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The fourth day Flower Fairy Wizard of Oz 第四天 花仙子的绿野仙踪

Updated: Mar 3, 2018


她邀请秋蓝到她家去看她画的很多画儿,穿过一个小花园,走过太极路,便到了她家。她找出画儿让秋蓝看,然后又去开了电视,正听到:我就是福尔摩斯神探!秋蓝惊讶地看了她,她却嘻嘻一笑,这就是我最爱看的超时空大冒险!你看完画儿和我一起看吧,没想到现在也有。秋蓝又翻到一张画的纸片人儿,笑着对她说,这个纸片儿人昨天我刚刚看了个电影里有,人被变成了纸片样的了。还有这一张,你画的什么呀?她说最上面是人类的窗户;中间是能量块、能量条、点点的,这是连接的;下面是能量海。秋蓝说这个我也看过一本书讲的和你说的一样,你真是个书画家了。秋蓝想到是看的一的律法中说的机会之窗连接UFO、宇宙的海洋似能量。小姑娘听出来是夸她了,又拿出一张画说,这一个画是一个故事,讲的是有一个人来到了黑暗(指着长暗道路), 有了能量(指着一个绿一个蓝色两飞碟) ,爱心(五个心形),走出了黑暗(一个小姑娘黄边绿裙),最后到达了黄色光明的幸福地方...秋蓝更惊讶了,这不明明就是今天上午听到的寂静之声那首歌的意境吗?颜色也对应黄色是第三密度绿色是第四密度。秋蓝抱着她说,你真是个小花仙子了。



成志城在中秋节这天和朋友们登山赏石,来到了著名景点仙石林,这里全是令人叹为观止的石景,犹如狮子林一样。走过几处石林,他越发感慨人生得意需尽欢,任尔东南西北风,便想留下点印记,以博得石史留名也行啊。便在下午拿了一桶红色喷漆,脚步轻快的爬到了石林最峻岭崇峭的一块高石前,用了一秒钟写下了自己的大作:沧海桑田起波澜,雕刻麒麟怪石山。成志城 2610.9.1.涂罢他便遁逃深山,学那隐士道尼深究义理去了。不过没多久,石林协会对他发出了通牒,要求他再换一幅类似王羲之形式的书法重新书写,否则将会将此丑书递交其所在的书法协会予以除名处理。成志城叹道,换了马甲居然也能被人认出来,着实不解如今的科技发达到什么地步去了,也罢,就将前朝的怀素体发与他们,定然不会再找我麻烦了。如此想过,便在面前的石壁上冥想出了怀素体,通过仙鹤寄达到了石林,果真再无什么波澜了。

The fourth day Flower Fairy Wizard of Oz

Autumn sky blue is walking aimlessly on the lawn, do not know how to think of that poem: Bridge people, and draw a picture in my heart. At this time from behind to follow up a little girl, she took a picture of the United States and the United States let her look, it is the original painting is the bridge people, just think the style is exactly the same. She followed the girl who had just run again to see what she did, and she turned out to pick up a little star ladybug on the ground, she looked up at the sunshine exclaimed too cute! Autumn blue said that this is mine, just climbed my windowsill on the windowsill is this one, how to run to you here? She said puzzled, obviously I found on the ground, where is your home, it is such a small time in such a short time how to fly here? Qiu Lan said that you play it, do not take it seriously. I wonder if you are a small Sherlock Holmes?

She invited Qiu Lan to her house to see many of the pictures she drew through a small garden and walked through Taichi Road to her home. She figured out the children to see Qiu Lan, and then went on the TV, I heard: I am Sherlock Holmes! Autumn blue surprised to read her, she was hehe smile, this is my favorite time to watch the Macross adventure! You see the picture to see with me, I did not expect it now. Autumn blue and turn to a picture of paper children, smiled and told her that the paper man I just saw a movie yesterday, people have been turned into a piece of paper. And this one, what are you painting? She said the top is the human window; the middle is the energy block, the energy bar, a little bit, which is connected; below is the sea of ​​energy. Qiu Lan said that I have read a book and you say the same, you are really a painter. Autumn blue thought is looking at the law of one said that the window of opportunity to connect the UFO, the cosmic ocean-like energy. The girl listened to praise her, took out a picture and said that this painting is a story about one person coming to the darkness (pointing to the long dark road), with energy (pointing to a green-blue Color two UFO), love (five heart-shaped), out of the darkness (a little girl yellow skirt), and finally reached the yellow light of the happy place ... autumn blue more surprised, it is not clear that this morning The silence of the song to that mood it? Color also corresponds to yellow Yes Third density Green is fourth density. Autumn blue holding her, you're a fairy.

A few days later, autumn blue met flowers fairy on the lawn, she was watching a video of cytopathic virus, let her look together. That black circle antennae virus cells evolved to deceive the key to the nucleus, after entering the destruction of the cell body. She nervously said how to do this? How to prevent the virus from entering? Autumn blue comfort her as long as well learn to have more than the wisdom of the virus can beat it. She said with confidence that I must aspire to learn. Qiu Lan was her righteous amused, nodded and smiled and said that there are aspirations, intoxicated ah flower Fairy.

They came in front of a lot of rocks around the lawn to admire, she looked at far from what is the stone? Autumn blue said that this is a rock, is to let you appreciate it. I think it is so sad that it becomes like this? Seeing one of the rocks above seems to have a red letter, it was astonishment. It turned out to be a graffiti advertisement, which was eclipsed by a clean stone-like paint in the recent past. The overall figure was like a red letter. They are pointing to each other stone said that each one like a stone, sky birds fall on the grass, let them laugh.

Chengzhi-Cheng on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and friends mountaineering stone, came to the famous attractions celestial forest, where all the breathtaking stone, like lion forest. Through several Shilin, he more and more emotion life proud deserved pleasure, Seoul, northeast and northwest wind, would like to leave some imprint, to win the reputation of stone history ah. They took a bucket of red paint in the afternoon, climbed the footsteps briskly in the highest part of the Shilin highest mountain, with a second wrote his masterpiece: the sea and waves of turmoil, carved unicorn rock mountain. Cheng Chih-Cheng 2610.9.1. Tu strike he would fled the mountains, learn that the hermit Downey went to justice. However, it was not long before the Shilin Association issued an allegation to him asking him to re-write another calligraphy similar to that of Wang Xizhi, otherwise the ugly book would be handed over to the calligraphy association where it was located for de-listing. Chengzhi City sighed, changed the vest can actually be recognized, really understand nowadays the development of science and technology to what extent, it is worth mentioning, will the pre-emption of the body with them, will certainly not find me trouble It's So thought, then in front of the stone wall meditation out of the element body, sent through the crane to the Stone Forest, and really no more waves.

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