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The thirty-second day Awareness of the wave of telepathy 第三十二天 波性意识的心灵感应


殷夫人,哪吒那辗,袭人息夫人。唐玄宗715老子571年。十七年胎入妙玉(顺治17年生),22年出生(黛玉5岁入贾府)。571我妻一德妃 我骑道一 我七一去世 我漆园孙悟空 我麒麟红楼 我下棋红楼//@咖啡工坊95:老子诞辰于公元前571年。今年是诞辰2587周年。25想过河图洛书此数字,88前几天成龙获奖想过第88届小李子获奥斯卡,昨天还看到哪里也有88,惊讶了一下。——3.12日宗教事务局祝贺老子诞辰2588年。



是不是信息和现象有对应关系,当信息强度足够,描绘的逼真时,现实现象就出现了,犹如计算机程序信息被拽出来一样,计算机画面就组合成了:先是底层架构信息比如某一个页面链接,一级下层路径对应,然后深层次信息是向自然提问:名句有什么?对应深层路径则是 ,这已经比较清晰了,可以展开现实画面了。我对自然的提问是:造物程序如何?而非你的提问:如何提前预知造的物什么样子?



第三句由“绿丝绦”继续联想,这些如丝绦的柳条似的细细的柳叶儿是谁剪裁出来的呢?先用一问话句来赞美巧夺天工可以传情的如眉的柳叶,最后一答,是二月的春风姑娘用她那灵巧的纤纤玉手剪裁出这些嫩绿的叶儿,给大地披上新装,给人们以春的信息。——这不是李宫裁吗?李纨。贺知章。贺子珍李贺贺龙… ​昨天写这个微博时也想了诗回答是二月春风似剪刀剪的,究竟是谁剪的呢?难不成柳树也是禅思塌缩出来的吗?今天看到柳若兰。








印尼军区拆除一座魔性老虎雕像 因为它太火了。看了这个新闻,我突然想起来我的心灵感应三部曲:疑惑觉得是巧合~半信半疑记录~事实验证:刚开始15.9月的币卦开始发现美国总统44,然后发现网络新闻很多都有感应,那期间天天看有什么新闻,后来有点相信自己了就发现微博更快更实时感应了——昨天对马王堆女尸的脸印象深,龙虎鼎图/想女虎龙男,今天看到她和老虎脸很像。


@南方周末 的头条文章,昨天提到卡扎菲,这里美国卡扎德。昨天看到英国王子夫妇在艾菲尔铁塔照相(从法国事件开始碰到艾菲尔铁塔,周恩来法国出国,法语歌安吉,包包上艾菲尔铁塔,到这里一直遇见),这里有台湾美国人艾菲尔。上帝与你同在,想上帝即道。网络仙侠科幻文学,印刷厂。



一些意大利研究人员声称,《蒙娜丽莎》背景中桥拱上写着数字“72”。格洛里认为,这个数字代表着1472,因为这座大桥在1472年被大水冲毁,后又重建。但也有人反对这种说法——27 被反过来是 72 ,1687年-德妃纳兰是17.22岁。这里面正好含72。

今天给她讲除了五个星球还有呢?她便一直追问下去,一直问到银河系,那银河系外面呢?她问了我也不知道了。心里问,银河系外面还有什么星系?她又问我想知道最后的那个,我只能说无穷无尽无法道尽了☞仙女座是吗?我看到这个仙女座回闪光亮的新闻犹如自然在给我解答问题一样的亲切感。银河系的直径大约为10万光年。银河系的外面还有很多河外星系,很多河外星系的大小与银河系相当。著名的有 仙女座河外星系M31,大熊座星系M87等等,可以参考 NGC深空天体列表。这些星系按照距离的远近又组合成星系团或者超星系团,我们所在的银河系就出在室女座超星系团中。果真是啊?难道你的提问就是和对应的答案信息载体产生了量子纠缠?可以以此联系联想啊!下午那个赵孟頫地震也是这样的……







《写给一个德国公主的信》(Letters to a German Princess),论到物理、数学、文学与信仰。书中写道:

『任何抽象的思考,或是一般性的想法,离开文字(words)都无法存在。文字的存在不只是为了人与人的沟通,也是为了帮助人对真理有更深的耕耘。有人声称真理来自证据,我却认为证据没有文字化,人还是不认识真理。所以在新约圣经约翰福音的开始,第一句话就是「太初有道」 (In the beginning was the Word),这是一开始,上帝就将祂自己,以文字的方式来表达那最核心的真理。』
















这只魔性的老虎最早由网友Vincent Candra发现,并发到推特上。——昨天看到顾爷文章说梵高把名字改为了Vincent.想起歌手唱的Vincent。

下一段话爪哇国: 据英国BBC3月16日报道,雕像建于印度尼西亚西爪哇省,已经有几个年头了,最近才被网友发掘。跟该军区官方logo上威风凛凛的老虎相比,你确定不是来搞笑的?——以前提到过红楼梦里有跑到爪哇国去了,当时搜索了爪哇国原来在印度尼西亚。18日写的老虎爪哇国,这个视频19日6.4级地震,震源36公里。居然网络上搜不到,只是22日6.4级地震。看到重庆晚间新闻视频说3.19日巴厘岛6.4级地震,怎么都查不到网络上有呢?难道22日又发生了一次吗?看到有的新闻说是6.10分,你这个怎么7.10分?





曹操关羽下棋对弈,想起来赵匡胤陈抟菱形千古棋局,还有红楼梦惜春妙玉对弈, 男性会下围棋的有宝玉、贾政、詹光和冯紫英。通过书中第九十二回的彩棋描写贾政要比詹光高一点。难道下棋对弈方即是本人一人,可以互换?即宫内人(槛内人)与宫外人(槛外人)的身份分写。孝庄秘史也写了康熙与苏麻喇姑说拆了高门槛。结合惜春在宫内为德妃,妙玉在寺庙为清修,槛内外人与身份一分为二有6个组合,如果再加一个元素,排列组合是什么样子的呢?






The thirty-second day

Awareness of the wave of telepathy

Shooting the classic Dream of Red Mansions blueprint intended - the producer? Observers question. ☞ Information neutron condensation black hole superimposed package - director (screenwriter actor technology). Question Mother beads adsorbed beads ☞ Black hole polymerization balance enough to start shooting - professional spin-off cooperative action to solve this blueprint. Nature's Nature gives answers ☞ A Dream of Red Mansions The whole 1987 classic life was produced (works). Collapse into reality. - The next highest level is "Dawei Zhang / razor edge?" Just how does this black hole gather and how does it work?

Mrs. Yin, which 吒 that roller, hit the interest rate lady. Tang Xuanzong 715 Lao Zi 571 years. Seventeen years into Miaoyu (Shunzhi 17-year-old), born 22 years (5-year-old Daiyu into Jia). 571 My wife and a concubine riding a road I died on July 1 I paint park Sun Wukong my Kirin Red House I play chess Red House @ Coffee Workshop 95: Lao Tzu in 571 BC. This year is the 2587th anniversary of the birth. 25 thought Heituluo book this number, 88 a few days ago Jackie won the 88th Li Xiaoziz won the Oscars yesterday also saw where there are 88, a bit surprised. - 3.12 days The Bureau of Religious Affairs congratulates Lao Tzu on its birth in 2588.

It seems that the source of corruption is still the subject of the market. He wanted to make money, of course, to go corrupt. The official wanted to be clear, but he could not help but get money for beauty. A Ma a Steve Jobs how many honest official ah? Those thoughts of Zen can not be collapsed on the subject of control, but only collapsed on the subject of dispersion of freedom and love. This is the energy radiated by neutron-accumulating nuclear fusion which is strong enough. The wave-consciousness converges to reach the consensus frequency, and the energy and light radiation are large and wide. Among them, the government is one in which there is a wave of consciousness The role of control is to maximize the awareness of the wave of consciousness that is free of obscenity.


Yesterday saw a tree root opened a big hole, which leaked inside the trunk, thick bark around, I thought how long this tree ah? Is not it a whole tree trunks? It looks like hollow bamboo inside a solid. And went to the garden to see a tree has many eyes, she asked what I said is the age of the tree, a circle represents a year. Finished my heart should be the age of the trunk of the tree trunk, not the tree eyes, but also the heart of the simulation of the circle around the circle around the image, but too lazy to explain. Yesterday the universe age 138 million video back to see two times the beginning of human beings, the impression of human beings starting in 3000 what ☞ tree tweezers in a circle of representatives of its age, age of human civilization. In fact, here is a mistake, then watch the video is the focus of attention is the beginning of life and human civilization Time: 3.9 billion years ago, the birth of organic life, 375 million years ago, the emergence of vertebrate animals, and then 4500 years ago the Giza pyramid built . These three places are impressive. 3-digit numbers have the birth of life, but only a thousand years ago, human civilization starting point, so combined for 3000 years twist cypress? Just read this video just right to 5 minutes 50 seconds 5 billion years After the destruction of the Big Bang Earth, corresponding to 5.5 laps. Yesterday when I watched this 6-minute video, I saw that I wanted to finish the cosmic age ahead, and here I came out with more follow-up of the destruction of the earth.


Is not the correspondence between information and phenomena, when the intensity of information is sufficient, realistic depiction, the real phenomenon appeared, as if the computer program information is pulled out, the computer screen is combined into: first, the underlying architecture information such as a page link , A lower path corresponds to, and then the deep level of information is to ask the natural: famous what? Corresponding to the deep path is, which is relatively clear, you can expand the reality of the picture. My question to nature is: How to create a program? Instead of your question: how to predict in advance what to make things like?


At the time of writing, I thought a lot about it, and the love of both of them seemed remarkable, but I did not know how their love developed. All of this is a matter of fact. It was very unique when I just typed it out with a computer. It was as if it was pictorial, as if it was an objective analysis of what was going on, Those network novelties such as Jinjiang net jade bead curtain that kind of style ... ... I seem independent of this text, but also contained in this text, but only this text. Both profound and vague, both clear and dim, both without. The former is the content of the text, while the latter is said to me?


Just joined the group called Liu Ruolan, really like this, willow and orchid leaves are quite like.

The third sentence from the "green silk sash" to continue to think, such as sash of wicker-like thin willow children cut out of it? The first answer is to use a questioning sentence to compliment the exquisitely crafted willow leaf. The last one is that the spring girl in February cut out these tender green leaves with her dexterous slender hand and put on new clothes for the earth People with spring's message. - This is not Lee Palace cut it? Li 纨. He Zhizhang. He Zizhen Li He Long ... Yesterday when you write this microblogging also think the poem is February spring like scissors, who cut it? Difficult Willow collapsed out of Zen it? Liu Ruolan today to see.

According to Schrodinger's cat both dead and alive, and the afternoon said the typing Zhou Xiaoping articles a state ah! So they say the observer should correspond to the emergence of granular consciousness, in fact, this is already reached and fixed in the fourth quadrant, and that both the overlap is actually in the third four quadrant of the pendulum state, so immortal, Both dead and alive. The pointer, however, has been walking normally in the third quadrant until the bells ring to the 6 o'clock position, which is fixed within the fourth quadrant and collapses.

Willow, February spring like a scissors February Shen Xinghua, Liu Ruolan, Mu Mao rabbit, Jia Dai jade, Dai Squirrel bag half mouth Su Ma Labrador! Half-day Australian Kangaroo so come!


Yesterday, we said that the most important part of the market is that the most high-end value chain is highly wave-based (think this should cover all walks of life, such as companies, hospitals, etc.) so that people's livelihood can be real. Otherwise, the government will not control corruption嗔 crazy wave of awareness of the proliferation of bad money drive out of good money, people's livelihood is empty talk - and then see the bar for the government and people, said the people look down on the sick can not afford to pay, before the welfare housing distribution nor the wage deposits have also been Who has shrunk? Listen to the pedestrians yesterday to say a little sick spend 2000 yuan - the hospital does not follow-up money to treat 2-year-old drowning children's news.

At first we came to this world because we had to come; finally we left this world because we had to go. - Alive

- The neutron cluster big bang was coerced into the real world, so I had to come. Awareness of ultra-light wave speed Nirvana, and it has been entangled with things related to be carried away to destroy the realm of life and death, so had to go. This to go this can be Planck scale, but also human macro-scale.

Then there is a wave consciousness of nirvana without greed, which entails the wave consciousness of having quantum entanglement (strong information relativity / being once so closely related in the universe) when they are in the second quadrant When being absorbed by the wave-like consciousness without corruption, reaching a critical point in the universe will be thrown into the third quadrant by facts like a big bang and then collapsed into reality.

Those who have telepathy may be such pathways of life and death: entering the 12th quadrant with the awareness of the waves and then collapsing in the phenomenal world, while the coerced party presents itself as a canon of the phenomenal world in accordance with the combination program of the Zen world The language of action of state, etc., the closer to the core of nirvana, the closer the reaction is to the contents of nirvana, and the other is the distortion of the connection between other racist and phisical consciousness. The other Nirvana, if not moving according to the collapse of the natural state of her, do not go home and know miles.


The Indonesian military demolition of a magic tiger statue because it is too hot. Read this news, I suddenly remembered my telepathy Trilogy: doubts that is a coincidence ~ Doubtful record ~ ​​Factual verification: the beginning of 15.9 months of the Gua began to discover the United States President 44, and then found that many of the Web news has induction, During that period every day to see what news, and later a little believe that they found Microblogging faster and more real-time induction - Yesterday, the face of Mawangdui woman's body impressed, Dragon Tiger Ding Figure / think female Tiger Dragon Man, see today She looks very much like a tiger's face.

The tiger is a symbol of the West Java military region, where an army statue of tiger was erected at the entrance to an Army base in Chişehir. But this tiger grinned, funny looks more like a cartoon, rather than a majestic military symbol. - Yesterday I thought of Linzhi Ruoxing Xueshou Lin Yu Tang Su Empire Wu Zetian.

 @ Southern Weekend's headline article, mentioned Gaddafi yesterday, where the United States Qazard. Yesterday I saw the British prince couple taking pictures in the Eiffel Tower (from the French incident encountered the Eiffel Tower, Zhou Enlai France to go abroad, the French song Angie, bag on the Eiffel Tower, where you have been met), there is Taiwan United States Eiffel God is with you and wants God to know. Network Xian Xia science fiction literature, printing plant.

Mu Yaolan do not injections and Korean beauty, said South Korea Sade, the owner to eat meat dog what ~ Beauty and the beast that the natural beauty of women do not over-makeup, think of Mu Ya Lan video ~ the highest-level leaders of the most high-end The value chain should be a ravenous wave of consciousness exists, or Germany is not bitter ~ Jackie Chan's song: the family of countries, there are countries have a home, microblogging commented that it seems logical barrier ☞ South Korea should withdraw video.


Chromosomes are a kind of polymer formed by the deep compression of genetic material with genetic characteristics in the cell. Chromosomes can be broadly divided into sex chromosomes and autosomes. So the genetic information is probably described as follows: Information chromosomes are a kind of polymer formed by the deep constriction of genetic heredity within the consciousness. And this hereditary consciousness should correspond to the nirvana wave consciousness (the first quadrant dry) and has the characteristics of black hole aggregates (second quadrant heaven and earth).

Some Italian researchers claim the number "72" is on the arch of the bridge in the "Mona Lisa" background. Glorie believes that this figure represents 1472, as the bridge was destroyed in flood waters in 1472 and was later rebuilt. However, some people object to this argument - the second is 27 and the second is 1687 - Dreyfnaland is 17.22 years old. This is exactly 72 inside.


Today to tell her in addition to five planets yet? She kept asking, always asked the Milky Way, that outside the Milky Way? She did not know me either. I ask, what galaxies are there outside the Milky Way? She asked me if I wanted to know the last one, I can only say endless inexhaustible ☞ Andromeda is? I saw this glittering newscast on Andromeda as if it were nature's intimacy that gave me the answer. The Milky Way has a diameter of about 100,000 light-years. There are many extragalactic galaxies outside the Milky Way, many of which have the same size as the Milky Way. The famous Andromeda galaxy M31, the Ursine Galaxy M87, etc., can refer to the list of NGC deep space objects. These galaxies are grouped into clusters of galaxies or super galaxies according to distance, and our galaxy is in the Virgo cluster. Really? Is your question and the corresponding answer to the information carrier has a quantum entanglement? Can associate Lenovo ah! Zhao Mengbei afternoon earthquake is like this ... ...

In the afternoon, there were Zhao Mentou in the Tang Dynasty. Because pirated writing became quite popular, it became a page of gypsum. I thought I had seen it before, but I did not think of it Now think of a mountainous earthquake several times, there is an impressively impressive)

Just like the high beam flashing each other, tell the owner that you can not spread the message conveniently on the road. What if it is not formed into material? If it is wave-like consciousness, is it also the same way to spread the message? Mutual flash each other interactive signal? Andromeda saw your signal against it, it flash back to give you a signal? Earthquake as well? Only inadvertently intangible high-frequency replication of multi-angle high-dimensional multi-dimensional thought transfer? Just as RA said ECG?

At present, quantum entanglement quantum transmission is not all the information transmitted to each other, and then the other has been entangled quantum information into the original look? If I knew how to make cars, then I could use raw materials. If you know how to make people's information, what can be used to create another alien comet?

If galaxies concentrate most of the material bodies in the universe, according to the Yi Jing Tai Chi diagram, is the whale-like part of a similar galaxy's material black hole? And that wave-like material is a black hole in a dark matter's dark hole?

Microblogging heat search may not only be the same day? Or filter the repeated forwarding? If the time and space through, then hot search should not only be arranged by time, because it may be hot in the Tang Dynasty. If you press the time point, then that is hot at the current time point, rather than the time span of the wave, no time only space.

This process of natural numbers into real numbers and real numbers to the complex numbers seems to be a function of focusing on positioning, from diffusing to localization, from the uncertainty of free will to the process of certainty of love / logic preference. From any point to a line, to the surface, body, complex body ... ... so spiral, each time can be (uncertainty + deterministic positioning) heaven and earth as the base, and then erect an imaginary / Axis again logic positioning, thus forming the current complex multi-body state. In turn, if we look for the source, we should push back. So, is this the meaning of God's formula ?!


"Letters to a German Princess," addressing physics, mathematics, literature and faith. Wrote in the book:

"Any abstract thinking, or a general idea, can not exist without words. The existence of words not only for the communication between people, but also to help people have more hard work on the truth. Some people claim truth comes from evidence, but I do not think the evidence is literal, and people still do not know the truth. So in the beginning of the Gospel of John, the beginning of the Gospel of John, "In the beginning was the Word," was the beginning, in which God would express Himself, literally, the most central truth. "

If China's I Ching was the first "real number," then the later Buddhism was based on the complex number of imaginary numbers on its cornerstone. Then heaven and earth merge to become the new "real number", and then the coming of Christ's love is based on the complex number of imaginary numbers on the new cornerstone, and so on. If we can not create a new dimension for the new imaginary axis, then the old Lozhu five lines will be permanently re-circulated. If we fail to learn and update ourselves, we must only follow the principles of the original Tao toward destruction. So how do you think it is able to afford the new imaginary axis of Optimus Prime it?

That may depend on whether its country thrives, the heart of people honest ... So what country is the first cornerstone? Civilization to seek. So now the ancient civilizations who is it?

In fact, there is Syria, North Korea and Japan in Toynbean's mature civilization? No wonder Japan and North Korea have endless quarrels with China? The original is not the size of the territory, but rather civilization! The power of the heart

The documentary on the rise of the great powers seen before started with the rise of such a small Spanish spice trade in Spain. It seems that the innovation in the development of the branch material can also start from the moment and not for generations to come. This is what the Romance of the Three Kingdoms said Long hours will be combined for a long time, Qin Keqing consider the future. That breakthrough self-concept of change Zen collapse, is coincidentally coincidental in the superimposed state, certainly can not be a long fixed belonging to a certain place, but spiritual civilization Zen Nirvana can be permanent, so consistent ~ so to think of it for the " People "is similar to pan-can-not-for-nothing.

It is thus remembered that Mao Zedong's deep digging in the fields may be such a pan-seeking situation. He did not want to dig up so many archeological wonders, but he certainly did not know why. Later, Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up may not be justified and righteous. They did not adhere to the cornerstone of pan-generalization, so they are a little over-the-top. But why can not both get it? No monk yet?


In 1688, the glorious revolution established the British constitutional monarchy and was the first industrialized country in the world. From the 18th century to the early 20th century, the territories ruled by the British crossed the seven continents of the world and were the strongest countries in the world at that time, claiming that the United Kingdom would never fall. How to look at this British like China's ethnic branches to open up Xinjiang: Northwest West Sea, the Red Mansions are Nalan poetry West Sea, Western Regions. Will not be the place where Zheng Chenggong arrived and was later 108 by the end of the Outlaws of the Marsh 108 people swear what to do together. Nalan died in 1688, Empress dowager empress dowager, Miaoyu was hijacked away. British flag, Memphis. Nestorian King cross may be the last Osamu stone monument. And those who are a lot of Calculus figures like Li Qingzhao, Li Shangyin, Li Bai Du Fu, are all fabricated, in fact, have their own true counterparts.

Landland LAN, Sweden. Leibniz Newton 19-year-old alone Jiabao Yu. Hook a low, Kangxi is, Newton's geometry, Kangxi also good. Pan Jinlian ancient poetry 19 Ying Ying upstairs, Wu Dantian Emperor Kangxi, Wu Song Ching Chung, Li Yu footbinding in lotus dancing. Song Jiang Song Qing Jiang Qing. Lavoisier and his wife, mysterious. Mona Lisa and Leonardo da Vinci. Two people called Vincent.


 Why Naranx and Leibniz should be linked together, because for the reason of calculus, wherever possible, people in any place have the same similar core, indicating quantum entanglement, then its essence should come from a Zen , A method of compressing black holes that closely resembles genetic material. It can be copied and spread in large numbers. The idea of ​​Zen information compressed by this core black hole should also be very easy to copy and spread.

Heredity, also known as inheritance, refers to the abstract, the larger object has properties that include static attributes and dynamic operations naturally become the nature of its subclasses, that is, the transfer of attributes between classes and subclasses.

Dragon's descendants, the descendants of God's argument is whether Qianlong means?

The abstract larger object contains static and dynamic properties, and I said earlier: the black hole core is a huge amount of abstract information, the reason why it can be inertia movement is similar to the static program attribute set and package what! It seems that the road life and genetics should be related. If it is eliminated, then it is not enough depth to reach the core strength of the black hole and was a high level of black holes swallowed


 The most prominent feature of Chinese language is "monosyllabic", unlike the Western Pinyin language. For example, we say "flower", belongs to a single tone, a voice; single body, a square word. But English flowers consist of many syllables. This unique monosyllabic language features unique to us, so only China has chant, and this feature also formed a requirement that China's poetry language must be rhythmic. Chinese characters are more black holes than English core? Is its sense of intelligence closer to Tai Chi than the bipolar? If the clarity is defeated in English, if the amount of information is better than in English?

As the tree of life, branches and prosperity prosperous by the foundation, genes, and then beautiful have to return to the essence of life source. The essence is completely eliminated if it is withdrawn, but it is also very difficult to find a way out of its endless ups and downs. At most, it is just like a selfish gene that has gone through a corner. Maybe the same thing is possible?


Vincent yesterday saw the accidental search data, hurriedly wrote off before the quick shutdown reminded of the two previously mentioned Vincent, but can not remember who it is. - Today Bali earthquake 6.4 on the heat search, but also to see the 19th Bali earthquake 6.4 level, do you want to have any contact, just saw Bali and Java countries are close, I came up to mention Java countries , Check Java country records only to find who Vincent:

 This magical tiger was first discovered by Netizen Vincent Candra and sent to Twitter. - Yesterday I saw Gu Ye's article saying that Van Gogh changed his name to Vincent.

Next paragraph Java State: According to the British BBC reported on March 16, the statue was built in West Java Province of Indonesia, it has been a few years ago, recently discovered by netizens. Compared with the majestic tiger's official logo on the majestic tiger, are you sure you're not funny? - Mentioned in the previous Dream of Red Mansions went to Java, went to search Java country originally in Indonesia. Tiger wrote on the 18th Java country, this video on the 19th of 6.4 earthquake, source 36 km. Actually can not find on the network, only 22 6.4 earthquake. See Chongqing Evening News video said 3.19 Bali 6.4 earthquake, how can not find the network there? Is it happening again on the 22nd? See some news that is 6.10 points, how are you 7.10 points?


The Indonesian tiger had been for years, until I saw the picture and description of the face of the Mawangdui woman's body. At first I was still a bit scared. I could not help but describe the tongue, Pull out a funny Indonesian tiger. There are many trivial details around the incident, such as the hot search microblogging, as the giant slender waist hot search, are a huge amount of information on the program package gene pool explosion and display all aspects of multi-angle Black hole that can be talked about. Why search hot? Because it is a black hole show, a point may not be enough to search on the heat?

However, there is also a kitty cat that resembles a human being. However, it seems that a non-comprehensive search can be carried out on a hot basis. Instead, it is a sense of genetic genetics that is poetically moved. Seismic waves are transmitted. Seismological Bureau measurement fluctuations. Nirvana thinking neutron combinations The big bang ~ swam through the space-time tunnel and change the material structure of the collapsed spiral cloud ... and the details of this may require the specific function of Sun Chu Lin, only the size of the problem. This stems from whether the function of different approaches ... ... The above is a temporary reasoning.


Puyang, Bali Descendants of the Ming Dynasty to migrate indigenous people. Pu, natives. Nearly 13 o'clock today, I saw the Huangdi Nepalese clothes are drowning, saying that winter urinated. The word drowning is urine doubts, it seems that there is any information can not remember (now think about exams should love tight toilet urinate). I heard today there is a month test. - But why is this tragedy? How can there be such a thing as stampede? There is no death message?


London Horror Case Timeline: From Vehicle Collision to IS Announcement. Newton was buried in Westminster the day before to wonder why this strange name? The next day, I saw that there was this in the British Parliament, the bridge said Thames Bridge. One man is drawing a man drunk bridge, feel the way to see the fall (now think of it is falling Hongqiao.)

Cao Yu Guan Yu playing chess, think of Zhao Kuangyin Chen Qian diamond shaped chess game, as well as Dream of Red Mansions pity spring Miaoyu, men's chess there are Baoyu, Jia Zheng, Zhan Guang and Feng Ziying. Through the book of the ninety-second back of the color chess described Jiazheng higher than Zhan Guang. Is playing chess party that is, I was a person, can be interchangeable? That the insider (within the threshold) and extraterrestrial (subscript outsider) identity division. Xiaozhuang secret history also wrote the Kangxi and Su Mazhu said demolition of the high threshold. Combination of Cherries in the Palace for the Defeat, Miaoyu in the temple for the clean-up, the threshold inside and outsiders and identity divided into two six combinations, if plus an element, the arrangement is what it looks like?


This lending style resembles the Chingchong graphic method of Ch'i-de, reclassifying the gossip upside down to find the law, connecting the connection between them by gold thread, Grass snake gray line, a consistent, hiding them.


Yesterday saw the rain did not look carefully, just wanted the word rain, but did not think about anything. Today's hot search Jam Hsiao is the rain god, wherever he went or release network information where he is, where it will rain. Say a month under the Changsha singer ~ Xiaoxiao rain Xiaoxiang concubine? Yesterday I saw the Monroe photo to the auction to see him actually face a mole, like a mole? And saw this news picture before you see Hawking Bo said the video on the island only allowed him to take three people, he wants to bring Monroe Galileo Einstein.

There is also a line of thinking: circle of friends Mogao Grottoes, I saw 158 Wofu forwarding. And because back to search the gold ingot information to see the Buddha gold bullion, think of the small golden Buddha bought from the Nepal Expo, the next day to see the new secret Yinghua primary school next to oxygen long room roof 5 meters Golden Buddha sculpture. Also search Xinmi see holy water temple has introduced rain ~ Hsiao Teng rain God was China's weather network attention. Just check the holy water temple to see the head of the holy water temple in Sichuan is a pure white reclining Buddha, and the same Mogao Grottoes. But can not find the information more than the new secret Sheng Shui Temple, only a brief introduction to enter its computer version see Zhao Puchu inscriptions Baohua Temple, there are many articles to see holy water Temple articles



One day today disaster film: the morning of the three Su Temple to see the Lushan earthquake linked to the Wenchuan earthquake legs did not have pictures of hot search primary school students have put obstacles to run across the road was a large truck leg seems to be broken picture ~ Jinan donkey Lu bus think of the body How to fight the metal ~ Hong Kong elevator backstreet want to know whether the previously seen elevator pedal failure flip Suzhou, and view point to the microblogging impression Jingzhou see a microblogging link to the CCTV video details of the analysis, the woman was caught in the drop At the corner of the elevator, the action seems to be the same as this Nanjing station man ~ Zhang Jie singer sing their own songs, special action recite passion - so many related events within a day by the network and awareness link, whether awareness as the network? If big data is also true, should anybody say that knowing all the information in the universe now can calculate the future and predict the future? But is it logical that computers go won? But if people can decide to let the computer take which step, rather than follow the algorithm in the library, is not the computer is not a competitive relationship with people, but people control the computer? The universe is just smart? Or is there another feature of the function? Such as Pan> Ming> God> Chi> situation.

Sue Yinxia kill the mother incident is to do car brake business, where the Nanjing Railway Station Brakes, the big truck brake. Seems to be Suzhou Elevator, Su Yinxia Su, Su Su Temple, Su Sanqi solution, Nanjing, Jiangsu station, five Su. Shanghai Hongqiao to Hankou D3026 / 7 train arrived in Nanjing South Station into the platform 21, a young man suddenly jumped from the platform opposite the 22, across the stock market, grab the D3026 / 7 train, trying to turn on the 21st Platform unsuccessful, was caught in the D3026 / 7 train between the car and the platform, the train immediately stopped. 3026/7, the death of an ancient celebrity age 3 62 years old, in turn 26, Confucius 72, in turn 27, corresponding to 72 Mona Lisa. Qu Yuan Xuanzang Zheng He Confucius and Nalan Xingde related D. Hongqiao, Hongqiao red rainbow think of where there, such as rainbow practice A Fang Gong Fu Hongqiao. Han Zhang Zhangzhong archeology, Su Shi Biography He Meishan people, the Yangtze River by the Hankou, where can be achieved directly Leshan Giant Buddha. Someone just commented that pressure is faster, pressure will be small sucked in. Think of this and Dream of Red Mansions bead function is similar, is it fast, such as the speed of light, then the consciousness and energy into light matter events will be adsorbed on that fast top, like a planet rotating the same image? Are we all the bodies of consciousness that are attracted by the sun and are materialized?

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