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The fifty-fourth day 第五十四天 诗意的存在

  • 射雕英雄传的来源、袁枚其人其诗

  • 伦敦2个留学生同时失踪、refrain、诗意的存在

  • 比特币域名、张杨导演我爱你、日本航空123坠机、seal puppy、花木兰新皮肤、X与无极状态

  • Google earth 玉带云、Anan Ryoko、钱谦益与柳如是、woman

  • 吉林松原地震、空军中将同日离世

  • 手抄四大名著、霍金解释宇宙大爆炸前、華字

  • 谷歌72量子比特、形而上学的亲吻、50英尺高的女人、英国龙虾被冲上岸、盖弓帽、哈里与萨莉、蛋中蛋


————— 2018-02-27 —————

Qiulan 09:41


Qiulan 09:57


Qiulan 10:27


Qiulan 10:31


Qiulan 10:32


Qiulan 10:34


Qiulan 20:27












————— 2018-03-01 —————

Qiulan 08:33








Qiulan 22:13

[Anan Ryoko-Refrain:]

Qiulan 22:16


vi. 节制,克制;避免;制止

n. 叠句,副歌;重复



比特币域名、张杨导演我爱你、日本航空123坠机、seal puppy、花木兰新皮肤、X与无极状态

————— 2018-03-02 —————

Qiulan 13:30

以色列学者多里特·罗恩和阿迪·沙米尔魏茨曼研究所撤回指控在一篇论文中,有人提出要把Satoshi和丝绸之路联系起来。丝绸之路是美国联邦调查局(FBI)在2013年10月拆除的黑市网站。他们曾建议将据称属于Satoshi的地址与该网站联系起来。安全研究员达斯汀·D·特拉梅尔(Dustin D.Trammell)拥有这个地址,并反驳了有关他是佐藤史的说法。

Qiulan 13:40

比特币域名时间2008.8.18 13:19:55,这是看到大家都去看中国奥运会传递火炬后的时间啊,很久后又听到对张艺谋奥运会开幕式的设计评论,以及美国次贷危机与中国经济讲解,后来看到陈世清经济理论书籍觉得非常棒……认为比特币与以上所想信息有纠缠关系。

Qiulan 15:02


Qiulan 15:11


Qiulan 21:03


Qiulan 21:50


Qiulan 22:40

昨天看到天空一道火亮光,像飞机轨迹,可是怎么中间有那么强的一团彩亮光芒呢?想难道域名SV的V代表胜利吗?今天早上看到V形云。刚才朋友群看到日本123航班坠毁,惊讶万分,查资料到现在,很多信息今天量子开关全部到位,尤其wix中的123模板太刻板不要,drag and drop介绍。

Qiulan 23:37

[Google gets 2.4M requests from Europeans to be 'forgotten' | Fox News:]

Qiulan 23:39

though of:at reddit——request disable to Google,no www,wix, ;Europe/ 翻译为欧得 ,third day,all walks of life problems

Qiulan 23:41


————— 2018-03-03 —————

Qiulan 00:00

all walks of life

各界; [法] 各行各业; 


Qiulan 07:45

[weixinfile: 推车探头看有车没有,对面也出来一个狗在探头,god dog+seal~seal puppy.

seal n. 密封;印章;海豹;封条;标志

vt. 密封;盖章

vi. 猎海豹

n. (Seal)人名;(英)西尔 ​​​​]

Qiulan 07:57

Oh My God they do head tilts!——确实,图片的狗也在探头啊!昨傍晚推小车,单行道路两边都是车,总是来车得躲避,再探头没车了才出来走。两次这样动作后,对面一只狗也这样探头,然后它看没车就迅速跑到草坪上玩了。

Qiulan 08:00


Qiulan 08:08

batter up——Hua mulan...king of glory.昨天热搜有花木兰击球手造型,其他都分析了,就是不知道拿的棒和球是什么

Qiulan 08:09


Qiulan 08:10


Qiulan 11:13


Qiulan 11:19

昨天:冲击高塔的人儿诗词中,槽一开始翻译是groove,想到God is A Girl德国乐队Groove Coverage海报,觉得不贴切;后来用GOOGLE翻译是trough,看到有低压,低谷意思;身心绉紧如同30分钟的高空探索求生;压力隔板象太阳,两排铆钉误只用了一排,太极失色。

查找WIX模板看到123模板,简单看了三步走的图片,觉得太过机械了,不要这个;看WIX介绍有drag and drop,想到韩国学英语书中的动词之drop,以及train drop;WIX BLOG文章下面最近文章显示区域,手指划拨方向与显示的文章相反,往右划想看到从左边出来文章但是却从右边出来了,有点别扭。

Qiulan 11:32



Google earth 玉带云、Anan Ryoko、钱谦益与柳如是、woman

————— 2018-03-04 —————

Qiulan 13:59


Qiulan 14:04

这两天添加文章配图,查找南极洲玉带那个,看到有长长的裂缝直到天边,旁边一个飞机一角,感觉是在地球上空。哪里看到视频还是各国北极协议什么的标题新闻,从格陵兰岛开始,谁的视频旅游还是什么,有说什么到北美洲,直穿入到南美洲。——地球Google earth 玉带云。

Qiulan 14:10


Qiulan 19:51


n. 黑麦;吉卜赛绅士

adj. 用黑麦制成的

n. (Rye)人名;(英)赖伊

Qiulan 19:52


n. 轭;束缚;牛轭

vt. 结合;给…上轭

vi. 结合;匹配

n. (Yoke)人名;(日)与家(姓)

Qiulan 20:17

《Refrain》是日本钢琴才女Anan Ryoko2011年所创钢琴曲,收录于其2011年6月8日发行的录音室专辑《Eternal Light》

Qiulan 20:20







Qiulan 20:22





(2011 05 20 By:Tomi 献给 吾爱)

Qiulan 20:24


Qiulan 22:19

那个北美洲直入南美洲确实是看到的视频有的,难道是做梦?刚才看文章发现也可能是看了这个:昨晚查圣杯,说是盛放耶稣血的杯子。今天就看到安德三在举类似这样形状的杯子。蝴蝶人电磁场(穿越地球) ,立方体幻阵 (人在其中),圣杯耶稣,自己写的地球宇宙感诗——这些和后来看到的东京奥委会创意的八分钟很多重合的,不知道究竟是谁抄袭了谁啊! 附诗:













Qiulan 22:46


Qiulan 22:50


【菩提(梵bodhi,巴bodhi,藏byan%-chub)】 指开悟的智慧。梵语bodhi,系从有‘知’或‘觉’之义的动词budh转化而来的名词,意译智慧、知、觉。旧译又翻为道。

Qiulan 22:52


Qiulan 22:54


Qiulan 22:57


Qiulan 23:00


Qiulan 23:02


Qiulan 23:04


Qiulan 23:07

anan ryoko,anan名字。ryoko像刚才看到的图片Rio和Tokyo的结合。

Qiulan 23:45


Qiulan 23:48



————— 2018-03-05 —————

Qiulan 08:30


Qiulan 08:31


Qiulan 08:56


Qiulan 10:02


Qiulan 10:03

【两位空军中将同日离世 两人同龄且为挚友】耀先将军于2018年3月3日凌晨去世,享年91岁。同为空军中将、和耀先将军同龄的原解放军空军副司令林虎于2018年3月3日晚上去世,享年91岁。一天之内去世的这两位将军,生前还是同龄的挚友,都曾在抗美援朝战场上驰骋疆场,都曾击落过敌军战机。

Qiulan 10:05


Qiulan 13:45

peg , pin,耶稣受难肯定来源于固定,受伤,红楼梦宝玉挨打,玛利亚伤心,peg还有借口,努力意思。


————— 2018-03-06 —————

Qiulan 12:41


Qiulan 12:49

【写楷书20年 手抄四大名著】黑龙江齐齐哈尔的常国利,喜欢楷书的形体方正,想学习书法。他历时20年、用笔超100支,用楷书将四大名著完整抄写了一遍。他说:“体育锻炼是练外功,写毛笔字是练内功。”

Qiulan 12:52


Qiulan 13:47


Qiulan 19:59

【霍金亲自解释宇宙大爆炸前是啥样】近日,霍金参加国家地理Star Talk节目,主持人问霍金:“每个人都想知道,大爆炸前宇宙是什么样的?”霍金给出答案:“宇宙的边界就是它没有边界,大爆炸前宇宙什么都没有。”


Qiulan 20:34


Qiulan 21:32


Qiulan 21:35


Qiulan 21:40


Registrar URL:

Registrant Name: mailer my

Registrant Organization: edirect corp.



————— 2018-03-07 —————

Qiulan 08:10


Qiulan 08:13

左边是谷歌最新的72量子比特量子处理器Bristlecone。右边是该设备的图示:每个“X”代表一个量子比特,量子比特之间以线性阵列方式相连。来源:Google Quantum AI Lab


Qiulan 08:15


Qiulan 08:15


Qiulan 09:40


Qiulan 10:08


Qiulan 10:08



Qiulan 10:12


Qiulan 10:51


Qiulan 10:51


Qiulan 10:57


Qiulan 11:01

50英尺高的女人(Attack of the 50ft. Woman),又译作绝地50尺女巨人、巨型女的袭击、致命高度、女巨人复仇记或者复仇的女巨人,1958年5月19日美国上映的一部黑白科幻电影,导演是纳森·朱兰。

Qiulan 11:04


Qiulan 11:33


Qiulan 11:36

英国近日遭遇艾玛风暴极端天气,数十万海星和龙虾被冲上岸,还有很多螃蟹、扇贝、鳗鱼等。网友:我正想着还能吃吗?结果人家要拯救。 ​​​[/cp]

Qiulan 12:14

[成都发现汉代聚落遗址 挖出“豪车”配件“盖弓帽”:]

Qiulan 12:25


Qiulan 14:41


Qiulan 15:27


Qiulan 18:32


Qiulan 18:33


Qiulan 18:42


Qiulan 18:43

【罕见!母鸡生下超大鸡蛋 敲开发现里面还有颗鸡蛋[吃惊]】近日,澳洲一只母鸡产下一颗176克的超大鸡蛋,比一般鸡蛋重3倍。将鸡蛋敲破后,里面竟还有一颗完整的带壳鸡蛋。不过这么奇特的蛋到底怎么形成的?

The fifty-fourth day Poetic existence

  • The source of the Eagle Shooting Heroes, Yuan Meiqi's poetry

  • London's two international students are missing, refrain, poetic presence

  • Bitcoin domain name, Zhang Yang directed I love you, Japan Airlines crash 123, seal puppy, Mulan new skin, X and no pole

  • Google earth jade belt cloud, Anan Ryoko, Qian Qianyi and Liu Ruzhen, woman

  • The Songyuan earthquake in Jilin, Air Force Lieutenant died on the same day

  • Manuscript Four Great Masterpieces, Hawking Explaining Before the Big Bang, Chinese Characters

  • Google's 72 qubits, metaphysical kisses, 50-foot-high woman, British lobster washed ashore, bow cap, Harry and Sally, eggs in egg

The source of the Eagle Shooting Heroes, Yuan Meiqi's poetry

————— 2018-02-27 —————

Qiulan 09:41

The Silk Road and Bitcoin, along with yesterday’s seismograms, were all connected. How are these linked together?

Qiulan 09:57

[Jin Yong martial arts fiction characters origin, absolute knowledge! :]

Qiulan 10:27

Jin Yong, whose real name was Charles Liang, was from Haining, Zhejiang Province. He was born in 1924. Former newspaper reporter, translator, editor, film company screenwriter, director and so on. In 1957, Ming Pao was founded in Hong Kong and published newspapers, magazines and books. He retired in 1993. He successively wrote fifteen of the martial arts novels, "The Snow Flying White Deer, and the Laughing Book Heroes Rely on the Tour of the Bishop." A couplet conceals the name of the classic martial arts book written by Jin Yong.

Qiulan 10:31

Shooting the heroes of the heroes The fifth chapter Ironwood really shoots, and the first two months of the library to see the paintings in the Water Margin in the beginning of the flower Wing Eagle double birds like birds! Did you see again whether the artificial intelligence can write out the heroes of the Eagle-Fighting Heroes? Is it that Jin Yong's novel was written by a British scientist on a computer that was invented in 1957? Then the combination of the meditation martial arts Xiao Fei Dao + Qiong Yao love novel collapsed to the robot body?

Qiulan 10:32

Or is it not so, that is, in Cha Liang's mind that was born in 1924, but why did he have a postscript and Genghis Khan? Is he a successor?

Qiulan 10:34

Huang Rong's English version is translated as Ms. Huang Lian, Lotus is Lotus, Fu Rong/Rong Rong/General.

Qiulan 20:27

Yuan Mei / Yuan Mei / Yuan Mei?

In spring, the clouds in his pen must warm the heart:

The spring clouds on the mountains know that I am lazy, and I can only stay at Tsui Tsui.

("Spring Poems")

In the summer, his shirtless look is tempting:

No clothes for the past six months, Shuiyun sleeps in the dark.

("summer poetry")

In the fall, there will be a hint of coolness between his lines:

Autumn visits Qiushi, first heard the sound of water. Cool moonlight for a long time, a flute drinker hearts.

("The night passed by the garden to see the owner sitting under the pipe"

London's two international students are missing, refrain, poetic presence

————— 2018-03-01 —————

Qiulan 08:33

Ma Huateng: Names - Yan surname - Ruan Wangye - Sculpture - Tianma

Ink Hongcun: Screen Name - Dream of Red Mansions - Xiao Hong - Hong Sheng Long Name - Kangxi Name - United Nations Japanese Smoking - Smoking Enthusiast Person Name - Smoking

Swallow Illness: The London Woman's illness - associated with missing thoughts - the corresponding relationship produces a similar mapping

8 Minutes Olympic Winter Games Two National Treasure Pandas Lost at the Center Black Hole: Two London Students

Pan-Easy Philosophy Spiral Icon: The day before yesterday, I checked a company's burger and thought of hamburger

When we analyzed the above information, we thought that these thoughts were layered together and eventually formed an event. The mind is surrounded by spirals, and sometimes the force of the air passes through, and the condensation of condensed matter to the day of entanglement is imaged and the event occurs.

The two days of white milky sky, like the establishment of a cloudless cloud of thought, was a relief to the initial success last night. The hamburger cloud appeared in the sky early in the morning and the sky was as bright as the morning sky.

Qiulan 22:13

[Anan Ryoko-Refrain:]

Qiulan 22:16


Vi. Control, restraint; avoid; stop


Ref reference, rain rain, rain

Afternoon saw the page set the category of poetry in the first, poetic existence; just spent the time developing this music, always seeing this before. Check the Japanese female composer, to see the cursive Japanese, think of the short evening above the link, such as the Arabic, the former seeks more poetic romance, the latter more quest for fast technology? Is the fact that the two countries are the same? Think of Su Qiulanya and Sakura. It may be like this. Does the text decide or show the nature of a person or a nation?

Bitcoin domain name, Zhang Yang directed I love you, Japan Airlines crash 123, seal puppy, Mulan new skin, X and no pole

————— 2018-03-02 —————

Qiulan 13:30

Israeli scholars Dorrit Ron and Adi Shamir Weizmann have withdrawn their allegations. In a paper, some people proposed to link Satoshi with the Silk Road. The Silk Road is the black market website that the FBI dismantled in October 2013. They had suggested linking the site that allegedly belonged to Satoshi to the site. Security researcher Dustin D. Trammell owned the address and refuted his claim that he was Sato.

Qiulan 13:40

Bitcoin's domain name time is 2008.8.18 13:19:55. This is the time after seeing everyone go to watch the Olympic Games pass the torch. A long time later they heard comments on the design of Zhang Yimou's Olympics opening ceremony and the US subprime mortgage crisis. The Chinese economy explained and later saw Chen Shiqing's economic theory books feel very good...think that Bitcoin has an entanglement relationship with the above-mentioned information.

Qiulan 15:02

[Director Zhang Yang, I love you. : Http://]

Qiulan 15:11

When I saw the website yesterday, I thought I had a publicity. The person who hit the tower had a groove in his translation. He thought of the German band and felt that the translation was biased. The reincarnation thought of what had happened in the past of the Dream of the Red Mansion, Baoyu and Jade, and the reincarnation of 300 years might have revealed the truth. (The Ronglu Qi is a little bit of this). Put it down and do it back to your fans. Without asking, the West and West have to see the truth with clear eyes. Missed pass. Many messages have been thought of or seen.

Qiulan 21:03

[Airborne Catastrophe: Japan Airlines 123:]

Qiulan 21:50

[【8·12】 A Falling Passenger Aircraft:]

Qiulan 22:40

Yesterday saw a bright light of the sky, like the trajectory of the plane, but how could there be such a bright light in the middle? Do you think that the domain name SV's V stands for victory? See the V-shaped cloud this morning. A group of friends just now saw the crash of Flight 123 in Japan, and they were surprised. Checking the data up to now, a lot of information today has all the quantum switches in place, especially the 123 templates in wix are too rigid and not to be introduced.

Qiulan 23:37

[Google gets 2.4M requests from Europeans to be 'forgotten' | Fox News: To-be-forgotten.amp.html?from=timeline]

Qiulan 23:39

Though of:at reddit——request disable to Google,no www,wix, ;Europe/ Translate to 得得,third day,all walks of life problems

Qiulan 23:41

Seeing English last night meant that someone complained that the wix domain name does not have a www, and Google rejected the client’s request. Today's article was uploaded, and I saw that the problems of all walks of life on the third day were translated by the above and I did not quite understand.

————— 2018-03-03 —————

Qiulan 00:00

All walks of life

All walks of life; [French] All walks of life;

I understand it wrong. It really means the meaning of all walks of life. I open up and understand, live, walk, and problems.

Qiulan 07:45

[weixinfile: The cart probe does not have a car, but also a dog on the opposite side of the probe, god dog+seal~seal puppy.

Seal n. seal; seal; seal; seal;


Vi. Hunting seals

n.(Seal)person name;(English)Sier]

Qiulan 07:57

Oh My God they do head tilts! - Indeed, the pictures of the dogs are also in the probe! Yesterday evening, push the car, one-way roads are on both sides of the car, always come to the car to avoid, and then the probe out of the car before leaving. After two such actions, a dog on the other side also probed like this, and then it quickly ran to the lawn without a car.

Qiulan 08:00

Last night saw the video of the 123 flight accident sad, thinking that in 1985 Japan might start looking for the truth. It was found that God was a girl who was 12 years old and was not dead on the tree. Guess that Google may be the creator of wix...?

Qiulan 08:08

Batter up——Hua mulan...king of glory. Yesterday, there was a Hua Mulan batsman styling. The others were analyzed. I just didn’t know what the sticks and balls were.

Qiulan 08:09

Home page wants to go home. Check the paper account login to see sunshine, think of run, run male. The bag was too heavy to have a backpack. See the supermarket sweatpants stripes. Qi Wei hair back photos from the hat buckle out look good.

Qiulan 08:10

[Glory of King Mulan New Skin:]

Qiulan 11:13

The 123 crashes in Japan are: 747, 7300, 77, 4 people, 12 minutes, the pilots speak English, Haneda, rainy days refrain, Gunma eagles

Qiulan 11:19

Yesterday: In the children's poems that struck the tower, the trough began to be translated as groove, and it was not appropriate to think of God is A Girl's German band Groove Coverage poster. Later, with GOOGLE's translation, trough was seen and there was a sense of depression and trough; Just like 30 minutes of high altitude exploration to survive; pressure barriers like the sun, two rows of rivets used only one mistake, Tai Chi lost.

Find the WIX template to see the 123 template, a simple look at the three-step picture, I feel too mechanical, do not this; see WIX introduced drag and drop, think of the drop in the Korean study of English verbs, and train drop; WIX BLOG article below the recent article shows the area, the direction of the finger is opposite to the displayed article, to the right of the want to see the article from the left but it came out from the right, a bit awkward.

Qiulan 11:32

Japan's 123-year-old aircraft is like the X shape, 123-321, unconsciously enters the subconscious mind - to the birth of the baby without eyes and ears, only to drink milk closed their eyes, instinctive state, pollution-free state, a blank sheet - the spirit and one state The intersection of X, the intersection of the quantum entanglement state - and then back to the parent's quantum entanglement across time and space, two people love each other, attracting each other like two pandas rotating tai chi state, and then returning to an intersection point is the state of the electrodeless The formation of two diamonds together, so connected to the endless state.

When the two people are aware of each other, the other person's body starts. How can the quantum entanglement be created?

Google earth jade belt cloud, Anan Ryoko, Qian Qianyi and Liu Ruzhen, woman

————— 2018-03-04 —————

Qiulan 13:59

The seal dog on the reddit, so wonderful to see, she said into a seagull, thought the seagull flying in the air above the sea, and checked the snow seals - snow-white gull-like flying light

Qiulan 14:04

In the past two days, add an article map to find the Antarctic jade belt, and see a long crack until the sky, next to a corner of an airplane. The feeling is over the Earth. Where to see the video is headline news about what the Arctic countries agreement, starting from Greenland, who's video tourism or what, what to say to North America, straight into South America. - Earth Google Earth jade belt cloud.

Qiulan 14:10

[Above the Earth appears a 20,000 km long mysterious lines:]

Qiulan 19:51


n. rye; gypsy gentleman

Adj. Made of rye

n. (Rye) name; (English) Rye

Qiulan 19:52


n. yoke; bondage; yoke



n. (Yoke) name; (day) and home (last name)

Qiulan 20:17

"Refrain" is a Japanese piano talent created by Anan Ryoko in 2011 and included in her studio album "Eternal Light" released on June 8, 2011.

Qiulan 20:20

Quzi mood

Mood one

Want to learn sky diving, test hot air balloon license, glider.

With a body weight, he dive from the high altitude of tens of thousands of meters to the earth.

Until the immediate village became clear.

- I heard that I would like to test a hot air balloon in 12 years. It feels weird. I wonder if I have to take the exam...

Qiulan 20:22

miss you

Be a person who will never fade.

miss you,

Thinking about life that will never grow old.

Good night.

(2011 05 20 By:Tomi dedicated to my love)

Qiulan 20:24

Is this 520 and Japan's 123 520 dead? Why is it 520 people and 4 people miraculously survived?

Qiulan 22:19

The video that North America entered into South America is indeed a video that some people see. Is it a dream? Just read the article and discover that it might have been this: Last night, the Chalice was said to be a cup full of Jesus' blood. Today, I saw Ander III cite a cup of this shape. The Butterfly Man Electromagnetic Field (Crossing the Earth), the Cube Fantasy Array (man in it), the Holy Grail of Jesus, and the earthly cosmic poetry he wrote - these coincide with many of the eight minutes of the Tokyo Olympic Committee's creativity that he later saw. Who has plagiarized! With poetry:

Invaded from Antarctica

Speed ​​through the North Pole

Earth is like me

I like the universe

No one came

But not lonely

Entanglement of heart

Quantum response

How exist

How is the psychedelic

I look through the depths of the universe

Finding answers

Qiulan 22:46

Yesterday I learned that the intuitionist Sanskrit word is buddhi – is this not Bodhi? What is Bodhi?

Qiulan 22:50

Mahāyān Mahāyān, 18: "Bodhisattva, this is a name. Guode Yuantong, the name of the road. “Everything gathers and says:” Bodhi is the name of the Supreme Buddha Road. “The only commentary on the book is a saying: 'Fanyun Bodhi, this turned into a feeling. As a result of the sense of law, ancient cloud bodhi is not also. '

Bodhi (Bandhi, bodhi, byan%-chub) refers to the wisdom of enlightenment. The Sanskrit bodhi is a noun that has been translated from the verb budh which has the meaning of 'knowledge' or 'emotion'. It translates wisdom, knowledge, and consciousness. The old translation turned the way.

Qiulan 22:52

Dream of the Red Mansions Buddha Road, male, Hu Yu, Yan Yu is the Huren, the Lakers? Nalan Ming Dynasty old minister, Qian Qianyi son Zheng Banqiao it?

Qiulan 22:54

In the 14th year of Chongzhen (1641), when he was 59 years old, he was married to the 23-year-old Luan Liu. At that time, he was criticized four times. After the marriage, Qian Qianyi covered her magnificent “Jin Yun Lou” and “Red Bean Hall” for her in Sheshan, and Jinwu’s house was beautiful. The two cohabitants lived in Jinyunlou, and the reading poetry was relatively happy. Qian Qianyi jokingly called Liu Rushi "Liu Confucian Scholar." Liu Ru was born with a daughter.

Qiulan 22:57

1641+20--1661, Shunzhi abdicated and became a monk, 23+20--43 years old

Qiulan 23:00

On May 24, 2003 (7 June 1664), Qian Qianyi died at the age of 83, and was buried in the south of Sheshan.

Qiulan 23:02

Liu Ruzhi (July 21st, 1664 - July 21, 1664), whose surname was Yang, a name of love, changed his surname to Liu, his name was changed, and his name was later changed because of reading Xin Qiji’s words: “I see Qingshan is more charming and I expect Qingshan to see me as it is”. Since the number is; is also known as "He Dongjun", "Yu Jun", was sold to the town of Shengze town home school name Xu Xu Buddha is a daughter. Daughter Zhao Qian's, Qian Qianyi and Liu Rushe's daughter, later married into the Zhao family, known as Zhao Qian's.

Qiulan 23:04

How does this look like a novel? Zhao Qiansun Li, Xin Qiji, adopted daughter like Qin Keqing Yangshengtang, Mr. Dongpo, Xue Baoyuan, Lin Fei, Buddhist family

Qiulan 23:07

Anan ryoko, anan name. Ryoko looks like the combination of Rio and Tokyo just seen.

Qiulan 23:45

The rumors of love, man, woman, and manzhu, can also be understood as humans, humans, and us; so the collective complex is the bone in the human bones and the flesh in the flesh. Therefore, men and women need to combine and become together to become the collective complex. This can be linked with the universe. Women are the collective body since the birth of the universe in the black hole. It is for Kun, and men are forging.

Qiulan 23:48

Maybe foreigners have misunderstood these things. To come to know the German I Ching and Dream of the Red Chamber Lin Daiyu, we must all understand that it may be possible to understand the true meaning of this English writing. Or in itself it is with the message of Baoyu Diaoyu that the meditation has collapsed and there will be many strange marks left by them. Yesterday I saw someone who seemed to say that he was very puzzled that Jesus had a 12-year-old friend at the age of 32...

The Songyuan earthquake in Jilin, Air Force Lieutenant died on the same day

————— 2018-03-05 —————

Qiulan 08:30

Japan's flight 123 chants message, would like to marry Jilin; Gongxin Songmu grassland; said Mr. Dongpo think of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf; built the name Rose tones with Ross.

Qiulan 08:31

A 4.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Qianguoerluo County, Songyuan City, Jilin Province, with a focal depth of 10 km.

Qiulan 08:56

Yesterday I saw refrain with poetry, what the grassland under the sea sky was, integrated into nature, these thoughts, especially the lawn, also wrote poems that were incorporated into it.

Qiulan 10:02

The beauty came from the west and went east. Is this meditation, letting the Americans begin to invade North Korea? Mao Zedong fought against it outside the 38th parallel. The entire circle is the actual representation of that sentence!

Qiulan 10:03

[Two Air Force Lieutenants Passing the Same Day Two Same Age and Friendship] Yao Xian died in the early morning of March 3, 2018, at the age of 91. Li Hu, deputy commander of the PLA Air Force, who was the same as the Air Force Lieutenant General and Yao Yixian, died on the night of March 3, 2018, at the age of 91. The two generals who died in one day, were friends of the same age who had been friends of the same age. They had all played against the battlefield on the battlefields of the United States and assisted the DPRK. They had all shot down enemy fighters.

Qiulan 10:05

The first two days I thought of a lyric, and it was March 3 of the year. The kite flew all over the sky. Looking at the refrain poetry yesterday, there was a drop from the air to the ground, a kite, and I would never wake up again...

Qiulan 13:45

Peg, pin, the suffering of Jesus certainly came from the fixed, injured, the Red Mansion dream smash hit, Maria sad, peg also has an excuse to work hard.

Manuscript Four Great Masterpieces, Hawking Explaining Before the Big Bang, Chinese Characters

————— 2018-03-06 —————

Qiulan 12:41

Yesterday's webpage production, I thought that before the creation of the Dream of Red Mansions, the external communication had to rely on hand copying. How long would it have to be copied? Nowadays, with the advancement of science and technology, various input methods are fast, copy-and-paste is even faster, and the direct network is spread all over the world. This is really great. A few days ago I also saw the computer font information, I realized that the body was originally handwritten! The corner of this person's desk is the same as yesterday's mobile wallpaper picture! Organizing notes to see 103 celebrity paintings, Li Bai's four scrolls correspond to the four classics. Twenty years of implied virtue in the twenty years of the Yuan Dynasty.

Qiulan 12:49

[Writing the original script of the 20th year] The four famous masterpieces of Heilongjiang Qiqihaer, Chang Guoli, like the shape of the regular script founder, want to learn calligraphy. He spent more than 100 years in his pen, and used pens to completely copy the four classics. He said: "The practice of physical exercise is to practice external skills. Writing brush and brush characters is to practice internal strength."

Qiulan 12:52

Chang Guoli: A few days ago to see the domain name, I knew that the Pan-Easy philosophy has information about Changzhou, Jiangsu. It is beneficial to the country, exercises internal strength, and reads books.

Qiulan 13:47

Yesterday I found two fell to the ground: No. 13 Maomang, Italian football captain jersey No. 13, died yesterday at the age of 31. Table tennis, pipe blowing table tennis, who designed the game ah?

Qiulan 19:59

[Hawkin personally explains before the Big Bang] In the recent days of Hawking's participation in the National Geographic Star Talk program, the host asked Hawking: “Everyone wants to know what the universe was like before the Big Bang.” Hawking gave the answer: “ The boundary of the universe is that it has no boundaries, and there was nothing in the universe before the Big Bang."

-- Japan's Flight 123 shot by National Geographic. Black Buddha hair. In the four dimensions, space time was created by the explosion of Nirvana’s emptiness. Today's tidying up of the notes, thinking of Nirvana's meditation in the void of silence, observing the existence of a simple history of the universe, all of which come from it, are also attributed to it.

Qiulan 20:34

Grassland ~ Amaranth, Gardenia ~ Lingbo Fairy Lin Daiyu, Daffodils

Qiulan 21:32

The owner of the domain name who had just checked out the German website was found to be: The group of pottery and ceramics, address: Zhonghua Road, Hsinchu City. The Chinese character on the web page is clearer than the typeface

Qiulan 21:35

What's so strange about how to do it, and then look closely, isn't it yin and yang? What is the relationship between Chinese characters, flowers, and the I Ching? Should you cross the relationship at times?

Qiulan 21:40


Registrar URL:

Registrant Name: mailer my

Registrant Organization: edirect corp.

(Note: E-LEARNING, an English language learning site, was established in 14 years. E+ direct/direct?)

Google's 72 qubits, metaphysical kisses, 50-foot-high woman, British lobster washed ashore, bow cap, Harry and Sally, eggs in egg

————— 2018-03-07 —————

Qiulan 08:10

[[Shock] Google released the world's first 72-qubit universal quantum computer, Quantum dominance, IBM, Microsoft: F121f363c6567a75e31fb0571635e169f60b3064a04d561745b0f3e3600a11bd2fa00f1f4cd5&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0306TUTqfax7F7lOaAvQkwdm#rd]

Qiulan 08:13

On the left is Google’s latest 72-bit quantum quantum processor, Bristlecone. On the right is a diagram of the device: Each "X" represents a qubit, and the qubits are connected in a linear array. Source: Google Quantum AI Lab

- This and the previous two days said that the X-internet is the same as the diamond-shaped dragonfly through infinite intelligence, 72 corresponding to the site 72 figures on the Mona Lisa bridge.

Qiulan 08:15

In the published article, we see that we understand X and translate it to understand our X knowledge. Also think of this interconnected diamond x.

Qiulan 08:15

See 103 people painting a round table. The first poetry of the website has not published any articles. It is like a lonely person. He has read the same picture steps as black holes in poetry and book entertainment events, much like the expression of the image of Zen collapse. Women's meditation ~ design realistic program books ~ combo meditation canvas ~ 103 celebrity reality ~ finally returned to the black hole.

Qiulan 09:40

The poetry Tianyi Mountain has just seen the seventh birthday of Taiyi Niangniang. Corresponding to the former Red Mansion Dream, the clever sister was Lin Yuyu’s childhood. She first saw the Tianzhu Mountain couple’s stone, corresponding to the interpretation of Li Bai’s poem, and the husband and wife stone and poetry rushed to thank the mother. It’s like rain and rain. Just read the article with the picture of the Yongzheng twelve hands holding a small thing in thinking, and then see the Tianyi Mountain Travels in the goddess fairy stone is also like that.

Qiulan 10:08

[Metaphysical kiss:]

Qiulan 10:08

She was particularly unforgettable. After the first lesson of metaphysics, Su Dechao read a short poem by Plewell, “The Park” after finishing the same paradox of “The Shipus Battleship”.

"It's also hard to tell the end / this moment of eternity / you kissed me / I kissed you / in the winter, early morning / early morning in Montsuri Park / park in Paris / Paris is a city on the ground / Earth is a heavenly one star"

Qiulan 10:12

213 classrooms, reading moments in the classroom In the eternal park, yesterday, the pages of faith and idols came to know the German page, and thought about the exploration of Su Deyi and Nalan Sexuality. Pan Yi and all things will now surpass them. Yesterday saw a dream of 2016: give you a reason for metaphysics, but will give you a practical and practical approach.

Qiulan 10:51

[50-foot-high woman [movie]:]

Qiulan 10:51

The information I just watched was: There was a man affair during the 2016 dream. Google's 49 to 50 qubit computers, Nirvana meditation in space overlooking the brief history of the universe. See Gushi UFO article picture. Shrimp cooperated with Netease Cloud Music and thought of 163 and 139 phone numbers and 93-year-old Mao Zedong.

Qiulan 10:57

Yesterday, I read the article I lost my heart. There are three mountain collapses. The picture shows the portrait of an ant.

Qiulan 11:01

The Woman of the 50ft. Woman, also translated as the Jedi Female of the 50-foot Giants, the Attack of the Grandmother, the Deadly Height, the Giant of the Vengeance, or the Revengeful Giant, released in the United States on May 19, 1958 Black and white sci-fi movie, directed by Nathan Juran.

Qiulan 11:04

The article refers to qubits 49 to 50, and considers 50 to be the highest, considering the number of 50 majors, 49 Mao Zedong. Due to the crash of Japan's 123 aircraft in 1985, I couldn't remember where I saw the major events in 1958. I have been looking for it. Is it possible that it was the 1958 Great Leap Forward? This black-and-white movie here is in 1958.

Qiulan 11:33

[British tens of thousands of lobster were washed ashore:]

Qiulan 11:36

The United Kingdom has experienced extreme weather in Emma in recent days. Hundreds of thousands of starfish and lobsters have been washed ashore. There are also many crabs, scallops and squids. Netizen: Can I still eat it? As a result, people must save. [/cp]

Qiulan 12:14

[Chengdu found Han Dynasty settlement sites dug out "luxury car" accessories "cap bow":]

Qiulan 12:25

Yesterday, Miao used clay to make a pizza, which was very similar to the one that was slightly rounded on the side. Ask him how to do it. She took a round plastic lid and there was a circle in the inside, so he pressed it like that and he did a lot like pizza. In the middle, it cuts into something like a word and this pizza corresponds to a tile. Another drink cup was made with a straw above it, which resembled a lid cap. Ceramic Fragment X Township: Yesterday I thought about Lanfeizi's website and thought about Mozi, Lao Tzu, and this is also a child. x is just the x diamond qubit. Humble, tumble, the law of one, beside the city's ears. Today's release of the day asked the Qu Yuan dynasty to be the pre-Qin.

Qiulan 14:41

The couple's peak in Tianhe Mountain in Zhejiang resembles a picture of the housing exam cover and the female history map. The dream of the Red Mansions is the image of Hantangdu Heying. Lee Daylight stays in this mood. Tang Yu Dong Tang Tang. Su Dongpo. Pond Crane Yellow Crane Tower. 35 moon night. The Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Bohu Spring Palace. Tang Dynasty Wu Zetian. Dry forest in Shaanxi. Three hundred poems of Tang poetry and song.

Qiulan 15:27

The name of the movie actress who recommended learning English is actually also called the name Sally on the web page. I used to say that this name is derived from the new concept; the iconic car and joke of the US and France Day: colorful underwear is not on Sunday because god; car 7c6-204;

Qiulan 18:32

Today's article to see the 1989 mold-analysis - film Harry and Sally were shot in 1989.

Qiulan 18:33

Today I thought that this network is very adult. Children can't read or understand. They need a children's website in the world. The website is a Hong Kong address. Li Bai thinks of a lot of sleepwalking poems. There are 13-year-old Wu Zetian. Is this news true? [Halo] - The BBC reported on Ye Hong, a 13-year-old girl from Hong Kong, China who developed an app to help children around the world to chat, communicate and learn from each other.

Qiulan 18:42

Today, I saw a picture of a triplet. I feel like a sculptural sculptural sculpt in the beginning. Who knows what to read is that the twins died as soon as they were born. (Before I just looked overheated to search for children's notes: his entire life essay title, a child wrote a sentence Words: He died as soon as he was born) and he also gave birth to a boy. I thought, this twin is like a dead sperm. The boy is like a finished egg. Also see Jackie Chan's Magnolia, think of reinstatement, many chickens, chickens.

Qiulan 18:43

【rare! The hen gave birth to large eggs. Knocked out and discovered that there were still eggs. [Surprised] Recently, a hen in Australia produced a 176-gram large egg, which was 3 times heavier than the average chicken. After breaking the egg, there was a complete shelled egg. But how did such a peculiar egg form?

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