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The twenty-sixth day Red Flavor taste - from Jia Rui talked about 第二十六天 解味红楼——从贾瑞谈起









万历38年庚戌科 韩敬 马之骐 钱谦益——钱谦益探花。金圣叹的舅舅科举考试是探花第三名。英莲三岁丢失。后面又有说林如海是科举考试第三名,而且他三岁儿子死亡,只有一女儿黛玉五岁了。第二回说到甄士隐出家一二年了,然后娇杏嫁给了贾雨村。如果按金圣叹1661年被杀或出家,那么过两年是1663年,此时德妃是三岁,她1660年出生。后又说贾雨村娇杏过了近两年后被扶正,此时1665年,那么此时黛玉正好五岁,这一切都可以对上日期。后人推柳如是为秦淮八艳之首,认为是自李清照之后最...据学者考证,她本姓杨,名爱,又名朝云、云娟等。


















背上錾着「风月宝鉴」四字,递与贾瑞道:「这物出自太虚幻境空灵殿上,警幻仙子所制,专治邪思妄动之症,有济世保生之功。第5回: 恨不能尽天下之美女供我片时之趣兴,此皆皮肤淫滥之蠢物耳。如尔则天分中生成一段痴情,吾辈推之为`意淫'。`意淫'二字,惟心会而不可口传,可神通而不可语达。汝今独得此二字,在闺阁中,固可为良友,然于世道中未免迂阔怪诡,百口嘲谤,万目睚眦。


《破阵子》 文/白衣卿相





爱新觉罗·玄烨(穆麟德:Hiowan Yei,1654年5月4日—1722年12月20日),清朝第四位皇帝、清定都北京后第二位皇帝。年号康熙,后世称呼为康熙帝。蒙古人称为恩赫阿木古朗汗(Enkh Amgahan)或阿木古朗汗(蒙语“平和宁静”之意,为汉语“康熙”的意译)。康熙,宁静,宁国府。













德嫔~颦儿, 德妃~贤德妃。



白居易非常受日本人喜欢,为什么?有人说杨玉环(719---756),白居易(772—846),杨贵妃死后16 年 ,白居易才出生,他们两个没见过面 ,当然没关系 。可是他们俩时间对应不上,我看到的忘记哪里的却说白居易与杨贵妃之间有什么联系,当时没在意,只是很奇怪。


公元1722年为平年,348天,春节是后壬寅年(虎年),公元1723年为平年,春节是 后癸卯年(兔年),虎兔相逢大梦归,1723年德妃去世。



纳兰性德词作现存348首,和前面1722、1723农历日子相同348天。宜人,封建时代妇女因丈夫或子孙而得的一种封号。宋代政和年间始有此制。文官自朝奉大夫以上至朝议大夫,其母或妻封宜人;武官官阶相当者同。元代七品官妻、母封宜人, 明清五品官妻、母封宜人。让人想到了西厢记醉心篇的宜人。




阿珂是七位老婆中最美的,原著写道:“韦小宝一见这少女,不过十六七岁,胸口像被一个无形的铁锤重重击了一记,霎时之间唇燥舌干。心道,我死了,我死了,这个美女倘若给我做老婆,小皇帝跟我换位也不干。”这个多像Bigbang的新歌fxxt it啊!不得不说,鹿鼎记,寂寞空庭春欲晚,花千骨,七月与安生……还有那些同时性出现的创造,发现,或许不在一个时期,但是都有最后的禅思隐含着,就如你想的词语会被其他人说出来一样,扩展之,无有不出左右。





设内务府。自此遂为定制;广储司,设总办郎中、郎中、主事、委署主事、笔帖式、书吏,掌内府库藏,领银、皮、瓷、缎、衣、茶六库;都虞司,设郎中、主事、委署主事、笔帖式、书吏,掌内务府武职官铨选及畋鱼之事;掌礼司,设郎中、员外郎、主事、赞礼郎、司俎官、司祝、司香、司碓、 笔帖式、 书吏、掌内廷礼乐及考核太监品级;会计司,设郎中、员外郎、六主、委署主事、笔帖式、书吏,掌内务府出纳及庄园地亩之事。先用宫女、太监,亦由该司管理;营造司,设员同掌仪司,掌宫廷修缮工程。贾政,工部员外郎级别不高,在京官中连上朝的资格都没有。不过,工部掌管全国的工程预算、招标和监督执行部门,是最肥的油水衙门之一,因此在里面做官油水大的很。






第十五回王熙凤弄权铁槛寺说的张家小姐金哥被俩人抢婚,有点金圣叹原名张采暗语。但是钱谦益与金圣叹究竟什么关系,这有点儿混淆了。感觉金圣叹就是钱谦益一样。前面宝玉题写绛云轩三个字 ,后面即有为贾元春省亲盖大观园。会否是宝玉看到了钱谦益为柳如是盖绛云楼的事情呢?纳兰明珠是1635年出生,里面有3与5,而且他的名字叫明珠也很奇怪,他的住处即叫明府。1684年9月纳兰性德与康熙南巡参观了大明寺。





The twenty-sixth day

Red Flavor taste - from Jia Rui talked about

Jia Rui died, Jia Yu sent back to Yangzhou Daiyu, the next chapter that is written in the mind of Wang Xi fun, slept sleepless at night. Followed by the back of the said gem because Daiyu go back to their own single, do not play and sleep at night. In fact, this wording metaphor Wang Xifeng that is, Lin Daiyu is the German concubine, Baoyu Nalan Xingde, Jia Yi is Kangxi. The text has written a lot of Jia name, Jia Dai Confucianism until Jiashi and other names, in fact, on behalf of counter-reference denomination Nalan Ming faction, next to the king that is the king of Kangxi Wang that school, the grass prefix is ​​Nalan Sex Wood Mudsagrake Johnson that school. And the initials of the grass are many clear words and expressions: Jia Ling is Xiang Ling, Jia Yun is Xiangyun, Jia Qin is Cao Xueqin, Jia Qin is Qin Keqing, Ping is Jia Ping, Jia algae is the Phoenix algae Palace, Jia Yuanchun, Jia Ying Is Wuhu Court Xue Bao Chai, Jia Lan is Nalan.

Everyone says that Xiangyun is a man who has not heard of the human form before, and the appearance of Wang Xifeng and his appearances are exactly the same, suggesting that Xiangyun is also Wang Xifeng. Jia Baoyu dream criminals Xuan Xuan, who came to attack people Bao Chai Xiangyun Daiyu, in fact, he is the only one who dreamed that where there are other people? Many of the discourse is just to spread the story of the story, said "Shih Tien Hsien" is his story and Dai Yu Dafa only. Xiangyun wear rat sub-rat lurking, are suggesting that Dai-yu rat. Said she Wang Zhaojun said she married the royal family. Daiyu wearing sheepskin boots, and implicitly gem sheep. These are because yesterday I heard Mr. Zhou Ling said Dream of Red Mansions, said manuscripts are lost, in order to find the truth of the Dream of Red Mansions have to look at the book from the Dream of Red Mansions itself. Therefore, today specially borrowed the Dream of Red Mansions book, and indeed found a lot of meticulous things, and I thought before is not bad, validated my dream of the Red Mansions write only one guess.

Dream of Red Mansions in this way is very similar to the financial loan relationship. Take a loan, life and death, a set break, a yin yin yin. This is a bit like the five elements of the Book of Lords (Income Statement), which trace their appearance on the river chart (balance sheet) and on the principle of cosmic balance. Such as Kim Sang Tan said West Wing is writing a single person only, Dream of Red Mansions is also written Daiyu one! Lin Daiyu Xue Bao Chai Qin Keqing ... ... 12 Chai and vice-book and vice-book is one person only! Jia Rui is also Jia Baoyu.

Ma Guangru dying on the occasion, trance, has come to see friends and colleagues come to recognize. Whenever a doctor asks about his occupation, he can still clearly state: "I am an actor who acted in" Dream of Red Mansions "," The Story of the West Chamber, "" Ghost Story. "" On the day of his death, Jiangxi TV Station is now running a TV series "Dream of Red Mansions," "Wang Xifeng poisoning set of the Council," that one, when the feces and pots buckle in the "Jia Rui" head, many of my friends tears. I was detained feces, heat search two days ago seems to have this thing did not look specifically what. See the book Li Jia Rui so miserable, and now I see the actor so miserable, I think Naren character was so miserable? Of course Na Lan Xingde should not be true feces, should be a language or insult like, right? Excrement, explain the notoriety or bad metaphor. Jerry actor's behavior is a little feeling of schizophrenia symptoms, and obviously they are not JIA Baoyu, did not encounter Lin Daiyu, but caught in that state can not get out, so unscrupulous ah! That is, the gap between reality and ideality is too large, which leads to the conversion and tearing of the wave consciousness and the granular consciousness that are too frequent, that is, the soul is too divided and can not be united. Maybe it was better for a Jarrean actor to be a monk at the time, but now if Pan-Yi knows how to do it, it should not be a big problem. His emotional intelligence did not schedule the transition to the gods, can only see the gods and stay in the intelligence of the cycle, loss, fall ... ...

Dream of Red Mansions back to the 19th large gem flowers big sister. Treasure people gem that the third problem to get rid of is: no longer allowed to spend flowers, eating rouge, love red problems. In fact, here is the flower flowers, rouge should be grease Yan fast, love red is red. They said three more days, the next day hit people sick, Baoyu to Daiyu, Daiyu also said I am a child downtown night, today sore. Behind that gem rouge thing, nagging that uncle and others do not see. Here Daiyu hurriedly told the same person, in fact, means almonds that is Lin Daiyu. Behind then began to say that the aroma of Daiyu, here refers to the aroma of Daiyu flower is the meaning of people. It seems that before and after the relationship between the Dream of Red Mansions is indeed a little unnecessary explanation, are metaphorical.

Bao Yu asked Qian snow said: "early morning made a bowl of Feng Lu tea, [Xuxu side grant: with the" red cave cave ".) (By: Ming Dongyang" Night Acacia ": Spring, sitting in the wind into the early morning .That he can be phase with the moon, and make every effort not to people. "Feng Lu tea in the thirty-eighth back is called [Acacia flower [tea] Ten Tendrogram [superscript] "Changhua" attack, there is the beginning and end, "" Changhua "with" book " In the early Qing Dynasty, the song poetry of Kangxi Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty was based on the images of Su Shi and Lu You, Know who refers to who turned out to be Chang flowers. Jia Qiang, who is it?

If we repeat the Dream of Red Mansions in accordance with the same principle as my one who wrote one, we should find out the tracks of the two stories of "Zhen Shih-hsien" and eventually conform to "Poetry (Author) + Supernatural / Suffix (Experience) + Love + Royal (only hidden words Chen Shih-yin) "key words. So, before that paradox can be a good solution: a clear sense of feeling is a masterpiece, but give people the appearance of the article is everywhere eat rouge 纨 绔 children? The original so deep, deep into the secrets of creation ~ such a To come, the entertainer can not unlock the password of the Dream of Red Mansions, and its vastness allows the person in all the hexagrams to discover the meaning of that person's side. According to my principle to read it again, you will be able to understand the strange deeds of Nalan Xingde and De Fei (Love Monk recorded), and not just the blood of the deceased (Treasure Poetic), but also the historical cycle law ( Jinling twelve hairpin) of the study.

Chen Shih fantasy psychic psychic psychic is really hidden. Jia Yu Dust pregnant lady is also recorded in the real life of the Qing I I actually false leave. Nu Wa refining stone days, 36,500 pieces. That one abandoned in the next Qingfeng peak. A spiritual pass can be large or small. This reminds me of Hammer Peak. But if you can tell, but also reminds me of the Journey to the West's golden hoop. The history of the stone to answer the history of the dynasties is nothing more than under the Han and Tang dynasties. I remember this story down the stone is also unique. Is the Dream of Red Mansions unofficial history? If it should also be the history of the Han Dynasty Nalandang when the unofficial history records. Empty Taoist renamed the monk, change the stone recorded as a love monk recorded, in fact, that Nalan Xingde as a record of love. Kong Mei-mei Poetic Poetic refers to the illusion of fairy said Jia Baoyu incarnation of Jari's obscenity. Cao Xueqin mourning Hong Xuan Jinling twelve hairpin. Twelve antelope actually is a person of Lin Daiyu incarnation, in fact, is a record of Tak Fei unofficial history.

Wanli 38 years Geng Ke Han King Ma Qiqian Qi Qian Yi Qian Qian Yi. Kim Sung-sang uncle examination is third in third. Lily lost three years old. Behind said that Lin Ruhai is the third exam civil service examinations, and his three-year-old son died, only one daughter Daiyu five years old. The second time said Chen Shih Hsien home for a year or two, and Jiao Xing married Jia Yu village. If the deposit was slashed or killed in 1661, then two years would be 1663, when De Fei was three years old and she was born in 1660. After Jiayu Jiao apricot said after nearly two years after being righting, then 1665, then at this time just 5-year-old Dai, all this can be on the date. The future is the case of Liuhuai Qinhuai Banyan first, considered to be the most since the Qing dynasty ... According to scholar research, her surnamed Yang, a love, aka Chaoyun, Yunjuan and so on.

Body Pavilion is located in Taihe front square in the east, west. Built in Ming Yongle eighteen years (1420 years), said the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Jiajing renamed Wenzhao Pavilion, renamed the body early Ren Ren Pavilion. Forty-eight years of Qianlong (1783) was destroyed in the fire in June, was rebuilt. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi held a bachelor's degree in Imperial Examination and recruited celebrities. After the Qianlong Dynasty, where the house was done satin house.

He said: 'My daughter is made of water, and man is made of mud. I met my daughter, I will be refreshing, met a man, they feel that the smell of evil pressing. 'Are you funny? No doubt in the future "Rain Village Ran Ran glamorous:" non-also! Unfortunately, you do not know the origin of this person. About politics predecessors also mistakenly devil devil look. If more than reading knowledge, to be aware of the power of things, enlightenment of the power of reference, can not know also. "Yucun Road:" Heaven and Earth, in addition to the two evil Da-ren, the other are without exception. If the benevolent, then came into being, big evil person, you should rob us. Yun Sheng Shi Zhi, robbery life-threatening. Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Zhou, Zhao, Kong, Meng, Dong, Han, Zhou, Cheng, Zhang, Zhu, all came into being. Chiyou, Gong Gong, 桀, 纣, the First Emperor, Wang Mang, Cao Cao, Huan Wen, An Lushan, Qin Hui and so on, all robbed and born. . . If born in the rich house of Hou Hou, then the love of idiosyncrasy; if born in poem poor family, then as a man of high esteem, longitudinal and then occasionally born in thin 祚 cold door, broken can not be servants, Gan was mediocre Control system, will be the odd name advocate. As former Xu Hui, Tao Qian, Ruan Ji, Ji Kang, Liu Ling, Wang Xie two tribes, Gu Huitou, Chen Houzhu, Tang Ming Huang, Song Huizong, Tingting Liu, Wenfei Qing, Minan Gong, Shi Manqing, Liuqian Qing, In recent days Ni Yunlin, Tang Bohu, wish Zhizhan, such as Li Tuinian, Huang Huanchuo, King new mill, Zhuo Wenjun, red whisk, Xue Tao, Cui Ying, towards the cloud of the stream, which are easily to the same person. "" You just said that this gem, I guess the 89 is also a school of this figure. Needless to say, only Jinling City, Qin Jinling Province Renren hospital president Zhen, you know? "

The second chapter says Dai Jade Dai-year-old side of the five-year-old, but only foster child, chatting knee bleak sigh. The third chapter also said that Wang Xifeng is the second niece Wang's niece, since childhood fake man education, scientific name Wang Xifeng. The words are the same, hidden language that Daiyu is Wang Xifeng. Wang Xifeng - this person dressed in public with different, colorful embroidery brilliant, reminding us of scenes of fairy princess: head wearing gold treasures save beads bun, chasing the sunrise Chaoyang five pearl beads, items wearing red gold plate 螭 璎 Luo Circle, skirt tied with beans Green Palace Sash, double the size of the rose admirers, who wore the golden Bunny red flower satin narrow suits, cover colorful carved silverside silver coat, with jade sprinkle skirt. Jia Baoyu - has come in a young son: wearing a headgear wrapped in Baozi Zijuan, Qi Mei dragged two drag beads beads Enamel, wearing a two-color gold butterfly wearing flower red sleeve, Bunch of colorful silk flowers hanging knot long house palace sash, cover the stone flower rose eight battalion forging row spike gown, wearing a satin foundation small North Korea boots. A sunrise five Fung, a Erlongxizhu, also have golden butterfly, colorful silk, stone green - what does this explain? Description before and after three or four pages together, do not know what Daiyu wear, certainly not See Wang Xifeng can. Said Wang Xihui reminding us of scenes innocent fairy fairy. Behind Jade Jade Jade Jade also said a fairy sister did not. Fantasy magic fairy. Are there any flowers Fairy behind it? Qingwen is Hibiscus flower God.

Feng Yuan 18 years old, fond of men's style, not good female color. There are Nalan sexual virtues of the men and women who are good or evil, there are also similar to Liu Rushi female disguise as men (Liu Ruqian Qian Qianyi some key information and Nalan strong correlation, most likely and Nalan Zen related). Naran was 18 years old in 1673, and Defei was thirteen years old. Behind the door said the young girl, up to twelve-year-old remarry resale. This Xue family wealthier than Feng, but numerous widow concubines, may not be the case of one person and Feng Yuan Ding. This is also the case with Kangxi.

Just arrived at the door, there is a thin sweet incense came. Baoyu think that the soft-shelled eyes, even say "good incense!" When entering the room to the wall to see, there are florid painting "Begonia spring sleeping map", both sides of the Song bachelor Qin too virtual wrote a couplet, Nongnong lock dream of spring cold, fragrant cage people are wine. Case was set on the day of Wu Zemin mirror set in the mirror room, one side of the gold plate flying Dancing Dancing, disk filled with An Lushan threw too soft milk papaya. Set with Shouchang princess in the palace with Zhang Zhuang lying couch, hanging Tongchang princess Lianzhu account. Gem smile even said: "Here is good!" Qin laughed: "My house about immortal also can live." Speaking personally kicked off the Xizi Yarn, moved the matchmaker mate pillow. Fifth: Tour illusion refers to fans twelve hairpin, drink cents mash song Hongloumeng, this version has hit the man. I borrow the library to see the book is not, is it clear that Qin Keqing is a witness?

Drinking, there are twelve dancers come up, may I ask what song. Police Magic Road: "Will be the new system << Dream of Red Mansions >> twelve performances up." The dancers agreed, they tap the sandalwood, money by Yinzheng, listen to his song is: open Hong Mong ...... square song a, He said: "This song is not as earth-filled as the legendary song, there must be the essence of life and death, and the limits of the north and south of the Nine Temples. This or a chant a person, or feeling a thing, even into a song, you can spectrum into the orchestral. If you are not a man, I do not know one of the wonderful material Seoul may not be aware of this tune .If you do not read the manuscript, after listening to their songs, turn into chewing wax. "Here to say that the Dream of Red Mansions is a twelve, or a chant , Or feeling something. It is clear here that Twelve Beauties in Dream of Red Mansions is a person.

That Xifeng children home often with autumn plate marten Zhaowang sets, around the save Pearl child, wearing a pink saffron jacket, stone carved squirrel cloak, red crepe silver rat skin skirt, powder lip gloss Yan, the end is sitting over there. Zhaojun, a rat argot.

Xue Bao Chai eating cold fragrant pills need spring summer autumn and winter stamen twelve two, need rain water and frost on the day cream, dew dew, snow on the snow of the twelve money, buried pear tree called cold fragrant pills, Illness is coughing from an early age. The pill is a monk. And Daiyu is so sick, is a Yuntou monk with life Yang Rong pills.

The ninth gem and Qin Zhong on the scholar account, do not play with them, met the master is not to play. Then go to Jia Zheng Fang Bao Yu please, Jia curse that do not learn delicate naughty. Followed by Baoyu school to play a mess, hit one. Here the language of hooliganism has the meaning of hissing, extending to Jia politics, then the truth. Whether every time written by the language of this shy language? Then returned to the eighth really found: Baoyu morning wrote Dou Fang children posts Xun Yun Xuan, at noon to find the Po Chai met before two Qinggou Xianggong Ask him for the bucket side stickers.

The seventh time should be Jia Xuan Wang Xifeng, and the scorching dust behind and raise a small uncle have a relationship. Jia Xiu play here Jiaxi Qin Jia Qing and Qin Keqing. (Jia Baoyu later said Jia Yun as son, there should be code). The sixth is Jia Baoyu people cloud cloud love, followed by the grandma Liu money to thank the thin dead camel also larger than the horse. Jia Rong here and Xifeng exchange.

A few times in front of the story should explain the foundation. Leng Zixing speech Rongguo said gem jade and health, reminds me of Empress died in the mouth of the night pearl, do not know if there is any correlation.

Now it is obvious that the symptoms of a water shortage are coming. Wait for medication. "So wrote a prescription, handed Jia Rong, wrote:

Benefit nourishing spleen and liver soup

Ginseng two money Atractylodes two money speculation Yun Ling three money cooked four money

Took two money to wash white peony two money fried Chuanxiong money half Astragalus three money

Jia Zhen said: "People originally did not eat rice for a long time practicing medicine because Feng Ziying us, he asked for him easy to come in. Both this person, wife's illness or will be able to do that. Ginseng, it used to buy the day before that pound of good strike. "Jia Rong listen to the story, the party came out to fight people to fight fried Qin to eat. Yang Rong, ginseng, which is obviously a ginseng Yang Rong pills implied that Qin Keqing is Lin Daiyu's argot. Jia Rong, Rongguo House, Nalan Xingde, Qin Keqing Daiyu eat ginseng Yang Rong pills; Bao Chai, draft, into the palace, the Nalan frosty, so eat cold fragrant pills. A Dream of Red Mansions sketches a bit superimposed state, the quantum information is very large, the meaning of the Prophecy prophecy.

倏 and wax to do spring back, the disease is more heavy. On behalf of Confucianism also busy, medical treatment everywhere, are not effective. Because later to eat "exclusive soup", Confucianism how to have this force, only to Rong House to find. Qin Keqing and the time are the twelfth lunar month serious illness. Possibly feces are male and female, such as geo-school fight that time.

The back of the chanted "Feng Yue Bao Jian," the words, handed Jia Rui said: "This thing from the Empire illusion Temple, the magic fantasy Fairy made, Hate can not make the best of beauty for the film when I am fun, this is the skin of prostitution of the stupid ears. As Erzhe talent generated in a period of infatuation, I pushed the obscenity .` obscenity ' However, the heart can be unbelievable, can be supernatural, but can not say.You now have this word, in the boudoir, solid can be a good friend, but in the world is averted delusional strange, hundred ridicule, all eyes and feet.

Confucianism can not be the moment, only food funeral, go everywhere. Three days after the start, issued on the 7th, to send the spirit behind the threshold temple. Jia Rui, Liezi Chapter Tianrui, back to the head named Jia Tianxiang. Death symptoms like Nalan Xingde died of "thirst, not sweating," similar to Sima Xiangru's diabetes.

The novel "lonely empty court spring night" actress, early years because of his brother-in-law was not admitted to the palace, reduced to Huan yi slave, because of a Xiao Huang Ensemble and Xuan Ye enthralled, leading a period of worldly love. Because the palace of the people envy and persecution and empress dowager opposition, Xuan Ye had to be alienated. Kangxi fifty years passed away. Today just thought: 1673 into the palace -1723 passed away, De-feng stay in the Royal Palace actually a full 50 years! How flies ah!

"Broken" text / Bai Qing phase

Deciduous non-related Feng Yue, leisure worry gradually diffuse rivers and lakes. Addition has not been added Tim white hair, chat left illusion Lu Lu. Fuqin Yu Yu. Recumbent pillow pregnant have seen, oblique off Yan goose alone. Mexican ink win Polygalaceae, thirsty Wenshui unworthy of way. Crazy into the pen sparse.

Last night at night before falling asleep Rong Rong Rong House thought may Rongru capacity, but no longer want to go down Ningguo what it is, because it was too late to sleep. However, at 5:13 am in the morning, I suddenly woke up to think of the meaning of Ning Rong Er Fu. I do not know why I suddenly woke up, and I woke up in my mind is the meaning of these two prefectures, but also think of this coincided with unspeakable glory, the beginning of the provocative is rather a brave language.

Rongguo government refers to Jia Rong, Nalan Xingde; Ning Guo Fu refers to Jia Zhen, Kangxi! Rong, Mushi, UNI, Rong Ruo; Jane, Jin Yu Liang edge, Kangxi. Are all placed in the Ningguo government just to illustrate their situation similar to the replica of the longevity hall? Perhaps the Palace of Eternal Youth is also like them, not the kind of loving prophecy of Emperor Yang Mingfei? Occasionally see the previous two days said that the Royal Concubine and Bai Juyi is the real pair? No wonder Bai Juyi wrote Everlasting Regret!

Aixinjueluo Xuan Ye (Mu Linde: Hiowan Yei, May 4, 1654 - December 20, 1722), the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the second emperor of Qing dynasty in Beijing. The age of Kangxi, future generations called Emperor Kangxi. Mongolians call Enkh Amgahan or Amulung Khan (Mongolian "peace and tranquility" meaning, for the Chinese "Kangxi" free translation). Kangxi, quiet, Ningguo House.

Two years of Kangxi (1681) on December 20, with the benefits, Rong, should be promoted with three throne together, the book seal for the German concubine, at the age of 22 years. Emperor Kangxi sixty-one years (1222, 1722) Kangxi Emperor collapse, Emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne, respect for the empress dowager, to be on the emblem said Renshou Empress Dowager, at the age of 63 years. 12. 20 days 22-year-old Feng De Fei, Kangxi 1722. 12.20 days of death.

Behind painted high-rise buildings, there is a beautiful beam hanging himself. The judge said:

Emotional love the sea fantasy body, both the situation will be obscene prostitution.

Vulgar unscrupulous Jie Rong, the beginning of provocation really Ning.

Utterly unscrupulous feces are Jarong Jarong Rongguo Nalan Xingde, in fact, the beginning of all the Kangxi's Ningguo House! Very clear confession. This reminds me of a bunch of feces Ma Rong, who started? Why optimistic about her, also called Rong?

Just had Nanan County, Dongping County, Xining County, North King County four princes, and the town of Bulls House six, Zhonghou Hou Shifu and other eight people, are poor people holding a name card to send Shou Li, All my father back, first received in the account, and the bill is on the file. Northeast, northwest, peaceful and quiet, and Kang Xi Mongolian peace and quiet almost the same.

Among the many comments, there is a suggestion that "Everlasting Regret" is a work by Bai Juyi borrowing chants of historical figures in order to pin his feelings. Bai Juyi with a young woman named Xiang Ling fell in love. Because Xiang Ling was born cold, by the time the concept of social barriers and fashion can not get married, become his life's "long hate" thing. Lingering sadness of Acacia and lonely depressed state of mind, so that Bai Juyi in the long night "solitary light pick does not sleep," looking up to "Gengxinghe Desire." Bai Juyi with his flower wonderful pen, stained with tears into the ink, wrote "Winter Night Huai xiangling", "send Xiang Ling" poem. Also wrote a "hidden from", which said: "No cry, the potential to leave, not language, dark acacia, no one knows nothing beyond the heart, ... ... each other willingly without any delay." Some people think he was suffering from the loss of Xiang Ling , So he used "to make lovebirds in heaven, and to be a branch in the world; everlasting and sometimes endless, this hate never ending" this poem, to place their grief on love.

Xiang Ling, Xiaoxiang concubine soul, Hong Ling! Lurking from very similar to a lifetime of a pair of people, who means the meaning of spring. "In the days of willingness to love the birds in the land is willing to even branches" similar to the mansion of the Golden Dream of Red Mansions "Mo forget not forget Xianshou Hengchang" never leave Fong Wing forever. " Is Bai Juyi and Naren sex past life entangled it?

Twelve years of Emperor Kangxi (1673) lunar January, the annual House of the Imperial Household selected into the palace, when the palace daughter, at 14 years old.

Seventeen years of Emperor Kangxi (1678) October 30, Sheng Huangshengzi Yin 禛 (that is, Emperor Yongzheng), when 19 years old.

Eighteen years of Emperor Kangxi (1679) on October 13, individually sealed as German example, at the age of 20 years.

Two years of Kangxi (1681), and benefits, Rong, should be promoted together three empire position, the book seal for the German concubine.

German example ~ 颦 children, De Fei ~ virtuous Princess.

On the next night after arriving at Ma Tuan Station, the escort sergeant killed and killed Yang Guozhong, who displeased the country and disastrous people and demanded that Emperor Xuanzong immediately execute Yang Guifei. At this time of Emperor Xuanzong has 72 years old, the old time the dragon, and can not afford to ice muscle snow bones, even temporarily tremble, or let Yang Gui took the silk belt, prickly pear in a tree. A peerless beauty, so at the age of 38, ended his life. Sleep in the stirrup loess. Qin Keqing is also a cantilever himself. Liu Ru is also.

Yang Guifei mystery of death: Yang's cemetery is still in the stirrup, Bai Juyi, Li Shangyin to hold out, generation of literati also novels. In front of the cemetery, it is the primitive and vigorous seven characters written by Mr. Shao Lizi in the tomb of Tang's Royal concubine. The two sides of the tomb are ancient bei jing, followed by the giant monuments of Mao Zedong's half-length handwriting "Everlasting Sorrow"; , Is a new Taizhen Pavilion Scenic Garden, the middle of a marble statue of white marble Yang. Mystery 3: Another argument that, Yang finally flee to Japan. However, its life and death situation is still indecipherable.

Bai Juyi is very popular with Japanese people, why? Some people say Yang Yuhuan (719 --- 756), Bai Juyi (772-846), Yang Guifei died 16 years after Bai Juyi was born, the two of them have not met, of course, it does not matter. However, both of them did not correspond to the time. What I saw forgot what was there and said that there was any connection between Bai Juyi and Yang Guifei.

Tang and Ming dynasty are really "fair and evil with the Fu"; Yang, Princess, Pipa female is true "with the evil", but the positive side was temporarily blinded by the sound; the author himself is " Both are limited to literary experience, the real career ups and downs is not large. Harmonious unity between good and evil so that he went beyond the fate of fighting tragedy fate. Here also reflects Bai Juyi's view of human nature is a mixture of good and evil, human nature that is good or evil.

AD 1722 for the year, 348 days, the Spring Festival is Renyin years (Year of the Tiger), 1723 AD for the year, the Spring Festival is the post-Guimao years (Rabbit), tiger rabbit meet big dream, 1723 Defei died.

For the former deacon and other things, all goods are classified as "five goods". Will Fong Yuen Street front door open, both sides played a drum hall, two classes of Tsing Yi in time to play music, a pair of deacons placed knife chop ax cut. There are two sides of the vermilion big big vertical erected at the door, above the big book: "The protection of the Forbidden City Imperial Forbidden Guard Wei Long incompetent." Opposite play altar, monk altar; list big book "hereditary Ningguo Gong The graves Sun Fu protect the inner court imperial guards Long Wei Wei Jia door Qin's pleasant funeral .Four continents to the land, Fengtian Yongping Pacific State - Qin Keqing dead lock dragon, that Qin Keqing "Jia" exchange The Nalande five products, "third-class guards." First-class guards, also known as "first-class guards," is the third grade, 60 people, the flag on each flag 20; second guards, are four products, 150 people, Three flags each 50 people; third guards are five products, 270 people, the flag on the flag of 90 people.

Liu Jiusheng, an associate professor at the History College of Shaanxi Normal University, recently published "Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum Imperial Palace Lang Guan terracotta warriors and ancient Chinese civilization" proposed that the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum buried unearthed figurines, not now as identified as "Terracotta Warriors and Horses", but only the first emperor In order to have possession and use of the recent minister guards system is the ancient Chinese Lang system real people real horse really copy. The whole scene presents the portrayal of the emperors entering or holding ceremonial ceremonies. Emperor Kangxi Qin Imperial guards point - Nalan Xingde.

Nalan Xingde word for the existing 348 first, and the previous 1722,1723 lunar calendar the same 348 days. Pleasant, feudal times women because of her husband or offspring of a seal. Song Dynasty and the beginning of this system. Civilian officials from the doctor to the DPRK doctor or more, his mother or wife closure pleasant; officer officer rank quite the same. Seventy official wife of the Yuan Dynasty, mothers and gentlemen, the Ming and Qing Wu Pin Guan wife, female seal pleasant. Reminiscent of the West Wing memorable article pleasant.

If the food is not open, I will ensure that the package is open, it is a little wrong, others look good. From childhood pedophilia smuggling kill decision, and now out of the Court, but also in that house where the work, the more experienced mature. I think these days, in addition to no one big sister again. This period of childhood kill decision, reminiscent of 14-year-old Wu Zetian horse tactics.

Add incense alone before the spirit of incense, hanging mantle spirit, for tea, with the hatred, do not do anything else with them. The four single-steamed rice vessels, one less, but also his four claims. To see Wang Xifeng say, think of the financial statements of the classification, the Dutch Steven balance sheet, but also think of the Dutch wrote the ancient Chinese test, written until 1644.

Wei Xiaobao is a fictional character, according to the novel projection, Andy should be 2 years younger than Emperor Kangxi, was born in Shunzhi thirteen years (1656), the story of the novel around the end of Kangxi twenty-three years (1684), Andy 28 years old. Wei Xiaobao alias Xiao Guizi, the Qing Dynasty, birthplace of Yangzhou, birth date 1655 (B years) or so, occupational Qingyuan generals, Heaven and Earth will Aoki incense Lord, Dragon taught Bailongshi, the main achievements captured Ao worship, broken Sangui rebellion Three reinforcements, by the first class deer Dinggong. Is this not a Dream of Red Mansions narran sex play? It is also 1655!

Ake is the most beautiful wife of seven, the original wrote: "Wei Xiaobao saw the girl, but sixteen-year-old, his chest was like a heavy hammer hit an invisible, an instant dry lips dry heart. Road, I am dead, I am dead, if this beauty to my wife, my emperors transposed with me not quit. "This is more like Bigbang's new song fxxt it! Have to say, deer tripod, lonely empty court spring night, spend thousands of bones, July and Anson ... ... there are those simultaneous creation, discovery, may not be in a period, but there are implicit in the final Zen, Just as the words you want will be spoken by other people, it will not be overstepped.

The story of Qin Keqing in the Dream of Red Mansions was Qin's adopted daughter from the Health and Worship Church. The fifteenth back to the funeral Qin Keqing, met the spinning wheel of the two girl, the girl corresponding 琏 second Ye Feng sister girl coincidence. In front of Suyu a wild village beauty shop where the corresponding spinning. Wang Xifeng to Mantou Temple is the water Moon Temple stay, and Yang's concubine round the same mausoleum. Mantle nunnery Yang imperial mausoleum, indicating the background of the Qin Qin royal family.

The three major festival of the Qing dynasty that New Year's Day, the Solstice, Longevity Festival (Emperor's Birthday), during the festival, there must be Queen's participation. From the four years of Emperor Kangxi to the twelve years of Emperor Kangxi December 17 each year is the Queen's birthday (called "Chiaki"), which must celebrate the Queen's Day. Fang Yi Yong Xie, thirteen years of Kangxi (1674) on the third day of May, the Queen gave birth for the second time, taking milk Hercules (Emperor Erzi Yin Yao), only 21 years old (only 20 years old) Hershey Queen's last swallowed in the afternoon of the same day.

His father, Qin Bangye, now works as a servant of Langsheng. Nearly seventy years later, his wife died early. She had a son and a daughter to Yangshengtang because of no children until the end of Pentecost. Who knows the son and died, leaving only a daughter, named small child, another official name is called the United States. Grow up, born to describe willowy, romantic character, factors and some Jia Jia, so the knot. Qin Bang industry was 53 years old in Qin Zhong, 12 years old this year.

Female history in the female officer is responsible for recording the words and deeds of the emperor in the palace, the equivalent of the female version of "living Note officer", "Dream of Red Mansions" in Yuan Chun just entered the palace to do is the history of women. Female officials are selected by the House of Representatives from the top three flags, so they may at any time by the emperor favored by the Princess seal. From the four products: female Miyake instrument (Queen Mother, Toffee, Empress or Queen's personal concubine) (each one master), are five products: respect and other palace ladies (from the six products containing more concubine personal maid. Each master one), from the five products: the chief of the palace (in each palace in charge of the palace daughter, can monitor the other palace) (one for each palace), Zhengliao products: Imperial Garden, the Buddha and other palace in charge Palace girl, from the six products: Hatsunai director (mistaken palace discipline).

Set house government. Since then, the custom has been established; the Secretary for the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China has set up its headquarters in Langzhong, Langzhong, Zhushu, commissioners, pen-type, Shu Li, Du Yu, set Lang, the main event, the principal commissioner, pen posts, book clerks, the palm of the house government Wu Guan Quan election and the bream fish thing; palm Division, set Lang, the Commissioner Lang, the main event, , Division Secretary Zhu, Secretary Hong, Secretary Li, pen posts, bookkeepers, palm court inner court ritual and eunuch grade assessment; accounting department, set Lang, Commissioner Wai Lang, six main, commission principal, pen posts, clerks, Neihufu cashier and Manor to acres of things. The first use of ladies, eunuchs, also managed by the Division; create a division, set staff with the instrument department, the palace repair project. Jia Zheng, the rank of staff member Lang Lang, is not high, even in Beijing officials did not qualify for the DPRK. However, the Ministry in charge of the country's engineering budget, bidding and supervision of the executive branch, is one of the most fat Yushui Yamen, so it is very large oil and water inside.

Web Cao said Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions" every sentence he is serious pen, have a purpose. Qing virtual fooling from the head is Jia Yuanchun, she wants the Jia government to do this. What day to do it? In the first to third days of May, before the Dragon Boat Festival. Jia Yuanchun why in the first three days of May arranged to clear the concept of fooling around? It can be seen that the key time points correspond to the third day of May and the son of Kang Xi is the waste Prince Yin was born on the third day of May. The queen Shecheri died the next day.

The death of Qin Keqing is the German Empress left Naren sex home. Followed by Wang Xifeng care Ningguo government that is, De Fei into the palace for female history. Then followed by the next is Jia Yuanchun closure Fengsong Gong Shang, Xiande Fei. This is strictly in chronological order, and the 1671-1678-1685 timeline is consistent.

The Qin bell that appears every time is Jia Baoyu, the intelligence is De Fei. Jia Rui in front of Jia Baoyu, Wang Xifeng is the German concubine. Qin Keqing is also a German concubine. If this event is over, the article will destroy them to end the relationship.

The sixteenth Hui Yuan Choi Choi Choi palace only, Bao Yu simply ignore this thing, just care about the situation back Dai. Immediately followed by Jia Xun and Wang Xifeng dialogue, Wang Xifeng said with a smile that Erye came, how outrageous sent Xiang Ling to ask questions. In fact, refers to Xue Pan Jia Jia Jia, Wang Xifeng Yuanchun is Hong Ling.

The second son of Nepalese Hajj, the beginning of Shunzhi guards, he served as Luangyi Wei instrument is also called the houseboat Langzhong. Kangxi three years promoted to Minister of Home Affairs Minister, "palm house government decree, for the Imperial positions, the extravagant not", became the supreme court officials. Kangxi five years (1666), Ren Honghong Bachelor, participate in the state government. Six years of Emperor Kangxi (1667), Xuan Ye pro-politic, the Pearl was reused. The following year, Ren Xunbu Shangshu. Since then, Mrs. Xing's name has come from both Gansu and Zhen Shih-hsien, who came from Fengxian Defendant and died in prison. With this argot can push the fact that the corresponding person.

The fifteenth back to Wang Xifeng get rid of the iron threshold of the Temple said Zhang Jiajin was two people to get married, a bit Jin Sheng Tan used to say the original secret mining language. But Qian Qian Yi and Jin Sheng Tan exactly what the relationship, it is a bit confused. Jin Shengtan feeling Qian Qian Yi is the same. In front of the inscription inscription Yuanyuan three words, followed by Jia Yuanchun province pro-cover Grand View Garden. Will Baoyu saw Qian Qianyi Liu Ruge covered cloud floor thing? Nalan Pearl was born in 1635, which has 3 and 5, and his name is also very strange pearl, his residence is called Ming House. In 1684 September Nalan nature and Kangxi tour patrolling Daming Temple.

A road is "Qi water legacy." Jia Zhengdao: "vulgar." Another is the "Ya Park Yajie." Jia Zhengdao: "Also vulgar." "Park Green Bamboo, Ling Ling Peng Ling's bottle." Western Han Liangxiao Wang Liu Wu, Liu Bang's grandson, the emperor's son, King's brother and brother, was sealed in the beam, with Kaifeng as the capital. He is the most famous in history is built a large beam Park, the text that the "Park." That is, the poet is expressing his feelings on the history of Liang Park. Take a look at it, the pride of the moment Wei son Wuji, today has been the tomb of Paul; a generation of Wang Liangxiao Wang, palace has become a memorial; former Shangbin Mei Sheng, Sima Xiangru has long been an ancients, disappeared. All the impatience of the erosion of time, vanished, meritorious service and how the line of love! This corresponds with Nalanxingde poetic.

Songs to express their emotions, my heart has emerged Ruanji's mourn: "wandering Pengchi, but also look forward to the beam." Bo Yang Shui wave, wilderness Mang vast ...... Mango brute, pitiful sad. "(" ) Today, the ancients, after the first encounter, suffered what similar! This touches more on the poet's mind, can not help but by Pang Chi Hung Yu Bo poetry turned to the mighty Yellow River, from the mighty Yellow River and lead to confused invisible Changan old country. There are Jin Sheng sigh West Chamber of crying meaning of the ancient people crying, but also Nalan Langshui Ting words. Are these the natural hints of writing?

There are many poems in "The Book of Songs", such as Qi Shui, whose main function is as follows: Qi Shui is the witness of the fate of the heroine of the poem, where the protagonist is in love, passes through here during marriage, Passing here again. Qi Shui is the story of poetry where, for example, Qi Shui is where the two dates. Qi Shui is the author's lyrical carrier, "Qi Shuitang soup, gradually carved clothes. Female also uncomfortable, Shi Erzhiban." From the description of the environment description of the transition to the main character mood and narrative.

Xiaoxiang Museum not only thousands of bamboo Tsui also large pear, broad-leaved banana. Water around the wall around the house, a bit like the Royal Palace Forbidden City moat. Here pear corresponds to fragrant pills buried under the pear tree, the moat corresponds to the Royal Princess.

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