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The next day the raging sandstorm 第二天 沙尘暴的肆虐

Updated: Mar 3, 2018





The next day the raging sandstorm

Qiu Lan recently obsessed with the Dream of Red Mansions, as a child seen a deep impression on the TV drama, and other equally impressive TV What is the difference? Different in her book for a whimsical interpretation. It seemed to her mind that there was a door open, and the information that could enter the door came in the same way as the flying wings of Lord, and fell into the spot where they loved to wait, waiting for you to pick again, So moist jade. She simplified the protagonist of the Dream of Red Mansions to Baoyu and Daiyu, and other eleven Chaoches are Daiyu's avatar, of course, Baoyu is also true, but not as clear as twelve hairpin. Then on this road from twelve to one, one after another has been attracted into the masterpiece of many masterpieces, Nalan virtue Needless to say is Baoyuan Yuan, Li Yishan Li He Li Qingzhao Li Bai, Bai Juyi Yuan Fu Du Fu Su Shi , Three hundred Tang poetry and Song Lyrics, even in northern Europe, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, until the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, the trip to the west, the discovery of the New World, the transatlantic ship, the entire earth together as a whole.

This day, the front edge that is off the edge that is, she was reading the poems of Li He found the popular screen wall ticking, raised a surprise for her a message, after reading the specific content, she wrote Under such a feeling: high smoke that is time Dichen, Shen Lin painted mountains and rivers love, Li with Chinese impeachment, asked the Red House how layers? Smoke from her mind flash back her tornado in the desert of Xinjiang and the tornado in Heilongjiang cemetery, of course, is also high smoke, so these jade records she was stored in my mind again so linked to the electric light, then screw up Off, she continued writing this poem.

The next day, the jade in Xinjiang's desert and cemetery was linked to the outside world. She saw the island of Seljske called Atlantic cemetery by the Canadian. It was said that at the beginning, only the wild horses survived and drifted with the wind, She was aware of the dust storm in Kyoto, she only saw the picture of this sand island the same day, only to feel the fine sand as the curve of the skin.

Bliss is an official news backbone, he really felt the sandstorms in Kyoto's publicity, but he also strangely felt a different "public opinion", actually many think this is the haze is about to disappear card When, everyone seems very happy, let him confused. He interviewed weather experts and weather experts, they are not fully recognized, the two are not completely related to evidence, but mentioned the special feature is that the sand was rolled to a height of 5,000 meters before landing in Kyoto Diffuse, while the whistling north wind is not the wind but a little slow southerly blowing. Huangcheng really became the root of Huangshi soil, after the end of an interview Beisin gradually recalled the dust storms since 2002, a bit dazed I do not know why, after get off work and my colleagues wore the sky sand, equipped with heavily armed equipment Slightly seems safe to return home, nor to the agreed bar friends gather, it seems that we have been dismissed.

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