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The twenty-fourth day Our past lives第二十四天 我们的前世今生





如果你的年轻3体在右侧,那么你的未来3体在左侧,他们都被波性意识塑造塌缩在他可以能够所在的某一时空里(和涅槃度,纠缠度有关)。如果你的涅槃度为负,你可能成为恶魔,你的涅槃度为最高,你可能成为圣人; 如果你的涅槃度为负而纠缠度为0,则你会严重自虐;纠缠度为360°,则你可能会毁灭世界。以此类推涅槃度为最高,则是穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下了。这是极端情况,而大多数人是有个星体垂直方向的刻度范围的,即如同意识能量层级那样的,从羞愧~开悟,从负~正。



昨天看了一下午的陆游的爱情与陆游的家世百家讲坛,讲授者名叫:宋丹林!今天居然出来热搜林聃得子,怎么看和那次陈炎得女热搜一个套路,且刚才看了腹肌撕裂者、人鱼线马甲线的,林聃亦是此样的人。昨天阿拉蕾衣服fresh,裤子螺旋星,心想fresh好新鲜,阿拉蕾灵气特别,这词代表什么意思?但是没有继续想下去;又瞥见纽约时报支持希爱里,今天赵荔颖纽约时报。一直不清楚花千骨剧作细节便查了一下作者是fresh 果果,其微博头像是红苹果。


几个热搜的集合,组合上的组合:研究生(浙江小三上位)+闺蜜(林如闺蜜-guimi美国歌手被刺杀-朴希被闺蜜牵连)+花千骨(赵荔颖 纽约时报,fesh果果江尘舟,花千骨被删除剧情之脖颈)+4.7日165cm有重合信息。简单说即是语言组合:研究生+闺蜜+江格+脖子血印痕+(其本身隐含推理信息:4.7日165cm),而其后的信息难道超越了此信息强度,因而能聚合在一起塌缩吗?




今天热搜俄罗斯西伯利亚惊现“神秘雪球”绵延18公里如外星: 我前几天想到过奶白鲫鱼豆腐汤,是以前厨师教过用面粉炒出白汤效果的那个,也很好吃。本来今天想去买鱼吃,然而想着冻鱼还没有吃完就没有去。昨天吃的赠送的汤圆很大很黏,不像以前买的小一点的劲道。把它们剩下的放在一起还看了看,白白的。后来还看到早餐有人做鱼丸,当时对白白的心里一惊。原来可能就是和汤圆一样的啊!为什么是俄罗斯?可能一直看到俄罗斯很冷,别的国家都怕冷打不过他,还有是俄罗斯做秋裤,让我们怕冷抵抗力下降。

云梦山修道扯淡碑:云梦睡虎地77号西汉墓出土简牍整理与研究。今天看到纳粹主义反马克思,马克思、易音蒙与童蒙养?幼儿挂字:童蒙文化研究、诗经、量子、佛道儒……这些想法都和2016年国家社科基金重大项目立项名单公布有重合。 刚才说愿天透漏一点光……就见到这天屏裂缝、断电北美与北极光:科学家们在地球的磁屏上侦测出一道裂痕!刚才是评论哈囉李说的:几千年来,渺小的人类追求伟大的信仰,以好梦始、以噩梦终,最后不敢做梦了。梦里寻它千百度的,原来是抽象名词。人类把头一扭,走了。我看后评论道:可是梦,还是“不得不做”,天机如此隐秘,似乎永无所止,愿天透漏一点光吧!好让我们一起走向光明之城……

听了从来没有听过的歌:如果你也听说,听了感觉很像今天看到热搜之一李翼山表白扬紫祝生日快乐,背叛世界也要永远站在她一边。然后搜索歌居然是07年出的歌,专辑STAR有83数字,立即想到了今天看微信里有83,是射雕英雄传83版,当时对此数字比较心动的(现在才明白过来毛泽东、夏梦均是此年龄的)。金陵十二钗12*2=24 ,江格24 + 如果你也听说=李翼山(山:昨天禅思时四云转,回来记录,写三时不小心打成了山,重新复读一遍时看到山字很惊讶。在花园里又看到砍掉树枝的杨树,想了杨,数了数大概25棵。傍晚回来花仙子画了一个彩色房子,红蓝紫黄四种颜色,紫)…… 昨天看到的信息是那个祝福视频,写的标题是:昨天是扬紫24岁生日,张翼山为扬紫送上生日祝福:就算全世界背叛你,我也会站在你身后背叛全世界。山、紫,今天才明白这名字确实有缘由,分析了此事件更加明白清晰了事件是如何组合而成的:就如同所有的物质原料组合不同、结构不同而形成新的物质一样,人的行动思想亦是如此吗?叠加态在易经上应该是浓缩了最精简的本质一面,它诉说了万事万物的宇宙图景?其大无外,其小无内,如此相继循环......





The twenty-fourth day

Our past lives

Lu You's love lectures, and Nalandnde left the Defendants, the courtesy of Defending court Cherry received the same scene, and both of them and Jia Baoyu same circumstances, because of her mother's reputation for breaking up them. Song, anti-gold, Hui cents, red crisp hand (鹡 鸰 bergamot), poetry printed on the wall, Shen Yuan Tang Wan = Nalan Xing De Shen Wan. Vent secret, illustrious and another village, Lu You and Nalan nature of entangled relations between time and space? According to the Qing Dynasty Dream of Red Mansions, it should be Nalan Xing meditation out of Lu You? Or the opposite? Luoyou hand to see the water and Tang Wan Yuen Sun Park met, and Jia Baoyu to see the West Chamber remember falling into a red line and Lin Daiyu hoe and met the gods. Begonia, also known as Acacia red, red intestine, this is the Dream of Red Mansions Lin Daiyu Qingwen Begonia flowers, Xiangling take the same bowel poetry death consistent. Bergamot, citron, citrine. Tang, Song, more known as citron. De Fei - Xiande Fei, edge - citron, Defending Buddha hand to Nalan Xingde? Medicine also corresponds to its night Acacia poem "can eliminate anger." Lu was once home to an exquisite Feng-chai family creations, and Tang family kiosks. Nalan Xingde also picked up at home in the park Princess Fei Chai hairpin. The information is entangled with each other and can not get rid of dark clouds. However, there is certainly a causal relationship between the waves of consciousness.

Shen Park in the Hehe Pavilion, Banbi Ting, Shuanggui Church, eight Wing House, Song Jing, nursery, asked Mei threshold, Qintai and Guangqu Zhai and other landscapes, as well as the Six Dynasties Pavilion, gourd pool, formerly known as the lotus pond, these similar information More deeply entangled between the two. If youth meets one's own future information, and the future information of the closest person (and its entangled relationship), so that Lu You, the youth of the Song Dynasty, meets with information about Nalan's character in the Qing Dynasty in the future, and The message of the future of the closest person to him, and so on. By analogy with ancient ancients, I met with my message of the future world and with the information of all the things that matter to me.... What a plausible verifiability!

Qing Fei De Fei is the problem I have been studying now, and I just found out that I had a youthful feeling when I was young in QINGFEI Cosmetics; and Qing Fei's spokeswoman Hu Mi's works are also related to this or other entanglements; and What can be explained by the fact that the books that have been bought in the past are also related to entanglement of people? Before and after the existence of such an entangled personal relationship, that before and after life should not have this relationship? That ancient future is not the case? The ancient future is also so entangled relations, the reason why they have the Book of Changes, is the search or objective display of this relationship, the rationale for universal, the planet can be linked to the planet, all things connected, all things are from this .

Some people say that the book of trinkets do not touch! Attached and jump. Suggestive and infinite interpretation. I think that because of entanglement, infinite interpretation is because of no local, which I see today, the Golden Triangle △ 369, 142857 is like a butterfly on the same bilateral symmetry, the universe is the cosmic symmetry of the universe, and 369 should be The spiritual basic elements of the world of consciousness. Why did Tesla say "3,6,9" is the key to the universe? It can be analyzed: if the quantity of the material in the landmass is on the right, the body of the material Nalanxing is on the left, and their wave consciousness All at 369 points, or sharing a wave consciousness, the higher the degree of coincidence, the higher the purity of the Zen Nirvana silence, the less likely to involve other wave sexual hybrids to enter.

If your young body is on the right, then your future body is on the left. Both are shaped by the Awareness Consciousness to collapse in a space and time where he can be (related to Nirvana, entanglement). If your nirvana is negative, you may become a demon, your nirvana is the highest, you may become a saint; if your nirvana is negative and your entanglement is 0, you will commit serious abuse; the degree of entanglement is 360 °, Then you may destroy the world. To such a degree of Nirvana is the highest, it is poor are the only one, Tatsu and the world. This is the extreme situation, and most people have a vertical scale range of stars, that is, as the level of consciousness of energy, from shame to enlightenment, from negative to positive.

Chen Xiaoxu today found the lips and summer dream is very much like, Chen Xiaoxu, the Great Wall advertising (Summer Dream Great Wall Pictorial), the world, the Van training, wonderful, 5.13 days. Summer dreams are like Marilyn Monroe, especially eyebrows and lips. I did not seem to distinguish Monroe and Madonna. Monroe also like pearl necklace, light green apple, summer dream is like pearl necklace, green ah. But I am too. Summer Dream interview this summer, she Lulu, she looks much like Monroe. She seems to mention the Dream of Red Mansions, but was interrupted.

I said 5 days ago may come to heating early, the result really came to warm on the 5th; Yesterday just lamented the palace wall Liu Boo sigh for a long time, the result of today's fog on the ground. Palace wall corresponds to Nalan Xingde and Lu You palace walls, willow is full of melancholy scattered meaning? Anyway, I thought of the willow picture inside the palace wall. At that time, the palace walls were likely to spread their ideas to represent the Nalanxingde Kangxi Dynasty. Therefore, there are Changchun (the spring of Mancheng) and Shengjing (now Shenyang) Xi'an and other places in Henan are also fog. Specific other addresses without careful research. Fog had no feeling in the morning, just think it was like seen before Xinzhan fog like a fairyland in the tall buildings, and then see the hot search Beijing foggy many cities have, and I heard 380 aircraft grounded only Start thinking there is no reason. Until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, I suddenly thought of seeing the palace wall willow Liu impressive impression.

Yesterday saw a love of Lu You and Lu You's family of 100 pulpit, lecturer named: Song Danlin! Today, actually out of the hot search Linyi child, how to see and that Chen Yan was female hot search a routines, and just read the belly muscle tear, mermaid line vest, Linyi is such a person. Yesterday Ala Lei clothes fresh, pants spiral star, thought fresh good fresh, Ala Lei aura special, what does this term mean? But did not continue to think about it; Also see the New York Times in support of Cherith, Zhao Liying New York Times today. Has not been aware of the details of the flower bones will check the author is fresh fruit, its microblogging headshots are red apples.

142857 Symmetrical Butterfly Man forming on Circle, 369 Composed into a Triangle, is a butterfly man who dominates past and present of wave consciousness. Saw that image is a deep impression that is: a circle is a map, its corresponding triangle is above it. This has seen ufo before and after, thought ufo in the sky like the eye of all-vision, can crawl all the information below it. These imaginary combinations correspond exactly to the pattern of Brazilian crop circles.

A few hot search collection, a combination of combinations: graduate (Zhejiang junior III) + girlfriends (Lin as girlfriends - guimi American singer assassinated - Parki is girlfriend implicated) + spend thousands of bone (Zhao Liying New York Times, fesh Fruit River Drifting, spend thousands of bone was removed story of the neck) +4. 7 days 165cm coincidence information. Simply put, it is the language combination: graduate + girlfriends + Jiangge + neck bloodmark + (itself implied inference information: 4.7 days 165cm), and then the information beyond the strength of this information, which can be aggregated together collapse ?

If based on Pan-Yi philosophical level: Ming> God> Wisdom>, then the above time-linguistic information, reasoning out the reverse time the intensity of language information in turn reduce the strongest information for the neck bloodstained, and then followed by the name of Jiang, girlfriends ,Postgraduate. It seems that collapse has indeed followed the strong and weak? Moreover, Jiang is a law graduate ah! However, she faced the passionate, and her weak woman is upright in the face of angry man? Or what is the situation? Can law suppress the passion? Can people have no passion? This also corresponds to the principle of a law, which means that although the Ming is clear, but too lazy to get something done in the world; love, although the situation, but the catalyst for people to quickly learn to evolve in the world? Do we humans really like machine learning information? ? Quantum entanglement in the final general world, a total of coexistence and retreat?

If we are still on the road, always on the road, then we receive the message of the future high, someone received to become a big writer, someone received to become a big statesman, a scientist, a prophet, then low-end consciousness such as Shame, regret, anger, it will receive the future of my message, and become a dead person, depression, sick person. Creator first follow the free will, second follow the love, both of which constitute your consciousness + focus = wave consciousness, there is a reasonable, Hegel Why say so? Did not find anything? Conclusion: The disparity between the rich and the poor is too high or the society pays attention to the sub-materialism, the world without universal love = the chaotic living environment. Is God sighing, or are you worrying whether these high-level animals should be converted into wood?

Whose ideology is similar to Hitler? 1889 - 1966, 77 years, ethnocentrism, the rise of Germany theory, the development of science and technology, making missiles, the Holocaust ... ... These reminds me of the message since the founding of China: a poor and a white, economic development, catastrophic hunger big Floods, earthquakes, missiles, Premier Zhou said to study for the rise of China ... Is it not Hitler's actions to receive the message of the future high I do? Have to do this may be pushed back to the history of fatalism theory, right? So the question is, how to change such a historical fate? How to break the historical cycle for the country, Mao Zedong not always been studying this? This issue is one of the problems for companies and individuals. Just as the problem of Buddhism is that we must be troubled by both life and death, the issue of Taoism is that we must long live our lives in this life, and the Confucian problem calls for three positive virtues. So it seems that Buddhism is the basic skills, Confucianism is the fruit of this. No basic Kung Fu, everything is clouds. How exactly is the message of World War II a cultural revolution once again set off by China after the war, is not this just the second world war in China? It was exactly Hitler who had to start the Second World War. "卐" is a kind of spell of many tribes in ancient times. Initially, people saw it as a symbol of the sun or fire, which was generally used as a symbol of good luck. With the spread of ancient Indian Buddhism, the word "卍" was also introduced into China. This symbol should be the intention of the free will and the creation of love to shine and rotate successfully. The intensity of this message has spanned thousands of years and permeated the universal past and the future. Therefore, this symbol enjoys popular support.

Today's hot search Siberia, Russia, discovered "mysterious snowball" stretches 18 km, such as alien: I thought a few days ago milk crucian carp tofu soup, past chef taught the effect of flour with white soup that is delicious, but also delicious. Had wanted to go buy fish today, but think of frozen fish have not eaten yet. Yesterday, the donated glutinous rice balls are very sticky, unlike the smaller ones you used to buy. Put the rest of them together also looked at it, in vain. Later, I also saw some breakfast fish balls, was astonished in vain. The original may be the same with the dumplings ah! Why is Russia? May have been seen in Russia is cold, other countries are afraid of cold beat him, there is Russia to do Qiuku, let us cold resistance decreased.

Yunmeng Shan monastic nonsense monument: Yunmeng Naihuodai 77 unearthed from the Western Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips finishing and research. Today, we can see that the Nazism anti-Marxism, Marxism, Etymology and the Childhood Preservation: Children's Culture Research, The Book of Songs, Quantum, Buddhism and Confucianism ... All these ideas are in line with the list published in the 2016 National Social Science Fund Major Project List coincide. Just say the day a little light ... ... to see this screen crack, power off North America and the Northern Lights: Scientists in the Earth's magnetic screen to detect a rift! Just comment on Hello Lee said: thousands of years Come, the small human pursuit of great faith, a good dream, to the ultimate nightmare, and finally dared not dream. Looking for it thousands of dreams, the original is an abstract noun. Human head twist, gone. After I read the commentary said: But the dream, or "had to do" secret so secret, it seems nothing, would like to leak a little bit of light it! Let us all go to the city of light ...

Listened to never heard of the song: If you have heard, I heard a lot like today to see the hot search Li Yi Shan Zhuang Ziyang wish a happy birthday, betraying the world will never stop standing on her side. Then search song is actually out of the song in 2007, the album STAR has 83 numbers, immediately thought today to see the WeChat 83, is the Eagle Shooting Heroes 83 edition, then the number of more at heart (now understand that Mao Zedong, Xia Meng are Is this age). Twelve hairpin Jinling 12 * 2 = 24, Jiang Ge 24 + If you have heard = Li Ye Shan (Mountain: Zen Buddhism four clouds yesterday, back to record, write three accidentally labeled as a mountain, re-read it again To the mountain is very surprised to see in the garden and cut the branches of poplar, think of Yang, the number of about 25. In the evening came back fairy painted a color house, red, blue and purple four colors, purple) ... Yesterday saw the message is the blessing video, write the title is: Yesterday is the sunshine purple 24th birthday, Zhang Yi Shan Yang Ziyuan birthday wishes: Even if the world betrayed you, I will stand behind you betrayed the world . Hill, purple, understand today that the name does have a reason, analysis of the event more clearly understand how the event is a combination of: Just as all the different combinations of materials, different structures and the formation of new material, the human action Is it the same idea? Superimposition in the Book of Changes should be concentrated on the most condensed essence of the side, it tells the universe everything picture? Its large and small, its small no, so have to cycle ...

Although I had seen the children's television series that they both played, I did not know their real name. Just why Zhang Yi-shan would have such a happy birthday, and all the information about him and the same (24 + if you have heard of) combination of the same spirit? 24 is the twelfth Anniversary of Jinling, Zhang Hui Mika song is nowhere to speak, the spirit of the pursuit of the Dream of Red Mansions and Zhang Yi-shan said that all the pain and happiness Yangzhong 24-year-old, which eventually led to Zhang Yi Shan birthday greetings, how it evolved ? But yesterday I had a guess that when she was 24 years old, she might not have a boyfriend because of family reasons. She may feel really bitter, is she looking for her girlfriend in the face of her roommate boyfriend? Know her as a woman, what kind of expectations and life will want.

Immortal, evolution more than; do not know I am here today to study these events, whether it will be a future high I am thinking of such a thing? And did I combine the language of his meditation into my current state? So what is the language of her meditation? Program + language? World + collapsed? Nirvana + change?

Material itself, the texture of the original material has its own inherent characteristics, what is attractive to reject what is natural, the spatial location of raw materials and perspective different point, that is, systematic organization, the formation of different new material, like what ink and diamond the difference. So are people likewise? What is your true nature, how do you systematically organize your intelligence and intellectual structure? Are you as whole as yourself in the universe, is there the same as you? No, see the details of the true chapter, section where the fate.

Will God's will be done by any means? Whether the body area or the planet change or not, can be accurately served? Then the future of our high nirvana is also a steady stream of these will be given to us? Fengtian carrier, Chin, purpose, why China ran the earth for thousands of years ?

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