: slightly open mouth, blank eyes, too wide interpupillary distance ... ... describe the monkey just like ah? It is also 3.21 days. Yesterday I thought what would happen on this special day?

Qiu Lan did not look at Weibo for the past two days. I was busy making a fuss and saw this Mercedes that was out of control and cruising. I thought that what was a rumored article was now true! Autumn Blue saw many people say that the owner lied. It was impossible to run for 120 hours at a high speed. It was also considered impossible by the pro-test. Autumn Blue thought that it might be a one-second meditation on the high-speed Mercedes-Benz away, corresponding to his one hour in reality. Autumn Blue thought for a long time that the owner did not lie, this is a time and space through the problem, very knowledgeable. Corresponding space-time crossing is: the high-speed driverless car has been open, unimpeded Mercedes-Benz away. A few days before Qiu Lan, I saw Li Yanhong finding that she could realize drone driving within a few years, and then imagined the picture of a driverless car driving on a high-speed road. I also saw a video of an auto-driving car owner in an underground garage looking for a car, like a British carriage. In front of the high-speed mouth on the car should be such a model, open window, two or three people get on the car, and then have been Mercedes-Benz away. The Mercedes-Benz logo is similar to the body spirit mentioned in the article... Why did you think about such a car? Should be thinking about the convenience of driverless driving, then it's definitely better! Sure enough, in this news, the door was opened, the windows opened, and the seat belts were unfastened. Autumn Blue wanted more information to find out the truth and saw the car bought on 2018.2.8 days. The license plate number H5L.. Want to know the license plate number can not be found, and then think of his name think up there is a correspondence. In the first two days, I read the FOCUS article on the map of India, marking the Himalayas, thinking about the reason why the snow on the top of the Himalayas was a treasure tremblant and saw the shape of the map of India. Why did you form that way? Direct access to the top of the snow-capped mountains, and then entered the root to India, and finally there is a drop in Sri Lanka. Xue Lishan.

This day, Qiu Lan looked at the speed of life and death. Xue Lishan saw the map of India again and thought about the shape. He also saw the Cameroonian President's visit to China and his position in the world map. He found that the shapes of Africa, India, and South America that were discovered before were similar. , And there are Madagascar and Sri Lanka correspond to Sri Lanka. The more left part corresponds to Iran or Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia corresponds to the Xinjiang desert, then Egypt corresponds to Nepal. Do you think that the meditation of Naran Westland will travel to Africa and then South America? Or is it like the situation of the Iranian earthquake free wave induced by Qiu Lan? Maybe the predecessor De Ke created a land, and the autumn blue entangled with her in this life can control the earthquake on land?

A 950-ton crossing overpass in Miami, Florida, suddenly collapsed on the afternoon of the 15th, killing 10 people. One side of the accident bridge is connected to Florida International University campus and the other end is connected to Sweetwater City. The bridge is 174 feet long. The flyover project was built and invested by the U.S. federal government and is expected to cost USD 11.4 million. 8 cars on the 8th Street pedestrian bridge were pressed under the bridge and 8 wounded were sent to the hospital for treatment. Autumn blue organize notes 501 highway droptrain. Thought about WISDOM\rational, many bridges. See collapse several times. See 315 for life and death. I thought of the SW name. I thought about 8 months of FORUM. From Monday to Friday, under the high pressure of forbearance and humiliation, although the body and mind have been wounded, seeing the Buddha's saying that patience is the highest practice is very much in agreement. Consider the Paramita Classic. The article mentions that the bearing is not enough.

On March 17, the New York Times and the British Guardian jointly exposed more than 50 million user information data on Facebook leaked by a company called Cambridge Analytica to help the 2016 Trump team to run for the US president. U.S. Congressional officials shouted Zuckerberg, and the committee said: "We think that as the CEO of Facebook, he is the right witness and can give the American people an answer." Two days before Qiulan went out and saw a man with cambrige on his back, At first glance it seems to be com common +bridge bridge, look again Cambridge. Web pages are analyzed in English. Analysis of several events yesterday also wrote the word analysis. The songs of the axe have presidents and the like, and they are only hired by the people. They can resist stubborn non-executive candidates.

The flamingos swept across Kenya's colorful salt lakes, like the pink stars scattered in the Milky Way. Autumn Blue saw the flamingo post wallpaper also appeared. The appearance of mobile phone wallpaper in the United States Yellowstone Park is actually changing with the seasons and colorful orange green. Analyze and find Africa similar to India, and you may see Kenya with a white giraffe again.

Autumn blue check Emerson just want to confirm, this person is real existence? Like his deceased person, he read some of his essay chapters, such as history, nature, and super-spirituality. Autumn Blue reads his poetry and discovers that this poetry is consistent with the imaginative and imaginative nature of the imagination written by Yan Mo. Later, Qiu Lan was even more surprised to see a website with a human breast cloud. It was a rare “mammary cloud” that appeared on the US skies of 2014.11.20. Isn’t the breast more than Isis? The second thought of discovery is Nature's breast cloud. When she reads poetry, she thinks of the chest of Nature and breast, as well as the corresponding poetic verses.

Though baffled Seers not impart

The secret of its laboring heart,

Throb thine with Nature's throbbing breast,

And all is clear from east to west.

The mad jump of the heart has its own roots,

Awful pilgrims can't understand

If the heart of the king jumps with Tianxin,

East and West all clear.

Going out today, Miao Er wants to jump on a thin pile, I laugh at her. She said that I could go up and down on any plane. I said in the trash, she was dirty and I saw the top of the car is also flat and I said go to the car! How is this 7 gourd dolls? A few days ago she wanted to take two beverage bottles as an hourglass, and then I had an hourglass for my mobile wallpaper. Suzhou Porsche sits on the top of seven gourd dolls. Is it safe?

Qiu Lan is seeing the news: When China Eastern Airlines flies from Shanghai to New York on MU587, a 60-year-old female traveler feels uncomfortable, once twitched and unconscious, and the situation is very critical. She thought of the old troubles and asked if the heart was not made of meat. South Korea also has a coma that is carbon dioxide to the head, is it that the soul looked at the poor me in the real world on top of his head, so he invaded the heart of the mutton? But why can it run over someone else's head, those who wreck 12 people, the United States flyover? 8 cars? Can the goddess run around freely and give action sets to all people of the same frequency?

A dredging ship carrying 16 Chinese crewmen overturned in the waters near Muar in Malaysia on the 21st. It has now caused one death and 12 missing. After seeing Autumn Blue, he immediately thought of the image of the Buddha's manga, and after a long time he only remembered what other connections he had, analyzed:

Seeing the song of the axe, I was impressed by the following sentence:

Where the men and women think lightly of the laws;

Where the slave ceases, and the master of slaves ceases; 120

Where the populace rise at once against the never-ending audacity of elected persons;

Where fierce men and women pour forth, as the sea to the whistle of death pours its sweeping and unript waves;

Where outside authority enters always after the precedence of inside authority;

Where the citizen is always the head and ideal—and President, Mayor, Governor, and what not, are agents for pay;

After seeing the sacred sentence, the Buddha was integrated into dissolving into, saying that if I stood still, I would sink. It was very impressive to sink down and paint splashes. There are also three methods and four saints. They are deeply impressed by 12 reasons and think of the Dream of the Red Chamber 12 .

Why Malaysia is always there, seeing the horse, this name is very familiar. See all the sand on the ground.

On the night of 03:08 on the 22nd, I was awakened and fell asleep dreaming: A lot of rocks in front of a company surrounded knee-deep water. A lot of people walked in the water. This incident was rescued in shallow water; there were iron cages in the dream. There is a saying to a woman that pure and kind people can learn meditation.

The key words of this event: the call for death, the endless rebellion, the sinking into the water, and the 12+ excavating the sand.

At the same time, the Miami Bridge in the United States collapsed and killed 10 people. Keywords: wisdom+collapse+sw8.

Autumn Blue began to analyze two days later, and then carefully thought why these people are going to die? Is it an angel or is it? Is it due to death or not? On the same day, when the autumn blue heard Miaoer's story, there was a saying: Blessed are the dead, because it is a loss to the living. Autumn Blue is wondering why this is the reason? She didn't think of that axe poem at first, but later realized that it was a relationship. It suddenly dawned on us that it was in response to the call of death to resist the reality.

On March 23, the search and rescue team rescued two Chinese sailors on the dredging boat that was overturned in the waters near Muza in southern Malaysia. The two survivors, Liu Kongqian and Liang Puzeng, were respectively Fujian engineers and Zhejiang national sailors. There were 12 people in the previous analysis and 10 in the United States. He also saw how the Buddha crossed the river. Now the news is that 2 people were rescued, but also 10 people.

Former Prime Minister Ma suggested that Boeing’s remote control of MH370 had been denied by MACA. Autumn blue thought, remote control, this statement is similar to Mr. Xue's life and death speed thing, then the loss of the missing soul communication is similar. Can be on the next Xue stopped the car, what can be Malaysia Airlines?

South Korea at 15:47 pm (14:47 pm Beijing time) on the same day, a passenger ship carrying 163 people was involved in a reef accident in the waters near Shinan-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea.

Autumn Blue has been analysing dredging events and has seen many sunken ships. Article notes to see what time there is 15,14,47; San Quan College, what Luo; Jiaozuo Xue, the truth of the soul passed. Seeing UFO posts asking aliens to take him away, it was said that Jianguo was in contact with the incident. Reddit posted a lot of stone soul, do not understand what it meant. ~Reef. Red and blue female reporter ~ red and blue hull. 163.139 See. Did you say 192 people in front?

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