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The twenty-third dayThe process of thinking第二十三天 思维的进程






昨天看到的诗经是:国风-卷耳、陟岵 ,小雅-十月之交、巷伯(谮,同日也看到江青谈谮)、北山(此诗想到了和纳兰一模一样!而且和诺贝尔奖契约理论严重契合)。小雅?一群主也叫小雅,怎么回事呢?想想自己从小到大遇到过的印象深刻的人的姓名,细思极恐!这两次翻牌是一个百草园瓜子仁的公司得过金麒麟奖。再想想,这翻牌不是以前看过的文章中说的康熙翻牌后宫佳丽吗?这阿里巴巴,这《The Secret 秘密》书,那亲朋好友,那射雕英雄传红楼西游,那印美英日巴西电视剧,还有诺贝尔奖……感觉不是它们造就了我,就是我造就了它们——一生之鳞尽入黑洞,还复一白明眼看中。



















傅:马克思主义推论,或易经的思路推理,客观上矛盾的统一体在事物的发展中总会向对立面发展。我们再次面临一个类似春秋战国时期旧秩序旧力量失势,群雄 并起,百家争鸣的局面,学术上也被称为第二个轴心时代。



想到一切存在的意义与底色,想到了说的demo(当时想大河服务器那个网站demo已经拒绝登录了,看不了了),又想到美东域名(瘫痪亦从美东),msdos(ddos dyn,迪伦亦是dylan)是操作系统,是其他附于其上存在的底蕴与基础,以前学过html也是先画一整个白板界面,然后在它上面再画其他板块。第二天看到美国热搜DDOS攻击新闻。





玉带林中挂吗?玉带云,林州的。想过这句话但没想什么图形。昨天因mirai,去查翁美玲以及因天涯一乔梁帖子查乔梁的笔记记录,看到目录中红楼梦之贾,对贾字深刻。然后看到意大利地震,和今年8月24日的6.1级地震几乎在同一位置。下午2点开始查一的法则,搜索到自己的文章就又看了看,对最后的地震信息厄瓜多尔与尼泊尔有延伸想象:太阳法则等日本动漫,尼泊尔地震倒塌寺庙。蔓越莓兔礼盒(没延伸想这个,但现在觉知这个蔓越莓信息.蔓越莓干美国. 美国蓝莓酱与意大利蓝莓酱有联系)。


The twenty-third day

The process of thinking

Biblical content: prophecy, poetry, genealogy, history, and Dream of Red Mansions exactly the same ah! I wonder, how the Bible collapsed, but also who was collapsed?

Wave vector function is the light transmission, collapse is the wave function in a certain direction is the projection of the interaction between the material. Then the wave function is light, collapse is the particle, the photoelectric effect? This information and just gathered for the information of white light combination, you can launch: white light fusion, scattered light is nuclear fission, the former Nirvana into the wave, the latter assembled into a granularity.

Derivative DX / DY, aware of this limit and quantum entanglement. The derivative of the increasing variable in the continuity range is in the dispersive wave-position, and the anode is inviscid if it reaches the limit, then the derivative is in a localized region. Each material has its own unique micro-material body limit problem, that is, its granulation or into the wave limit range, you can reason about the limit value and the wave function, the limit range of light wave with the current, is the sea; As soon as the limit is reached, it collapses into its own classical state.

Why are NOTE7, IPHONE7? 77 Incident, seven for the beginning, yin from the sun, seven from the police? People have seven orifices, not eight orifices? why? Liuhe three-dimensional cross, is the whole universe? Seven-character ancient body can prompt what?

Yesterday, I just read the fanciful song because the pan-Yi philosophical categorization feels that the Book of Songs is a particularly advanced three-level progression and that the style of the Book of Songs is exactly the same as that of Mao Zedong's wave-conscious imagination I once said. Such as the national wind mountaineering thoughts of family and think of his family in mountaineering miss him, there may Zen collapse. I speculate Nalan is to see part of the Ya poetry, poetry only in this way, his meditation collapse Xu Qian Xue and others were the result of the villain ((Yesterday I saw Ya is very deep like this Situation description).

Yesterday saw the Book of Songs is: country wind - roll ear, 陟 岵, Xiaoya - at the turn of the year, Lane Peter (谮, also see Jiang Qing on the same day 谮), Kitayama (this poem thought exactly the same as Nalan! And Nobel Prize contract theory seriously). Xiao Ya? A group of Lord also called Xiaoya, what happened? Think of their own from an early age to encounter the impressive person's name, think extremely terrifying! These two flop is a Baicao Park melon seed kernel company won the Gold Kirin Award. Think again, this flop is not seen in the article before Kangxi Flip the Palace harem it? This Alibaba, The Secret book, the relatives and friends, that the hero of the Eagle Pass the Red House westward journey, that India and Britain and Japan Brazil TV series, and the Nobel Prize ...... I do not feel they created me, that is, I made them - The scales of life into the black hole, but also a clear-cut eyes.

If the colorful two-dimensional animation from people to draw, cartoon characters to play, then the reality of the three-dimensional world by the four-dimensional "human" thinking to draw, we play, and so on ... ... The key dimension is how to divide it? standard? Attributes? Features? Until the origin of thinking Is it a full-fledged perspective? If we three-dimensional creature playing time subject to four-dimensional high my thinking, then there is timing? Only high we can start the quantum switch, the same as the projector to play the real world?

Listen to Zhou Ruchang's four famous, think of Chuji machine + Chuji Journey to see Genghis Khan + Yuan Mongolian faith Buddha = Journey to the West and then think of the Journey to the West is similar to the purpose of the (unconscious) of the collective subconscious led to the Ming Dynasty Buddhist Monk standing; Then, Jin Shengtang + Song rebel, was extinguished, Chen infidelity monarchy = Water Margin ☞ lead to the Ming dynasty in this form of extinction, but the lower is resolutely resist the loyalty to do, (clear, seek clearance) clear; Nalan Chengde + Journey to the West + Poetry = Dream of Red Mansions 导 leading to royal family history of blood transfiguration, a foreign family, (collective subconscious to break the imperial power) Hongqi Li.

Steve Jobs: 1955-2011, 19-year-old beauty 55 ~ beauty ☞ US ~ Buddhist vegetarianism ~ Apple ~ is a sheep ~ innovation. "When I'm back, you can pick me up - Job." In addition to those predictions, what's the last word that Joe helped convey?

The sea, bamboo, Lu, three rooms (Nalan, Gu Zhenguan, Qianlong are therefore built), Huishan Huiquan, 700 years of bamboo poem poetry and tea literati poetry ...... Nalanxingde The second year after the death of the furnace that is not very clever? Today, I always wanted to know what the universe of bamboo furnace below the circle looks like. Bamboo stove, outside the bamboo stone, wood stone front League? Foreign insiders, heaven and earth? Bamboo, Xiaoxiang bamboo, stone, gem.

See four sheep square respectable English and Japanese translation, I thought: Four Dreams, a few early Qing key figures are the fourth; Nalan is a sheep; a few days ago to see the sea is very beautiful HOU bottles. And saw these bottles have banana leaves, Thundercloud pattern, and then found the four sheep Fangzun, He Zun, Fang Fang Zu unearthed time is very interesting, and had thought before the months correspond very much:

Four sheep Fangzun: Mao Zedong Jiang Qing 1938 19.19 married, saw that 1893 Mao Zedong was born, the same number ah.

He Zun: Chen Zhicheng think of the incident, if the like gold Sheng Tan 53-year-old information, computing should be born in 1963.

盠 Fang Zun: 19 55-year-old prophecy, Steve Jobs is also 1955 (Nalan 1655, if 6 to 9, is also easy, right?).

Philosophy - Art - Science ☞ Young people have revolutionized innovation. This is the original meaning of the Great Cultural Revolution. Only China and the United States have made different ppaps. The first is in the West and the second is in the East. However, Mao Zedong is the first person only. Pen, 66-69 Anti-Cultural Movement, American Song Hippy (Think of ppap. Chinese Cultural Revolution. Why China is out of Jobs, the United States came out? Is it spontaneous or passive, with or without induction?). However, the cultural revolution in the United States, the cause of why there is no detailed study, if linked with the Dylan if it can set off the transformation of Silicon Valley, would not it be like the reality version of the Silicon Valley ban? What is the difference between each country's information portfolio? The Silicon Valley banned book was just checked in yesterday, and I did not read it in 2013. The book also needs to be studied.

Nalan Xingde western route: Is it Nalan Xing Wu Jianzhao and saw Zhang Qian to the Western Regions, and then sent to the Western Regions? And made similar to the Western Regions and the reciprocity? Therefore, he "I also passed away Jia Yi) ". Death can also mean decisive. Xianshan Jian A, fat escape thought pregnant. Afternoon to see this sentence, think Nalan Xingde really guess as last time, he said the verdict plot 谶 jade belt + tree = Yushu, 2010.4.14 Yushu earthquake, and his relationship? Whether he lived in Yushu? So see fat escape, naturally thought of Yushu. And then think of the former association of Sweden and that song of the West China Sea love song, he is the westbound finally arrived in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, these three mountains?

Miscellaneous Earthquake: At that time to see Nalanxingde wandering imagination, I thought I derived this more chaos ah - Nalan from west to west of Yushu west; Qinghai, the sea, the Qinghai, Vietnam, the pipa (and Nalan Poetry rouge mountain also corresponds to: Qinghai does not come wishful dream); Hirakawa Zhaowen tomb, late autumn rain (butterfly love flower. Tanggula Mountain 4700 meters, no man's land (Nalan Western Lonely lonely row, goose west, westerly, wandering End of the World).

It should be said that those prophecies and artists infuse their professional knowledge into a combination of his own work, God's work, and God's coming. That is what it means.

Nirvana Zen is like starting the program to turn on the same moment from the moment of connection, the past will be the quantum switch to open, and the reality of the future collapse of the reality is the result of the quantum switch off. As a result prophecies are formed and prophecies are fulfilled. The meditation program ensures that the final result is consistent with itself and will be realized with the simultaneous function of the quantum switch. Such a situation should correspond to the Zen of "doing nothing but doing nothing," and one of the steps we can now achieve in evolution is the immeasurable point in the process of meditation in the 2500 years. Infinitesimal infinity, therefore, is also the ultimate point of their meditation, and infinity is endless.

If so many prophecies were written by Zen Buddhism, and those who wrote or wrote in the past have a very important relationship with them, mainly information relations, the strength of the information superposition and combination leads to the main Zen Can break down into many branches of prophecy, and can be consistent with their own meditation information. Such as eloquent and deep Dream of Red Mansions, it is due to its Zen meditation energy. This great figure in the prophecy is the incarnation of the source thinking, and the Nirvana represents the phenomenal world. What is the main thread of prophecy? What is the relevant gushing tributary? Why so many but consistent information? How to achieve success? Some gods have a specific person to achieve, and why some works always find people, equivocally? Stone inscriptions who do? Why can unearthed relics be discovered here? Why does this flower open, when this mountain stands?

Fu: Master, Sage appears in fact is completely the call of the times, chaos will call heroic heroic and fierce bear. When one of the best of humanity keeps asking questions about the origin of human conflicts, one or more breakthroughs will inevitably occur among them.

- Collective meditation can more collapse a large number of heroes, because this person absorbed the meditation of the people, creating themselves into a crystal of wisdom, which we humans call master saints. Root information or hidden or out, with the tangle of the switch from the beginning, entangling meaning and hidden, two pairs of entangled quantum because of the same frequency and its power of mankind, not necessarily in the same period but across dynastic. If gossip, such as reincarnation, the system so that other Christian Catholics think they are suppressed in a roulette within the concept of struggle and resistance? Because other religions are not enthusiastic about abstract thinking, they can not be integrated with the system of I-Ching, so they can easily acquire the hearts of those who do not like abstract thinking. Therefore, it is only easy to abstract them in the I-Ching system System like a black hole, such as quantum Yin and Yang unpredictable, that the true God.

Fu: "The Sage" or "Lagerstroemia salamander" is a hub figure transformed by the ancients based on the Yi-ology images and images of the "No" and "Tailai" states.

- I now think it is Fu himself Polaris this Zen collapse out of these centers are extremely consistent prophecy, or why there is no future specific analysis? Jin Sheng Tan can only solution to 33, not to mention the prophecy book Bishan Xishan found out of thin air ah. Heaven will fall pie? Probability is small. Will it rain in the sky? Great probability. Earthquake it? Will the tree fall by the wind? Will the past be changed in the future? Based on the inscriptions of stone inscriptions, I can only say that it is quite possible that the prophecy book should be presented to the past space-time. It is determined by the tangled relationship and the non-localized nature of the wave. Awareness of the wave can produce the first impetus to start all the material information of its subordinate, nothing, but nothing is extremely secretive and great, mortal can not be known. The material information is intertwined with the wave phase, and this move then move that they are simultaneously hidden at the same time appear, so the real world and the abstract black hole in the world is entangled. Wave consciousness is carried and received by people and objects in the past, such as Japanese anime and Dylan songs; or future reception such as Mozi Satellite, Qingdao UFO, spiral cloud; or rolling both the past and the future, such as 2016 Nobel Prize for the year, the nomination for the past, the award-winning future; just this diversity of wave awareness, triggering a variety of mechanisms to meditation, dreams and more.

Fu: Marxist deduction, or the reasoning of the Book of Changes, objective and contradictory unity in the development of things will always be the opposite. Once again, we are confronted with a situation similar to the decline of the old forces in the old order of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the warlords and the masses, and the contention of a hundred schools of thought. Academically, this is also called the second axis era.

Righteousness and evil two fuss out of the saint? The old forces have been evenly matched, a new life-thinking body appeared in the superposition combination. If you press the law of attraction, the failure of those experiences are not their own frequency, so the failure rate is high, in fact, the inner contradiction, did not find the real one's own frequency, such as many people in society or some aspects What is impossible to do.

Go to the library to see a large tree roots have been left behind in the afternoon to see the gifted version of PPAP, the kind of drum feeling strong. Cartoon cartoons have just seen everyone in the big tree cut, chopping motionless ax, to a hole called "moving the second hole", and finally appeared ax said: Three Our Lady of Makes. Pan Pingyi morning to talk about the paper, I thought the information is not democratized democrats, self-heart sound it? This heart is invisible letter yet. This information is like + PPAP = PPAP port technology version, should be more deeply the impression of the power of heart sound. To hole in the search hole at night, actually met a new combination: California Mouthpiece version. What is the correspondence and relationship between the extension of the tools of the Fungi tail and the spoken language? Egyptian book of life and death with big wings, very eye-catching. Also saw the stone statue of Jesus of Brazil Rio, also the same wings as the arm.

Think of all the meaning and background, think of the demo (at that time I want to Dahe server that site has been denied log demo, can not see), but also think of the name of the United States (paralysis also from the East), msdos (ddos dyn, Dylan is also dylan) is the operating system, is attached to the existence of the foundation and the basis of the previously learned html is to draw a whole whiteboard interface, and then draw on it and then draw the other plates. The next day saw the US hot search DDOS attack news.

And read Ala Lei, she feels extraordinary: three pig stories, pink pig, my mother married me ... ... This is very strong sense of these I just thought of the same time. Yesterday just saw a circle of friends pictures, there is no stuffing is bread, stuffing = 0, so I am more confused Ran ... ... today to see the novelty TV name actually is to be beautiful for the stuffing! Who wants to come out!

Yeah (now Yeh), Yeh, Jehovah, Yeh flower, Jesus, Jesus? Can sigh stop Germany ~ leave sex. Xixiang Yan Xixian ~ Xisha mother. Jade belt hanging ~ lonely palace 闱. Buried in the snow chai ~ left Chai Feng. So much in line with Nalan Xingde events, whether the push back is Nalan's Zen meditation may also ah! If so, Jin Sheng Tan is the gold after the holy (Nalanxingde Jia Baoyu said he is golden Buddha, which is also the golden, golden) sigh means. Can be speculated: Nalanxingde and Defei poetry and Zen enlightenment, collapsed out of the Sanshin approval of the West Chamber, Tang poetry and so on. As a result, the previous causal relationship has been completely subverted and there is a time-space-crossing situation.

If a meditator is meditating, then his past life may be being collapsed by the future Zen Master, which is slowly moving forward and moving step by step. In this way, as the case of portraying a story, the higher the degree of meditation and meditation, the more time and space contained in meditation, the more self-entangled, so there will be miracles. Time and space to meditation as the main axis, the same time and space as the picture, so there are so many accidental unusual hot search, but the spindle eternal, as if not moving, Ruowuwaowu. The same is true of the law, Yang Xian is also the meaning of this meaning, the quantum switch is even more so.

Nalan Xingde may be the temple of Zen Buddhism + Royal Zhumen = a real king Zhu Yuanzhang, that is, the real world bit by bit may be Zen information material, that is, all things said before the Zen direction of the target heart Read Then meditation after zenith in the absence of time and space entangled related information portfolio collapsed back into the real world looks like. Therefore, the collapse of the former time and space to 1368 Zhu Yuanzhang, collapsed to the previous time Junji 1638, Junji so interested in the emperor, may have great entanglement between the two, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang emperor and Junji birth date and time figures, There are also Buddhism. This Junji is particularly strange, 敕 made, Rongguo Fu, Bai Yunguan are related to him, and why?


Jade belt linked to it? Jade belt cloud, forest state. Thought of this sentence but did not think of any graphics. Yesterday because of mirai, to check Wengmei Ling and due to the End of the World a Qiao Liang posts Cha Qiao Liang notes records, see the directory of A Dream of Red Mansions, Jia character profound. Then I saw the Italian earthquake, almost the same as the 6.1 magnitude earthquake on August 24 this year. The law of checking in at 2 o'clock in the afternoon searches the article for yourself and looks at it again. The final earthquake information Ecuador and Nepal have extended their imagination: the Japanese animations such as the Sun Law, and the earthquake in Nepal collapsed temples. Cranberry Rabbit Gift Box (No extension wanted this but now aware of this Cranberry message.) Cranberry dry United States. United States Blueberry sauce with Italian blueberry sauce.


Jin Shengtang poem "Jiasheng", by the rich before the age of 30 turned the poor, "get rid of the book three time lazy, butterfly scouring things to do", but "since the mother is a foreign body, so far brothers and bad pool," Emperor Chongzhen Of the two factions concubine, one of the victims killed; Chong Emperor hanging in the trees, and later found inside the palace Chongzhen hanging figure, and then attack the war Qing troops, the demise of the Ming Dynasty ... These are very consistent with the overall structure of the A Dream of Red Mansions ah! Wang Yangming is also the seventh in the second, Jia Baoyu, Nalan Xingde are so ah! No wonder the young boy Kang Nalan Nade Sex can make a successful escape Ao worship, withdrawal of San Francisco thing? Does it inherit the achievements of Wang Yangming's tactics? Wang Yangming, Nalan Xingde relationship? Yuelu Academy of Xiaoxinghuai City, seeking truth from facts, learn to learn days "plaque everywhere Red Mansions author's shadow .Kangxi inscription days, that is, Jin Sheng Tan? Whether Jin Sheng Tan and Nalan Xingde, Junji went to Yuelu Academy? Dream of Red Mansions temple, textual research should be the Yue Temple, is 108 back. Outlaws of the Marsh is also 108 back, praising men's character, prison temple said. A Dream of Red Mansions is also true, and that the daughter of the character and the corresponding ... RelationresultThe database is so large, I just found 500 years ago, the Ming dynasty female body intact microblogging news, but linked to the mother said that the wave of awareness of consciousness yesterday, calculate whether the age and the mother of the King Sheng Tan, then found this Wen Shenzheng poetry election, tracing interview, involves a morning message, these piecemeal circuit rotation, after all, what is it for? Do we as the information carrier of the database, record the information channel for Heaven?

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