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The forty-sixth day Alternative Learning English 第四十六天 另类学英文

Updated: Mar 19, 2018


通识教育的英文是,liberal education,即自由教育,是对心灵的自由滋养,其核心是——自由的精神、公民的责任、远大的志向。自由地发挥个人潜质,自由地选择学习方向,不为功利所累,为生命的成长确定方向,为社会、为人类的进步做出贡献。秋蓝上午因热搜橘子去朋友圈查橘子,看到了上面的自由英文句子和一张毛泽东图片,现在就看到法國報紙 Libération 《自由人報》的毛泽东与自由英文。照片完全一样。上午听太阳之谜有老大,英文是某某的daddy :These are Stirling Dishes,这些是太阳能界龙头老大。the Daddy of solar power systems.斯特林公司出品的太阳能碟。上午查太阳黑子图片,在太阳的下表面有黑的,想到毛泽东下巴上后来才长出来的黑痣。法国报纸毛泽东配有词big brother.

The inner planets will be swept up.


It may even swallow the Earth.



vt. 忍受;吞没

vi. 吞下;咽下

n. 燕子;一次吞咽的量





n.块; 街区; <英>大楼,大厦; 障碍物,阻碍;

vt.阻止; 阻塞; 限制;

......楼有障碍物意思。秋蓝发愁以前熟知的英文发音规律现在怎么都变了?oc不是发ɔ凹吗?怎么美音都是α:呢?building blocks有积木,生命控制中心意思。这里楼名字应该就是blocks吧?纽约布朗克斯区贝尔蒙特区一栋五层楼的公寓楼发生火灾。



















distant star


原来这一切的存在都是有前因后果的:秋蓝看到有人分享链接:Distant Star,就问你为什么要贴这个荷花和这个音乐家呢?偶遇还是怎么?你发的荷花是我昨天看画画视频画的荷花,看了老师画了一朵就没看后面的。刚才又看了看,果真也是七瓣花,这个green sun图标也是7。你发的distance star感觉很遥远飘渺,下午又看了与霍金一起看宇宙的时间旅行,黑洞金字塔时间变慢等,然后就有了前面那首诗的感受……再往前梳理则是:英文课有sunu.sun~看到一个女子在星球下荡秋千图片~伊斯兰基督教佛教禅思塌缩林黛玉~超新星爆炸产生的黄金发绿光~太阳黑子~画荷花视频~gree sun音乐家图标~霍金时间旅行~诗的时间旅行体验。
















北京林业大学9名经济管理学院大四女生,结伴乘坐面包车,从哈尔滨前往雪乡途中遇车祸 4死5伤:哈尔滨工大mooc, 想了牧专、牧羊曲极好听; 刚才发图片迪士尼过山车 stuck on rides 想到骑马;霍金宇宙视频英文看到说什么词用汽车拐弯比喻很奇特;雪,一眼万年歌曲。

红点、吉他、滑板、手工(买折纸)、钢铁侠壁纸、吴亦凡餐厅英文。此人说话风格像吴亦凡 、卷发黑痣、 17岁、 闫晏,看到什么字想到中心安稳日安,刀口力吴淞口武力; biangbiang面黄河弯曲解释;廷,螺旋基因云helix;兴趣发展、Ted学校扼杀想象力视频:晏劭廷17岁高中生,做了一个小零件,不管钉子钉到哪里,都能用它把画框扶正,他凭这个小玩意获得2017年设计界奥斯卡——红点最佳设计大奖,成为史上最年轻获奖者!



南非火车与卡车相撞,已造成至少12死260人伤:car .train饺子父母,想了卡火车。火烈鸟去南方想到德妃去南方苏轼?马克龙要访华。上午看到微博伊丽莎白是上帝的誓言意思。john不能起英文名字是什么意思?12个星座女友类别幸亏不多的图片,想到12钗就是德妃分身。感觉这些词汇跑到了黑洞边缘的信息在挤一个独木桥,又似电流一点点向前进,最终汇聚到黑洞海洋里一搅拌,结果就从白洞那边出来了现象界。不知道这个虫洞什么样子,多么虚无,多么细微,又是多么强固可以允许它们如此强烈的能量喷涌而出。


昨天找听什么英文纪录片,看到hubble哈勃望远镜,想到胡伯,嬴政,贾政 。昨天同让我写赢字。查git 无用的人 ,hub中心。学英文想到有人说的编程确实是用英文,难道是暗示川普推特事件是被禅思所改的?黑洞中心时间变慢,边缘快。sinkhole夏说英文超级黑洞。这两天宇宙圈云。☞刚才看到github文章。



17.12.28日刚刚发布的跳一跳, 这个很像妙儿平板的课堂游戏愤怒的小鸟那样的拉弓射字。下拉有小程序则是以前问到微信的小程序是什么?可否用这个功能公告重要信息呢?这个跳一跳和妙儿的学习机里的点点音乐会异曲同工之妙,当时看到是用手点点,点快音乐快,点慢音乐慢。此游戏应该是点点音乐会+课堂练习游戏弹弓的和成品。里面的马桶抽水那个时间经常听到。音乐盒提到过,英文课本的Betty妙儿读起来听着是beki。里面的三首歌前些天都想过。超市徐记可能和想过阿里不二有关?这些盒子像家里一堆鞋盒子。

微信跳一跳背景音乐跳到音乐盒上面播放的那段叫什么?有一首曲目是经典圣诞歌曲《We Wish You a Merry Christmas》。游戏一开始的七跳格:在门口见到过地上粉笔画的七跳格子,想过7正好是七色光,一的法则里的意识层级,紫色最高。



历时十一年,中国最大的南水北调工程,通水竟然失败。据报道是水道结冰,北京滴水未进。一窝一窝的专家们,居然没人想到,北方有几个月是零度以下?现在沿途架大锅烧水?还是铺暖气管道供热?——Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat,times and seasons.


The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom,sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.看到朋友圈发的南水北调冻冰失败想到天时孙子兵法。也有智慧,司令之品质。微信以前版本号6.5.2,现在升级为6.6.1才能玩下拉小程序,想了6.1日,610日。18.1.6日川普发品质推特,说自己很聪明是天才,开记者会说明情况。



查跳一跳歌曲《We Wish You a Merry Christmas》,里面有无花果布丁不知道什么。孙子兵法的双轮战车很像夏洛特,想到一的法则有此车。轻轻的法国歌曲很好听,法语看上去确实精简,押韵都是to。Alex Bellem名字像五十度灰女主,简介有peotry,妙儿捏粘土想到陶艺。刚才热搜英国夏洛特公主学法语陶艺诗歌。

记者沃尔夫(Michael Wolff)在其新书《火与怒:特朗普白宫的内幕》(Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House)中称,许多特朗普的亲信都将他描述为“白痴”、孩子气,并认为他不胜任总统职务。秋蓝才理清楚孙子兵法与火怒以及特朗普推特的关系。看到上面这句话直觉这不就是雍正被质疑的翻版吗?是美国人民被秋蓝这一个“特朗普在向理性智慧的alex Bellem学习孙子兵法,且品质并未达到commander的要求。”的禅思黑洞所击中吗?这个想法确实在学孙子兵法第3期想到,南水北调想天时,又想了品质。想了alex,男音像川普。就看到川普的火与怒的推特解释自己品质。BBC卫报说川普对出版业的禁管问题。伊万卡像alex,书中说她想当总统,关注家庭与女性工作同时问题。


The forty-sixth day Alternative Learning English

This English Premier League is where it is possible to write a lot of Chinese to buy oranges! Qiu Lan 12.27 shocked to see Fujio group name of the orange picture, it is strange to think because of the information to buy two oranges thought of Zhu Ziqing buy oranges, appeared on this person. It may be an intelligent robot. Two oranges are thought to launch rockets. Thinking and reality correspond: Orange Island Chau recovery 5A - Falcon rocket pictures three together - see the picture to buy two oranges, think of Zhu Ziqing buy oranges - instant friends who have a name for the orange picture - see the Premier League today There is a thought in my heart. Lori father, Britain 12.26, birthday is not Mao Zedong's birthday? This is exactly like the Mao Zedong thought of by Orange Island. Orange Island is like a ship and arrow.

In English for general education, liberal education, that is, liberal education, is a free nourishment to the soul. Its core is the spirit of freedom, the responsibility of citizens, and lofty ambitions. Freely develop personal potential, freely choose the direction of study, and do nothing for utilitarian purposes. Determine direction for the growth of life and contribute to society and human progress. In the autumn blue morning, he went to the circle of friends to search for oranges. He saw the above free English sentences and a picture of Mao Zedong. Now he sees the French newspaper Libération Mao Zedong and Free English. The photo is exactly the same. There are bosses listening to the sun in the morning, English is a certain daddy: These are Stirling Dishes, these are the leader of the solar industry. The Daddy of solar power systems. In the morning, the pictures of sunspots were searched. There was darkness on the underside of the sun. I thought of Mao Zedong who had grown up later on Mao's chin. The French newspaper Mao Zedong had the word big brother.

The inner planets will be swept up.

The inner planet will be swallowed by it

It may even swallow the Earth.

Even the earth is not spared.


Vt. Endure; engulf

Vi. swallow; swallow

n. Swallows; the amount of swallowing once

The bird's nest is a swiftlet produced by various species of birds in Colpodiae (Apodidae). The saliva is mixed with its down and condenses on cliffs, or grows in farmhouses. There are six kinds. After a long winter, Swiftlets have a long time to recuperate and live. The body stores enough nutrients and has superior saliva quality. Therefore, the built nests are relatively thick and have a particularly good shape and are shaped like a cricket. Yan Yan is the best in bird's nest.

Autumn blue to see the mystery of the sun have swallow, search meaning swallows, swallowing, think of Red Mansions Lin Daiyu always eat bird's nest, think of Japanese tuxedo, check what bird's nest, cliffs, cave production, Canary age officials said Jia Shuguan lock She, saliva containing mouth and feathers, soft fiber walls, moss Lin Yu Yu Xiaoxiang Museum, sleepwalking days to stay, Swallow's nest is actually made of saliva - wrote soft thought yesterday line with the orange said soft lubrication, the original today Checking bird's nest is because of the day before yesterday!

Autumn and Blue Intuition There are so many Buddhist scriptures, so many stories, Buddhism and Christianity should all be books of verse and meditation with individual character and self-experience. They have found several correspondences before. Which rational and skeptical spirit would write such a book? The same is true of the I Ching. In fact, these eloquent content, is a high degree of people's illusion of feelings, can be condensed into a sentence! For example, Fanghua is suitable for that: Huang Yi Sifang Hua in the winter. The Buddhist scriptures are: Westward to demons and enchanted the Monkey King. The Bible of Christ is: God demonstrates the inner beauty of the foundation stone is love and kindness and righteousness. The Book of Changes (which does not include copula) is: Fate of fate, moonlight in front of the bed.

Block block

n.Blocks; Blocks; <British> buildings, buildings; Obstacles, obstructions;

Block; limit;

... there is an obstacle in the building. How have the English pronunciation rules of autumn blue hair previously known changed? Is oc not a hairpin? How beautiful sound is alpha: what? Building blocks have bricks, meaning life control center. The building name here should be blocks? A five-story apartment building in Belmont, Bronx, New York, has a fire.

The English mooc has a description of Robinson Crusoe, the feeling of autumn blue is Jedi, and there is a wilderness game. Taobao learned to draw more than 3,000 people to see, and mistakenly thought it was online learning. The Jedi survived 3 million online at the same time, almost 3 times the "Dota2".

People near the pyramid are slow. People who see far away feel that their time is moving fast. Just as people's wave-like reality (mass space is as small as a black hole) attracts each other, the time becomes slower or still, while watching the distant heartbeat is accelerating, and the time of the outsider seems to be accelerating, and the time flies. Such as electricity.

this moment

Discover those times and the entire earth

All away from me

further and further

I exist at this moment

There seems to be no place

No operation without time

this moment

only me

But not alone

Like in a deep dream

Sit down

Like a calm and peaceful cosmic string


Extremely rich

Absolutely rich

Distant star

Qiu Lan explained that the experience of this poem is a feeling of real inner peace, not the feeling after listening to this song, and he has not heard this song when he wrote this poem. After writing the last sentence, I thought that the name of this song and this swinging picture were very echoing, so I wrote down the name of this song in the poem. This is a poem that I still feel unable to give the world the most satisfying answer after many years of exploration of the truth, and sighs the deep feelings of the universe.

The original existence of all this has its cause and effect: Qiu Lan saw someone share the link: Distant Star, and asked why you posted the lotus and the musician? What happened to the incident? The lotus that you sent was the lotus that I watched painting and painting yesterday. I didn't look at the back when I watched the teacher draw a flower. Just looking at it again, if it really is seven petals, this green sun icon is 7. Your distance star feels distant, and in the afternoon you look at the time travel with the Hawkins to see the universe, the black hole pyramid time slows down, and then there is the feeling of the poem in front of it... And then combing forward is: English Lessons have sunu.sun~ Seeing a woman swinging under the planet Image ~ Islamic Christianity Buddhism meditation collapse Lin Daiyu ~ supernova explosion gold glow green ~ sunspot ~ painting lotus video ~ gree sun musician icon ~ hocking time Travel-poem time travel experience.

In the first two days, Qiu Lan was learning a new scientist in English: speech and writing, and she was very beautiful when she saw her wearing a headscarf. Why was the parcel so strict? Afterwards, he talked about the Islamic belief in Allah’s emancipation of minds and then saw Iran go headscarf and march again and again to show the revolution. If you don’t go to the scene and just watch the video and think about the reality, then why not just look at the concept of numbers or abstractions and not think about reality? And these are even more far-reaching. If logical reasoning is only based on conditions, then this condition can be known or unknown. Then the former corresponds to reality, and the latter corresponds to imagination. After the logical thinking of the intelligent machine tool is performed, it can be inferred to be real and future. Collapse is now and the future.

Can someone imagine what he does not know? There should be a reconstructive structure and combination of quantum quanta-like thinking quanta, which is like the union of thinking black holes, just like the combination of a baby and a baby. The flame of inspiration should be the result of the merger of black holes of reason and imagination. Looking at the universe together with Hawking today, I think people may be the quantum people in the depths of the universe. They are just a little more complicated than electrons, and they are just as quantum life as the universe. In this way, quantum seems to us, it must be subjective initiative in motion, but it should be the most basic dynamics of the universe, pressure and passive dynamics. It has no imagination, only material power. Material power is also a force, imagination is a higher power. Gravity VS expands gravitation, cohesive force VS expansive force.

The mystery of the sun or where the pyramid is mentioned is the same as if it were sprinkled with powder below the natural angle of 25 degrees. I would like to test it in the sand. The mystery of the sun has mentioned that the North American Solar Mirrors are very spectacular for receiving large amounts of area. There is also a place where there is no sunlight and it is mirrored. In the fifty-fifty-grey novel, there are pictures of small walls, and the company is a blond-haired woman. The sports shop is called newton. There are three correspondences in the Hawking universe video. A small wall full of photographs should be seen on the wall of Trump. Golden, Trump and German Prime Minister are all blond hair. At a sports shop, people used to work in a sports shop. Fifty degrees of gray final outcome, always want to express what this story means? Japanese AV materialized women? The abuse of abuse in the United States? Is Islam tied to women? Maleitarianism is extremely harmful? The chaos of yin and yang cannot be unified?

On the Liaohe River in Faku County, Liaoning Province, a mysterious rotating ice circle rotates itself at a constant speed in the river, and is particularly round! The ice around the "ice circle" is frozen, and only the gap between the ice surface and the "ice circle" can see water flow. Autumn Blue and Hawking look at the universe together. It is said that 50 percent of the top of Enceladus is ice, and the lower inner layer may be water. Think of Encephas discovering the news of life and Li Zhi’s judgment. Then give a picture is two circles. It is similar to the ice circle in Liaoning on the 1.1th. ~ Then I saw the state of the moon in 2018, which was sent by Weibo Nasa. The moon has been spinning and suddenly it is now hidden. ~ There is still one person who holds the ball and rotates. The rotation of his own can only bring about the rapid movement of the smaller ball on the player's line.

NASA simulated the monthly phase change of 2018 in advance and condensed it into this video of less than 5 minutes. Autumn blue because of tearing people think the moon is a wormhole? The universe originates from wormholes. Because of the combination of love yin and wormholes, yin is either free or common, and a new universe emerges from the wormholes. (The new fusion of the principles of intelligent force and free imagination )? Therefore, the initial ambience of Yuanyang, the belief of principle, the primordial atmosphere of yin, and the belief of freedom combine with the universe that creates a new boundary (logical order). The combination of the two has its own unique qualities. Ability to control everything in nature and humanity and call it God. God of this universe.

Autumn Blue sees the generations that have been written before. Perhaps the generations are free. It is not free on the one hand, and the potential is infinite. Is it not freedom? The new generation should be free, and the old generation is the rule. The two are the fusion of love and the emergence of a new universe. Nothing is more critical than the development of the cosmic elves. There is nothing more meaningful than the renewal of this quantum life. The law of matter is that axioms are good principles, and the principle of consciousness is also that they exist without beginnings and ends, and fleeting lives are discovered by generations and generations. It is creation, not mere discovery, because consciousness Truth may only be recognized by human beings and can be recreated. This is the continual enhancement of the black hole information and the incarnation of the spiral body of human consciousness.

The process of creating time discovers the truth, and in space there will be a problem with the discovered global domain. In this way, as we go back to what we said before, the truth of our current quantum life discovery (yin and yang, wave grains) is the whole universe. There are, but we only found these in the time tunnel. If you want to find more quickly, you can only go through the space and time to find what they found in their future, or if they collapsed into the present, such as the discovery of the law. However, we still cannot easily experience these truths and practical applications. We need people's best efforts. This requires the upgrading of education. Without wise man's knowledge and practice, how can it be applied? Without me, that is, there is no pole, and the corresponding quantum entanglement relationship is a black hole. That is, your reality is tempered. You must have enough accumulation, including love. Without the formation of this black hole, I can't step into my own. This is the cosmic balance board. The information on the superficial knowledge gained without getting any work is not selfless.

After the oranges and Skywalker interacted and showed love, the group became a naked sexual language spam, thinking that they were hopeless and disgusted. After the time mentioned earlier, the pyramids and extraterrestrial poems have been slowed down, and the meaning of true love hasn't been known to those groups. Only the language of superficial sexual love and expression of love, and the love of love without wave love, are they not the same? So, I saw Yang Ying's 500 miles. This song corresponds to the previous meditation. The English of that train is multi-meaning, and it can be understood on behalf of others.

After writing the above, I discovered that the alien is the mood expressed by the poem? The possible existence of waves is the way in which aliens exist. The aliens are not on the earth, and people are still entangled with human beings. Aliens are people who still flee (repel) the earth world and are still connected with the earth. The wave of reality is alien, God. Three Holy Ones. The Holy Spirit is a wave of reality, the Father of the Father's world, the Son, and the learned doctrine.

Maybe, those are the experimental sites of intelligent robots organized by people. They are controlled by superficial surfaces. Because of its superficiality, they cannot understand the deep love hidden behind them, so they freely learn the superficial things and they are eager to make them so that they can Aliens fled. In the same way, this reasoning applies to all those who do not have light.

If meditation reaches the edge of a super black hole at the speed of light or more than the speed of light, the meditation time will stop or slow down. As a result, the black hole seems to be the center of the universe. Those in the real world are at the edge of the universe. This forms a fan. The meditator stays in the black hole for a second. Maybe the person in real life has passed thirty years. So, this second contains the actual past and future. This is similar to the rotation diagram of previous paintings and the transition of the consciousness level. After the rotation of the star chart, many fish spiraling scenes appeared. When I checked the ice circle yesterday, I saw the fish spinning news again. Thinking about the slowdown of super black hole time and the fast time in real life today, cross-linkages have arisen again.

If the human body’s relatively heavy elements, such as oxygen and iron in the blood, are slower in time, the appearance of carbon molecules is lighter, and the time is faster, thinking for a second, the blood will flow for 1 day and the appearance will be metabolized for 10 days. . This is what Hawking said in the universe, where time flows at different speeds. So meditation is good, people are young, not good, and people are ill. And the more important source of Tai Chi above is human consciousness. And consciousness is divided into waves. The wave consciousness is on the edge of the black hole, and the granularity is farther away, followed by the body cells.

The person’s wave consciousness can form clouds, and the level of consciousness in the front, because the distance from the black hole leads to the time difference. The time of meditation is one second, and the time corresponding to the formation of the spiral cloud is already two hours. So I just thought of the shape of the gene spiral. In fact, it has been working for two hours.

This is why your meditation corresponds to the exact time of the earthquake. The timing of the start and end of the meditation in the super black hole* time hierarchy below is the same and fixed, and the formation of the seismic matter state depends on the time scale of meditation. The time of its corresponding fan shape, the time of the material body and the ideology body are operated in different cosmic orbits, but the time scale is unified by the consciousness body.

Looking at the Iranian demonstrations, it is said that Muslims must use force to unify global thinking and think of the power of Wu Zetian. It is not warfare. The Universe Hawking Black Hole Wormhole thinks of yin and yang combined to create a new universe from the wormhole. Steel women think of steel. Just looked at 500 miles away from see Yingkou, think of the dragon, Dongying Yellow River. Just to see Han Xue learning English, Shanghai people call Beijing. - The "Changping" wheel from Yingkou to Shanghai carrying 5,000 tons of steel was sunk at the anchorage at Wusongkou.

Beijing Forestry University, nine senior female students of the School of Economics and Management, took a van together and went to Harbin from Harbin on the way to a car accident 4 dead and 5 injured: Harbin Engineering University mooc, thought of animal husbandry, shepherd's song is very nice; just sent a picture of the Disney roller coaster stuck on Rides thought of horseback riding; Hawking's cosmic video English to see what words to say with a car turning metaphor is very strange; snow, a million years of songs.

Red dot, guitar, skateboard, handmade (buy origami), Iron Man wallpaper, Wu Yifan restaurant English. This person speaks in a style like Wu Yifan, Curly Hair, 17-year-old Yan Yan, sees what the word thinks of the center of stability and good day, knife-edge force Wu Yankou force; biangbiang face yellow bend explanation; Ting, spiral gene cloud helix; interest development, Ted The school stifled the imagination video: Yu Ting, a 17-year-old high school student, made a small part. No matter where the nail was nailed, he could use it to frame the frame. He won the 2017 design industry Oscar for this gadget—the best of red dot. Design awards, becoming the youngest winner in history!

Manchu English manzhu. Is not Shi Xiangyun's lisp to meet it? Three o'clock, grass, two people, treasure body? Mandarin Chinese is said to mean Portuguese officials.

Yesterday saw a circle of friends, NetEase Cloud Music has a smart summary forecast. At noon, I saw two ostrich wallpapers like Miao's ostrich pen. This wallpaper intelligently knows what I think! Curiosity went in and saw that there were several wallpaper categories without ticks. The first one was home-painted sofas, as well as male and female stars, and then hooked everything up to see what could be induced later. Today Alipay predicts that there are open rooms. What is strange about this? Think of a night stand. Hot search today, Li Xiaokai, Wang Cong what did not look carefully. Just checked it was 4.14 pm in the afternoon, there are sexy, women's backless pictures.

South Africa's train collided with the truck, causing at least 12 dead and 260 injuries: Car.train dumplings parents, wanted a card train. When the flamingos went to the south to think of Germany and Germany to the south of Su Shi? Macron wants to visit China. In the morning, I saw Weibo Elizabeth as God's vow. What does john can't mean by English name? Fortunately, there are not many images in the 12 constellation girlfriend category. Feeling that these vocabulary words ran to the edge of the black hole, the information was crowding out a single-piece bridge, and it seemed to be a little bit of current. It eventually converged into the black hole sea and stirred, and the result emerged from the white hole. Do not know what this wormhole looks like, how imaginary, how subtle, but also how strong it is to allow them to so strong out of energy.


Russia also appeared in the phenomenon of anti-gravity hovering passenger aircraft. What I saw the other day on the expressway, sitting in a car and seeing something like the Guyuan ufo on my head, I have been seeing it overhead for a long time and it looks like this plane. Yesterday I painted a black hole slowing down time. It can be explained that ufo is near the black hole and people are driving at high speed, but the former takes a second and you are 5 minutes in the car.

What kind of English documentary did you find yesterday? See Hubble Hubble, think of Hu Bo, Zhai Zheng, and Jia Zheng. Yesterday, let me write the winning words. Check git useless people, hub center. Learn English When someone thinks programming is indeed in English, does it mean that Chuppot Twitter was changed by meditation? The black hole center time slows down, the edge is fast. Sinkhole summer English super black hole. These two days the universe cloud. I just saw the github article.

New Zealand UFO video on January 3, 2018. Kettle kettle. Think of Water Margin, may be a kettle, a woman like a kettle? Because the four masterpieces are associated with this: Jia Baoyu stone, Journey to the West Monkey King stone. The last word of the Water Margin is the stele. There is also Wu Song Pan Jinlian. The Three Kingdoms Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang. Also think of the woman's body three points: shoulder, heart, Falun.

[UFO] A semi-stealth-shaped UFO moving in the clouds was photographed. Autumn blue sees the electro-optic balloon. Imagining the light can drive the inclusion of heavy matter toward the edge of the black hole, because its consciousness is wave consciousness. This UFO angle is therefore the illusion of the electro-optic balloon, a non-real balloon.

The jump just released on 17.12.28, this is like a miracle tablet class game like angry birds pull bow like shooting. Drop a small program is the micro-letter previously asked what is the program? Can I use this feature to announce important information? This little dance in the learning machine with a hop and melodious music was in the same way. When I saw it was a little bit with my hands, I quickly had music and I was slow. This game should be a little concert + classroom practice game slingshots and finished products. Inside the toilet pumping water is often heard that time. The music box mentioned that Betty in English textbooks read it beki. The three songs inside were thought of some days ago. Xu Ke, the supermarket, may have thought about Ali. These boxes are like a pile of shoe boxes at home.

What is the name of the piece of music that the WeChat jumps to the top of the music box? One track is the classic Christmas song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." The first seven tabs of the game: At the doorway, he saw seven-hop plaids on the ground. After thinking that 7 is exactly seven-color light, the level of consciousness in the rules of one, purple is the highest.

The mini-game is a category of applet, it is point-to-play, no need to download and install, experience light, you can play with friends in WeChat, such as PK, onlookers, etc., enjoy the fun of the mini-game. ... This is a meaning to listen to the English-speaking streaming media in Xia, do not download.

The rule of the game is to hold down the i-shaped villain and let it go. This time to adjust the amount of time based on the spacing between the blocks ... github open source code. i Candle, iPhone, AI. Imaginary i. Cosmic poetry. Speaking of life as rhythm.

For eleven years, China’s largest South-to-North Water Transfer project failed to pass water. It is reported that the water channel is frozen and Beijing has not dripped. There is no one who believes that there is a nest of experts. In the north, there are several months below zero. Is it a big pot of boiling water along the way? Or shop heating pipe heating? ——Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons.

The discovery of English in the autumn blue is a heaven, referring to the cold and the heat translated into cold, heat, very straightforward, to think of good weather, and the original is this time.


The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincere, benevolence, courage and strictness. There is also wisdom, the quality of the commander. WeChat previous version number 6.5.2, is now upgraded to 6.6.1 to play a drop-down applet, thinking about 6.1 days, 610 days. 18.1.6 Chuan Pufa quality Twitter, saying that he is very smart and genius, open a press conference to explain the situation.

Many politicians took photos with the Terracotta Army. Oh! Such a large-scale non-human effort, like the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, is this the origin of the discovery of the real enlightenment of the Stone Records? The Nalan sex d'Emperor will guard the emperor, and the dream of Red Mansions has become a metaphor for this metaphor! It seems that at least the monuments in these two places are related to Baoyu and Saitama.

Just looking at the Trump encyclopedia in the evening, the name actually means a trump card. Noting that there are New York, Manhattan, and Trump Towers, the presidential election time is actually 16.11.9 days. Is this not 911? In turn, it became 119 fire. A sudden fire broke out in the Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York. Front hot search Guangxi small lovers sofa caught fire on the video, speaking on the 1.8th.

Check out the “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” song, and fig figs don’t know anything about it. The two-wheeled chariot of Sun Tzu's Art of War is very similar to Charlotte, and the law of this idea has this car. The soft French songs sounded so good that French seemed to be concise and the rhymes were to. Alex Bellem's name is like a fifty-degree gray maiden with a brief introduction to peotry. Just now, the British Princess Charlotte was learning French poetry.

In his new book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," reporter Wolf Wolf (Michael Wolff) stated that many of Trump's confidants described him as "an idiot." ", childish, and think he is not competent for the presidency." Qiu Lan has a clear understanding of the relationship between Sun Tzu’s art and fire anger and Trump Twitter. Seeing these intuitions, isn't this a question that is being questioned? It was the people of the United States who were hit by the autumn blue meditation that "Trump learned the grandchildren's art of war with alex Bellem of rational wisdom and the quality did not meet the requirements of the commander." The idea was indeed in the third phase of learning Sun Tzu's Art of War. When the South-North Water Diversion thought about the sky, it also thought about quality. Think of alex, male voice Trump. See Trump's tweets of fire and anger explain his quality. The BBC Guardian said Trump’s ban on the publishing industry. Ivanka, like Alex, said in her book that she wanted to be president and pay attention to the problems of family and women working at the same time.

Yesterday, Tiger came out again and published the English version. After hearing it, it was finally the white feather red fan landing. Yesterday's falling red is not a thing without emotion. Yesterday I stood up to see the Bauhinia lamp on my bed and thought of Hong Kong. The woman blocked the subway video to think of Guangzhou... Guangzhou Bauhinia fell to the Red Gate.

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