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The twenty-second day Avenue invisible why? 第二十二天 大道无形何以得?


道(大道规律2^-无穷至0前,把整体宇宙灵1分成无穷份,类似极微意识体?无穷无尽,无始无终之来源,太古的黑夜,灵性母体,无限智能)(无极)。道生一乾(无贪嗔痴的波性意识2^0,阳爻表示,自由意志,连续性)(泰三人合为一人,水成为一点,即为太一)(太极)。 一乾生二坤(有贪嗔痴的波性意识2^1,阴爻表示,理则logos/爱-吸引力法则?无连续性)(两仪:广度为乾,深度为坤)。 二生三(无贪嗔痴的与有贪嗔痴的波性意识组合信息为8经卦,2^3,天地人三通泰,光,理则下的生态环境之生生不息。由此,万物可建生了)(八卦:体能感情理智神明)。注:二的x次方随x的减小无限趋近于0在实数范围内,没有这个数,可以认为x无穷小时,2的x.次方就是0……那个不等式的解是负无穷到0。






量子力学研究跨度和毛泽东年龄段类似,1893-1976年。5 3?五三,五月初三赫舍里,三五明月夜,金圣叹53岁,陈志成53岁,皮特53岁……会龙庄三槐五桂,三五团圆日,8.15……雷锋8.15。好多的三与五。三生万物,五行,2^3=8,五行制动三次完成正反合过程5*3=15,☞8.15


在未看完他们俩简介前的猜测:莱布尼茨由于数学及符号信仰,倾向于分离分析思维方法,再运用组合装配宇宙。因此他能以数学角度欣赏宇宙美,成为计算机二进制始祖。黑格尔由于语言及意义信仰,倾向于整体哲学思维方法,再运用逻辑分析宇宙。因此他能以哲学角度欣赏宇宙美,成为什么还不了解他。这就是观察渗透理论,当一个人在不同的轮回转世中完成了阴阳东西方两种思维方法了,那么他她就能进入太极乾一的宇宙信息中,达成涅槃。如此你的思维通路将是有来有回,在数学思维与哲学思维所衍生的各朝各代的纷繁复杂的信息双向通路中任意提取你所想所问的,你犹如量子开关,可穿梭在宇宙信息中畅通无阻,想那72变孙悟空,康乾各36景不是凭空捏造的。四象的纬度应该是它上一层级的数值。如1-0,2-1,4-2,8-4,64-8,前面是太极,两仪……后面是其上一层级。即是说阴阳两仪是整体1维,四象有阴阳2维度,八卦有四象4维度。则有以下算法:按0-4分别乘两仪6与9,得出的乘积都是15,与刚看到的的新闻有一拼。微记有美国“巨人”青年身高2.3米 每年长15厘米永不停止、不停止……为什么古人卦阴阳用9与6表示呢?看99乘法表应该能够明白吧:1-9内乘法都是不同的,其后的上下纵横都是后缀0的增多与前缀数的增多。三生万物,以三为底就是三维世界,以五为底就是五维世界,是否增加深度才能扩大复杂性智能性(微观)?那么增加广度才能扩大广域性普遍性(宏观)?














有这个说法:浪花纹身一般都是一环扣你一环 ,这样的纹身细节也寓意着世间很多事情都是相通的,对待任何一件事情都必需要认真,否则可能一切的努力都会付之东流。烈日灼心里有关键词:纹身 同性恋 海浪 ‖ 追凶 小女孩心脏病 妈妈遭遇 三个罪犯 心灵救赎——这不就是乔任梁+查无此人的组合态吗?信息步步紧逼,变幻无穷,无有空隙,轮番轰炸,脑细胞都要短路了。








为什么瑞典的省份语言是LAN?为什么你的名字是那样的名字,包括你的别名笔名等,为什么偏偏是那样的语言,而不是其他的呢? 为什么孙悟空叫孙悟空,不叫唐僧?为什么云称为云,而不称为风呢?为什么你买的电器、你呆过的学校与城市、你见过一次的朋友都和瑞典有关呢?如果这些征兆出现,又代表了什么呢?




The twenty-second day

Avenue invisible why?

Are these Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches the original spatial and temporal attributes of their original thought? In order to pry the source of thinking or connected to the operation of space-time? Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches to each other to the extreme, it will be converted into yin yang, earth and branch into a dry it? Granular conversion into waves?

Road (Boulevard regularity 2 ^ - before infinity to 0, the entire universe of the spirit into an endless stream of 1, similar to the subtle body of consciousness? Endless Endless origin, the archaic night, spiritual mother, unlimited intelligence) (Promise) . The Taoism is a dry one (wave-like consciousness without fear of madness 2 ^ 0, Yang Yong said free will, continuity) (Thai three people into one, the water becomes one, that is too) (Tai Chi). A life and death of two kun (there is a ravenous wave of consciousness 2 ^ 1, Yin Yin said the rationale logos / love - the law of attraction? No continuity) (two instruments: the breadth of dry depth Kun). Second, three (no greedy and greedy idiosyncrasy of the wave of consciousness combined information for the 8 by the hexagram, 2 ^ 3, heaven and earth three-Thai, light, the principle of ecological environment of endless life.Therefore, Everything can be built) (gossip: physical sensibility, rational deity). Note: The x-th power of x decreases as x approaches infinitely. In the real range, without this number, we can assume that x is infinite and x is power of 2. The solution to that inequality is negative infinity 0.

After reading the death message of Qiao Renliang, Xiaolu smiled and jumped off the platform with the appearance of elegant clothes, leaving people marveling. Depression so original as death it? Also see pushing a back figure like a lawsuit. Depression later saw a university law professor fell dead.

Ideal radiation is Hilbert space in the various vectors, is dry one, is the eigenstate, when Zen is connected to one or several vectors, it will collapse to form the classical state, this form and vector Restricting each other, which is the separation process. When the classical state completely diverges, the inverse process returns from the classic state of light to the love (attraction law) and free will eigenstates in Hilbert space.

Matrix, we all exist in the quantum matrix, which is determined by the law of free will and attraction, the law of the nature of this, comes from the spiritual mother, if you want to escape the original matrix, you must have layers Across the awareness of the wave of consciousness, and then wave-like awareness of black body can radiate energy light, to reach your classical creation!

Geometry is space, which is the correspondence of wave function values. Algebra is a vector value, which is the theoretical possibility value. Such as atomic orbitals is a mathematical function to describe the electronic wave behavior in atoms. The wave function can be used to indicate the probability of finding an electron in an atom in a particular space outside the nucleus and to indicate the possible location of the electron in three-dimensional space.

It seems to think of the invisible ultraviolet infrared to go, need to be able to have the law of attraction under the natural "mana", the only way to participate in that kind of matrix algebraic spectrum. Mutual exclusion of the current visible spectrum, complementarity and free will to go to the invisible spectrum, such as Kun Peng already.

The span of quantum mechanics is similar to that of Mao Zedong's age group, 1893-1976. May 3, May the third three Herzliya, March moonlight night, Kim Sang Tan 53 years old, Chen Zhicheng 53 years old, Peter 53 years old ... ... will Longzhuang Sanhuai Wugui, March 5 reunion, 8.15 ... Lei Feng 8.15. A lot of three and five. Three things, five elements, 2 ^ 3 = 8, five elements to complete the process of positive and negative braking 3 * 3 = 15, ☞8.15

However, it seems that the corresponding binary computer should only be dry 1 for the beginning, rather than 0 for the beginning, in fact, if Road 0 is a dry sun, then dry hair after 1 are belong to the negative, but the yin yang, Yin yin, so go on like this.

Without reading the preconceptions of both of them, Leibniz, due to his mathematical and symbolistic beliefs, tended to separate and analyze ways of thinking, and then assembled his universe. So he can appreciate cosmic beauty mathematically and become the binary ancestor of computer science. Hegel, due to the belief of language and meaning, tends to the philosophical method of thinking as a whole, and then uses logic to analyze the universe. Therefore, he can appreciate cosmic beauty philosophically and become unknown to him. This is the observation of the theory of percolation. When one person has completed two ways of thinking of the yin and yang, both east and west, in different reincarnations, she can enter into the cosmic message of the tai chi period and achieve nirvana. So your path of thinking will come and go, and you will be free to extract what you want to ask in the complicated two-way pathways of generations of the generation that are derived from mathematical thinking and philosophical thinking. You are like a quantum switch, Unobstructed in the information of the universe, think of that 72 change Monkey King, Kang Gan 36 King is not fabricated. The latitude of the four images should be the value of one level above it. Such as 1-0,2-1,4-2,8-4,64-8, in front of tai chi, two meter ... ... behind is its level. That is to say the two yin and yang is the overall 1-dimensional, 4-like yin and yang 2 dimensions, gossip has 4 4 dimensions. Then the following algorithm: Press 0-4 by two instruments 6 and 9, respectively, the product is 15, just saw the news there is a fight. Micro-notes the United States "Giants" youth height 2.3 meters 15 centimeters long each year never stop, do not stop ... ... why ancient ancestry with 9 and 6 yin and yang? See 99 multiplication table should be able to understand it: 1-9 within the multiplication are different, followed by the vertical and horizontal are the increase of the suffix 0 and prefix number increases. Three things are three-dimensional, three-dimensional, three-dimensional, five-dimensional, five-dimensional. Can we expand the complexity of intelligence (micro) if we increase the depth?

Since the fractal principle of self-similarity, further development must be itself different from the original dimensions of the nature, scope development must be different from individual existence itself, one as learn self-development as free will, one for teaching to copy depth to Do The individual is love. The two are then covered by collective subconscious meditation. Of course, this process can also be inversely reasoned because free will and love are reversible and the material world is irreversible. Those special functions can re-germinate fried bean, which should be the carrier of the newborn, and not from the previous space-time fried bean revived.

Yesterday saw the Empress Dowager Cixi and let the learning Guangxu national constitutional, family contact since Yehenala prophecy, (thinking today: whether the entire Qing is like a point of order, on a point of being embedded in the Book of Changes gossip in one of Yao of it? how massive black hole? infinitely compressed information is not a result of it?), perhaps from a Qing dynasty to its demise, the Qing emperors are aware of each and implement a unified secret? Finally, the article said the next day the Empress and emperor Guangxu Died, leaving Pu Yi to follow the emperor. And then today opened 22, it is a hundred forum speaking Pu Yi. Pu Yi looked just said that seems very strange, and I feel very similar. Is the external information or frightened or confused, can not know which is true which is false, it seems that with its heart as the center in the appearance of external information, it seems that Pu Yi is a judge center, the rest are around his thinking in the show, such as pinch Clay people. One of the things that make Pu Yi to the northeast restoration to do a period of Emperor, certainly has a relationship with Pu Yi's own thinking. The bizarre and ambiguous information about flirting is the same. Television quotes Pu Yi's two passages in his book as his own confusion over this kind of thing. What I said above is exactly the same thing. Also referred to Long hometown, I thought a few days ago written heart Shen hometown. Puyi live in dry garden, because he is too much, changed to static garden. This heart of Qianlong, or real worthwhile. If the heart corresponds to dry, things correspond to Kun, then the heart of binary can not be partial to any party, the East is a combined retreat.

Thought to see the closure of the village, the scary ghost of the Yellow River, wrote so firm:

In the darkness of the throttle, blowing over the Malaysian cruise ship, the depths of the Yellow River trail, how many were destroyed the weak heart?

Boundless boundless black, tentacles infiltrate the center of fear whirlpool, those who distressed us ah, when can we love and freedom meet?

The courage to carry love, out of fear claws, body and mind are filled, the beginning and end of the universe, "the real me."

The fear of the heart can be turned into a bloody handprint, the dark haze is unknowingly crushed by the huge body of a finite you, when your weak light looked up to that end of the unknown, not desperate fear What can be? This is a road to bravery. It is a life-or-death showdown. It is also a war of sublimation of love and freedom.

The most amazing thing is that over the past 20 years, some people keep breaking the news that the soul of Weng Meiling still remains in the world, constantly appearing in the studio, and even appearing at fan reunions and having seen her with her friends, colleagues and even fans. This is the same as Death Email, Fengmen Village and Peony Pavilion. It should also be one reason. The collapse of reality is a constant change. What makes this change is the collective subconsciousness of people. And quantum entanglement, quantum switch extremely relevant.

Master Ba Ziba once went to worship the Buddha at the Jokhang Monastery, and the degree mother in the mural opened his mouth and said: "You donate the Hatha to you and do not put it on the ground." Non-degree mother said, but the Xuanzong, Quantum entanglement, and therefore, as if belly language, it seems that the statue, murals are talking. In fact, Joe Ren Liang's baritone should also be his own energy illusion. Is Qiao Renliang also has a special function?

Galaxy-like silver nuclei, then the solar system is electron-like, with the possibility of a very small electronic transition, or only with the release of the core energy to become a black hole. The black hole should correspond to the eighth degree interval. The reason why we subconsciously there are many unknown, perhaps this is a big black hole mass of information carries this entire interval where you are, past the black hole information contains information about all the information universe interval of + this interval a new addition. so, unknown too much, we are too low.

Singing sensation due to the search data and found that his resurrection MV production screen is very interesting: the contest of fire and water, was imprisoned in crystal square body, women scientists, graffiti old plant, white shaped space ...... because I have recently come into contact with these very Familiar with the information, so want to know who this MV came up, so find more. Occasionally found a message that the song is Joe Ren Liang film for this investigation no one sing, so began to look no such person. But it was even more shocking to see that there was no film for such a person for a few minutes, and I really could have reached the stage where crankyness was just a few minutes before it began, and the information I had read had been extreme Coincidence! I am more interested in Zhujiang River, whether he is like being Zen and write the rise of the longevity Palace? And this movie is said to be without logic. I saw that the last paragraph did not understand who the little tailor was or who his father was a bit confused when he was young or died. Other can understand. Because I just want to find the details of the process of finding more information, so I did not concentrate so much on plot. I just found out that it is logical because it is a bunch of Zen words and put together, difficult for the author to be able to put so many do not take the edge of Zen information can be put on the line, complete this performance. To put it this way, it reminds me of the little wounded message combination.

Moreover, I see Joe Renliang three pictures of information (not to mention there actually had his love of smoked makeup!) And he sang the song does not exist after you really feel is four words: no such person And then continue to want to know more of his information, decided to look at the source of the resurrection video with a high degree of coincidence, the result is actually such a weird movie: no such person! So I want to determine whether Joe really beam Existence, whether it really died, no questions asked, no one answered in a group asked.

Hot sun burning heart: two positive and evil, Xiamen Jimei Avenue, the Western Regions, five out of doors, chest knife crack, high-rise buildings on the narrow top of the walk, the little girl to do heart surgery, three criminals man, find the real culprit, 4893 yuan medical expenses (Mental illness criminals say numbers, nurses come to this figure for a while), tattoos on the chest - behind the scenes look like no one's story ah! This movie name is very touching, but also profound, heart-like complex and washing meaning. After reading it is true. A few years ago to climb, see the beautiful painter in the mountains with the teacher sketch, she is also a family of children. The movie has unreal footage. The movie adaptation of a person becomes a fool, and there is no such person in a similar fool. In particular, the film added to enhance the commercial value of high-rise building chasing the perilous, this more highlights the sense of the picture collapsed Zen. The movie also adds a fool last sea cliff, jumping into the sea, and check no such people Gu Xing finally standing in the seaside stone side of the same visual experience.

There is this statement: spray tattoos are generally a ring buckle you, this tattoo details also mean that many things in the world are the same, to deal with any one thing must be serious, or may all efforts will be paid flow. Hot sun burning heart Keywords: tattoo homosexual waves ‖ chasing fierce little girl heart attack mother encountered three criminals spiritual redemption - this is not Joe Renliang + check no combination of this person? Information pressing harder and harder, changing, without gaps, turns bombing, brain cells have short-circuit.

Why did Confucius delete the Six Scriptures as a teacher, Qian Long Sikuquanshu is to resist the idea? Because of the different status?

Are there any entangled people who encounter the same space-time? Learn the same wavy awareness at different points in time and thus experience the same time-space collapse?

Sperm is a program switch in sperm-egg fusion? Is it like a quantum switch? Let the quantum entanglement have a role, the program starts, while the beginning of sex, and then the formation of the fetus? This should be nuclear fusion, not nuclear fission.

The original Dream of Red Mansions is said to be a combination of man and nature, good and evil, two Fuk you! Is not that the two elements generated a new combination of information state it? Just as on the 30th, the initials and vowels generate the same new syllable words? So, the layers of information are endless.

Then the human sentiment (Spiritual Heart) + the Road of Heaven (merciless intelligence) is to generate a new evolutionary combinatorial it! Combined state of endless, people's spiritual heart can not be destroyed. However, what exactly human psychic consciousness needs to be explored is clear.

I have just realized that not conformity is evolution. All previous words such as black holes, since it became a black hole, is to reduce the dimension, then the psychic evolutionary inevitability appeared, followed by Tao also evolved. However, the spirit of the heart has a grade, but also due to being invaded by a black hole, such as into hell, or beyond the black hole into heaven, which is the extreme of mankind is the extreme of all things. This is Zhou Ruchang Talking about Dreams of Red Mansions given to me inspired. Good and evil should be said that Aura and magic, like red on the same. Then the visible light at both ends of human beings, as one can say the two sides of the true and evil of the Dream of Red Mansions, then he turned on the frequency of the universe more extensive, as magical, in fact, like people can watch to hear the same natural. This is my previous experience of accumulation, but now actually linked to the author of the Red Mansions. The same is true of a law, practice crystal north and south link, seven energy centers. Everything is also intended, physical and mental cultivation link Heaven and Earth, four wave features. Breadth is diffuse, infrared; depth is entangled, UV.

See the black hole gravity waves, whether the heart and its quantum entanglement can occur, as if the heart of the heart through the black hole nuclear, inspired the black hole information energy fusion, more than four times the energy of nuclear fission will be dispersed, everything in the universe are " Nuclear fission ", so all the things in the universe have been grown by a star. Quantum entanglement on the more like the Dream of Red Mansions that ah! And the same tai chi figure. Said should be yin and yang harmony, harmony between man and nature, spiritual and moral entangled reason. So, then the two ends of the human body is similar to moral incarnate, one end of the spiritual end of the road, that is, Nirvana and infinite intelligence Road. This should only be the yin and yang of the Zen world, corresponding to the wave consciousness and wave material. The unity of man and nature means that the intertwining of the wave consciousness and the wave-like material is imaging in the sky. In this way, the phenomenal world is formed. Spirit for the depth of entanglement, the road for the breadth of non-local.

Why is the provincial language of Sweden is LAN? Why is your name is that name, including your alias pen name, why is that language, but not the other? Why is the Monkey King named Monkey King, not called the monk? Why the cloud is called the cloud, not as the wind? Why did you buy electrical appliances, the schools and cities you stayed in, and the friends you met once and Sweden? If these signs appear, but also represent what?

ppap and quantum entanglement map is the same meaning, apple yin and pineapple yang can be compared to the smallest quantum entanglement of yin and yang, nuclear fusion into a whole nucleus, peripheral pen surrounded the nucleus. Binding to sperm is very much the same, and corresponds to the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP). The same is true of all things.

Is it not because of Nobel's failure to give Freudian multiple titles: Aristotle rejected the dream for the first time from an oracle, proposing that dreams are psychological. And Freud thought it subconscious? Uppsala, Sweden However, the truth of faith is God's love and nature, metaphysical factors. The subconscious also needs to be graded to clarify the source of the dream. Some are the oracles of the "gods" who love nature and nature (such as collective subconsciousness and objectivity), such as the dream of Chen Shih-hsien's prophecy in Dream of Red Mansions, and some of their own psychological problems Dreams of fear of divination (individual or group subjectivity) caused by wave consciousness. Freud's sexuality and dream, if the wave of consciousness with or without corruption analysis is very simple. There is also energy in the minds that come to your mind. Its quantum switch invades your body and biochemical reactions occur. Since consciousness can transform with matter, then the transformation at the quantum level is like a butterfly effect, which causes deep sea to your body effect. Those with chronic diseases and AIDS should have something to do with this. Even if you eliminate the body's HIV, there is no guarantee that you will not relapse again. Freud said the self-examination and self-observation, similar to meditation in two ways. But those who have not done this consciously or unconsciously will not want to know themselves, but will oppose all the information in the universe to themselves. To allow them to observe themselves will only strengthen his illness. Before treatment, Let them understand these, rather than pure treatment. See the first one, observe the theory of infiltration.

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