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The thirty-ninth day Only care about the cause of heaven and earth 第三十九天 只在乎天地因缘

秋蓝看到国际物流有洛杉矶,朋友圈看到菊与刀,想到红楼梦黛玉宝玉的不同(10版有画外配音说心声的聚散问题,想到意识工具的正反面两个极端),及美国乐观似儒家,日本悲观似佛家。前几天看笔记看到塘沽大火如同秦始皇焚书坑儒时,想到火烧连营。前一天网络新闻看到川普表扬对墨西哥边境有功的一州警察长,有地图此州紧挨着加州,想到加州旅馆歌曲,及竞选总统此州很火有55票之多,还都是特西方现代化的公司及价值观,还想了塘沽纸业大火烧的都是进口的外国废纸。今天秋蓝看到 洛杉矶遭遇史上最大火灾 距离居民区仅几十米。美国洛杉矶山火视频中有像是栾树果实的棕色,射覆想的栾树 。昨天看到孔微博也有那树,旁边是一个女子雕塑,发型很像万有规律的女子的。9.2晚看到美国加州天空数字。有可能看什么新闻提到加拿大,又看到ufo的贴吧,想了加拿大的山火吗?这个点记不清了,也许是看到洛杉矶视频人们撤离才想到的?或者ufo肯定看到了,想到的?

洛杉矶(Los Angeles)常被称为“天使之城”(City of Angels),众多国际名流居住于此。体育方面,洛杉矶还曾主办了1932年、1984年洛杉矶奥运会,即将主办2028年洛杉矶奥运会。秋蓝查看到此才想起来很多叠加态信息早已经聚集来到:昨天无聊看新闻网络有环球带你看金砖,原来似乎是环球报的各国记者照片。川普唱霉霉的歌曲名誉热搜,1984胳膊上还有两个红仙鹤。看到什么卦说分解,想过下离上艮是个旅卦。洛杉矶市长名字是贾西提。昨天记录标记图片到朋友圈: 犹太人爱金钱.钱谦益/橙色苦瓜.苦容若成盛. 栾树果实变橙棕色/大爆炸本溪/接着就是美国加州天空数字,是想了这个天空数字真奇特灵异了,出现在加州,加州可是火了。




秋蓝一连串发现数字魔法:看到8.31日画的开学第一天粉色女孩VS开学第一课电视节目粉色太极女冠军;9.4日三星堆人空手想到上下卡空门VS一手心形日记一手饮料的海边女子图画,裙服类似。9.4日百家讲坛广告1573想了红楼梦53/纳兰71vs5内数学运算测试时间为1:57.3分。 美国加州天空数字2012.9.12vs宁泽涛100米时间47.92。看到全运会竞赛名单有解放军1998年出生vs宁泽涛游泳比赛21.98 /22.04,没比赛前看到名单,居然有解放军不是省份,想了想应该是没法写省份,解放军管全国各地的啊,是1998年的。隐歌曲1998吗?腹肌,昨天因理想型爱,突然发现这个变脸男孩如此完美腹肌金刚侠,想到以前看过的画皮肤锁骨的视频,难道宁泽涛也是画出来的肌肉与腹肌?否则由D大力到腹肌不太可能吧?变的太快了吧?22.04也是醉了。






09月10日22时41分在山东济宁市兖州市(北纬35.59度,东经116.85度)发生3.6级地震,震源深度18千米。 秋蓝想起昨天看到红薯画的文字,配文允文允武——今天一大早看到 :晚安!公家的生活方式,简称公式——然后看到热搜兖州地震——然后出门看到月亮之上的飞机想到自动化~鸟儿运动的自动化,公交车也是自动化~人类运动的自动化。

秋蓝搜索名誉歌词翻译,看到贴吧有一个视频翻译的比较贴切,符合她那时对应的心理活动。此视频女主播很像她那天想过的一个人+很想找到真正的歌曲含义☞发现此帖子。里面有karma业; 因果报应,因缘。其他app翻译的都觉得勉强,此贴翻译的很准确:但是我不想参与,也不必沦陷,我只在乎天地因缘。就算世殊时异,可总有些真理不灭。



秋蓝最近两个月都沉迷于射覆,心里想了好射……然后因贴吧搜索霉霉名誉歌曲的翻译看到睡梦da人发的视频。秋蓝想到昨天她听了 我的一个道姑朋友歌曲,非MV视频,想了策马奔腾,檐下躲雨,然后今天就看到睡梦发的此歌曲视频,很奇怪怎么符合我的心理,难道这是智能机器人?看他的帖子几乎全天24小时不停顿,有大部分是一分钟内发三四个视频,贴吧名字就是“好摄”,而且那女子弹琴画面,是和我看过的瞧乐发的游戏里也是一样的。看了半天睡梦的帖子,有很多确实符合我的心理,比如刚刚看过他的架子鼓视频,后来就看到架子鼓名誉歌曲;还有深夜诗人,这个以前我就想过,歌词也和霉霉名誉歌曲一样情形,说的都是我想到的意思,此歌名和白浅夜华有联系应该。昨天还想了那首歌,我的一个道姑朋友,很像是许嵩歌曲的再组合:惊鸿一面+梧桐灯+弹指一挥间。里面同时有惊鸿一面,侧脸,新娘,喜帖等……







白浅夜华,白凤轮回,安字射覆~西安天空大鸡毛云~昨天下午同捡到一黑色羽毛,我看到下面白色毛绒绒的很奇怪,不久天空飞来白绒绒的鸡毛~今天5点多看到广东心形云(想到张国荣912与乔任梁+上海粉红)~下午2点射覆抓到的鸡毛,为配色显眼,盒里垫了个小黄人的橙色气球~台风名称热搜: 泰利,易经里有的。杜姓想过,昨天发现芭莎慈善会是那英提出来的,想到和她声域近似的苏芮,沙哑的田震~ 然后看到杜蕾斯热搜图片第一个就是心形如气球被压扁(昨天射覆五帝钱有人说压扁的硬币)~射覆过程中有人说这些暗语才发现如上对应。



上海外滩电闪雷鸣惊现飞人“渡劫”?9月14日晚,一段上海浦东陆家嘴上空雷电交加、疑似人形物体在空中遭雷劈的10秒钟视频在网上热传:这到底是哪位道友在渡劫?99年事件 瞒不住了,东方明珠上海闪电,霹雳闪电之中,一个人影在夜空中游弋。就如同在经历雷公电母的锤击一般。有人要升仙升神,要渡劫了,难道这就是大家传说中的上海渡劫。秋蓝不明白渡劫什么意思?视频22秒,昨天口算题测时是2:22分。刚才写了222想到史湘云说的爱爱爱,查此贴看到一楼里说自己在听蔡依林的爱爱爱歌曲。此人雷击位置很像前两天在高杆与楼房之间的位置看到的粉红色点印,不知道是什么。





秋蓝昨天查琳珪想到自从两地生孤木~桂林,骨头如木。库车地震5.7 级。前天看到林黛玉说母蝗虫图片~昨天看到红楼梦说纺车女大有意趣~今天看到红楼梦贴贾母情趣,想到75岁刘姥姥是吾妻,83岁贾母是什么呢?他们俩都是吾妻吗?……象鼻山?秋蓝后来看到新闻:深井中发现大量人骨 疑似83年前红军遗骸。



09月20日02时14分在墨西哥中部附近发生7.2级左右地震。秋蓝想到昨天射覆本下何物有20:02分,报字名,分析时间是82,2002,倒着读还是2002-82,射覆答案是玉米有绿包衣,秋蓝猜了半天去超市买的菜,最后说也买了玉米面,金额是2.7元。她还想枫桥夜泊的诗词意境了,也想到当天看到的骆宾王鹅。秋蓝才看到是墨西哥莫雷洛斯地震——莫师;雷,射覆黑白配芯金鸡菊时有提到( 浅笑对妮:本体雷我不知怎么具体。这雷,树,天雷,树上圆。风雷。巽下断,这是寓意树枝分离,有天圆被拧断脱落了,所以说这是果实...这是要射果名是吗? );洛,射覆药物是太平洋制药的布洛芬,想到射覆克拉钻戒与吃药之联系。这期间回想过四川九寨沟地震。霉霉一美元官司热搜想到了名誉歌曲里的一美元及灯的摇晃,上一次的墨西哥地震。







前天有人猜松塔~昨天图书馆捡到松塔~看到松塔不完整,查了信息才明白可能是松塔里的松子出来了所以不完整~火烧松塔的吃法~看松塔完整照片似长的像山/磬锤峰。后来秋蓝看到伦敦Tower Hill地铁站的列车上有不明物体发出嘶嘶声并冒烟,属低强度爆炸。

The thirty-ninth day Only care about the cause of heaven and earth

Autumn Blue sees international logistics in Los Angeles, friends circle sees chrysanthemums and knives, and thinks of the difference between the Red Mansion Dream and Jade Gem (the 10th edition has the problem of gathering voices and voices outside the painting, thinking of the two extremes of the tool of consciousness). The United States is optimistic about Confucianism and Japan is pessimistic about Buddha. A few days ago when I read the notes and saw the Tanggu fire as the Qin Shi Huang burned the books and Confucianism, I thought of burning the camp. The previous day's network news saw Trump praised a state police chief who was active on the Mexican border. There are maps of this state just next to California. He thought the California hotel songs and the presidential election of the state had as many as 55 votes. They were all special. Western modern companies and values, also think that Tanggu paper fire is imported foreign waste paper. Today's Autumn Blue saw Los Angeles encounter the largest fire in history only a few tens of meters from the residential area. The Los Angeles Hills Fire video has brown like the fruit of a eucalyptus tree and shoots like eucalyptus. Yesterday I saw Kong Weibo also has that tree. Next to it is a woman's sculpture. She has a hairstyle that resembles the laws of a woman. The 9.2 night saw the sky figures in California. Is it possible to see what the news mentioned in Canada, see UFO posted, think of Canada's mountain fire? This point can't be remembered. Maybe it was only after seeing Los Angeles video people withdraw? Or UFO definitely saw it, thought of it?

Los Angeles also hosted Los Angeles. It also hosted the 1932 Los Angeles Games in 1984 and will host the 2028 Los Angeles Games. Los Angeles (Los Angeles) is often referred to as "City of Angels" (City of Angels), where many international celebrities live here. Autumn blue to see this to think of it a lot of superposition state information has already gathered to come to: Yesterday bored to see the news network with a global take you to see the golden brick, the original seems to be a Global Press photo of the national news , 1984 There are two red cranes on the arm. Seeing what you said was broken down, you thought of being a brigade from the top. The name of the mayor of Los Angeles is Jassithi. Yesterday marked the tag picture to a circle of friends: Jews love money. Qian Qian Yi / orange bitter gourd. If bitterness comes into being. The eucalyptus fruit turns orange-brown/big bang Benxi/then it is the sky number of California. It is to think that this sky number is really strange. It appears in California. California is a fire.

Now take a look at this mark and correspond to the analysis just now: Tanggu Foreign Paper Fire (Fengshukeng Confucianism), brown forest on the mountain (eucalyptus fruit), airplane flies under a red gas cloud to extinguish fire (California sky number fire, also dark The hidden number is red). Today, I took notes to Bai Juyi and thought of Bai Juyi's flowers and thought of An Qi's name. City, also thought about what is hot search. These combinations are the city of angels.

Just checked the sky in California, USA, there have been a lot of strange clouds, do not know whether this sky number is entangled in the local event in Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles: Baijiaolu Sanxingdui bronze people have three soil mounds think of carrying three independent names, TV mentioned May be King ~ California Sky Clouds ~ Morning Clouds & Line Clouds ~ Nankai / Qingshan District, Nanchang Red Beach Valley Elementary School Food poisoning ~ Shooting three 1-corner coins covered with Boshan gem triangle △ porcelain cup ~ Chengdu Yunzhi Kaiyun and Wenyun Cloud ~ Zhuge Liang Three Kingdoms Texts .

"Suihua Getie" is a total of 10 volumes and contains over 2,000 calligraphy and ink paintings from the Chinese Pre-Qin to the Sui and Tang dynasties. It includes 420 works by 103 people including emperors, courtiers, and famous calligraphers. Congping ancestors." Autumn Blue had thought of 103 celebrity oil paintings yesterday. Today's 100-odd pulpit is Suihua Gebang and 103 celebrity calligraphy.

Autumn Blue discovered a series of digital magic:. See the first day of the 8th and the first day of the painting. Pink girl VS the first lesson of the TV program. Pink Tai Chi Championship; 9th of the Sanxingdui people empty hand to think of the upper and lower card door VS the hand of the heart-shaped diary. . On the 4th, the 100th Lecturer advertisement 1573 thought that the time for the mathematical calculation of the Red Mansion Dream 53/Nalan 71vs5 was 1:57.3 points. California California Sky Digital 2012.9.12 vs Ning Zetao 100 meters 47.92 hours. Seeing the list of the National Games, the PLA was born in 1998 with 21.98 / 22.04 in the Ning Zetao Swimming Competition. Before the match, they saw the list. Actually, the PLA was not a province. They thought that they could not write the provinces. The People’s Liberation Army controlled the entire country. Ah, it was in 1998. Hidden songs in 1998? Abdominal muscles, due to ideal love yesterday, suddenly discovered that this face boy is so perfect Abdominal muscle Diamond, think of the skin clavicle of the video seen before, is Ning Zetao also drawn muscles and abdominal muscles? Otherwise, it is not possible to be d strong to the abdominal muscles? Is it too fast? 22.04 is also drunk.

At about 12:49 on September 8, an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 occurred near the coast of Chiapas, Mexico. The epicenter was located about 137 kilometers southwest of Tonala. Autumn Blue saw the shaking lights in the earthquake video and remembered it. In the morning, we looked at the moldy honour MV. We saw the shaking of this kind of lamp when there was the Abe earthquake, thought of the earthquake, the earthquake with the hell, and the climbing from the ground. The baths come out heavy business. The earthquake in Mexico may have just seen the enthusiasm of Mexico’s ouster of the North Korean ambassador. 8. On the 2nd, it may be similar to the 9.12-9.2 reorganization like 8.12-8.2. The key word crystal is a realistic frame structure, and the details are filled in according to logic. Qiu Lan also carefully thought that this first special familiarity is like a song like his own mental activity : . Japan, Lights, Earthquakes, Telephones This is a very clear fuse, rejecting the material as the value of enjoyment for the sake of reality. 8 When shooting a paper wreath headgear on the 26th, people guessed that the globe had been guessed before and guessed that the origami painted on the earth. What is the name of the ship's honorable song of moldy mildew? The Earth still turns and Feng Shui turns. The mycotic song seems to have a feeling of three kinds of people. It may be from the people around you to the outside of honey.

Qiu Lan saw yesterday's friends made a Macau Mazu Temple and thought that Deyi was the mother of Yongzheng, and her mother was an ancient ancestor... 9. On July 7th, I wanted to check what the meaning of the lyrics was, download NetEase Cloud Music and see Going to God, I would like to find a class of hip-hop but it is very clear and articulate. I don't even look at the lyrics and I know what it's like--papi hip hop and jealousy - I saw Mao Zedong 9.9 in the morning and then I know this day -- 9.9 is also the mid-range accounting test day. The door has seen. Penglai word, think of Germany and Germany may be met here to know Germany - mid-level accounting hot search.

The Sanshui III Ten Miles Peach MV Edition has a lens, as seen in the previous type of house building that was like, and the white-walled gray tile tip roof. Pick favorite song collections to listen to and see flammable and explosive. In the morning, I saw a circle of friends, Mao Zedong 9.9 video. The speech served the people. The people are great and listened to the beginning. Yesterday recorded the 8.2-magnitude earthquake in Mexico. Speaking of 8.12-8.2, we also thought that even 8.1 had corresponding Hu Bayi, 8.3 corresponded to Mao Zedong, 8.4 corresponded to Mycophenolate, 42-24 points. What does 8.5 correspond to? After the autumn blue saw hot search: September 9th Suzhou people's road north near the temple tower explosion, the accident site is located in the People's Road, No. 1803 Northeast Grill - Some say 1805 seems to be wrong with the cool MV this lens house a little The feeling of Sioux City is similar to the ink paintings of Wu Guanzhong's paintings?

Autumn Blue sees PAPI Hip-Hop with human Sophia and who compares photos with PAPI. Since the clip doll caught a small odd cat, he always saw the hot search of the doll. Organize notes to see the pink sky. The circle of friends saw the Shanghai Oriental Pearl pink, marking more advanced coverage of low-level cages. Is this boy whale compassionate? After Autumn Blue saw the news, Guizhou Longli, an 8-year-old boy could not get out of the doll machine.


Autumn blue went out at 07:40 am and saw a white plane flying across the moon from the moon. The plane is like a bird. It is an automated bird. It doesn't use flapping wings. You see your arms and legs go one after the other, and the car has an engine and it's gone. My heart may implicitly think that many people do not have to walk and take the bus. Turning to a road, I saw a large group of white birds flying over the moon. Next to another small group of white birds, I suddenly thought of the aircraft that I said earlier was an automatic flying bird + a lot of people and auto cars. There is a red dot near the building below the moon. It seems that there are three red dots forming a circle. Nearly eight or nine minutes have been there. Can't see clearly, but later it left.

At 22:41 on September 10th, a 3.6-magnitude earthquake occurred in Shengzhou, Jining City, Shandong Province (at 35.59 degrees north latitude and 116.85 degrees east longitude) with a focal depth of 18 kilometers. Autumn Blue remembered the text of the sweet potato painting yesterday, with Wen Yunwen and Wu Yun - look early in the morning: Good night! The public life style, referred to as the formula - and then see the hot search for the Quzhou earthquake - then go out and see the plane above the moon think of automation - the automation of the bird movement, the bus is also automated - the automation of human movement.

Autumn Blue search for the reputation of the lyrics translation, see it posted a video translation more appropriate, in line with her corresponding psychological activities at that time. The female anchor of this video is very much like the one she had thought of that day. I really want to find the meaning of the real song. Because of the retribution of karma, the translation of other applications was felt to be reluctant, and the translation was very accurate. However, I do not want to participate, nor do I have to fall. I only care about the difference between heaven and earth. Even if the world is different, there are always truths that are immortal.

More than 10 o'clock because some people say little boys, autumn blue think of the United States atomic bomb little boy, there are games to write a little boy dancing, want to confirm the name of the United States atomic bombs, found that the throwing date is 8. 6 and 8.9 days, the heart I would like to think about this on the 9th and 8th. Here, before the earthquake in Mexico, I really wanted to panic and look at pictures of lights when the Japanese earthquake occurred. Just online shopping, selected a half-day final payment is 89.98 yuan! This really should take a look at Basha Charities in the afternoon. Do you think that the donation figures will be so doomed? Regardless of the complexity of their donation process, that number has long been locked in meditation...

Just a shot of a thing under the covering covering the eyes of the All-Seeing Eye, the one-dollar bill of the mycotic song that Autumn Blue wanted. Someone guessed that metal and jewels were right. Think of moldy jewels carrying jewels and jewels singing in a magnificent room. Open the app and listen to the song to see if it was a necklace or something on hand. At first, listening to the normal song interface, I entered the MV and looked at it. Stopping the song, and later wanting to see if there is such a feature on a one-dollar note, it should be closer to the overshoot answer, so search for the banknote picture, and look at the picture's full interface, think of the moldy's honorary song, suddenly The phone rang this song... Qiu Lan was surprised to discover that it was like something that the Tianya Forum’s people had said to play after the Qiao Renliang song stopped playing.

Autumn Blue has been obsessed with shooting for the past two months and has thought of good shots... and then he has searched for the video of the sleepy dreams made by the translator who searches for moldy songs. Autumn Blue thought of her yesterday as she listened to one of my friends' songs, non-MV videos, thought of horses and horses, squatted under the cover of rain, and then I saw this song and video of my dreams today. It's very strange how I met my psychology. Is this an intelligent robot? Looking at his post almost 24 hours a day without pause, most of them are three or four videos in a minute, the name of the bar is “good shot,” and the woman playing the piano picture is a game that I’ve seen before. It was the same. There are a lot of posts in my dream of sleeping for a long time. For example, I just watched his drums video and later saw drums and honored songs. There were late-night poets. I thought about this before, and the lyrics are also mildew reputation. In the same way as the song, it was all the meaning I thought of. The name of the song was related to the white light and night singer. The song was also thought of yesterday. One of my aunt's friends is like the regrouping of Xu Song's song: Jinghong. Surface + Sycamore + snaps. At the same time, there is a glimpse of one side, a side face, a bride, a wedding invitation, etc...

The five emperors have five centuries of money and five cents of the five emperors. The five major emperors refer to the emperor's money, the Five Han Dynasty, the Kaiyuan Tongbao of the Tang Dynasty, the Song and Yuantongbao of the Song Dynasty and the Yongle Tongbao of the Ming Dynasty, and now the five emperors’ money. Generally refers to the small five emperors money, is Shunzhi Tongbao, Kangxi Tongbao, Yongzheng Tongbao, Qianlong Tongbao and Jiaqing Tongbao. When the autumn blue did not open, he saw the five emperors' money and he was eager to know what it meant, but he was too lazy to check it. I just thought it looked like ancient times. Implicit in the thinking of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. Whatever it was to shoot, it may be that the elliptical head was round and round, and my painting paper became a vase. Maybe it's because of the extension of the hand gesture circle to continue to draw circles, remembering how to draw a musical start symbol, never thinking about it, or always drawing a circle, like the copper coin's circle. Is it a note? On one side of the coin is three circles, one stroke drawn and the other on the other side.

Autumn blue more than 8 points to see one of the second bunch of grapes off the branch, wash and eat, and then see the answer to the open shot is a grape, exactly the same grape, the same color! More than 9 o'clock because Ala Lei wanted to check Xue Baozhang Zhang Li, saw her picture with Bao Yu station, blurred to see wearing a gold lock. Then we see that one's shot is gold lock! Or will never leave? The man replied: The three long-lasting shots of longevity and peace are the things that I thought of in the middle. When the shooting time was earlier than expected, the answer was what I wanted.


Due to the 912 press conference, the regular videos of the previous days mentioned Steve Jobs and three points of the world (the impact on the world: innovative technology/professional knowledge/all laws are each 1/3). Qiu Lan thought of Joe. The East War drums and related Samsung mobile phone incidents - so this meditation triggered her question: What is the meaning of blessings in the world? Ask her why she asked this question. She said that she thought of the story of the gold axe silver axe. This story has this Meaning she also said jingle: Study hard to improve every day, serve the people, and ask her why she said these things. The answer was seen on television.

Qiu Lan is now delighted to tell someone about the source of an overwhelming electronic watch: to say something more carefully - to be blessed because of a misfortune is that she asked because she remembered the story of the golden axe silver axe and told her to speak; The people service is what she said, seen from television. Electricity is what I said. In the past, there was no electricity. I could only rely on my eyes to see and paint. Now I shot it directly with a camera phone.

Autumn Blue saw today hot search for a lot of Apple conference information, as well as Han Xue repair electrical video, wondering why yesterday's shot over the birds said repair electrical equipment went to Han Xue head up? Seeing Apple's plan to explain the watch at the conference, only to think of an incidental application of an electronic watch, not just casually, ah, because I thought "Jo Dong drums ring!" Joe is Jobs (Technology), the East is Mao Zedong (serve the people), South Korea's Samsung is suspected of following the strategy to make money, not Apple's innovative type, this point Han Xue said that he is the first buyer to correspond. The snow shouted for Zhao Xuexue? Or Steve Jobs concise focus?

Autumn Blue said innovation, professional knowledge, and universal laws. He also said that the five emperors had coins such as Qin Yuan and Han Yuan. Then they just opened the television lecture table and spoke to the principal of Shaanxi Normal University about our university. When it comes to general education at Yale, their educational goals are:. Students who come out of school will fail if they have a professional skill. The principal also mentioned that their school districts are Qin Yuan, Zhou Yuan, Han Yuan, etc. Their school spirit is falsified and they hold their own books.

Qiu Lan said innovation, professional knowledge, and all the laws. He also said that the five emperors had coins such as Qin Yuan and Han Yuan. Then just talking about the opening of the TV Lectures lecture was about the principal of Shaanxi Normal University speaking about our university. When it comes to general education at Yale University, their educational goal is: Students who come out of school fail if they have a professional skill. The principal also mentioned that their schools are divided into Qinyuan, Zhouyuan, and Hanyuan. Their school ethos is a bad faith and they hold books.

White light night, Bai Feng reincarnation, safety word shooting ~ Xi'an sky big chicken Mao Yun ~ Yesterday afternoon, with a black feather, I saw the following white fluffy weird, and soon the sky flies white fluffy feathers ~More than 5 o'clock today see Guangdong heart-shaped cloud (think of Leslie Cheung 912 and Qiao Renliang + Shanghai Pink) ~ 2 o'clock shot caught chicken feathers, conspicuous for the color match, box filled with a yellow balloon orange ~ Typhoon name fever Search: Taili, some in the Book of Changes. Du Xiang thought about yesterday that he discovered that Basha’s charity was proposed by Na Ying. She thought of Su Shi’s similarity to her vocal field and Hu Tian’s Tian Zhen. Then she saw the first heart of Durex’s hot search. Some people say that the five emperor's money was crushed by the coin.) Some of these cryptic words were found in the course of shooting.

The response of Qiu Lan to Fan Bingbing and Lin Xinru's Bazaar clothes and meditations has been questioned today: What makes meditation thoughts into your mind, and what makes things in your mind dominate the action, and finally Complete the meditation thought? Such a circle, knotted, countless knots, knots connected, like a rope became a Chinese knot, consistent. Later, Qiu Lan sees Fan Bingbing and Chen Li’s barbecue skewers. It's very strange why one wears Ning Zetao’s clothes that he’s seen and one wears a red and white striped dress that she’s wearing that day, and why she wears it. A mask that comes to mind when shooting?

Qiu Lan saw the post saying that he wanted to defend the Earth and was not an official fan. King's circle of friends is always a pink Pearl of the East. The white shirt with bright red and white stripes the next morning has always been said to be like a big star, blinking, and that's what it is on television. Autumn blue saw Shanghai lightning lightning, a person in the sky was struck by lightning. There are many 1999 secret agreements in the comments. Check out this battle to defend the Earth. The aliens, this year have banned Falun Gong, the return of Macao, the National Day...

 Shanghai Bund lightning thundering jumpers "crossing robbery"? On the evening of September 14, a 10-second video of thunder and lightning over the Pudong Lujiazui in Pudong, Shanghai, and a suspected humanoid thunder in the air was transmitted on the Internet. Which of these friends is in the process of robbery? 99 years of events could not bear it, the Oriental Pearl Shanghai Lightning, among the lightning, a figure in the night sky cruise. It's as if you were experiencing the hammering of Leigongmu. Some people want to rise up and rise to God, to robbery, is this is everyone's legendary Shanghai crossing. Autumn Blue does not understand what it means to cross the robbery? The video was 22 seconds, and yesterday it was 2:22 minutes. Just wrote 222 thought Shi Xiangyun said love love, check this post to see the first floor, said he was listening to Jolin Tsai love love songs. The location of this person's lightning strike is very much like the pink dot print seen between the high pole and the building two days ago. I don't know what it is.

The sky was full of clouds in the afternoon and it was cloudless. The clouds were lined up on both sides. The middle of the line was full of nakedness, so at the moment she shot plastic bottles. Autumn Blue saw the answer: The dragonfly's wings are transparent, and the patterns should all be the same! But you are a butterfly (in the middle is a butterfly in the shape of a grid, the outer edge is blue). Later, Qiu Lan saw Kenya's first discovery of a white giraffe hot search. When he thought of the shooting, he saw the picture of the dragonfly meditating. The butterfly that flies in the sky turns from a net to a blue sky. What color should it become? ? I saw the giraffe above the piano in bright colors; next to it was a pink balloon that was brought back that day. The balloon twisted and looked like a giraffe with long tails and tall legs, but it was found that the balloon was a little deflated. The pink color is not very pink, and it is a little white powder.


Autumn Blue's questioning mind map: Yesterday saw a Weibo name actually He Xianfu, video slogan: There is a range of children's video - Yesterday to see prophecy to see that the Virgin is an assembly of the village, princess, or fairy. , I don’t understand why the country’s sister-in-law – Huang Xiaoming’s marriage. Why did Fan Bingbing and Deng Chao not join? - Imagine the Golden Rooster Award for male and female protagonists. - The last autumn blue found the Golden Rooster Award male and female protagonist: Fan Bingbing, who played the country's sister-in-law, Li Xuelian, and Deng Chao, who was burning in the hot sun.

The following continues to distort the second version of the prophecy of the Holy Prophecy: temperamental temperament, arrogance, tradition-based, without losing the golden ----- sacred arrogance, but this arrogance is not mainly in human relations, nor is it usually the Qing Gao But it is in the heart. She is noble, she has principles in her heart, and she is different from others. However, the Virgin also has some temperament of the eldest lady... So, in summary, what is the character of the saint when the above is reconciled into a comprehensive color? ...probably more like seven fairies? And dignified, gentle, and active personality? Like a princess again like a big lady and a village girl? Autumn Blue is exactly what the village prince said. There is a connection with He Xianfu, who was seen earlier. Later comments were made that many prophecies mention this gold word.

Eucalyptus naturally grows for ten years and grows into a map of China. It was logical for Qiu Lan to see this person in the video, which is in accordance with his own wishes and admiration. Yesterday I thought of Coreopsis and thought of seeing the golden rooster year of prediction. Where 918 sees the Chinese map red dragonfly's picture. Where do you see Zhanzi? Now I think of the thought of the heart-shaped red cloud and the Durex advertising in Guangdong. I thought that there was a valley in the advertisement.

Autumn blue Charlene said yesterday that since the two solitary trees ~ Guilin, bones like wood. The Kuche earthquake was 5.7. The day before yesterday, I saw Lin Yuyu saying that the mother locust picture ~ Yesterday saw the Dream of Red Mansions saying that there was a lot of interest in spinning wheel girls. Today, I saw the taste of the Red Chamber Dream Jiamu. I think 75-year-old Liu Yan is a wife, and 83-year-old Jia mother is what? Are they both my wife? ... Elephant Trunk Hill? Qiu Lan later saw the news: A large number of people were found in deep wells suspected of the remains of the Red Army 83 years ago.

Autumn blue to see the Beijing No. 4 subway fairy swordsman and chivalrous lotus pond, I thought this is not the morning to see the banyan tree grows into a map of China, very surprised in front of a pool of lotus in the boss it? Is this the lotus pond on the entire China map? The two days I saw Hu Ge hot search mentioned fairy swordsman biography. Seeing that there are four names of people surrounded by a picture, I wondered why it wasn't the number but just four. Think of the Dream of the Red Mansions, and Shun Kang is four.


 On September 17th in Salt Lake City, USA, it was discovered that there was a mysterious light in the sky. Autumn Blue looked at one of the videos. A bright object was broken up into several smaller bright spots in the air, while the second video could see at least the sky. There are four illuminants, all of which have similar size, shape and speed. In front of the Map of China in Maple Trees, Qiu Lan thought that the four people would open the beautiful lotus pond across the map of China, as beautiful as immersive maps. This shows four bright spots in the U.S. sky. She also just wanted to see the four people surrounded by the stick figure should be Hong Kong: four monkeys.

At 0214 hours on September 20th, an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 occurred near central Mexico. Qiu Lan thinks of what it took to shoot this day with 20:02 points and reported the name. The analysis time is 82, 2002. Reading backwards is 2002-82. The answer is that corn has a green coating and Qiu Lan has guessed for a long time. To go to the supermarket to buy food, and finally said to buy cornmeal, the amount is 2.7 yuan. She also wanted the mood of the poems of Fengqiao at night, and she also thought of the Luo Binwang goose that he saw on that day. The autumn blue saw the Mexico Morelos Earthquake - Mok; Ray mentioned that when shooting a black-and-white core-copper chrysanthemum (Slightly laughed at Ni: I don't know how specific the body is. This thunder, tree, and thunder, The tree is round.Wind thunder.After the wind breaks down, this is the meaning of the branch is separated, there is a circle is broken off, so this is the fruit... Is this the name of the fruit to be shot?);Luo, the drug is Pacific Pharmaceutical's ibuprofen is thought to strike the carat diamond ring and take medicine. During this period, I recalled the Sichuan Jiuzhaigou earthquake. The one-million-dollar lawsuit of the United States found a million dollars in the honorary song and the shaking of the lights, the last Mexican earthquake.

Autumn blue picked up a blue car yesterday afternoon. There was a repair tool logo. It was written officina. It read an office. Unlike the latter half of China, I didn't know what it meant. Maybe it wasn't a word. Just a car brand? This car is very much like a large container-style off-road vehicle that we see passing by. The car is like a car in a news car with 51 stowaways. The Mexico earthquake video begins with a building with an uppercase office. Checking the car English is the meaning of the drug pharmacy. The image is like a train engine Thomas. Autumn Blue thinks of a series of encounters. The other day I thought about letting other countries convinced or convinced by the people of the country that they had to let the current world boss take the lead to do something. I saw Tong Ange's mv coming with me yesterday. There is a foreign beauty, there is a locomotive running around ~ Trump Hot Search: What can not stop Trump this locomotive ~ Trump United unforgettable.

Autumn blue see Wang fried, it means grab red packets. Looking at the video news of the search for the United Nations, the United States and Japan have clamored for the North’s nuclear explosion. Think North Korea may be a sonic boom and there is no actual nuclear weapon or something. Why does thinking fall into North Korea? May be the reason for Chaoji? This will see Luoyang Sonic News. Now think about the cause of North Korea’s nuclear explosion. It may be because if China and the United States have heard of war in the past, North Korea’s nuclear bomb will blow up to the crater of Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

Autumn blue shoots yellow pear when guessing soybeans. Popcorn. Corn sausages. At that time, how could the change in corn flats be in line with the hints? It can only be exploding into popcorn. Imagine corn is bursting into a flower-like circle. If this is the case, the sonic boom may be a slight scattering of sound waves to the ears, reaching the ears. Do you not know if Luoyang is a round sonic boom this time? The peaches were eaten in the morning. The last peach kernels were surrounded by two very smooth hard shells. In the middle of the peach kernels, it was a peach kernel. The surrounding peaches were tightly attached to the shells. It was difficult to get them out. I also remembered how a former man spoke about how the United States was running for president. How was democracy? At the time, I thought it was just a victory for those who would speak, not real democracy. He also heard that the Chinese leaders were recommended by successive generations and the grassroots started to assess what they were doing.

After the earthquake, in Mexico, “the way to breathe” was discovered. An asphalt road in Morelos swelled up and down as if the earth were “breathing”. Autumn blue straight exclaimed magic! Because she shot a 35-second video at 8:06 today, she suddenly found that her hair was beating with her heartbeat. It was fun to shoot. Keep watching the natural rhythm as a breath-like natural beat, think of the heart jumping and following the jump, much like the vision of the earth is a subject that was seen a few years ago, the surface is just the epidermis, and we humans are just like the bacteria on the epidermis. The main body of the Earthquake in Mexico was beating and the earth's surface was breathing...


Autumn blue to see Apple 8 sales only 4 people line up, think of Bill Gates and Microsoft Windows software use of the popularity of China, Microsoft's name is like the previous two days to think of a very minor problem of the latter's program software. Also see the way of the saints, the cause of the saints, Jobs technology and the spread of the functions of the saints around the world, etc. Later on seeing the news of the autumn and blue, Microsoft is really a very small number of programmers!

Yesterday afternoon, in the autumn blue, I saw the library's blue elf book, first saw the blue father's wedding, and then turned to a pagan witch, and then went out to see the cloud is a strip, like a grid, think of anger witch. Last night, Gege thought of his brother, Uighur, having a meaning of the sun. It was full of sky early this morning. The grid of Gege was with the sun in the sky.

Someone guessed the day before yesterday that the pine cones were read by the library yesterday and the pine cones were incomplete. After checking the information, it was possible to understand that the pine nuts in the pine cones came out. So it was not complete. The way to burn the pine cones was to see the pine cones intact. The photo resembles a long mountain/hammer peak. Later, Qiu Lan saw an unknown object buzzing and smoking on the train at Tower Hill Subway Station in London. it was a low-intensity explosion.

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