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The nineteenth day Spiritual tornado第十九天 心灵龙卷风



回到家,我看到一则新闻令我奇怪,才英文送巴那马总统礼物曝光:兰屿拼板舟模型,这个船与我今天在图书馆看到的埃及生死书里的太阳船几乎一模一样啊!而且它的两边的羽毛就如同书里说的对亡灵心脏称重的另一边的真理女神玛特的羽毛。她是太阳神ra的女儿,为真理女神,只有她头上有羽毛。 古埃及人认为阳世不过是人生的一个阶段,人死之后,他的灵魂将进入冥界,并在那里的真理大厅接受用天平称量心脏的审判,以此分辨善恶。阳世为善者将通过审判,并在冥王的首肯下获得天堂(芦苇之野)的肥沃田地,在那里重新恢复肉体的生命,从此过上幸福生活,直到永远。两边上翘的漂亮太阳船+公平女神玛特羽毛=巴那马总统赠礼,还挺呼应的。只是不明白,为什么古今都能找到埃及神的信息,甚至通灵的一的律法也是埃及太阳神ra?是不是ra真实存在?还是他只是人类的集体波性意识?而一的律法起始于1981年,难道超越时空真的对于波性意识小菜一碟?不过那个船为装饰漂亮,羽毛很多,而玛特羽毛只有一根。是否对应真理有多个还是一个的认识问题?这个文章里提到世界上只有一个中国,和真理为众还是一是否也有呼应?

和我借书时间一样的这天下午14点,英国公投脱欧,江苏盐城阜宁龙卷风,上午红楼梦饰演贾琏的乳母赵麽麽者金雅琴去世。我看到了有人如是解释英国脱欧: 现在中东局势乱英国选择脱欧他也是明智的……是能避免与接收这些难民。还有一个就是英国他可以抛开欧洲,去做一些他想做的事情工,而不受欧洲的法律约束。由此我想到了中东难民(叙利亚儿童);比利时布鲁塞尔欧盟附近爆炸恐袭(脱欧);做自己想做的事(巴拿马文件原因?卡伦?)


我借的有一本超越时空书,当看到爱因斯坦的两个理论时,想到按一的法则成物原理套用其质能公式,想到 一个婴儿的形成需要多少能量?一颗钻石又需要多少能量?最重的物质是什么?时空弯曲因为什么?质量大的弯曲时空是否不自觉的控制了其周围小质量的?引力波弯曲时空改变了什么?所有的能量都对质量有贡献:一个婴儿8斤需要多少能量?一颗钻石什么能量造就?想想光速的平方为分母啊!飞龙在天的95之尊路定是费了不少能量,而与之颠倒颠的综卦九2卦和之纠缠,同性质,但整体特质变成了另外一个事物(如原子排列组合一变即发生化学反应一样),如同一个人到了不同的单位就成为不同的人生轨迹与思维逻辑一样。(此处举例乾卦不妥,暂且用之)。我想让大质量对应于负质量,即m=-m,如果想等式成立,又能时空旅行,那么婴儿的质量是负能量的波性意识所造?它来回穿越蛀洞雕刻出一个婴儿?心灵感应如果算是一种引力,那么它不是正常的正时空弯曲造成的,而是负能量时空弯曲造成的。





实际上宏观世界已经验证了我前面的推理:牛顿物理+世俗风情+实践世界=唯理论与经验论的组合世纪。情理不通说的就是这个世界,情是慈悲是弥散性,理是智慧是纠缠性,弥散性+纠缠性=我们的世界。我们的宇宙在情海当中啊! 弥散性导致的吗,秦可卿的情天情海幻情身。太虚环境。太虚幻境?难道我们真的在一个洋葱圈里?所以我们一直在转啊转的。





苦集,是产生不圆满实体现象的根本原因,佛陀称其为贪爱,它实际是一种执取性的不间断的连续观察识知行为,是一种错误颠倒的信息获取方式。看到这些我认为佛陀是消极的,所以苦集,其实上面说过还应该有乐集。那就是佛陀所没有达到的境界: 罗素说:“对爱情的渴望,对知识的追求,对人类苦难不可遏制的同情,是支配我一生的单纯而强烈的三种感情。”佛陀是最后一种感情,对公理天启的发现是第二种,而第一种似乎人类还未有达成。佛陀的苦灭也只是对罗素第三种情况的苦灭,是相对于现象界的不连续来说的,而爱与知识的渴望是在禅界存在的,非无贪嗔痴的波性意识不可得。

尤其1981年的那次实验,不断证明波尔一派的量子力学关于没有独立客观物理实在的观点是正确的。1981?一的律法ra的通话也是这一年的,是否高我超越时空塌缩或影响了这个实验呢?通过测量或与其它物体发生相互作用而呈现出“ 0” 态或 “ 1” 态——这个是物质波粒转换的原因吧!以此类推:通过波性意识测量或与其它含(无)贪嗔痴发生相互作用而呈现出“ 0” 态(乐集)或 “ 1” 态(苦集)——这个是意识波粒转换的原因吧!对应新禅的真理说,我想到目前的世界现象,远未达成真理之说,还不能说接近终极真理,但是也可以如是说,也许一转身即是柳暗花明也未可知。

The nineteenth day

Spiritual tornado

Qiu Lan went to the library is no longer a book, because her practice of a bunch of consciousness has not been organized for a long time, a ring full of soul-stirring busy her roundabout, and now finally put aside all the dynamic, to find that quiet. Start by tracing back some of the things that make her feel important, starting with your friends' group records, and then chase that more far-reaching startling memoir. Look, Qiu Lan saw the past toss it in his book ...

Autumn blue in the library literature first floor there to see the Dream of Red Mansions books, when just started to explore Zhi Zhi Yan Zhi Yan she accidentally saw a book of Zhi Yan Zhai, immediately turned around, hungrily, she saw Yancheng The word will be taken aback, this is not learned before and Cao Xueqin is also the predecessor of the Lianghuai salt Yushu consistent? So just entered the Red Sea in the blue sky brainstorming non-stop shuttle with information about the Dream of Red Mansions. Autumn Blue also thought of it, and it is from this place, I happened to see many red book, the first time so many people surprised or surprised at the study of the Dream of Red Mansions, it is strange how Reds rise? After all, the charm of the Dream of Red Mansions where? My perception of my heart is limited to primary schools have seen the TV series and high school read the book, then I was naive to love it as a masterpiece of love and sumptuous style of poetry rhyme appreciation, in addition to these do not understand what good study. After mocking myself, I continued to search for books of interest, accidentally saw the book of life and death in Egypt, and saw the sun god ra, I wonder what exactly the relationship between law ra and the Egyptian sun god? Why did one ra ra say he was the humble messenger, while the Egyptians described him as the god of the sun? However, the Egyptian pyramid of jiza should be built on raccoon. In the end, I went to Lu Xun from the search results to Dirac to timeless places, borrowed a whole lot of books, and when I was interspersed with the new Zen and one of the laws.

When I got home, I saw a story that surprised me. Only English was given to the President of Panama. Exposure: The Lanyu puzzle boat model was almost exactly the same as the one I saw in the library of Egyptian books of life and death today what! And the feathers on either side of it resemble the feathers of the goddess Matt, the goddess of truth on the other side of the book, weighing on the souls. She is the daughter of the sun god ra, goddess of truth, only she has feathers on her head. The ancient Egyptians believed that the eternal world was but one phase of life. After the death, his soul would enter the underworld, and in the hall of truth there would receive the judgment of weighing the heart with a balance in order to distinguish between good and evil. The Good Land of the Good World will pass the trial and, under the approval of Pluto, will have access to the fertile land of Paradise (Reed's Wild), where it will regain its physical life and live a happy life forever. Beautiful solar boat upturned on both sides + fair goddess Matt feather = President Ba Na Ma gift, quite echoes. Just do not understand why the ancient Egypt can find God's message, and even the psychic law is the Egyptian sun god ra? Is not ra exist? Or is he just a collective wave of human consciousness? And one of the law began in 1981, is beyond time and space really a wave of awareness of a piece of cake? However, the boat was beautifully decorated with many feathers, and there was only one feather on the horse. Does it correspond to the question of whether there is more or less truth to the truth? In this article, is there only one China in the world that is echoed with the truth or the one?

At 14 o'clock this afternoon, just as I borrowed my books, the British referendum took off from Europe, the Jiangsu Funing tornado, the death of Jin Yaqin, the daughter of Zhao Jin, a madam from Jiayan in the morning. I saw someone explaining British Brexit: It is also wise for Britain to choose to leave Europe now that the situation in the Middle East is chaos ... It is possible to avoid and receive these refugees. The other is that he can leave Europe and do some things he wants to do without being bound by European law. So I think of refugees in the Middle East (Syrian children); Brussels, Belgium, the terrorist attacks near the EU (Brexit); do what you want to do (Panama?

In the evening, I found out that Dalai Lama is the Mongolian word "sea," and Lama is the meaning of Tibetan as a "human being." Think of: (blue) sea - sounds like the Baltic Sea - check the Baltic Sea red house blue sky and white clouds picture - see the blue sky and white clouds background like a bridge picture (maybe collapsed this picture is because previously seen red The sky is bright red in the blue sky Tianshui feel colorful, went to the sky to become a rainbow?) - In the evening while the blue sky and white sky clouds double the real scenery, micro-camera on a lot of people let me understand that all this is true happened.


I borrowed a transcendental space-time book. When I saw Einstein's two theories, I came up with the idea of ​​applying the principle of oneness as its principle of matter and how much energy it takes to think of the formation of a baby. How much energy a diamond needs? What is the heaviest material? Time-space bending because of what? Mass bending time and space is unconsciously control the small quality around it? Gravitational waves bending space-time changed what? All energy contributes to quality: How much energy does a baby weigh at 8 pounds? What a diamond energy create? Think of the square of the speed of light as the denominator ah! The dragon's demeanor in the heavens 95 is a lot of energy, but with the collapse of Britain's hexagrams and hexagrams, and the same nature, but the overall quality has become another thing (such as the atomic arrangement of a combination of change That is, the same chemical reaction occurs), just as a person to a different unit becomes a different life trajectory and logic of thinking the same. (Here for example, dry Gua wrong, for the time being). I want the mass corresponding to the negative mass, that is, m = -m, if you want to hold the equation, but also travel time and space, then the quality of the baby is the wave of consciousness of negative energy made it back and forth through the cave carving out a baby If telepathy is regarded as a kind of gravitation, then it is not caused by the normal positive and negative time-space curvature but by the negative-energy time-space curvature.

I heard the evening of Shantou University's glorious years, the combination of the vast sky of the word is very moving combination. You may wonder if your life is amazed by a certain word / thing. It is the treasure of your past life that waved by the entanglement of quantum in different times and places, bending the door of time and space, and connecting you with past lives, so that you Necessary to make a similar law of you. For example, when you see a particular word that shocks your heart (such as blessing), it shows that your bodily consciousness has been focused on. Therefore, you have also caused entanglement in your life. For another example, What you want to be said or done by others (as of today, her intention to do one thing is: breaking the bad to buy a new one) shows that past lives have also been entangled in this quantum, triggering other people's past lives Entanglement in this life. Of course, perhaps the entanglement of the wavy consciousness of past lives and the present life may be far behind, requiring the master to be Zen, more of the entanglement of the bodily consciousness of this life with others. If a man practices spiritual struggle with himself and with the bodily Consciousness of his past and present life, would not it be upside down? Heaven alone without stop words? Maybe it can also lead the direction of the development of the real ah! Exclaimed? Xue Bao Chai marvel it? Lin Daiyu it? Those who are nothing and whether it is entangled node (exclamation) where the support structure? Who is the result of flowering? Green leaves saffron root? Road where the hidden roots. Leafy, the need to have the meditation of enlightenment; Enlightenment no door, then the corresponding diffuse disorder. Zen community entanglement, the phenomenon of the corresponding world. America certainly contains order, you need more energy micro-carved, the more negative energy, the more the phenomenon of stretching out. Is Jiuzhaigou different from other parts of the wave consciousness energy?

I occasionally once again turned to the book one page: Single-electron double-slit experimental chart, immediately attracted by this icon, first see: the electron clearly felt the distance between double stitches, and then look at a figure and found the point - Two stitches - the arrangement of multiple stripes, is not just the lifeless Tai Chi, Tai Chi students two instruments, two instruments of many illusions mean? Let me suddenly realized that more agree with the judgments previously said: double-slit experiment is also a wave of consciousness collapsed out of this wave consciousness is very concerned about the Book of Changes this moral or moral life of two, two three, three The reason of all things. Antarctica If you have similar experiences, the Arctic is a similar principle. From the rapid absorption of the wave consciousness at the bottom of the pyramid, pour the wave consciousness from above, and the junction is the center of energy you can reach: red, yellow, or blue? Is it instinct, love, or expert? From the two universes connected by Einstein-Roseon Bridge and the north-south pole connection diagram of Sakyamuni Block, we can see that only the experts can reach the time-space crossing of the wave consciousness because of its energy Center have been opened up. Not fully open up only stay in a certain space-time. Lincoln Angels picture, and the above said there is a certain principle of the same.

When I was studying the new meditation, I tried to integrate the one law of study with it. Just as I used to connect Pan Yi with the new Zen, it was just as natural as the communication between programs. Especially for the mutual conversion of wavelets, I think that when I see the interpretation of them, it opens up the channel of thinking of self-trait: Yin and Yang, wave particles are stained systematic origin of the original thinking it? The Principle of Complement The connection between memorizing yarn before and after me and the catalyst of experience should be understood through the subconscious and conscious mechanism. High I are all parts of the source of thinking for continuity and dispersion, each with its own catalyst experience as discrete and concentrated. Quantum tunneling, infinite boundless, physical double seam, as nothing. High-dimensional low-dimensional, with the same brilliance, high-dimensional space-time, self-deduction. - High-dimensional wave can transcend time and space, self-interpretation is diffuse in the Zen world, once focused by the wave consciousness of people, then collapsed into the phenomenon of the granularity of the phenomenon. People and things are wave-like, wave awareness and wave-like substances, wave-based awareness of wave-like substances, the phenomenon that is the collapse of the granularity of the real world, or are abstract in Zen community.

Under the condition of observing and not being observed, the electron is a particle and an abstract wave respectively, a probability wave dispersed in the abstract mathematical space. This shows that the basic wave of the actual entanglement of particles can be collapsed granularity, whether there is more strength and breadth of the wave is really entangled (wave awareness of wave material access to information) can collapse out of the incident? Ra collapsed out A century of content? So it is possible that something like the Prophecy Pushback would span the millennium. Is Jin Sheng Tan collapsed out of the Golden Lotus, King Jing North can collapse out of the jade jade birth of Bao Yu? Or Narran can collapse out of the virtual information of the Dream of Red Mansions and the real reality of Jia Baoyu also collapsed? This last idea is too special, unless the Dream of Red Mansions is someone's autobiographical body. If one can collapse an entire century, it must be a combination of both mathematicians and secular masters at the same time. This is in line with the rationalism and empiricism fully connected, highly abstract and highly visible perfect overlay. So, Jin Shengtang + Dirac is indeed an unusual combination.

In fact the macro world has validated the reasoning in front of me: Newtonian physics + secular style + practical world = a combination of rationalism and empiricism. Unreasonable is the world, love is diffuse compassion, reason is wisdom is entangled, diffuse + entanglement = our world. Our universe in the sea of ​​love ah! Dispersion caused by it, Qin Keqing's love day fantasy sea body. Too virtual environment. Too fantasy? Do we really in an onion ring? So we have been turning ah turn.


If I could connect to the abstract math rationality of ra and connect with his rich sentiment, then the world I conjured would be a combination of heaven and man. His rationality is the rule, his experience is the catalyst of free will, and I, who moves in the double helix of reason, will eventually reach the abstract consciousness of waves. And so on, the other part is the same. This is a conscious evolution of density that can continue to evolve to the next density after harvesting ...

I am very busy, while learning to begin to explore the Dream of Red Mansions, then take a break and watch TV. This day is to see the cold Jiro Liu Xianlian plot, saw him, in addition to the two stone lions in your East House clean, I'm afraid even cats and dogs are not clean, foolish I have a deep impression of the stone lions. Because of what looked at the map of the East China Sea in Taiwan, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, while seeing a friend circling Nebot, I do not know what it is. Several times later, I noticed that the information of Nebuchadnezzar was not posted until 13:45 on the 9th. Only then did I think that the Quanzhou stone lion was actually a login point for Nebuchadnezzar. Read some news, think do not know whether consciousness is charged? Or whether the power? If the hurricane swirling center calm, the logon point and consciousness whirlpool center (also central silence) phase?


For intensive Zen and phenomenal world, autumn blue and started a brainstorming ...

The Zen Buddhism is the origin of the law of a law. In my opinion, the wave consciousness in Zen Buddhism is an original principle in the law of one. It is the source of the operation of Zen Buddhism. It created all things in the dynamic operation of Zen Buddhism. As Zen Buddhism itself has the wave-consciousness of greedy and obscene, it may coerce some wave-consciousness which contains greedy and damaging elements when it operates the abstract logic rules in Zen Buddhism, which results in the immeasurable world of phenomenology. After the above collapses into the realm of phenomena, the sensory awareness of granular consciousness can only astonish the result without knowing its running track unless the sage can know one or two. Therefore, the only saint can write a book that is what it meant. There is no correlation between the karma and the karma in the phenomenal world caused by the wave-like consciousness without greediness and obscenity, and the karma law in the Buddhist community is clear. It is this phase of the phase that the star says corruption and delusion cause collapse; and only the result of the wave-like consciousness operation that there is no corruption at all is the rule, axiom, apocalypse revealed by mankind, which is another On the one hand, the "collapsed display" of the stages is the two polarities that serve both the ego and the service to others, all of which are united to the original thought of serving the infinite Creator. The ultimate player is the source of thinking is the protagonist, intangible, other players to accompany more or less play, is supporting role.

Bitterness is the root cause of the phenomenon of imperfect entity. The Buddha calls it greed, which is actually a kind of continuous and uninterrupted continuous observation of knowledge and awareness. It is a mistaken way of obtaining information. To see these, I think the Buddha is negative, so bitter set, in fact, said that there should be a music collection. That is what the Buddha did not achieve: Russell said: "The desire for love, the pursuit of knowledge, and unbearable sympathy for human suffering are the simple but intense feelings that governed my life." The Buddha is the last Feelings, the discovery of the axiom of justice is the second, and the first one seems to have not been achieved by mankind. The depravation of the Buddha is only a bitter loss of Russell's third situation, which is relative to the discontinuity of the phenomenal world. The desire for love and knowledge exists in the Buddhist community, Not available.

In particular, the experiment of 1981 continued to prove that Bolton's quantum mechanics was correct regarding the view that there is no independent physical reality. 1981? Law ra calls this year, whether I transcend the time and space collapse or affect the experiment? By measuring or interacting with other objects and showing a "0" state or "1" state - this is the reason for the material wave conversion! And so on: a "0" state (musician) or "1" state (bitterness) is shown through the wave consciousness measurement or interaction with other (non) The reason! In response to the truth of the new Zen, I think of the current world phenomenon far from reaching the truth and still can not say that we are approaching the ultimate truth. However, it can be said that perhaps turning a blind eye is unknown.

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