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The thirty-sixth day Fire, lost contact, missing, lost heart 第三十六天 失火失联失踪失心



神奇!山西太原的龙潭公园里数千条锦鲤列队向前,然后朝一个方向转圈,场面壮观,令人惊奇。一市民说,在公园活动十几年,从没见过这样的现象。秋蓝想起前天看麦咭圆规画鸡蛋谜底是太原。19日写作心灵龙卷风也有自然龙卷风。这一日因整理笔记看到:爱这个字可以看做是个焦点,攻击的选择,一个在极高位阶的能量,它促使智能能量从位能具体成形,如此这般,然后成形的能量被看成是一个客体,而非活动;这极度强大的能量焦点被崇拜为造物者,而非统一或单一(oneness),虽则所有爱都是从单一中发散出来。 ​​​​于是秋蓝想把一的法则之造物法则与波粒太极对应起来,所以画了图分析,并注释有:每一个人都从智能无限的波性意识、潜在宇宙精神中吸收无限能量,在各自的自由精神变貌特征中叠加组合,最终形成其所得结果,即经典态、现实面貌。画了无限智能与自由意志关系图后,又在左边画了想象中的个体自由意志从外围量子跃迁到达中心智能无限的集群漩涡,以说明涅槃中心的运作与吸引力路径,画过之后看着像星际漩涡的图,心里模拟了向中心游去的螺旋轨迹,然后发现此旋涡是可入可出的叠加态图,又模拟了涅槃中心向外发散吸引能量的路径。还看到裂帛新闻想了列衣似龙衣,帛是白巾。这里对应太原龙潭,晋锦也可以隐现。看到小李子锦鲤新闻退回什么奖杯新闻。










前天开会有成绩条,开了两个多小时都快坐不住了。无事只能玩成绩条。把它折成了莫比乌斯带。用食指沿着黑字走完,到了背面白条了,走完白条就又来到了黑字起始点。想起了这像以前研究莫比乌斯带时这样标记的生死界限与轮回,还有红楼梦的黑白无常。卷两圈不行,断了轮回连接,卷三圈就又连接上了,想到康熙乾隆隔代相似?想到这是一个人的,如果无数人都是这样的带,那岂不是立体的螺旋式了吗?基因不就是螺旋式无限复制吗?今天热搜前世今生,还有热搜美国科学家:8个梦境证实你有前世,你相信自己有前世吗? 上面谈的对应的是中国一视频说的九尾狐修炼,黄泉路奈何桥,轮回,地府,女娲造人以一粒沙子计数,形成的石头就是三生石,三生三世。


The thirty-sixth day

 Fire, lost contact, missing, lost heart

Bruce Lee: I think a person, or a "qualified person," is his job and responsibility to faithfully develop his potential and accomplish himself. I have no school no school, but I am all martial art, you can not predict how I will fight, and even I do not know how they will fight; my action as a result of your actions, my martial art is your technology eventually . Being unprofessional does not mean unprotected, but teaching without religion is far-reaching. Invisible does not really mean a formless, invisible form is evolved to a higher and more perfect self-expression of realm.


Nothing but omnipresent. Bruce Lee said these, indicating that his martial arts pan-philosophy of Pan-run. After you have the best of your heart, you can change freely with the subject. Just as people are facing the way of the Tao, their limitations are the same as those of his interaction with the same level as the limitations of your personality. In fact, Obviously, because there is a bigger world behind him that you can not understand at all. How can you win? This is the flexibility and flexibility that Bruce Lee said of water. That is, what he says your actions are just a result of his actions.

magical! Thousands of koi in the Longtan Park in Taiyuan, Shanxi, lined up and then circled in one direction, spectacular and surprising. A citizen said that in the park activities for more than 10 years, have never seen such a phenomenon. Autumn and blue sky remember the day before yesterday to see the wheat card compilation eggs answer is Taiyuan. On the 19th writing mind tornado also has natural tornado. This day because of finishing notes to see: love the word can be seen as a focal point, the choice of attack, a very high order of energy, which prompted intelligent energy from the position can be a concrete shape, so, and then the energy is shaped Into an object, not an activity; this extremely powerful focus of energy is worshiped as Creator, not unity or oneness, though all love is diffused from unity. So Qiu Lan wants to associate the law of creation of one law with wave-tai chi, so he draws a chart analysis and notes that each one absorbs infinity from the infinite consciousness of the wave and the potential cosmic spirit Energy, superimposed and combined in the characteristics of their respective free spirit transformations, finally forming the result of its derivation, that is, the classical state and reality. After drawing the diagram of infinite intelligence and free will, on the left draws the imaginary individual free will from the peripheral quantum transitions to reach the center's infinite swarm of intelligence to illustrate the operation and attractive path of Nirvana Center, after painting Like the figure of interstellar whirlpool, we simulate the spiral trajectory going to the center, and then find that the vortex is a superimposed state diagram that can enter and out, and simulate the divergent energy absorption path of the center of nirvana. Also see the split silk news like a long coat like clothing, silk is white towel. Here corresponds to Taiyuan Longtan, Jin Jin can also be found. See Koizumi Koizumi return what trophy news.

Organize the notes to see the derivative, aware of this limit and quantum entanglement. The derivative of the increasing variable in the continuity range is in the dispersive wave-position, and the anode is inviscid if it reaches the limit, then the derivative is in a localized region. Each material has its own unique micro-material body limit problem, that is, its granulation or into the wave limit range, you can reason about the limit value and the wave function, the limit range of light wave with the current, is the sea; As soon as the limit is reached, it collapses into its own classical state.

Wave vector function is the light transmission, collapse is the wave function in a certain direction is the projection of the interaction between the material. Then the wave function is light, collapse is the particle, the photoelectric effect? - This information, combined with the message just gathered for white light and seven-color light, can be introduced: white light is nuclear fusion, scattered light is nuclear fission, the former Nirvana into waves, the latter assembled into a granularity.


If you have a limit in the spectral range from red to yellow, you can shape it as orange; the limits are red to purple, and you are free to form any color between them; if you break one of these colors, you have a limited select. The wave-transformation map that you form is such a bow-shaped archery: the arc above the a-b point is the wave, and when the peak of the arc is reached, the space time begins to form, the collapse starts from point a to point b Movement until the collapse of the granularity of b-point, the process of Nirvana Triangle as the interpretation of the reality of space-time, the wave of the day, off-line for the ground.


Go out in the afternoon, because it rains a lot of snails, do not know why the snails come out so much rainy day, or whirlpool, so autumn blue imagination. Go to Acacia tree looking for a fallen leaves to see, to the tree stand a bit, accidentally stepped on a trail along the snail, I heard a click, it is dead, but unfortunately. And then back to the rest chair, saw the chair is iron armrest, and organic matter in nature is different, they went to the iron frame touched a moment, but saw two dead ants in the hands. This took note of the rest of the chair iron armrest there are many small ants are climbing, thinking these lives are accidentally killed by human death, is not human beware of being so accidentally killed? What is a high level of God? I saw two kinds of life's death, a kind of delicious sigh, all shy, afraid to walk, feel a little restrained, I thought it was too free, and even the normal walking can not be done What? If we think of the first class of mankind, is it not free thinking? If anything blocks the way of his thinking, then there will be a disaster? Just saw the first anniversary of the tornado and hail disaster in Yancheng, Jiangsu, and it is this first anniversary day. If the free thinking is astonished, is the result of surprise not entangled? Then the free thinking will stop, which is the result of discouraging the spread of freedom of thought it?

How did this stop happening? Is the reason why ants crawled into the human resting chair? It does not know if this is a possible disaster. Where snail climbs out of the woods and grasslands, is it criss-crossed by colleagues? Yancheng is because of what? Is it a dilapidated house or what is it? Still do not know that it is often the place where the gods think?

Qiu Lan The next day saw the sudden collapse of the collapsed mountain in Qixi Town, Maoxian County, Sichuan Province. 62 families were swallowed up by collapsed mountains in a flash. 10 people were killed and 93 were found to have lost contact. The beginning is to see the search and rescue photos, followed by three spikes like three mountain pictures, people are like ants small, narrow the picture on Earth, people also like ants? It is marvelous again.

Autumn day blue finishing notes that see Kunpeng, exclusion of visible light, into the invisible light up to Kunpeng. When did you think of someone asking a nanny problem, it is their own staff to rest assured. Qiantang River. Blue, on the purple light on the city. This morning there are 3.6 million hot search Beijing nobody dared to claim, read somehow did not understand, there are comments corrupt officials. Just thought it was 360 million set. 1802. Pick up jade bracelets? Aunt steal gold bracelets? Later, autumn and blue see Kunpeng blue Qianjiang district fire Hangzhou, a clear case of the Department of the nanny Mo Moujing artificial arson, did you think there are actually bracelet thing. There are people questioned tens of millions of luxury there is no security, property fire, but off. Autumn Blue also learned that collapsed collapse Creek was called Kunpeng, the name of the mountain collapsed is the mountain of wealth.

Zhangying Ying clothes on the previous painting that is anti-space-time, so think of going through time and space, and now see clearly is counterclockwise. Last week, Xiao Hua painted a counterclockwise asked me, the table is not like this go? I gestures clockwise, is the way to go. My father is an honest person in engineering. 6. At 10 o'clock on the 10th, have a dream transfer table, engineers, also thought of these during the day. This day to see the sprouting bar yam. Music is the transfer of yin and yang. Dream dream college entrance examination champagne gold clothes, looking for pants to wear. The last sentence of her boyfriend answered Yingying far from the feeling, do not answer the phone was only shut down after no major event? Ying Ying has just seen that someone has been tracking her in the vicinity, is the car pay attention to Da Yue Ci composition the last sentence to blame? That is the matter of 6.8 days. Not to mention 26-year-old is not small. If so much better.

Autumn blue for Zhang Yingying lost contact information analysis, because the information is minimal, mainly to determine the name, clothing, location, Saturn car to understand. Saturn is named by the ancient Chinese based on the five elements theory combined with the unaided eye of Saturn (yellow) (according to the five elements of the theory of wood blue, gold, fire red, water black, yellow). Saturn's name comes from Saturnus, the god of agriculture in Roman mythology (Latin: Saturnus). Saturn's astronomical symbol is a sickle representing the god Saturnus. Room test King Kong logo seems to be two crossed ax. The detergent used in the previous flop was an ax. Saturn has an innovative brand that competes primarily with Japanese cars. View a lot of information, combined with the analysis of the final information, autumn blue that Zhang Yingying disappearance should be sexual and the driver should not kill the intent or kidnapping for money.


The day before yesterday there will be a performance bar, opened more than two hours almost sit still. Nothing can only play grade bar. It is folded into Mobius band. Finished with the index finger along the black, to the back of the white, and then come to the black start again the starting point. I remembered this life and death boundaries and reincarnation as marked by the previous study of Mobius, as well as the black and white impermanence of the Dream of Red Mansions. No two laps roll, broken reincarnation, the volume is connected to three laps again, think of the Emperor Kangxi Qianliang similar? Think of this as a person, if countless people are such a belt, it is not a three-dimensional spiral it? Gene is not infinite spiral copy it? Today's Hottest Past and Present, as well as hot Search American scientists: 8 dreams prove that you have past lives, you believe you have a past life? The above discussion corresponds to a Chinese video that the nine tail fox practice, Huangquan Lu Naiqiao, reincarnation, Prefecture, Nu Wa made to a grain of sand, the stone is formed Sansen stone, Sansei III.


Yesterday saw the news Yulin Shenmu hanging slogan is love me Changsha, was a joke, think of the sudden appearance of the park values ​​slogans and Mrs. Curie slogans, previously read notes laughed, circle of friends to see the four levels of filial piety, Garden wall stickers are the National Games slogans. This morning I suddenly found the tennis court surrounded by barbed wire posted 10 slogans, passing the side of the values, filial piety, the National Games. Autumn and Blue Lantern Recalled the day before I saw a boy named Kun a fire, think this is a strange word, St. wood? Corresponding to Shenmu. Finishing notes are all related to the sand, the desert pattern issued as a whale pattern, tornado Heilongjiang Tomb, Xinjiang desert tornado.

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