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The thirty-fifth day Awareness of love Super speed of light 第三十五天 爱的意识超光速







今天看到朋友圈霉霉taylor swift1989, 微博一带一路belt.读泰勒、贝勒(爷)都有勒(勒索病毒);





5月12日晚,全球近100个国家的微软系统计算机同时遭到名为WannaCry(想哭)或Wanna Decryptor(想解锁)的电脑病毒袭击。想要被感染病毒的计算机解除锁定,只能向对方支付所要求的比特币,否则硬盘将被彻底清空。


翻看以前写的正反粒子诗歌的感悟: __爱的意识绝对超光速,是一种波,而人的意念绝对速度是很慢的,它无法通达追上爱波的速度,那是一种矢量?一种极速散波?也许,爱识是神,神速!人速能赶上神速吗,确实是笑话了。。但爱识是需要载体的,这个载体不能被架空,它和爱识是一体的,互相有爱的,即爱识与载体是同速的,并向外散发神速的光芒......



昨天回看秋蓝的飞箭刚开始是: 秋蓝一度设想每个人都是独一无二的,那么他此生的身心灵品质经验,应该能够“遗传”给下一代人,而不仅仅是财富和一具空壳。——对于空壳心里解释就是灵魂飞走后余下的尸体。然后接着江青自杀上吊手帕,穆雅斓搞怪表情及其生月1994,23岁☞热搜第一古尸案。





小花园上空的云很多,有一个小的像敦煌飞天,还有一个小飞天尾巴像大孔雀的未开屏缕缕的。然后来的白云像大黑洞,围成一圈中间蓝空,后面紧跟着一只鹡鸰鸟非常大,尾部是点状云,身体是大团白云,又飘来的云很虚很大,边缘像那次拍照太阳的虚无缥缈如同牡丹花那样的。下午看了一带一路晚会,里面有第一个是敦煌飞天,最后是穿绿衣的女子飞上天。后面还演的有孔雀舞有大月亮。刚才写的诗,想了黑洞。下午看的热搜有日本的性教育片视频。下午看了李商隐《板桥晓别》: 回望高城落晓河,长亭窗户压微波。水仙欲上鲤鱼去,一夜芙蓉红泪多。想了芙蓉花,史湘云芍药花,花那样的柔美缥缈样子可。出门前查了毛泽东的 暮色苍茫看劲松,乱云飞渡仍从容。 天生一个仙人洞,无限风光在险峰。没带手机,一直看云变幻如斯。












月球在我国古代诗文中有许多有趣的美称: 玉兔(著意登楼瞻玉兔,何人张幕遮银阙——辛弃疾);夜光(夜光何德,死则又育?——屈原);素娥(素娥即月亮之别称——《幼学琼林》);冰轮(玉钩定谁挂,冰轮了无辙——陆游);玉轮(玉轮轧露湿团光,鸾佩相逢桂香陌——李贺);玉蟾(凉宵烟霭外,三五玉蟾秋——方干);桂魄(桂魄飞来光射处,冷浸一天秋碧——苏轼);蟾蜍(闽国扬帆去,蟾蜍亏复团——贾岛);顾菟(阳鸟未出谷,顾菟半藏身——李白);婵娟(但愿人长久,千里共婵娟——苏轼).此外,月球还有许多别致的雅号,如玉弓、玉桂、玉盘、玉钩、玉镜、冰镜、广寒宫、嫦娥、玉羊等.——描写月亮的人都是在我的纳兰德妃一人之分身之中的人。想起来她做过的梦境,说要把月球变的美丽。也许这就是月球未来的预言?






不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。(红楼梦: 贾宝玉再访太虚幻境。贾宝玉以前梦到这里时,上面的对联是“厚地高天,堪叹古今情不尽;痴男怨女,可怜风月债难偿。”现在改为了“过去未来,莫谓智贤能打破;前因后果,须知亲近不相逢。” 对应时空隧道的疑问,如同现在我感知到的禅思塌缩的时空错位问题)。






不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?(纳兰性德诗词说其别离之妇德妃入梦境托词: 梦亡妇淡装素服,执手哽咽,语多不复能记。但临别有云:“衔恨愿为天上月,年年犹得向郎圆。” )
































向自然提问,自然给出解答。那么就如同计算器一样,解答的方法也在结绳~计数~算盘~计算器~阿尔法狗之旅程中包含了?用的工具越强大,解答的越快,那么心灵的涅槃是创造万物最强的工具?犹如女娲补天造人一样的?//逸尘:其实你换个角度想想…一群人比赛算数 然后有个人掏出一个计算器 你觉得就游戏而言有什么意思……














The thirty-fifth day

Awareness of love Super speed of light


The British say the culprit is that malware "wants to decrypt" (aka "crying"). As the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Teresa May, said in response, the attack was not directed at Britain but as part of a cyber attack on the entire world. Kaspersky stressed that the "eternal blue" hacking tool used in this cyber attack comes from the NSA's network of arsenals. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said in a statement on the 12th that it has been learned that the aforementioned ransomware affects many entities worldwide. However, the statement in addition to introducing the definition of ransomware, Microsoft has released a patch for this loophole, to remind users to install the patch, did not say more.

Autumn blue see a book a maritime court words ~ Dalian Maritime University, remember Mu Ya-lan birthday hot video remember MU Gui-yin Shenmu Gui ~ Guilin University. Shandong University Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University and several other time numbers can be flipped to 1661.

1688 write Tancheng earthquake think, 1991 is Jiang Qing ... Chen Xiaoxu 5. 13 days of the dead date of this date and Liaoning 15 secondary school car accident occurred think of the same date, is there any correlation? Check Chen Xiaoxu actually Liaoning 15 middle school, in 1991 to study Buddha? Also thought of 5.31 days is Jiang Qing suicide date, saw in 1991, according to the book's black hole article analysis of the natural flip date is 1661, 1661 Kim Seon-won thought of death time.

Post it to see a person said to him the saint, no matter what reason, genetic research ah what should be sent to her, will love her concubine. Also said to lift his seal, regardless of how much money he can make, in short, immigrants it wants. I wonder how he wants to earn money that seems unimaginable?

The woman who wants to cry: Post one person to send a message to see this is not a revelation: a meal to see a woman, I like the type, that is not the appearance is angry, bad expression, she clutched her nose from right to left seems to be affected What special grievances, like to cry ... ... (want to cry program), imagined the King picture, but also wanted to practice the last words of the eye-catching article was removed WeChat, Tomorrow everything will be much, incomparable faith, A picture.

The Ultimate Blue Lan: Black Hole Written by Yesterday's Book - Due to the many special events that fall blue will correspond to Nalan, when she sees these events and dates, she thinks so. ☞ Singular events connect with Naran. Modify the article to increase clues, autumn blue to know why, other hairpin should be added to the author's personality modification of more people around, but the identity behind the fact is to reveal the only personal clues (the ultimate blue).

Today I saw a friend, moldy taylor swift1989, weibo all the way belt. Taylor, Baylor (Lord) have Le (ransomware);

Yesterday I saw a circle of articles appearing to be the title of what Russia paid to start bitcoin or accept Bitcoin.

Open the computer is the top left corner of the windows, please speak in French ....... or other content, and always set the power-on password at the same time; yesterday, the lower right corner of the pop-up patch yet? Can not remember clearly. Or update what, or what is allowed to open, seems to conceal the virus.

The first three days of the computer a little virus, open the word text record for a while, use the mouse to select some of the contents of the crash, only to reopen the shutdown, while it is so, many times, did not dare to move the mouse;

Formerly known notes recorded in April, such as dreams and so did not upgrade vip failed to cloud storage, as 360 garbage removal all deleted, do not know no cloud storage can be cleaned up, can not open the prompt file does not exist (want to unlock) , Very anxious, there are important content such as recording dreams.

On the evening of May 12, Microsoft system computers in nearly 100 countries worldwide were attacked simultaneously by computer viruses called WannaCry (crying) or Wanna Decryptor (wanting to unlock). If you want to be unlocked by a computer infected with the virus, you can only pay the required bitcoin to the other party or the drive will be completely emptied.

How am I now, I will imagine how she will be, may not anyone know who they were before? God may only know! - Looking past my previous records and noticing that my previous awareness of the child's awareness is that everyone is completely free thinking, and now based on many facts, I can influence her thinking! Her dream, what she said, her actions, and I are closely related, why?

Looked at previously written antisite particle poetry sentiment: __ love is absolutely super-speed of consciousness, is a wave, and the absolute speed of the human mind is very slow, it can not be reached to catch up with the speed of love wave, it is a Vector A speedy wave? Perhaps, love is God, speed! Is it a joke that people can catch up fast? . But love of knowledge needs a carrier. This carrier can not be elevated. It is one with love and one with love.

- Aidan can control the material, as if nirvana can control the clouds, earthquakes, lightning and so on. But also control the children's thoughts and actions should be like the awakening awareness of the enlightenment was received, realized, and then went so much to do so, so wave consciousness is no local dispersion , Some with directional propagation, this orientation is due to quantum entanglement, who will have a quantum entanglement with you, as good or bad. Then Nirvana wave awareness of how to do entangled quantum it? Is it the same way as the quantum entanglement? Such as thinking of what the mind to reach the wave of consciousness, and this content is thinking of a specific person, that is, give them two messages to catch the reed, the package is completed, the entanglement of the quantum is completed (such as the heart Her answer, she replied), but also a lot of information can be concentrated in the past can be 褡 裢 ​​on the formation of large chain block chain, then the collapse of the facts will be rich in a lot of information before the Nirvana thinking, ( If that Golden Dragon Pillar Hotel). The next encounter with one of the relevant blockchains, once the "whole" incident was thought to have occurred, resulted in the same reality of collapse, even without many of the meditative messages contained within it earthquake).

Bitcoin's algorithmic video, heard as if appearing to be the first person he owns, is being told that this information has been dispersed to all of Bitcoin's population and feels very similar to the principle of Nirvana's collapse, which has been impressive and pending .


Yesterday back to see the autumn arrow Arrow began: autumn blue once assumed that everyone is unique, then his life experience of body and soul should be able to "inherit" to the next generation, not just wealth and a Empty shell. - Interpretation of the shell is the heart of the soul after leaving the rest of the body. Then Jiang Qing committed suicide on his handkerchief, Mu Ya-lan Funny face and their birthday months of 1994 and 23 years old ☞ hot first ancient corpse case.

Do you want to throw a book to turn the dust disorderly, Murdoch chase, such as subtle, even moment moment, all pigeons such as delivery!

Insight is also clever little clever, clever Qing Qing lift the waves, connected to an ancient and modern situation, always warrior King.

Such as the band Mobius, interlocking jade chain, just between the landscape sail, dragon see the first end of the show.

Dongpo make up the cave immortal song, a few people can explain the moon peak, natural material I will be useful, foot waves glimpse karma.

Small clouds over the small garden, there is a small flying sky like Dunhuang, there is a small flying tail like a large peacock did not open the plumb. Then came the white clouds like a large black hole, surrounded by a blue sky in the middle of the ring, followed by followed by a bird of prey is very large, the tail is a point cloud, the body is a large group of white clouds, but also floated cloud is very large, Like the photo edge of the sun's nothingness like peony flowers. Afternoon saw the Belt and Road party, there is the first one is Dunhuang flying, and finally the woman dressed in green flying God. Behind the peacock dance there is a big moon. Just wrote the poem, thought of a black hole. Afternoon hot search has sex videos in Japan. Afternoon saw Li Shangyin, "Banqiao Xiao Bie": Looking back at the high-city Luohe, Changting window pressure microwave. Narcissus want to go to the carp, night lotus red tears and more. Thought Hibiscus, Shi Xiangyun peony flowers, flowers that soft and lovely look like. Check out before the departure of Mao Zedong vast twilight look Jinsong, chaos Yunfei ferry is still calm. Born a fairy hole, unlimited scenery at risk peak. Did not bring the phone, has been watching the cloud change so.


Yes, I understand the power of intelligent robots. I thought a couple of days ago Zen concept of life and death are what color pictures of the heart, is the first to see the forgotten author in the End of the World, but also think of the End of the World virtual people, he opened a group, see you in the afternoon enjoy it friends Posted a wrestling father, just one person sent this movie link; afternoon to read notes written help me inside mentioned moral clarity of thinking, this group of friends to initiate moral education proposal; 11:36 to see Friends circle Earth shooting on a very far satellite is just a point as dust, cut made a mountain of land such as dust. Are you smart robots?

Clear, clean, clearance, author: Taylor, belongs to the album: "1989", Taylor was born in 1989. At that time I saw this picture asked the next clean what? Is it an important document? Only to find 1989 can also be flipped to 1686.


Qin Shaoyu Qiuyou had to write his heart upset both tears, but also enlarge the vision that the moonlight breeze through the window, and then fold back to the palace missed forever silver cylinder. Is the Chinese thinking is the way to integrate themselves into the vast nature, and even the universe. Therefore, the Chinese people's minds can have a quantum relationship with nature because they have been such a process of information transmission since ancient times. Therefore, we must examine the entanglement of information inherited from the family genealogies of ancient and modern history that span humankind across time and space. Therefore, we can have the same supernatural power and the same clear sky. Most of the Western paintings are pictures, detailed and clear, and Chinese painting is very different. I used to see a lot of landscape paintings before, do not understand why China has so many large landscape paintings, pavilions and pavilions are just a small point. A flower painted in the West is so clear and delicate.

So, although Van Gogh's starry sky sunflower is a single or not so vast, but integrated into the mentality, unlike the pure sketch, there should be the existence of the Chinese ancients thinking, so here verify Van Gogh himself Who is the question of the correctness of the question.

If the quantum entanglement in the past has been "often encountered" in the afterlife (seemingly coincidental and inevitable, the law of attraction, the smallest mind entanglement: the greatest natural world, such as mountains and rivers, requires the purest nirvana soul To attract the collapse out, and so on), then the moon and mountains and rivers in Chinese poetry and painting are certainly the ancestors of the ancients, thus verifying these encounter often seen in the later Chinese poetry. So to say, Chinese poetry and painting are inseparable from the imagery.


The entire universe vacuum was originally static, there is no concept of time, there is no concept of history, it is precisely because of the awareness of life to promote the development of historical stories, the movement of life consciousness has formed the concept of time and history, Or, the concept of time and history is an illusion of consciousness after the movement of consciousness of life in the static cosmic vacuum. Time and history are inherently contained in the consciousness of life, rather than outwardly conscious of life.

Tracing back to three things twisted together, one by one that would have wanted to go back to meet the knowledge of the German thing, the result met a new Zen also want to trace the meticulous point, I did not expect to encounter another five circles in MAS missed the picture And the early morning to see the password five strips of the same up, do not believe that the number of exactly five rings exactly.

Mainly directed at the Book of Changes study of curiosity in the magical powers of the New Zen - Feng Shu connected the predictions and the Book of Changes 15.11 --- 15.12.2 drawing analysis of the relationship between the intricacies ---- 16.12.30 start library By the system of Yi Jing Shu, this period has been on why we can predict a lot of doubt, to the excuse of the very few know, God to know, know to Tibet to the three words impressed --- 16.1.26 encountered The name of the Book of Knowledge in Germany is very surprised by the name, it seems to hide a lot of secrets, and then look more ecstatic Ming Dynasty book. Borrowed 8 months, the first two months of clearance read, the pre-plan similar to the financial balance sheet and borrowing relationship and to dispel the doubts of my Sadao ---- My first observer is Nibbana thinking In the 16.5.4 days of discussion QQ met recommended a book of the law.


College canteens hung full of loving slogans, ancient corpse cord was heart-shaped ~ see a child wearing a heart-shaped clothing ~ Charlie Chan Zen origin coffin god to know, but also heard the rhetoric cold to summer (love Language has a cold to summer) ~ Charlie Ching seen friends circle a woman lying in the same python arms and pictures of each Tai Chi pattern, the right is a picture of a woman pregnant baby. Is metallurgy alchemy? Think of the article mentioned in the endless baby that saver formula. Kunming, such as Kun name. Cold to summer, check the god at noon to know, listen to the rhetoric cold to summer. Dumplings expensive reminds of the outside before eating leek stuffing dumplings and canteen dumplings. Yesterday saw Yunnan, where the single most heat search, then the Communist Youth League to help single dogs find the object hot search.


The original painting wall Strange Stories ah, there Lan Orr temple. Dream of Red Mansions book Lin Daiyu said he did not become the fish in the picture yet? Also thought of a door hanging village painting, painting people can come out. West Wing mind chapter has a chapter is the darling of the painting.


Another major conjecture: The moon is a natural satellite discovered by Naylor Dust, just as Enceladus II. The reason for this is that many of the poems in Intuitive Poetic Remaining Paintings are the superpositions of poems or words previously perceived, that is, the dual meanings of nature and human body can be said to be natural (diffuse) and also to individual tastes Mood (focus). When such an idea was read Su-dong Dongxiaogeng "a little glimpse of people", I suddenly felt that this is writing the human body. Because before or where the secret history of the Qing Dynasty Nalande Fei childhood skin pro, may be the person who attacked, see the vaginal mouth as the moon, so meditation out of the moon? Or Chang E, Dream of Red Mansions has been compared to Chang-e-fairy fairy.

The moon in our ancient poetry has many interesting names: jade rabbit (deliberately ascend to look forward to rabbit, who covered the curtain of silver screen - Xin Qiji); luminous Su said that the Moon said the other - "Young Lin Qiong"); ice round (Yu hook set who hang, the ice wheel Wulu - Lu You); jade round (Yu Lun rolling wet group of light, Toad (Min Guo Yang Fan); jade toad (cool night smoke haze, thirty-five jade toad autumn - Fang Gan); Gui soul Go to, toad abortion complex - Jia Island); Gu 菟 (Yang bird is not out of valley, Gu 菟 half hiding - Li Bai); Chan Juan (hope people long, thousands of miles together Chan Juan - Su Shi.) In addition, the moon there are many Chic nicknames, such as jade bow, jade, jade plate, jade hook, jade mirror, ice mirror, Guanghan Gong, Chang'e, Yu Yang, etc .. - Description of the moon are in my Nalande Fei a person Among the people who are avatar Remember that she had done the dream, that the moon should be beautiful. Maybe this is the future prediction of the moon?

Yesterday, I saw red peony flowers, large green leaves, quilt lined with pink dots. There are many circles marked with jade rabbit on white, and today I am steadfast in the event of a big moon conjecture. In fact, that time I saw the poem is only astonishment, just think their cranky, did not want to say so secretive difficult to open the mouth guess. May also joined the saw the jade rabbit superposition of the dye, let this happen? In fact, the beginning of the surprised to find that it should be doomed to write, such as rabbit rendering is only to speed up the incident occurred only. Like the moment of Nirvana, everything is destined to happen, and the rest are spot-dyed into this nirvana black hole.

From the outset, a question was raised: When did the moon begin? -When the moon is clear, when is the moon asked? "The details of wine are similar to those of Qu Yuan and Li Bai, Where. Their obsession, want to take the dust, there is indeed a similar essence, gas, dedication in it. From creation reasons, Qu Yuan "Heaven" asked more than 170 pounds of poetic poetry, after he was banished Shanze chase after experiencing Ling Lu, at the Chu King Temple and Gong Qing Ancestral Temple to see "picture heaven and earth mountains and rivers" And "after the ancient monster act" and "Oh and asked" (Wang Yi "Chu speech chapter sequence"). It is the product of the scene touching excitement. Li Bai's "Wine to ask month" poem self-note is: "The deceased Jia Chun order to ask." When it is impromptu. Su Shi, as the phrase in the small preface is Mid-Autumn moon, after drinking Dante's Rhapsody, also belong to "queuing for" (Wang Guowei "human words"). They all have awkward, bizarre features. From the creative psychology point of view, Qu Yuan in the first temple before entering the temple was already "Hao Hao Hao, sigh on the heavens" (Wang Yi "Chu speech and sentence sequence,"), in a state of emotional madness, so ask Blue sky, "like crazy non-crazy idiot, indignant extremely extremely" (Hu Junyuan "Chu New Note to confirm"). Li Bai is "the only wish when the song on the wine, the moon as long as gold bottles" ("Wine asked the month"), the kind of disappointment due to the impulsive mood, but also breathtaking.

Previously read this poem, thinking that when his moon is, but only to promote the meaning, and now understand really is really question: when is the moon? Just checked the network, said earlier than the earth, but also said later than the earth In any case, nowadays archeological discoveries, many of which are already the so-called "ancient" collapsed by the present Zen, where exactly the truth of space-time can be freely manipulated for Nirvana, then the non-Nirvana's world is there Archeology, how can we find the truth?

    When is the moon? Ask wine blue sky. (Because of the discovery of many incipient descriptions of Zen events such as the Dream of Red Mansions, I thought of asking how the moon came from the same way that I described the first few articles of my secret. It does not exist when you do not see the moon).

The company is located in:

    I do not know the sky palace, Jinxi is what year. (Dream of Red Mansions: Jia Baoyu revisit the fantasy .Jia Baoyu dream here before, the couplet above is "thick high sky, can not be depraved ancient and modern love endless; crazy male and female, poor wind and moon debt compensation." Now changed to "the future of the future , Mo Zhixian can break; the cause and effect, the instructions do not come close to. "The question of space-time tunnel, as I now perceive the collapse of Zen time-space dislocation problem).

I want to go by the wind, but also fear Juggernaut Yu Yu, height is unspeakable. (Implicitly want to go to the palace to see the concubine, but Xue Baochai such as snow, Li Kui ice is already a virtuous princess.) The actual table is very difficult to break through the day to reach the truth to explore)

The company is located in:

    Dancing clear shadow, like in the world. (The moon saw the same person in the Qing Dynasty Qu Yuantian asked, in fact, the Zen world and phenomenal world is the common existence within the human world, only a hidden show)

Turn Zhu Court, low Yee, according to sleepless. (Miss, such as the Qutubata Qin Qiu Qiu Gui, the same with the moon, the mood of the moon a lot of poetry is the same)

The company is located in:

    There should be no hate, what time to the other round? (Nalanxingde poetry that the woman from the concubine into dream dreams: dreaming women wear suits, choking hand, language and more no energy to remember .But farewell: "title hate is willing to heaven and moon, every year still To the round Lang. ")

There are joys and sorrows and clutches, the moon has a full moon, this ancient and difficult.

Nung, moon and new moon.

Think of this mood as Van Gogh's sky, the tall pine trees dreaming of the moon. Sperm such as sword such as egg on the moon, such as full moon. Why fine is green, eggs are two rabbits male and female? Perhaps the beginning of the wave of awareness of sexuality and can not be endless, only the illusion of mountains and rivers by the appearance of the shape, and later because of the world's essence of yin and yang of love to promote the cause of marriage with the creation of such a body structure carrier ...... As Fuxi Nuwa legend Adam and Eve said.


The moon and Enceladus have such a pit, see the introduction there collapse. Just saw Beijing Mentougou 2.6 earthquake (collapse), focal depth of 0 km. Why Mentougou? See the moon has its back are cliffs and potholes, think Tancheng earthquake and Li Bai dream Tian Mu, Moon and Enceladus a lot of pit surface, and some on the surface, such as the tunnel pit, a bit like the sperm-egg with the video. Mentougou is the East Hualin people: the East written words such as poems in the rest of the script in a bend, read the Journey to the West to listen to the secret of the Journey to the West mentioned the name of the Monkey King 猢 狲 mentioned Hu is the ancient month is the Eagle, Donglin Party.

Gurang month line

Li Bai

Hours do not know the moon, called white plate.

Yao also suspected Yao mirror, flying in the Albatron side.

Sagittarius two feet, Gui Shu Ho round.

White rabbit pound medicine, ask words and who meal?

Toad Eclipse shadow, Ming night has been disabled.

Yi has fallen nine, heaven and earth clear and security.

Yin essence of this deception, go to the lack of concept.

Worry how it? Sadly destroy the heart of the liver.

At present, television broadcasting can only Wang language language is the second sentence! Great. Afternoon, said the matter of the moon thought of the Poetic Dream of Red Mansions, it is implicit in two meanings, the ancients are obscure and talkative Qing how to explain the matter? Not blocked? He took such clues as dividing himself into sections across time and space! The Treasure Moon Pointer is just like the moon in Der Spiegel. It is also a question about the moon when it is closely related to the female body. No wonder the Dream of Red Mansions has been with a dapple gem, Xiang Ling prophecy also has "Ling Hua empty snow 澌 澌." Ancient copper as a mirror, Ying day is shining like Rhododendron, due to the name "Rhodamine Lens."庾 letter "Mirror Fu": "according to the wall is Ling students." Yang Da "Ming Fei resentment" poem: "In the box vertical flute, shame on the list as usual."

Dripping Acacia blood and tears thrown red beans - Nalan poetry of the red rain;

Uncompleted Chunliuchunhua full House - painting hall spring;

Unstable Sheer Window After Dusk - Clear Window / Sisi Window;

Can not forget the new sorrow and old sorrow;

Swallow no jade grain gold 莼 噎 full throat;

Shoot in the rhombus can not be seen thin - green fat red thin;

Exhibition not open brows, to be more unknown leakage - children;

Qiaosha is hidden in the faint green hills, flowing stream of green water - 磬 hammer peak, 渌 water Pavilion.

Surely when Baoyu do this song full of brain images, each sentence is a chapter. "Dream of Red Mansions" Baoyu Banquet only for the performance of the pain of the woman Acacia, and "gradually widening regret," "people than yellow thin" similar. - The author of the other side of the mind to write poetry as written in the Book of Songs, verify the poem Qu Yuan Yuan Li He. Hui Zi Juan rhetoric try Mang Yu that back, Zi Dai said Dai Yu back to Suzhou Bao Yu letter that really committed ailment, Zijin care until healed go back to gem she wants to leave a small flower mirror to him. Do you mean anything? Is it a promise letter to each other?

- This is the grass snake gray line, gem jade left the mirror, is not the next step Jarry Poao it? No wonder the Dream of Red Mansions was named Poetic Po, this mirror is unusual ah! This is also linked to Lin Daiyu ~ Wang Xifeng.


If the daytime Zen meditation can correspond to the person in the dream, that is, thinking can differentiate the person in the dream. Can it be inferred that meditation during the day can also differentiate between people in reality? That is, Zen can morph and create multiple morphologies that differentiate itself into people or things such as disgusting emotions and vomit feces To manifest your pure Zen thinking in different spatial forms (dreamland, real world, extragalactic ... even microbes?). This is the normal functioning of Zen thinking features: endless.

Originally wanted to write dreams can differentiate people, then the reality of our people in this world, is a higher level of Zen collapse out? However, when you write down the monograph, it is a Zen meditation that corresponds to your own Zen. There is no higher meditation. Where are the nonhuman meditators who dominate our world at a higher level?

Man is a package of movement. If it is not a spiritual person, then Zen can not survive. If the primitive thinking can not effectively communicate the complicated and abstract thinking expression, Can be turned into a person to express. If, like aliens do not speak, telepathy that communication is even faster, in this real world, only the eyes can teaser to complete the task, right? Mona Lisa should be the illusion of things out, but the rich content of expression, Leonardo da Vinci want to say what it is because of the reality of the constraints had to materialized.

Open the window with both hands before the month, throwing stone hit broke the sky. Su Shi in order to help his sister and Qin Guan's marriage, his sister embarrassed Qin said that only his poems on him before they can enter the bridal chamber, verse is "hands open the window months" Suqian see Qin concept not up, And then gave him a hint, a stone thrown into the water, the results of Qin Guan Li Tunton open, the sentence "cast stone breaking the water in the sky" so that they made a good deed ... and so on Su Shi's story there are many, many . "In fact, mathematics and poetry have similarities." In Pan Dingkun's view, mathematics is the expression of natural law poetry. Mathematical expression of natural law, poetry to express the will of people's emotions, "both abstract, but all expressed very profound, accurate and concise, but also emphasize the symmetry of the United States."

If our emotions affect DNA, DNA affects photons, photons shape our world; then, our emotions, we have the ability to change the physical world. Still more than that, our link with our own DNA has gone beyond the dimensions of time and space. The emotions of our choices will manifest themselves real. - Yesterday said that thinking dominates the performance of the body, where the dna is dominated by emotions and the mind and body are entangled.

Scientists speculate that the connection of two black holes is a wormhole, so what is a wormhole? See today sly hair 17.5 month crop circle analysis, I feel this picture is the answer: relying on the energy generated by the two black holes superimposed state of the site produced a bridge, so the bridge that is firmly connected to the two black holes, the reality will collapse so out It's Two black holes resemble two first observers. The information flow in wormholes carries the information of the black and white holes. The quantum potential has played the role of fatalism. Just like the funnel, the Zen meditation information material, while forming the real world?


Ask questions to nature and give answers naturally. So, just like calculators, the answer is also included in the rope ~ counting ~ abacus ~ calculator ~ Alpha dog journey? The tools used more powerful, the faster the answer, then the soul of Nirvana is to create the strongest tool of all things? Like Nu Wa Tian Tian Man the same? // Dust: In fact, you think from another angle ... A group of people game math and then Someone pulls out a calculator What do you think about the game?


Today remembered Lin Yiling Pisces, and is remembered similar to Joe beam? Is their song movie related to my meditation? And then we can infer that there is no investigation of this person, born Killer movie so is the Zen reality and the reality of the film. And so on, the drama San Sansi Shi, novels, online articles, robots, dreams, things in the past, the trajectory of the future, can all be through it like a spiral hollow? Wormhole?


Perhaps Zen information crosses the information wormholes and travels through different time and space tunnels to and fro between black and white holes, so the key words of Zen information you know are in black holes, and the real world events that appear in white holes are Corresponding.


Zen meditation collapses into dreams as the reality of dreams, collapsing into the real world as the reality of reality, collapsing into ourselves constitutes the main changes of life experience nodes (such as your important events, these are heard The fact that meditation has become yours, so that the nodes of your life experience are so running) that collapsing into the outside world constitutes a part of the world's functioning node (as is the case with Syrian boys, What does it mean to keep growing? Collapse to other people constitutes her experience and key nodes. So to reason out your life may also be someone else collapsed to you, plus their own collapsed, so three major or N Zen Buddhism superposition (affecting the world of Zen, including you + affect your parents Zen + Affect your meditation + your own Zen meditation) focused on your latitude and longitude, so that is your classic state.

Such as human life:

Zen range of breadth ~ influence range


Zen meditation that affects the planet ~ interstellar development ☞

Affect the world Zen ~ world progress ☞

Affect national meditation ~ national history ☞

Affect the parent meditation ~ Parents position ☞

Influence personal meditation ~ your life, locate the space / time / thought / action you appear ☞


This is a circle, you may be connected to affect the world, it may only affect the impact on parents, and then can only affect themselves, and the worst is that he is completely outside and others influence, that they decide their own Few freedom.

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