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Forty-seventh day Alternative learning English II 第四十七天 另类学英文II

Updated: Mar 19, 2018

英文的目的地,终点是destination,非常熟悉,命运、天命、天数即是destiny。deliberation. n.解放;释放,逸出。liberation. n.考虑,深思熟虑;评议,审议;(言语、行动等的)从容;沉着,慎重。

在制片过程中,《Let it Go》意外改变了《冰雪奇缘》的命运:原本根据剧本为“邪恶”的艾莎谱写了角色主题曲《Let it Go》,试图表达出她摆脱束缚后的内心世界,然而当歌曲小样被送到制作人员面前播放后,他们普遍回应这首歌中表现的艾莎根本不像是邪恶女王,反而更像是一个被人误解的女孩,导演决定推翻之前的剧本,根据歌中表现的情感来重新塑造艾莎的形象。把汉斯(Hans)、克斯托夫(Kristoff)、安娜(Anna)、斯特(Sven)的名字连起来就是Hans Christian Andersen(汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生),童话《冰雪皇后》的原作者安徒生。



Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural hollows,confined places, tangled thickets, quagmires and crevasses,should be left with all possible speed and not approached.凡遇到或通过“绝涧”、“天井”、“天牢”、“天罗”、“天陷”、“天隙”这几种地形,必须迅速离开,不要接近。

孙子兵法subside collapse.两边陡峭If in the neighborhood of your camp there should be any hilly country, ponds surrounded by aquatic grass,hollow basins filled with reeds, or woods with thick undergrowth, they must be carefully routed out and searched;

南京一工地基坑塌陷, 周边居民被紧急疏散。江宁区竹山路上的龙湖地产一在建工地发生大面积塌陷。位于竹山路360号。南京,宁,江,竹,山,龙湖,房产和塌陷英文,都有看到或想到。i,F.回到圆点想到一个圈360度画图生灭图。


If you are anxious to fight, you should not go to meet the invader near a river which he has to cross.

If forced to fight in a salt-marsh, you should have water and grass near you, and get your back to a clump of trees. So much for operations in salt-marches.

These are the four useful branches of military knowledge which enabled the Yellow Emperor to vanquish four several sovereigns.

if……you should...结构,同夏威夷播报结构。

东海海域船只碰撞。萃取,巴拿马油萃取遇热挥发, let it go go有消散飘走意思wind。1.6日长江上海。海上寻溪路,160公里处。巴拿马,伊朗,搞不清楚。香港。

《Despacito》是路易斯·冯西(Luis Fonsi)和洋基老爹(Daddy Yankee)合唱的歌曲,发行于2017年1月13日。中文名称慢慢来。秋蓝发现前面犯了一个错误,误以为这歌是法语,其实是西班牙语。金属融化窒息。跳一跳成绩329数字像雪29。以前看到毛泽东疑问,外国总统一点毛病就被下台有点奇怪。男子盗窃被宣布死亡。

——男子被宣布死亡后又恢复了知觉 险遭解剖。西班牙29岁囚犯希门尼斯被三名医生宣布死亡,然而4个小时后,医生在准备对其进行解剖前,听到解剖台上有鼾声,结果一看他还活着!


孙子兵法:凡遇到或通过“绝涧”、“天井”、“天牢”、“天罗”、“天陷”、“天隙”这几种地形,必须迅速离开,不要接近。Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural hollows,confined places, tangled thickets, quagmires and crevasses,should be left with all possible speed and not approached.有道翻译:那里有陡峭的悬崖,有急流,有深天然的洼地,狭窄的地方,错综复杂的灌木丛,泥沼和裂缝,应该尽可能的保持速度,不要靠近。这翻译和上面的新闻发生的地理环境很像,爆炸画面非常类似巴拿马油船爆炸黑烟海上黄亮光。油船,这个是游船。可能是在尼泊尔安装中国网络文章中看到了泰国怎么这么。中国味道苏东坡,想了東土皮赵孟頫,美人鱼头诗词。12:30提到这个英文段落与南京塌陷有关,刚才听直播普吉岛有评论说是南京游客。27位中国游客来自南京一旅行团,事发时,他们正从天堂湾出发前往皮皮岛游玩。

9点查苏东坡看到王朝云,看到“十年生死两茫茫,不思量, 自难忘。千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。夜来幽梦忽还乡,小轩窗,正梳妆。相顾无言,惟有泪千行。 料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。”还是哪里,及她的经历都看了一遍,想到避暑山庄辛追墓,以前对应过林黛玉德妃与辛追的,这立刻就看到热搜辛追帛画。





没听说过的小红莓死了,然后红花会也全部从音乐平台没了。妙儿问秋蓝熊出没的没怎么拼,说mei双音字,想了红梅,熊和红什么关系啊?花开般若图片有手印三角上帝之眼,然后就看到红花会没了,热搜看到图标也是倒三角形,连接红花。今天红花会的歌曲在QQ音乐,网易云,酷狗等各大音乐平台全部下架,空空如也,一无所有。红花会triple h,成立时间2011年11月5日,名字出处《书剑恩仇录》。

1.16日,长江口也是1.6日160公里处。昨天看完世界上最贵的女艺术家,大概就是三点钟左右。昨天群里看到天行一个脏话词被踢出群,说明天可以再来。红花会有脏词圣诞夜1.5日自己声明全网下架。刚才天行介绍生日是1978.5.11日。昨天说梦境有提到霍思燕舔屏,H想到红。三角形是以前想过的身体灵感地带。triple H是三部分组成的H.


昨天,记录梦境有舔屏。上午看到博物馆有大炮管。东海爆炸船想了東是日木,日本。因红白衣服歌词及青蛇想了纳兰性德为青,青史留名,清朝历史。森林松树有提到。~昨天下午看到热搜东北哈尔滨15日夜遭捆绑抚摸~昨晚查蛋糕烤箱看到蛋糕做法~今天热搜王俊凯画粉红色生日蛋糕给Jay~刚才看到新闻日本树冰粉色中英文涂鸦。日本知名景观“树冰”遭涂鸦 有汉语“生日快乐”字样。東,八甲田也想了。涂鸦,哪个新闻介绍某些有技术的人也是涂鸦高手什么的,好像是大学金融生教师形似何以琛说的,还会吉他。

伪字含义。1.15日51州UFO都想过寓意。破小孩原因。青松,太阳海麦子51。declare 独立-想过达到一定高度后,所有的人你无法依赖与寻求帮助解惑,痛苦疑难均只能自己求解,所以独立能力尤其重要,否则坎无法跨越。1月15日,新加州(New California)...。新加州运动的创始人RobertPaulPreston表示:“现在的加州已经无可救药,收税、教育。。。问题一大把,必须将主动权掌握在人民手中。”查看了半天,只想知道硅谷谷歌什么的都划拉到哪一派了。圣巴巴拉,巴拿马,shithole,网络精神,教育,generations,balabala....



漕,以水转谷也。 即通过水道转运粮食。漕运应该和红楼梦曹雪芹,麦谷,悯农诗,白居易在南方,德妃在北方有关,或是其禅思现象。上午查到康熙年制的十二花神杯子,第一个迎春花就是配的白居易写的诗句。康熙五彩十二月花神杯所用花卉与后来乾隆时期承德所建花神庙(即“汇万总春之庙”)中供奉的十二花神种类、顺序一致,皆为北方所熟悉的花卉,分别为:一月迎春花、二月杏花、三月桃花、四月牡丹、五月石榴、六月莲花、七月兰花、八月桂花、九月菊花、十月月季、十一月梅花以及十二月水仙。

中国大陆人口逼近14亿 男性比女性多3266万人。14日,想过一月的111.,这么多都对应有寓意,那么114不就是电话查询吗,查个人的信息的。下午聊F中心点,以及男女关系说到361度围剿男人与全世界、结界保护地球星球;头脑中想了图像一个圈包围着被围剿的任何,甚至围剿至137亿年前的地球初始。然后晚上妙儿画画一大堆圆圈包围着什么……





贾宝玉/别名宝二爷、怡红公子、绛洞花主、无事忙、富贵闲人。头脑王者有问busybody什么意思,答案是爱管闲事的人。圣经新约帖撒罗尼迦后书3章11节的时候看到一句:he is not busy,but a busybody.




偷袭珍珠港1941年12月7日,美军亚利桑那号沉没, 内华达号战列舰搁浅 ,主要指挥官山本五十六,南云忠一。果真如同想的,珍珠港,珍珠在蚌里沙磨合成珍珠(真主?),日本,偷袭珍珠港,这很有寓意,还是1941.12.7这个特别的日子。头脑王者遇到问偷袭珍珠港指挥官是谁,答案山本五十六。


红字怎么看怎么像巴黎圣母院两个人私奔到月球,然后接续续集就是红字,有了孩子隐姓埋名,老学者似贾政,年轻牧师似宝玉,这简直无缝连接。前面傻蛋恶魔毒蛇英文一个意思,感情蛇是男子不是女子啊?后面又看到蛇出洞,想到蟒蛇在洞里,又验证了蛇代表男性禅思物象吗?可是也有女子水蛇腰一说......女子大部分都是狐狸精这样骂人的,男子都是王八蛋,龟蛇一体。刚开始看英文书籍红字scarlet,发音就是飘乱世佳人的斯嘉丽,果真一模一样。看曝斯嘉丽确定出演《黑寡妇》 片酬或创女星新高的新闻,她也叫斯嘉丽,觉得很像超体女主角,又有点五十度灰女主气质,查了确实是超体女主。






刚才说dog,god,歌曲god is a girl(狗音),这还是说狗是上帝,女孩禅思吗?还听到有人说这不是狗撒尿吗?想到推背图狄仁杰,狗在女子脚边趴着,是否狗撒尿就是和人类息息相关的?狗是后来才出现的生物?效忠主子,才华日天?很多单词表明英语和中国的关系了,英语究竟何时出现无关紧要,只和中国人第一个人第一次听到英语有关,这就是量子开关。


Forty-seventh day Alternative learning English II

The English destination, the destination is destination, is very familiar with fate, destiny, the number of days is destiny. Deliberation. n. Liberation; release, escape. Liberation. n.Consideration, thoughtful consideration; review, deliberation; (verbal, action, etc.) calm; calm, cautious.

During the production process, Let it Go unexpectedly changed the fate of Frozen: Originally based on the script "Evil" Aisha wrote the character theme song "Let it Go" in an attempt to express her freedom from bondage. In the inner world, however, when demos of songs were sent to production crews, they generally responded to the fact that Aisha in this song was not like an evil queen. Instead, she was more like a misunderstood girl. The director decided to overturn before The script recreates Aisha’s image based on the emotions expressed in the song. Linking the names of Hans, Kristoff, Anna, and Sven is Hans Christian Andersen, the original of the fairy tale "Ice and Snow Queen". Author Andersen.

A few days ago, Miao took the learning machine and asked me what background you wanted. I saw that she often drew the grass. She painted a line with a green background and painted the sky above it. She said it was necessary. This is not what you often paint. Is the world open? I also think of the idiom that had been discussed at the beginning of the Taoist forum... and then I saw this line of Zhongshan. Foshan, Guangdong Province and other places have appeared in the "Yin and Yang days" wonders, the blue sky and white clouds will divide the sky into two. I just saw the drawing background in the program draw.doodle.

Yesterday, the English translation of Sun Tzu’s Art of War was a creation. It was thought that one person explained that falsification was a matter of artificial falsification. It was a profound idea. It was the idea of ​​natural creation. The intentional creation of a person is a copy. Therefore, it is false. Circle of friends to explain philosophy Mao Zedong Deng Xiaoping Taiwan may think of Sun Yat-sen? Yesterday, the blue sky was very blue. Only a few white planes flew along the two lines of Changbai. The imaginary and imaginary people who jump and hop are clearly divided in the Zen and phenomenal worlds.

Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural hollows,confined places, tangled thickets, quagmires and crevasses, should be left with all possible speed and not approached. The topography of "Tianjin", "Tianluo", "Tianluo", and "Tiangchuang" must leave quickly and must not be approached.

In the neighborhood of your camp there should be any hilly country, ponds surrounded by aquatic grass, hollow basins filled with reeds, or woods with thick undergrowth, they must be careful routed out and searched;

In Nanjing, the construction site collapsed and the surrounding residents were evacuated. The Longhu real estate on Zhushan Road in Jiangning District has collapsed on the construction site. Located at No. 360 Zhushan Road. Nanjing, Ning, Jiang, Zhu, Shan, Longhu, real estate and collapse in English, have seen or thought of. i, F. Back to the dot, think of a 360-degree drawing of birth and death.

Hawaii's erroneous report of "missile strike" caused public panic. There is always manoeuvre. There shelter.

If you are anxious to fight, you should not go to meet the invader near a river which he has to cross.

If forced to fight in a salt-marsh, you should have water and grass near you, and get your back to a clump of trees. So much for operations in salt-marches.

These are the four useful branches of military knowledge which enabled the Yellow Emperor to vanquish four several sovereigns. should... structure, with the Hawaii broadcast structure.

Ships in the East China Sea crash. Extraction, Panamanian oil extraction heat and volatile, let it go go Dissipate the meaning of wind. 1.6 The Yangtze River Shanghai. Find the river on the sea, 160 kilometers away. Panama, Iran, it is not clear. Hong Kong.

"Despacito" is a song by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee. It was released on January 13, 2017. The Chinese name came slowly. Autumn Blue found that he had made a mistake in front of him and mistakenly thought that the song was French. Actually, it was Spanish. The metal melts and suffocates. A jump result 329 figures like snow 29. In the past, when he saw Mao Zedong's doubts, it was a little strange that the foreign president was getting off the hook. Theft of men was declared dead.

- The man was rehabilitated after he was declared dead. Jimenez, a 29-year-old prisoner in Spain, was declared dead by three doctors. However, four hours later, before the doctor was ready to dissect it, he heard a squeak on the dissection table. As a result, he saw that he was still alive!

A speed boat with Chinese tourists in Thailand exploded. When a speedboat carrying many Chinese tourists and five Thais arrived at the Viking Cave in Phi Phi Island in the morning, an oil spill and explosion occurred.

Sun Tzu’s Art of War: Wherever it meets or passes through the topography of the “extremes,” “patio,” “tianjiao,” “tianluo,” “tianzhuo,” and “tiangou,” they must leave quickly and do not approach it. Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural hollows,confined places, tangled thickets, quagmires and crevasses, should be left with all possible speed and not approached. There are deep natural depressions, narrow places, intricate shrubs, quagmire and cracks, which should be kept as fast as possible and not close. This translation is similar to the geographical environment in which the above news occurred. The explosion picture is very similar to the yellow light of Panamanian oil tanker exploding smoky sea. Tanker, this is a cruise ship. It may have been seen in Thailand's installation of the China Network article on how Thailand is so. China tastes Su Dongpo, thinks of Dong Mupi Zhao Mengfu, the poet of Mermaid. 12:30 mentioned that this English passage was related to the collapse of Nanjing. Just listening to the live broadcast, Phuket commented that it was a Nanjing tourist. Twenty-seven Chinese tourists came from a tour group in Nanjing. From the time of the incident, they were traveling from Paradise Bay to Phi Phi Islands.

At 9 o'clock, Chasu Dongpo saw Wang Chaoyun and saw “a decade of life and death, and no thoughts, never forgetting. Thousands of miles of solitary graves and nowhere to be desolate. Even if they meet together, they should not know, dust, and frost. Return to the village, Hsiao Hsuan window, is dressing. Gu Gu silent, only the tears of thousands of lines. It is expected to have years of intestinal office, Mingyue night, short Matsuoka. "Or where, and her experience have read it again, think of the summer resort Xin Xin To chase the tomb, formerly corresponded to Lin Yu Yu Dezheng and Xin Xin chase, this immediately saw the hot search Xin Si chase painting.

Today, according to the appearance of fifty degrees of gray, I think that Lin Xiyu Jia Baoyu should prove that she should look at Shakespeare and Su Dongpo, but the investigation is not the correspondence with the heart. Perhaps the opera at that time can correspond. In the forty-three years of Kangxi (1704), Jiangning Weaving Cao Yu rehearsed the entire book “Longevity Palace” in Nanjing, Hong Sheng (1645-1704), namely Hong Sheng, Zi Yu Si, Hao Yu, and No. , South screen leader. Han, Qiantang (now Zhejiang Hangzhou) people. He is a dramatist in the Qing Dynasty in China, and he is also known as "The South Hong Kong Hole" by Kong Shangren, author of "Peach Blossom Fan." His age can correspond to previous analysis. Just listening to the pipa paintings said there were nine suns, sunspots, and thoughts of winning in Kowloon.

Yesterday, the T-type painting was 2 meters long and shaped like two ramen noodles. Susi unlined silk can stretch 700 meters. The outside of the cold dish that is bought is very similar to the taste of cold-skinned skin, and there are gluten-free cucumber gluten. Seeing noodles is as thick as the top and bottom, but it is also very strong. Qi, where to see this surname. Today, I saw a hot-meat ramen noodle. It is a famous Henan dish. A noodle is a bowl. The noodles are slender and the entrance is smooth. Pour sesame sauce and garlic juice. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and add fresh cucumber. one

The girl's bedroom hanging Buddha Department New Year couplets ... In the afternoon to see a picture that sell Spring couplets money has been released, covered with a few wall columns. Think of the peace of the four seasons. Yesterday I saw what numbers came up with the dormitory number, the name I started, and the dormitory couplets. Thailand Phuket Oil Tanker, see wallpaper Thailand? The big dome-like, on the inspection of Phuket, did not find it but saw many pictures of Thailand as a Buddhist country. These two days of checking Stanley Ho also believe in Buddhism.

The Russian city of Novosibirsk has recently begun to snow. Looking at English news at noon today, there are California mudslides, microblogging searches, a lot of video flowing in the mud, and particularly large stones. I thought that the mudslides flowed from the mountains with muddy stones and thought about the stones. It may imply that the former mudslide corresponds to palace, and snow corresponds. Australian alpacas, found in grass mud horses are animal alpacas. In the past, Russians in Siberia did not want Chinese people to build houses. They thought of the clearness of Lake Baigar.

The cranberries that had never been heard died, and then the safflowers were all gone from the music platform. Miaoer asked how the blue-and-white bears didn't fight, and said that Mei was a double-tone word. He thought of Hongmei, what are the relationships between bears and red? If you have a picture of the Buddha in the triangle of God's eyes, you will see that the red flower will be gone, and the hot search will see the inverted triangle and the red flower. Today, the singer's song was completely unloaded in all major music platforms such as QQ Music, Netease Cloud, and Cool Dog, and it was empty and empty. The safflower club will be triple h. The establishment date will be November 5, 2011.

On the 16th, the Yangtze River estuary was also 160 kilometers on the 1.6th. The most expensive female artist in the world yesterday was about three o'clock. Yesterday the group saw a line of swear words being kicked out of the group, indicating that the day could come again. Safflower will have dirty words on Christmas Day 1.5th to declare their entire network to be down. Just now, the introduction of birthday on the day line is 1978.5.11. Yesterday I mentioned Huo Siyan’s screen and H thought of red. The triangle is a body-inspired zone that was previously thought of. Triple H is a three-part H.

On February 19, 1962, Lei Feng attended the meeting of the first Communist Youth League representative meeting in the Shenyang Military Region as a special representative. He was elected as a member of the bureau to speak at the conference. On August 15th, 1962, Lei Feng was guilty of his job and was only 22 years old. At noon to see what Lei Feng went to represent the Shenyang Military Region, Liberation Auto 172413. His infinite service to the people is very imposing. After seeing the good deeds he did, he doubted in his heart that he could only be a good deed. Always wanted to confirm that someone was Lei Feng's reasoning and guessing, but looking at that kind of person was just honest and lovely, not like the person who guessed, so it was a bit confused. The results now see Shenyang fog as a fairyland.

Yesterday, I recorded a dream screen. In the morning, I saw the museum has a gun barrel. The East Sea Explosion ship thought East was Nippon, Japan. Because of the red and white clothes lyrics and green snakes think of Nalan Sexuality as green, green history, Qing Dynasty history. Forest pine was mentioned. ~ Yesterday afternoon saw the hot northeast of Harbin on the 15th night was tied touching ~ last night to check the cake oven to see the cake approach ~ today hot search Wang Junkai painted a pink birthday cake to Jay ~ just saw the news Japanese hoarfrost pink Chinese and English graffiti. Japanese famous landscape "tree ice" is graffiti There is Chinese "Happy Birthday" lettering. In the east, Hakkoda also thought. Graffiti, which news introduced some of the technical people are also graffiti master or something, like what the University of Finance students like to say, but also guitar.

The meaning of the pseudo word. On January 15th, 51 UFOs thought about it. Cause of broken child. Green Pine, Sun Sea Wheat 51. Declare Independent - After reaching a certain height, all people you can not rely on and seek help to solve puzzles, pain can only solve their own problems, so independence is particularly important, otherwise can not be crossed. January 15, New California .... The founder of the New California Movement, Robert Paul Preston, said: "Now California is incurable, taxation, education... There are a lot of problems and we must take the initiative in the hands of the people." After looking at it for a long time, he just wanted to know Google in Silicon Valley. Which of them are drawn to which school. Santa Barbara, Panama, shithole, cyber spirit, education, generations, balabala....

Because of the problem of online education, it was thought that Mao Zedong's countryside surrounded the city. The Yangtze River estuary exploded on the ship and thought about why the old American food was shipped to Zhejiang in violation of Sun Tzu’s method. Iran’s oil, which was traded by sanctions, had to be sold to South Korea. Pseudo, food color is also, people eat food for the day and so on. Combining the front with a whole lot to see the 15-day American poor rural California independence.

The mudslide caused by rainfall seriously damaged the Montesito County, California, where the rich lived. The previous year’s heavy fires in California, a few days before the California mudslides, California sky figures, California’s largest vote of 55, California's most prosperous coast like Shanghai ... ... These are certainly the relationship between the minds of the Zen community. Yesterday I saw Li Yun, who was written by Pi Rixiu, and there were salt traders, as well as grain, specialty products, appliances, foreign goods, etc. They were shipped to Beijing. How does this series of events feel like a replica of the Cultural Revolution? The California Hotel, Nobel Prize Musician analysis also mentioned the connection between the Cultural Revolution and the American movement.

 Hey, turn to the valley with water. That is, food is transported through waterways. The Fortune Winning should be related to the Red Mansion Dream Cao Xueqin, Maigu, and the poems of the farmer. Bai Juyi is in the South, and the Germans are related to the North, or their meditation. In the morning, the twelve-flowered cup of the Kangxi system was found. The first spring flower was a verse written by Bai Juyi. The flowers used in the Kangxi Colorful December Flower Cup and the twelve flower gods enshrined in the temple of Chengde (the “Mushang of the General Spring Festival”) built by Chengde during the Qianlong period were the same species and order of flowers, which are all familiar to the north. They are: January Spring Flower, February Heng Fa Chue, March Peach Blossom, April Peony, May Pomegranate, June Lotus, July Orchid, August Laurel Flower, September Chrysanthemum, October Rose, November Plum Blossom and December narcissus.

In China, the population of nearly 1.4 billion men is 32.66 million more than women. On the 14th, I thought about January's, so many of them have meanings. So, 114 is not just a telephone query, but personal information. In the afternoon, I talked about the F center, and the relationship between men and women mentioned 361 degree encirclement of men and the whole world, enchantment and protection of the earth planet; in mind, I thought of a circle surrounded by images, and even the beginning of the earth that was about 13.7 billion years ago. Then, at night, it's nice to draw a bunch of circles that surround what...

Mind King: I had thought about online education the previous two days and thought about the global pyramiding model of real brain power. Then I saw more than 20 departments of Mao Zedong’s Peking University, and thought about the talents and philosophy. Think of luxury, horse, takeoff, technology. The company was founded in 17.8.12, 18.1.15 registered head of the 12 stations. The Earth planet encircled the search contest to advance to the opponent and red and blue gestures began. Seeing the test papers is for the students to make their own questions, thinking that the person can ask the question level and see through his level. The contents of the recent contact with China measured the height of Mount Everest and so on. The version I see is 2.1.21 What is 21? Just now Robinson Crusoe and who together, the answer was wrong on Friday, and the opponent’s name was Friday.

The movie "Mysterious Superstar"... Don't talk to strangers about the theme of domestic violence. Dima Xi crown of thorns, think of China's good voice, world music. Small S IPSS.superstar. There is also a song. The head of the mind asked Li Ka-shing, whose son had Li Zemin still? Meng Xie’s answer to Li Zexi, why did you think of such a name? Do not see the radicals are all giant, giant? What are the implications? This song is extremely appropriate for my own myths and doubts when I can no longer rely on others and can only think about mysteries of the universe. The theme of the film is like the three aspects of resistance to online education these days. It is thought that India has the same goal as dreams.

Someone asked if the chat was Fanghua or his predecessor, and he checked the former three briefs. He saw the poster Ex3, thought of the EXO, and the electrical XO. He just noticed that the head of the brain is the ox next to the word. The 72 sect is the 72 virgins of the Paradise, the bride in the Bible Revelation. Just now, the answer to the King of the Brain: Confucius 72 all-round apprentice, Qin Shi Huang or Li Si asked the teacher, Cao Cao master. Shaanxi referred to as Qin. Corresponding to the change of the Sun Wukong 72, the answer is that there are three palaces and six houses, seventy-two temples, the Kunning Palace, the Qing ancestors, and Du Fu wrote the Tang Xuanzong militarists. The answer is European royal hemophilia, because the Queen of Victoria is genetic, to the tsars, Europe has genetics, check the symptoms are like bloody TV dramas, and then look at leukemia. When it comes to genetic variation, is it a genetic mutation in Chinese people that has become an extension of Europe's western side? Since food animals can all be mutated by meditation, why isn't it? Homo sapiens is certainly also a genetic mutation.

If Jia Baoyu loves everything, then Lin Daiyu is the eye of God who loves everything at the top; if Jia Baoyu is the inspirational person who wants to save and give it to anyone who has original sin, then Lin Daiyu is the one who disperses the current secular bond and walks The front end directly faces the future. So, in the Dream of the Red Chamber, he said that he had to cross the road to be a Buddhist woman. In society, the Confucians are uncertain about what to do and finally the Taoists come down to get down. Where is the Buddhist family? It is at the forefront of the world's most basic research department, and opens up the spirit of the future. It also confirms the phrase: men conquer the world, women conquer men. These are the words that describe the principles of the holographic universe. Laozi explains that a man is just like a woman, a woman is like a water, a man is a tooth, and a woman is a tongue. Jia Baoyu is still indignant when he is looking for a cure for soup. Lin Yuyu has already been searching for the truth behind the questioning of the fantasy world, not just the rule of thumb. So there is Bao Sister Yuan Chun, Bao Erye Bao Brothers.

Jia Baoyu / alias Bao Erye, Yihong son, Huandonghuazhu, no busy, rich idler. The head of the mind asks busybody what it means. The answer is a nosy person. In the Bible, the New Testament of 2 Thessalonians 3:11 reads: he is not busy, but a busybody.

Li Yan Lide meritorious service, although Jia Baoyu does not want to make meritorious deeds in the economic career, he wants to merit merit in his daughter's heap. Why? He wanted to pursue the higher density of ra's pursuit, and that daughter's heap was only Lin Yuyu. Did you not include Lin Yuyu in your wife's soup? Maybe there is Lin Yuyu, and Po Sister is gone. What's the date of the moon? It may be necessary to ask first. When is the red day? There are contradictions in the above thinking process, and there is no lack of understanding of the direction. That is, if Lin Daiyu is Jia Baoyu and the new human beings stirred up by the Old World, the eyes of Jia Baoyu's insight will resolutely protect this new generation of Lin Daiyu. - Look at the red words.

This happened in the New England story of 1642-1649. Why is the heroine black hair and dark eyes? I think of the dragon's successor song. The dignity of this paragraph was replaced by the later softness and indescribable elegance, and the meaning of Jia Baoyu's figure was described in the room test book. Satan.devil.dragon.serpent. Satan (fool?), demons, dragons, vipers, are all aliases.

Why do Western countries have a prejudice and think that people with gold hair are stupid? Pearls like earth gold, snow gods, Xue Baochao, thousands of piles of snow produced a land mainland? Has there been as much gold as iron? This is an extremely likely reasoning. Looking at the gap and playing with the head of the mind, I found that I always met the relevant issues with the things I saw. At the moment, I had a few questions about the Dream of the Red Chamber. I asked who the four big families were, and Lin Yuyu's image description and Wang Xifeng's judgment.

Attack on Pearl Harbor On December 7, 1941, the USS Arizona sank and the Nevada battleship was stranded. The main commander was Yamamoto No. 56, and Nanyun Zhongyi. Really as expected, Pearl Harbor, pearls in the sand to the synthesis of pearls (Allah?), Japan, attacking Pearl Harbor, which is very meaningful, or 1941.12.7 this special day. The head of the mind encountered an attack on who was the commander of Pearl Harbor. The answer was Yamamoto's fifty-six.

It is only at this moment that he reads and understands that Xue Baoying's resignation is relentless and moving. It is a far-reaching and far-sighted movement that integrates time and space with the vision of the future. If you do not want to be a global player... Balabala. Therefore, Xue Baozhen only tried to comfort Mrs. Wang. Before finally seeing Jia Baoyu to become a monk.

How the Scarlet word looked like two people in Notre Dame ran away to the moon, and then the sequel to the sequel was the Scarlet Letter. With the child hiding their names, the old scholars seemed to be Jia Zheng, and the young pastor was like Bao Yu, which was a seamless connection. In front of the stupid demon venom English one meaning, emotional snake is a man is not a woman ah? After seeing the snake out of the cave and thinking of the snake in the cave, has it also verified that the snake represents an image of male meditation? But there is also a woman who said water snakes and waists ... ... most women are fox so sultry, men are all sonatas, turtles and snakes one. Just starting to read the English book Scarlet Scarlett, the pronunciation is the Scarlett of the turbulent world. It is exactly the same. Seeing Scarlett decides to star in "Black Widow" and pays a new high for the actress. She is also called Scarlett. She feels very much like a super heroine, but also has a 50-degree gray maiden temperament. Female host.

Red characters written in red characters, red roses, red corals, plum ghosts, nalan sex de coral pavilions, new pearls behind the creation of innovation, blonde? Looking back at the first page, the new colonial colony written directly from the beginning can understand that the beginning of the metaphor is not a piece of literature. Is it documentary literature? Relying on you, the colony, Shakespeare, Abi Shah, Newton apple, the book mentions the descendants of the first apple and rose planted by immigrants here. Scholars, pastors, doctors.

Think of Japan as a 3,000-year-old boy and girl in the Tang Dynasty who passed the colony? Is that true in England too? From the west to the west, England is the most important. Of course, the ship industry was developed and the Americas were found. Only after connecting the entire earth did we know that the verification was round, like the human body's largest cell egg? Attracted a popular meteorite occurred Sun Wukong variability? So new life and new innovations have emerged?

Here has just seen the red word pearls, look at hot search out of thin air on Monday. The book mentions that her father had brought her to England. She thought that she had gone to the foreign colonies mysteriously from China's ancient lands. I think of Nalan Sex, Dorgon, Zheng He’s voyages to the West, and the Tang Dynasty 3,000 children. Boys and girls. The king of the mind has two Kings of Jin, and I was right. I wondered why King Jin, Yahia, and Japan were not known. Is it King Jing? Where are you? Surrounding the surrounding egg planet, Zhou Enlai had thought about it.

A huge fireball crossed the sky over Michigan, USA. The night sky was instantly illuminated. Along with flashes and loud noises, the fireball crashed into the earth. The U.S. Geological Survey said that the meteor impact caused by the fall was similar to the magnitude 2.0 earthquake. The Scarlet word Father, God brought her to England. Yesterday I thought about the genetic egg planet. The combination of sperm and egg is like a meteor meteorite coming to Earth. Today, the red word says to see the A word composed of the dark red light of the sky and the stars. Repeatedly A had thought about the United States. Today's analysis of colony thought of ABC, China, Britain and the United States. What is BBC.CNN.VOA China? 1.16 days.

Aishinjuro Dorje, the 14th son of the Qing emperor Nurhachi, and the second son of Abhai. An outstanding politician and military strategist in the early Qing Dynasty. November 17, 1612 - December 31, 1650 (Kall City, Gubeikou). See the Confucius 72 Mona Lisa Bridge, Mencius Zhuangzi 83, think of the Red Mansion Dream Xiao Zhuang Jia mother 83 years old, then Jia Baoyu is Dorr? What's more, his name is still dragon. The introduction is indeed 38 years old. In 1612, 1912.1921 corresponded with the Chinese party of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. 14 sons, second son, Erye Baoyu.

Just said dog, god, the song god is a girl (dog sound), this is to say that the dog is God, the girl meditation? Did someone hear that it wasn’t a dog pee? When you think of pushing Tudi Renjie, the dog is crouching on the woman's feet. Is it because the dog pee is closely related to human beings? Is a dog a creature that later appeared? Loyalty to the master, talented days? A lot of words indicate the relationship between English and Chinese. It doesn't matter when English occurs. It is only related to the first time that the Chinese first heard of English. This is the quantum switch.

A few days ago I saw the peacock pattern and thought why the peacock was so beautiful? Think of a man who was laughed as a peacock. Why did such a beautiful peacock represent men? Think of a combination of holes and tits? The screen looks like the eyes, like a large number of Buddha statues and stone statues, like pineapple phren ... ... Wang Xifeng judged, thinking about the birds, chicken is a phoenix, is the Sanskrit language really is the life of the birds Lin Daiyu?

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