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The sixth day our journey is the stars and the sea第六天 我们的征途是星辰大海

Updated: Mar 3, 2018




















过了些天,秋蓝就要归还书了,她必须得把未看完的纳兰词看完,已经连借了四个月了。当读到注释有一片冰心在玉壶时,想到红楼梦里李纨判词,一直有疑问的李纨判词冰是什么意思呢?原来是此冰心意思吗?然后查判词意思还是不得其解,看着判词拆分句词:如冰、好水、空 、相、妒女户......哎呀,都想到爪哇国去了,赶快看书去还书吧!她又连忙看了借的红楼梦稀有资料的香菱谶图介绍以及纪晓岚联语。


The sixth day our journey is the stars and the sea

Qiu Laola used to slack, often can not touch the north pen, this day inspiration is absent, no pen at hand, anxious to go to the pen to find, but it is a lake blue pen, the head is a colorful line of decorative circles, Like a delicious tempting transparent pie or ice cream, her mind never stopped imagination: the original pen is also a circle with a circle cake has become a beautiful form ah, and sure enough the combination of Tai Chi Hidden everywhere. She took notes down: a dream of ancient Red Mansions, whimsical Great Assembly! The matter cut off Wushan rain, expected to pit numerous soul. Victoria Week RA song, sporadic few know. Even if the stone carved bone marrow poem, but also how many rain is rainbow? And then read a domain name, do not understand why the front plus T, access to know after the time system, then put this information sent to the micro-note, and By the way access to recent developments, see a Longmen Grottoes like Luo Shenxian fairy water bottle pictures. Astronomy is often her point of concern, she saw a video about the earth will be twice as big? Inside the solar system images. After reading this Earth video, autumn blue feel human being very restrained, it seems that the earth does not live enough feeling, are a bit worried about the carrying capacity of the Earth's mud pill ... ... saw the nine planets arranged but only the earth can live, heart Want to be near these planets are livable enough, flying over is not it? I do not know the night autumn blue because of what looked like the contents of the Eight Immortals, see the Eight Immortals after the peak, I thought this was originally considered a myth of the legend, it now appears to be true ah, these are not also validated their own law, Is it fair to accept the truth of universal truth? When she saw the best I made the best mountain, could not help but laugh.

The next morning, autumn blue was extremely shocked to write a poem: illusion of truth

Split into a gold gong

Baidi embarrassment

Unreal like the air 8046

Where do I go today?

Peep around the sun laugh

Poor July topped the list

Four nine solar system me

August and August God Po bottle spirit

Never give up before throwing

Know that fantasy nine days floor

Heaven has said it does not matter

There are five hundred million years out of nothing

Pan Yi Wanli Grand View Garden

Ancient and modern moon with Ming House

Tango Ge to the sky head

Only I respect mountains and rivers.

After writing and thinking that even if we have a parallel universe, but certainly we are far away from the solar system, and our present level is far from the ability to live there. Do we have no way to live in the solar system? For example, in the vicinity of the nine planets, we are near stars

A few days later, autumn blue will return the book, she must have read the Nalan word did not finish, has been borrowed for four months. When I read the notes there is a heart of ice in the jade pot, think of Li Cun in the Dream of Red Mansions verdict, has been in doubt what is meant by Li Bing verdict ice? This ice is the original meaning of it? Then check the meaning of the sentence is still puzzling, looking at the verdict split the sentence: such as ice, water, air, phase, jealous woman ... ... Oh, all want to go to Java country, and quickly read a book to return It! She quickly read the borrowed Red Mansions rare information of Hong Ling 谶 map introduction and Ji Xiaolan associate language.

Tong Chengya every year on February 2 at zero whole day to give him the best wishes for the day, and happened to hit a popular wall today followed in the hot below. Tong Chengya opened his eyes to see that scientists in the United States released a new discovery of seven kinds of terrestrial planets Trapp, made up of rocks, the overall appearance of the same with the solar system, but a few livable in the middle of a ~ h, as the parallel world of the solar system . Another look at another U.S.-based spaceflight institute also released a new discovery: the hockey puck, which contains a large amount of liquid water droplets jetted under water and tiger-shaped cracked ice, contains hydrogen and scientists predict the existence of submarine heat Spring, or the presence of microbial life. Tong Chengya called him to the United States. He said you did not know that Australia, which is near our country, has also discovered a new continent in the sea! I am also studying these, give you a few days to tell you carefully, how do you a girl how to pay attention to these things, go around and listen to the world Divine Comedy PPAP it, you can also jump if the words of a United States and the United States. Tong Cheng Ya thought, to be honest, maybe he did not understand what there is any magical planet beyond the earth, so far.

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