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The twenty-fifth day Archeology used to discover the future 第二十五天 考古过去现在以发现未来







联系到那个蜂蜜回溯蜂巢之事: 红折线是疑问的开始,有直觉而理性成分少,是不确定性的,主观的;蓝曲线是定型的结论,无直觉而理性成分多,秩序井然,是确定性的,客观的。红蓝是可以互为内含的,因其控制级别的不同。


看到放飞孔明灯,人们拿着类似上面手工的下面漏出的在点火,然后集体放飞布满夜空,犹如星星。刚才她拿着刚刚做的手工说,把它里面点上火 ,就是小油灯啦!



















日本科学家在本国发现两种新血型,新血型的出现可能与福岛核事故有关。泛易哲学就是说有六种血型的,这个我真的想过哎,可是好久了,是否最近又重新看了也记不清楚了,只是心灵感应里提到了血型分类问题印象很深,是不是多出来了AO bo还是aa bb?







π,是一個奇妙的圓起,也是《昴宿星系來的人》的緣起…这些在我的内心是如此熟悉啊!查阅昴宿星团编号居然是M45,和前面说的河南仰韶M45墓室,有什么关系呢?昨天看到书中M45墓室上面所说的二十八星宿,然后今天清晨就听到丁于唱的歌以及那一期排行榜中他介绍时歌曲创作,里面有提到七星、金牛座。 让人想到了牛郎织女七仙女的传说……












The twenty-fifth day

Archeology used to discover the future

See the Astronomy micro-note in New Zealand, the sky is beautiful, the word of the West also think Nalan Xingde Western trip. To get the refrigerator to take the broccoli actually heard over there on television that broccoli. Mao Zedong may be aware of the meaning of Zen in 1947! Eileen Chang and Hulant become his wife remake interpretation. Just thinking, I saw a magnitude 7.4 earthquake on the South Island of New Zealand. I read another article introducing the author of the dialogue with God, and the coincidence of the content and the information I have seen made me shock again! If I have a table at hand, I want to pull them all underground, as far as possible, these combos are getting faster and more skilled or I found faster and faster ... ... 7-year-old family quarrel sitting on the bed thinking Have seen such a shot), taste all the pain to solve the problem we do not have to try the pain, Neil! There is a reason for the origin of the wave, not just a combination of ozone is because of non-yin and yang, and the extra one. Just want to know how Neil was written, how to dialogue with God? Is it similar to the psychology of a law? Is this the way to create combination of boxing? The result is a combination of boxing all the information has been disseminated to Neil's life and its book gone? Anything beyond? Subconscious acquisition of information should be beyond the Zen meditation combination of post-mortem knowledge. Neil was chosen by God, because he called Donald it? He looks like a dress at Lynton University ...

See the circle of friends sent by mail to a book content and pictures and thought very similar to the title of ancient Chinese civilization source: Tong Meng conjecture, I also thought of ancient civilization + Tong Meng (kindergarten with the inscription), very strange, It is almost as fast as a law of origin. The contents include: the zero source map of the universe, mystery fans Boulevard, the world of chaos eggs, into the wisdom of two resuscitation, breaking the flood to rule the world that Sanxue, Lvtian Lvtian species of the United States jade, Hong Meng Shiluo Luo books, For Tibet and so on. Today saw the Taiyuan shop in Shanxi magnitude 3.4 earthquake, think Nalan Xingde to the west of the mountains, the trip to the west, the farthest reaches Kyrgyzstan. Then look at the news and exclaimed Road, Kyrgyzstan and Shanxi are exactly the same magnitude 3.4 and depth of 7 km ah!

Yesterday saw the circle of friends Cai Lin did not fall, then watch TV 15 music station, playing Zhou Lun's Li Hong, the above subtitle is the next one is Cai Lin. Occasionally think of Beiyuan car collided 7 cars today, the search also see the Nanjing BMW car or something, open to see is a car hit 7 cars. Nanjing car accident has Skoda work information, check the country belongs to a few cars, Skoda is the Czech Republic, but was acquired by Germany, said Skoda on behalf of the Czech Republic and Prague, immediately thought of the song Prague Square, a look, it is actually Zhou Lun Cai Lin Sing the song together. Turn around, back again!

See the yellow leaves tree is very beautiful, think of the fall ginkgo tree, see the calendar date has snow to winter, see the circle of friends Harbin snowflake beautiful, every other day is the first news of Beijing Tianjin snow.

Maggie Cheung read the yellow spray graffiti pictures and found that she squeezed small yellow bottle half a bottle of graffiti on white paper. Asked why painted, she said honey is not coming out from the beehive it? Then I squeezed it out to see if I could go out to the hive.

Information creation combination end to end, endless, Japan is ppap comedy, focusing on its own background color traits. What is it? What kind of meditation does Zen Hitler create the Second World War, with emphasis on its own economic development and centralization of power.

Connected to that honey backdating honeycomb thing: the red line is the beginning of the question, there is intuition and less rational components, is uncertain, subjective; blue curve is the conclusion of stereotypes, intuitive and rational components, orderly, is Certainty, objective. Red and blue can be mutually exclusive, because of their different levels of control.

Teacher make series Application questions: I have a balloon, my mother bought me two balloons, add up to a few? (Both sides of the finger slowly moved together) ... behind a child concise, direct say what, What are three, two hands and a shot of four what, the direct action of God like ppap ... ... followed by a Barbie crystal shoes, gems, snakes, sharks, rings, earth, rabbits, apples ... ... (these things I have seen recently Or thought).

See the flying lantern, people holding a hand above the above leaked in the ignition, and then collectively fly night sky, like a star. Just she said she had just done the manual, put it inside the fire , is a small lamp it!

Read the American Museum of Mexican artisanal rainbow, China's space photography scene overlooking the earth feeling, so out of the British round rainbow: the previously seen explanation of double rainbow reasons can be seen at high altitude circle ○ Rainbow!

To know the German order hexagrams, heaven and earth Tun Mung, Tuen, surplus also. Paste it someone replies, think of the name of their stickers come from above, but also think of Tuen, village, song I Tuen children ... ... See also post yesterday to discuss plans, but also think Tuen, earnings also. Then I saw that all 80 villagers in remote villages in the province of Leon in Spain turned into overnight millionaires. As the village is the birthplace of billionaire Antonio, leaving a will for the hometown of folks left 169 million pounds. Still a Mexican billionaire, the American Museum of Mexican artificial rainbow. Spain, what I used to see the post to describe what has been said of Spain.

The first is an article that mentions people kissing just because they're happy to catch someone. Then I saw this kiss picture, I learned that Golden Horse Award lottery so the two actress. Han Yu also see the donations in the weekly rain.

Yesterday immersed in the Dream of the Red Mansions Qing Dynasty and Yang Chaotang Tang and the reincarnation of the mood, the middle of the night is still studying and thinking; the first two days also think of this unusual thrilling 2016, midnight Jingxie micro-news to remake Dream of Red Mansions, we should focus on Too illusory, Yuanchun visit relatives, Daiyu funeral, show the meaning of stone lions ... ... why surprised? Because just by the lion stone typhoon this wonder is thinking of the 10 version of Baoyu to see the Red Chamber of the West Chamber of red rain (falling into array), see Peach Blossom rain, and then Daiyu to spend the funeral. Also think Nalan Xingde poetry has red rain, red tears. Also thought of Yuanchun visit relatives we all poem, jade green jade into green wax (yesterday think of this change should correspond to the wax was born in the twelfth lunar month), is it possible to avoid the taboo name changed? Hong Hong green jade into Yue Hong fast green, that Daiyu called ruby? Red rain? However, the German concubine does not seem to be the case of such a name, then it is the intention of the author to metaphor Nalan Chengde prince turned Nalan nature of things? At the same time that the red rain corresponds to Nalan Xingde poetry, mapped in the West Chamber record of falling into the red above. Remake that too illusion also thought yesterday, is the Tang Dynasty Chang'an City inside the Tai Chi Palace, the location is too illusory. At that time I saw the Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty I thought of the overall building map layout of the Dream of Red Mansions. The next morning found that outside the smoke filled, much like illusion ah!

Nana said Ala Lei is her successor think of Zhang Ying, Ala Lei Dong Li storm a bit worried about playing the piano and listening to Moonlight think of Yundi Li, Happy Camp think of what Hee, Wu Yijian dummy challenge what the news in Shenzhen, the new movie name is Dream of Red Mansions 2016. 11. 26, Xinghai. The combinations I've seen come to a perfect fit for Zhang Jue 2016. The majority of the Shenzhen concert on November 26 has material elements.

Today just saw my name is red book, said the tree is also like people can speak, think of the tree has a face look, the original is the long news tree in Jiangsu tree it? Today also saw the golden leaves in front of me like a picture of ginkgo trees, and think of winter in the district of ginkgo leaves are gone, without the glory of the past. All the things in the book are talking, all people, living and dead, men and women, are talking. Narrative became everyone's way of life. The victims were grueling from the very beginning, the women murmured in the night, the old man chattering in the treasure chest, and even the drawn tree was outraged. Is to see this passage, which tree in the indignant thought, and this tree in Jiangsu seems really unhappy.

Jin Sheng Tan is a monkey, full name Jin Cai, was it the Ming Dynasty was taken by the gold? Monkeys monk, escort the Ming dynasty monk, would not it be Journey to the West? The late Yuan and early Ming Water Margin 108 people, against the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, all the spirit is very extraordinary, is it not against the Jin Shengtan Jin hit the Zen meditation it? Many facts of the Ming Dynasty also verified in 1644. Is not the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ming, Qing, Dashun (Li Zicheng) and Wei Shu Wu correspondence? Kim Sang-tan encountered in his ignorant youth his own thoughts of the Outlaws of the Marsh and so on, so he was extremely sympathetic, hard to do six geniuses, he perfectly completed the Zen artistic conception of the transmission of all the information, he is both the beginning , Is also the end. He is one. Why did the Ming Dynasty come out of four famous? Not other dynasties? The reason is that these books are God books.

Too liquid Han Chang'an next to the too liquid pool, Furong Tang Chang'an City, the lower right corner of the Hibiscus House, Weiyang Palace, Royal Palace Liu ... ... Why did Japan come out of this Chinese style of the Tale of Genji? Also with the Dream of Red Mansions Jia Jia source of the same? Is it not Chinese meditation out of it? Think about it, purple-style department is the palace lady, not the same as the Empress Wu Empress history identity?

Zen Tai Chi a move, yin and yang heaven and earth have been set. Information has been launched, the book is Kuncheng into. This beyond time and space, is for the whole, for the whole. Jin Sheng Tan that time and space first met the Water Margin, started the endorsement, and ultimately completed the details of information in space-time practice, is for the points, scattered.

Why the Huaxia people have repeatedly been exterminated the massacre of a text, think Mongolian rule can be accepted, because the transaction - heaven and earth positioning, the change of which - from the dry to the Kun change, the first two instruments are unchanged ~ on the Gossip body change ~ Then four elephant heart change ☞ positive spirit changed over, the anode Health yin, then into two instruments negative spirit change ~ Then the upper body changeable ~ until completely penetrated to Kun all negative spirit. The Tai Chi is not easy to pan, contains heaven and earth, four gossip and so on. The reason why there is massacre of extinction is a symbol of Nirvana of this spirit and a metaphor of endless life.

A few days ago I bought three bags of rice all at once, and on that day I saw the rice and the rice in my heart. Also see the news long march program (implied eight road? Baru). I do not know if I had sung the French song, or said I made it? According to him, Cai Guoqing do not understand English songs, hello French friends should be the first song. But why their game shows are so similar to selling rice sketches? An Northeast, Cai Qing teach the United States, Guo sell rice, of course, there is no red Sorghum song.

Jiang Taigong's car is four like pulling, Santa Claus is also similar to four, why? Who will contact this thing spanning the millennium? Where did my father go to Heilongjiang Tieli recording, the sleigh inside is like inquiring Christmas elk picture today, and the pine inside it reminds me that the Christmas tree is also a pine tree! Northeast Heilongjiang gold or the birthplace of a snow, pine, sled, plus a saint is not Christmas yet? There are elk grass, or the origin of Christmas from Germany, this coincidence why so much?

Participation to change, the number of the wrong. Through its become the world into the text. Extremely few, then set the world like. Non-world to change, its performance and here. Through the book of Luo, the number of people through all things heaven and earth changes, and the text of heaven and earth to set the great cause of world. - Wu autumn text. This last two paragraphs, and I used to report in accordance with the financial statements of the two books is almost exactly the same! Seeing so many crosses reminded me of the Christian cross. Is there any relationship between Buddhism and Christianity? Nalan Xingde itself is Buddhism, and if he is also related to Christianity, this is not linked?

Many things are associated with Nalanxing, not necessarily related to him, but to his own similar wave consciousness. The reason why wave consciousness can diffuse so far, so vast, that is because their essence is fusion. So they are intertwined and can communicate with each other. Awareness of waves, you can walk through everything. Spanning time and space. Thousands of years through the upper and lower is also possible. Because they are invisible, frivolous, unfettered, free, and moral-like. It's like a 3D design master doing cartoons. If designers want to change a two-dimensional animated character. Then he just took the initiative to design, and then re-transform the animated character. Then the animated character itself is surprised to find that they have changed their mind. This is the relationship between the sender and the receiver.

Taoism one, two life, two three, three things. One is a balance sheet _ river map, the second is the balance sheet of both lenders and borrowers. Two students three into the Luo book which five. So Lo Lo began to spin, then its profit and loss and then entered the balance sheet. Such as the completion of the lower river map Luo books cycle. This is also evidence of the number of 35. Three is from the balance sheet Lo Lo transition between books. 5 that is, Luo book began to operate. This Longma negative picture is very much like four different. Dragon head horse tail lion hooves. Back star pattern, which is very much like the little elk. White Dragon do not know what the relationship between this map and Long Ma negative map. If the ancient Chinese sage is based on the river map book, white horse. Then Santa Claus is based on the Bible as the elk reindeer red nose deer. Jiang Taitong's four do not like elk ah! Why not see apricot yellow ah? Nalan Xingde also happens to be yellow flag. Speaking of Taoist Buddhism and Christianity in the morning, I feel that I have passed all the Popes, the East and the West, and even the Earth. Maybe there's nothing new in the sun, and it's the truth of everything!

Search ginger taigong apricot yellow flag to see this, think of a dream done in childhood, is sitting in the boat, the river to establish such a shape of the shelf, but do not remember the word. It's big, our boat is running across it. Before I saw this picture, I was thinking of an idiot sitting on ginger because I was young and dreamed of riding a deer and flying in the sky. Then I went to look for Qin Hui to bow down (the textbooks I was learning were Yue Fei Qin Hui). This is another dream I recall dream ah.

If the intelligent machine learning machine can apply some of your own language knowledge to talk to you, then in ancient legends of ancient Nirvana, all her "intelligent avatars" have become incarnations of how he identifies himself with Avatar it? How to judge? Or she simply can not or do not want to tell? Can you identify the intelligent robots you are talking to or the real people? If the transmitter's meditation is bound to be received, then the receiver must be able to express the meaning of the sender's designated person. This is something in your life that comes into contact with the foreseeable future of your own life. For example, a lot of important information about yourself: the name of the person you've ever met. The name of the workplace you used to work for. The address name you used to live Some of these things met, some foresee your future, some memories of the past. These names, which are very relevant to you, can determine your life picture. It is very difficult to find the deepest meaning behind it. It needs to follow your heart. If you are lucky to find, you will find the meaning of your own existence. These names are not meant to be simply understood in a simple sense, but rather to the meaning that you are finally able to find out about the meaning of the existence that is relevant to your heart. Coincidentally, the movie name of the recent Japanese anime is: your name. From this point you can understand your name is very difficult to understand.

Mao Zedong read Zhuangzi has such an endorsement: as a book matter, is to use this to recognize the ability of self also. At the time of writing, the ancients were not seen before, but they were not seen afterwards. Vibratum sick book, known to have a book, but I do not know have him. Know yourself, but do not know anyone else. It will be so, then its book big sincerity, not hypocrisy. Other things are the same.



Japanese scientists found two new blood types in their home countries, and the emergence of new blood types may be related to the Fukushima nuclear accident. Pan-Yi philosophy is to say that there are six blood types, and this I really thought hey, but for a long time, and recently read again can not remember clearly, but the psychosocial mention of blood type classification is impressed, is not it More AO bo or aa bb?


After discovering the site of Xishuipo sixteen years later, Professor Feng Shi made a special trip to Puyang and went to the excavation site where the water supply regulation pool is now located. Yesterday saw the author introduced a lot of control valve, the feeling and the title of Tai Chi Quest Quest very inconsistent, today we see a tomb on this tweeter. The owner of this tomb must not be in a very low position. Although he had no jars and no ordinary household implements, he was buried in his tombs with the entire starry sky, the star of the whole sky, a sign of the character of his grade. And this and yesterday saw Mao Zedong goods Zhuangzi have corresponding, so I would like to know this discovery tombs in 1987, and Mao Zedong's study of Zhuangzi. It has three martyrs throughout the tomb of No. 45, and the location of the three men in the tomb is very interesting and very special. The three children in this tomb symbolize the divine equinox, the autumn equinoxes, and the God of the winter solstice, respectively, and we find the sacrifice of that god who represented the summer solstice. Why this article mentioned the vernal equinox? Why three dead bodies can be linked to the four seasons? Why archeology is 6400 years ago? I feel this article is like I saw before the aliens, Pearl link that two articles the same feeling, that is, once you think Things have been combined into a article you are looking at, very strange. 37 for the departure from the sun and the moon as Dragon Tiger. 64 hexagrams, 6400 years. Man's foot north south, is said to be in line with the magnetic line of sleep posture. Regulating valve and regulating pool. The author Ming Dynasty gave the East, yesterday saw the changes in the territory of the previous Dynasties, the Ming dynasty exterminated the Tartar has been in the Northern Expedition. It is also the significance of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

I want to say is the time meaning of archeology. Archeology may be discovered, perhaps the contemporary Zen meditation has become some of the realities of the archeology now found. Therefore, the exact time of his archeology may have come from then on, but the deeper meaning may be the temporal and spatial nature of Zen Buddhists transcending the boundaries of this time. Therefore, the direction of the archeology may not only be found in the reality of some objects, it should be to find some of the true source of ancient human civilization. That wave of consciousness of the source. Return to the origin. The so-called non-existent, of course, your archeology should not be without. On the basis of what is already available, it may not be possible to find anything substantive about archeological so-called time. This is just one aspect of Zen's connotation, one of the time in the sky.

With western analytical methods, there is no overall looking down from the perspective of the whole. There can be no more new and valuable cognitions of life consciousness without heaven and earth. Ming Chih-tung said that the ancients developed gestures to communicate with hand-drawing. The simplification of the graphic produced the notation, the simplification of the sign into the original text, and the simplification of the original text into the present text. Therefore, on the contrary, seeing the language of powerful energy can produce a picture, and then the picture changes to show the scene in real life ... This is exactly the opposite course of human thinking! Why can move forward, but also back it? This thinking is not thinking it, what kind of thinking he is it? Nirvana, wave-like stream of consciousness ~

Has always been an intuitive pushback figure Wu Zetian and Naren de German thought about. Push back to predict the Tang Dynasty has twenty-one dynasties. The twenty-year-old Defei that is 1681 years of chicken. I have a factual basis, otherwise I will not think so. I think of the subtle experience of my own experience. I'm looking for the true author who pushed the back. This author and the Qing Dynasty definitely have a relationship. The future creates the past. If in a fifty years, you can find this correspondence. Then the time and wide can also find this relationship, it spans the relationship between space and time. So now through the novel is very much, but also a holographic manifestation of this law. It can be said that the prophecy can only determine the future in the future, and your limited people can not decide the future. Prophecy is the subtlest manifestation of truth, goodness and beauty in the most subtle nirvana. The flawed ones in our reality can only go one step further in the direction of it. Prophecy and reality exist in the same space and time. Just as nirvana and impermanence exist in the same space and time.


Yesterday saw the Mawangdui in Changsha, Western Han Dynasty silk painting that bird, feeling very much like the mastiff said in the Dream of Red Mansions, but also thought of the clouds in the sky before seeing birds of prey. Today saw sicarmon circle of friends sent this bird-like pattern of clouds, the tail like a few days ago appeared around the group cloud, the whole like a phoenix yet? However, the tail is more like a peacock, I do not know where? Pakistani plane crashed I also thought Yu Xu, her alias is the gold peacock. Yesterday, December 12, I noticed this bird of the Changsha Mawangdui silk painting. December 8 saw the Pakistani plane crashed thought Yu Xu. The earliest time that Peacock Cloud is currently known is December 10. If these really have some connection, then this is a bit out of control over time. There are many such examples appear. From this point of view, some of the conclusions that I reasoned do not consider the nature of time at all, that is, crossing the boundary of time and disturbing the linear development of time.


Ding on the list of songs "Pleiades Galaxians", the vast universe, all connected. Everything is round, round and born π.

π, is a wonderful round, also the origin of "people from the Pleiades galaxy ... These are so familiar in my heart! Check the Pleiades star cluster number is actually M45, and in front of Henan Yangshao M45 tomb, what is the relationship? Yesterday saw the book M45 tomb mentioned above twenty-eight stars, and then heard the song in the early morning Ding and his list of songs introduced when he wrote, which mentioned the seven-star, Taurus. People think of the Legend of the Cowherd and Weaver seven fairies ... ...

Taoist scholars wrote: virtual God, deification of gas, gasification-shaped, shape and return to the virtual, real and imaginary Datong. This statement is quite similar to the Sentimental Wisdom of pan-philosophical theory. It is a spiral cycle of intelligence and intelligence that turns the virtual into the light, the angry into the wisdom, the shape into the emotion.


See Kuo Mo-jo that the Book of Changes is the history of the slave society, who thought of Zhou Yi meditation out of it? If I had previously said that Lao Tzu was meditated by Confucius as opposed to his relatively recent years and that he had in-depth thinking of the mysteries of creation in Lao Tzu, Meditation caused it? For example, the ancient divination, history, agriculture, military and so meditation. Of course, it is more likely to be the combination of Confucianism and Zen: the combination of Laozi + ancient divination (that is, the mystery of creation + the historical period in the hexagram), political, military and agricultural humanities, and mysteries of the universe. So he fifty and easy to write Yi Jing ten wings.

Generally speaking, the thinking of a man is very strongly related to what he attracts. The earliest study of the Book of Changes is Confucianism and Weaving. We can imagine how attractive the Confucian classics are to Confucius. At that time can find out more than Confucius on the Book of Changes more people? Who else can write a concluding philosophical essay like Confucius's ten wings? I do not know why Mao Zedong approved it. It may be relative to that era, and in particular it is necessary to catch up with the capitalist countries such as Britain and the United States. China has been studying Confucius for thousands of years, but still in place, so he especially felt the need for reform? Could this point out the unreasonableness of homosexuality? What is the new material generated? Is the same sex can only attach and can not grow it? That can not be further sublimation?


Lushan Cliff cliff there is a boulder "toad stone", there is a gap in the loose stone standing upright. Inscribed on the stone "Overview Yunfei", "Suddenly through" and other Cliff stone. Stone remember ~ stone, jasmine grass ~ pine - just do not know what the fairy hole photo shoot, but check the photos found in the Green Ching Chung calligraphy word, see the article said Jiang Qing Mao Zedong like Dream of Red Mansions. Search again found that the original photo content is stone + pine. This photo actually has links with the Cultural Revolution, it seems the Cultural Revolution is it because they know the secrets of the Dream of Red Mansions yet? Jiang Qing photo cloud what shape it? Rock carving "Yunfei" is not the picture in the clouds in the fly it? Immortal cave cliff perennial pine, and mulberry peak Mulberry, exactly the same. Look at the picture is indeed 61.9.9 inscriptions. That piece of cloud is like a smile, is this what Mao Zedong said is still calm meaning? The smiling face is similar to the smiling face of the sun.


Read the post said: Soul is fake, you have to know. Your soul is not computer-made, however. The god network can make your father, your god, and many illustrious ancestors. I talk about the clay doll song early in the morning, think of the legend of Nuwa. I said that Nu Wa first made some clay dolls, do not want each mud doll without parents, and then divine power and love given to the beginning of the two people. When they have love, they can have their own children automatically multiply, so that everyone has their parents. This said and just saw the post a meaning, right?

Qin Keqing, Qin Shi Huang, as well as Wang Xifeng's verdict: one from two orders three people wood. At the beginning of entering the palace obey, to the palace after the command of the harem issued a command, the three wooden think of a Qin word, the word should be that Wang Xifeng is Qin Keqing. This is also the relationship between the imperial concubine Wang Xifeng and the palace of the palace of longevity, Tong Queen's death she presided over the relationship. Can also be pushed back to the Qin Emperor Qin Shi first emperor was the beginning of the corresponding start. Will the First Emperor also use this mystery to carry out burying books and Confucianism? Mao Zedong said that the first Shi Qin Shi Huang is not because of this? It seems that I guess the relationship between Lao Tzu and Confucius is still very reasonable. These further prove that what I said about Confucius meditates on Lao Zi's moral scriptures: that some of Confucius's thinking beyond time and space has produced Laozi's morality through this book. And the overall stem of Zen is that Germany can make ends meet. Therefore, the beginning of morality is the first moral articles after a chapter. And this one of the Wei-Ling Gong said Confucius said: State Road official, state no road, you can roll with arms. This is very similar to the Gua in the Book of Changes. I Ching is the Zen of Confucius still needs further research.

I saw heavy snow yesterday. When I saw the snow on evergreen trees, I saw others throwing snowballs and picking up a snowball above them and throwing them out. Snowball rolling more and more rolled over two people's body. That two people lying on the snowball actually rolling over, I am very happy. Also see the sky has many stars or strange clouds, the sky to the right there is a large, gold and red clouds surrounded by golden shining Buddha. I do not like it, go down the snow road. - said throwing shot put during the day, yesterday said the calendar saw heavy snow, microblogging a lot of glittering Buddha Christmas, a little exclusion ...

Tang seven-character law, seven energy centers? A total of eight, gossip universe. Seventy-five fifty-six, fifty-six peoples.

Is it that 56 ethnic groups are 7✘8 verses of the law? 7 for heart ✘ 8 for the change of gossip ladder ~ poetry as the voice of the people.


Occasionally see the founding of the Qing Dynasty as the thirty-third elephant, want to Nalanxingde Zen Tang Dynasty emperor is Wu Zetian twenty-one years of age, I want Nalanxingdeqing thirty-third elephant is whether His age is thirty-three years old? His thirty-three years is 1688. It is this year's Temple of Eternal completion of creation. And immediately thought of 1688 Alibaba is just the beginning of the Web site, Alibaba also Zen involved in them?

There are two very strange times in China's business world. The first is 1984. In the 1990s, some very important enterprises for China's manufacturing industry referred to 1984 as the first year for Chinese enterprises. The second great moment occurred in the Internet field, between 1998 and 1999. The three kings of the portal era and the BAT that now rules China's Internet were all born between March and December 1999. So this is a particularly magical moment - you can not miss these great time points. See this article, think 1984 is not only the emergence of these manufacturing enterprises, there is a foreign book called 1984.1998 not only the emergence of these Internet business, there is a song called similar 1998. These are not coincidences, but may be someone's meditation. I think it is more appropriate to say that the explanation of 1998 after Hong Kong's return to China was similar to that of 1998 because there was a time before me in 1997. The song was very special and very popular. These are not casually appear.

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