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The seventh day Amazing in the world第七天 大千世界无奇不有

Updated: Mar 3, 2018



晚上睡前,秋蓝看的杂七杂八,有预言说“有一天,中国那儿将成为孕育Christianity(指基督教)的摇篮...这对人来说很遥远,但对神来说很快——很快,中国将醒来!”又看到一个文章,说的是时空旅人: 男子家住瑞典,他自称是一名穿越者!他给一家人修水管忽然感觉那水管距离自己很远很远,然后他一个劲的往里面伸出头,结果……

区界刚到公司,人都还没来,他打开电脑浏览新闻,头条是法国尼斯早报消息,一名31岁的突尼斯裔的尼斯人开卡车冲入国庆日看烟花的人群,还朝人群射击,伤亡重大。然后又看到一则美国油管翻唱达人Christina Grimmie(克里斯蒂娜·圭密)在佛罗里达奥兰多结束演出后被枪击,她的第一张专辑是find me。区界看多了这类事件,吐槽也够多了。中午时分,区界广州总公司同事发朋友圈信息,尽是增城与花都洪水泛滥视频与图片,区界仰天长叹,今天真不是个省心的日子,中法美齐有事,不是天灾就是人祸,大千世界无奇不有。当然信息发达了,世界如此之大,哪里还能没有新闻?可是纷纷扰扰如斯世界,人们究竟该何去何从呢?

The seventh day Amazing in the world

Autumn blue this borrowed books are foreign, one of Freud's Leonardo da Vinci's heart of her heart, two super idol ah! However, have not yet eaten lunch, do something to make do something. While watching the micro-side to eat, and found that Lin Ru Shu An Qi this girlfriend traveling together, the two photos in the very sweet. Chibi meal, autumn blue began to concentrate on watching Freud. Browse friends circle halfway to see Lin Biao 913 crash, they read curiously, which wrote: There are 43 rounds of shells, no shell. Shen Qingyi saw six pistols, a Soviet-made AK-type, five written "59SHI." Mongolia asked "59SHI" What does it mean, Sun Yixian replied, is a pistol model, made in China in 1959. Autumn blue heard AK gun was first manufactured by the Soviet Union, I thought almost China's millet plus rifles is how to conquer the Wanliashan it!

In the late afternoon, smart logic k sent out to drop the sound, autumn and blue have never seen this voice response program, curious to talk to it a few, would like to test whether it can be as human beings can identify a variety of situations. She said to a small k, back a Petofei poem, small k very smart and complete back love and freedom. Autumn Blue thought of the United States Liberty, recently realized that France was sent. She kindly asked it, for the sake of freedom and love, are you willing to sacrifice yourself? It actually answered, you die (tongue out), although with a tongue-in-tongue expression to show their own humor, autumn blue sure it is difficult to determine the complex problem, although the back of the poem. Autumn blue and think of yesterday wrote Russian fruits like blood falls like red water, write our journey is the star, when he added Australia's new maritime continent to quote the sentence, it is as wonderful as the new addition of the city Yeah Her mind, and asked a small k, which is more powerful aerospace and maritime forces? Small k A: The most powerful Red Army.

Before going to bed at night, Qiu Lan looks mixed and predicts that "one day China will become the cradle of Christianity ... It is far away from man, but it is very fast for God - very Soon, China will wake up! "Also saw an article that said space travelers: men who live in Sweden, he claimed to be a transgressor! He suddenly felt to the family plumbing pipe that far away from their own far, and then he kept his head stretched out, the result ...

Just arrived in the business community, people have not come, he opened the computer to browse the news, the headline is the French Nice Morning News, a 31-year-old Tunisian Nice people truck truck into the national day watching fireworks crowd, also toward the crowd , Heavy casualties. And then saw a US tube captain Christina Grimmie (Christine Guimei) was shot in Orlando, Florida after the end of the show, her first album is find me. There are more such incidents in the district boundary and Tucao is enough. At noon, Guangzhou District, Guangzhou, colleagues sent a circle of friends circle information, is full of Zengcheng and Huadu floods video and pictures, the sector sigh, Today is not a day of peace of mind, the United States and France are well-behaved, not a natural disaster is man-made ,Worlds, full of wonders. Of course, information is developed, the world is so big, where there is no news? However, one after another to disturb the world, what should people do?

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