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The thirty-fourth day Planet dreams, return Tai Chi road 第三十四天 星球如梦,回归太极之路












7日晚上刷牙,我不知怎么哼起了齐秦北方的狼: 我是一匹来自北方的狼,走在无垠的旷野中,凄厉的北风吹过,漫漫的黄沙掠过,我只有咬着冷冷的牙,报以两声长啸。不为别的,只为那传说中美丽的草原(唱时北方,黄沙,草原印象深刻,5-6句不记得没唱出来歌词)☞日本黄沙沙尘暴,日本遭遇1967年来首次沙尘暴,当地称中国吹来的。










1.以Ra的观点,除了太一,其它事物都是幻象,或变貌; 所以本书中会一再出现变貌的词汇。 2.在Ra的世界,意识以群体为单元,跟地球上 意识以个体为单元不同。 ​​​​——此说明一的法则是以涅槃太极为最终源头与真相的,意识以群体说明黑洞裹挟着弥散着,群体意识亦即有被涅槃者发射的意识能量波,如同脑控似的。一的法则此中心议题加上其大量解说的7个能量中心议题,吻合我印象深刻的两大支柱。


上午看微信记录6.6日有佛陀再诞一个图片,大象在佛陀的虚相之内,主角站在大象身上。昨天想了自己已经写了12篇文章了,正好对应红楼十二钗的12,如果对应避暑山庄景,那至少得写36篇,全部的话72景,又对应孙悟空的72变了。视频中是12头大象啊为什么说13头?为什么在云南呢?刚才想写云之禅思,搜索林俊杰歌曲185空难输入关键词1997空难,出来南航。运南极洲冰块微博。—— 13头野象突袭云南江城县曼老街村。








伏羲对应亚当吗?为什么推背图开始第一象是伏羲造物阴阳的图象,而后面紧跟却是武则天女皇呢?这是否说明禅思推背图的人潜意识思维是造物者是伏羲、亚当;孕育出的第一个人形拓朴是夏娃女娲?易经一开始并无总论只是和天通灵是巫师的职责,而孔子为什么后著主张乾男坤女的易经十翼 而又主张洁净精微,洁净精微是专属男人气质的吗?道德经为什么称为老子著,主张上善若水,性质又是女性的呢?是否以男女形态而进行阴阳固化的对应,是当时组合的新态?比如1+1=2.....直至当时女数是2^80,男数是2^81,所以其以经验性思维认为是男乾女坤?正是当今西方思维的分散逻辑所形成的理论吗?如果按太极思维归之,又该如何呢?双黑洞是什么?是否是比易经的更高级的组合新生态呢?


The thirty-fourth day

Planet dreams, return Tai Chi road


After the dream after the record should be compared to the dream of the day like the situation to communicate about, so you can find the relationship between dream and reality, the dream is two-dimensional or higher dimensions? Some can predict, while others just want to achieve the desire of the day, some vent their emotions, the corresponding ideological solution to the question? That is, what is your question about the universe, what will the dream answer you? This is not the same as in the real world Zen it? Is the truth of the book is attached to the dream? Let you learn from your own research backup?

Freud said that I am the desire, and he only from the desire for evil, so that the sky is divided into two, are desires are all sin? Is not the desire to survive this? Do not wave awareness is not what people call a desire? If the desire to be described by him is satisfied with the color of food, then the abstract desire for truth, goodness, beauty, and the theory is exactly one direction: that I am free will, self is the logic of love, the law of concentration, Is the same grandiose circle of evolution that has escalated the abstract into the PPAP circle of new life - like a parallel world in the high band, planet belt, and galactic belt that belonged to the galaxy before it succeeded in evolving the world.

The dream is with you and I, serving you only, and it reflects the universe you care about so sharply out of your shadow, like a mirror, like that of a dream of Red Mansions, like the stars in the sky ...


Everyone is like millions of planets, and we create body skin and create the land of land at the same time. This should be indisputable. Digitization We do not exactly correspond to our computer gene coding because that is astronomical. Do not know how many 11-dimensional universe can be achieved, followed by google may be that view to deal with our universe, all things. Then, how does China calculate multiplication? Or multiplication is what? Calculus? Hold infinite in your hands, dreams of thousands of dreams in the Tao ... ... will not foreigners really calculate multiplication? Seemingly cool, but in fact all in the palm of your hand in ninety-nine multiplication ah. If so, we fully respond to the "I" in which the foreign country is indefinitely decomposed (to see exactly what the individual is like), China is the "I" of infinite aggregation (the essence of the world), and the foreign countries To see what their respective figures have achieved, China is a combination of heaven and earth. Although the figures do not know how many, they know where they are and how they know their own situation in the environment.


Is Freud merely interpreting dreams in his dreams, does not it discover the realm of simultaneity like Jung does? This is why they split? Jung should find that in reality it is even more so Zen combination, even more incredible it. I do not know if both of them have any connection or disconnection, but I am now linking the two of them together and collapsing into different parallel worlds with the same meditation.

Zen meditation can collapse into other people's dreams, then meditation can also collapsed to other people's actions. Perhaps Zen and collapsed are entangled? This entanglement is the entangling of the wave of information or intimacy? The former should be the relationship between information dispersion, the latter is the relationship between information aggregation, the breadth and depth of the difference.

A few days ago to see garlic sprouts we wrote that it is wrong to buy garlic, and then buy promotional garlic sprouts, then went expensive once did not buy, and now see Henan garlic sprouts and more. In the morning I saw you do not have to change in Henan, some commented Henan started now the vast majority of countries. Think of running men and went to Zhengzhou mine. Ofo Henan people boast of children smart, but some people are still cursing network in Henan do not understand the rules, think of Henan people are really thinking it? Otherwise, why ignore the rules defined by human beings? After all, the rules defined by human beings are localized in a great era. The tension in the four dimensions of Tao can cross the door of space-time ...

Yesterday saw a bank poster in the supermarket, referring to WeChat. Think of now the bank seems to have been compressed into the background black hole to go, while WeChat Alipay, etc. have been used as peripheral terminals, just like a fool camera. Is all this done? Although looking outside is very simple, but in fact the internal structure is very complicated. Of course, the starting point is the simplest loan, the relationship between yin and yang. The simplest bank relationship is deposit and withdrawal. When the bank receives the deposit, it needs to set up a storage room for removal. So is our human body also so? Body is a storage room, when we need to remove the energy?


Japan 2ch, 2 china people? Why does this site have this Chinese mobile payment article: China's non-cash society is growing rapidly beyond the imagination on the hot search it? Surprised, the Japanese are as surprised as me? Is this article as the United States Fan Bingbing Su Yan movie industry? Cherry sakura. The original search can be cross-border traction ah? Can you guess so? Do not know which country can see that recently are South Korea Japan on the Chinese hot search more.


Lake pavilion to see the snow This article gives me the impression that why you want to record the matter? In front of the track where people disappear, followed by the stove into three, is it Zen is the mood of drinking collapsed out of the kiosk in the picture (two people on the drink, a furnace with a boy)? Is this not to ask the text Personal origin? Zhang Dai certainly also like I said everyone's observation, I was alone dizzy.

If this person Zhang Dai and the author of a Dream of Red Mansions is a person, then replaced by Chongzhen 12 years and then replaced by Kangxi 12 years in 1673 Nalan 18 years old. If Chongzhen 5 years to replace Yongzheng 5 years then 1728 Nalan 73 years old, so should correspond to 19-year-old treasures of the gem, inferring this article as a memory for the book, probably to write the time before or after the Dream of Red Mansions, or for 1723-1733 years. This is very much like yesterday's article corresponds to: trace under the tree trace people disappear, shooting bird traces trace back to the bottom of the phone and the tree (South from North) ~ Corresponding Yunnan one shot from south to north ufo Highlights (I presume this bright spot is the Zen feeling of the camera's catching effect). So from this we can infer that the ufo should be the principle of everywhere, it is the tracing trace of Zen, and the other formed ufo should be combined with the Zen content of more complex Zen architecture. To this end last night for the authenticity of the matter and this person posted in the bar to communicate many times, he baffled my question, do not want to justify me again.


I brush the teeth on the evening of the 7th and I do not know how to hum the wolf in the north of Qiqin: I am a wolf from the north, walking in the boundless wilderness, the crisp north wind blows over and the long sand passes, and I only bite With cold teeth, reported to two long shouts. Not for anything else, only for the legendary beautiful prairie (singing northern, yellow sand, prairie impressed, 5-6 do not remember did not sing lyrics) ☞ Yellow sand dust storms in Japan, Japan suffered the first dust storms in 1967, local Call China.

At 9 a.m. on the 9th, an accident occurred in the tunnel of Taojiatuan, Huancui District, Weihai City, causing fire on the accident vehicle.

To see the heart of the rock candy apple box is written for refrigeration, possession of Nalan Tang Sanzang, which was clear is a Chen word, think of the grass below the head is a word, the million change into minister why? Is Nalan refrigerated? Then think of the Antarctic Snow Mountain pyramid of the German possession of snow. Implicit word may be. The word sea in the morning thought stars Chengdu women were bus grind, also like Okawa. Tsui word is due to find the original written changes to write extraterrestrial world articles Tsui Road. Tao Bihua thought Abbott Tao Yuanming retreat. Write to think about the contents of the notebook, the original this day is 5.9 days, think 95, this day what happens? Write: before the explosion, the awareness of black holes (questions, questions) will absorb the vacuum virtual reality particles, absorbed into the virtual, another escape is real, so a blast (ie, Nirvana silence), then the quantum entanglement characteristics, the other that is real entanglement to change the previous potential state, into reality - this sentence, think of that black hole to absorb the virtual particle map, another real particle. This paragraph refers to annihilation.

Rewrite the sixth sense to rewrite the God formula as: Nirvana + information absorption = material + information launch, think MH370 can explain the disappearance of this problem? Substitute for a long time there is no balance. Also see the disappearance of the black hole radiation process is like the absorption of virtual soul and launch the real soul of the same sentence, think of pan-Yi philosophy that people's intelligence and death, the thought of the soul and soul are extinct, some leave relics, there are Nothing at all. If missing, the Supreme can, mortal can only leave the body, right?

Tunnel: Today 10-13: 40 High Writing In my article there is a moment when she senses the process of reducing all her information and universe information to its minimum. She heard drops of mobile phones and found that the circle of friends Zhang Yi painted hair, is exactly what her meditation, such as time tunnels, such as black holes, three-dimensional colorful ring tightly a center, the left black right.

According to the Fox News on the 7th, the experts estimated that under the University of Mississippi Medical Center campus, about 7000 remains were buried. It is reported that these bodies came from the former Mississippi State Hospital located in the area. Yesterday wrote: blackened - the mage devil, fire - empowerment was hit by lightning tower, albino - experience moon, red - shaped meaning sun, philosopher stone - transformation of the sarcophagus, mind one body - Avenue world. Thinking of the coffin coffin what can not remember. It is now remembered that we have seen the microblogging death sacrifice volunteers lie in a small wooden casket, like a long box. It is also strange to the philosopher's stone. Here corresponds to anthropologists ah.


Peacock to see the southwestern fly, the two hand in hand, the peacock legs connected, the overall shape of the flying like a 8 type, and just saw the "Mobius band" is very similar. If yin and yang are the quantum entanglements of the smallest black holes, they are so connected to deepen their depth of experience that they can reach breadth to all yin and yang experiences. If they spread the yin and yang energy of both of them to the earth as large, then as the Earth's magnetic line of force, the two are like seven energy centers, and the mind and body of the body expand to the space of the universe, human intelligent animals and all things. But also its theory can be used on both sides of the conveyor belt are not worn too fast, as two people longevity physical and mental health, complementarity in all aspects of spiritual and spiritual exchanges, the two were living more than the previous did not connect the negative, and minimal loss, Of course, the premise is that the connection has become a "Mobius band." And this "Mobius band" connected to the future, you can endless, unlimited proliferation, from small to large, from light to dark. I do not know whether this band has a coordinate axis or mathematical formula, the feeling should be related to God's formula, especially that iπ. Think of Euler's Law that f + v-e = 2, I painted six 爻 belong to world people and cycle graph dimension and the required grid used, whether the six 爻 is connected with the Mobius band that way? So two hexagrams can be connected. Just like Liu Xianglian, people think and Willow also interactive induction?


Recent research by scientists shows that when a black hole dies it can turn into a "white hole," unlike the black hole that swallows all nearby matter, but rather all the material that the black hole captures before it is jetted. If you want to make the world a black hole, you need to compress the earth into a pea.

Such as gold: the material can be infinitely compressed, and finally become the same black hole thing. After the material is infinitely compressed, it is possible to develop toward a higher dimensional space. Black holes may be a higher dimensional existence. This corresponds to yesterday said that the black hole is Nirvana to absorb information, white hole is to create radiation information. Such as Kim said the material is infinitely compressed into a higher dimension of existence, think of the painting of life and death map: the material world was put down by the soul, the wave of God said the line rejection, from God to the wave of the conversion node, When the four quadrants came to the first quadrant, the material was abstracted from the visible to the intangible, so that Nirvana inhaled the black hole and became a new being. And after a circle of reincarnations to the fourth quadrant to create a tangible spiritual-material-spiritual triad the world was so spurted as a white hole, which was recombined by Nirvana in space-time and space, . This seems to have completed a Mobius band, the connection so endless. Does every quadrant have that kind of rotation 180 degrees of connection? The smallest loop may be one of the 64 hexagrams. The closer you get to the Nirvana, the more you get to the Möbius band, the closer you get to Tai Chi.

So the human body and soul should also correspond to the above cycle: such as the body - just read a picture with a pox, the next morning found a certain face suddenly appeared the same position acne, is not it Nirvana combination information collapse Shrinking Phenomenal Image? Such as the mind - what information is in your heart, and the other person has done something like that, showing the same image of the place - taking pictures of the trees like amber in the sunset; such as the soul - the jade of Pisces, the people you met , And later met with almost looks like the same person - of course, because of the subsequent growth of different depending on the last carried by the different information capabilities. Or see the big blue eyes, then the baby born in Egypt, the same eyes, this is the soul of the care it!

1. From Ra's point of view, everything else is an illusion, or a transfiguration, except that one is too frequent; therefore, the vocabulary of transfiguration appears repeatedly in this book. 2. In the world of Ra, consciousness is based on the group and is different from consciousness on the earth as an individual. - The rule of this explanation is based on Nirvana of the ultimate source and truth, awareness of the group that the black hole coerced with the dispersion, the sense of community that has been nirvana who fired the wave of consciousness energy, as brain-like of. The Law of One This central topic, together with its extensive explanation of seven energy center topics, fits with my two impressively impressive pillars.

The illusion of transfiguration, such as the corresponding Tai Chi under the two devices four gossip ... ..., the general direction of values, the Book of Changes can not just look at the image to rejuvenate, and fundamentally or to return to Tai Chi origin , Return to the original thinking, to Nirvana, Lao Tzu Qi; and specific to an era but also have the Confucianism and Taoism to lead the thread to tandem that Nirvana red line. Generally divided into points of concern, the Buddha is God - spirit, the road is clear - heart, Confucianism is repair - body. With the root of Buddhism, the meaning of Tao and the practice of Buddhism, there is a pan-philosophical god (Buddhism and Taoism) -an universal wisdom of Confucianism. Everything is the same as the Mobius band with the connection of Confucianism and Buddhism, so that the overall smooth flow. God is empty, Ming Xin, such as Zen, self-cultivation.

Morning WeChat Record 6.6, there is a picture of Buddha again, the elephant within the Buddha's virtual phase, the protagonist standing on the body. Yesterday he thought he had written 12 articles, just 12 corresponding to the Red House twelve hairpin, if the corresponding Summer Resort King, then have to write at least 36, all of 72 King, then 72 corresponding to the Monkey King changed. Why is 13 in Yunnan? Just want to write cloud Zen, search JJ 185 song crash keywords 1997 crash, come out of China Southern. Transport Antarctica ice microblogging. - 13 Elephants raided Manlaok Village, Jiangcheng County, Yunnan Province.

See the gravitational waves posted: a memory unit (8) save a byte (8 0 and 1) data, so that the data is stored in every 8, so you press it as a unit of. Since the 8-bit 0 and 1 combination is finite, the data to be represented is huge, so the order of magnitude on the 10th power of 2 x 1024 is about 1000 (denoted as 1K) - think of these 8 and 8 hexagrams Invariably coincide with it, why the computer data is stored by every 8? Found this answer, a little computer and I Ching taste. A block of 8 blocks You can see a closer look. A feature from 0-9 is composed of 7 strokes, meaning that the processor has to drive at least 7 bits of logic for each digit plus exactly 8 bits of floating point. Should be out of savings. To express as many different kinds of information as possible, the binary framework is the most symbolic type of number. For example, to express the same series of numbers from 1 to 999, you only need to define 10 basic symbols of 1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 256 and 512 in binary. Each number can correspond to a unique 10 basic symbols The combination of ways. And with decimal, you need (27), (10,20, ..., 90), (100,200, ..., 900) these 27 firms, apparently the most economical binary. Other landlord can try for yourself, you can finally find the binary base is the most complete basis for saving. The above answer seems to illustrate the way back to Taiji written yesterday - the essence of the operation of expressing this complex Tao with the simplest, the most saving and the most abstract. Others can blossom on the basis of the combination of results and more. Go look at Lao Zi Yi Daosheng off the map, then the corresponding dry 2 - the smallest black hole - input - the most clean source of raw materials; Kun 8 - the most simple and economical white hole - the output - the smallest carrier storage.

My doubts is not why the computer with binary, this is clearly a good understanding of the circuit design in the switch signal corresponds exactly "1" "0", so much better than the other in the circuit design. - This argument is corresponding to dry 2 is open, Kun 8 is off, the former pioneer is a wave of awareness of the wave of non-greed; the latter carries a combination of logic-oriented orientation of greedy idiosyncratic wave consciousness. So complete package in the image that is completed the structure has been completed. Next is the energy conversion and output of radioactive energy, to create all things. This truth can be common to anyone. The original one of the rules that is easy to broaden the details of the bias of the book.

The clearer the black hole is, the stronger the attractive waves generated by attraction are. The more the Kun 8 attracted will be clearer and neater. So, according to the fact that the darker the mass of the black hole is, the greater the reasoning of the nuclear energy is, the greater the energy of radiation will be. In this view, heaven and earth are undifferentiated, the clearer the more refined, the more refined the more clean, the two are like Mobius band it?

Is black hole gravitational wave big bang is directly to heaven and earth like this information into your mind or consciousness go? So what's the use of time and space to you? This gravitational waves directly embedded in your storage carrier, perhaps it should be neutrinos it? It changes your experience of time and space, that is, the universe without the knowledge of the virtues is extinct, and the universe with knowledge and virtue rises. In this way, the information that has already been stored can be perceived by you. You extract the awareness from the storage medium and know that you have read the knowledge. Of course, the depth of the storage medium that has been changed by the gravitational waves is very small, Some perceive that they have read deeply, and some have heard about it. That may be easy to say that such an embedded in the thinking of people in all time and space go, although the Book of Changes may be some day after another book, back to the past or to the future are possible. I just thought of the Book of Changes, moral scriptures, Buddhist scriptures do not know which one is the initial Zen? They have the same origin as it should. Some people say that space-time and gravitational waves are the same thing.

Just saw that a smile from the absorption of space up to the vast universe, and then back to the smiling face; and then from the eyes of small universe to the nucleus and back to the eyes and face, thought of the news: liquid metal with independent morphological changes A variety of features, the magnetic field in the electric field can also show a lot of amazing changes. Do you think human beings like this liquid metal? Due to what role our body shape changes accordingly. Yesterday also said topology, topology is a change in form and nature of a structure, then think of this is not bad ah, the principle is quite strong and flexible enough. People do not like bagels, but also a topological structure, it touches on the human soul is the nature of the soul, and the human body is a topology of the bar.


Chris Dodd Butke once said: "The Book of Changes is surprisingly close to the truth. What is even more surprising is that the secrets of life on all the earth kiss the structure of the Book of Changes." The hexagrams exactly correspond to the sixty-four DNA codons in the genetic code. The four pairs of bases (eight numbers) coincided with the four yin and four yin gossip, and 384 yin and yang keys, but also with the "Book of Changes" in 384 yin and yang snaffle together.

Is it that the author of the Book of Changes created the human topology? Is it easy to think of the first humanoid structure? First, this easy to understand the wave of awareness of someone? Are alien higher species developed? Or the ancient gods found the yin and yang interaction between the hexagrams and the world first, the essence of this world to absorb the essence of Reiki combined, and then generate a newborn class PPAP combination of people? So people and the earth so telepathy, are closely related? Cloud, Earthquake, the hidden nature of volcano information So consistent with the human mind, is the first humanoid or first mountain? If the Bible is the first to create animals and animals of the gods, and then the gods nurture nurturing and then make it? The first ancestor is Nvwa, Adam is a man dry, Nuwa woman Kun, Adam is real or imaginary it?

Does Fu Xi correspond to Adam? Why push the back to start the first image is the image of yin and yang, Fu Xi, followed by Empress Wu Empress it? Does this mean that the subconscious mind of the Zen pushback figure is the Creator is Fu Xi, Adam; the first humanoid breeding topology is Eve Nu Wa? The beginning of the Book of Changes there is no general and spiritual psychic is the wizards duties, and why Confucius later advocated dry male and female Kun Yi Yi Jing but advocated clean and subtle, subtlety is the exclusive masculine it? Why is the moral class known as Lao Zi, advocating good water, nature is female? Whether the male and female form and the corresponding yin and yang solidification, is the combination of the new state? For example, 1 + 1 = 2 ..... Until then, the number of women is 2 ^ 80, the number of male is 2 ^ 81, so its empirical thinking is the male dry Kun? Is it a theory formed by the divergent logic of today's Western thinking? If you press the Tai Chi thinking, what should we do? What is a double black hole? Is it a more advanced combination of new ecology than the I-Ching?

Whether the male cadres Kun is the saying goes dry as heaven - found 2, Kun as authentic - storage 8, the topological structure of male genes and women's subconscious also subconscious Zen think that the universe is divided into two heaven is true corresponding? Is man in the sky a representative of cleanliness? Female is a great representative of capacity? Black hole can absorb more stronger, white holes create more? In fact, the universe has not yet been able to create a white hole in the real world, heaven and earth should be just an abstract expression of double black holes. Can you compare the sea and coffee who do Kun? Can you compare Taijiquan with those who are weak? They are all expressions of heaven and earth.

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