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The fifty-third day Fun universe thinking 第五十三天 玩转宇宙的思维

  • 英国天气、《穿裤子的云》

  • material宇宙、黑人的头发

  • 南京巨响、阿拉伯语与速记、404核城旧事、《我管你》

  • 音乐之梦、玩转宇宙的思维、人头壶、冬奥会冰块

  • 比特币中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)、《如果国宝会说话》

  • 射雕英雄传、木星南极蓝色漩涡、饿了么的谣言


————— 2018-02-21 —————

Qiulan 10:11


Qiulan 10:11


Qiulan 10:13

[英国人为何总是谈论天气? | 英国邦利:]

Qiulan 10:14

在英国甚至最沉默寡言的人也喜欢谈论天气。可能是因为习惯了这多变的天气,觉得就跟小猫小狗一样常见。英语中倾盆大雨就直接说成是下猫猫狗狗(It rains cats and dogs. )

Qiulan 10:26


Qiulan 11:57


Qiulan 11:57


Qiulan 11:59


Qiulan 13:46



Qiulan 13:52


Qiulan 15:58

一个可怜的多愁善感诗人的失望 。这个昨天有感受:可怜,诗人,失望。金陵十三钗,想过红楼梦十二钗,十三钗多了哪一个呢?武则天13岁,小说里也是13岁。昨天还看到耶稣十二门徒犹大那画。

Qiulan 15:58


Qiulan 15:59

[穿裤子的云 - 百度:穿裤子的云]

Qiulan 16:00






Qiulan 16:00



Qiulan 16:03







Qiulan 16:06

赞美我吧! 我不同于那些伟大人物。 我给人们所创造的一切打上两个字:“虚无”。

Qiulan 16:07





Qiulan 16:24


Qiulan 21:30



————— 2018-02-22 —————

Qiulan 10:48












Qiulan 11:03


Qiulan 11:07


Qiulan 11:15





Qiulan 21:07


Qiulan 21:53



Qiulan 21:53


Qiulan 22:02

黑人头发为什么是卷的 | 哦?僧帽水母吗?听说男卷发情重。

Qiulan 22:05


Qiulan 22:58


Qiulan 23:37



————— 2018-02-23 —————

Qiulan 09:00


Qiulan 09:02


Qiulan 09:38


Qiulan 16:15


Qiulan 16:19


Qiulan 20:20

刚才看到何炅阿拉伯语板书,特别像速记,我是真的学过。这个很像草书 速写(美术)的结合体。

Qiulan 20:20


Qiulan 20:37


Qiulan 21:15




Qiulan 21:17


Qiulan 23:35

像梦一样自由,简单、复杂诗词对比 。 我自然的表达自己,无法管你的犄角旮旯扯犊子,这是心之力邪魔之力不同的自然表现而已。 我的生命我做主,不需要别人干涉自己存在于哪个地方、过什么样的生活。这都是昨天今天想的。404核城旧事看到有三个回忆文章作者:李杨、华雄林、闫真。华晨宇唱的很投入,最后一眼有虚幻之感表情。

Qiulan 23:36


Qiulan 23:53



————— 2018-02-24 —————

Qiulan 09:26


Qiulan 09:30


Qiulan 09:34


Qiulan 09:37

看到过的咋样(郭德紫毅)的what your name 歌曲,有华晨宇对音乐的深沉热爱,不屑于轻浮音乐的泛滥的情怀,与我对于世界俗世或陈腔老调的不屑一顾如出一辙。

Qiulan 09:51


Qiulan 10:26


Qiulan 10:27


Qiulan 10:27


Qiulan 10:30


Qiulan 10:31


Qiulan 10:36


Qiulan 10:38


Qiulan 10:46


Qiulan 12:09


Qiulan 20:25


Qiulan 20:25


Qiulan 21:08


Qiulan 22:09


比特币中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)、《如果国宝会说话》

————— 2018-02-25 —————

Qiulan 13:28


Qiulan 13:28

【马斯克被曝是比特币之父 “中本聪”就是他?】比特币作为一种分布式货币体系,诞生于2008年世界金融危机期间,比特币发明者化名为“中本聪”(Satoshi Nakamoto),其真实身份一直都是个谜。近日,加密货币专业媒体Cryptocoinsnews报道,SpaceX前实习生古普塔称,亿万富豪埃隆·马斯克就是比特币的创始人中本聪。而在去年,有报道称,澳大利亚商人兼科学家克雷格·赖特承认并证明他就是比特币创始人。谁才是真的?

Qiulan 14:48

"Satoshi" means "clear thinking, quick witted; wise". "Naka" can mean "medium, inside, or relationship". "Moto" can mean "origin", or "foundation".

Qiulan 20:44


//ying:In 6,000 years, a village has become a country, symbols have become poems, cries have become songs.


Qiulan 20:47


Qiulan 21:28

相比时长近2个小时、由明星 专家一起上场讲国宝故事的《国家宝藏》,《如果国宝会说话》用每集5分钟的短视频讲述一件国宝,亲切、有趣又不乏情怀,观众看起来也更轻松。有人评论,这简直是“充电5分钟,穿越几千年”。


Qiulan 21:34


Qiulan 22:07


Qiulan 23:17



————— 2018-02-26 —————

Qiulan 15:35



Qiulan 19:46


Qiulan 19:46


Qiulan 22:45


Qiulan 22:46


————— 2018-02-27 —————

Qiulan 09:37

射雕英雄传附记有:孛儿只斤·铁木真大蒙古国可汗,尊号“成吉思汗”(Genghis Khan),意为“拥有海洋四方“。世界史上杰出的政治家、军事家。


Qiulan 09:40


The fifty-third day Fun universe thinking

  • British weather, "Pants in clouds"

  • Material universe, black hair

  • Nanjing loud noise, Arabic and shorthand, 404 nuclear city old, "I manage you"

  • Dream of Music, Thinking of Fun in the Universe, Head Pot, Winter Olympics Ice Cube

  • Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin, “If National Treasure Can Speak”

  • Eagle Shooting Heroes,Jupiter's south blue whirlpool,Hungry rumors

British weather, "Pants in clouds"

————— 2018-02-21 —————

Qiulan 10:11

[The mayor of Edinburgh "hand in hand" pandas wish the Chinese New Year good luck:]

Qiulan 10:11

Yesterday I thought about the weather and the state system: the rainy weather in England, the Arabian desert, is this God? Or is it human? Rhind, Mather, Rand, think of Dream of the Red Chamber. This is Edinburgh.

Qiulan 10:13

[Why does the British always talk about the weather? | Bonley, United Kingdom:]

Qiulan 10:14

Even the most silent people in Britain like to talk about the weather. Maybe it's because you are accustomed to the changing weather, and it's just as common as cats and puppies. The heavy rain in English is directly referred to as It rains cats and dogs.

Qiulan 10:26

In terms of climate, the average number of rainy days a year in London is 119 days, which is about one day every three days.

Qiulan 11:57

Tang Yang Song Yin Yuan Yang is the Ming and Qing dynasty Yin Ming Ming may be Wu Zetian in the Tang and also the corresponding power. The periodical law of the dynasty is caused by the imbalance between yin and yang. If heaven and man are united and Tianyang is yin, it will not be the same as sham.

Qiulan 11:57

[Study of China Book of Changes:]

Qiulan 11:59

I think of the ambition of Beijing’s imperial court. This poem yesterday thought of the autumn wind of the autumnal road, the West Wind, the horse, and the sculptures of He Lu.

Qiulan 13:46

This poem was extremely consistent with what I thought of in the past two days. He also thought about He/Cao Wenxuan, Yang Guixi/Yang/I Ching.

Seongnam old things farewell songs, let me think of two songs, farewell, see 炊烟 ~ Hongcun ink painting video ~ CCTV 咏 circulation of friends circle articles There are ancient roads West wind lean horse ~ He 炅 sculpture ~ South City old thought of life, Hainan Island think again check the movie ~ Pursue infinity to the limit, there are worldly feelings, no meaning, death relief ~ think of their poetry is simple, no splendid words, think of written poetry sailing ~ orgasm, Shelley, Shakespeare's death ~ Map of the ancient map of the Tea and Horse to see Yajiang ,unknown.

Qiulan 13:52

The cloud of trousers mentioned death, passion... Check this poem is 17.4.23 The video broadcast appears, is the meditation on 18.2.20 day time crossing or quantum entangling on that day?

Qiulan 15:58

The disappointment of a poor sentimental poet. There was a feeling yesterday: Poor, poet, disappointed. In Jinling’s thirteen days, I thought of the Dream of the Red Chamber twelve, and which of the thirteen? Wu Zetian is 13 years old and is 13 years old in the novel. Yesterday I saw the painting of Judas, the twelve disciples of Jesus.

Qiulan 15:58

This minister's poem was written in 1914 - 1915. When it was first published, the prosecutor deleted six pages and even deleted the original title. When published in 1918, Mayakovsky said in the preface: "The Cloud of Pants" (formerly the "Thirteenth Apostle" was crossed out by the prosecutor. It is no longer restored. It is used to it). I think that is the basic idea of ​​contemporary art: 'Down with your love', 'Down with your art', 'Down with your system', 'Down with your religion' - this is the four slogans for the four movements."

Qiulan 15:59

[Pants in the clouds - Baidu: in clouds]

Qiulan 16:00


The poet sang quarter anana with the fourteen lines of poetry.

but me--

The whole thing is made of meat,

Is a person -

Qiulan 16:00

Mariah -


Qiulan 16:03

The entire earth will lie down like a woman.

Although obedient, the muscles still shudder;

All things will be resurrected -

All things mouth

Will be screaming:

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Qiulan 16:06

Praise me! I am different from those great people. I put two words on what people create: "nothingness."

Qiulan 16:07

Warmhearted people!

Please play love with a violin,

Rude people use timpani.

Neither of you can turn yourself back like I did and make the whole body into two lips!

Qiulan 16:24

All of these have seen it before, and I have heard that you have heard that you have been reunited with Mulan and you have been woven. Yesterday, the grief awareness was nothing. The orgasm article seems to be one body and one gender, but it is just the difference between convex and concave; the rhythm of the trembling is the same, ah, two lips, such as folded Zhou Huan ring again as a woman, all can be attributed to the original original only simple form. Later, I made a biscuit and folded the butter dough into a mold stopper.

Qiulan 21:30

This Hongcun is very much like buying Wu Guanzhong ink painting. Narrow mottled alley-like picture with poems, in front of a blue sky. The walls are very close and very close together, like the house in the village of Fengmen. Diaolianghuadong, wells, and lettering ponds are similar to the three dragons and five laurel trees that were modeled after the Forbidden City, and there were also opera houses.

Material universe, black hair

————— 2018-02-22 —————

Qiulan 10:48

Play 3D film

Free shuttle time and space

Seed light speed coordinates

Collection for the next reading


100% refined into steel concentrate

It's diamonds that shine

Space is history

You are me

It is the past and the future

- Feeling that the lyrics are as free as dreams, Mayakov's events, and Yi Qian's poems (all have unknown keywords)

Qiulan 11:03

This poem was felt in today's hot search for TPP events, the Pacific Rim; there are small apple seeds, great days, because of the simple congratulatory lyrics post just read a lot of music.

Qiulan 11:07

Thinking about revealing the secrets of people, the secrets of death and rebirth, and the secrets of ancient tombs and the future, we must take the power of the world and concentrate on conquering.

Qiulan 11:15

Smoking pipe: About merit

Merit, has nothing to do with giving, releasing, commandments, chanting, or recitation.

Merit is the common people (people, gods, ghosts, spirits, immortals, Buddhas...) who are willing to help you!

- What is the ultimate desire and liberation of these many Holy Spirits? To solve and perfect beyond their wishes, of course, their support. What needs this insight? And company innovation is the essence of it!

Qiulan 21:07

The jellyfish in the hat resembled the circumstance described in the cloud of the pants, and the hat and hat resembled the appearance of the drama. Moreover, the news said that Thai tourism is not to be hurt by the poison. This is also related to information.

Qiulan 21:53

Seeing the Peruvian roll-up photos are also black hair, taking into account the speculation that the South American Chinese had been to, Mexico, and Africa, and that white blond hair is also a faction of Western countries.

Explosions, corn, viscera, and moxican, just saw what the Africans looked like hairy hair. Looking at the men's hair like steel balls, it was really like this. This Africa is a mutation in the dark black series of human genes, so the explosion Corn, dirty, it is also a matter of course, positive and negative, both positive and negative. Mohican does not know what it means, Mexico? Is it not Jia Baoyu who can’t speak in his brother in the West Bank of Mexico? Or is the woman's marginal role as a cavern in the emperor system?

Qiulan 21:53

[ZT. Who cuts ugly, there are only five hairstyles that the blacks can control on the earth:]

Qiulan 22:02

Why black hair is volume | Oh? Hat jellyfish it? I heard that male curls are heavy.

Qiulan 22:05

Not all hair curls are black genes, and there are countless curls around.

Qiulan 22:58

Today I saw two Luoyang hot search, a horse riding the White Horse Temple, this photo taken into the Longmen Grottoes. Dengfeng is in the east of Luoyang, then Wu Zetian is in the Shaolin Temple, then the direction of the Western Regions, the West is Luoyang, where there is the White Horse Temple, Longmen Grottoes; meditation is even more in the West is Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in Gansu, where a lot of Buddhist scriptures were unearthed.

Qiulan 23:37

Shooting carton cracks form a herringbone. The answer is the wasp. Yesterday's sign to think of the word shot. See the surface of unsealed honey with some white foam. White horse tourists ride horses in the Song Dynasty. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes Reclining Buddha Xiang Xiangyun drunk lying drug, a 11 people around, plus Shi Xiangyun optimistic about the 12 gold, think why Shi Xiangyun in the middle? Think of history, think of black English shit. Similar to the ancient text of the husband, remove the second is the human, heaven and earth human days are two people. Think of people as pictographs or where they are.

Nanjing loud noise, Arabic and shorthand, 404 nuclear city old, "I manage you"

————— 2018-02-23 —————

Qiulan 09:00

Nanjing loud noise: The explosion occurred at the factory building of Dystar Nanjing Dye Co., Ltd., No. 9 Bailong Road, Nanjing Chemical Industry Park.

Qiulan 09:02

Nalan Xingde, Luoyang White Horse Temple thought of Sima, where to see the name. Hot search for a person has a name. Zhang Ailing's genius dream.

Qiulan 09:38

Material, Millier, may imply sound steel steel, this is the film's fifty-degree gray heroine name. The circle of friends on the three floors of the Zen Center also has steel.

Qiulan 16:15

[China's most mysterious city, with no name, only one code, called 404: =0219NFHEvpoVbqoXUN5kmuhg#rd]

Qiulan 16:19

Suddenly think of the raw material explosion in Nanjing Chemical Factory and this article have a relationship? Look again, think that is to write where he used to be very familiar with ... ... many places can correspond, as well as Russia, the United States, Taobao ... ...

Qiulan 20:20

I have just seen the Arabic language books, especially shorthand. I really learned that. This is very much like a combination of cursive sketches (artwork).

Qiulan 20:20

The general shorthand notation is the simplification of the Latin alphabet. It is close to the principle and shape of the Arabic alphabet. The consonant is represented by the simplest change of straight line and curve, and the original sound is represented by an additional symbol. "This definition defines the source and shape characteristics of the shorthand notation.

Qiulan 20:37

Going to school to learn teacher's cursive on the blackboard. Transcription often writes the problem as a T, and other abbreviations. Are Mongolian, Xinjiang, and Tibetan all like shorthand in Arabic? Is there a relationship between them and can Arabic translate into Chinese through a set of system rules? What about Mongolian and Xinjiang? Korean, Japanese?

Qiulan 21:15

Real story plan:

Yesterday saw a story written by a 404 person in the real story plan (WeChat public number: zhenshigushi1), which has first-hand historical values ​​and is full of the feelings of the parties. It is like setting up a tombstone for a magical place.

No one needs more words than it is now. The passing away is discarded too quickly and too much is needed. Many people ask the author, where are you from? He said 404. A number that disappears forever.

Qiulan 21:17

This article is about 17.6 months, the author Yan Zhen, inside the gun killing criminals and Li Yang wrote the 404 exactly the same, Li Yang is a smart robot to write? No wonder Kai-fu Lee took AI love songs?

Qiulan 23:35

Freedom, simple, complex poetic contrasts like dreams. I naturally express myself. I can't control your horns and drag them. This is a natural expression of the power of the demons. My life is my own decision. I don't need to interfere with where I live or what kind of life I have. This is what I thought yesterday. 404 nuclear see things the old city there are three memories author of the article: Li Yang, Huaxiong Lin, Yan true. Hua Chenyu sang very much, and at the last moment there was a sense of illusion.

Qiulan 23:36

Brilliance "I control you"]

Qiulan 23:53

The 729 research bases seen the other day may have meditation on 404 nuclear research secret bases.

Music dream, Fun universe thinking, Head kettle, Winter Olympic ice cubes

————— 2018-02-24 —————

Qiulan 09:26

[Brilliance Yu - I charge you:]

Qiulan 09:30

In the "I manage you" CG version, Brilliance Yu first walks in a back-to-back corridor, dressing room, and high-hall space in a special "retrograde" way. After passing through the crowd, he focuses on his eyes, and then takes a strong posture to the stage. Hold the microphone in his hand and sing a brave attitude of “live my true self”.

Qiulan 09:34

The history of women's history is indisputable, and it is the same as that of the Confucius Book of Changes. Then again, how can thoughts be controlled carefully? It is so free ~ Russia wears pants in the clouds, writing poems across time and space, playing the planet's poetic ~ Brilliance Yu I manage you

Qiulan 09:37

The what you name song that you saw in the sample (Guo Dezi Yi) has the deep love of Brilliance on music, disdain for the overflowing sentiments of frivolous music, and it is exactly the same as my disdain for the worldly world or old-fashioned tune. .

Qiulan 09:51

In retrograde music, the treble clef of musical symbols has been thought of: crossing time and space poetry. In the past two days, the high-frequency clef was like the female reproductive nature, and the bass clef was like the male reproductive nature. In fact, they do not understand what they mean. If my new answer is that the treble clef is a variant of the capital letter G, and the bass clef is a variant of the capital letter F, representing different pitches of 5 and 4 respectively. Write on the front to represent the key signature.

Qiulan 10:26

Is the tone? Representing each of the eight gossips? Does it mean all kinds of feelings? Are all beings? I think it is such a function, and it is not only these keynotes. It is an infinite tone. Each singer sings with the same tune, but the tone is absolutely different. The level can be extended indefinitely on that stave and outside the stave.

Qiulan 10:27

Seeing that there was a fate: The Buddha saw the deaths of the four old men in the king's city. After seeing the drink and seeing the water after the feast, the Buddha took a break and felt the feeling of coloring.

Qiulan 10:27

Will not see Shi Xiangyun drunk lying medicine! The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes painted that way.

Qiulan 10:30

Therefore, seeing the ugliness and feelings of estrangement is a perverted interpretation of Buddha's stave level, and seeing Xiang Yunyun's beauty of pharmacology and his devotion is a further step in solving the Buddha's dream. And so on, all levels.

Qiulan 10:31

Just like the difference between the interpretation of Jin Ping Mei and the Dream of the Red Chamber.

Qiulan 10:36

This is the origin of the superposition state, the source of the black hole, a consistent and magical use of time and space.

Qiulan 10:38

This is the thinking of playing the universe, detached from the secular transition, perfect freedom, willfulness, breaking all the rules!

Qiulan 10:46

This is why the many layers of Mona Lisa's oil paintings change their mysterious gaze. This is a ferry infused with life and death. This is the silence of landscape paintings. This is a calligraphic music and dance novel.... The invisible charm of the elephant is conveyed everywhere.

Qiulan 12:09

MLM is like an intermediary and has the power of high efficiency, but when new technologies emerge, they immediately collapse and shift to new technologies, such as shorthand to simultaneous interpretation. These are all languages. The more effective one's language is, the more people will rise. For example, there are reasons for the popularity of English, and there are reasons for the popularity of Chinese.

Qiulan 20:25

If the national treasure can speak English version! Your little cute head pot is online. Look at "six thousand years, as if in a flash, the village became a country, the symbol became a poem, calling became a song":]

Qiulan 20:25

The head of the pot began to feel like Huang Huan, and then saw the side of the night sky more like a familiar person, the former hostel couplets, snow, hot messages of the long message again thought of them. A few days ago I learned pottery and I was doing this kind of loess.

Qiulan 21:08

Just saw Zhang Yimou was interviewed, and then check the Winter Olympics knowledge, see a mascot two people, a girl snowball round head, a boy a large square head, said to be ice. Looking at Weibo again, Zhang Yimou said that there was a huge ice block on the ground at the Winter Olympics.

Qiulan 22:09

People who want to have a mouthful can flow through the water. Water Margin came out of the kettle. Rentouhu has such a description. Meal to hear a meal and two meals, think of people's measurement word account is also a person, why is it so deep contact with the mouth?

Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin, "If National Treasure Can Speak"

————— 2018-02-25 —————

Qiulan 13:28

In the thirteenth year of Qianlong (1748), Montesquieu published the masterpiece "The Spirit of Law." Forty-one years of Qianlong (1776), the Puritans of the United States issued the Declaration of Independence “Everyone is born equal” in this year. A new country with almost nothing is called American was born.

Qiulan 13:28

[Muske was exposed to be the father of Bitcoin "Nakamoto Satoshi" is him? Bitcoin as a distributed currency system was born during the world financial crisis in 2008. The bitcoin inventor was aliased as "Satoshi Nakamoto" and his true identity has always been a mystery. Recently, cryptocurrency professional media Cryptocoinsnews reported that SpaceX's former intern Gupta said that billionaire Elon Musk is the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. Last year, it was reported that Australian businessman and scientist Craig Wright admitted and proved that he was the founder of Bitcoin. Who is true?

Qiulan 14:48

"Satoshi" means "clear thinking, quick witted; wise". "Naka" can mean "medium, inside, or relationship". "Moto" can mean "origin", or "foundation".

Qiulan 20:44

Six thousand years of time and space flowed, the village became a country, symbols became poems, and calls became songs.

//ying:In 6,000 years, a village has become a country, symbols have become poems, cries have become songs.

- If you look back at your own past, you don't feel mysterious, like myths and legends. Like the ancient truth, like a parallel world, it is more like the past life. Previously, as well as reading articles on the 404 nuclear city, I have thought so much about it, especially now that I have cast my previous experience behind a veil that unveiled my own truth.

Qiulan 20:47

If the 100 pieces of the collection and the National Treasure Club are talking about the title, isn't it the BBC documentary 100 pieces that were read a few days ago? Why is it so unanimous, that it is photographed, or does it come out of meditation? It is someone who shoots. Why is it the same as the information I see? I saw cgtn English microblogging two days ago to know.

Qiulan 21:28

Compared to the "National Treasure" where star experts spent the last two hours talking about the national treasure story, "If National Treasure Speaks," a short 5-minute video clip shows a national treasure. It is gracious, fun, and affectionate. It's even easier. Someone commented that this is simply "charge for 5 minutes and go through thousands of years."

——Because it feels like a collection of 100 items, then each set of vicissitudes of life is too long. All of them have to be collected in six or seven episodes to complete a collection. Many days have seen only a few items, and they do not want to listen. The performance video of the National Treasure also feels very long. This 100 national treasure is very short.

Qiulan 21:34

The ceramics in "If National Treasure Speaks": I also thought of a vase-like kettle like a woman's womb on the abdomen. I thought that Nahren Sex had many Hsinchu hearth pots with inscriptions, and it was said that the abdomen had a design of yin and yang. Flute: In the past two days, he thought of playing the flute in the Dream of the Red Chamber and flute with the lyrics. Owl: I wanted to paint my clothes as an owl, but the loose-fitting clothes didn't feel thin.

Qiulan 22:07

Tao Ying Ding watched the video, and the legs were like cartoon bears. It is thought that the panda brother is a meditation combination of male and cat, big and soft, like a bear and a cat. Having thought about the sharp vision of the British Eagle, it is thought that Nalan should be an eye-catcher like an eagle.

Qiulan 23:17


Eagle Shooting Heroes,Jupiter's south blue whirlpool,Hungry rumors

————— 2018-02-26 —————

Qiulan 15:35

Shooting the Eagle Heroes into the book process

The sentence of the nine-yin-jinn scriptures is “the way of the heavens, and there is more than enough to make up for it”. This sentence is derived from the Chapter of Heaven in the Seventy-seventh Chapter of the Tao Te Ching. The Tao Te Ching is the fundamental classic of Taoist practice. The Nine-Yin Scriptures may refer to the "Moral Classics." The name of the author of the Yinyin scriptures is the name of Huang Mingshang. This name is derived from the chanting of "Kun" in the "Book of Changes", referring to the meaning of "Yin". At the end of “The Eagle Shooting Heroes”, Genghis Khan once asked Xian Yu at Qiu. Located under Wang Chongyang's gate, Qiu served as the Northern Song of Taoism. His main focus was on the devotion of the nature of the Qing dynasty, which closely resembled that of the Buddhist family. Earlier, Zhang Ziyang, who was under the leadership of the Song Dynasty, was called the Taoist Nanzong, and he focused on the double life and almost Buddha. The Tantric ancestors of the family are even more like dragons and elephants, such as Bai Yuxi. It can be seen that Taoism among them is particularly prosperous.

Qiulan 19:46

[shocking! Jupiter's blue vortex in the South Pole is spectacular...:]

Qiulan 19:46

See if the national treasure will speak with Jupiter Raytheon, Sunbird posters such as the United States pupil, morning thought of the Swedish flag, Chapa has a golden cross in blue sky, think of Nalan sex. Then go out in the afternoon and see a tree painted with two white crosses.

Qiulan 22:45

Two boxes of things that are lost on the Internet can be eaten immediately, and they wonder whether they themselves are hungry and then open up to eat up? Or did it become a counterfeit spice box that took place in front of you? Is it really hungry? This, the world is not true, is it imagined? ! How can a huge planet be created? Does this imagine the entanglement of energy with the unknown mysterious giant hole? Only raw materials, wood and tools can make a stool. Imagine that there are no raw materials on hand. Why can people who think, articles, the planet and their combination both generate?

Qiulan 22:46

In response to media reports that “Hungry, the founder Zhang Xuhao and Alibaba failed to bet on gambling, they will transfer the company to take over by Ali”, he responded that the news was rumored to be a false news. Ali will Continue to support Zhang Xuhao's development.

————— 2018-02-27 —————

Qiulan 09:37

The Legend of Eagle Shooting Heroes is attached to the following: “Yanji” Jin Muzheng’s “Great Mongolia Khan” and the “Genghis Khan” (“Genghis Khan”) means “Having Ocean Quartet”. Outstanding politician and military strategist in world history.

In the second year of Yuan Shizu’s second year (1265), Kublai Khan pursued the temple of Genghis Khan as Taizu. In October of the first year (1266), the Taimiao was built and the temple was built. The Yuan Shizu pursued the name of Genghis Khan as the emperor. In the 8th year of the Yuan (1271), Kublai Khan changed the country's "Greater Mongolia" to "Daiyuan."

Qiulan 09:40

The Winter Olympics Zhangjiakou, the Eagle Shooting Heroes saw Zhangjiakou, Quanzhenism, and Genghis Khan only knew how to shoot the Eagle. The Olympic Winter Games and the Legend of the Condor Heroes, Mao Zedong's Spring Snow, Genghis Khan, Cheng Hanshi and the Eagle Shooting Heroes were published in 1936 and 1957 respectively. The Dream of the Red Chamber, Yu Fang Ting/Yuan Chun/ Xue Baoying Snow, these are all entangled. Together?

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