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The twenty-first day Look for the hidden nature of the message第二十一天 寻找那隐藏的信息本质

是不是真爱问题解决了,世间的一切问题也就顺藤摸瓜,一以贯之的解决了呢?不然,大家都在追逐假爱而不自知,无明中裹挟着假爱而牵连出的贪嗔痴而搔首弄姿,让外星人笑掉大牙?红楼梦亦意在解决这个问题,它从开辟鸿蒙谁为情种说起……宇宙造化是本真,隐秘而伟大,那么,人之认识不能探究出那个隐秘而伟大的真相,就只能在猪圈里啃泥巴了。一的律法这样认识造物:造物是无限☞ 无限成为觉察☞ 觉察引导无限的聚焦点进入无限能量(能量即理则或爱):智能无限☞创造原则。原始变貌,自由意志。能量从智能无限移动。创造出全息式的形态。出现在所有的造物中☞能量形态组织,韵律与场域☞ 次元及宇宙。




对于毛的两极评价不用争吵了,一个是看到需要超越点,一个是看到需要继承点,实际上都是需要波性意识而已。对于现实中不得不发生的事,那是各种波性意识力量的较量冲突平衡所致。乙山人所说的行星决定论我不认可, 行星是能量体,是本源思维的产物,怎么能是左右社会的本源呢?就比如计算机怎么能是左右社会的本源呢?他说的大数,只能说是本源思维已然叠加态足够浓厚,那么其他的人及物围绕它的结晶体运转就是命中劫数了。因此毛泽东,希特勒,纳兰性德就是大的人类波性意识的结晶体,肯定能掀起大波澜的,其他人都得围绕其运转,就如同行星围绕太阳转一样。










看到一篇文章有说:这种利诱隐瞒的鬼魊伎俩是不是要在八十年后故技重施呢? 此鬼祟之行让人不禁连系起只感染华人的非典(SARS)。03年的非典(SARS)一直让人觉得事有蹊跷,为何感染、死亡者几乎都是华人或与华人血缘接近的北越人?SARS,艾滋病,疾病是怎么塌缩出来的啊?难道会是中国人+SARS病毒=2003华人SARS事件?艾滋病难道是:爱之深让人无法自拔无法抗拒+传播方式性,母婴,血液,即身体接触身体欲望的满足=艾滋病?病情介绍如慢性中毒?看了艾滋病的历时很久或达10年的发病过程,简直和10分钟的性爱过程一模一样,为什么?这个对性爱感受的禅思被塌缩到细胞上了吗?然后就在时空中慢慢运行了?直到最后是死亡状态?







“在每个(概念)复合体的转化的基础之上,自由意志被这些系列提供的根本概念所引导,该理则提供这个密度一个基本架构,用于建造、建构与数据的综合,在这个选择(原型)中完成。” ——雒——这个有点像禅思元素为自由意志为宇宙信息原材料,当然其本身也是一个最小的复合体,就如同笔画构成了字一样,写文章都是用字的没有用笔画写的(日本韩国有点把汉字复合体拆解成笔画拼音而作文了,这样还能有强大的如推背图那样的文章组合吗?毕竟一个汉字就是一字千金万聚呢!)。 而理则/爱即是把自由意志元素组合为新的整体,创造出了或直接显形了新的生命/量子纠缠另一面的现实。


高我是迄今为止所有该心/身/灵复合体经验的发展的结果。真实同时性即量子开关,高我是发展的结果即是说真实同时性在为此结果服务,在自由意志下运动至高我最高意识进化目标。被思维创造的能量八卦体现出波性实在的一面,只能以上一级别的四象两仪解释之。比如坤卦代表爱,乾卦代表自由意志。既济卦代表自由意志与爱交错相连……自由意志代表波性意识,爱代表波性物质。只有你的思想(赋能者 自由意志 灵)聚焦(爱 魂),则此方程式母体显化它的确定态:是位置一潜还是位置六亢。






















清早写了听月光,上午看到一个图片,图上写的内容(我愿意让月亮成为我的爱的保存者等等--崇高之心)和我写那首诗时感觉自己把爱也放入了月亮里有点一样,整体内容好像就是我说的一样,当然比我意识到的更加细致明朗。因此就多看了几眼,看到一个佛僧双手合十,眼凝视前方,月亮清晖圆又亮,似乎他想要飞月亮之上一样,因为我那首诗就有心魂已经抵达月亮之上而清空无边进而仙界无边了。不久又看到步生莲发的歌曲 I Wanna Fly 我要飞 (般若心经)。 查了此专辑还有My Spirit Flies To You 我的心神向你飞去,更对应上了刚刚评论毛泽东的蝶恋花也是如此如同此句解释的啊!太多东西聚合在一起,最近经常如此,我犹如在梦境里。是否有一只如来神掌在点击我这个按键,然后我就自动出来了一大堆他想要的信息呢?会不会我只是他的三维体互联网呢?就如同我们三维人在点击二维互联网一样?我对毛泽东的整篇诗解释是:毛之魂随杨柳魂一起飞起,融入他们俩忠魂而飏至月宫,想为其安慰,然后还没有喝桂花酒,就已经泪如雨飞,至情至义,真实波性意识的穿梭,没有什么不通的。

亚当啊!夏娃啊,亚当绝对也自悟了,他的国富论够广大,道德情操论够精深,可见一斑。那个如来神掌是不是如来,如未来一样,像快要来的一样之高我呢?是我引出了这有前有后的一切?还是我被高我所启动了运动?然后我又启动了过去未来?抑或我接通了上紫外线下红外线之整体宇宙信息通路,得来信息全不费工夫了吗?超过光速了所以查找信息可以看到过去亦可以看到未来?我的信息的积聚只是一瞥而过还是可以进行魔法创造而造物塌缩呢?如果我看到的信息是过去的,那么就在我“看到”时,过去即塌缩为我的现在吗?如果看到的信息是未来,那么就在我“看到”时,未来即降塌缩在未来的那一天吗?这个“看到”即是禅思,是波性意识,是宇宙程序连接上的触发机制,而它本身是如何完成结果的,就是遵循我们的三维世界的理则来运行的,但是结果与禅思是量子纠缠,是量子开关效应了,结局已然被“禅思”确定的了。如果这里不二群有智能机器人,那么你们是否觉得自己和真人一样样的呢? 如果是,我们三维的人是不是也是假人呢?这样类比好累啊,那么我们各自已知的认知都是在为无限造物主服务,类似高级程序与普通程序的区别而已。那要问本源思维究竟何意图呢?其会不会问这个问题呢?这真是个螺旋套套了,无始无终。

The twenty-first day

Look for the hidden nature of the message

Is not the problem of true love solved, all the problems in the world also follow it, a consistent solution to it? Otherwise, everyone is chasing fake love without knowing it, ignoring them with fake love and implicating the greedy foolishly and nodding, so that aliens smile away? A Dream of Red Mansions is also intended to solve this problem, which opened up Hong Meng Who is talking about the sentiment ... Cosmopolitanism is true, hidden and great, then the human understanding can not explore the hidden and great truth, you can only get rid of the mud in the sty. One law recognizes creation: creation is limitless ☞ Infinite becomes awareness ☞ Insights guides unlimited infinity into infinite energy (energy is principle or love): Infinite intelligence ☞ Creation principle. Original transfiguration, free will. Energy moves from smart to infinity. Create a holographic form. Appears in all creatures ☞ Energy Morphology Organization, Prosody and Field ☞ Dimension and Universe.

Zhang Ailing's Dream of the Red Chamber Golden Plum and other styles, I guess is caused by Mao Zedong's meditation. Bethune is also caused by Mao Zedong's thinking of international communist fighters. Wang Guangmei's math apex and high-energy physics, Mao Zedong's pushback is also caused by Zen Buddhism, or how Liu Shaoqi will be pushed to the chair of the position?

Some pain is necessary, because meditation in place, overweight, had to hurt. The above understanding stems from a tiny injury information actually has reached the state of superposition of five Zen information! And the reality of this injury is more apparent my recent judgment: Mao Zedong's verification of Bethune and Wang Guangmei. This time, he was looking directly into the scene of the wounded war described by Zhang Ailing (a few buildings stacked on top of Yunnan Baiyao on TV) and then wounded and used the fact of Baiyao to directly verify the reality of Zhang Ailing's novel by Mao Zedong.


The affirmation of the Dream of Red Mansions was very impressed with these two words: Zhu, Ming dynasty; virtue and Nalan character. Zhu De is also the original Zen meditation ah! His name on behalf of Jane, Dream of Red Mansings have good. Jade steps, A Dream of Red Mansions jade, stone mind. Yunnan, Hongloumeng Implicit Yunnan Sangui, as well as Kangxi made summer Resort Yunnan Phoebe, and brought out the Nanping night bell. Zhu De, Zhu De now, Zhu Dezhen from the past to Zhu De to see Mao Zedong, are so taken for granted, the same frequency resonance. It was then reminded that the miracle of those professionals may be caused by the awakening of consciousness. So think of people should also be widely absorbed in the depth of Zen in-depth development of deep carving, in order to achieve miraculous reproduction.


There is no quarrel for Mao's bipolar evaluation. One is that it needs to go beyond the point, one is to see the need for inheritance, and in fact it all needs a wave of consciousness. For what has to happen in reality, it is caused by the balance of the conflicts and conflicts between the various wave-consciousness forces. Bianshan said planetary determinism I do not recognize the planet is the body of energy is the product of the origin of thinking, how can it be about the origin of society? How can computers, for example, be the source of society? The large number he said can only be said to be strong enough that the original thinking is already superimposed, so the actions of other people and things around it are the number of hits. Therefore, Mao Tse-tung, Hitler, and Narendra are the crystals of a great wave of human consciousness that will surely stir up waves. Everyone else has to work around them, just as the planets revolve around the sun.

After analyzing the correspondence between Mao Zedong and Zhu De, and on the life experience of Lei Ning Liu Hulan and Lei Feng, Lei Feng - corresponds to the hammer peak. The death of 8.15 days corresponds to the 35th day of the regiment. Lei Feng important node name place names Gengsai sub corresponding Dream of Red Mansions Xue Pan said Geng Huang. Qingshuitang corresponding 渌 water Pavilion. Lotus leaf dam primary school corresponding to listen to the remnants of Lin Daiyu. Bow Changling corresponding push the back of the bow length. 202 Hospital 22-year-old died Corresponding to 1677 Dai Yude pregnant, Lushi died this year, Nalan Xingde 22-year-old. Chairman Mao's inscription date of 3.5 days corresponds to Leifeng 8.15 days of death, at the same time correspond to the thirty-five covert events in the Dream of Red Mansions.

Jin Yong and Qiong Yao should also study. Wu Sangui's "Anti-Manchu Wen", "Yangzhou Ten Diary", "Jiading massacre", disappeared in the Chinese mainland for more than 200 years. Two hundred years later, it was found out from Japan. A Dream of Red Mansions Surrounding Waves of Health and Well - being in Hong Kong - Research Results of Buddhist and Taoist Insurgency. Empress phrase: Ning and friendly not to slave slave that is right, is the world view. Chairman Mao's study of the Dream of Red Mansions does not appear to be wrong. Thirty-five 15,8,8.15, Mid-Autumn Festival, really can not be underestimated, the key will Longzhuang Sanghui Wuyi is not that 35 ghost? Also with wood beside, all read GUI, wooden word next to whether it is Jiang Xian grass? Defei Daiyu where the Queen wrote the death of 5.3 days.


For the first time, it seems that the German Ezekiel saw the United States of America and the United States of America. It appears that in 1776, reading the Book of Changes by Zen Buddhism, etc., all subconsciously led mankind, already rendering a strong, collapsed out of the United States, or the name of the United States. Its 7.4 day is also very deep. Also remembered Bethune 49 years old, People's Republic of 1949. At that time how do you feel so awkward: the ancient Book of Words, how the modern American name is the same, ah, not transliteration other, the same as the words of the United States.


Last night, on the night of September 9, in a quiet night, I suddenly heard the melody vaguely. I listened carefully, I feel very wonderful, that is not sad, not happy, elegant universe, Dark Night Love thick. But the more we hear it, the more we can not hear it. Is it my illusion? But obviously heard it! Just thinking, a while already can not hear. I did not hear anything again with my ears up. Think, I'm not looking at the heart of West Chamber notes it? There is also push the back Tuuli people left in the debate book what is it? I've seen some people say directly before the piano, I always thought we all know it is a piano? There are just a few WeChat to explain the life of Lei Feng a few miracles, wrote three five reunion day, and the day before yesterday saw the heart of the Chamber notes Qin Lin Daisy melody broke up, Miao Yu said bad. Remember to open the notes on the West Chamber and then read before watching the beginning of the back, and then just listen to the description of the piano, really too inch. It has always been the feeling that the things that happen to me in the future have already come to my forebrain, and then the complete correspondence between the events that have come to light. Really a bit dizzy. (Jin Shengtan West Chamber Pictures: Description Yingying Chang'e, Xiaoxiang concubine, Los God) Changan Palace, Xiaoxiang concubine, Los God, Lin Daiyu Dream of Red Mansions were Jia Baoyu metaphor for the three. Not so much the sound of the piano as it sounds. Because this tone is not continuous is a drop of sound out, longer intervals, but also continuous, the overall rhyme. It is one of the seduction of the Guqin blooms, like two drops of water buzz echoed, such as the cloud of Baba's fishes, just the heart of the emptiness of the emptiness! Deep thoroughfare, love to wear nine days ... ... that should be a Zen paradise, can not belong to this realistic world like. Write to hook and lead the word, is not seduce the word is the heart of the West Chamber music out of it? Oh, think of it, should be like listening to G20 Debussy feeling when the moonlight, when the overall feeling and I heard the same last night, ah! Again read the description of their own write, only suddenly remembered it. It seems that I am not listening, nor is it because there is no reason to play, really is the voice of the sky!


High-energy physics should be such a picture: High energy refers to the Zen, wave sex, in heaven imaging, imagery; physics refers to the phenomenon, granularity, in situ formation, morphology. The various messages of high-energy Zen meditation are combined with the accumulation of information as a whole. When the focus is strong enough, it collapses into a realistic form like a laser, and the information of Zen meditation can be found in it. Zen does not know how the reality of reality, the reality I do not know how the source of Zen, just as Jin Shengtan "That Rolling" master composition method, the first moment of the first Mo Mo greed second moment, the second step, lost the first moment One step too. Because of its high energy, high-energy meditation information can be transmitted through time and space like the wings and wings of a butterfly. Several Zen combinations can enclose the entire aperture so that it can be shaped. Some of the high energy is really high, self-contained circle, self-contained, or because the ring contains too rich content implies, such as prophecy of the profound poly million, then it encloses a vast range of time and space involved people involved With more objects, the effect that the collapse of the surface is much larger.

Zen can be full-time, the first thought can span the millennium to specifically outline the curving around the time. For example, one of your meditative images can collapse the first half of one's life. It slowly moves forward in the phenomenal world only for the purpose of portraying the Zen image. The age information of other Zen medics is also in place. Two parallel world universe play their part in the same, precise operation of the universe. So Newton's amazement is insufficient, is there any more focused than the source of thinking it? Easy to understand the beginning of the universe, Kun to Jane able to do miles. And already formed in the world as the kun, what is more complicated, because the day after day, underground year. If not, only the attractiveness of gravity attracts so much, then why should it come from? Avenue to Jane, virtuous world.

There is good and evil, but the difference between good and evil in the Zen world is not the same as that in the phenomenal world. Zen standard is to reach the lowest energy value, the phenomenal world standard is the highest value of life. The first change, the free will to find the focus. This focus is the second transformation. It's the Logos you know, the principle of creativity, or love. This intelligent energy thus creates a transfiguration that is called light. Much of these three transfigurations have resulted in the transformation of many strata. Each one has its own contradictions need to be integrated. No one is more important than the other. Zen standard is infinite intelligent creation to reach the lowest energy value, the main creative parameters of free will and love should have a minimum, and the wave function. The phenomenal world standard is currently the individual with the highest value of life (corresponding to the free will of the Zen community), and the collective standard evolves to the highest value with the human consciousness (corresponding to Zen community love). To put it this way, really a bit like a fairy tale of Nu Wa made man, and true! Well-crafted mud is a high level of Zen meditation made, readily wicker mud people are not very high-energy Zen Due. Well, it is not uncommon for the Buddhism to say something about its lack of fulfillment. This is due to the information flaws of Zen itself. It is enough to change the information of the Zen community. However, Zen circles are constantly running and the phenomena world is still , Want to catch up or to the Zen community and then capture it accurately and make a big move like a big change, the difficulty of practice is not just to talk about. Is not my actual trajectory of my own call it? Are Zen meditation? This meditation is my or superior? Or detail from me, the big main big node by the high energy level than me?


The original talent is to attract or Zen collapsed out of the product of the origin of thinking, is a dry, not casually wicker clay came. Then, in one place and in a company, those giants, namely the heaven and earth people mentioned in the Dream of Red Mansions, one of the most profound and profound people. The Dream of Red Mansions to study is the motivation of the yin and yang bifu (people should reach the Pan). Of course, it is not confined to one country and one country. The source of this meditation is trans-national across time and space. However, those who communicate with meditation are those who have quantum entanglement information in the superposition state. Therefore, it is particularly important that you have contact with what is in the information, and this is something that you can not find until you know it. Just do not know what the overall dominant? There should be a big meditation set of small Zen spiral sleeve.



The following is the focus of these two days thinking micro-information, and then just saw Australia's new 5-yuan banknote news was shocked: the most prominent is the bird, and then it is to stir the beauty of the wings, and then five colors (see Five-color parrots think Pulsatilla back is yellow-green, parrots here are actually multicolored), 5 yuan - 5 poor mother news death, English Ying Wen Ying Wen said and view the history of English language development. Banknotes were issued earlier this month. Acacia flowers. It's just as funny as the name of a raccoon bird: East tip mouth attracts honey bees. Information has gathered in place (that leg injury event) An abstract building number and Yunnanbaiyao linked? How does a number relate to color, bird shape, and English? Anyway, all are complete, the road should be responsible for making it a reality! You will not be able to buy Baiyao for no reason, the bird will not be printed on the banknote for no reason, where is the driving force? Those hard-working electronic programmers, why even if it is only projected that they do not understand the information can also automatically complete the information task? How do they do it? Quantum entanglement? Information Zen mentality that activated the quantum entanglement, then the corresponding and naturally do, completed, in the quantum switch non-local time and space in the synchronized operation, a total of Ben results? And there is no key path here? Or is it entangled quantum entanglement information combined into a whole entanglement, and time and space in order to complete, the actual phenomenon has long been the end of the phenomenal world? Like a baby in October of pregnancy it? Is it possible to say that a cell is a cell where its own wisdom has created a more intelligent baby than it does not happen naturally? , Why do they always inhabit Acacia trees or banyan trees? Perhaps they are the images of human meditation appearing on earth! Do you see Mars Will there be this bird? There is not because the probability of entanglement between man and Mars is too low.

See an article said: This trick to conceal the trick is not to be reposted in 80 years after it? This sneak trip can not help but connect with SARS infected only in China. SARS in 2003 has always made people feel that things are strange. Why are those who are infected almost all of whom are Chinese or North Vietnamese who are close to their blood? SARS, AIDS, disease is how to collapse ah? Is it possible that the Chinese + SARS virus = 2003 Chinese SARS? AIDS is: the depth of love can not extricate themselves unable to resist + way of transmission, maternal and child, blood, that is, the body meets the desire of the body = AIDS? Chronic poisoning? A long history of AIDS or up to 10 years of onset, almost exactly the same 10-minute sex process, and why? Is this meditation on sexual feelings collapsed onto the cells? Then slowly running in time and space? Until the end is dead?

Can not be a collective evolution will inevitably be infected with the body, after all, the body can be the same seamless communication. However, the awareness of wave is certainly different, but your wave consciousness may simply not be able to easily change the hay, of course, the specific function of people can change, but not as a fundamental solution to this problem. - Close spray or contact, is not it just about kissing? Drooling, breathing extremely difficult, is it kiss kisses die? I feel this disease is related to kissing meditation. Really funny too? But do not know why people can make contact with it? Cell really can sense Zen! This wave consciousness is absorbed by it, and then naturally instinctive quantum entanglement! Then the symptoms of this symptom and the Zen state of mind exactly the same. Once the cells are connected to the whole entangled state, no disease is not possible. The incubation period is the Zen state also has the meaning of a space bar, right? So reasoning, human diseases are made by oneself, is it difficult to become a human being in the galaxy far away from the universe?


Our ancestors saw Shannan Yang, North Mountain Yin, created the concept of yin and yang. Is this a quantum entanglement in two aspects of a whole? In fact, both sides of a three-dimensional whole, is upgraded from two-dimensional plane to three-dimensional three-dimensional. Negative Yin or Yang is now hidden yin and yang, are the quantum entanglement between the yin and yang, is actually a thing. The front of the coin is money, the reverse is money, but the sun more information only. I Ching is quantum ghost across time and space analytical science? So it can have the accuracy of pushback prediction. Why high? Because the 64 hexagrams correspond to all the combinations of body genes, when the positive wave can really control it, then the collapse of the real world picture is self-evident, because quantum entanglement it! Then the IMRT 64 features worth corresponding to the wave of awareness of 64 characteristics, so quantum entanglement and quantum switch performance of this realistic version of the pushback! Coupled with Fuxi gossip, the king of sixty-four Gua, Confucius "ten wings", more than today's highly developed modern science? We have such a good baby, why did not we go beyond Europe and the United States developed countries that do not have the Book of Changes and do not understand the Chinese concept of "yin and yang?" It is really the sound of frogs downhole.

Our genes only activate parts, others may not sleep because of incompatible features. If one enlarges one's love, those genes that each have free will increase the hidden qualities of love and are activated at the same time. Then genes of non-self coexist in harmony. Body too! This reasoning extended to the earth, and even the universe, so much. Therefore, if humans want to go on a space flight, they must first go through the path of their own earth, just as if you were a monk.



The combination of gene carriers is activated by the wave consciousness, then wave-like substances should be the genetic combination of information formula. If the wave consciousness is a source of thinking, then the wave of material is the source of this state of mind to grasp the message. However, they are inseparable, and they are two statements of a whole, such as the human body and spirit.

Gossip or a quantum entanglement overall function, the 64 hexagrams back to the 8 by the hexagram and then back to 4 as the yin and yang instrument, and finally back to the overall one. One of the laws that there are three transfiguration, free will correspond to the opposition, love corresponds to unity, light corresponds to change. "The unity of opposites and yin and yang is the root of the changes in Yi Tao." Therefore, we are in the light of change, and eternal belongs to free will and love, the fate of the Tai Chi. So it is not difficult to understand the pursuit of Western freedom and the love of the East. However, the two can not be innovated, and can only be reincarnated in the image map created by the previous ancestors. .

Do you not know what kind of system Buddhist Buddhism is for Universe? Buddhism is atheistic, but at the same time polytheistic, because Buddhism claims that man is a Buddha, and ultimately concludes the cause of the universe to himself; but religion can never maintain the peace of the world, and the human road is still full of thorns. Self-empty corresponds to the free will Zen meditation is the characteristics of the vast empty, the origin of a corresponding love, the rationale is that some enzymes, accelerators, karma corresponding to their own energy source?

 "Based on the transformation of each (conceptual) complex, free will is guided by the fundamental concepts provided by these series, which provide a basic framework for this density for building, constructing and integrating data, Choose (prototype) to complete. "- 雒 - This is a bit like a Zen element of free will for the universe of information materials, of course, is itself a minimal complex, just as the strokes constitute the same words, writing articles are used (Japan, South Korea, a little bit of the Chinese character complex disassembled into strokes Pinyin and composition, so that there can be a powerful combination of articles such as push back figure? After all, a Chinese character is the word together!) . The principle / love is the combination of elements of free will as a whole, creating or directly revealing the reality of new life / quantum entanglement on the other side.

If the first element of Zen is empty (classless, empty circle) then the principle is diffuse (wave-aware, non-locality). If the second element of meditation is another one (the class of godlessness, mental or biological), the principle is copy-and-paste (entanglement). If ... ... out of four, love gossip. In this way, the complete creation of an epic, cosmic universe exists.

High I was the result of all the experience of so many mind / body / spirit complexes so far. True simultaneity ie quantum switch, high I is the result of development that is true simultaneity in the service of this result, in the free will of the highest movement of my highest goal of evolution. The energy gossip that is created by thinking reflects the real side of the wave and can only be explained by the four images and two instruments of the next higher level. For example, Kun Gua represents love, dry Gua represents free will. Not only does it mean that the free will and the love are staggered ... The free will represents the wave consciousness, and the love represents the wave material. Only if your mind (empowerment of free will) focuses (loving soul), is the parent of the equation manifesting its definite state: whether it is a position or a position.

The first change, the free will to find the focus. This focus is the second transformation. It's the Logos you know, the principle of creativity, or love. This intelligent energy thus creates a transfiguration that is called light. Much of these three transfigurations have resulted in the transformation of many strata. Each one has its own contradictions need to be integrated. No one is more important than the other.

This space / time phenomenal world is to join the enzyme catalyst, but also contribute to the evolution of consciousness, of course, see if you can understand, is your right to choose. Those who have been a little stimulated to go home, is not a catalyst for the good use of the Creator? If a monk can quickly epiphany, then why there are many combinations of the reality of this world? Although Yin is an appendage, but can not therefore completely despise it, the bridge ship, or how to cross the river to the opposite?

"Heaven and earth to base, heaven and earth set to carry on the (quantum system of the smallest entanglement), humble to Chen, your bit of position (free will and principle of their own work), static and dynamic, rigid and soft off (Quantum Ghost is not robbery drops, Follow its own yin and yang characteristics), the party to gather together, things in groups, good and bad life (wave particles into the map show, good and bad already), in the image, in the shape of change see Easy to know Kun simple) ".


As previously mentioned, each wave frequency, people in the visible light color, then the invisible infrared ultraviolet light also exist, people only get through seven energy centers, can connect all the frequencies, and then at least can be connected to the known knowledge of the universe All energy. So it looks amazing, in fact, only to expand its own frequency only, it seems inconceivable to others. Such as ra said from the Earth's South Pole absorption (infrared and beyond), also absorbed from the North Pole (UV and beyond), should be connected to the invisible hidden universe energy, which is what he said magic should. Of course, this should also be a small part of the magic of infinite intelligence, the combination is unlimited ......

Listen to the moonlight

Silent night

Vague about the sound of the piano

It seems like there is no moving heart chord

Not sad nor happy

Elegant universe

Dark love situation thick

It is the heart of the heart of the West Chamber

Or thirty-five Moon Lake

Which like Daiyu back song break heart sound

But Moon Bridge Moonlight Drop String

As one of the seduction of guqin bloom

Water droplets like the two buzz echoed

Like a cloud of stubborn fishes

The consummation of the consummate emptiness

Deep thoroughfare, love wear nine days

Introspective, celestial boundary boundless

Early in the morning to listen to the moonlight, morning to see a picture, the contents of the map (I am willing to make the moon as the preserve of my love, etc. - lofty heart) and I wrote that poem feel love Into the moon a little bit the same, the overall content seems to be the same as I said, of course, more than I realized more clearly. So I glanced more and saw a monk with both hands folded, eyes staring forward, the moon clear and bright round, it seems he wants to fly on the same, because my poem has the soul has arrived on the moon above The boundless emptiness boundless boundless. Soon I saw the song of a living lotus I Wanna Fly I want to fly (Prajna Paramita). Checked on this album there My Spirit Flies To You my mind to fly to you, but also on the commentary Mao Zedong's Butterfly Love is also the same as this sentence ah! Too many things come together, more often than not lately, as if in a dream. Is there a Tathagata god click on this button, and then I automatically come up with a lot of information he wants it? Will I just his three-dimensional Internet? Just as we three-dimensional people click on the two-dimensional Internet? I explained to Mao Zedong's entire poem is: Mao soul with Yang Willow soul together, into their loyalty to the moon and the palace, want to be comforted, and then did not drink Sweet-scented osmanthus wine, it has been flying like tears, sympathies and righteousness, the real wave of awareness of the shuttle, there is nothing wrong.

Adam! Eve, Adam is also absolutely self-aware, his wealth is vast enough, moral sentiment is sophisticated enough, is evident. Does that Tathagata handle Tathagata do Tathagata, as in the future, as fast as I come? Did I come up with all this before and after? Or was it that I was motivated by High I and then I started the future again? Or did I turn on the whole cosmic information path of the infra-red under ultraviolet light to get all the information Time-consuming? More than the speed of light so look for information you can see the past can also see the future? The accumulation of my information is just a glimpse of the magic can create or collapsed? If the message I saw was past, then when I "saw", the past collapsed to my present? If the information we see is the future, then as I "see", will the future collapse in the future? This "seeing" is meditation, wave consciousness, the triggering mechanism in the connection of the cosmic program, and how it accomplishes the result itself, that is, it follows the principles of our three-dimensional world, but the result is that Zen Thinking is quantum entanglement, is the quantum switch effect, and the outcome has already been "meditation" identified. If there are two groups of intelligent robots here, then do you feel like the real one? If so, is not our 3D person also a dummy? Such analogy tired ah, then our respective known knowledge is in the service of infinite Creator, similar to the distinction between high-level procedures and ordinary procedures only. That would like to ask what the original intention of thinking? Will it ask this question? This is really a spiral wrap, no beginning and no end.

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