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The twenty-seventh day To meditate on the road to a Dream of Red Mansions I 第二十七天 以禅思之道解红楼梦 一



封门村和双鱼玉佩、黄河鬼棺一直被当做建国初期十大灵异事件,关于封门村的种种诡异传闻也被各种传说和扒出。封门村多以郭姓、沟姓为多,网络疯传的老年人照片,为郭姓。郭: 从邑,从“邑”,表示与城郭有关。本义:在城的外围加筑的一道城墙。内城叫城,外城叫郭。也有以居城郭不同方位而姓东郭、南郭、西郭、北郭,其后代多改姓单姓郭氏。东郭先生,泛指对坏人讲仁慈的糊涂人,出自《中山狼传》。“东郭先生”和“中山狼”已经成为汉语中固定词语,“东郭先生” 专指那些不辨是非而滥施同情心的人,“中山狼”则指忘恩负义、恩将仇报的人。大观园,是《红楼梦》中贾府为元春省亲而修建的别墅,元春题其园之总名曰“大观园”,正殿匾额云“顾恩思义”。贾迎春嫁与中山狼孙绍祖,与大观园中正殿顾恩思义,这是否有什么寓意吗?封门村的人为什么姓郭呢?这难道没有联系吗?





























查合欢花居然发现一个人形的意大利红门兰,学名叫“Orchis italica”,整朵花的造型就像一个戴着草帽的裸体男人。因外观呈人形,英语里又称“Italian man orchid”,即“意大利男人兰”,或者“pyra-mid monkey orchid”,即“金字塔猴子兰”。此外,它还有一个源自古希腊文的名字为“睾丸兰”。还有刚才一直不知道悬瓶是什么,想到纳兰写的心字已成灰里有风吹胆瓶梅。现在看到这个兰花,原来剑、悬瓶都是此花啊?

《甄嬛传》里有合欢花,甄嬛传,我一直没有看,想当初每一个台都在播放,而我就是没有看。莫非此电视也是类似鹿鼎记一样的吗?那么多纳兰的花?流潋紫的创作生涯颇具争议性。该作者的长篇小说《后宫——甄嬛传》最先发表于晋江原创网,2006-10-17和 2006-10-26,晋江附属论坛上先后出现关于《后宫》涉嫌抄袭的投诉,甄嬛传终被晋江管理层判定先后抄袭《斛珠夫人》、《寂寞空庭春欲晚》、《和妃番外》、《冷月如霜》、《双成》、《春衫薄》、《枕中记-之青城外传》、《冷宫》、《红楼隔雨相望冷》、《凌妃》等网络小说,甚至包括《红楼梦》《金瓶梅》等经典文学作品。又看到有人说电视剧《芈月传》是根据蒋胜男《大秦宣太后》改编的,跟那个倾城月儿没有任何关系(去磨铁看一下那个文字水平就知道不是)。可又看到芈月传原创首发于磨铁中文网,作者倾城月儿 ,这些网络小说也是令人迷三倒四的。

"原从那闸起流至那洞口,从东北山坳里引到那村庄里,又开一道岔口,引到西南上,共总流到这里,仍旧合在一处,从那墙下出去。"众人听了,都道:"神妙之极"。红楼梦水源与封门村的水源图片有点类似的。还有那把太师椅,两边翘翼有点像推背图44像的椅子的,可是封门村电视海报椅子与有的封门村旧太师椅图片不一样啊?哪一个为真?原永济寺遗址上,据史载,石刻观音像为吴道子所画。崖壁上还有“悬崖撒手”、“觉岸”及清道光六年(1826)黄文涵题名石刻。奇石作龛盛佛骨;长江为鉴照禅心。李渔( 1611 ~ 1680 )题南京弘济寺。看到文章红楼梦之贝叶遗文和观音遗迹,查知此段有对应:本是苏州人氏,祖上也是读书仕宦之家。今年才十八岁,法名妙玉。因听见‘长安’都中有观音遗迹并贝叶遗文,去岁随了师父上来,现在西门外牟尼院住着。描写的妙玉多病入空门,与黛玉多病和尚让静养不见人一个意思。18岁说明1678年即见到观音遗迹,刻的“悬崖撒手”“觉岸”同前面梦太虚幻境后遇到悬崖深海,让兼美拦阻了一样,且还有智通寺对联对应。



文采风流(匾额) 探春






第二十二回贾政与贾母猜灯谜。第一个灯谜谜底荔枝第二个谜底砚台。这让人想到了杨贵妃与脂砚斋,这是否说明了她们两个的相似性呢?脂砚斋是史湘云是德妃是脱离了皇宫后的隐士真人吗? 宝钗的这则谜语暂记在回末另页上,灯谜之后有批语说:“此回未成而芹逝矣,叹叹!丁亥夏。畸笏叟。”对于这则谜语的谜底,戚、蒙、舒等本的补文给“忽略”过去,甲辰本、程甲本、杨藏本的另一种补文虽错易此谜与黛玉,但给出的谜底“更香”是不错的。古人没有钟表,更香可以用作夜间打更、报时之用,或燃一支为一更,或视香上的刻度、记号来定更数。

有眼无珠腹内空, 荷花出水喜相逢。 梧桐叶落分离时, 恩爱夫妻不到冬。谜底是竹夫人。这是一种用竹蔑编成的夏季抱着取凉的器具。 “竹夫人”为古代的一种消暑用具。既然是消暑用具,冬时自然要分离了。这个意思和秋扇的意思一样的,冬天的竹夫人,秋天的扇子是都要被抛弃的,是怨妇的代名词。






贾琏贾宝玉贾芸都是二爷。小红容貌:倒是一头黑鬒鬒的好头发,容长脸面,细挑身材,却十分俏丽甜净。也是容长脸。鬒鬒的头发,想起了真真国。鬒禛珍朕祯蓁甄稹真……胤禛 贾珍 胤祯 贾蓁 甄士隐 元稹莺莺传。孙绍祖 胤禛 绍与胤都是有继承的意思。


贾芸看时,只见院内略略有几点山石,种着芭蕉,那边有两只仙鹤,在松树下剔翎。一溜回廊上吊着各色笼子,笼着仙禽异鸟。上面小小五间抱厦,一色雕镂新鲜花样槅扇,上面悬着一个匾,四个大字,题道是:「怡红快绿」。 都是松鹤,为什么圣诞节非得是松鹿呢?





唐寅春宫,许多字,上面又说藕(宝钗鲜藕的胳膊)、猪(乌雅氏本义是猪)、西瓜: (红香绿玉)、鱼(纳兰双鱼),这些综合看,应该是以前提到的花营锦阵或鸳鸯秘谱(唐寅仇英)。



焙茗主要情节有:第九回,受人调拨,为宝玉出气,与众顽童一起大闹学堂;十九回,同卍儿在小书房幽会,宝玉见而不责;二十三回弄来许多古今小说传奇角本给宝玉解闷,引得宝玉看了入迷;三十九回,受宝玉差遣,出城寻觅刘姥姥故事中子虚乌有的女儿塑像。四十三回,随宝玉出城私祭金钏,道出宝玉心事。本回有脂批云:“试思宝玉之为人,岂不应有一极伶俐乖巧之小童哉!”。茗烟即宝玉的分身借贷,因为其中有 卍 儿之提示。














门子道:「这种拐子单拐幼女,养至十二三岁,带至他乡转卖。 当日这英莲,我们天天哄他玩耍,极相熟的,所以隔了七八年,虽模样儿出脱的齐整,然大段未改,所以认得,且他眉心中原有米粒大的一点胭脂。











薛蟠:…… 难道宝玉是天王?他父亲打他一顿,一家子定要闹几天。那一回为他不好,姨爹打了他两下子,过后老太太不知怎么知道了,说是珍大哥哥治的,好好的叫了去骂了一顿。今儿越发拉下我了!既拉上,我也不怕,越性进去把宝玉打死了,我替他偿了命,大家干净。"宝玉天王补心丹。贾珍与薛蟠。薛蟠急的眼似铜铃一般,嚷道:"何苦来!又不叫我去,又好好的赖我。将来宝玉活一日,我担一日的口舌,不如大家死了清净。"贾宝玉19岁出家,纳兰很年轻去世。




宝玉听说,便知是通判傅试家的嬷嬷来了。那傅试原是贾政的门生,历年来都赖贾家的名势得意,贾政也着实看待,故与别个门生不同,他那里常遣人来走动。傅试☞师傅?金圣叹吗?傅试家两个婆婆说宝玉: 大雨淋的水鸡似的,他反告诉别人`下雨了,快避雨去罢。'你说可笑不可笑?时常没人在跟前,就自哭自笑的,看见燕子,就和燕子说话,河里看见了鱼,就和鱼说话,见了星星月亮,不是长吁短叹,就是咕咕哝哝的。且是连一点刚性也没有,连那些毛丫头的气都受的。爱惜东西,连个线头儿都是好的,糟踏起来,那怕值千值万的都不管了。"两个人一面说,一面走出园来,辞别诸人回去,不在话下。贾宝玉这里对应泛易哲学的泛之禅修方法:无我奉献。






“提铃”和“板着”之罚。宫女们是被严格控制的 。她们除了完成各种苦役之外,她们还要经常在知书女内官的教习下读《女训》、《女孝经》等书以扭曲她们的心灵。宫女稍有违规者,将被处以“墩锁”“提铃”和“板着”。 “提铃”就是受罚宫女每夜自乾清宫门到日精门、月华门,然后回到乾清宫前。所以李纨只读女训等书,说明李纨宫廷的状态。宫里有个制度,宫女当上四五年,年岁大了,到十七八岁,就要打发走,好出去嫁人,这是老祖宗留下的恩典。







2 日 6日可探亲,2 日16日必来李纨那里,这已经非常明显了暗示。怪不得是叫探春,原来是由探亲而来。

























釜底抽薪: 成语故事北朝东魏大将侯景起兵反叛朝廷被打败,就跑到南朝梁武帝萧衍那里求救,萧衍发兵给他,他进攻东魏失败。东魏魏收给萧衍写了《为侯景判移梁朝文》,劝萧衍对侯景这种人只能“抽薪止沸,剪草除根。”萧衍不听,侯景后来又背叛梁朝。“抽薪止沸,剪草除根。”古人还说:“故以汤止沸,沸乃不止,诚知其本,则去火而已矣。”在《三十六计》位列第十九计。如果纳兰是如此,和上次那个封门村贴吧故事倒是非常一致了。这里雪底抽薪,对应薛蟠的计谋。 为什么红白色呢?是否对应红白事?黛玉去世,薛宝钗出嫁?




西墙上当中挂着一大幅米襄阳<<烟雨图>>,左右挂着一副对联,乃是颜鲁公墨迹,其词云:烟霞闲骨格 ,泉石野生涯。案上设着大鼎。左边紫檀架上放着一个大观窑的大盘,盘内盛着数十个娇黄玲珑大佛手。右边洋漆架上悬着一个白玉比目磬,旁边挂着小锤。





只是到了康熙十三年,康熙的结发妻子因为在生第二位嫡子的时候,难产而亡,而康熙十六年,钮祜禄氏被封为皇后。想来这三年间,应该都是她在执掌后宫的。所以尽管妃位上的差别不大,但想来她在后宫的权势亦是不小的。王熙凤生日: 展眼已是九月初二日,园中人都打听得尤氏办得十分热闹,不但有戏,连耍百戏并说书的男女先儿全有,都打点取乐顽耍。李纨又向众姊妹道:"今儿是正经社日,可别忘了。九月初二生日应该是康熙的一个皇后生日。他的三位早逝皇后对应五三中的三。王熙凤应该是康熙皇后中的其中一位比较有才华的性格厉害的人。红楼梦作者用的是实际生活中出现的人物品相,而其中蕴含的内容背景暗语是十二钗为一个人的集体复合体,即生活化的语言描写,内蕴的是抽象的概念提括:以现象来推究原因,以生活原型来套用德妃处境。




鸳鸯也姓金,鸳鸯这事可能和秦可卿事情有联系,有点让人觉得贾赫是贾政的借贷身份: 她父亲贾赦欠了孙家五千两银子还不出,就把她嫁给孙家,实际上是拿她抵债。出嫁后不久(一年后),她就被孙绍祖虐待而死(一载赴黄粱),预示着荣国府已经开始逐步走向衰败。(迎春被“贾”)。迎春出身尚存争议,常见版本原文:“二小姐乃赦老爹之妾所出,名迎春,”有版本则说是贾赦前妻所出、贾政之妻所出、贾政所收养女等等。红学界普遍认为是曹雪芹多次删改未定稿而造成的梳误。



大雄宝殿中供奉本师释迦牟尼佛的佛像。大雄是佛的德号。大者,是包含万有的意思;雄者,是摄伏群魔的意思。因为释迦牟尼佛具足圆觉智慧,能雄镇大千世界,因此佛弟子尊称他为大雄。宝殿的宝,是指佛法僧三宝。金圣叹说的大雄氏是指释迦摩尼吗?金批说:“又忽然撰出一梦,奇情妙笔。此处为一部大书提纲挈领之处,晁盖为一部大书提纲挈领之人,而为头先是一梦,可见一百八人、七十卷书,都无实事。”在回前总评中他强调:“一部书一百八人,声色烂然,而为头是晁盖先说做下一梦。嗟乎! 可以悟矣。夫罗列此一部书一百八人之事迹,岂不有哭有笑,有赞有骂,有让有夺,有成有败,有俯首受辱,有提刀报仇,然而为头先说是梦,则知无一而非梦也。大地梦国,古今梦影,荣辱梦事,众生梦魂,岂惟一部书一百八人而已,尽大千世界无不同在一局,求其先觉者,自大雄氏以外无闻矣。真蕉假鹿,纷然成讼,长夜漫漫,胡可胜叹!”金批《西厢》的以上论述与此是一脉相承、完全相同的。

偶然听到一个老者对年轻者讲道:禅~心灵身体宇宙社会才能平衡……坐禅 坐忘 忘记一切……年轻人问怎么做到?老者回答方法是打坐……然后我真的奇怪动画片频道什么动画片还讲这些啊!和我下午查大雄宝殿、儒释道百科内容一样的啊!跑出去一看不是动画片,刚刚拍了两张照片,他突然没有了,是电视预告,然后就是动画片了,太诡异了。人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中。(《鸟鸣涧》) 一切都是寂静无为的,虚幻无常,没有目的,没有意识,没有生的喜悦,没有死的悲哀,但一切又都是不朽的,永恒的,还像胡应麟《诗薮》和姚周星《唐诗快》所评:使人“读之身世两忘,万念皆寂,不谓声律之中,有此妙诠”。 ​​​这是下午5点多刚刚看的,和刚才电视里说的内容极为一致。




金圣叹: 吾犹自记十一岁读《水浒》后,便有于书无所不窥之势。吾实何曾得见一书,心知其然,则有之耳。然就今思之,诚不谬矣。天下之文章,无有出《水浒》右者;天下之格物君子,无有出施耐庵先生右者。学者诚能澄怀格物,发皇文章,岂不一代文物之林?然但能善读《水浒》,而已为其人绰绰有余也。

庄子对道的解释,把“道法自然”的老子学说继承下来。他明确地阐述了道的本质作用:“道”是“有情有信”,但却“无为无形,可传而不可授,可得而不可见”,“道”是宇宙的本体,产生万物的根源,道是超时间、空间的绝对,“先天地生而不为久,长于上古而不为老”,道的作用特别大,它无所不在,无所不能,可以主宰一切。他认为道的本质是物质的,是混浊状态的“气”,而这“气”没有固定的形态,叫做“无”。这种物质性的道,就是世界根源。庄周的道,实际上是指主观意识之外的,不受任何力量支配的宇宙精神。 和湘云说的一致。






孝诚仁皇后赫舍里氏,是康熙皇帝的元配,康熙四年九月初八日跟康熙大婚,崩于康熙十三年五月初三日(1674年6月6日)。赫舍里嫁给康熙的时候只有11岁,跟康熙相处的时间有10年。四月二十六黛玉葬花,冯紫英宴客遇蒋玉菡;五月初一张道士说亲,五月初三薛蟠十七岁生日,贾母骂宝黛是冤家。 看来林黛玉葬花祭奠的是赫舍里皇后,她刚刚入宫时节,这一天阳历应该对应赫舍里去世的6.6日。



薛蟠字文龙,古人名与字都有相通之意,故蟠取pan音,有龙盘踞之意 ,曹雪芹写红楼梦有假作真时真亦假之句。故薛蟠叫pan取龙之意,意为人中龙凤,富贵人家是假,那个fan音是虫才是薛蟠的真意 。所以薛蟠pan只是为了掩盖薛fan的真相 。















贾宝玉: 我和你们一比,我就如那野坟圈子里长的几十年的一棵老杨树,你们就如秋天芸儿进我的那才开的白海棠,连我禁不起的药,你们如何禁得起。"麝月等笑道:"野坟里只有杨树不成?难道就没有松柏?"宝玉笑道:"松柏不敢比。连孔子都说:'岁寒然后知松柏之后凋也。'可知这两件东西高雅,不怕羞臊的才拿他混比呢。"程乙本居然改成这样: 我和你们就如秋天芸儿进我的那才开的白海棠似的;我禁不起的药,你们那里经得起?青松,红楼梦里故意出现很多处,这里把宝玉比喻为松柏。对应圣诞节圣诞树与麋鹿。






贾母听说,点头道:"这还罢了。正好鸳鸯的娘前儿也死了,我想他老子娘都在南边,我也没叫他家去走走守孝,如今叫他两个一处作伴儿去。"袭人鸳鸯同一个背景,鸳鸯姓金,袭人应该即是。贾母: 再者,既说是世宦书香大家小姐都知礼读书,连夫人都知书识礼,便是告老还家,自然这样大家人口不少,奶母丫鬟伏侍小姐的人也不少,怎么这些书上,凡有这样的事,就只小姐和紧跟的一个丫鬟?你们白想想,那些人都是管什么的,可是前言不答后语?"正当崔、张的爱情种子发芽之际,突然,发生了河桥镇将孙飞虎兵围普救寺事件,莺莺为了保护全家性命,先打算自尽,后想出一个“征婚”的急招。孙绍祖 孙飞虎。贾母的话和金圣叹西厢记说崔夫人的话一模一样,西厢记,金圣叹,贾母,张道士究竟是什么关系?










朱佑樘因何不近女色只宠皇后一人?这个皇帝是明孝宗。 北宋士大夫生活富裕,有纳妾蓄妓的风尚。司马光是和王安石、岳飞一样,极为罕见的不纳妾、不储妓之人。王维。这些人与纳兰的关联度很大。中国的妾是由周礼时代贵族嫁娶中女方陪嫁同族的姊妹/姑侄演变而来的。在天子称为媵,大夫称为妾。后来媵妾渐渐不分。“妾”的甲骨文上面是把刀,下面是个女,也就是说,它本意指的是有罪受刑的女子,即女奴。15种「一夫一妻相爱一辈子」的忠诚动物,这些动物的名字也很有意趣:羚羊 天鹅 信天翁 白鼠 白头翁 海马 神仙鱼 松子龙 白蚂蚁,这些不都是前面所说过的和纳兰有关系的字词吗?



先说结论:从档案来看,皇太极的名字可能真的是 hong taiji,又或者干脆就是 hong。孝庄太后1618与多尔衮1612差6岁,纳兰与德妃也差6岁。比如“大清”这个词,满文写daicing,这是个蒙语词 daicin,意思是“善战”,后金时期多用作称号(可能也只用作称号),如多尔衮原本被称作“mergen daicing beile”,后来因为把daicing用作国号了(连称号的含义也消失了),所以daicing一词从他的称号中删除了。再后来他封王以后就变成 Hošoi mergen cin wang(和硕睿亲王)。再如cagan一词,蒙古语“洁白的、圣洁的”,进入满语后它变成了“书籍”的意思。虽然老满文中kong/gong/hong写出来都是上面这个图片大字的写法,但是鉴于大家都说太宗名字是HONG taiji,那就当做是Hong字好了。香港(粤拼:hoeng gong;英文:Hong Kong;普通话拼音:xiāng gǎng;缩写:HK),简称“港”。













十七世纪中发现了不但使用了天然植物精油于调香,而且还应用了天然动物香料,1708年伦敦调香师查尔斯李利制成了一种含香的鼻烟,它含有“龙涎、橙花、麝香、灵猫香和紫罗兰”综合性的香气。1708年著名的古龙水(Eau de cologne 亦称科隆水)问世了,它原来的目的是要具有清毒杀菌性,但由于它带有令人感兴趣的而又协调的柑桔香气和药草香就很快地、普遍地被人们用作为漱用水。


因为看了谜语书,发现说孔雀有眼睛 ,突然想到孔子名字,孔子和孔雀有联系啊(孔眼+凤)!又看到松鼠(松子松树+鼠),梅花鹿(鹿+梅花),西瓜(红香绿玉),石榴(石头记+多子)这些都可以和红楼梦联系起来,犹如前面提到的那些一夫一妻制动物一样。

四五世纪时,由西域传入我国,所以称之为“西瓜”.据明代科学家徐光启《农政全书》记载:“西瓜,种出西域,故之名.”明李时珍在《本草纲目》中记载:“按胡娇于回纥得瓜种,名曰西瓜.则西瓜自五代时始入中国;今南北皆有.” 我国是世界上最大的西瓜产地,但西瓜并非源于中国.西瓜的原生地在非洲,它原是葫芦科的野生植物,后经人工培植成为食用西瓜.早在四千年前,埃及人就种植西瓜,后来逐渐北移,最初由地中海沿岸传至北欧,而后南下进入中东、印度等地。

西瓜葫芦科。西瓜的传播首先从埃及传到小亚细亚地区,一支沿地中海北岸传到欧洲腹地,十九世纪中叶移植到美国,又进入北美和南美。另一支则经波斯向东传入印度;向北经阿富汗,越帕米尔高原,沿丝绸之路传入西域、回纥,引种到中国内地。 西瓜传入中国新疆地区大约是在唐代初年,而传入中国内地大约是在五代、宋辽时期。

中科院复原亿万年前神兽模样 体形像松鼠(图),松鼠是狐狸尾巴,企鹅是燕尾服,蝙蝠是倒挂福到,大象大的大象无形……回过头来再说蝙蝠,它为了加入飞禽党还是走兽派而头疼不己,因为它说自己是飞禽的时候,飞禽党里所有的鸟都攻击它是一只老鼠。而当它想加入走兽派的时候,所有的老鼠都攻击它该是只鸟。其实,蝙蝠和人都有两面性:有性善的一面,也有其性恶的一面。符合红楼梦正邪两赋说,纳兰家墙壁有蝙蝠。









(薛宝钗) 但还有一句话你也要知道,这些妆饰原出于大官富贵之家的小姐,你看我从头至脚可有这些富丽闲妆?然七八年之先,我也是这样来的,如今一时比不得一时了,所以我都自己该省的就省了。将来你这一到了我们家,这些没有用的东西,只怕还有一箱子。咱们如今比不得他们了,总要一色从实守分为主,不比他们才是。"岫烟笑道:"姐姐既这样说,我回去摘了就是了。"宝钗忙笑道:"你也太听说了。这是他好意送你,你不佩着,他岂不疑心。我不过是偶然提到这里,以后知道就是了。"




孝恭仁皇后,乌雅氏,雍正帝生母,被康熙帝封为德妃,比康熙帝小6岁。在1689年孝懿仁皇后去世后,康熙则让德妃掌管六宫,由宜妃作为辅助。雍正元年(1724年)五月二十二日皇太后病, 雍正帝亲至永和宫,昼夜侍奉汤药。二十三日丑刻(深夜一点至三点)孝恭仁皇后崩,终年六十四岁。 雍正元年九月初一日,葬孝恭仁皇后于景陵。 德妃从一个身份卑微的、负责端茶送水等细活的“宫女子”,一步一步登上永和宫主的位置,这是很不简单的。雍正元年1723年,这个网络有误。5.23日崩,和纳兰5.23日不汗而病,7日后卒(5.30日,阳历7.1日)有联系。



内中有一小伙名唤钱槐者,乃系赵姨娘之内侄。他父母现在库上管帐,他本身又派跟贾环上学。因他有些钱势,尚未娶亲,素日看上了柳家的五儿标致,和父母说了,欲娶他为妻。也曾央中保媒人再四求告。柳家父母却也情愿,争奈五儿执意不从。钱谦益 柳如是之姓 槐字。

宝玉平儿宝琴岫烟四人同一天生日。杏花开后,天气见暖,莫非是阴历4月份,阳历5月吗?贾琏如是康熙,那么是阴历3.9,阳历1654.4.25日。德妃是黛玉,阴历2.12,阳历1660.3.22日。纳兰可能是1655.5.6-5.31日。而康熙记录的是阴历3.18,阳历1654.5.4日。 探春笑道:"倒有些意思,一年十二个月,月月有几个生日。人多了,便这等巧,也有三个一日,两个一日的。大年初一日也不白过,大姐姐占了去。怨不得他福大,生日比别人就占先。又是太祖太爷的生日。过了灯节,就是老太太和宝姐姐,他们娘儿两个遇的巧。三月初一日是太太,初九日是琏二哥哥。二月没人。"袭人道:"二月十二是林姑娘,怎么没人?


平儿依言粉饰,果见鲜艳异常,且又甜香满颊。宝玉又将盆内开的一枝并蒂秋蕙,用竹剪撷了下来,与他簪在鬓上。(王夫人)因问:“谁是合宝玉一日生日的?”本人不敢答,老嬷嬷指道:“这一个蕙香,又叫四儿的,是同宝玉一日生日。”王夫人细看了一看,虽比不上晴雯一半,却也有几分水色。视其行止,聪明皆露于外面,且也打扮的不同。王夫人冷笑道:“这也是个不怕燥的。他背地里说的,同日生日就是夫妻,这可是你说的...'这些都是暗示平儿 四儿 邢岫烟 薛宝琴与宝玉是夫妻惠并蒂莲,更何况林黛玉薛宝钗秦可卿了呢?











妙玉 他常说:`古人自汉晋五代唐宋以来皆无好诗,只有两句好,说道:"纵有千年铁门槛,终须一个土馒头。"所以他自称`槛外之人'。又常赞文是庄子的好,故又或称为`畸人'。他若帖子上是自称`畸人'的,你就还他个`世人'。畸人者,他自称是畸零之人,你谦自己乃世中扰扰之人,他便喜了。如今他自称`槛外之人',是自谓蹈于铁槛之外了,故你如今只下`槛内人',便合了他的心了。"

槛[ jiàn ]



[ kǎn ]










温都里纳番语是海西弗郎思牙(有人认为是西班牙,有人认为是法兰西)的金星玻璃宝石的意思。众人嫌拗口,仍翻汉名,就唤“玻璃”。2011年9月13日,是林彪坠机温都尔汗40周年的日子。2013年11月18日,蒙古国政府将温都尔汗更名为成吉思市(Chinggis City),因为这里是蒙古帝国的缔造者成吉思汗的出生地和可能的埋葬地。温都尔汗曾作为蒙古汗国最初的首都。1206年,成吉思汗率部在温都尔汗(旧称“大斡耳朵”)附近的斡难河畔建立蒙古政权,使这里成为元朝历史初期的首都,一直到元世祖忽必烈将政权南迁。









贾珍、贾琏、贾蓉等好色之徒,对她颇为馋涎。但尤三姐不愿像姐姐那样遭人玩弄,她用泼辣作为武器,捍卫自己的清白。她看中柳湘莲后,就一心一意等他。贾琏 他非常羡慕贾珍的生活方式,久闻他们父子与尤氏姐妹有染,所以趁贾敬的丧事之机,也想认识一下二尤,加入这支乱伦队伍。但他比贾珍父子要不开眼得多,一下子就爱上了这二位。他稍微一勾引,尤二姐就也芳心暗许。贾珍馋涎妻妹的美貌,对尤二姐无微不至,当他玩腻后,就把她让给了贾琏。贾琏因惧怕王熙凤的淫威,只得偷偷娶尤二姐为二房,并把她安置在荣国府外,贾蓉献此计也是为了可以摆脱贾珍,能和尤氏姐妹混。



花丛冷眼,自惜寻春来较晚。知道今生,知道今生那见卿。 天然绝代,不信相思浑不解。若解相思,定与韩凭共一枝。



纳兰性德疑案,葵官韦大英 雄,这个文章韦笑豹,金庸的韦小宝,都姓韦啊。








尤三姐: 姐姐记得,穿孝时咱们同在一处,那日正是和尚们进来绕棺,咱们都在那里站着,他只站在头里挡着人。人说他不知礼,又没眼色。过后他没悄悄的告诉咱们说:`姐姐不知道,我并不是没眼色。想和尚们脏,恐怕气味熏了姐姐们。'——纳兰扮和尚入宫见德妃。
















白居易 决定在虎丘山环山开河筑路,并着手开凿一条山塘河。它东起阊门渡僧桥附近,西至虎丘望山桥,长约7里,故俗称“七里山塘到虎丘”。这条河在阊门与运河相接。在河塘旁筑堤,即山塘街。山塘河的开凿和山塘街的修建,大大便利了灌溉和交通,这一带成了热闹繁华的市井。苏州百姓非常感激白居易,他离任后,百姓即把山塘街称之为白公堤,还修建了白公祠,以作纪念。


在扬州、泰州、淮安、盐城等地区,几乎所有的当地人都会把睡觉叫作“上苏州”或“上虎丘”。 同样,在这些地方大概有70%以上的居民,自称祖先在元末明初来自苏州阊门,他们之所以把睡觉叫作“上苏州”,是因为希望能梦回故土。为什么江淮地区上千万人异口同声地说自己的“根”在苏州,而且精确到了一座城门? 在《明实录》和《明史》等官方资料中,没有找到确切答案。历史的疑云,就 这样在阊门的上空笼罩了600多年;阊门,承载着太多太多的乡愁。









可以肯定的是,移民后裔们的心灵深处,确实存在一些世代相传的“基因”,对于“洪武赶散”移民后裔们而言,这基因,源于阊门。【中国十大寻根基地】之九:苏州阊门。《魏书·孝静帝纪》:“甲寅, 阊阖门 灾,龙见 并州 人家井中。” 宋 万俟咏 《三台·清明应制》词:“清明看 汉 宫传蜡炬,散翠烟飞入槐府。歛兵卫 阊阖门 开,住传宣又还休务。”

















此段全删: 。探春正要剪自己的凤凰,见天上也有一个凤凰,因道:"这也不知是谁家的。"众人皆笑说:"且别剪你的,看他倒象要来绞的样儿。"说着,只见那凤凰渐逼近来,遂与这凤凰绞在一处。众人方要往下收线,那一家也要收线,正不开交,又见一个门扇大的玲珑喜字带响鞭,在半天如钟鸣一般,也逼近来。众人笑道:"这一个也来绞了。且别收,让他三个绞在一处倒有趣呢。"说着,那喜字果然与这两个凤凰绞在一处。三下齐收乱顿,谁知线都断了,那三个风筝飘飘摇摇都去了。众人拍手哄然一笑,说:"倒有趣,可不知那喜字是谁家的,忒促狭了些。"


次日探春生日。 因此改至初五。





孝庄太后出生于明万历四十一年(1613年)二月初八日;天命十年(1625年)嫁给努尔哈赤第八子皇太极为侧福晋。不是纳兰就是德妃生日是五月初三。按情况推理德妃应该是五月初三,而林黛玉的生日二月十二,反过来十二月(十)二日应该是纳兰的生日: 纳兰性德生于顺治十一年腊月十二日(公元1655年1月19日)。可是如果这样,就不是阳历6.6日了,和赫舍里祭日也是6.6日对应不上了,不过应该没关系。而纳兰1655年年初应该也是属马的,没有过立春啊。

贾母: 留下的喜姐儿和四姐儿虽然穷,也和家里的姑娘们是一样,大家照看经心些。我知道咱们家的男男女女都是`一个富贵心,两只体面眼',未必把他两个放在眼里。






—— 我们王家可那里来的钱,都是你们贾家赚的。别叫我恶心了。你们看着你家什么石崇邓通。把我王家的地缝子扫一扫,就够你们过一辈子呢。说出来的话也不怕臊!/石崇对绿珠,王熙凤吗?也许明妃对秦可卿?












贾迎春: 你们若说我好性儿,没个决断,竟有好主意可以八面周全,不使太太们生气,任凭你们处治,我总不知道。"众人听了,都好笑起来。黛玉笑道:"真是`虎狼屯于阶陛尚谈因果'。若使二姐姐是个男人,这一家上下若许人,又如何裁治他们。"迎春笑道:"正是。多少男人尚如此,何况我哉。"







—— 《红楼梦》:“因从紫鹃房中抄出两副宝玉常换下来的寄名符儿”;“只有张道士送了四样礼,换的寄名符儿。”;“只见凤姐儿笑道:"张爷爷,我们丫头的寄名符儿你也不换去.前儿亏你还有那么大脸, 打发人和我要鹅黄缎子去!”





有联系之处: 抄检大观园时,在入画的箱子里寻出一大包金银锞子、一副玉带板子和一包男人的靴袜等物,在司棋的箱子里发现一双男子的锦带袜、一双缎鞋和一个小包袱,包袱里有一个同心如意和她表弟潘又安写的大红双喜笺。



《红楼梦》第二八回:“撩衣将系小衣儿的一条大红汗巾子解下来,送给 宝玉 。”汗巾的功能除擦秽吸湿之外,还可作腰带束系内衣,《释名》说:“帕,横其腹也。”蒋玉函赠与宝玉的汗巾即属此种。值得注意的是,此种汗巾一般只系于内衣,虽不及现今的内衣内裤一般隐私,但其私密程度也是相当了。蒋玉函一见宝玉便以此物相赠,且要宝玉也将他的赠给自己,足见二人爱慕、暧昧之情状。不过这条经过了北静王,琪官,宝玉,至少三个“臭男人”“香汗”的汗巾最后曹公却把它“赠”给了袭人这样一个人女子,细细体味,总觉得或多或少有些讽刺之意。日后贾府抄败,袭人遇到蒋玉函,发现彼此早已“肌肤未亲汗巾亲”了,大概才彼此认命彼此结合的吧?若是别的物件,怕没有那么大的威力,一笑。


出生日期顺治十一年三月十八日(1654年5月4日),逝世日期康熙六十一年十一月十三日(1722年12月20日)—— 可是在第七十一回里却说:“今岁八月初三乃贾母八旬之庆”。第一百一十回写贾母死时说:“享年八十三岁”。显然这“八月初三”也要算是贾母的生日了,至少“专家”是这么说的。3.18去掉10,则为8.3。隐康熙生日。而贾母说自己已经呆了54年,隐康熙出生日期。说贾母2.8,是以过了灯节以及反过来的8.3日推理出的。可见“八月初三”并不是贾母的生日,“八旬之庆”应该是指“庆八十”。用典是:“人生七十古来稀”。所以,古人过了七十岁的生日,就进入第“八旬”了,就可以搞一个庆祝活动,叫“八旬之庆”。因为是“庆八十”,所以要选在八月,和生日无关。日期则是在八月里选一个黄道吉日取个吉利,并不局限于那一天。所以说,“八旬之庆”这年的贾母应该是七十一岁,而不是八十岁。这一年应该是1688-5=1683年庆祝贾母70岁生日。贾母生日 红楼梦》第七一回:“二十八日,请皇亲、驸马、王公、诸公主、郡主、王妃、国君、太君、夫人等。”有国君 有驸马。























【元明清三朝是被自己咒死的】1.元代专用于大典、登基的正殿取名“大明殿”,结果元亡于明;2.明代的朝门叫“乾清殿 ”,结果明亡于清;3.崇祯在卢沟桥建行宫,分别取名“永昌”“顺治”,不久逼其上吊自杀的李自成年号即永昌 ,清世祖福临的年号即为顺治。 够悲催的。




【清朝皇帝的龙袍值多少钱?】织造一件鹅黄缎细绣五彩云水全洋金龙袍,需用绣匠608工,绣洋金工285工,画匠26工,每件工料银合计为392两2钱1分9厘。折合现在的价钱,要十几万元。一件朝袍耗资十几万 皇帝只穿一次,一件就需耗时两年。——红楼梦里有记录,当衣物非常贵。
















The twenty-seventh day

To meditate on the road to a Dream of Red Mansions I

For the first time, he wrote a collection of episodes of his life-and-death story to sue the world. However, some people in the boudoir could not be wiped out and the boudoir should be disclosed. The meaning is that the author wants to write his own autobiography, at the same time to write a boudoir Zhongren. The boudoir among the numerous individuals such as 12 hairpin, they also have some avatar. Actually, it is the unofficial history of the writer and the woman who is extremely entangled with him. And the history is like a dream, so spiritual psychology is actually needed to sue the world. This Nalanxian 31-year-old to write Night Acacia died, only to serve as Emperor guards during his lifetime, this half-life and can not be with the German concubine, which is his origin of writing. No talent can go to Heaven, a bitter tears, the author crazy ... ... is actually one of the main flavor of it. Dream of Red Mansions is very clear now, rather than at a loss.

Said Bi, Fang want to enter the fence, suddenly found a stone roadside, but also for the preparation of questions. All laughed: "More wonderful, more wonderful, here if the hanging plaque to be inscribed, then the farmhouse wash one's life.At this point, again feel a lot of color, non- Wonderful. "There is a stone outside the village door, immediately reminded me of the closure of the village, but also a stone entrance to the village, which says the door village. And Chen Shih-hsien's wife is Feng's father's name suffocated.

Feng Mencun and Pisces Jade, the Yellow River has been the coffin of the ghost coffin as the ten founding of the supernatural events, all kinds of strange village on the door closed by a variety of legends and razed. Enclosed door village to Guo surname, ditch surname more, network crazy pass photos of the elderly, Guo surname. Guo: from Yap, from the "eup", said the city and related. Original meaning: Add a city wall in the periphery of the city. The inner city is called the city, the outer city is called Guo. There are also different places to live in Guocheng Guo and Guo Guo, Guo Guo, Guo Guo, North Guo, whose surnames surname surnamed Guo. Mr. Dong Guo, refers to the benevolent misunderstanding of the bad guys, from "Zhongshan Lang Biography." "Mr. Dong Guo" and "Zhongshan Wolf" have become fixed words in Chinese. "Mr. Dong Guo" refers specifically to those who do not distinguish between right and wrong and over-expression of compassion, while "Zhongshan Wolf" means ungrateful and resentful people. Grand View Garden, is the "Dream of Red Mansions" in Jiayuan for the pro-Yuanchun and the construction of villas, Yuanchun title of the park its title, "Grand View Garden", the main hall of the plaque cloud "Thanksgiving." Jia Yingchun marry Sun Shaozu Zhongshan Wolf, and the Grand View Garden Masanori, why is it any moral? Why the name of the closure door village Guo it? Is this not linked?

All humanity: "No longer have to be prepared, it is precisely` Wulingyuan 'words. "Jia Zheng laughed:" and implemented, and outdated. "The crowd laughed: Baoyu said: "This is more exposed dew. 'Qin Ren old homes' said that the meaning of shelter, how to make? Mo Ruo` Polygonatum flower pot' words. "I borrow Qianlong Cheng B this is more absurd , It seems indeed rewrite the key points. The story of "Peach Blossom Spring" is a story of a Wuling fisherman who has strayed into the depths of peach blossom and suddenly found a group of people in the Qin Dynasty who avoided this evil. They lived a hundred years without any worries , The performance of the author Tao Yuanming yearning Hermit life to avoid the earthly feelings. Here's "Wulingyuan" and "Qin Ren homestead" is also taken literally.

Provincial pro-garden is built on the basis of Ningguo government Huifang Park, and later named Grand View Garden, it is possible Qin Keqing live not far from where he lives, and Qin Keqing is an extremely sensitive character, the most important is that she Also surnamed Qin, such an understanding, it seems that you can vaguely see Jia Baoyu said "more dew" truth. Jia Baoyu surface means "Qin Ren old homes," meaning is unknown, Wuling discovered gang of people in the paradise just to avoid living in there, and if here called "Qin Ren homestead" that is to say live The people here are also to avoid the disaster. According to Cao Xueqin's writing habits, I think the intention of Cao Xueqin just to illustrate the original people who lived here is to avoid the disaster. Who is that person? Name Qin, the name Keqing. She originally lived in place, naturally can be called "Qin people homes." Daoxingcun said that Wulingyuan and the pro-Qin dynasty homes may be the place where Qin Keqing defei Fei died or Nalan de de Falla passed away after the death. And the closure of how the village is very similar to it? Otherwise, why surnamed Huang outside the Guo?

In the dull and exhausted, desperation, they mistakenly entered the was still isolated from the world, covered the door of the village. The white-faced scholar with the ability to know how to know, after some investigation found that this is a piece of just a little rectification, you can become a very good geomancy treasure, but also geographically easy to keep tough to help hiding in the After asking his wife's opinion, he decided to place his wife here on the spot, and then find an opportunity to go out and give revenge. In order to find out if there is a bamboo forest in Fengmen Village, I found the conjecture on the causes and consequences of the decline of Fengmen Village. The content of the story is quite appropriate for the part of Naran Xingde I guess.

I subconsciously open the box, which do not know when more than a list. A whole three hundred and seventy-one people, each person has an accurate birthday horoscope, the date of death. The youngest is only three years old. It appears that the shadow of the group is really all the souls of the souls of all the dead village. Also saw a post to write: Looking forward to the landlord opened the door Mura Village puzzle, weird why this person adds the word prefix grass? The above three-year-old, as many as 371 people, I think of the Dream of Red Mansions. Then the following is the first letter of the grass door village. Also search out a Taoist exorcism story is too scary, but inside there Xiaoxiang Hall location layout, there are wells in the bamboo lotus pond. There Jinxing type wells in innocent people, Qin Ke Qing hanging ghosts and so on. Quietly think about it, just this article is not Xiaoxiang Museum layout + door village supernatural difference = this story?

Xu Liang town has a long history of bamboo forest, according to "Shan Hai Jing, Wu Zang Shan Jing, North Third Classics," said: "The worm on the mountain of its more golden pearl, its more bamboo, more blue, Dan water Yan, In the river. " Description in the Warring States to the early Western Han Dynasty, Taihang Mountain, Dan Shui River, there are lush bamboo forest. At present, the total area of ​​bamboo forest in Bo'ai County is about 15,000 mu, and Xu Liangzhen has 5,000 mu. Xu Liangzhen bamboo species mostly native bamboo species, mainly illustrated, Jun bamboo, sweet bamboo, change bamboo, Lohan bamboo, the introduction of test-growing bamboo species as well as bamboo, golden bamboo, bamboo and so on.

Yesterday saw the Grand View Garden Qin Fang Pavilion, the original title jade jade. At that time, I thought of Nalan's mother's jade. Qinfang think Fang Park, the meaning of the daughter of love, then Fang female as the shade, the corresponding is the sun. Today, we see Qinyang love song! This layer of layers of hook wire leads inextricably linked.

Li Shangyin's political poem and more often by the ancient satirical epic poem. Such as "chant history" "horse 嵬 two" "jia sheng" "jade pool". Li Shangyin's love poems with the title of Untitled are the most popular stories, but his Untitled Poems have the characteristics of "hazy". Their purpose is hidden. Li Shiguang admits his predecessors, the gloomy and soothing confusion of Du Fu's seven laws, the gorgeousness and beauty of Qi Liang poetry and the fantastic imagination of Li He's poems, forming his affectionate, lingering, beautiful and delicate style. Li Shih also good at using code, with the help of the appropriate analogy of history, so secret meanings can be expressed.

Qu Qing Dynasty "Yu Xisheng poetic": This "Sacred Temple" and "Kam Se", "Untitled" are self-sustenance, do not have to be serious. Played "Bi Mosi" hanging "to be delayed." Under the "spring", "day", should be "delayed." Five or six to "calyx Green", "Du Lanxiang" extract "Yu Lang", "no fixed", "no move" to extract "this pass Xian Ji." To "recall" should be the first sentence, the words will be fairy, and can not be long too.

Over the sacred temple

Baishiyan Fei Bibi Zi, the supernatural deserved to be late.

A spring rain often waft, the spirit of the day not satisfied with the flag.

Calyx green to no fixed, Du Lan Hong to not move.

Yu Lang will pass this fairy, recalled to the day asked Zazhi.

Gemdale is so incredible and does not wait for Jia's words to say: "The old poem goes:" The red flag hangs at the wine flag. " Many of his untitled poems, as well as his style of writing poetry, feels very much like Nalan and Lu travel Zen time and space interlaced, it is not so Li Baiyin it? Before seeing Li Shangyin, see Baoyu visited the inscription Grand View Garden, I feel the path built very much like the path of love with the German concubine. Xiaoxiang Museum is childhood sweetheart, bamboo; Daoxiang Village is a seclusion afterlife, so apricot curtain in sight. This also made me want to have a movie is waiting for the return of lovers, yellow handkerchief hanging window. Then I saw this first Li Shangyin over the sacred temple, the mood is very much like I just thought, but also included their reclusive seclusion life. Previously read Jin Shengtan Tang poetry and the title is really Mother Tomb.

Baoyu said: "But come again! Here a Grange, clearly made by manpower: far from the neighboring villages, almost unmanned Guo, no mountain, no water, The bridge, cliff isolated, it seems non-grand view, and that several places before the natural reason, the natural interest of it? Although the kind of bamboo cited spring, do not hurt to wear chisel. That incense is Du Ruo Ju Wu, that is about Gland orchid, this one is about Gypsum, that one is the Gimhae, this one is jade vine, the red is the natural Ziyun, the green is given Angelica. Want to come that "Lisao", "Wenxuan" All those different grass ...

Said here if the Du Ruo and Heng Wu perennial herbs. Xue Bao Chai living in the 蘅 no court, then that is, she is also an immortal / fairy.

Into the five green buildings Xuan window Xuan, you can make tea, piano, everyone blue orchid dew Musk Deer, weeping sun, and Nalan nature of the past, set the scene close to Poseidon. Lan Fang Hui here, etc., and the Nalan and De Fei's name is related.

Huanxi Sha who read westerly alone cool

Nalan Xingde [Dynasty] Qing Dynasty

Who read westerly alone cool?

Sluggish yellow leaves closed window.

Reflections to establish standing sun.

Was moan shock sleep,

Gambling books exudes tea.

At that time, it was unusual.

This poem and Li Shangyin's Untitled Poems are very close. His meditation here can refer to the first few verses of the Untitled Poetry, which at that time were merely reminiscences of the ordinary and of Li Shangyin, except that it was close at that time. Because of Nalan's Dream of Red Mansions the hidden facts, and Li Shangyin's Utopian Poems said Zhuang Zhou Meng Butterfly, Lantian Nanyuanyuyan these psychic events are close. If you do not know these psychic problems, then the endless poem is of course no solution. Dream of Red Mansions is so truth. Why China will appear red? I used to be weird Now I know its meaning is very deep.

People came to Yihong Hospital, which surrounded by exquisite wood carving, or Yun Bai Bat is more bats, or archaic multicolored, full of walls is an antique game, such as the sword Jian hanging bottle. Many of the bats here are similar to the bats on the wall of the Pearl House. When it comes to piano sword and a lot of books full of walls, it reminds me of the 47th image of Pushback. Needless to say, the book full of cabinets, and the piano or sword leaning against the book?

On both sides of the hospital are veranda phase of the courtyard lined with a few rocks, while planting several banana, that side is a West Begonia, the potential if the umbrella, silk Cuizui, spit Dan sand. The hospital slightly a few rocks, planting banana, there are two cranes in the pine ticking Ling. Here said the West Begonia, tree umbrella and red flowers are very similar to the night of Acacia Pink Lily flowers, and Acacia also umbrella. Two cranes represent the seclusion or immortality of Baoyu and Daiyu. Baoyu dissatisfied with the two plants are clearly bananas just say the same child, both must be covered, so to mention red jasper. This implies that this book is about two people, not a single table.

Acacia actually found a human-shaped Italian red door orchid, called "Orchis italica", the whole flower is shaped like a naked man wearing a straw hat. Because of the appearance of human form, English also known as "Italian man orchid", "Italian man orchid", or "pyra-mid monkey orchid", or "pyramid monkey orchid." In addition, it has a name derived from the ancient Greek "testis orchid." There has been just do not know what hanging bottle, think of the words written in Nalan has become ashes in the wind blowing bottle plum. Now see this orchid, the original sword, hanging bottle is this flower ah?

"Zhen Huan Chuan" there are Acacia flowers, Zhen Huan Chuan, I have never looked, I thought every one of the original stage are playing, and I just did not see. Could this TV is similar to the same deer Ding Ji? So many Nalan flowers? Flowing purple creative career quite controversial. The author's novel "Harem - Zhen Huan Chuan" first published in Jinjiang original network, 2006-10-17 and 2006-10-26, Jinjiang subsidiary forum has appeared on the "harem" alleged plagiarism complaints, Zhen Huan biography It has been Jinjiang management has plagiarism, "Mrs. Zhu beads", "Lonely empty room spring desire", "and Princess extravagance," "Cold Moon cream," "double into", "spring shirt thin," "Pillow - The Story of Qingcheng, Lenggong, Cold Storms across the Rain, Ling Fei and other online novels, and even classic works such as A Dream of Red Mansions and Jin Ping Mei. Also see someone said that the TV series "芈 month pass" is based on Jiang Shengnan "Daqin Xuan Taihou" adapted, with that Allure moon child has nothing to do (look at that text level to see iron is not). You can see the 芈 month pass the original starting in the grind iron Chinese network, author Allure Moon children, these online novels are mesmerizing.

"The original flow from that gate to that hole, from the northeastern col to that village, and opened a fork in the road, leading to the southwest, the total total flow here, still together in one place, out from that wall. Listened to all, all said: "the magic of the extreme." Dream of Red Mansions water source and the closure of the village's water picture is a bit similar. There is also the armchair, on both sides of the wing a bit like pushing the back of the figure like the chair 44, but the closure of the village TV poster chair and some closure of the old village armchair pictures are not the same? Which one is true? Original Yongji Temple ruins, according to the history of stone inscriptions for Wu Daozi painted. Cliff walls there are "cliff hand", "shore" and the Qing dynasty six years (1826) Huang Wenhan the title stone. Kistler Shizukuishi Buddha Sheng; Yangtze River as a reference to Zen heart. Li Yu (1611 ~ 1680) Nanjing Hongji Temple. See the articles of the story of the Bay leaves and Guanyin relics, check this section has a correspondence: This is the Man of Suzhou, the ancestors is also reading official career home. Only 18 years old this year, the law name Miaoyu. Because I heard there are Guanyin relics in Chang'an and Bayei inscriptions, came up with Master from the age of last year, and now they live outside the Ximen Municipality. Miaoyu description of sickly into the air door, and Daiyu sick monk so quiet people do not see meaning. 18-year-old shows that in 1678 to see the relics of Guanyin, engraved "Cliff hand" "shore" dream in front of the illusion of illusion after encountering cliffs, so that the United States blocked the same, and Zhi Zhitong couplets counterparts.

Jia Qiang bought twelve actors and 12 nuns Taoist, corresponding to 12 hairpin. Mr. Liu believes that the reason why Yuanchun left "flower" and "Polygonum" because "flower" of "flower", its shape is "hairpin" its tone like "Christine"; and "Polygonum" the word is the opposite "Lin" word. Scape anti-cut what is it? Has been engaged in Kangxi Dictionary anti-racier meaning, whether it is Hu? Bullshit?溆 is a small place on the water's edge, and the flowering branch is an elegant place with open water, while Liao is empty meaning. Yuanchun province pro-tour Grand View Garden, saw an inscription, laughed: 'Flower Chu' word will be good, why 'Polygonatum'? Hua Xie anti-cut Xue, Polygonatum anti-cut for the forest, "The key point here is how the" Polygonum "is back-mowed as" forest, "and how the anther is" Xue. "Looking at what is" anti-tangent, "anti-tangent is the traditional Chinese phonetic method of using two Chinese characters Put it together for a Chinese phonetic .Simply said is "take the sound, take its rhyme." For example, "Hugh", Xu You cut, x is the sound, ou is rhyme. It seems spring to Lin Yuan Xue, meaning into the palace to do concubine, Bao Yuxiang afterwards like to eat cold Xiang Wan Xue Bao Chai, rather than entangled Lin Daiyu.

Couplet made by Baoyu: The new green Tim Huan added Department, good rum Cultivated parsley. "Huan Ge" Code out of the "Book of Songs Ge Tan," "said Shia Shih, made a statement, thin pollution of my private, thin Huan my clothes, Huan harm you? To Ning parents." Back to her parents, here metaphor Yuan Chun go to the province. The second line in the "mining celery" also from the Book of Songs: Pan water, thin mining its parsley. Pan Shui refers to the water of Pan Palace, while Pan Palace refers to Xue Gong. Descendants admitted to the exam as a student, called "into the pan" or "harvest celery." Here, "Cai Qin people" refers to the Jia government scholar. It is speculated that Jia Baoyu and Shi Xiangyun finally become afflicted couples. Jia Bao Yu's prototype is Cao Xueqin. Cao Xueqin, referred to as "Qin." The prototype of Shi Xiangyun is Zhi Yan Zhai, Shi Xiangyun referred to as "cloud."

Wenfeng Merry (plaque) to explore spring

Xiushui Mingshan hold back, romantic literary victory Penglai. Green song fan fan grass, red liangxiao dance plum. Beads jade since hereditary prosperity, the gods and fortunate under Yaotai! Park invited a tour, not mortal come here. Just think of the construction of Kangxi Mountain Resort Yishanbangshui, imitation of natural heaven said, and her concubines imitation A Dream of Red Mansions daughter, think he misunderstood the soul of the Dream of Red Mansions. And then I saw that this poem remembered Jin Shengsan's intention of enlightening people by means of texts rather than other restricted things. There is a version of literary plaque Li 纨, Li Ying should be.

Gem jade paper has green jade still volumes, let me think of the leaves of Acacia flowers can be rolled up, that open tomorrow night. So red incense is the red horse cherry tree flowers, jade is its green leaves. Bao Yu Yihong court in front of the Basho, Begonia also refers to the Acacia flowers, Nalan front planted Mingkaihe flowers.

Jia Yuanchun point of the first play "feast." Zhi Yan Zhi's comments are: "" a handful of snow ", the defeat of Jia Jia." The second play "Qi Qiao." Zhi-vegetarian Zhi comment: "" Palace of longevity ", the death of Volt Princess." The third drama "Xian Yuan." Zhi Yanzhai comment is "" Handan dream ", Fu Zhen Bao Yu send jade." The fourth drama "away from the soul." Zhi Yanzhai comment is "" Peony Pavilion ", the death of Fu Daiyu." Cao Gong Pao Yuan Spring in the night may not be lacking consideration so pro. From home to the desolate palace brilliant light, this is not the beginning of Yuan tragic fate and it? And the rest of her life will be spent in this bottomless black hole. Golden bird cage can not penetrate a little light, full of darkness ...

Some people speculated in front of Xiangyun and Cao Xueqin is suffering couples, this should be correct. The twenty-first back said Baoyu wash his face on the face of Xiangyun wash, and the hair fell out of four pearl, said he had combed his hair for the past, said he could not afford to eat rouge rouge problems. This shows that they later lived in Daoxiangcun later life, in response to the Daoxiang Baoqiu in front of the couplet.

Bao Chai birthday on the 21st day (15 years old, 1675 German concubine) Jia mother please play the following 8 people, only Bao Chai Feng Jie Dai Yu Xiangyun Spring Chunxi Li Chun Li eight people. Twelve beggars in the eight people at the same time play, that they are a man's wording. And Qin Keqing Chia Yuen Chun Miu Miu because the article set the scene restrictions, so not in this column.

Twenty-second return to Jia Zheng and Jia mother guess riddles. The first riddle answer litchi second answer inkstone. This is reminiscent of Yang and Zhi Yinzhai Yang, whether it shows the similarity of the two of them? Zhi Yan Zhai Shi Xiangyun is De Fei is from the palace after the hermit live it? Bao Chai this riddle temporarily recorded in the back of the other page, after the riddles have criticisms, said: "This time passed away celery, lament! Dinghai Xia. Tears wat." For the riddle of this riddle, Qi, Mongolian, Shu and other supplementary documents to "ignore" the past, A book, Cheng A, Yang another version of this supplement, although easy to mystery and Daiyu, but given the answer "more fragrant" is not bad. The ancients did not watch, more fragrant can be used at night to change, use the time, or burning one for a more, or depending on the scale of incense, to set a few more.

Discretionary belly empty, lotus water meet again. Indus leaves fall apart, loving couples do not winter. The answer is Lady Bamboo. This is a kind of bamboo snake woven into the cool summer holding equipment. "Mrs. Bamboo" is an ancient heat-clearing appliance. Since it is heatstroke, winter naturally separated. This meaning and the meaning of autumn leaves the same, winter lady bamboo, autumn fans are to be abandoned, is a synonym for complain woman.

Hear Daiyu read West Wing car accidentally heard the Peony Pavilion after the play, I think she was reading the article in the Sei Sung sigh West Chamber notes, meditation to something, and this meditation Taiji White Fishes into another blackfish Eyes, like a yin and yang of the road that time and space through the black hole conversion, so germinal the universe movement. After the conversion of space-time and then in another black fish in the eyes of time and space to disperse, the reality will appear, Dai Yu will have heard of "all pay this residue Huan, Chennai beauty Chennai days, the United States like the flowering years." Such a cycle of Daiyu time and space endless. The same is true of others.

The upper body of the monkey went to the saliva and laughed: "Good sister, give me a glimpse of the rouge on your mouth." As she spoke, she twisted her body like candy. The mandarin duck shouted: "You are coming out, look out, you do not persuade with his life, or so."

Baoyu looked, I saw this man to grow face, pick tall, aged only 18 years old, was born with Siwen handsome, but also very good face ... ... Baoyu laughed: Son.You are teens this year? "JiaYun:" eighteen years old. "This is JiaYun the most cleverness, listen to gem say, then laughed:" As the saying goes, `the grandfather shaking the car, Grandchildren. "Although age is high, but the sun is high, only from my father did not, in recent years there is no one to care about .If the uncle is not too nephew stupid, as son, is my good fortune. Tolerance face, alluding to demoted here again lend characters, that Jia Baoyu is Xue Pan, Jia Yun is Jia Baoyu. Behind Xue Pan called Jia Baoyu out, that is his father to find him correspond. Also in front of Qin Keqing and Jia Zhen correspondence (Tang emperor and Yang concubine relations).

18 years old, just look at the Sikuquansu Nalan Tongzhi Tang solution, Qianlong talk about Nalan 1673 Jinshi, 1672 juren. 1673 due to disease is not a test, so Baidu 1676 is Jinshi. Here is 1673, the Duck Di Yu Jia Zhuang Empress Dowager should also be there to serve.

Ni Er laughed and said: "When we say that the phrase" phase and hand over "is used, how should we put it to him so that his money can not be borne by both his loan and his interest? Gossip also do not have to say.Only willing young eyesight, this is fifteen hundred twenty-three money have zero silver, they take to buy things.I also asked you to bring a letter and lay down, let them sleep earlier closed, I do not Go home, if there is a matter of urgency, to call our daughter Ming children early to the Horse Trafficker short leg home to find me. "This paragraph and the borrowed version is not the same, actually deleted a lot. There is only one sentence in this passage, no money is gone. why? Saw this section of the thought of Sheng-tan 75, borrow money to say sorry to export friends, and drunk all night without going home, and later what the theory with his wife is also consistent. This is not to hide the fact that Kim Seon Sigh?

Jia Jiao Jia Bao Yu Jia Yun are Erye. Red looks: it touches on the dark hair of a good hair, face length, thin body, but very pretty sweet net. It is also a long face.鬒 鬒 hair, think of real country.鬒 禛 Jane 朕 Zhen 蓁 Zhen 稹 really ...... Yin Zhen Jia Zhen Yin Zhen Jia 蓁 Zhen Shi Hidden Yuan Ying Ying Ying Chuan. Sun Shaozu Yin Shao Shao and Yin are the meaning of succession.

Suddenly I heard the faint wooden fish sound in the air, read the sentence "South Jie Jie Jie Jiefang Jie! There is that the population is unfavorable, home unrest, evil, every evil, find us to heal." Lady Jamia heard, People go to the street. It turned out to be a 癞 monk with the same lame person. Why is the middle solution Jiejie? Not Avalokitesvara? Here is certainly Baoyu and Wang Xifeng grievances, right? Did not write directly. And in front of Jerry feces certainly have a relationship. Avalokitesvara is feeling love, and the network that Daiyu situation similar to the gem is love, is it that Daiyu is a monk Dunshu, Baoyu Taoist crossing male?

Jia Yun looked, I saw a few slightly slightly inside the hospital rocks, planting banana, there are two cranes, ticking under the pine tree. A slip of corridors hanging colored cages, cage immortal birds. Above the small five embracing, one color engraved fresh pattern fan, hanging above a plaque, four characters, the question is: "Yi Hong fast green." Are Songhe, why Christmas must have pine deer?

The original last month Jia Yun came in when planting trees, they picked a piece of Luo Pa, knowing that this garden of people lost, but I do not know that one person, it is afraid to make times. Now I heard Xiaohong asked Pei-yue, knowing that he was heart lucky. And the back of the old gem Daiyu to the correspondence. Jia Yun see here is also a long face. A total of reading West Chamber - the knot in the unjust misunderstanding - 33 days later, each handkerchief, on the West Wing note - Xue Pan deceive Baoyu said his father to find him, the twenty-fourth back: Drunk Vanessa Choi Shang Yi Xia, Indulge in Acacia, reminiscent of this time back to Zhen Shi please treat Xu Yin to Jia Yucun, Jiao Xing 颦 back Jia Yu village twice. Jia Hui said: "I think of it, Lin girl born weak, often he took medicine, you and him to eat more, too." Hongyu said: "nonsense! Medicine is mixed." Hint, red is Daiyu.

Baoyu also can not, but had to laugh and asked: "You coax me too, how to say my father? I tell my aunt to comment on this theory, can make it?" Xue Pan busy: "Good brother, I was Just come out faster, you forget the taboo words.On the day you coax me, saying my father is finished. "Xue Pan said:" If I did not dare to disturb, because tomorrow on the third day of May is My birthday, who knows the antiques line Cheng Hing Hing, where he did not know where to find such a thick crisp pink lotus, so large watermelon, so long a fresh sturgeon, so much a Siam Ling Park tribute to the fragrant Siam pig.

A Dream of Red Mansions pine stressed several times, 12 hairpin 12 disciples, if 12 hairpin a person, then 12 disciples is also a person, corresponding to Jesus himself. I am more related to Christmas and Nalan because of the bible content, the internal details of the Dream of Red Mansions, the Christmas pine and deer and this Christmas picture.

Until the Qing Jiaqing two years (1797), a fire destroyed the intersection of Thai Temple, reconstruction the following year. The magic is that since Jiaqing, when the Qing Dynasty was opened, the emperor was born as a pig, and the younger generation was younger than the younger generation. Jiaqing's grandson Xianfeng only two sons and a daughter, to the Tongzhi, Guangxu, Pu Yi these three generations, altogether. After the Qing Dynasty, this is imputed to the Feng Tai Temple to the dilemma. This should be closely related to pushing back the contents of the Qing Dynasty

Tang Yin Chun Palace, many words, said above the lotus root (BaoCai Xianou arm), pig (Ugyi's original meaning is pig), watermelon: (red jasper), fish (Nalan Pisces), these should see Is mentioned before the camp or mandarin Duck secret array (Tang Yin Chou Ying).

23rd back Jiabao Yu 22 into the Grand View Garden has four four o'clock poetry, similar to the mystery figure test in the poem. Behind that is to write ancient and modern novels to read Baoyu: Fei Yan Wu Zetian Princess Gaiden, of course, there are Jin Shengtang West Chamber. The following also mentioned Jia Yun what clouds ah rain, are the words Jiaba Yu and Daiyu's first cloud of rain. He nostalgic red jasper, Acacia flowers also agree. Apricot shirt million characters Wan children, lyre, Jia Yun children, are Nalan poetry, deliberately mentioned in the Dream of Red Mansions. Explain that Nalan was reading these books at that time.

Why are those four things Thai tribute? And then said in front of the Qing Dynasty heirs handed down the relationship between Thai Temple. The snow here today reminds me of the production method of the fragrant pill in front of the Dream of Red Mansions, which can be exactly the same as that of Thailand. In front of the name of the Ming Bao Ming tea roasted Ming, followed by Wang Xi-Feng Dai-Siu Thai tea tribute to Thailand.

The main plot of baking tea are: the ninth back, by the people allocated for the gem vent, with the public urchin together downtown school; nineteen times, the same tantalum in a small tryst, Baoyu see no responsibility; Twenty-three back to many Ancient and modern novel corners to gem boredom, attracted Baoyu looked fascinated; thirty-nine, sent by the gem, out of the city to find the grandmother of Liu grandchildren daughter figurines. Forty-three back, with Baoyu out of the city private offering of gold 钏, tells the heart of gem. This time there are fat clouds: "Trying to think of gem as a person, should there be a very clever and clever child Ya!" Mingyan that treasure jade avatar loan, because there are children's tips.

Red is jealous run, eloquent Bao Chai said Dai Yu 颦 children articulate. See spring said: "Who wants these. How do you like the last time you buy a small basket made of willow branches, bamboo root pull incense boxes children, plastic stoves stoves, which is good." As the new bamboo stove Yong things, made of bamboo and mud: heavy street folder fine Sha (Gu Zheng view). She Petty potter, cut bamboo and other braided reed (caused by Mi). Attached to the red clay group, its repair only Fu inch (Chen Ying). Hom away from the middle .Next is the use of 巽 (Yi Zun). Micro-floating 飕 飕 into the live flame flame blue (筼).

Listening to wake-up song of this song, and occasionally saw pushing the news: the club was arrested for prostitution, the scene took over a hundred women, just see Mao Zedong circle of friends birthday, think of his drastic restoration of all prostitutes, women are Half the sky and so on, but also think of a dream of Red Mansions a cry Wan Yan with compassion, as well as Kangxi's harem prostitutes, filled with emotion ... maybe de Fei let Dream of Red Mansions writer's book may also have meaning! The Dream of Red Mansions is actually a superimposed state of the book method, the surface is a red and a cry Wan Yan with sad compassion Book, which is one of the true love of Christianity consistent with the Psalms. Perhaps the Qing Dynasty is a woman's collective unconscious, or the allied forces have called? Or the head of the British Queen? Why are all these coincidence? However, the feudal society harem Belle three thousand for a long time, why is the Qing Dynasty is so out? Did the former woman think it is a matter of course, so for so long? Is it sublimation of men's consciousness? Sunshine just answer this because the animal world is all so. Whether foreigners borrowed this habitus of the animal world as a capitalist relationship. And China now has some way to do so in the dark, and the future does not know how to do? It is obvious that the reduction of dimensions of women has been carried out. Will women not be needed later? Now there are many alternatives, the female gender can disappear, right then the last is only the sensory stimulation of men, then the last of this world What is left? Maybe there will be no world? Because sensory stimulation can not be kept alive, creating everything ...

I do not want to hear gem on the hillside, nodded but lamented, after hearing the "Nong today funeral laughter, he was buried in Nong know who", "Spring once the funeral, flowers fall two do not know" and so on Sentences, feeling upside down hillsides, the flowers in his pocket scatter. Imagine Lin Daiyu's beautiful face, in the future also when no one can look for, rather than heartbroken intestine! Both Daiyu finally no traceable, pushed to others, such as Bao Chai, Hong Ling, attack people, etc., also Can be found when no one can carry on. Bao Chai, etc. After all, no place to look for, then they are peace in the zai? And I do not know where they are, then Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Si Liu, but also do not know who is surnamed! Therefore, one, two, two and three, repeatedly trying to go, I really do not know at this time want to be what kind of stupid things, do not know anything, to escape from the big making, the dust net, to explain this sadness. It is: flowers are not left off, birds only ears thing.

If the book of the Dream of Red Mansions password can not be untied. Nalan continued the password until now because he set the password in the book, so it can be saved until now. If after three hundred years the password has been unlocked by us, then the distress of his then doubts can be ended. And so on, our current worries and doubts may be solved sometime in the future. The ultimate secret of the universal universe will certainly be unlocked. Of course, there may be a limit problem.

Madam said: "Former doctor said the name of a pill, I forgot." Bao Yu said: "I know those pills, but what kind of ginseng Yang Rong pills to eat him." Wang said: "No." Road: "Bazhen Yimu Pills? Left to go right? No, that is, wheat Wei Di Huang Wan." Mrs. Wang said: "No, I just remember there is a` King Kong 'two words of laughter : "I have never heard of what there is a" diamond pill. "If there is a 'diamond pill', there is a natural Bodhisattva scattered! ' Bao Chai pouty laughed: "Want to make up King of Heavenly King." Mrs. Wang laughed: "is the name of children .Lin Daiyu ginseng Yang Rong pills before eating, and now eat Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan .Line Linyu has been married into the palace. Baoyu said that with a prescription Xue big brother to take medicine, pick the head worn by Wang Xi Feng Bei and Baoyu stressed the need to be an old burial ground pearl gem, this and the beads on the head of Baoyu lost a correspondence. Of course, perhaps this is also linked to the gem of the Empress Dowager Cixi's tomb.

Feng sister life took ink pen paper, to Baoyu said: "Red makeup satin forty, python satin forty, with yarn colored 100, gold collar four." Fengjie Erdao: "You just write On, anyway, I myself understand it. "Behind that again to the red gem in the house, where the red makeup satin that Daiyu married into the palace. I was impressed by the four gold collars. Jia Yuanchun's pro-Jia Jiayu's two gold and silver collars, both before and after the eternity This twenty-eighth back to finish Fengjie write red makeup satin, followed by Daiyu cut. This is the same as Li Jue Lee Palace, there is Jia Lan. This is obviously in accordance with Daiyu and gem childhood, and then into the palace to do female history, and then do concubine birthday and so on chronological narrative.

Exhibition is not open brows, suffer even more unknown leakage. Just like the Castle Peak can not cover the faint, flowing green water leisurely. Singing, we all applause, Xue Pan alone that no board. Baoyu drank the door cup, then picked up a piece of pear, said: "rain hit the pear deep in the door." Finish order. Lin Daiyu people go to the floor empty, Daiyu house no pear pear.

"Daughter sad, married a man is a turtle." Everyone listened to all laughter ... ... all humanity: "How worry?" Xue Pan said: "embroidered room 撺 out of a monkey."

Tortoise reminds me of the Confucius Temple, Fuxi and other turtles Tuo monument. The latter sentence refers to the horse of Kangxi. Check the following network information: Then "monkey in the immediate" what should be solved? It turned out that this is a dialect of Beijing dialect, "monkey" to read the words to bring the child sound, not a noun but a verb, meaning cuddling, entangled. On the monkey in Malaysia, "clean barnyard class notes" There Description: [Paula father: in Shu, the popular name of the monkey, like a large monkey, dark hair, long seven feet, walking, walking away. According to legend, women must snap to go, hence the name. ]. In addition, the "Journey to the West" in the Huaguoshan, there are many horse monkeys, fat grant mentioned in the "female immortal history" there is also a Ma monkey into a fine.

The twenty-ninth back said that the Royal play the first to the third, that is, said earlier in the third day of May. She thought of the last queen of Kangxi, her status as a royal, and died in 1688. And this is the first Taoist priest Yu Yu mouth call immortal immortal, the end of life. This is reminiscent of Shun Chih emperor said the words of "Holy man, can not look at him from time to time." Behind Zhang Taoist said he is eighty years old, and Jin Shengtan born in 1608, eighty years old exactly in 1688. Feng sister here also said she plot yin yang, and Li Ying's verdict.

In September 1702, Yin Zhen waited on a southern tour to stay in Texas for a while. Then he was deposed again for sin and was still detained in Haman Palace. Since then there are many recommendations to reinstate it, but Emperor Kangxi did not re-establish Yinzhen. Is it because he was born in the third day of May, corresponding to Xue Pan?

Zhang Tao Shi Bao-yu to mention the pro-girl is fifteen years old, if De Fei is 1675 years. Hercules Queen died in the third day of May, 1674, which should be the second year of slaughter. And why did Zhang Dao Shi say 80 years old, just say 1688 again? This is the method of ambush pen Dream of Red Mansions, disrupt the space-time order of the other vice-line, and the main line unchanged. The first few times the total order is not in this column.

Kintao children heard crying busy knees: "I told his wife ten years, this will go out, I see people do not see it!"

The doorman said: "This child kidnapped at one-and-a-half kidnappers will be brought to Hong Kong for sale at the age of twelve or three, and on the same day the lotus we play him every day is extremely familiar, so after seven or eight years, Off the neat, but a long time did not change, so recognized, and his eyebrows in the original rice a little larger rouge.

Named Feng Yuan Yuan, parents are dead, no brothers, guarding some thin births, aged 18 years old, fond of men's style, not good female color.

15-10 = 5-year-old lotus abduction corresponds to Daiyu 5-year-old into the Jia government here corresponds to Kim Jae and Zhang Taoist pro-15-year-old; 5 years +8 years = 13 years old into the palace People ah!); Nalan 1873 corresponding Feng Yuan in 1673.

Lan Lan 23 【Five Elements】 Wood (Shaped sound from the bream, sound. Original meaning: blue grass, Zeeland), blue, vanilla also. "Said the text." Henglan Zhiruo. "Han Simaxiangru Biography." Henglan Zhiruo Baoji if the title of Qing Zhi Fen it? If you have a word orchid, Dream of Red Mansions there Zhi Zhi. Girls Lingling / age official should not write the German word, because the traditional Chinese characters also correspond to the initials of the grass Jia name.

Remember that in the third and fourth months of the old year, he lived here, put on the robes of robes, and put on his boots. The old lady laughed and said, 'It looks good to have a man dressed up.' "Lin Dai Yu said:" What is this? Only in the first year of the previous year took him to pick him up, did not live on the snow on the 2nd, the old lady a new new big red orangutan felt cape placed there, who knows the wrong eye, he draped, large and long, He took a sweat shirt tied down on the waist, and the girls in the backyard children snow goat. This implies that Defei into the palace time 1673.3 (lunar April seventh day). Old lady gorilla cloak, Bao Yu Xiang Yun are wearing, the last to wear Baoyu worn, suggesting what?

Last night, a long dream, I feel like there is observed in the theory of infiltration, such as the attitude of the past you, just use it in the dream here, the combination is not bad. The other dreams should be the same. Reality should be the same. As long as you are such a feature of that attitude, the universe will be able to draw you into your portfolio, only by calling your name and identity, and installing it in another event will be OK and very close The same gear device.

Shi Xiangyun put the four rings down and said: "a person attacked a sister, a mandarin duck sister, a sister Jinping children, a flat-sister .According to the story of the Red Chamber and today's TV novel (also some implicit true Zen) Look, the whole story of Defei is this: first be sold and Jia Jia Ya servant to serve the gem, and then Jin Bao and gem good things were forced out into the palace to do the female history. At the same time to serve the palace Emperor Xiao Zhuang Yuanyang, finally married Emperor Kangxi Ping.

What are some yin and yang, is there still a yin and yang is not! `Yin 'yang' word is only a word, the sun to make it overcast, overcast into yang, not over and over yin Born, yin and yin had yin yang. "" Dream of Red Mansions "The thirty-first back: tear-fan for the daughter of a smile, because the unicorn victorious first double star Why the white first double star? Is that Shi Xiangyun and Jia Baoyu which white seclusion Daoxiangcun? Shi Xiangyun sneered: I heard the fan cover that I made more than man's, pissed and hinted again. "Daiyu gambling dumplings Fan Tao, Diaoci Shi Xiangyun is Lin Daiyu.

The original Lin Daiyu Shi Xiangyun know here, gem again, must say the unicorn's sake. Therefore, the degree of heart under the heart, the recent Geomao get unofficial unofficial history, most gifted women and girls are due to match the small plaything, or a mandarin duck, or Phoenix, or Yuhuan Jinpei, or 鲛 Pa 鸾 sash, all from small things and then life. Now suddenly see the gem also unicorn, they fear this gap, with the history of Xiangyun also made good things to Merry. So come quietly, see the opportunity to observe the meaning of the two. Obviously pointed out in front of Xue Baochai love to observe other people wearing things, here said Lin Daiyu, we can see here Baoyu Daiyu interchangeable identity, in fact, one person.

Shi Xiangyun said in front of some economic words, the middle of the intimate Lin Daiyu's intimate psychological description, followed by Daiyu cried Baoyu advised. Actually can be seen as Shi Xiangyun said that those economic words that Lin Daiyu, Bao Yu denounce Daiyu Jade Baoyu advise. It is only a Dream of Red Mansions book is Xianxiang Lin and Lin Daiyu described as two. The Dream of Red Mansions, on the whole, divides the various character traits and functions of De Fei into many images, just as the 108 martyrs of the Marsh are the same as one person, and this one is the complex. Just like the law of one says that the body is a holistic body complex. And careful analysis, that is, one is divided into many identities, such as there will be a body complex (Xue Baochai), mental complex (Wang Xifeng), spiritual complex (Lin Daiyu). One of the high laws of the law I just can explain the dream I made last night, high writing and access to resources and other resources features.

Po Cai sighed: "My aunt is a charity, of course, in my opinion, he is not anger. Mostly he went to live, or in front of the well-behaved, lost his foot fall." Correspondence Golden hairpin out of the well, whose Whose sentence is a Whisper. He was attacked here to see people, since the words of thought have just said, must be due to Daiyu, so it seems, the future is inevitable, it is terrible. Qingwen laughed: "is not new, is the home of the old." Lin Daiyu heard more and more boring, really careful search for thought, a moment, Fang Dawu came quickly said: "Put down, go strike." Little red Jia Yun mutual Change handkerchief.

Xue Pan: ... Is gem king? His father hit him a meal, a son set to play a few days. That back to him is not good, his uncle hit him twice, after the old lady do not know how to know, that is the big brother of Jane governance, well called to curse meal. Now I pull down more and more! Both pull, I am not afraid, the more into the gem killed, I paid for his life, we clean. "Gem king fill heart Dan. Jia Zhen and Xue Pan. Xue Pan urgent eyes like copper bell general, shouted:" Why bother! Do not call me go, but also good to me. In the future, precious jade live one day, I bear the tongue of one day, it is better to everyone dead and clean. Jia Baoyu 19-year-old monk, Nalan is very young to die.

A courtyard door, I saw the shadow of the crowd under the shadow of the earth, the shades of gray, unknowingly think of the West Chamber in the cloud "can be secluded at the pedestrian point, point of the white clover Ling Ling," two, because of a sigh: Double text, dual text, sincerely life thin men carry .But you are desperate, there are still weak mother, today Lin Daiyu's life thin, However, I am not a beauty, why life is better than double Wenzai! " If indeed, as the reasoning that the father of Fragrant Hill is the holy sigh, then the book by Jin Shengtan Jin Shengtan approved West Chamber, through Jia Baoyu this medium and Daiyu meet. Visible Jin Shengtang and Xiangling Daiyu deep entanglement between.

On the one hand, think, just go, not anti-corridor to see Lin Daiyu Yingpao, it is called: "Snow Goose, quickly lift the curtain, the girl came." No fresh water? " That budgerigar sigh, actually as much as Lin Daiyu Suyu 嗟 phonology, and then read: "Lennon funeral people laughing at this funeral, he was buried at Nong know who? As soon as the spring to do the roots, the two people never know! "Daiyu Zijin listened all laughed. This is just the roots of Zen Buddhism collapsed in the parrot body. Therefore, the parrot said Lin Daiyu Yin buried funeral songs. I borrow this version of the book there is no good life, nor the back of the parrot said the roots of the old dead.

Baoyu deliberately said: "not tasty, do not eat." "A little taste of children did not, you do not believe, taste to know." Jade child really grateful taste. Baoyu laughed: "This is delicious." Jade child heard that the solution was intended, the original geese coax him to eat. Corresponding to the front of the jade said to Lin Daiyu childhood live and play together, what delicious let her sister eat ...

Baoyu heard, I know that through the trial of the trial of the emperor came. That Fu test was originally Jia Zheng's disciple, over the years have been proud of Jia Jia Jia, Jia Zheng also see the truth, it is different from other disciples, where he often sent people to move around. Fu test ☞ master Jin Sheng Tan it? Fu said the two mother-in-law said gem: water-cooled chicken like, he told others `raining, fast rain to stop. 'You're ridiculous and ridiculous? Often no one is crying and laughing when he is in front of him. When he sees a swallow, he speaks with a swallow. When he sees the fish in the river, he talks to the fish and sees the moon and the stars. It is not a long sigh, just a cuckoo哝. And even a little rigidity, even those who suffer the hair girl. To cherish things, even a thread are good, worse off, even if the value of thousands of things no matter. "Two people said that while walking out of the garden, bid farewell to the people back, under the words of Jia Baoyu pan-universal philosophy here Pan-meditation method: no dedication.

Warbler said: "Sixteen years old." Bao Yu said: "What is your surname?" Orion said: "surnamed Huang." Baoyu laughed: "The name is wrong, and it turned out to be a Orioles children. "Orioles laughed:" My name was originally two words, known as the Orioles. The girl was too dumbfounded, called single Ying children. Gold, really Jin Sheng Tan daughter? 16 years old, 1676, I borrow The writing is 15 years old.

A few times ago Daiyu jade pendant cut. I thought, only to re-lay their own, Baoyu will bring. Orioles here to Baoyu children fall, in fact, that is, instead of describing the Orioles identity Lin Daiyu.

Xiao Zhuang Wen Empress (1613 - 1688), Bo Erji Jite, the name cloth Mu Bu Tai (also known as Ben Bu Tai, meaning "heaven noble"), Mongolia Horqin Department (now Tongliao) Belle Bo Erzgeb cloth and the second daughter, niece Xiaodi Wen Queen, Min Hui Christine and Princess of the sister.

Story of the story of Hong Lou Meng main time node is: Lin Dai Yu Jiaxian to Empress Dowager Empress Dowager died. That is, Lin Daiyu entered Jia government in 1665 ~ Xiao Zhuang died around 1688. If the book is full of view, it is the birth of Baoyu in 1655 ~ a year or two after Xiaozhuang's death in 1690. This is also in line with Nalan retreat writing time. In 1685, a blogster Tumult said that Narendra retired in 1688.

Wang Xifeng and sneered: "confused the oil Mongolia heart, rotten tongue, do not die under the good things, do not be the mother of the spring dream! Ming child wrapped in the buckle day still there. Now cut the girl's money, it Complained we do not want to think is slaves, but also with two or three girls! "Jia Qiang listened, do not feel panicked, quickly gamble. And then, "Now, the balsamier in my heart is blindfolded! I bought him one hundred and twelve silver, and when I said to bilge, I did not think of it. Said, it really would Quela put, a meal to the cage removed. Another version is confused with oil. There should be Lin Daiyu parrot birds + (so and so) oil was heart ☞ Jia Qiang (Baoyu) Mongolia heart.

"Bell" and "board" penalty. Palace ladies are strictly controlled. In addition to completing various forms of hard labor, they often read books such as "Girls' Training" and "Filial Piety in the Filial Piety" to distort their minds under the guidance of their female internal officials. Palace slightly female offenders will be sentenced to "pier lock" "bell" and "board." "Rangling" is the punishment Palace every night since the Qing Dynasty to the door of fine, Yuet Wah door, and then return to Qianqinggonggong. Therefore, Li Kui read only women's training and other books, indicating the state of Li Kui court. There is a system in the palace, when the ladies and girls are in their four or five years, they are older, and when they reach the age of seventeen or eighteen, they have to go away and go out to get married. This is the grace left by our ancestors.

"Because we are not allowed to scold, we can only use it to cheer up. The violent chestnuts on our head are often constant. After the first fight, it has become a rule. But too much. "This is to say that Lin Daiyu is the first monk's source? Nalan guards why the lame priest it?

Hongwu, Wang Zhen residing in Wuxi Huishan listening Song Um, poetry monk sex handmade bamboo tea stove and painted landscape banners, and the first sing for the poem, and who are a whirlwind. Bachelor Li Dongyang titled "bamboo furnace new Wing." After this figure was removed, after the influx of capital. Twenty-three years of Kangxi (1684) autumn, Gu Ren people in Wuxi to listen Song pine old tea furnace for a long time damaged, and then made a new style of imitation, placed in their home "Jieshuanshan." Is the winter, Gu Zheng Guan to the capital, see Nalan Rongruo if this volume, then to tell the truth, if the content of generous love. A few times ago there are spring gem quiz to take some change to buy bamboo stove, and this tea stove is a monk of the sea to do. Behind the gem dreams down Jiangxun Xuan said: Who read the margin of Jinyu, I only read the stone before the League, that is still wood as Tong word. Sea of ​​Sea + Tong word + bamboo stove poem Yong = Begonia poetry club. Therefore, Lin Daiyu degrees if deep like ... ... and this tea bamboo stove and Nalan so big, there must be a story. Xiaoxiang Museum bamboo forest, Jiabao Yu baking tea, he is a poet, to understand Buddhism, the name of the character, the Mongolian Dalai Lama is the meaning of the sea, all this combination is not all the key connotations bamboo stove!

One of the two major religious leaders in the Buddhist Buddhism Gelug Sect (Yellow Religion) in parallel with the Panchen Lama. The full name is "Dalai Lama." Dalai Lama is the meaning of Mongolian "sea", Lama is the meaning of Tibetan "celebrity". Shunzhi ten years (1653), the Qing Dynasty ancestral Zufu official Dalai Lama Vasco measures as "the Dalai Lama", recognize the Dalai Lama's political and religious status in Tibet.

Huishan Temple bamboo stoves, Department of Hongwu twenty-eight Huishan Abbot Puzhen (character of the sea) Huzhou bamboo workers prepared, compact structure, shaped like a celestial heaven and earth pot. The sea with pine branches boiled Shu Quan tea, entertain literati, and sometimes pass the story. Bamboo stove and "bamboo stove figure chant" spread to Qianlong, nearly 400 years. In the spring of 1392, Wang Kui, who had to treat eye diseases, was living in a quiet Huishan Temple and listening to Song Um. Just came a day, a bamboo craftsmen in Huzhou, learned that the Sea Master and Bachelor like to drink tea together, the water will come from nearby Huishan famous springs, they proposed to make a bamboo stove for the monastery. Wang Kui and the Zen Master of the Sea inspired by the ancient style, designed a bottom round top bamboo stove, external woven bamboo, coated with solid fine mud inside, hearth to grille separation. After the craftsmanship of bamboo craftsmen, a delicate bamboo stove was born.

In fact, the convenience of the great grace, especially to lower encyclical Zhu Pepper room expensive Qi, in addition to the palace on the 26th of grace, where there is a heavy Yu Habitat House, you can station in the customs office, you may wish to invite the national court The first, Shu can make a little flesh and blood, heavenly desires. This purpose for a moment, who do not enthusiastically wear! Nowadays, the father of Zhou Gui-ren has already started his work at home.

Lee Kau said: "Since then I scheduled for the first two days of each month on the 26th of this year to open a society, the problem must be limited according to my rhyme. During this time you are happy, you just choose another day to make up, even if the open every day of the month I just do not care, but it will come to me only on the first two days and the sixteenth day. "

Can visit relatives on the 6th on the 2nd, on the 16th on the 2nd will come Li Jue, it has been very obvious that the hint. No wonder it is called exploration spring, turned out to be by visiting relatives.

One of them

Immortal yesterday drop all doors, planted a pot of Lantian jade.

Frost E is the preferred cold, non-Guan Qiannv also from the soul.

Qiuyin held out Qiuyin, rain stains to add shelter marks.

But do not like to be a poet tired, how lonely degree dizziness.


蘅 Zhizhi-level turnuo 薜 door, but also should be appropriate corner of the basin.

It is hard to find a couple because of joy and joy.

Candle drops dry wind tears, crystal curtain every other month in the mark.

Fantail love to Chang'e v., Helpless Gallery night faint.

Cold love Nalan Poetry:

Non-addiction love light look like, cool place preferred.

Do not have root buds, not the rich flowers on earth.

Xie Niang who do not pity, floating Parkside.

Cold Moon sorrowful, thousands of miles west wind Han Hai sand.

In October 17th of Kangxi's reign, Rongruo Hu set out on the North Patrol and saw snow drifts outside. The real beauty is not forced to survive, it only in the inner flash of light touch, to complete an in-depth encounter. The company is located in:

People on the bamboo bridge, Feng sister busy up with Jia mother, mouth said: "Our ancestors just take the stride, irrelevant, this bamboo bridge rules are creak." There are two or three girl fan Stove brewed tea, this side of several other girls also scoop boil it. Here cursory bamboo stove.

Xiangyun read:

Hibiscus shadow break Lan paddle, Ling Xiang Xiang deep bamboo bridge.

Jia mother listened, but also looked up the plaque, because back to Xue aunt said: "I first hours, there is such a pavilion at home, what is called 'pillow Xia Ge.' Pillow also has a southern genius and Nalan similar story.

Daiyu put down the fishing rod, walked to the room, picked up the black silver plum blossom pot, picked a small Begonia frozen stone banana leaf cup. Maaya see, I know he wants to drink, busy up to pour. ... ... Baoyu busy: "There is shochu." So that the fawns of that Acacia flowers hot pot. Begonia banana leaves, Acacia flowers.

Daiyu do not speak, add a "Xiao" word. Baoyu also picked up the pen, but also redundant on a "Jiang" word. (Borrowed book is the word Yi) ... ... Said, I saw the history of Xiangyun on a "Xiang" character ... ... there is the water Pavilion called 'pillow Xia Ge', is it not yours. Although now gone, in the end you are the old master. "Lin Daiyu Shi Xiangyun together is" Xiaoxiang. "Throughout. Pillow old friends that is implied.

Baoyu laughed: "Today with Chebi reward Gui, can not have no poetry. I have Yin into, who dare to make it?" Capture Obo worship, discount Wu Sangui?

It turned out to be a 17-year-old pole to a girl, combing glistening head, wearing a red jacket children, white aria skirt ____ "Just here, maidservants replied, (Fire), irrelevant, has been rescued. "Implied in 1677, why wear red and white it?

Bottom line Salary: Idioms Story Hou Jing North Brigade rebel imperial court was defeated, went to the Southern Liang Dynasty Emperor Xiao Yan there for help, Xiao Yan sent troops to him, he failed to attack the Eastern Wei Dynasty. The Eastern Wei Dynasty gave Xiao Yan wrote "for the adjudgement of Liang Jingwei Hou Jing", advised Xiao Yan Hou Jing such people can only "draw a stopwatch, cut the grass roots." Xiao Yan do not listen, Hou Jing later betrayed the beam towards. "Drawn only boiling, cutting grass in addition to root." The ancients also said: "Therefore, to stop the boiling soup, boiling is more than that, honestly, then go on fire." In the "thirty-six meter" ranked nineteenth meter. If Nalan is the case, and the last door that village paste it very consistent story. Here snowy, corresponding to Xue Pan's trick. Why red and white? Does it correspond to red and white matter? Daiyu died, Xue Bao Chai married?

Grandmother Liu said: "This master has no son, only one lady, named Ming Yu (borrowed the book is Ruoyu.) Miss knowledgeable literacy, ladies love like treasures Unfortunately, this Miss Ming was 17 years old, a Died of disease. "17-year-old corresponding to the German birth of 1778 birth Yongzheng. Pre-rain tea more than the pre-Mingcha more known as "Ming", "Fang Ming", "Jia Ming" and other names, because Guyu season than the Qingming Festival is more warm and humid conducive to the formation of caffeine. Please follow this: the reason why tea and coffee, cocoa together to become the world's three popular drinks, that is, they all contain caffeine.

Baoyu Xi's laughed: "He can change people, naturally a little angry." Mingyan clap his hand: "What girl there, was actually a blushing plague god." Plague called the Five Plaguebringer, is The gods of the plague in the ancient Chinese folklore were respectively spring zhang zhang yuanbo, summer blast zheng yuan, autumn blast zhao gong ming, winter blast zhong shi gui, overseeing the history of the pestilence, which is the legendary evil god spreading the plague. It is also a metaphor for evil men or evil men who have done so much evil.

Grandmother laughed and said: "I see you all eat these people just finished, and you are not hungry, blame the wind blowing down." Duck asked: "There are a lot of leftovers today, All that go? Pick two bowls to the house of two grandma sent to the flat. "Fung elder sister said:" He had a meal, and did not give him. "Yuanyang said:" He did not eat, feed your cat. "Harem woman diet, corresponding to the article seen in front.

Hanging on the west wall is a large meter Xiangyang << Amidography >>, hung around a pair of couplets, but Yan Lu Gong ink, the word cloud: hazy bay, Quanshi wild career. Set a big trip on the case. On the left side of the purple sandal placed on a large Kiln tape, disk filled with dozens of delicate yellow Delicate hand. On the right side of the paint rack hanging a white jade than the head, hanging next to a hammer.

Xiang Yun's "long unitary" is the two red spots on the "double suspension of the sun and the moon heaven and earth," "idle flowers to listen to silent" "unitary four" is a red dot on each side, while the four red dots on the " Apricot lean cloud planted ", make up a total of nine red spots, is" nine cherries. " Liu has been wondering who is Liu, see Liu said the strange wine, and said Daiyu Liu grandmother was only a cow. Chaoyang Zhuang Empress was found in 1613 is a cow, while 1617 Liu Ruge is a horse. Then Liu grandmother is Xiao Zhuang empress dowager.

Mandarin duck laughed: "The left four four 'is an individual." Liu grandmother listened, thought for a long time, said: "It is a banker strike." The crowd laughed. Jia mother laughed: "That's good, is to say." Yuanyang said: "The middle of the" 34 "green with red." Liu grandmother said: "The fire burned the caterpillar." Garlic. "Everyone laughed again. Mandarin duck laughed: "make up is a flower." Liu grandmother compared with both hands and said: "The flowers fell off a big pumpkin." At present, Liu grandmother heard such music, and have a wine, more hi Dancing dance together. Baoyu came to Daiyu because of the next laugh: "You look at the way Liu grandmother." Daiyu laughed: "The day a holy music, the rate of dance of the beasts, now only a cow." Sisters are laughing.

Daiyu due to ask: "This is the old year's rain?" Miao Yu sneered: "This is five years ago I lived in Xuanzhu Pison Hong Temple, received the snow on the plum, a total of got that ghost blue flower urn An urn, could not bear to eat, buried in the ground, opened this summer, I only eaten once, this is the second time, how can you not come out? The next year's rain that has such frivolous, how to eat. Jia mother then asked what water again. Miaoyu smile back "is the rain of old age. Jia mother will eat half of the light, then smiled and handed her grandmother Liu, Miaoyu to Grandmother Grandma Liu Mu eat the old year rain tea.

"Jing Chai Ji" play forty-eight, narrative Wang Shipeng, Qian Yulian's story, rich in content, but the structure and description of poor. Qian Yulian refused to marry Sun Juquan wealthy, would rather marry to "Jing Chai" for the recruitment of Wenzhou poor scholar Wang Shipeng. Later, Wang Shuppe in the champion, due to refuse Wanlian prime minister forcing, was sent to a deserted place. Sun Ru right secretly changed Wang Shipeng's family book as "off the book", to deceive Yulian fools; Qian Yulian's stepmother also forced her to remarry, Yulian not from, cast himself into a river, lucky encounter. After all sorts of twists and turns, Wang, money finally reunited.

Only to the thirteen years of Kangxi, Kangxi knot because his wife was born in the second prickly heat, died of dystocia, and Kangxi sixteen years, Niuluolu was Queen. Want to come these three years, it should be she is in charge of the harem. So although the difference is not significant, but want to come to her power in the harem is not small. Wang Xifeng birthday: the exhibition has been on the first day of September, the garden people inquire about U T done very lively, not only play, even playing one hundred play and men and women to say the book first, all RBI fun. Li 纨 again to the sisters: "Today is decent business day, do not forget the first two days of September should be a Queen's birthday Kangxi, his three young Queen of the third corresponding to 53. Wang Xifeng should be One of the more talented people of Kangxi's empire is a man of great character.The writer of the Dream of Red Mansions uses the appearances of people in real life, and the content-based underlying sentence is a collective complex of twelve hairpin individuals The description of the language of life, the intrinsic abstract concept is included: to investigate the reasons for the phenomenon, the life prototype to apply the situation of Germany Fei.

Ping children laughed: "You only say with the old lady, that has been given to Ehime, Master is not good enough.

Hilary smiled and said: "They are not willing to both, and I said to the old lady, called the old lady said that you have allowed the gem, the master will die."

Madam Xing due to ask the parents of Feng Yang children, Feng sister because back said: "His father's name is Kim Choi, the couple are in Nanjing to see the house, never on the Beijing .His brother Jin Wenxiang, now the old lady over there comprador His sister-in-law is also the head of the old woman's pulpize.

The mandarin duck also surnamed gold, mandarin duck This matter may be related to Qin Keqing things, a little people think Jah He is Jia Zheng's borrowing status: her father owed Jia Jia 52,000 grandson not out, put her married Home, in fact, take her debt. Shortly after her marriage (one year later), she was abused and killed by Sun Shaozu (one carrying Huang Liang), indicating that the Rongguo government has begun to gradually decline. (Spring is "Jia"). Popular Spring origin is still controversial, the common version of the original: "The second lady is forgiveness of my father's concubine, named Yingchun," there is a version of Jia's ex-wife was out, Jia Zheng's wife out, Jia Zhenguo adopted women and so on. The red academia is generally considered to be Cao Xueqin many amendments caused by improper editing errors.

Jin Shengtan wrote in the fifth review: "The Book of Daxiong reads the poem from Vanuatu, and the sentence of incense wilt can be entered into the poetic material. Reading the book with the sage in the language of" Beixi Xiang "means The ensemble of autumn is very important, and the virtues and the unscrupulousness of his wife have both different meanings, yet as the book of nam-nam, one can take care of those who read it. "145 He realized that since readers Their status, education level, occupation, etc. Reading the same book leads to different conclusions and gives rise to different views.

"The past, Alhambra has flowing mountains of the song, the sub-period of both dead and eventually no bounce .After the people described their tragedy, what is not sigh Miri? Since the cloud I alone can not at the same time, set complex Encounter, when you can know. Alas, what makes it easy? ... This test kelvin month's purpose, Yun Seoul bead heart, Chin Seoul Chan flower tongue for Mr. Naimi solution "Water Margin", but also any place See its scent, you know Yaqu almost? "

The statue of Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha is honored in the Main Hall. Nobita is the German name for Buddha. The great, is the meaning of all inclusive; male, is the meaning of the photophobia demons. Because Sakyamuni Buddha with full circle wisdom, can Xiongzhen thousands of world, so Buddha disciples respect him as Nobita. Po's treasure, refers to the Buddhist monk Sambo. Kim Sung-sang said Oshima refers to Shakyamuni? Gold grant said: "Suddenly wrote out a dream, wonderful magical pen. Here is a large outline outline Department, Chao cover for a large outline of the outline of the collar people, but for the first one is a dream, we can see that one hundred and eighty , Seventy volumes of books, no real thing. "In the back of the general comment he stressed:" a book of one hundred and eighteen, sensual, but for the head is Chao Gai first to do the next dream. Do Vladimir's deeds of this hundred and eighty-eight people in this book not cry and laugh, praise and scold, let and take, and defeat and bow and dishonor, Said that is a dream, then know nothing but a dream also. Earth dream country, ancient and modern dreams, honor dreams, living beings soul, Qi just a book of one hundred and eight only, Sense of consciousness, since the Xiong Xun heard nothing. True banana fake deer, has become a lawsuit, long night long, Hu Sheng! "The above discussion of the" batch of West Wing "Gold and this is the same strain, exactly the same.

Occasionally heard an old man preached to the young: Zen ~ spiritual body cosmic society to balance ... ... sitting meditation forget forget everything ... young people asked how to do? The old man's answer is to meditate ... then I really wonder what animated cartoon channel say these ah! And my afternoon check the main hall, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism content of the same ah! Going out to see is not a cartoon, just took two photos, he suddenly gone, is a television preview, and then it is animated, too weird. People idle sweet-scented osmanthus Falls, night static Spring Hill empty. Moonrise scared birds, when Ming Chun stream. ("Bird's Nest") Everything is silent, illusory, purposeless, unconscious, devoid of sadness, but dead immortal, eternal, but also like Hu Yinglin "Poetry 薮And Yao Zhouxing "Tang Poetry Express" commented: people "read the world two forgotten, Wan Nai are all silent, not the sound law, there is this wonderful interpretation." It just saw just after 17 o'clock and was very consistent with what was said on television.

Jiamu also laughed: "However, I remember what I was carrying my back, mention these things, I can not help angry! I entered the door as a grandson daughter-in-law, and now I have a grandson daughter, Even head and tail fifty-four years, with great surprise many strange things, but also after some, never passed these things.Also left me here! "There are 54 corresponding Kangxi birthday.

Dai Yu said: "What is difficult, it is worth to learn! But it is the beginning of the transfer, of which the rotation is the pair of pairs, flat on the flat, virtual real, real virtual, if the fruit has a strange sentence, Plain and false both make it. "Kim Sung-sang criticism of the Tang Dynasty poetic response to Daiyu said, other conception, not necessarily on the rhyme also corresponds. Xiang Ling laughed: "I only love Lu Fang Weng's poetry` heavy curtain is not a long time to curry aroma, ancient ink micro-concave poly ink more ', that's really interesting! "Dai Yu said:" You can not learn such a poem. I do not know poetry, so I met this shallow love, into the pattern, and then learn not to listen to me, if you really want to learn, I have here His five-word law read one hundred, carefully try to figure out thoroughly, and then read one or two hundred Lao Du's seven-character law, then Li Qinglian read seven hundred quatrains one or two hundred. Individual made the foundation, and then Tao Yuanming, should, Liu, Xie, Nguyen, Geng, Bao et al's look.

Shi Naian, late Ming and early Ming novelist, birth and death unknown (one said 1296 ~ 1371, Yan end, the word Ann, number Ninh), place of origin: Xinghua Baiguchang people (this is Jiangsu). His ancestral home Hailing County, Taizhou, Suzhou Xun door Shi Lane home, then moved to Xinghua County Baijuchang (now Dafeng City, Jiangsu Province, Baiju town). He wrote a long classical novel "Water Margin" according to the popular story of Songjiang uprising. Dream of Red Mansions is the first sentence at the beginning of the subsidence southeast, there is a ... ... Chen Shih Hsien also lived in Suzhou Hsimen door, no wonder the first two days of this Hsimen door hijab impressive! Originally waiting for me here!

Jin Shengtan: I still remember eleven years old after reading "Water Margin", there is a book in the book all the peep potential. Why do I have to see a book, knowing that, then there are ears. However, I think now, it is not fallacious. The world's articles, there is no "Water Margin" right; the world's gentleman of the earth, there is no Mr. Shi Naian Right. Cheng Chengcheng Cheng Cheng lattice objects, send the emperor's article, not a generation of relics of forest? But can read "Water Margin", but more than enough for others.

Zhuangzi's interpretation of Tao inherited the doctrine of Lao Tzu, which contains "Taoism and Nature." He clearly expounded the essential role of Tao: "Tao" is "with love and confidence", but "invisible and invisible, can not be imparted, can not be granted, but can not be seen." "Tao" is the noumenon of the universe and produces all things Roots, the Tao is overtime, the absolute space, "born innately long, longer than the ancient but not the old", the road is particularly large, it is omnipresent, omnipotent, can dominate everything. He believes that Taoism is material in nature and "gas" in a cloudy state, and this "Qi" has no fixed form called "nothingness." This materialistic way is the root cause of the world. Zhuang Zhou's Tao actually refers to the spirit of the universe beyond the subjective consciousness, which is not dominated by any force. And Xiangyun said the same.

Jin Shengtan is the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, died in 1661, that is, Shunzhi eighteen years; Cao Xueqin was born in 1724. Jin Sheng Tan alive, Cao Xueqin not yet born, of course, no choice Jinxue Cao Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions" friends. To see the dilapidated family post said that private thought: A Dream of Red Mansions West Chamber and Jin Ping Mei higher than the two places: is a dream of Red Mansions has a Grand View Garden, there is a big illusion. Real high only. If Jin Sheng Tan did not die in 1661, or Jin Shengtang is Zhen Shi Yin, Defei father, the Dream of Red Mansions is the watershed that found this realm, that is, Dream of Red Mans. And Kim Sung-sang 33 quick is the origin and unknown, in a chaotic state, and the events of 1644 and beyond, so that they found the password, so the book said.

There are many allusions to the Chinese idioms in Guanzhang such as "Dream of Chuangshen", "Nanke a Dream", "A Pillow"; Li Bai's Dream Flower; Cao Cao's Dream to Kill others; and so on. This is a very noteworthy phenomenon, which I think it has a greater relationship with the ancient Chinese people's life feelings. Bai Juyi had a "doubtful dream" such a poem: Deer suspected Zheng phase is difficult to distinguish, butterflies Chuangsheng 讵 know? If today is not a dream, how long can be longer than the dream? The above problem has long been described, but it seems that the Dream of Red Mansions is a combination of the six gifted Scholars awarded by Jin Shengtan. That is, there are 108 Outlaws of the Marsh, the Romance of the West Chamber with Lovers, the Book of Life, the Poetry of Li Sao and Zhuang Zi , Medicine, costumes, etc., it appears that the author Nalan must be the son-in-law and disciples.

Dream of Red Mansions by pushing the back of the diagram 谶 language form of writing, if pushed back is Nalan Zen, more ten years of hard work unusual book reasonable. Chuang Tzu is the refinement of the moral class with a literary extension, then the A Dream of Red Mansions is to push back the thinning of the literature expanded. New Zen wave awareness of four new terms can be a good solution to the mystery of the above problems, no wonder the old fans of the Red Mansion have Xiaoxiang, elk it? The original banana leaf deer deer lost ah! Will the four kings is a wave of awareness of sexual material granularity awareness of granular material? The pan-easy love intelligence is also the four kings. One law is the body, heart, spirit (complex), high self.

Cao Zhan, Cao Meng Nguyen, Cao Xueqin, Cao Qinxi, Cao Qinpu, circa 17 May 1715 (Kangxi fifty-four April 26) - about February 12, 1763 (Qianlong Renwu New Year's Eve) Mourn Hong Xuan. Kangxi 1654.5.4 was born, Cao Xueqin Kangxi was born in 54 years, or the critical time of the Dream of Red Mansions Mount Festival 4.26 days. Death 1763- Nalan 1655 = 108 Water Margin hero.

Around August 25, Grandma Liu was seventy-five years old and went to Grand View Garden. Miaoyu formally appeared. Daiyu Baochai reconciled. On the second day of September, Fengjie's birthday (the same birthday of Jintao children's day) was held by Baoyu Golden Pagoda. It seems that Wang Xifeng or Defei clues, but the extreme personality lending others.

Hsieh Hsien-hsien, the queen of the filial piety, is a Yuanpai of Emperor Kangxi and Kangxi was married to Kangxi on the eighth of September of the fourth year of this year. It collapsed in the thirteenth of May of the next year of Kangxi (June 6, 1674). Herxheri was only 11 years old when she married Kangxi, and she spent 10 years with Kangxi. On April 26, Dai Yu funeral flowers, Feng Ziyin banquet met Jiang Yuyi; early May a Taoist pro-pro, May three Xuepan seventeenth birthday, Ji mother cursed Po Dai is the enemy. It appears that the sacrifice of Lin Daiyu funeral is Hercules Queen, she had just entered the palace season, the day the solar calendar should correspond to Hercegne's death of 6.6 days.

Yesterday, think Lin Daiyu Xue Bao Chai verdict: jade belt hanging in the snow, buried in the snow. Think of Lin Daiyu said she was painting the painting pet (class West Chamber), and his verdict read as hanging (pass Gua) Lin Daiyu a meaning. Xue Baochai reading in turn is to sell Li Xue (Pan) dismantling gold (Jin Shengtang? Gold Orioles Golden Duck?) That is, Emperor Kangxi split them a pair of mandarin ducks. Yesterday, like Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai did not figure out. I just got it when I wrote it! Awake ah!

Lu Xue Ting said the snow, corresponding to Minnaran character in October 1678 out of the poem Yong Yong. This poem is to tell some of Naren's morality of the actual language, is the author accompanied by Emperor Kangxi made outside the patrol. Zhang Cao "Nalan word note" will be tied to this article in the Qing Emperor Kangxi seventeen years (1678) October, Liu Dehong "Nalan Xingde" 觇 shuttle dragon "new solution" is thought to be made in the Qing Emperor Kangxi twenty-one years 1682 years. The reason why it is cute is due to the noble character, because it is not those who fight Yan Yan Peony, peony a kind of "rich flower." The second sentence before the film is that it spent wandering across the world, few people pity, great knowledge of hard to find the sense of loneliness.

Xue Pan word dragon, the ancients name and the word has the same meaning, so Poon pan sound, the meaning of the dragon entrenched, Cao Xueqin to write the real story of the real story of the false dreams. Therefore, Pan Pan Pan called Long meaning, meaning people in the Phoenix, rich people are fake, that fan sound is the worm is the true meaning of Pan Pan. So Xue Pan pan just to cover the truth of Xue fan.

One night in the poem, the northerly wind tight, deliberately Rong sub-grass, Ao worry Kun shaft trap, plus flutter read the emperor, spreading salt is the old rumor, forest ax or smell Qiao. Rui release nine refocus. Lonely Terrace Terrace. Or wet duck with. Jade when curdled. This is consistent with Nalan's situation.

Push the back map predicted that all of China's history come true, this article is very interesting, front and Nalan Dream House push the back of the map, followed by some of its content supernatural language, especially in front of and I think exactly the same thing. A lot of things inside and Dream of Red Mansions and their events, such as the pear tree flutter Tangyin painting.

Jia mother laughed: "This is the first field in October snow, the days after snow it, then no later than costly." And 1678 .10 .31 Yongzheng was born, 1678. October Nalan out of correspondence.

Xiangyun laughed: "I compiled a << point Jiangshuang >>, it is vulgar things, you guess." Gully separation, red dust game, really fun? Everyone puzzled, thought for a long time, but also guess the monk, but also guess the priest, but also guess is the puppet .Baoyu smiled for a long time, said: "No, I guess, must play monkey child. "Xiangyun Road:" That a playing monkey is not chopped tail to go? "This is not the King Sheng Tan said it? Jin Sheng Tan 1608 is a monkey's.

Daiyu also has one, read the thought is: 駬 駬 He Lao tie purple rope? Chi City by cutting potential 狰 逐. The owner instructed the wind and thunder move, Ao Sanshan independent name. The answer is obvious that Kangxi, Kangxi is a horse. This means that although there were no apparent orders and restraints on Kangxi, the master's invisible instructions had already set off the eight-year victory over the eight-year war against wind and lightning and fame and fortune earned by Wu Sangui. The fame and fortune were already attached to Kangxi, Blue or Dai Yu De Fei. This and my previous thought is Nalan Chi captured Oboi and so on. Ao-betrayal, Wu Sangui three independent king, are so taken.

Push the back map is Li Chun Feng Yuan Tiangang made, simple Fenghuang Feng Feng Ying, Tianzong days of the four positive Wang Yongzheng. This may also be some contact. Because there is not much evidence of the existence of the Qing dynasty before the back of the map, it is mainly the version of Jin Shengtang it.

"Wave said the Red Mansions" Featured: Qin school, on the piano (c), this solution Lu Sunting accuracy of the answer is high. Xue Bao Chai should be a treasure fan. Because in front of Jia 琏 buy old fans, there are Xiaoxiang bamboo elk, a lot of information. Suddenly thought of in the process of writing these fans are meditation out, as the meditation Kangxi action mean.

First, Xue Baochai seven riddles:

Lou Tan Juan Zi layer, Qiangxian piling up?

Although it is a half-day storm, why have heard of the bell?

Second, Jia Baoyu's seven abyss enigmatic poems:

There are two worlds in heaven, Langya Festival too much precaution.

鸾 tone Crane letters to be seen on the air, so sigh boast answer to God.

According to this hint, Jia Bao-yu said the answer should be related to human life and death. Langya Festival too (pen) Beware of, in fact, what to write with a pen, heard the death of the sad sound, and only careful thinking, while sigh to answer God. Related to Herzliu's death and the death of the three queens, it is a bit like the prophecy of the king of Malaysia. Ao back (monument) Sanshan independent name, the meaning behind the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism should be more relevant. So Ao back said the three mountains, but they are three independent Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism originator. Iron Cave meet Dongting East, the waist Cibei Cang fine dragon. Iron flute is that Yang Weizhen it?

Jia Baoyu: I am a comparison with you, and I am like an old poplar aged for decades in the grave circle, and you are like the Begonia that I opened in autumn, even the medicine I can not resist. How can you afford it? "Moslem and other laughed and said:" wild poplar not only poplar? Is there no cypress? "Baoyu laughed:" pine is not better than. Even Confucius said: 'After the cold and then withered pine and cypress withered. 'I know these two things elegant, not afraid of shame to get him mixed than it. "Cheng B Ben actually changed to this: I and you like the autumn Yun into my open Begonia like; I can not afford the medicine, where you can stand? Ching Chung, A Dream of Red Mansions deliberately many, here the gem Metaphor for the cypress. Corresponds to the Christmas Christmas tree and elk.

Musk month really took a gold-plated double-clasped Venus glass flat box, handed and gem. Gem jade carousel fan, which has a Western yellow enamel naked woman, ribs and meat wings, which filled with real Wang Chaoyang smoke. "

I was eight years old, with my father to the west coast of the sea to buy foreign goods, who knows there is a real country of the girls, only 15 years old, that face and beauty painted on the West, also dressed in yellow hair, Named to hang together, with headbands are coral, cat eyes, emerald these precious stones, wearing a gold woven chain armor coat jacket with a knife, but also inlaid with gold, it is actually painted No good looking child. Some people say that he passes through Chinese poetry books and speaks the Five Classics and can write poems.

The first poem << Chant <Taichi Figure >>> Limited to the first rhyme, five-rhythm, should be a first rhyme exhausted. Yuan Tiangang meta-meaning. Next to a pair of couplets, wrote: Sun Chengfu already after the child, so far read Lai-ning Rong-ning. All are royal pen.

Ying Luo: Formerly a decoration of the ancient Indian Buddha neck, made by the world Zhong Bao, meaning "immeasurable light." According to "Buddhism Praise" volume contained a, Sakyamuni as the prince, it is "Luo Luo solemn body." In addition, Ying Luo also jade meaning.

One color is all through the red sandalwood sculpture, embroidered with embroidered flowers and red flowers embroidered Yingzhao Luo Ying. The original embroidery this Ying Luo is also a girl, named Hui Hui Niang. Because he is also a house of books, he originally excelled in painting and calligraphy, but occasionally embroidered one or two pieces of thread for play, not a sale of goods. All the flowers embroidered on the screen imitate the flowers of the branches of the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties. Therefore, the format color is all from Ya. The old sentence, or poetry with different, all with black plush embroidered grass, and writing hook kicking, turning point, severity, and even the same are no different than the pen, nor is it hateful than the city embroidered handwriting board. He does not rely on this technique to gain profits, so although the world knows very little, very few, worldly rich home, there is no such thing many, now known as "Hui embroidery." There actually secular shoot-off who, recently imitation stitch, fool profit. Partial Huihui natal death, 18-year-old will die, and now actually can not get one again. All houses, one or two, are all preserved. There are those who have done great work, such as Han Hui Wen Mo, who, because they deeply appreciate the goodness of "Hui Embroidery," say that this "embroidery" The "embroidered" word will be hidden, for a "pattern" word, so now known as "Hui pattern." If there is a true "Hui Wen" thing, the price is unlimited. Jia Rong, only two or three, the last two will have been on the project, now only the next Ying Luo, a total of 16 fans, Jia mother love such as treasures, do not enter in the colored furnishings, only Stay on my own side, happy to enjoy the wine tour. - This section of the full deletion of this section. Could it be Bao Luo Bao Pu answer? And the Sanskrit again. This should be corresponding to Li 纨 embroidered, because there Li Wen Lee Ki words.

Jia mother heard that, nodded: "This is nothing more than just the mandarin duck's mother is also dead, I think his mother and son are in the south, I did not call his family to go and keep filial piety, and now call him a two Companion to go. "Hit a mandarin duck with the same background, the mandarin duck surnamed gold, hit people should be that. Jia mother: Moreover, both say the world scholarly lady we all know that reading, and even the lady knows the book knowledge, is to tell the old family, naturally we have a lot of people, the maid maidservants voluntarily miss a lot of people, How these books, where there is such a thing, only the lady and followed by a maid? You think about white, what are those who control, but the preface does not answer the post? "Just as Cui, Zhang's love seed germination On the occasion, suddenly, occurred in the town of River Bridge will be the military parachute around the Cape rescue incident, Yingying in order to protect the lives of the whole family, the first plan to commit suicide, and then come up with a "marriage." Sun Zhaohu Sun Jiahu words and the West Chamber Mrs. Choi's remark is exactly the same, what is the relationship between the West Chamber, Kim Sang Tan, Jia Mu, and Zhang Tao Shi?

Mrs. Cui Yingying, Zhang's engagement, still want to abide in the heart, but because Zheng Heng will not come to claim his wife's heart disease, so can not help but worry about it, it is necessary to make fake drama really, in the future if Ying, Zhang has What matter, she is also good in front of Zheng Heng shirk clean. The consequences of leaving Zhang in his hospital, as a person who can not know Cui? At this time, she even the feudal ethics also ignored, and decided to leave Zhang living in the West Wing, Cui is not it cute? Is it still "feudal defender"? Read this article, so to say whether the original Nalan and De Fei and Kangxi, is the story of the West Wing Kee Is this story of The West Wing story is the story of Nalan's prophet? Daiyu Baoyu wedding maneuver thousands of miles , Throughout the book, the whole story of a tragedy plot with a lover's final marriage, is this the reality that Jin Sheng-sang does not think it is possible to achieve this beautiful wish? Or Nalan Xingde meditation out of the Empress Dowager Empress Dowager said so the same discourse ... ... himself personally ruined his mother and maid maid of the combination of doors, no wonder the home of Yuanyang Yuanyang said.

It is also Baoyu Jin Shengtan West Chamber thought of these: Mrs. Xiao Zhuang Empress Dowager Cui Ying Ying, Ying Ying, Cui should pre-empt block her daughter and Zhang's contacts, there will be no series of troubles behind, the result of That is, Mrs. Cui Cui blocking the Princess Cui Yingying Ying children duck. If indeed it is the case, Xiangling Defei Yuanyang children Daiyu is the daughter of Kim Se-sang, so sad is that Kim Sang-tan himself. It is his three classes and five often hampering the happiness of his daughter. However, as Jin Shengtan said no big mistake, young people have little experience, should naturally be supervised by adults. However, why such a tragic event occurs? Whether the three principles correspond to the bottom line of the law and the application of the legal bottom line to the superb Nalande lost its role and offset the possibility of further promotion of consciousness? Fortunately, instead The book is a dream of Red Mansions, which is a little confused whether it is hi sad, the parallel world a little can not control the differentiation, will be able to come back in time, restart the deductive quantum deduction effect?

Yesterday, think Lin Daiyu Xue Bao Chai verdict: jade belt hanging in the snow, buried in the snow. Think of Lin Daiyu said she was painting the painting pet (class West Chamber), and his verdict read as hanging (pass Gua) Lin Daiyu a meaning. Xue Baochai reading in turn is to sell Li Xue (Pan) dismantling gold (Jin Shengtang? Gold Orioles Golden Duck?) That is, Emperor Kangxi split them a pair of mandarin ducks. Yesterday, think Xue Baochai did not figure out. I just got it when I just wrote it down.

In fact, this meditation can not be changed. Similar to the epiphany, all the superimposed packages around it have converged high enough to collapse: the specific process may be "Jia"! Jia government officials in exchange for money in the Kangxi phase (dignified) Dai Yude. This gave birth to the Nazan Zen meditation Christmas, liberal democracy in the West, monogamy, as well as the Red Chamber Dream of Red Mansions, of course, the decline and demise of the Qing Dynasty. This idea already exists in the heart, but did not singled out, thus thinking Nalan thought may dominate the world three hundred years (1680-2010) for a long time, I also saw yesterday, paste it some people say so. Could it be 300 years round?

In fact, this meditation can not be changed. Similar to the epiphany, all the superimposed packages around it have converged high enough to collapse: the specific process may be "Jia"! Jia government officials for the money and the temporary peace for the Kangxi phase (dignified) Dai Yude.

U.S. President Anama announced that the system of controlling Russians for allegedly intervening in the U.S. presidential election through network attacks is very similar to that of Bao Dai who just said ... The undercrowth surges and various forces are pushing each other Squeeze, it gushed out of the sea level of the stock. Appears in the sea level is only the tip of the iceberg, just a presentation status nothing more. Tianji horse racing story can take a look, this is especially the meaning of Ming and Chi aspects. If the strength of the two sides at different levels of frequency of confrontation, will get different results. For example, people have intelligence and wisdom God four horses, how do you participate in the race? If you can not stop chasing better. How Trump was poured out, unknown ...

Chinese people to wife and wife are assigned different titles, showing a hierarchy. For example, ancient saying "three wives and four concubines" is "one wife and two wives and four concubines." Fat wife home, flat wife at the adjuvant, partial concubine will be dedicated to serving husband and three-room lady. In 1912, the first year of the Republic of China, the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China explicitly stipulated that China should practice monogamy. However, for various historical reasons, it was not until 1949 that the "Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China" promulgated on May 1, 1950 completely abolished polygamy in our country. It is the manifestation of a civilized world that the group marriages and the marriage marriages develop. Europe has imposed strict monogamy laws since ancient times. From ancient Greece, Rome to the Middle Ages in Europe, and then to modern and modern, are like this. From the legendary founding of Rome until the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Romans were all examples of the strict implementation of monogamy by the ancient world. Ancient Roman jurist Mo Desi Ding said that "marriage is a monogamy all-life combination of God and personnel of the common relationship." Even if you are a Roman emperor or a king of Europe, you can not violate monogamy. European emperors basically no wives and herds, concubines clouds. They can only have one spouse, just like ordinary people.

The "Seven Outs" of "China's Disappearing Wives System" in Ancient China, as well as the manifestation of Chinese oppression by women. Ancient Chinese men, "seven out" as a reason to abandon their wives, this is no respect for women. Ancient Chinese women, can not take the initiative to propose a divorce. In ancient China, only men could propose divorce. Women in ancient Europe can take the initiative to file a divorce. If an ancient European woman felt that her husband could not give her happiness, then she could file a divorce. In ancient Europe, if the husband refused to divorce his wife, the wife could go to church to sue her husband.

"Monogamy", first appeared in ancient Egypt and ancient Europe. Ancient Europe was the first country to punish men who had extramarital affairs. Christianity was the earliest law to regulate "monogamy". Christianity has made tremendous sacrifices for the development of mankind. Modern "monogamy" originated in Christianity and ancient Europe. Without Christianity, there is no current "monogamy." This corresponds to my judgment that Nalan Cheng-zhen was out of Christianity, Christmas, so the ideal of getting married to his lover and monogamous (Feng Yuan said never married two) . Think about it but 1674! This is just like the ink painting of the landscape painting. The possibility of the Zen collapse is that everywhere there is no concept of time beyond the power of time and space. Then these ink stains continue to render after the combination of touch, the final compound into a picture. This happened in ancient Europe and ancient China, modern society is the intersection there.

Zhu Youlian why not only close to female color pet empress one? This emperor is Ming Xiaozong. Scholar life of the Northern Song Dynasty wealthy, concubine prostitutes fashion. Sima Guang and Wang Anshi, like Yue Fei, is extremely rare concubine, prostitutes who do not. Wang Wei. These people and Nalan great relevance. China's concubine was evolved from the sister-in-law of a married woman married by a noble in the Zhou era. In the emperor called 媵, the doctor said concubine. Later Concubine gradually indifferent. "Concubine" above the sword is a sword, the following is a woman, that is, it meant the crime of imprisonment, that is, the slave girl. 15 kinds of loyalty animals monogamy love a lifetime, the names of these animals are also very interesting: Antelope Swan Albatross White-haired Pulsatilla Hippocampus Angelfish pine white dragon ants, these are not all mentioned earlier and Nalan related Words?

Mao Zedong said that "Dream of Red Mansions" wrote two factions, one faction, one faction is not good. Jia Mu, Wang Xifeng, Jia Zheng, this is a faction, is not good; Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu, maid, it is faction, is good. "Dream of Red Mansions" wrote two factions struggle. As mentioned earlier, Jia Mu's family music such a "new kind of" drama originated from "just eight out" eight meaning "downtown, I have a headache, let's light and better." "New sample" "dream" "Huiming book" performance indeed "light". "Seeking dreams" "Huiming book" "new kind" performance visual features are weakened. "Coldness" of "Dreaming" ("Dreaming") "We must mobilize all the artistic means, such as figure, singing and even sleeves, fans and so on, so as to express the complex feelings of Du Li-niang's dreams in many ways and accurately, Play hot, resistant to see moving. "" Dream of Red Mansions, "fifty-fourth back to write the Lantern Festival Jiafu Jiale" new style "cold show" dream "and cold treatment after the" book of Huiming, "suitable for Jiamu, who The taste of entertainment, but not suitable for the lively reunion of the Lantern Festival family customs. Therefore, "new style" after the performance, Jia Mu and "commanded civil officials so that they play a bomb blowing" a full moon. "

In 1643 after the death of Emperor Taiji, Dorgon and Zierharlang adjudicated the status of Fushimin, the ninth son of Huangtaiji, as prince regent, and led the Regent in the first year of Shunzhi (1644) The Central Plains, has sealed uncle Regent, Emperor uncle Regent, Emperor Regent. Shunzhi seven years (1650) winter died in Saibei hunting on the way, chase closure as "Qing Chengzong", Mao Maude repair industry Guangmingye An Min Li Zheng Cheng Jing emperor. Two months later, in February of the fifth year of Shunzhi (1651), Dorgon was removed and the tomb was excavated. Emperor Qianlong forty-three years (1778) Emperor Qianlong for his rebellion, Fu Rui Prince title, evaluation of the "set of the country, into a unified industry, Jue Gong the most .In order to understand the Dream of Red Mansions, it seems to have to understand Xiao Zhuang Empress Dowager, what kind of person is she? Aixinjueluoluoer Seoul (November 17, 1612 - December 31, 1650), the Qing Taizu Nuerhachi the fourteenth son, Aba Hai second son Ming Wanli Forty years (1612) was born in Hentu Allah (now Liaoning Province, Xin Binxian County) .In early Qing Dynasty an outstanding politician and military strategist .Fiannian eleven years (1626) sealed Baylor; Tian Cong two Year (1628), 17-year-old Dorgon with the emperor Tai Chi expedition, to conquer the Chahar Department of Mongolia, because the military power was given the number "Mel Gibson Daiqing" become the flag is the main flag.

First conclusion: From the file point of view, the name of Huang Taiji may really be hong taiji, or simply hong. Empress Dowager 1618 and Dorje 1612 poor 6 years old, Nalan and De Fei also poor 6 years old. For example, the word "Daqing" is written in full-text daicing, which is a daicin of Mongolian words meaning "good warfare" and more of the latter used as a title (possibly only as a title), as Dorgon originally called "mergen daicing beile ". Later, because daicing was used as a country name (even the meaning of a title disappeared), the term daicing was removed from his title. Later, after he became king, he became Hošoi mergen cin wang. Another example is the word cagan, Mongolian "white, holy," into Manchu it becomes "book" meaning. Although the Old Manchu kong / gong / hong are written above the picture of the characters in the wording, but since we all say Taizong name is HONG taiji, then it is a good word in Hong. Hong Kong (Guangdong fight: hoeng gong; English: Hong Kong; Mandarin Pinyin: xiāng gǎng; abbreviation: HK), referred to as "Hong Kong."

Before the British occupation of Hong Kong, Hong Kong was basically a desert island with some fishermen living in Stanley, Tai Tam Tuk and Shek Pai Wan in the southern part of the island, the A Kung Ngam and Shui Jing Wan in the east. Other Wong Nai Chung, light Island, seven sisters and other places, there are a number of small village Bay, when the island's residents about 3,000 people. The early years saw the potential of Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong to become a good port in East Asia. After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty in the late 19th century, the territory was ceded and leased to Britain in batches to make it a British colony. British rice flag before the cross, four-dimensional secant in the back, so cross like the Book of Changes heaven and earth away from the line ah!

If Nalan and the Bible, Christianity, Christmas, it must be related to the Eight Diagrams, he was more likely to study the Book of Changes. Encyclopedia wrote him to believe in Buddhism, but why the content of Buddhism in the Dream of Red Mansions is very small? He wrote and Dai-yu has always been Zhuangzi Nanhua seems to ...

Sunwalker laughed: 'This is not difficult. In that day, when you ten sons, you may happen to go to Hades, because you were soaked in the ground that your little aunt would have eaten. "Feng Jie children laughed:" Well, fortunate that we are dumb stupid cheeks, or eat monkey urine. Xifeng thought for a moment, laughed: "A family is also the first month and a half, the family tours light eating wine, really lively, ancestral grandmother, grandmother, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandson daughter, grandson , Nephew and grandson, grandson, grandson, drops take the grandson, granddaughter, grandchildren, aunt ephemeris, granddaughter daughter. . . .嗳 yo yo, really lively! "The bottom of the group sitting in a room, eat a night of wine on the loose." The crowd said he was serious, no other words, all stared also waiting, only I feel cold and tasteless. Monkey corresponding to the Golden Shengtan Western Chamber and other books, ticking sit loosely correspond to no talent? Behind the probe is the Spring Bao Chai Associate Executive Right, Jia mother died after Wang Xifeng no right.

Mrs. Wang said: "I just thought, just waiting for my sister to discuss and discuss .If let him go out, I am afraid he does not want to, but also to seek death to find a living, if he wants to keep it, and fear that the Lord does not depend on. So the difficulty." Aunt said: "I see aunt is not willing to call the guard again.

I also have to persuade him in detail. Is to call his family who do not have to tell him, waiting for his family really set a good family, we also go to find out, if enough to eat enough, the son-in-law like a child, and then told him to go out. Mrs. Wang listened: "This idea is very much. Otherwise called the boss a runaway, I can not hurt another person what it! "Aunt Xue nodded:" is not it! "

If the twelve hairpin Dream of Red Mansions separately proposed and its related content together, it should be her real situation. For example, Yuanyang Dai Yu Bao Chai Yuanchun and so on. The Dream of Red Mansions may have disturbed her chronological order, but the truth has not changed. Of course, the total is abducted ~ girl ~ personal service ~ Into the Palace ~ Princess ~ Son this large order, corresponding to different people (Xiangling - Yuanchun, Bao Chai). If you follow this line of thinking, just two paragraphs of the contents can be inferred: Mrs. Wang corresponding punishment wife. Aunt Xue corresponding Aunt Zhao. Mrs. Xing wanted to give her a dumb duck Zhao aunt out of ideas to Kangxi. Jia Zheng Jia corresponding amnesty. Just read the literature on the website of the Dream of Red Mansions fifty-fifth back. Behind the time is actually a mess. Just saw the two paragraphs, thought of this method. He put it behind here, read it does not fluent. Do not know because of what? What is written behind Cheng B Ben Wang Xifeng said things, rather than this person was very hot.

Yesterday wanted to see if all the directories were written in the same order from Xiangling to Bao Chai, because he felt that the directory itself was linked to each other. For example, the first sixteen back to Jia Yuanchun Choi algae palace, the next one is the Qin whale emperor passed away Huangquan Road (De Fei palace into the palace can not meet again, so the kind of abrupt end). Turned to the directory of the book said Aunt Zhao one hundred and twelve back to death Zhao Zhao concubine Cao Ming. Think of the reason may be Aunt Zhao, the German sent to the palace. Today saw the chaos of the 55th back, wrote the aunt Xue aunt to discuss the incidental extramarital affairs to Kuan Jia politics.

Ouyang Fenqiang, born March 5, 1963 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Chinese actor, director. In 1983, directed by Wang Fulin fancy participation shooting "Dream of Red Mansions", plays Jia Baoyu. In 1987, switch to the director. 53 years old, born on March 5, face if silver people! Ouyang Fen strong, in full compliance with the contents of the Dream of the Red Chamber's full moon of the situation: a month in August, round ... ... Chen Xiaoxu Zhou Ruchang has also been said.

Portugal, Spain. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the history of mankind in the park 15XX years ago was regarded as a true history of the world. Prior to this, on a few land areas where human life was isolated and independent, no one knew that the earth was On the square or in the map, people in every land feel that they are living in the center of the world. Zheng He of China had gone to the West seven times. However, instead of expanding trade, he declared the Emperor disappeared after the death of Zheng and Han Human figure.

A sudden big change has brought Portugal to the forefront of history, leading the history of the protagonists are these seemingly humble peppers today. Pepper grains, while commonplace in modern times, used to be the staple food preservative in the past, but profitable spices were first blocked by Arab businessmen and later by the rising Ottoman Turkish Empire. Tan Chun and laughed: "Unfortunately, Wuhu Court and Yihong Hospital, the two places actually did not interest out of the thing." Lee Hsiung laughed and said: "Wuhu Court even more unfavorable now spice shops and big market Temple Selling spices everywhere vanilla, are not these things? It seems more than any other interest. Yihong hospital to say anything else, just say that the spring and summer rose flowers, a total of how many flowers? There is a fence on the fence Rose, Rose, Po Xiang, gold and silver rattan, it does not matter single grass flower dry, sell tea shop shop, but also worth a few dollars. "Talking spring laughed:" It turned out. "

Spice has a long history, dating back to the Emperor Shennong era five thousand years ago, there is a collection of plants as medical supplies to quarantine. At that time, human beings had paid great attention to the volatile aroma of plants. When they smell the full bloom of flowers, they feel both the aesthetics and the pleasure of aroma. They dedicate the fragrant substances such as flowers, fruits and resins to God, realm. Therefore, in ancient times, these fragrant substances were used as deities, rituals, purifying mind, body and funeral, and then gradually used in food, decoration and beauty.

The Bible, Old Testament, Egypt, Chapter 30 records: "Please take the spices, that is, Sesame, myrrh, maple, pure frankincense, all kinds of spices must be the same weight, and then in accordance with the manufacture of incense spices manufacturing technology "The fragrances mentioned in the article are made of natural substances such as resins, some of which are still in use today. In the same chapter there is also a description of the manufacture of sesame oil using liquid myrrh, cinnamon, cassia twig and olive oil.

Seventeenth Century found not only the use of natural plant essential oils in the seasoning, but also the use of natural animal spices, London perfumers in London in 1708 Charles Lee made a scented snuff, which contains "salivary orange Flowers, musk, civet and violets "a comprehensive aroma. The famous Cologne (Eau de cologne), also known as Cologne, came into being in 1708 and its original purpose was to purify it, but with its citrus aromas and herbs, Very quickly, it is commonly used as a rinse water by people.

The oldest perfume of 1370, "Hungarian Water", was the earliest attempt to extract aromatic substances from ethanol. Spices: Portugal Spain Hungary ... a lot of teeth ah? Ya, Wuya Bud? ~ Lang Lang Bang ~ Langya five warriors ... ...

Because I read the riddle book and found that peacock eyes  suddenly think of the name of Confucius, Confucius and peacock ah (hole + phoenix)! Also see squirrels (pine nuts + mice), sika deer (deer + plum), watermelon (red jasper), pomegranate (stone Kee + multiple sub) These can be linked with the Dream of Red Mansions, as mentioned earlier those one one Wife the same animal.

In the fourth and fifth centuries, from the Western Regions into China, so called "watermelon." According to the Ming Dynasty scientist XuGuangqi "The Book of Agriculture" records: "Watermelon, grow in the Western Regions, so the name of Ming Li Shizhen in" Compendium of Materia Medica " Recorded: "According to Hu Jiao in the back boil was melon species, the name is watermelon. The watermelon since the Five Dynasties into China; now both South." China is the world's largest watermelon origin, but the watermelon does not originate from China. Originally in Africa, it was originally a wild plant of the Cucurbitaceae and was artificially cultivated as a watermelon for eating.As early as four thousand years ago, the Egyptians planted watermelons and later moved northward, first from the Mediterranean coast to northern Europe and then southward Middle East, India and other places.

Watermelon Cucurbitaceae. Watermelon spread first spread from Egypt to Asia Minor region, one along the northern coast of the Mediterranean reached Europe hinterland, the mid-nineteenth century transplanted to the United States, and into North America and South America. The other one was introduced to India via Persia to the east; to the north via Afghanistan and Vietnam Pamir Plateau and along the Silk Road to the Western Regions for introduction into the Mainland. The introduction of watermelon into China's Xinjiang region was about the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, which was introduced to the Mainland about the Five Dynasties and Song and Liao periods.

Chinese Academy of Sciences to restore hundreds of millions of years ago animal appearances like squirrels (Figure), the squirrel is the fox tail, penguins are tuxedo, the bat is down to bless, the elephant large invisible ... ... back to say the bat, it is to join the Bird Party Or beasts and headache, because it said that when they are birds, all the birds in the Bird Party attack it is a mouse. And when it wants to join the animals, all the rats attack it should be a bird. In fact, bats and people have two sides: the good side, but also the evil side. In line with the Dream of Red Mansions Evil Fu said Nalan home wall bats.

The Shan Hai Jing Bei Shan Jing mentions a bird named "Yu", saying it "looks like a mouse and a bird wing, whose sound is like a sheep," and later commentators mostly think of it as a bat. Such as Hao Yi line Note: "This by the bird, cover the bats and the like, only the bats are different wings." In fact, "apartment" bird just like a bat, not necessarily a bat, first of all, "its tone like a sheep," has not match the sound of the bat In addition, "Shan Hai Jing" also said that this bird "can be soldier", that is, the ability to have a knife and bolt, this feature is more than bats and horses. Nalan Sheep, Shan Hai Jing is related to him? It should be.

Baoyu laughed: "Everyone only said I was stupid, you are more stupid than me, but a phrase, he has promised to Mei Hanlin's home. Sure enough, set him down, I was still the scene? First, I swear gambling spell Smashed this Lashiko, you did not persuade, said I was crazy? Just a few days before it is good, you come to me. "Side said, while gritting, and said:" I just wish this meeting immediately I Died, the heart burst out you see, and then even the belt bone all into a gray, ____ ash there are traces, it is better to re-turn a cigarette, _____ smoke can also be condensed, people also saw, to have a while The clutter of the wind is scattered in all directions, this is good! "- The last version has cut down. The first sentence implies that the piano is Daiyu.

Zijin heard that party put on the cover makeup makeup 叠 like. Baoyu laughed: "I saw your stationery there are two sides of the mirror, you put the surface of the little Lily left me. I put the pillow next to sleep well, tomorrow goes out with a lightweight." Mirror, Feng Yue Bao Jian prototype. Jia Ru Jia Baoyu contact. Ling mirror, Hong Ling mirror. Purple Juan.

Now Xue's aunt's birthday, since Jia mother, all people have the ceremony of congratulation. Daiyu also prepared a two-color needlework to send. Day also set a small play Please Jamie Lady, etc., the unique gem and Daiyu duo have not gone.

Because Aunt Xue saw Xing Xiuyan born elegant side Ya, and family poor, is a daughter of Chai Jing skirt. Then said to be married with Xue Pan. Due to Xue Suu Succussion only floating extravagant, but also fear of riding the daughter of others. Is hesitating occasion, suddenly think Xue tad did not marry, see him two is a pair of innocent couples, because of seeking Feng Xier children.

Xing lady thought for a moment: Xue well-founded, and today's wealthy, Xue Tadang had a good life, and Jia mother hard for Baoshan, the machine on the counter should be. Jiamu likes very much, busy people invited Xue aunt to. Two people see, naturally, many modest words. Mrs. Xing immediately ordered people to tell Xing Zhong and his wife. He and his wife had come here to join his wife, how to disobey, as soon as possible to say Miao extremely. Jia mother smiled and said: "I love idiot, today has become a matter of management, I do not know how much Xie media money?

Bao Chai also refers to his skirt on a jade Pei asked: "Who gave you this?" Xiu smoke: "This is the third sister to."

Cheng B this deletion:

(Xue Baochai) But there is a word you have to know, these ornaments were originally from the lady of the rich and powerful official, you see me from head to toe can have these rich and free makeup? However, seven or eight years ago, I too Nowadays, I can save myself temporarily in the province. In the future, you have come to our house, these useless things, I'm afraid there is a box. We are now less than them, and always have the same color from the solidarity, no better than them. Xiuyan laughed: "Sister both said so, I went back to pick it wants. Po Chai busy laughed: "You heard too much. This is his good intention to send you, you do not wear, he would not doubt. I just mentioned here by chance, I knew later. "

The fact that these two people are actually one person shows that Xue Bao-chai, after her seventies and eighty-eight years old, came to perform the condensed version of the Dream of Red Mansions together seven or eight years ago.

Po Chai laughing and asked: "I asked you, my brother has not yet decided to marry, why the opposite Xing sister said first with my brother, what is the reason?" Dai Yu said: "He is not at home, or belong to the birthday , So first said with the brothers. "Bao Chai laughed:" not also. My brother has been matched, and only waiting for the next set, do not have to make people, I just said you can not think of the mother, you think carefully Go ahead, "said, laughing at his mother. Xing 蚰 smoke married Xue Pan is Dai Yu married Xue Pan Zen traction rope, or is the latter version of the prophecy, the fact that there is no truth or false are possible.

Xiang Yunyu Taiyu two people smiled and said: "For this reason, people too would like money, aunt's pawnshops also do not?" The crowd laughed: Is there any difference? "Dai-yu laughed:" If you are a man, go out and fight a newspaper reported .Are you Jing Ke Nie governance, really funny. "

Xiao Gong Kyung Ren Queen, Uygur, Yongzheng emperor mother, Emperor Kangxi was sealed as De Fei, 6 years younger than Emperor Kangxi. After the death of Emperor Xiaoyi Ren in 1689, Emperor Kangxi left De Fei in charge of the sixth house, assisted by Yi Fei. The first year of the Yongzheng (1724) On May 22 Empress Dowager, Yongzheng emperor pro to Yonghe Gong, day and night serving soup medicine. Cheuk carved on the 23rd (late at night to three o'clock) Kung Kung Tsun Wong collapse, at the age of 64. Yongzheng first day of September on the first day of the funeral Kyung Jen Emperor Jingling. De Fei from a humble identity, responsible for the tea and other fine work, "Palace Women" step by step to board the location of Lord Yonghe, this is very simple. The first year of Yongzheng in 1723, this network is wrong. May 23 collapse, and Nalan 5 23. No sweat and disease, died on the 7th (5.30 days, the solar calendar 7.1 days).

Bao Yu said: "The future can not be cut paper money .This money was originally a heretic heresy, not Confucianism training .In front of Xiangyun ask gem also how to read Amitabha, can be seen Jia Baoyu read more Confucius? But also related? Fools did not know, regardless of the Buddha of the dead, it is necessary to separate cases, all kinds of examples of each and every one of the only `sincere 'word-based. Soil and grass, only to clean, you can sacrifice, not only the deceased enjoyment, it is also to enjoy the gods.

Chunyan laughed: "Mom, if you stay safe and have a long history in the house, you will have many benefits. I will tell you the sentence: Baoyu often said that in the future people in this room All these people, he must go back to his wife and let it go all out, with my own parents, and you just say that this one is better or not? "He heard her mother say hi," Is this true? "Chun Yan said: Who can pull this lie for what? "The woman listened, then recite the Buddha. Jia-ling said to the age-old Guan in the cage inside playing.

There is a small guy named Chai Huai who is the nephew of Aunt Zhao. His parents are now in charge of the library, he himself sent Jia ring to go to school. Because he has some money, not married, always fancy Liu Pei Pei Pei child, and his parents said, want to marry him as a wife. The Central News Agency also asked the media again and again. Liu parents are also willing to fight Chennai five children insisted on not. Liu Qian Qian Qian Yi is the surname Huai word.

Baoyu Pingqin Baoqin four people same day birthday. Apricot blossom, the weather see warm, Could it be lunar calendar in April, the Gregorian calendar in May? If Jia Xi is Kangxi, then it is lunar calendar 3.9, solar calendar 1654.4.25 days. De Fei is Daiyu, lunar calendar 2.12, solar calendar 1660. 3.22 days. Nalan may be 1655.5-6.5-31 days. The Kangxi records are the lunar calendar 3.18, the solar calendar 1654.5.4 days. Tan Chun laughed: "Somewhat down, 12 months a year, months and months have several birthdays. People are more, then this coincidence, there are three one-day, two one-day. New Year's Day Not too white, the big sister accounted for. Resentment of his blessing, birthday precedence over others .Tai Taizu is the birthday .After the Lantern Festival, is the old lady and Po sister, their girly two coincidence. March 1 is a wife on the first day of the ninth day 琏 second brother. February no one. "Hit the human way:" February 12 is the forest girl, how no one?

Peony has been hailed as "flower immortality" and "flower phase", and was listed as "one of the six famous flowers", also known as "Mayflower", since ancient times as a flower of love, has now been revered The representative of Tanabata Festival flowers. Peony flower flowering in mid May, rich color, huge flower, shaped like a peony, open at the top of the stem or leaf axils, pedicel long. Peony flowering shorter, usually 8 - 10 days, flowering in early June, the end of a single flower open time of 5 to 7 days.

Ping children according to the words whitewash, fruit see bright unusual, and sweet cheeks. Baoyu bowl and then open a branch of autumn Wai Hui, cut off with bamboo cut off, and his hairpin in Shang. (Mrs. Wang) because she asked: "Who is the birthday of Hebao jade?" I dare not answer. The old Jiao jian said: "This one lily, also called four children, is the same as the first birthday of jade." Wang A closer look at his wife, although not as good as half Qingwen, but also somewhat aqua. Depending on what they do, smart are exposed outside, and also dressed differently. Mrs. Wang sneered: "This is also not afraid of dry .He said back to the ground, the same day the birthday is a couple, but you say ... 'These are hints of Ping Er four children Xing Xiuyan Xue Baoqin and Baoyu is the benefit of marriage, Let alone Lin Daiyu Qin Bao Bao Xue Ke Qing it?

Bilidian lotus in the treasures, the probability of its generation is one hundred thousandth, is a ten-year-old plant "twins", the genetic mechanism is still under study, the current can not be copied, genetic. Lotus experts have been used to grow Lotus pedicled lotus root and pedicle lotus lotus, repeated cultivation experiments, the results can not be generated Concurrent lotus, confirmed that it can not be inherited, can only be generated naturally. So it should be the same lotus, flowering 6 to 9 months. And Tibidate blossom process, the above shot by Springfield Huahua in late May 2011, shows the birthday of the gem in the lunar calendar April, the first lunar month in mid-May (peony, pedicle lotus).

And then use a bag of Pei Pei wrapped with a pillow. People read, but also love, but also laugh, busy up to call help. Jiu Yun mouth still sleepy as the wine order, chirp toot toot: spring incense and wine 冽, jasper Sheng amber light, straight drink to the plum tip of the moon, drunk to return, but should be friends and relatives - the middle of the words been deleted. Po Chai laughed: "I'm not thirsty, as long as a mouthful of a rinse enough." Said first picked up and drank a cup of the remaining half handed Daihe hand. Daisy said with a smile: "I'll go back." Daiyu laughed: "You know I am sick, the doctor forbade me to eat more tea, this half-clock enough, hard for what you want to." , The cup down. - Chai Dai, such as Xiangyu Gem in spite of each other, in front of Bao Bao Bao crap connection.

Grand View Park vegetation-like. "I have Kuan Yin Liu." That one said: "I have Podocarpus." That one said: "I have a gentleman bamboo." This one said: "I have a canna." This one said: "I have stars Tsui "And then I said," I have moon and red. "And this one said:" I have the peony blossom on the Peony Pavilion. "That one said:" I have the loquat fruit in << Pipa >> "Soy bean officer said:" I have sisters flowers. "All gone, Xiang Ling said:" I have a husband and wife Hui. Bean official said: "I have never heard of a couple LOH. "Xiang Ling said:" a flower for the arrow, a stone for the number of flowers LOH. So called Nalanxingde, he himself is a gentleman like Confucius said Lan, the other official Sikuquanshina na La, epitaph called him Na La.

Xue Pan concubine Xiang Ling and several girls have taken some flowers, grass fun. This said, I have Guanyin Liu; that I have Podocarpus. Suddenly, Soy bean officer said that I have sisters flowers, which make everyone stumped, Xiang Ling said I have spikes. Bean officials see Xiangling answer on the unconvinced said: "never had any spikes!" Xiang Ling argued: "a flower called" orchid ", a few flowers called 'spike'. Spike ', and head flower called' spike ', this is my head and flowers, why not call' spike 'it? "- This version is spike, not Hui.

Fang official had to sing a thin <>:

Tsui Feng Mao Ling tie broom fork, leisurely riding Tianmen swept off. You see the wind jade dusty sand. Meng that layer of cloud, how many arrived outside the horizon. You then break sword to cut the first-line Huanglong children, and then break the East to sell the poor poor wine. You and I look to Yunxia. Dongbin Oh, you got someone who would answer earlier, if Chih-Ha, the wrong teachers Hate Bi Peach - In addition to the first two sentences, the back are deleted.

We count, Xiangling, Qingwen, Bao Chai three people with him (attacking people) with G, Daiyu and his with Chen, only the same surname. Fang official busy: "I have the same name flowers, I also accompany him a bell."

The old woman busy going out to ask, turned out to be aunt Xue sent Daiyu. People ask a few more, and people back: "Two more later, the clock played eleven under." Gem unbelievable, to look at the table to see, it is already very early child is very carved.

Why is here Daiko? Not Xue Bao Chai? Aunt Xue said in front of aunt similar to Aunt Zhao sent to the palace of the gap, then Aunt Xue should belong to the palace. Here should be the scene. Also thought of Spring is 1-3 yuan back to the palace at night, it seems this is mapping the things that Daiyu into the palace, Daiyu corresponding Yuanchun corresponding Tanchun Princess.

He practiced in Poon Hong Temple, my family was primitive, leasing his house in the temple, lived for ten years, nothing to his temple to companionship. I think the words are accepted by him. - Poon Hong Temple, corresponding to Xue Pan.

Miaoyu He often said: "The ancients since the Tang and Song dynasties since the Han and Jin dynasties are no good poetry, only two good, said:" As long as the threshold of the Millennium Iron, the end of a land bread. "So he claimed 'outside the threshold' . And often praise is Zhuangzi good, so it is also known as 'abnormal people'. If he is a self-proclaimed 'abnormal man' in your post, you will also repay him 'the world.' Undead person, who claimed to be a person of extraordinary remnant, you modest himself is the disturbing person in the world, he will be pleased. Now that he claimed to be `a man outside the threshold, 'he is out of his own name on the threshold of the iron threshold. Therefore, you are now only under the threshold. "


1. Railing: "Where is the imperial court in the cabinet? ~ Foreign Minister flowered."

2. Circle (juàn) mammals fence: ~ car (a. Beasts with railings car; b. Ancient escort prisoners car). ~ Well.


1. [Door ~] under the door of the bar. Also as "threshold"; also known as "threshold."

This section is deleted:

Temporarily to Yihong Hospital, suddenly heard of gem called "Yelu Xiongnu", the Pei-Feng, Kimberley, Hongling three people laughing in one, asked what words, we also learn to call this name, also called the wrong sound , Or forget the words, and even called out "wild donkey", cited in the garden who heard all laugh. Baoyu see everyone making fun of fear of cheap him, busy and said: "Hercynian Fulaisi teeth, smell of Venus glass gem, his native language to Venus glass called` For him, renamed call 'Wilderness' is good? "Fang Guan heard more likes, saying:" That's the way strike. "So call this name again. The crowd dumbfounded, still turned Han name, called "glass."

This section of the text only "Qi" there, as well as the original text "Geng Chen Ben" there, other versions have been deleted. In order to provide readers with a full picture, now may wish to copy this paragraph of text as follows:

Because of see Fang official combed his head, rolled up and clutched, took some flower Tsui, busy changing his makeup, and ordered the short hair shaved around to reveal the blue scalp, which points big top, said: "Winter for big mink lying on children with children, feet wearing tiger head cloud colorful small boots, or casual pants, net socks thick sole shoes." And said: "Fang official name is not good, actually changed The male genius chic. "Because it changed to" male slave. " Fang official is very satisfied, added: "So, you go out and take me out.It was asked, just say I and Xiao Ming same servant it wants." Bao Yu laughed: "in the end people can see." Fang Guan Laughed and said: "I say you are no talent. Our family has a few soil Fan, you say I am a small soil Fan children. Moreover, everyone said that I play well-hung look, you think these words wonderful?" Gem Listened to, pleasantly surprised, busy laughed: "This is very good .I also often officials and other officials follow the foreign captives species, figure fearless, pommel horse convenient.And so on, Known as 'yelong male slave.' 'Male slave' second sound, but also connected with the Huns are dog name .In addition these two kinds of people from Yao and Shun when suffering from China, the Jin and Tang dynasties, suffered Fortunately, we are blessed, born in today 's world, the descendants of Dashun, merits and deeds of San Yu, Hegel, the same heaven and earth trillion immortality, so where the clown rampant in the dynasty, to actually do not have to do it A Ge, Angels are arch arrogant come and go .We should practice them, for the monarch color. "Fang Guan laughed "It is not only that you should go to practice bow and horse, learn martial arts, come forward and take a few rebellions, would you not be loyal to us? Praised it. "Baoyu laughed:" So you do not understand .Now universal universal service, P Plus quiet, thousands of years without weapons .We laugh though, should also be praised, the party does not take to enjoy the flat. "Fang Guan heard reasonable, since the two fit properly. Gem called him "Yelu Xiongnu."

After all, both Jiazhai Erzhai's ancestors were given slavery by the ancestors of that year, but their husbandry was not worth the effort. Hsiang Yun Hsiao learning unusual play, he is also most like to play Wu, often bundle their own bundle, fold the sleeve. Inevitable Baoyu Fang official dressed as a man, he will Kwai Guan also played a kid. That Kui official is often scratching short hair, so easy to paint the face pink, hand and foot Ling, convenient and save a layer of hands. Li Kui see spring also love, then Baoqin bean officer also ordered him to dress up a child, the first two A Ya bun, short jacket red shoes, only painted the face, more like a play on the piano child. Xiang Yun Kwai Guan changed, replaced by "British." Because of his surnamed Wei, he was called Wei Daingying, in line with his own meaning, implicitly, "But the hero can character" language, why Zhu Tu powder, is the man. Bean officer of the age are very small, but also extremely ghost, so said Dou officer. Garden people also call him "A beans", but also called "fried beans." Baoqin said piano children's bookstore so familiar, was actually bean unique, then replaced "bean boy."

Since Manchuria is a Jurchen, Jurchen is once again a member of the Liao Dynasty, that is, one of the Northern Liaoas. It is both the Jin dynasty and the Kaifeng under the Liao Dynasty and became the same northern aggressor after the Huns and the Liao States. So Manchurian nature Also belong to "yelongxiong" "these two kinds of people". This is Cao Xueqin used "Yelu Xiongnu" to refer to the source of Manchu dynasty.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Jing is not a Jia Jing but a "pseudo-static". Cao Xue-ctu's "Qufu declines fall from the respect, the death of the first criminal rather" quiet refers to this, I have said before Too

Han Wudi Yuan Shuo six years (123 BC) Huns will be the main withdrawal of the Mobei region, to the Han Dynasty Emperor Yuan hunting four years (119 BC) Hun State has completely withdrawn from the southern region. Hanyuandong Ning actually the first year (33 BC), the Huns Hu Han evil to the Han to seek relatives, Wang Zhaojun marry married with the Huns single after the Huns have returned to the desert south, both by the Han Emperor Yuan Yongguang the first year (AD The first 43 years) the agreement to the Great Wall bounded. Yelv Xiong slave is the name, there is tribute universal universal meaning of peace. They referred to as "male slave"; later they were mistaken for "wild ass", Baoyu to "Wilderness Reina".

The Uttar Pradesh is the meaning of the Venus glass gem of Hercynian Francis (some people think it is Spanish, some think it is French). The crowd dumbfounded, still turned Han name, called "glass." September 13, 2011 is the 40th anniversary of Lin Biao's landing in Wendunre Khan. On November 18, 2013, the Mongolian government renamed Wurndal Khan to Chinggis City because it is the birthplace and possible burial ground of Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire. Wurndal Khan as Mongolia's Khanate as the initial capital. In 1206, Genghis Khan led the establishment of the Mongol regime along the banks of Wadi Khan (formerly known as "Daowu Erduo"), making it the capital of the early Yuan Dynasty, until Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, moved southward.

The figure of the Mongols is very familiar with the Jurchen people and is similar to the original when they walked out of the white water of Montenegro. However, the wealth of the Central Plains and the culture of the Central Plains softened their heart, loosed their muscles and desecrated their interests Knife. And above the church is a group of extravagant short-sighted guys. Jurchen is no longer a Jurchen of the year, but the Mongols were more sturdy, more vigorous, more hardcore and, of course, brutalier than they were.

Homophobia in Dream of the Red Chamber. Fang Guan, Hui Fang Yuan Fang Fangguan wearing rabbit band, called "male wild ass servants" "glass" "Nadu in the warm capital", Liu Xianglian play Xue Pan ... ... Feng Yuan men wind ...

According to the Institute of Science's average statistics, in 2014, the number of homosexuals in China reached 70 million, of which more than 30 million were gay men and 35 million lesbians. According to the latest LGBT survey of gay men in the world, 3.2% of men and 4.2% of women in the United States are homosexual. That is to say, there are about 10.28 million gay men and 13.49 million lesbians in the United States By. The British Institute survey showed that about 5% to 7% of residents in the United Kingdom are homosexuals. As a result, 46% of gay men have higher education and a steady job. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University conducted a statistical survey on the number and occupation of lesbians and finally found that highly educated women accounted for more than two thirds of the total lesbian population. Most of them were graduate students, civil servants, top white-collar workers and senior executives.

Does Naren's virtue is the third day of May birthday, the Gregorian day 1655.6.6. Same as 1674.6.6, the third day of May, is the sacrificial day of Herzliya! Morning also want to write a bucket grass is the Dragon Boat Festival, Naran and hi Ki Quyuan, will be the fifth day of May it? Did not think it will always say the third day of May, no wonder Nalan did not have a date of birth too! And that day is the day confessed in the book on April 26.

According to the snow geese, there must be an accident, and if the same sisters are free to sit there, it is not necessary to set up the first set of dishes or the aunt and aunt, but I remember Every year to this date, the old ladies ordered another arrangement of dishes sent to the private offering with Lin sister, at this time has passed. About July is due to the festival of fruits, every family are on the autumn festival tomb, Lin Sister felt heart , So drink their own libation in the privacy room, take << Book of Rites >>: 'Spring and Autumn Period recommended the food' meaning is not fixed.

- See here, I came to think of the old saying funeral, gem to the Threshold Temple, back to Daiyu, Daiyu is also worship what ... ... It is thought that Daiyu may sacrifice Herzliri, and this day Another gem birthday, would it not be the third birthday of Mayday? And in front of peony flowers, pedicle lotus, the death of the master due to the hot weather to be quickly into the weather can correspond to.

Gem is not at home, I see who you have to save you. "Gem jumped and stopped with a smile, said:" Your sister is small, I do not know how to offend you, look at my points, let him stop. "Qing Wen also do not want Baoyu back at this time, at first glance, do not feel funny, then laughed and said:" Fang Guan actually is a fox refined, unexpectedly deportation of the spell is not so fast. "And laughed:" It is you really invited God, I am not afraid. "

Taking advantage of Erye is not at home, I want to sit here, take a recuperation. 'He just sent me these conversations, what's the' face to face ', and for a while I do not tear his mouth. "Baoyu smiled and hit a man sat down and look at his knot - hit people and Daiyu junction.

Jia Zhen, Jia Wei, Jia Rong and other erudite, rather to her greedy. But especially the Third Sister did not want to be played like her sister, she used pungent as a weapon to defend his innocence. After she fancy Liu Xianglian, she wholeheartedly waited for him. Jia 琏 he is very envious of Jia Zhen's life style, long heard of their father and son and You sisters are infected, so while Jia Jing's funeral machine, also want to know two especially, to join this incest team. But he was more open than Jarmin and his son, and suddenly fell in love with these two. He seduced a little, especially the second sister also heart secretly promised. Jiazhen greedy wife and sister greedy beauty, on the second sister in every possible way, when he was tired of playing, she gave Jia Qiao. Jia Yi was afraid of Wang Xifeng's despotic authority, had to secretly marry You Erjie for two rooms, and placed her outside the Rongguo government, Jia Rong offer this plan is also to get rid of Jia Zhen, and You sisters mixed.

Such a final "dead" branch should be the true situation of Dreyfna Nalan: Jia Zhen is the Nalan Pearl, Jia is the Kangxi, Jia Rong is Nalan nature, so this verifies some of the previous reasoning , Can fully correspond to it. In particular, especially the Third Sister Youjie Di Jie Di, Liu Xianglian certainly Nalan, and finally follow the priest monks.

Nalan Xingde has a "word loss Magnolia" cloud:

Frosty flowers, since late spring to find. Know this life, know that life that see Qing. Natural alternative, do not believe muddy muddy puzzled. If the solution Acacia, set with a total of South Korea.

The most important thing to note is that "since the late spring to find more" and "set with South Korea by a total of one second language" which "find the spring later" sentence, borrowing Du Mu "do not bother" poetic: It has been late, last year saw no opening. Nowadays, the world is full of flowers and leaves with green leaves, "meaning that the woman she loves is for others. Seized, both died of the story of love, metaphor of their loved ones were captured, love faithful.

Originally, Shen Shen Niang called Shen Yan Wan, Nalan Xingna a southern talent, because of his identity can not go to Nalan, Nalan Xingde Deshengmen built houses settled. Often go to meet. - This rumor and the second floor of the Dream of Red Mansions are very similar.

Nalan Xingde suspected case, Kwai Guan Wei big hero, this article Wei laugh leopard, Wei Yong Wei Yong, all surnamed Wei ah.

"Tongzhi Tong solution", formerly known as "nine solution." After the series of books. Qing Nalan Lande carved. Really out of Xu Qian Xue, He Zhuo hand. A total of 146 species, 1860 volumes. Kangxi nineteen years (1680) published. Editor's deeds, see "Book of reading eight hundred and fifty · Tongzhi Hall set."

This book is Xu Ganxue collected Tang and Yuan and Yuan Ming's "Yi", "Book", "Poetry", "Spring and Autumn Period", "San Li", "Book of Filial Piety", "Analects of Confucius", "Four Books" Germany to be remembered.

It also expounds in more detail the causes of the reincarnation of "Tung Chi Tong Sutra Solutions", and it is also a pity that in the past dynasties, the loss of interpretations of various books, fear of sage's subtle eschatology, The solution of the book collection, in order to carry forward.

Is not this the reason for Sikuquanshu? Why Qianlong Sikuquansu it?

Ming Wanli forty-one years (1613) February eighth day (March 28), cloth Mu Bu Tai was born. After the golden destiny ten years in February, thirteen-year-old cloth Mu Buti, escorted by her brother Wu Ke-shan to Shengjing, married to Huang Taiji - the old lady birthday is Lantern Festival Lantern Festival, can correspond.

The ancient Chinese called Venus "Taibai" or "Taibai Venus," also known as "the Qiming" or "Chang Gung" (when it appeared in the evening, "Chang Gung" and "Qiming" when it appeared in the early morning of the Ming Dynasty), the ancient Greeks called Aphrodite, Is the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology. And the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology is Venus, so Venus is also called Venus. Venus is the god of love and beauty of women, so the astronomical symbol of Venus is the symbol of women: ♀, some people vividly compared this symbol to "Venus's vanity mirror." Dresser mirror? Is it Akira Treasures, a small prism to gem?

Shih Tzu children on Daiyu, Yuji Uthorn Wuya Uyghur to Xue Baochai, Ming Fei was light to seize power to Wang Xifeng, Green Pearl suicide to 1722 Miao Yu or mandarin duck, .

You Sanjie: My sister remembers that when we were filial, we were all in the same place, and it was the monks who come in and wrap around the coffin. We all stood there. He stood in his head and stopped him. He said he did not know the ceremony, and no eye color. After he did not quietly tell us that: `sister do not know, I am not without a glance. Want to monks dirty, I am afraid the smell smoked sisters. '- Nalan play monk into the palace to see the concubine.

Jia Li will be on the road to encounter Xianglian said something out, but also remove the mandarin duck sword, handed the Third Sister. Third Sister to see, the above Long Tuning care, crystal jewelry Ying, the target of a button, which is the two fit. One with a "mandarin duck" above, one with a "mandarin duck" above, cold stupid, bright and bright, such as the two marks autumn general.

Poor "crush Peach Red Montreal, Yushan dump difficult to help," Fang Ling Wai, Miao Momo, I do not know where to go. - The last sentence is deleted.

Nayou Sister said: "From the sentimental days, go to the place of love. Past mistakes were confused, now both shame feeling, and Jun no two intervention." It's Xianglian alert, like a dream non-dream, eyes open, there Xue family children, but also non-new room, was actually a broken temple - this section is deleted.

Just before leaving, I saw Xue Pan's servant looking for his family to go, that only Xian Xiang Lin God. That youngster took him to the new house, very neat. - This paragraph is deleted. Why is Xue Pan's servant?

Outside the tiger brought their own people, wine, children's irrigation, irrigation buckle playing little boy, sand lamp, one by one out of mud children's play, loaded with a box of blue silk cover, and mud in the tiger Hill Mudou Xue Pan's little figure, and Xue Pan no difference. Bao Chai met, and others do not theory, it touches Xue Pan's little picture, took a thin look, look at his brother, can not help but laugh.

Zhennv tomb: really Niang really have their own people, formerly named surname Hu, Ruizhen, northerners. Since her childhood, both her parents died and the Anhsang Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty, he escaped with her relatives to Suzhou. Unfortunately, during the runaway, she fell into a brothel outside Suzhou Gate - "Le Yunlou" But Shushenruyu, only guests singing and dancing calligraphy and painting.

Tiger Hill was hailed as "the first place in Wuzhong". Both Kangxi and Qianlong traveled down Huqin and Tiger Hill was visited by Tiger Hill. Deng Xiaoping, Hu Jintao, Zhu Rongji and other important leaders of the country have come to Tiger Hill. Su Wen-Po of the great literary generation of the Song Dynasty also said that "it does not matter to Tiger Hill in Suzhou. Tiger hill formerly known as Hai Chung Shan.

Xue Pan in the "Dream of Red Mansions" figurines come from the hands of tiger folk artists, as well as tiger flowers, mats, handicrafts. These folk activities, folk tales and folk crafts have spread to the present day, Tiger Hill is still holding a Spring Flower Fair, the Autumn Temple Fair.

Twenty-three years of Emperor Kangxi (1684) on the afternoon of October 27, Emperor Xuan Ye Kangxi to Shantang, and from Shantang River by boat arrived in front of Huqiu. Kangxi step into the mountain gate, by fifty-three parameters board the main hall, finished the ceremony, came to Pingtang Church. Emperor Kangxi on the peaks of Huqiu strange rocks, places of interest.

Emperor Kangxi first visit Tiger Hill, leaving a good impression. Five years later, that is, twenty-eight years of Kangxi (1689), he will go down south, ready to re-Huqiu.

Xue Pan Hu Qiu written in the book should be Kangxi 1684 South Tour to Tiger Hill, corresponding to Nalan accompanied him after the southern tour in 1685, the second year after his death or for the enlightenment.

Emperor Kangxi traveled four times after these two trips. The last time in forty-six years of Kangxi (1707), still living in the mountains palace overnight. He is familiar with Tiger Hill, Hu Tiger Hill, love Tiger Hill, inspiring full of poetic pride: he wrote the famous tiger Hill Temple "tiger Fu Temple." Since then tiger Hill Temple renamed Tiger Temple, Jinbian so far suspended in the head gate. "The road to the sky 阊" for the tiger Hill pond pass through the ancient town of 阊 door and the problem, then hung in two mountain gate. "Xiang Lianyun", "celestial mirror Cheng Hui", "Yun Guangtai", "Qingyun territory", "sky clouds" are the size of the temple of the moment Kangxi Emperor saw Huqiu distant mountain charming .

Emperor Kangxi wrote a horizontal plaque of "The Road to the Sky" in Huqiu and a couplet of "A Book of Mountains, a Garden of Light and a Painting of Willow," the Emperor Qianlong also had: Crooked step out of gold 阊 "sentence.

Why did they all mention the beginning of the Dream of Red Mansions door?

Yangzhou in the Tang Dynasty also has a door, with this fact. "Old Tang Jingzong Ji": Baoli two years, "Salt and Iron to play the king of Yangzhou City, the old Caohe River shallow, stagnant boat, lost less than schedule. Buck take Zen Zhizhiqiao Dongtong old official river, the total length of 19 in. "Accordingly, Yangzhou in the Tang Dynasty there is no doubt.

Bai Juyi decided to Huqiu mountain ring road, and proceed to dig a pond river. It starts from the east gate of Mende crossing Monks Bridge, west of Huqiu Mountain Bridge, about 7 miles long, it is commonly known as "Qi Li Shan Tong to Tiger Hill." The river connects with the canal at the gate. Embankment at the river pond embankment, Shantang Street. Shantang River excavation and the construction of Shantang Street, greatly facilitated the irrigation and traffic, this area has become a lively bustling marketplace. Suzhou people are very grateful to Bai Juyi, after he left office, the people called Shantang Street Pak Dok embankment, also built a white temple, as a memorial.

Ming Hongguang the first year in April (Qing Shunzhi two years, 1645 years (B unitary years)), Nan Ming Hongguang Zhao Bingbushangshu history can rule rate Yangzhou military and civilians defensive siege defensive failure, the Qing army in Yangzhou city inhuman Of the massacre, the survivors of the time, "Yangzhou Ten Diaries" recorded the massacre continued for 10 days, so the history of the incident called "Yangzhou on the 10th", this 800,000 people died in Yangzhou.

In Yangzhou, Taizhou, Huaian, Yancheng and other regions, almost all the locals will be referred to as sleeping on the "Suzhou" or "Tiger Hill." Similarly, about 70% of residents in these areas claim that their ancestors came from Suzhou Gate at the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty. The reason why they called sleeping to "Suzhou" is because they hope to dream of their homeland. Why do hundreds of millions of people in the Jianghuai area say in unison their "roots" in Suzhou, but also precisely to a gate? In the "Ming Record" and "Ming Shi" and other official information, did not find the exact answer. Historical suspicions, so over the door of the shrouded shrouded 600 years; 阊 door, carrying too much nostalgia.

Will not be people who come through time and space?

Fourteen of the 18 genealogies discovered by Dafeng clearly state that ancestors immigrated from Xunmen in Suzhou at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty; the four great clans of "Zhu Liu Qiao Wang" in Baoying all claim to have moved in from the early Ming Dynasty; the " Siyang County, "records, the county seats, Tang, Wu, Zhu four tribes, respectively, from the beginning of the East Dongting Mountain in Suzhou, Kunshan, Wuxian Maple Bridge and other places moved into ... ..." In the range of hundreds of kilometers, A large number of northern Jiangsu people unanimously said that ancestors came from Suzhou, which can by no means be the collective imaginary fraud

- Four families, that is, Dream of Red Mansions.

600 years ago, a group of well-to-do-minded people in Suzhou, beside the seawall built by their ancestors, engaged in extremely difficult salt production. This group of Suzhou people and their children and grandchildren have a common dream home - door.

The Ming emigrants and their descendants made an indelible contribution to the economy in northern Jiangsu, especially to the salt market in Hunan and Huai that serves as the financial lifeline for the Ming and Qing dynasties. In a sense, they 'Boil' Kang Kang's prosperity at the seaside, "said Professor Cao Shuji, a professor of history at Shanghai Jiaotong University and an expert on immigration history in ancient China.

Yancheng is a veritable "salt" city. So far in the place names in Yancheng, the names of the fields related to salt production, such as "field", "mission", "stove", "total", "sushi" and "bin"

In Northern Jiangsu, there is a legend known to both women and children - all of the descendants of the immigrants, whose little toenails are split in half. Perhaps it is a coincidence, the author himself is a descendant of immigrants, the ancestor moved from the Suzhou gate to the town of Huai'an Gaogou in the early Ming, the toenail of the little toe is exactly split in half. When Xia Xuan talked about this legend, he said that his small toenails were also split in half. This is the common "genetic gene" of the immigrants in Qiongmen: According to the legend of the great immigrants in the early Ming Dynasty, Jiangnan people refused to leave their homeland, Ming Taizu sent a cavalry detachment collide to disperse, "Scattered from" the word comes from, and split the small toenails, it is to be galloping; another legend is that when immigrants left Suzhou , Reluctantly cut a knife on his toe, as the future recognition of ancestral mark.

Is this toenail the meaning of a branch?

To be sure, there are indeed "genes" handed down from generation to generation in the heart of immigrant descendants. For generous descendants of immigrants from Hongwu, this gene is derived from the door. [Top Ten root base of China] nine: Xuzhou door. "Wei Shu Xiao Jing Di Ji": "Jiayin, 阊 门 door disaster, the dragon see and state wells in wells." Song Wan 俟 Yong "Three sets of Ching Ming should be" word: "Qingming Han Palace waxing torch, San Tsui Smoke fly into the Huai government .Industry Wei Wei 阖 door opening, living Xuan Xuan and also off.

Gate is located in the ancient northwest of Suzhou City, the gateway to heaven through the gate of the door named. Spring and Autumn Period 2500 years ago, Wu Zixu like heaven, began to build Wudu, Qiongmen is the head of the eight cities and the Great Wall. Because of the door is the starting point of Wu Jun Chu and the triumph of the forehead, the title of "gas pass 阊 阖" large plaque.

Bao-yu smiled and said: "Not afraid of losing him because I just went to the forest girl over there, see Lin girl is sad it asked is asked for the treasure sister sent him something he saw is his hometown of soil, I am sorry to tell you about my wife and sister, asking him to persuade him when he was free.

But said people who attacked because of Baoyu go out, made a living plan, suddenly remembered the body is not good, Feng, the past few days have not looked in the past, the situation heard Jia Yu go out, just to talk about children.

- So Baoyu want to raiders to persuade Lin Daiyu, the next paragraph is the hit person see Wang Xifeng, loan relationship completed. Youyou Sister and more out of the beginning of the court opened in the curtain, until the final curtain call.

A Dream of Red Mansions should be borrowed by the phase classification method, a lot of raw materials, raw materials, through the classification to complete the permutations and combinations, and then through the interrelationships to complete the borrowing operation, eventually rendered into an all-envisioned Grand View Garden. Such as powerful Wang Xifeng: into the palace female identity + emperor princess identity + effective housekeeper status + love jealous ruthless hand goods + ... ...

Ming Xie Zhaoxian "Five Zan Yi · Ministry of the four" said: "Today's wife to prostitutes, head of the husband turtle, because of the turtle of the popular call." Can be seen as curse "forget eight", "king of eight "In fact, curse as" turtle. " Thus, "forget eight", "king eight" is a common name for the tortoise, "king eight" is the correct wording.

Yesterday his sister wiped his neck. "Feng Jie said:" This is why? "Xing children will be with Liu Xianglian things again.Feng Jie said:" This person is still good fortune, save that famous children forget eight. "Wang Xifeng why so to say, Liu Xianglian did not marry, especially if the third sister did not marry, not to mention that Liu is the king of eight, that is the third sister is married Jia You's second sister.

Xifeng side so that Wang children inquire about the details, this is the second sister thing are well aware of. Originally had a husband's family, the son-in-law is now 19 years old, the day outside the prostitute gamble, ignoring life, furniture, flowers, his father 撵 he came out, now gambling plant to survive. My father got particularly ten silver money back pro, this son-in-law did not know. The original guy named Zhang Hua. - The original youngest sister has a husband, Jia Jiao has become a king, according to the previous reasoning, in the end is to scold Jia Wan.

On the second 爷 Ershi "Filial piety filial piety, back to deceive, relying on wealth by potential, forced to retire, stop wife and then marry" and other terms.

Xifeng again poor children secretly inquired about it, and got up, they busy Wang Xin call, told him about this matter, ordered him to caretaker homes only bluff bluff, but also took 300 silver with him to RBI. It is the night Wang letter to the private prosecution, security root. That prosecutor knew the whole story, received stolen silver. The next day back to the hall, only Zhang Hua rogue, due to the default Jia Jia silver two, in vain, false words, falsely righteous people. All the princes and the prince were so good, Wang Xin, only to his home, and said nothing. When the state was a man of Jia government, he could not do anything, he did not mention the matter, and both accepted it.

The above should be the reality of Nalan, behind and Zhen Ying Lin gourd temple gourd case similar.

It is only Zhang Hua who did not know where to go. If he told the other party again or if this matter was found again in the future, would not it harm himself. The original should not be the target to pay outsiders. So regrettable, complex and thought of an idea out, Wang Wang quietly sent to find someone looking for him, or that he as a thief, and he litigated him to death, or secretly make calculations, to treat Zhang Hua dead, Square cut grass, save their own reputation. Wang children out of command, go home and thought about: people have finished the thing, why so masterpiece, life and death, play different roles, and I coax him to go on, and make truth. Therefore, hiding a few days outside, come back to tell Xifeng, Zhang said only that there are a few two silver in the body, fled to the third day in the five-day boundary in Jingkou has been cut truncated savage killed. He fools to death in the store, where the autopsy buried.

Is this the truth of Narendra's death? And this section is similar to Snow White's plot.

The most famous version of the story is found in German Fairy Tale in 1812. Tells the story of Snow White, mistreated by her stepmother's queen (the original mother of the Brothers Grimm), fled to the forest and met seven dwarfs. Historian Battier allegedly said that Snow White's historical prototype was born in 1725 to Maria Sofia von Ettal, who was born in the city of Alzheimer on the West German Rhine.

The last word, just listen to the sound of a bamboo outside the window, just like the window tray down in general, everyone fooling. Maidservants go out and see, the curtain maid cried: "A large butterfly kite hanging on the bamboo shoots." Xue Bao Chai: (Catkin) Butterflies Mission Butterflies chaos chaos. How many times have passed, will you delegate Fang Chen. Thousand thousand silk eventually change, let him go with the poly. Shaohua laughter rootless, good wind frequency leveraging, send me on the Albatron!

- Butterfly Dance + leveraging the Albatron is a kite = a butterfly kite right now.

This section of all deleted:. Spring is about to cut their own Phoenix, see the sky there is a Phoenix, because: "I do not know who it is." Everyone laughed and said: "And do not cut you, look at him like to twist like "Then, I saw that the Phoenix gradually approached, then twisted with this Phoenix in one place. Everyone wants to close down the line, that one also has to close the line, is not open, and see a large fancy door with a loud whip, in the middle of the day as a bell, but also approaching. Everyone laughed: "This one also to twist, and do not close, so that he twisted three in a funny place." Said, then the word really and the two Phoenix twisted in one place. Let's get together for three rounds, who knows the line is broken, the three kites fluttering go. People clap with a smile, said: "down the fun, I do not know who is the favorite word, Intuit Narrow narrow."

Speaking of poetry, we agreed: Tomorrow is the beginning of March 2, on the starting, they changed "Begonia" as "Peach Blossom Society," Lin Daiyu as the social.

The next day explore spring birthday. So change to the first five.

The original Lin Dai Wen heard Jia Zheng go home, must ask Baoyu homework, Baoyu Ken distracted, fear of temporary defeat. Therefore, he is pretending to be impatient, unable to afford the poetic society, nor seduce him with foreign affairs.

- Said for a long time Lin Daiyu Peach Society was not built, the date weird: 3.2-3.5, which in turn is the third day of May 5.3.

As the present day of August, the third day of August, is the celebration of Grandma Jia-nam, and because of the relatives' friends and fellow guests, the banquet of feast feasts can not be arranged. It was negotiated with Jia-am and Jia-jia Jia-yuan early and agreed to start from July 28 Until the fifth day of August, Rongning held two feasts at the same time. In the Ningguo Prefecture, you were invited to take an official post. Rongguofu invited a guest in a single room and the Grand View Garden was packed with several big places such as Jinjeong Pavilion and Jiayin Hall for recuperation.

- Peach Blossom Society The next start is the account of the old lady birthday is the second day of August, in turn, is the eighth day of February, is the true birthday of Empress Xiao Zhuang.

Empress Xiao Zhuang was born in the Ming Wanli forty-one years (1613) on the eighth day of February; Ten year ten years (1625) marry the eighth son of Nurhachu Taiji side for the side of Fujin. Not Nalan is the German concubine birthday is the third day of May. According to the circumstance that Defei should be the third day of May, and Lin Daiyu's birthday on February 12, in turn, December 12 should be Nalan's birthday: Nalan Xingde was born in Shunzhi eleven years twelfth lunar month twelve Day (January 19, 1655). However, if this is the case, it is not the 6th day of the Gregorian calendar, and the 6th and 6th of the Herzliyah offering the same. However, it should not matter. The Nalan 1655 should also belong to the beginning of the horse, not the beginning of spring ah.

Jiamu: Although the happy sister-in-law and her fourth sister-in-law who are left behind are also poor, they are also familiar with the girls at home. I know that men and women in our family are `a wealthy heart, two decent eyes' and may not take the two of them in their eyes.

- This section deleted.

Someone underestimated them, I heard can not be. "

Xiao Zhuang Empress (1613--1687), tomorrow five years (1625, destiny ten years) marry with Huang Taiji, Ming Chong Zheng eleven years (1638) King Wong Fook Pro, namely Junji. Kangxi died in 26, at the age of 75. It is a cow

Why do you have children after 13 years? In 1625, 25-year-old Toshinobu Junji, or 1638, and the Ming Dynasty 1368 time has a relationship!

Shih Tzu children on Daiyu, Yuji Uthorn Wuya Uyghur to Xue Baochai, Ming Fei was light to seize power to Wang Xifeng, Green Pearl suicide to 1722 Miao Yu or mandarin duck, .

- The money that we can come from Wang Jia is earned by your family. Do not call me sick. You look at your home what Shidong Deng Tong. Sweep the seams of my royal home for a whole life. Is not afraid to say it 臊! / Shi Chong Green beads, Wang Xifeng it? Maybe Ming Fei Qin Keqing?

Fengjie said: "I do not wait for the title pad back, busy what." Jia Tuo said: "Why bother, do not guilty of such a hellfire."

- Into the mouth with beads, jade, think of Ci Xi plot.

Saying that Aunt Zhao and Jia Zheng talk, suddenly heard a loud noise, I do not know what. Busy asked, the original is not outside the window drawer buckle, collapsed Qu Shu garilled down.

Qingwen scolded: "What the hoofs, one by one very black and white very Tingzheng enough, a time to sleep later, put on this tune to come.

The words are still gone, just listen to the outside throat sound, hurry to see, turned out to be a little girl sat nap, a hit the wall, awakened from a dream, it is exactly when Qingwen said, he was stared Only when Qing Wen hit him a bit, then crying, said: "Good sister, I no longer dare."

The words are still gone, just listen to Venus glass ran in from behind the door, mouth shouted: "Well, a man jumped from the wall!

(Cheng Yi is spring Yanqiu pattern)

What is falling above the three paragraphs, there should be a causal relationship.

Glass is Jia mother, but there is no Venus name maidservants. Spring Yan autumn pattern is gem maidservants.

Spring Festival persuasion could not stop, took a << too induction article >> point of view.

Three people are not opened, can Qiao Bao Chai, Dai Yu, Baoqin, Tan Chun and so on for fear of Spring today uncomfortable, all about to comfort him. Go to the hospital, heard two or three individuals more mouth. Seeing spring from the window of a look, I saw the spring relying on reading in bed, if not heard of the state.

Jia Yingchun: If you say that I am a child of good sex, without a decision, there are so many good ideas that you can not make your wives angry. Despite your handling, I do not know. "Everyone listened, all funny up.Yuai laughed:" Really tiger wolf Tuen order still causal talk. " If the second sister is a man, this family from top to bottom, how to rule them. "Spring laughs:" It is. How many men are the same, not to mention my zai. "

"Tiger Wolf Tuen order is still talk about the cause and effect", the spring of the wolf, Zhongshan Wolf, Jia said in front of the money because of money to borrow jewelry should Jia Gu jewelry men here are still so. Tired Phoenix storm just under the auspices of Pingliang properly handled, followed by the emergence of a "copy of Grand View Garden" farce. Copy check Grand View Park is one after another in seven, the last one is the spring residence. It is precisely here, found a spring girl big game of "evidence", that the spring is the Secretary for Spring and her lover, cousin Pan Andan's private property. The reason why the Spring Festival is too sensitive to read articles, saying the insignificant causal words, because the Spring Palace Embroidery Tips and their love affair is a Zen combination of events: the protagonist is the chess (Yingchun pawn) and Pan Anan (Nalan), or why she is so detached from the incident, let Lin Daiyu say that sentence? Of course, this is the case after the Tkinufong incident. However, these are all extreme examples of the theft of the word surface, the connection with the falling objects / sleeping in front and the evolution to the embroidered spring capsule in order to steal Zen meditation. Grand View Garden have disturbed, but it is a Dream of Red Mansions nothing, what to say? As Jin Shengtan said this dream expanded to the universe in general, but no one knows it. One thing and one thing, a generation to replace a generation of people fall, a planet born and destroyed a big bang, so! I only ask you, how big is your world? If your world is very small and small, do not worry so much, save yourself a little thought, take care of yourself, and have a bigger world to wait for you! Catch the ice and jade Lin Daiyu also need a few Milky Way? Microblogging, news, the United States and Japan, Datong ... ... are in a dream, let's be a good dream how good, Shi Xiangyun that drunk Miao, rather than Jia Yingchun That kind of dream mountain Wolf.

That Liu family because of this letter, they panic, because of thinking and Yihong hospital is the most profound, it came quietly seeking Qingwen Venus glass and others. Venus glass told Baoyu. - Cheng Yi Ben Fang, here is Venus glass.

And gave birth to a Qiaozui, dressed like a Shih Tzu every day, in front of people can say that Idioms, Pinch stronger. A word is not speculative, he set up two Sao eyes to curse, demon demon, not a single system. "Madam Wang heard this, suddenly touched the past, he asked Fengjie said:" Last time we went with the old lady into the park to visit, there is a water snake waist, cut his shoulders, facial features and some like your sister Lin, there is cursing small Girl My heart can not really look like crazy look,

- touch the past, is whether Jia Zheng Jia Yu to marry Dai Yu ducks?

Mrs. Wang was innocent people, out of emotion, better than those who cover the meaning of the word, now both true anger, but also evoke the past, they sneered: "a good beauty! Every day you make this frivolous like to whom? You do something, I do not know what to look it! I and you, tomorrow you expose your skin! - Past events

Children, a pair of straps on the belt, two pockets and fan cover, cover a fan. When you open it, it looks like it was once held in the hands of previous years.

- "Dream of Red Mansions": "copied from the Zijin room two Baoyu often change the name of the child"; "Only Zhang Taoist sent four sample ceremony, change the name of send children."; "I saw Xifeng Children laughed: "Grandpa Zhang, we send the girl name you do not change to the child before you have so much loss face, send people and I goose goose satin go!

The expression of "send name" means to worship a master and take a name.

Buddha Temple in the "send name" program, and similarities and differences between Taoism, and sometimes children will be placed in a red pocket G in a red cloth hanging on the Buddha on the cabinet, known as "send a bag." After the "send name", when Master as usual to send some "magic", such as buns, Xie Yi, silver locks, Fu Zhuan and the like, the intention is to bless the disciples disease-free and disaster-free, safe growth.

Send name, the monk to give children something, such as monks, Tao Yi and so on. The most prominent is the mailing name and mailing name lock (cable). In "Jin Ping Mei", Wu Daoguan returned many silver necklaces to Ximen Qing's son. He wrote "Full House, Rich Life," and a book named " Life, Peach Extension Hop Hong ", silver collar and the yellow line symbol is the name of the lock and send the name of the symbol.

Is Zhang Taoist sent to the gem that is named Chen Shi Yin hidden master, Yuntou monk is a virtual teacher Bao Chai, they have symbols and locks, and Lin Daiyu not set, due to the two paired and the scene mode.

Contact: copied the Grand View Garden, found in the box in the painting a large bag of gold and silver prickly heat, a pair of jade board and a bag of men's socks and other things in the chess box found a pair of men's brocade With socks, a pair of satin shoes and a small baggage, there was a big reddish double-wish padded by her cousin Pan Anan.

[Jade Belt] to clarify the source, Jia Zhen hanging in the tree, Jia Zhen prototype is Emperor Kangxi, Jiazhen reward gave Chen Shi hidden jade belt, Chen Shi Yin to his wife, Feng custody, the wind is not eligible to wear jade belt, only Jia Jane, Po emperor is eligible to wear in the waist. Daiyu is the wind. 【Bao emperor】 is Jia Zhen, and Dai Yu 'read the West Wing' hung in the two dead wood '.

- This person explained a little meaning, but according to the reasoning forward in front of me, then Jia Zhen Kangxi, given Nalan jade belt, pay Lin sister custody. Jia Zheng Jia Hui is trying to marry Yuanyuanyujadengren, so repeatedly elicited the touching career of Mrs. Wang, the courage to give up. And Wang Xifeng wants to figure out what happened ...

"Dream of Red Mansions" twenty-eighth back: "lingerie will be the Department of a small red sweat towel small child solution, to give gem." Sweat towel function in addition to wipe moisture absorption, but also for belted beam underwear, " Release name, "said:" Pa, cross their abdomen also. "Jiang Yu letter and Baoyu sweat that is of this species. It is noteworthy that this sweatshirt is generally only in underwear, although less than the general privacy of underwear today, but its privacy is quite considerable. Jiang Yu-jin saw gem in the matter will be presented with gifts, and gem will also give him his gift, showing two love, ambiguous situation. However, after passing through the Northern Jing Wang, Qi Guan, Baoyu, at least three "stinky man" "Khan" sweat last Cao Gong, but it "gift" to a person such as a woman, savoring, Always feel more or less some irony. In the future, the CCP defeated and attacked Jiang Yu-jen and found that each other had already "already had a pro-skinned pro-sweater," and probably only shared one another's fate with each other. If something else, fear not so big power, smile.

Jiang Yudao married people, that is, corresponding to Kangxi Dai Fei Dai, then the loan contact is the Kangxi thanks Nalan, Narendra to Lin Daiyu, eventually, Dai Yu married Kangxi. Is Kangxi really bisexual? Everywhere shows that ah! Xue Pan said directly, Jiang Yuxi indirectly verified. Now Taiwan's Kangxi came to a halt. There was no production of instant noodles by Master Kong two days ago. Why? The eternal Emperor was so painted by a red dreams black face strange? This Dream of Red Mansions really is not clear, or patiently read as well. If it is not Kangxi, but now even Xiaoguang Empress's birthday corresponds to the ah! At that time, is not a genius non-Nalan Mo do it?

Date of Birth Junji eleven years March 18 (May 4, 1654), the date of death Kangxi sixty-one years November 13 (December 20, 1722) - But in the seventy-first However, he said: "This is the third day of August this year, Nai Jia Nin eight days of celebration." The 110th Annotation when Jia Mu died said: "At the age of 83." Obviously this "third day of August" should also be regarded as Jiamu's birthday, at least "experts" say so. 3.18 removed 10, then 8.3. Hom Kangxi birthday. And Jiamu said he has spent 54 years, Hong Kang Xi birth date. Said that Jammu 2.8 was deduced on the day of the festival and on the 3rd of the third. Visible "August third day" is not Jiamu's birthday, "eighty ten celebration" should refer to "celebrate eighty." Code is: "Life is seventy ancient rare." Therefore, after the ancestors passed the seventy birthday, they entered the "eighth day", and they could engage in a celebration called "Eighty Day Celebration." Because it is "celebrate 80", so to be elected in August, has nothing to do with the birthday. The date is chosen in August auspicious auspicious day, not limited to that day. Therefore, the "eighty day celebration" Jia this year should be seventy-one, rather than eighty years old. This year should be 1688 - 5 = 1683 to celebrate Jammu's 70th birthday. Jiamusi birthday A Dream of Red Mansions, "Seventh one back:" On the 28th, please the royal family, Gema, the princes, the princess, the princess, the princess, the monarch, too king, his wife, etc.

Who knows the spring although young, but was born (deleted: a kind of a perpetual integrity) solitary, any one say, he just thought he had lost his decent, undecided teeth undecided. Copy the love letter of the game, so that the Secretary to death. This is a fantastic I read this time, always think of the Cultural Revolution home. A female teacher named Zhang Dafen, originally my confidant, worship me as an idol; led the Red Guards to copy my home, that a vicious gas, than the "Red Mansions," Wang Shan ten times the vicious tenor. Zhang Dafen in order to copy out from my home was she considered the poisonous grass "A Dream of Red Mansions", rummaging, scared my one-year-old baby cry and dare not cry; scared of my mother's illness on the seventies. I am full of anger reading "Dream of Red Mansions."

- Is it because of the Cultural Revolution Dream of Red Mansions ah! This Dream of Red Mansions is really impossible to say its mystery ...

Different versions of this paragraph:

Xi Chun sneered: "Although I am young, these words are not young. You are not reading a few words, so are some fools, looking at the people who understand, I am young and confused." You said: "You are the champion Second place, the second eyebrows, first and second place. "We are a silly person, as you understand, what?" Unfortunately, spring said: "champion second place is not confused .I know they can not understand." You sneer: "you are good . Is the genius, this meeting again for a monk, again speak of enlightenment. "Xi Spring said:" I do not understand, I also reluctantly into the painting. "You said:" I know you are a cold heart Relentless ruthless people. "Psyche Road:" The ancients once said, `Do not be cruel, rare from the Han. '

Ning Guo Fu Jia Zhong's sister. Her father, Jia Jing, started his book with a very old age. He indulged himself in Taoist altar and eventually died of saver poisoning. The book did not mention Xichun's mother, and she has been growing up in the Rongguo government.

- Jia Zhen is Kangxi, Xi Chun is De Fei, and her father, Jia Jing is Junji.

The four family relationship diagram, Ningguo House is very simple, only Jia Jing, Jia Zhen, Jia Rong, Xichun, the corresponding is a simple relationship between Dream of Red Mansions: Junji ~ Kangxi, Nalan, Tak Fei. In the palace of Ningguo Prefecture, Nalan is the son of Emperor Kangxi Jialong, servant, guard; and Rongguo Nalan Pearl Palace Lina Lan is the son of Jiazhuang Pearl Gem, the Pearl is the son of Empress Xiao Zhuang Jia Jia Jia governance, Jia is Pearl son's generation, Sun Shaozu is also true, because they are married to Wang Lin Ximeng sister, Jia Yingchun.

She can paint, had Jia Mu's life, painting "Grand View Garden music map." She did not work poem, but also participated in poetry clubs, at the invitation of Li Kui was responsible for "record supervisor", nickname "lotus", because her bedroom in the Grand View Garden close to the lotus fragrant pavilion, The door can feel a warm fragrance blowing. However, the author predicted that she later was "one-bedroom green lamp next to the ancient Buddha," a monk for Nigeria.

- Why Xi Cun seems seemingly indifferent, because she plotted a true "Grand View Garden" plot, it can be said that the Red Mansions dreams of a show, how can not be detached from the outside, the pure white? The top of this picture is Kangxi Emperor and Germany Princess (Yong Empress mother), very clear field history corresponding.

Once, Jia mother led the family to the Qing concept of prayers, hot weather, people are very busy, Jia Zhen Jia Rong not find, suddenly saw him hiding in the belfry by the cool. Jia Zhen was very upset and said: "You look at him - I did not heat here, he went to take a ride!" Drink life family "啐 he! ..." There will be a servant up to Jia Rong eyelid .

Copiao Grand View Garden appears from the surface is Mrs. Wang on the park a major clean-up, and Jia amnesty side did not reveal, saying nothing. Like Jia Yuqiang's marrying mandarin ducks, the copy inspection was also conducted by Mrs. Xing, from which we can easily see the shadow of Jia's amnesty, which is just what the author used to refer to the "grass-roots line". Copying due to "Embroidery Spring Capsule", and embroidered Spring Capsule is Mrs. Xing hand found from the silly eldest sister, which in turn was transferred from Madame Xing to Mrs. Wang.

The matter of embroidering the Spring Festival Capsule just departed from the relationship between Madam Wang and Wang Xifeng, and Wang Xifeng lost the trust of Madam Wang so much so that Madam Wang copied the Grand View Garden on her own initiative. This is exactly what Amnesty's school wants to see.

For the Jia government, this copy inspection has further deepened the contradictions on both sides. The Jia-Jia government is even more out of touch with Germany. The tragedy of "the building will be tilted", the feast of the Mid-Autumn Festival post-copy inspection and even the people at a table Scattered together, the whole family dinner bleak and lonely, lifeless.

These are the contents of the introduction of amnesty can correspond to the previous deduced relationship, in fact, a very simple relationship, A Dream of Red Mansions with a lot of avatars to replace a person's good and evil both, after all, mortals are able to receive higher frequency than him Good and evil two waves of consciousness - the original Dream of Red Mansions just wanted to write those big events, but must be vague can not say that when the imperial palace secret news, only so classic (Kangxi, De Fei is divided into many identities) and fit superposition State (the whole Dream of Red Mansions is fit, but the surface is the classic state of avatar, and its essential conception is superposition) written. Sometimes I will guess Kangxi is gem, Nalan has this person I also doubt it! My information is too little, so now many are found on the Internet ... But think so little dimension is too high, beyond the circle of the third density of reincarnation, you can not sort out the meticulous context of the Dream of Red Mansions ......

Little mantras stir-fried beans holding a large basin of warm water went to you, just bent down holding. Li Jue said: "how so no rules." Silver Butterfly laughed: "one by one without machine change, and said a gourd is a scoop. Granny, but let's be wider, at home no matter what fills, you get the satisfaction, regardless of at home out , In the relatives only along with it. "You said:" You go with him, wash everything finished. "

- The maidserver butterfly's words are deleted here.

Empress before each birthday and cut the ground related. At the age of 50, the Sino-French war broke out on the 50th birthday. When the 60-year-old war broke out, the war broke out in the Sino-Afghan war. At the age of 70, the three northeastern provinces were in a dangerous situation. Zhang Taiyan wrote a couplet satirical: today to Nanyuan, tomorrow to the North Sea, where to ancient Chang'an? Leighing Lebanon all the blood, only for one song Qing; 50 Okinawa, sixty cut Taiwan, and now cut the three provinces of East!

A mausoleum, the burial of an emperor, four queens, forty-eight concubines and a prince, such burial specifications unique in Chinese history, this is the emperor of the Kangxi Jingling. Emperor Kangxi reigned 61 years, buried in the Eastern Qing Tombs, that is, today's Zunhua County in Hebei Province. Then Emperor Kangxi how many times the total length of Empress it? So far is a mystery ~ ~ - a total of 54 people.

For a long time, the palace ladies are depressing and can easily generate strong feelings in the process of mutual support so as to form a stable relationship with both sexes. This is called "scrubbing," meaning that lesbians and lesbians wearily touch each other Each other's body to be some satisfaction, because both have the same body structure, it seems that in the middle of a mirror placed in the grinding, so called "grinding mirror", also known as "food"

Why Jia mother Ya glass called it? There seems to be no homosexuality in the Dream of Red Mansions.

【Origin of chopsticks】 Once, Shangwang king dining, 妲 have tasted the dishes too hot, less exchange.妲 students have been anxious, busy taking down the head Hosta will be caught from the food, blowing and blowing, and other vegetables cool and then into the king mouth. King deeply enjoy, so every day to 妲 has been so.妲 Artisans have been made for her two long Hostapin dishes, this is the prototype of chopsticks. After this kind of food clip reached the public, they have chopsticks.

[Disaster aghast] May 30, 1626 AD (Revelation of the Ming Dynasty six years) in Beijing Wang Gong plant area occurred a strange catastrophic catastrophe, more than 20000 casualties. After the disaster, men and women try their best to be naked, and the clothes, jewelry and utensils float to the west hill. Strangely, the center of the explosion was "not burning wood, no trace of burning," and it was difficult to explain the catastrophe caused by the explosion of explosives or earthquakes. The matter was Royal Palace Emperors recorded in the Ming Dynasty official history.

[Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties is their own curse of death] 1. Yuan Dynasty Dedicated to the ceremony, the throne of the main hall named "Daming Temple", the result Yuan Yu Ming; 2. Dynasty door called "Gan Qing Dian", the result Ming dynasty in the Lugouqiao Jianhanggong, respectively, named "Yongchang" "Junji", soon forced him to hang himself from the Li Zhisheng age is Yongchang Qing Dynasty Zufu Pro is Shunzhi. Sad enough.

【Children】 Chinese Children's original meaning refers to the United States and Juvenile, "娈" is the appearance of good meaning, to the North and South Dynasties began specifically refers to adults with adults who have sex with boys or adolescents. In ancient times, dignitaries and honored men, especially the Ming dynasty, were more open-minded and did not feel ashamed of being "good men," and they were able to get married and have children as their average age when they reached a certain age. It is not subject to particularly serious discrimination. - Dream of Red Mansions there are records.

【Origin of Chinese blood type】 B type blood accounted for 20%, mainly by the Huns, Turks, Xianbei, Jurchen, Khitan, Xixia into the blood caused by the Han; A type accounted for 40%, mainly in the south, by the Chu Miao Nanman and other ancient ethnic groups have evolved into China; AB type is the type B people south with type A complex; type O is one of the earliest blood type, located in the Central Plains, the blood of the Yellow Emperor and Dongyi.

The origin of good Longyang: One day, Wei Wang and Longyang Jun same boat fishing, Longyang Jun fishing more than a dozen fish, even runny nose, Wei Wang Jingqiang its sake, Longyang Jun said fishing was a fish Hi, after fishing benefits, they will discard the fish. Therefore self-thinking, universal, many beauties, fear Wei Wang love other beauties, will certainly renounce oneself, so tears. Wei King for his own concern, ordered the country to ban the beauty, banned the door cut, in order to show its love Longyang Jun.

[Qing Dynasty emperor's robes worth? 】 Weaving a goose satin fine embroidered multicolored cloud of water all-gold robes, the need to embroidery workers 608 workers, embroidery foreign workers 285, artisans 26 workers, each charge of silver totaling 392 two 2 money 1 minute 9 PCT. Equivalent to the current price, to more than ten million. A cost of hundreds of thousands of robes to wear only one time the emperor, one will take two years. - Dream of Red Mansions recorded when the clothing is very expensive.

Zheng He and the West, that is to give people scattered money, 600 million two silver, plus silk, porcelain, all for others. However, Columbus is different, people are riveting enough to go fishing, 400 years, the Spanish Empire got rid of 2.5 million kilograms of gold and 100 million kg of silver from Latin America. As a result, China demonstrated its great style and Spain completed the primitive accumulation of capital plunder.

Yue Fei and Yuan Chonghuan two anti-hero, did not die on the battlefield, have been unjustly killed by their own boss .Yue Fei Millennium talent out of a warrior, Yuan Chonghuan, Nurhachi, the last straw in gold Ming dynasty, the last straw by Huang Taiming by Huang Taizi was executed by the most brutal criminal law of Chongzhen by Chongtai in the Ming Dynasty

Han Ai emperor will engage in serious and vigorous sex, reaching the point of culmination, leaving the harem benevolent side, sole owner Dong Xian one. Dong Yin is not only eyebrows eyebrows, delicate like a beautiful woman, and even behave like a woman, he "soft", "good for Mei." Ai emperor and Dong Yin is the same out of the same, into the same paternity, lying with the same sleep do not say, and the most persistent long-term homosexuality with Dong Yin.

Daiyu said: "'Eat the cake' is the old code." Tang Zongzong once eat the delicious cake, called the royal kitchen with red corn cake, given in the Qujiang new Jinshi. Tang Dynasty Jinshi, elderly move also proud. Xu Yin poetry, said: "Do not bully old missing teeth, had to eat red Ayam pie filling." Dai-yu by eating controversy bit by bit, so "ridicule".

Split melon, cut watermelon. "Yanjing Sui Ji": "August 15th offering the moon, its offering, the fruit cake will be round, the fruit will be wrong." "Where the Mid-Autumn Festival, the watermelon will be cut, such as lotus petals." Daiyu said "sub-melon" is "fabricated". In fact, "sub-melon" is the so-called "melon melon" in Yuefu, which splits the word "melon" into two "eight" characters and implies the year of "28" (16 years old). Duan Cheng-style "Opera assistant" poem: "Still the youngest day, Nai Xu Ying Chun lotus root (" lotus "harmony" even ")" is "laughing green Yuan." Xiangyun borrow drama.

Gourd in the metaphorical significance of the "Book of Changes", "Thailand" has the meaning of all things of life, to stop the gourd as the image, the first taken is the gourd implication. And "Thai" Liuyi are yin and yang, which is the combination of men and women. The correct answer for June 2 is that June 5 and June 5 are "Di Yi's return to the younger sister." Also, as the poem starts with a gourd, it leads to "the son of the son returns, the emperor refutes his horse" ("breeze wind Dongshan"), " Leaf ") the same. "Book of Changes" There is also a gourd as a metaphor of the elephants, "姤 · Ninth Five-Year": to Qigao melons, with chapters, a meteorite from the day. Gua name is 姤, "Order Gua" said: "" 姤 "those who encounter also." Six 爻 爻 speech, are uphold the meaning of Gua Xiang, and men and women are mate, marriage, pregnancy, children and other content related. One ninety-five 爻 words, as an implied language is "package melon", that 匏 melon, which is gourd. Only because the shape of the gourd is very similar to that of the pregnant mother becomes its symbolic image, the metaphorical meaning of the gourd is that the woman is pregnant and gives birth.

Duan Cheng-style "Opera assistant" poem: "Still the youngest day, Nai Xu Ying Chun lotus root (" lotus "harmony" even ")" is "laugh green Yuan." Xiangyun borrow drama. - Yingchun 1676 Even, corresponding to Xi Chun poetry alias Ou Xie Xie.

Therefore, the downstairs arrow in the Tianxiang built a prickly heat, are agreed to daily shot after the release of prickly heat. Jiazhen refused to be famous, they ordered Jia Rong for the bureau. These are all the hereditary hereditary son, rich in family wealth, and are in the juvenile, it is cockfighting lackeys, ask Liu Pinghua a lot of wandering pants. Therefore, we agreed that daily turn for the Lord of the dinner, ---- daily shot, inconvenience to interfere with one meaning of Jia Rong. So every day slaughter pig slaughtering sheep, slaughter geese ducks, like Lintong bucket treasure in general, have to show off their own good kitchen good cooking.

Here volunteered servants are children under the age of 15, if not into a small man here, so You Fang Fang Qian to the window to peek. Two of them, sixteen-year-old children, are prepared for the sake of wine.

Xue Pan Xing head, then hugged a boy child to eat wine, and ordered the wine to King Xing silly uncle. Silly uncle lose home, no mood, ate two bowls, then some drunk, holding two children only rush the winner to lose the loser.

Jia mother said: "You sent the moon cake good yesterday, watermelon looked good, but also open nothing." Jia Zhen laughed: "The moon cake is a new to do a special dessert cook, I tried it, Dare to be honored. Watermelon can still be in previous years, I do not know how bad this year. "Jia Zhengdao:" About this year, too much rain so hard. "

Who knows the uncle down like to say, also said: `` `` `` `` `` `` it is not interesting to call him a sister that same day. 'So where I am going, I use it without any change. - This section is deleted.

This section also deleted:

(Xiangyun laughed: "De Longwangshu, people's common feelings." Can know that the elderly say good .People from poor families to take care of themselves, told him that they can not be bent on, they do not want to believe; must witness its Habitat, the other side of the perception .As two of us, although the parents are not, but also in a wealthy home, but you I actually have a lot of heartless things. "Daiyu laughed:" Not only you and I can not take advantage of, Even the old lady, wife and treasure to explore the girl and others, regardless of the event is small, reasonable and unreasonable, which can not be their heart, the same reason, not to mention you and I live in the world sent to people! "Xiang Yun heard that I am afraid Daiyu sad again

De Fei's age is this: 1660 plus 43 is equal to 1703. Twenty years to argue right and wrong. 1703 plus 20 equals 1723. 1723 plus 20 equals 1743 after death. There are two forty-three here. There is also a true concubine of German concubine 83 with the Dream of the Red Chamber said the Fortune 43 corresponds to the death. Jiamusan eighty-three died, Yuanchun 43 died corresponding.

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