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Thirtieth day Birth and death picture outline 第三十天 生灭图景勾勒

Updated: Mar 14, 2018

秋蓝昨晚看到新西兰领航鲸300多搁浅死亡的文章很是惊讶数量之多。第二天因急需还书,便一早从早七点到下午一点半一直看书,头疼得厉害。她心里算了下6.5小时了。还看了老子评传有:大同、武陵人、陵墓、桃花源陂,诗经元曲也总是出现有山坡。看到咏大蝴蝶的卖花人扇过桥东很是搞笑,想了纳兰德妃在1688年分别是28岁33岁。借的书还有苏轼苏东坡传。写的胸中块垒诗词有宇宙停卡 。秋蓝晚上看到由“蝶恋花旅行社”所承办的武陵农场赏樱团,返程时因车速过快翻落边坡致34人死亡。

秋蓝看到邱处机与纳兰诗词思想有很多一致性:蓑衣似两翅~丘处机诗有蓑衣任平生,宝玉穿蓑衣—— 弹破庄周梦,两翅驾东风,三百座名园一采一个空。心里惊喜想到:庄周梦蝶,南柯一梦红楼梦;纳兰:然诺重,君需记与其词同。这就是大蝴蝶的三百座园里一扑一个空?丘,孔丘,贾芹,+耳朵旁就是郯城地震,历史上重量级人物全都是一个人的弥天大谎?无法相信,不可思议,也许天梯之尽头,惟一人耳?





关爽抽烟一直热搜居第一不下的,想了想我只心里问过烟霞为什么是以烟为形容词呢?查了下是写这个想的: 梦游天姥吟留别 忽魂悸以魄动,恍惊起而长嗟。 惟觉时之枕席,失向来之烟霞...... 须行即骑访名山。安能摧眉折腰事权贵, 使我不得开心颜。 —东南倾,觉时枕席失向来烟霞(枕霞旧友) 此留别似纳兰夜合欢遗作。又看到爻晨古歌当考官,说整容过度不过初试,说的是脸上表情最能体现演技什么的。然后就看到这颂茜表情包可真的多了啊热搜。

高频中心,混沌如一,爱情心灵的道法自然在于,它是不可抗拒的力量:你的本质非高频,会被排斥慢慢移向外围圈子,即情人分离;你的本质达到高频,会被自然吸引到太极中心,即情人会合。这就是薛姨妈所说的“千里姻缘一线牵”的含义,无论年龄地域什么的限制,只关乎心灵。 ​​​​

我问太阳你从哪里来?太阳给了我一片郁郁葱葱的林海,一群智慧善良人们的微笑,我不知所措,不明所以~我又问太阳你的温暖怎么强烈的足以给每一个人,太阳给了我世间的影影绰绰含笑不语,我若有所思,亦无所得…我是你是她是他它吗?何以隔空回答我的心灵感应而又莫名其妙的反馈?答案可能在未来里寻得到 ​​​​。

1989年红楼梦电影:秦可卿宝玉太虚幻境,贾珍与秦可卿~薛蟠抢香菱,焦大骂街~柳湘莲骂只石狮子清白,薛蟠宝钗入贾府~薛蟠抢香菱入宫,宝黛喜爱王维诗“墟墟上孤烟”,贾雨村带黛玉入贾府~明珠“贾”德妃入宫,刘姥姥板儿要钱~王夫人宝玉要钱/贾政卖香菱给薛蟠得官禄,贾蓉请王熙凤吃饭~王夫人宝玉请吃饭 ​​​​。



秋蓝看了朋友圈南阳/武汉热干面。胡兰成,胡。姚文元,姚,女兆。中国各省划分地形视频,四川地势历来独立,宣汉。郧想过口贝力,此是耳朵旁。胡身上衣数字3,3元差价,对应一的法则道生三成为光,变为现实。 丘处机传记图册有敌人人头,22_24,反过来42。再看现实中新闻有武昌面馆砍杀事件,死者姓姚,湖北郧西人42岁。犯罪嫌疑人姓胡,22岁,四川宣汉人。

诸葛亮 ,想到可能是纳兰禅思红楼梦里有的葛字,渚字,也对应那句金圣叹诗句说钱谦益。书是人教版本课本,而不是南方的版本。域名到期续期1月内以及被抢注2个月或删除期限3个月什么的续费事项。域名简洁且有sv对称可续,不过浮略过日本另类定义。泛易哲学螺旋图,明智(慧)>神情 两个圈子。赵姓想过。西陵 ​​​。



“敏思博客决定:自2006年8月1日起停止系统运行。——至于原因,我们注意到这本教材2006年通过初审,据目前已有10年之久,应该是原网站域名过期,后来被其他网站采用或抢注。 ​​​







昨天还想了:h星最冷不确定质量,bcd 最近有气态,efg中间有液态,那么是否h是有固态呢?地球变大说到压力视频,trappist里也提到压力,不明白。画的生死轮回图未来螺旋是什么呢?现在都是金属世界,古代是青铜器☞此处氢气降低温度,高压使之变固态金属。 一个什么说辞其反应图片是哈哈哈哈,佛非凡人也。


白凤九的反义词是什么?_?答案是:黑龙一。看到king 的这个很震惊,三生三世十里桃花起名字这么套路深啊。白凤,隐乌鸡白凤丸。黑龙,想到黑龙江。/ 速效救心丸[主要成份]川芎、冰片。朋友圈佛字书法仔细看了弗中的弓字,把两竖模糊隐去似漂浮在弓上。trappist艺术画中有冰片。铁人精神,高级法院,速效救心丸?英达被判10年?——不要钢铁世界,进化心灵境界的反面教材吗?为什么就会去世呢?才57岁啊。这两天一直关注赵朴初,发现他们夫妻俩都是93岁去世,想到了贾母75岁。







1造物是无限☞ 2无限成为觉察☞ 3觉察引导无限的聚焦点进入无限能量(能量即理则或爱):智能无限☞ 4创造原则。原始变貌,自由意志。能量从智能无限移动。创造出全息式的形态。出现在所有的造物中☞ 5能量形态组织,韵律与场域☞ 6次元及宇宙. ​


看过孙悟空还是哪里的三星堆雕塑似乎宗教的,耳朵像猪八戒。想过49太阳,38trappist系。这头猪前后黑点正好是4、9。24日草地上的雪经过两天融化后照下来像一点一点的许多点点~25日天空朵朵白云☁ 很多地方都是如此!所以今天这个猪坚强因为想到了乌雅氏所以变成了乌点点了吗?


慈溪车祸 想到了慈禧,今天看向往的生活有江中猴姑米稀,想到了孙悟空何仙姑,很奇怪为什么有稀字?☞ 瓷稀 秘色瓷出土。/早上看红楼梦丫鬟,有因枫露茶被赶走的~枫露/看国宝说到什么都碎了,幸好考古的拼接成整体的了~碎片修复/看到夭山此字很奇怪,想到妖山/听西游记收服妖怪,说入我法门~法门寺。




分享链接:分享 @o蓝菲o 的头条文章









黄明在扬颖28岁生日戴的帽子有英文好像是secure.理解是安全意思。今天又看到他夫妇俩和宋薇合影~team。老子易道图波性合计值为10,想到纳兰第十名,以及圆满之意。☞UFO secure team 10。开普勒之勒印象深刻。画图时写四个太极想到扯淡碑泰极仙翁。~泰勒。







好像看过两个演员一人嘴里叼根狗尾巴草,一个叼朵鲜花,好像是ah两个人吧。又看到西藏林芝山谷桃花林居然可以有那么多鲜花,为什么呢?~鲜花山谷。昨天想了等待 生死离别轮回亲情期望爱 生死图有中子涅槃 隐以前说过死后人为中子回归太阳光芒世界~死后变星星/ [污]朗读者三个都能对应上啊?李嫣是今天上午听阿离的夜空中最亮的星 有找不到存在的意义,想了无爱不存在。鲜花山谷是西藏林芝山谷桃花林为什么如此之多?看来这三个都是因为爱啊!

前几天说昌宗,元,菖的,柳宗元武宗元,想到元宗,源头祖宗,棕色。 还写:前两天看大熊猫视频,不清楚熊猫究竟怎么结合成了黑白太极图样的,原来是熊与猫结合的产物啊!而且还爱吃竹子,潇湘馆,竹林七贤……太极如如不动,熊猫爱动不动,因为太圆满了啊☞熊猫棕色。秦岭秦可卿秦始皇秦朝明月。


地震台不是自动计算机速报吗?为什么不知道雅安地震了啊?雅安四川棕色熊猫 刚才看清明上河图居然有兰氏 吴氏 静山周氏印比较震惊,想到纳兰 吴雅氏 安静,尤其吴氏心里默补了雅字。后面细看内容居然有濠梁观鱼,仇英还是濠梁观戏,与纳兰家戏台名字都一样了。还有很多符合纳兰德妃的。

“奇一”为啥不爱竹子爱大腿?这么可爱的视频上热搜那是肯定的了。秋蓝追忆起她想过的和此相关联的信息:奇一七一奇异,trappist涅槃为1,7为其他星体。贾芸纳兰雪松松赞干布,德妃王熙凤林黛玉潇湘妃子竹子管道升龙吟细细袭人 ​​​。昨天下午写:后面有赵孟頫的全部红衣坐树下如同释迦摩尼,骑马似说林黛玉的灯谜。雪松种竹如红楼梦贾芸为大观园种植青松等植被一事。赵孟頫自画像漫屏竹林,水,手拿的似林黛玉葬花锄。还有石林画等等……仔细看了雪松图,认为上面是康熙纳兰德妃,下面是种竹子。昨天看到雅安是大熊猫基地,查了未果 。管道升似竹子应该就是指林黛玉德妃。五十七秒,也想过哪一个人的年龄是五十七。孝庄七十五反过来也是五十七。河图中心为五,27 171已经说过。昨天有看过乾隆还是哪个皇帝去世要穿七件衣服。视频中“种植竹子”张波饲养员,昨天看到一个名字里面有皮,不明白这个字怎么和纳兰联系上,另一个人名字有水肯定对应德妃。M字母原始意义为月亮,水。张波鞋子上居然有个E,横着看就是M.小米手机MI是心字形。


刚才看微博雕兄,有一个你怎么不飞上天,然后男子飞上天筑成了一个心形。搬迁后的空房子。刚刚有人拿走车钥匙。猪宝宝。字母原始意义M是水或者波浪,H是荷花。白衣人。蓝色折纸。发现微博热搜用红色表示一到三,以后用橙色了。发现白金戒指。这些和观察者网 的微博永未落地的MH370航班微记中9图信息极其相关,为什么呢?难道特定的禅思等于该禅思的所有完成过程所需要的时间吗?而这个时间截止日期为该禅思者即真正的观测者的观察到结果,而非不明真相的参与者,也包括那个在现实低频率速度平行世界的禅思者。因为人是波粒二象性的。






央视新闻 的微博采访张波视频,奇一一直趴在高高的树上不动弹真的是头一次见过。前两天看到哪里说香菱还是哪个被挂在树上,想到了西游记续集里人被妖怪绑在树上了,还有百年孤独里刚开始把人绑树上……这个奇一怎么也被挂树上了吗?突然想到林黛玉被挂树上不就是玉带林中挂吗?挂卦画,画中林黛玉吗?哪个呢?雍亲王十二钗?雪松管仲姬图?女史箴图?洛神赋,步辇图?



——昨天还是今天,想了熊猫组合信息来源:熊+猫+太极图,新疆枣核你上面清真寺很像泰姬陵,情真寺/交泰管道升管仲姬 。羊不是短尾巴啊,兔子才是。看到窦娥冤,卖穴嫦娥兔子被罩,原来兔子尾巴在这里啊!奇一为什么会兔子跳呢?可能昨天查看雅安熊猫基地时看到它的尾巴像兔子了。




















——此段对应晋江孝全成皇后的倒数第二章 午门献俘的皇帝览阅什么。当时不太明白诗意,只是感觉像是皇室祭祀祖先类的大场面。


刚才因放浪形骸之外,搜索到 成语出处:晋·王羲之《兰亭集序》:“或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。”












加拿大云瀑:昨天因写 ☞衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯;朝晖夕阴,气象万千。此则岳阳楼之大观也。 ——看到此,想到衔玉,以及 赵孟頫在《洞庭东山图》中自题:“洞庭波兮山崨嶪,川可济兮不可以涉。木兰为舟兮桂为楫,渺余怀兮风一叶。”☞ 而又一次想到黄公望 宋野望,想到望庐山瀑布的遥看瀑布挂前川。


Thirtieth day

 Birth and death picture outline

Autumn Lan last night saw more than 300 pilot whales ran aground in the article is astonishing number. The next day due to the urgent need to return the book, early in the morning from 7 am to 1:30 pm have been reading, a bad headache. Her heart is under 6.5 hours. Also read I commentaries are: Datong, Wuling people, mausoleums, Peach Blossom Spring, the poetry of the song is always there hillside. To see the great butterfly florist Fanqiao East is very funny, thought Nalande Fei in 1688 were 28 years old 33 years old. Su Dong Su Dong borrowed the book there. Written in the chest block poetry universe stopped card. Qiu Lan night saw by the "Butterfly Love Travel Agency" Wuling Farm tours cherry tours, returning due to too fast overturning the slope caused 34 deaths.

Autumn Blue see Qiuji machine and Nalan poetry thinking there is a lot of consistency: 蓑 clothing like two wings ~ Qiu Chuji poem with 蓑 clothing Renping Sheng, Baoyu wearing 蓑 clothing - bounce Chuangzhuang dreams, two wings drove the east wind, 300 Park a One empty. My heart thought of surprise: Chuang Chou Meng dream, a dream of South House Dream of Red Mansions; Nalan: Ran promise heavy, Jun need to remember the same word. This is the big butterfly of 300 parks in a flutter? Qiu, Confucius, Jiaqin, + ears next to Yuncheng earthquake, the history of heavyweights are all a lie! Can not believe, incredible, maybe the ladder End, the only human ear?

After Valentine's Day, I just understand what this poem is saying, ancient beauty, to worship you! Jin Se Lee Li Yu implies unrestricted fifty strings, a chord of a column Sihua years. Zhuang Sheng Xiao dream fans butterfly, Wang Dili spring care cuckoo. Pearl of the sea month tears, warm blue jade Lantian smoke. This can be remembered? It was only then. Autumn Blue see Valentine's Day micro-remember, suddenly remembered previously seen TV Beijing Youth and flowers like flowers, look at the two couples, it seems thoughtful, surprised while thinking of this poem and Xue aunt's Marriage red line theory.

Just talked Xing Xiu tobacco and Xue Tadan's wedding, then Xue aunt said: "or every year in one place, that is the set of parents, if the elderly do not have the red line tied, can not go to one. For example, you Sister two marriage, at the moment I do not know at hand, I do not know in the Shannanhai it.

Qiu Lilai think of that Lala singing song: evil beat justice, here is: fake love but true love. why? There may be Road in which Taoism naturally ...... Trinidad and Tobago marriage, natural law, the quantum switch determines the outcome, quantum entanglement determines the quality of good fortune, the former is destiny, the latter is my life I can not help? The former is the balance sheet , Which is the income statement? So, good or bad marriage by your own positive and negative quality characteristics may be! Your innate qualifications buckle in the balance sheet, born into the red after the quality of your heart to decide where you will go, such as cash, what pollution and turbidity on the profits and losses and then buckle back in Debt in the balance sheet, which is usually said that debt, then the practice worsened terrible, but also according to the plot of the house must have Yuqing ......

2017 Valentine's Day, encountered ice Li Chen love, unknown Li Chen why? Think of Beijing youth. Turn back to Sun Li and Deng Chao, suddenly looked back at Shan Shan Office! Why are they similar, before the graceful girl line, why Wan Wan are cast away, and now the wife of the cool girlfriend? Chuji this birthday, you and I at the moment. Thousands of miles marriage led a total of Lingshan hearts together Yao!

Guan Shuang smoking has been hot in the first place, I thought I only asked why haze smoke as an adjective? Checked the next is to write this thought: sleepwalking Tian Mu Yin do not suddenly Soul thriller to Soul moving, Huang Jing shocked and long 嗟. However, when the pillow felt, loss of haze ... ... need to line that famous riding mountains. Security can destroy your eyebrows, so I can not feel happy. - Southeastern dumping, sleep pillow when feeling lost haze (Pincus Xia old friend) this stay like Nalan cemetery left. Also see Qiu Chen ancient songs as examiners, said cosmetic first test, said that the expression of the face can best reflect what acting. Then you can see this Song Qian expression package can be really hot search.

High-frequency center, chaos, love, the soul of the Tao of natural law is that it is an irresistible force: your essence is non-high frequency, will be excluded gradually move to the outer circle, that lover separation; your essence to high frequency, Will be naturally attracted to Tai Chi Center, that is, the lover rendezvous. This is the meaning of Aunt Xue's saying that "thousands of miles of marriages go hand in hand," no matter what the age and area constraints, it's about the mind. The company is located in:

I asked the sun where are you from? The sun gave me a lush forest, a group of wise and kind people smile, I know what to do, unknown so I asked the sun how strong your warm enough for everyone, the sun gave me a movie of the world more than smiling , I thoughtfully, there is no gain ... I am you is she is him it? Why do you answer my telepathy and baffling feedback? The answer may be found in the future.


1989 A Dream of Red Mansions Movie: Qin Ke Qing Taoyu fantasy, Jia Zhen and Qin Ke Qing ~ Xue Pan grab Xiang Ling, Jiao cursed Street ~ Liu Xianglian scolded only stone lions innocent, Xue Pan Po Chai into Jia ~ Xue Pan grab Xiang Ling into the palace, Bao Dai loves Wang Wei's poems "Market Market on a smoke", Jia Yucun with Daiyu into Jia ~ Pearl "Jia" De Fei into the palace, Liu grandmother board money ~ Mrs. Wang Baoyu money / Jia Zheng sell Xiangling to Xue Poon was official Paul, Jia Rong Wang Xifeng eat ~ Mrs. Wang Yu please eat.

A red cave, red incense is a person, and Qu Yuan, convex Bi Villa Zhujing Hall, Tancheng earthquake, Li Bai Su Shi three hundred related. Wan Yan Tong Cup, Sannomiya six homes are Cao Pi, Kangxi, so Wan Yan with the cup. All of the above are associated with the Jin Dynasty Paintings Luo Shen Fu, female history of the Pro map, and Laoshan carved stone and attractions, summer resort, sunken garden.


Nalan word may be due to the word into the blue, think of Hu Lancheng, then Eileen Chang. Because they think of Mao Zedong Zen traction two people? A name related to Nalan, an experience related to the Dream of Red Mansions, but also wrote the Nightmare of the Red Mansions. In the meantime think of Li Yunhe Zhu De, and thus thought of Lin Huiyin Liang Sicheng Jin Yuelin Xu Zhimo. Its name is related to the Dream of Red Mansions. ~ Hot search actually called Tang (Hill) crane (Jiang Qing) Germany (Zhu De), or Zhang Guorong lover?


Autumn blue saw a circle of friends Nanyang / Wuhan noodles. Hu Lancheng, Hu. Yao Wenyuan, Yao, female trillion. Topographic videos are divided by provinces in China. Sichuan's terrain has always been independent and declared Xuanhan. Yun thought portray force, this is the ear next to. The figure of the body of the beard, the price of 3,3 yuan, corresponds to one of the principles of Taoism into light, into reality. Chukji biographical Atlas has enemy head, 22_24, in turn 42. Look at the reality of the news Wuchang Noodle House slaughtering incident, the deceased surnamed Yao, Hubei Yun Xi 42-year-old. The suspect surnamed Hu, 22 years old, Sichuan Xuanhan people.

Zhuge Liang, thought may be Nalan Zen Dream of Red Mansions some Ge, Hou words, it also corresponds to the phrase Jin Sheng Tan poem that money Qian Yi. The book is a humanity version of the textbook, not the southern version. Renewal of domain name within 1 month, and is being registered for 2 months or deleted for 3 months what renewal matters. Simple domain name and sv symmetry can continue, but the floating point over Japan's alternative definition. Pan Yi philosophy spiral diagram, wise (Hui)> look two circles. Zhao surname thought. Xiling.

Middle school textbooks are now yellow links, erotic images explicit. The reporter found this link on page 15, this page is about the ancient Chinese tribute to Zhuge Liang's poems, in the relevant link column has a row entitled: "Second," the dynasties Wing Wuhou Poems Daquan "URL", which provides a URL below link.

Am I going to say "the book's own jade"? It should be said, because the meaning of this sentence at the time was to think of what it means to explain Yan Ruyu to the truth, just as Nalan's reading of the poem by Zuozhuan would collapse out of reality. That is what I mean by saying this. This is particularly clear in my heart I remember. / Xiling ~ Empress Wu Shaanxi Western tombs, hills (autumn Ling is also the sound ah). West District ~ Shaanxi. Wen Cheng Road ~ Princess Wencheng.

"Minsi blog decided: stop the system from August 1, 2006. - As for the reason, we noticed that this textbook passed the first instance in 2006, it has been 10 years, it should be the original site domain name expired, Was later used by other sites or registered.

When the sin value between 180 and 360 will appear negative, more than 360 will be repeated. Remembered the life and death of the previous painting cycle diagram. Is the awareness of granularity in the 180-360 ° range, reached 360 ° produced a granular awareness of the material that appeared. The extinction of the already produced granular consciousness and its accessory substances begins with a new cycle of reincarnation that begins in the range of 0-180 ° from the rejection granule until it reaches 180 ° Nirvana, The principle: the cathode Health Yang, anode Health yin.

It also shows that the wave of consciousness can be traversed time and space back to the past, and the sense of granularity is the starting point for the future to draw the singularity, the boundaries of the universe film was completed, focusing on the material. Then goes out, the new universe begins to form, and the previous universe is a spiral, parallel universe.


Qiu Lan tried to combine the life and death images of the previous year based on the formula of God + the cycle of life and death + the combination of heaven and earth people with the most memorable Pan Yi as the God of the Divine Intelligence and the two principles of wave-particle duality combination together, then draw Out of life breath of life and death cycle map. After painting is very interesting, there is actually a Dream of Red Mansions, Empress Wu, Lo God - this also corresponds to the yeah animation imagination: Nirvana now ☞ back to the past 穿 Nirvana point into the future ☞ new Nirvana, This flat pattern should be restored as a solid circle.


Harvard University metal hydrogen disappeared news, autumn blue so recall:

After British archaeologists visited the site of the Cotswolds in Dandan and took away valuable cultural relics, suddenly the mysterious disappeared. Archeologists saw the central part of the tower emitting a little bit of blue light under the lights while dressing up the site of the Grand Enmas Temple. This is Ashoka Tower. They confirm that the relics of Indians should be in the tower of the Ashoka pagoda. Whether or not they can be taken out is still unknown.

Autumn blue to see the archaeological books on the little blue, disappear, both impressed. At the time, relics of reincarnation might have been compressed into relics (metaphysical metal traits) by a gaseous soul (Hidden Past, Hydrogen First, and Soul). Gaseous uncertainties, like the quantum nature, can not measure both speed and mass.

Yesterday also thought: h star the coldest and uncertain quality, bcd recent gas, efg intermediate liquid, then whether h is solid? The Earth is getting bigger And speaking of stress video, the pressure is also mentioned in trappist, do not understand. Drawn the cycle of life and death spiral what is the future? Now it's the metal world, ancient bronze ☞ Here hydrogen reduces the temperature and high pressure makes it a solid metal. What a rhetorical response to the picture is ha ha ha ha, Buddha extraordinary people too.

See Heilongjiang High Court officials died after eating salvage pills recalled:

What is the antonym of Bai Fengjiu? _ The answer is: Black Dragon one. This is a very shocked to see king, Sansei Shili Peach Blossom up the name of such a set of deep road ah. Bai Feng, Yin Wu Baifeng pills. Black Dragon, think of Heilongjiang. / Quick Help Heart Pills [main ingredient] Chuanxiong, borneol. Circle of friends circle of Buddha calligraphy carefully read the word in the phoenix, the two fuzzy hidden like floating in the bow. There are borneol in trappist art. Iron man spirit, the high court, quick save heart pill? Indah was sentenced to 10 years? - Do not the iron world, the evolution of spiritual realm of the opposite? Why did you die? Only 57 years old ah. Zhao Puchu has been concerned about these two days and found that they both died at the age of 93, think Jiamu 75 years old.

According to the life and death map, the maximization effect of compressive nature is transformed into the god wave and the sky-blue ratio, so that the most powerful intelligent energy is emitted, thereby promoting the rapid and high-quality spiral process.



1 God wave The first smallest black hole neutron of the Taiji synthesis, after 2-4 quadrants of the combination of material and the nucleus of life, so it seems that Nu Wa legend meaning. This should be conceivable the first wave of consciousness of the non-self-reflection of the corresponding, so harmony between man and nature that is therefore a reality. Assuming that the universe in which we live is eventually united without me to become a new universe, then its powerful Nirvana gravity wave launches into the initial unity of Tai Chi, which is also so subtle at onset that it can not be seen by the microscope . Think of a knife in the sight of that, as quantum unpredictable, but you can find the grass that snake gray line of the Great Death Road.

Nirvana neutron produced ~ Nirvana neutron accumulation of black holes ~ Nirvana neutron bomb ~ recombine into things life and so the phenomenon halo.

The first three are hidden, black holes seem to be, only the fourth collapsed. This process is applicable to the phenomena of events, such as matter, life, and quantum switch (like the same piece of film attached to a film, the process of collapsing into an event, and the left of the actual dotted line is similar to the subconscious invisible quantum-like death / , The program is the package, while the 4 on the right of the dotted line resembles a template of Consciousness / Computer Graphics and a Memorable Cache / HTML Composition Screen).

This lends money for: HTML (Vision Canvas / Creation Portal) ~ The Whole Program Mission (Corporate Mission) ~ Discretes and Package Functionality (Department Cluster) ~ The Newborn Combinatorial Fetus Growth (Progressive Implementation of Initial Vision) - This cycle through the fetus has been connected with the real world, in the process of growth cycle four, spiral forward in order to achieve the mission of the overall program, and finally completed, and then the overall creation spiral into the next step. H7N9 here to contact: H is responsible for entering ~ the first quadrant, N is responsible for detachment ~ third quadrant. Also consistent with Taoism, a lifetime of two, two three, three life 4 (corresponding to 1-4 quadrants respectively).

Spread of Dispersion / Pure Sun / Free Will: Spiritual Taiji Plan ~ Soul Vitality Accumulates as Stereoscopic Taiji ☞ Principle of Depth Focusing / Pure Yin / Love Creates Principle: Each explores its depth and becomes a stereoscopic fetus with a balanced energy-soul ratio .

1 Creature is infinite ☞ 2 Infinite becomes awareness ☞ 3 Sensing leads infinite focus into infinite energy (energy is principle or love): Infinite intelligence ☞ 4 Creation principle. Original transfiguration, free will. Energy moves from smart to infinity. Create a holographic form. Appears in all creations ☞ 5 Energy Morphology Organization, Prosody and Field ☞ 6 Dimension and Universe.

- The above four images correspond to one of the rules 2-3-4 / 5-6, respectively. After these four quadrants were successfully completed, they followed the new spiral of Genesis. This is an infinite reincarnation of Lo's book, the new spiral is the beginning of a new vision of river plans, and non-pure yang can not begin Genesis.


Sun Wukong seen where the Sanxingdui sculpture seems religious, ears like pigs. Thought 49 sun, 38trappist Department. This pig before and after the black point happens to be 4, 9. 24 days after the snow on the grass after two days of melting down like a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of ~ 25th sky blossoming clouds in many places are so! So today, this pig strong because of the thought of Uyghur has become a wicked little it?

Cixi secret color porcelain unearthed News:

Cixi think of a car accident Cixi, today, looking forward to the life of the river has a monkey Miao thin, thought of the Monkey King He Xiangu, very strange why there is a rare word? ☞ Porcelain rare color porcelain unearthed. / Morning to see Dream of Red Mansions maidservants, because the Maple Lucha tea was driven away ~ Feng Lu / National Treasure What to say are broken, but fortunately archeological splicing into a whole ~ debris repair / see yao Shan this word is very strange, think Demon / listen to Journey to the West to accept the monster, said I Famen ~ Famen Temple.

Navy treasure did not look carefully only read the picture, a large number of porcelain. Green color ~ Greenstone monument. Israel, in turn, read the Israelites and wanted to know what it meant to be the right woman, not knowing how to get it. Monkey Monkey rice in the river there is rice ah! Mysterious porcelain, all over. Strange, or the river, is not the mysterious fish in the river? I thought I saw this video in the morning, a little delay time, waiting for a long time waiting for this ah. UOB crisis, the name enough grade.


Is the cell still alive? Follow life and death map it? Cell will make your face Zhangdou, will make you radiant ah! Of course, this is the result of a wave of awareness of the collapse, so eating off is to make cells "simple", to receive the owner to remove the painful symptoms of wave awareness? This master can be himself or his own lover, as long as they have the ability to wave consciousness. Therefore, Ching Man Dream of Red Mans fasting France can take effect.


Autumn Blue again in front of the life and death map with Laozi Yi Road, a combination of drawing, wrote an article elaborating the correspondence between the two:

Share Links: Share @o Blue Fei o's headline article

Just think of the soul of the dead who went to the past involved in the show, such as prophecy or something, because of its thinking in the future collapse in the past thing. Suddenly thought of saying a proclamation Cao Cao Cao Cao, is it clear or gentleman said Baoyu this way? No wonder I guess the reasoning Cao Cao is gem / Some speculation, such as Li Bai Du Fu may part of the poem is, there is a Dream of Red Mansions.

Dead people include themselves, because birth and death are Planck scales, so you will find that your future has been prophetic in the past (including what you see, hear, know).

Due to read the 1024 bytes is the smallest byte, check the byte meaning Find this article Quantum tunneling example is very much like the birth and death of the border through the graph, as the wavy granularity, nirvana and the reality of the crossing, so search quantum Tunneling.

The maximum speed of light in three-dimensional space is the speed of light, which surpasses the speed of light, that is, the nirvana. Neglecting the normal behavior of human beings, double the speed of light can achieve quantum tunneling: 2 (t4-t3) ~ 2 cosmic boundary speed ~ 2 speed of light. Nirvana t0.2 times the speed of light can be returned to the starting point at the same time.

Just like two prisms, the first one is real, returning directly from the first prisms. The second quantum realizes nirvana, which returns to the beginning at 2 times the speed of light passing through the first two prisms. In classical real life, one observes that the second quantum is returned from the second prism. In fact, the quantum realizes the quantum tunneling effect, just as Zhang Baoqiang's changed coins are taken out of the closed glass bottle same.

Yesterday I accidentally thought I had not seen the theoretical knowledge of quantum mechanics for a long time. And then today did not deliberately want to see, but after finding 1024 has been looking at this aspect of things. I do not know if it is yesterday I control the future of me.

Autumn blue day thought of a tall building is very dangerous for children, read the attention of Liu Xianghua security stressed, has been to see the emergence of new Yee Hot search who do not know, think of Su Yue. After watching the video of Cheng Anlong crashing down from a skyscraper, I also saw that there was an issue of education and responsibility for children in the dialogue session of Buddhist science and technology. Autumn 20:57 incident so shocked Akura, Tianjin Nankai Joy City mall with a tragedy, while his father's two young children hold the same floor from the 4th floor to the ground floor, died on the spot. How exactly is this world running? How our existence is dominated by heaven? Why are we humans so small and helpless? How can we better exist? Qulan mind turned the layers of waves, those who smoke such a fantasy dream things are brought together, it opened! Let us eyesight! Autumn blue immediately according to a few days ago painted his life and death reincarnation diagram of life and death cycle of four states said.

NASA six ball space station video analysis: 25-26 comments Sable microblogging write biangbiang go word at the end plus those who already understand, and Zhao Riga Riga is 爻 half 乂, Zhao Zhong 想, think 爻, hidden 6 numbers . / Is whether 屌 is divorced from the body reached a Nirvana initial wave of God? And Tarot cards have the same meaning of a person hanging upside down ah - at that time would like to arrange the six 爻 graphics up and down, from early 爻 to nine five and then the dragon in the day of the moving picture to think it over again: This UFO is not six 爻 moving picture it!

Huang Ming in Yang Ying 28-year-old hat wearing English seems to be secure. Understanding is a safety mean. Today, I saw his couple and Song Wei photo ~ team. Lao Zi Yi Tao Tu Bo total of 10, think Nalan tenth, and satisfactory. ☞UFO secure team 10. Kepler impressed. When drawing four Tai Chi think of a bluff monument Taiji Xian Weng. ~ Taylor


Seeing the United Nations press vote on Syria, it is strange how Syria is called Assad's regime. What is that Saddam in South Korea? I was surprised to shout Saq, Germany is a virtue. Ah is the ear next to add. Do not understand what these two are Eastern? Bolivia is not the earthquake it? Zhao Kuangmin. Syrian boy, Steve Jobs is Syria, Dachen popular monuments actually Syrian, what happened? Do not know the news and that monument has nothing to do?

If a person can live a thousand years, he will look at the background of this disturbing world. If a whole in the layout, then it will be how to interpret the local branch. If from one perspective is such a combination, then it's subordinate branch is so disturbing, how do you judge to judge right and wrong. All this is nothing more than the spontaneous growth of its nature. Flying to the end of the sky there are fragrant hills, mound, Confucius, Zhuge Kong Ming, tips, spring travel map tips word. Look, this is its branch only, not too sharp, and the real thinking is the most abstract refinement. Youth Edition Dream of Red Mansions tablets, it is Qin Keqing plus Li Bai a performance?

The total score of the total score, endless, tell you such a world fills, too much entangled which will only be at rest.

Relative to the speed of light our daily life is not static? Relative to the speed of light, our life is it not fixed? If two trees, one growing at the speed of light, the other is our normal speed. The tree is born, extinct, and alive, and when it necks again, it collapses and sees the tree on earth, but of course the tree is very old. It is not like the five Einstein experiments that light-speed people are young, people on Earth are old, but people who run at the speed of light. He has a very long life cycle and probably a high-quality black hole representing longevity. Low-frequency low-quality representatives do not have enough Nirvana ability to collapse because there is not enough energy to collapse the combination into a new life. So this is a parallel world. People of both worlds look different in time.

Tianshan Tongling may tell us that the Nirvana can be very young, and perhaps the Nirvana body collapsed relative to the previous one is a new life, but the probability of being captured or nothing more, but that is constant Subtle practice, 0.001 nanometer difference is the difference between the five Einstein age. Autumn blue thus draw the spiritual wave of time - Atomic Chart:

Autumn blue reader that day to see three videos have a corresponding:

It seems to have seen two actors one mouth Diao root dog tail grass, a Diao flowers, it seems ah two people. Also see Tibet Linzhi Valley Peach Blossom actually can have so many flowers, why? ~ Flowers Valley. Yesterday, thought of waiting for life and death, reincarnation, affection, expectations, love and death map, neutron, Nirvana, said before the death of man after the neutron return to the sun, the world, after the death of variable stars / [poll] three readers can correspond to ah? It is the bright star in the night sky that I heard from this morning. I can not find the meaning of existence. I thought that no love does not exist. Flowers Valley is Tibet Nyingchi Valley Peach Blossom Forest Why so many? It seems that these three are because of love!


A few days ago Chang said, Yuan, iris, Liu Zongyuan Wuzong Yuan, think Yuanzong, the source of ancestors, brown. Also wrote: Two days ago to see giant panda video, it is unclear how the panda became a combination of black and white Tai Chi pattern, the original product of a combination of bears and cats ah! But also love to eat bamboo, Xiaoxiang Museum, Bamboo Seven Sages ... ... Tai Chi, such as motionless, panda love at every turn, because too successful ah ☞ panda brown. Qin Qin Qin Qin Shi Qin Qin and Ming Dynasties moon.

Search magpies autumn this painting, hit a magpie word, see Magpie Bridge meet, magpie nest doves accounted for, it should be good should this painting connotation should be, this may be a person that people can do, not in Bies It means that the associated things will be automatically tossed out, whether it is information words, material, psychological, or events, because they are like a small black hole, the package has its nature / nature / energy, as long as you Unicom It, on the interpretation of the mode, the group automatically run.

Seismic station is not automatic computer speed report it? Why do not you know Ya'an earthquake? Ya'an Sichuan Brown Panda Just saw the Ming Heihe River Figure Strait actually had more Shizuoka Shizuoka more shocked, think Nalan Wu Yasushi quiet, especially Wu's heart silently up the elegant word. Behind look at the content actually HaoLiang concept fish, QiuYing or HaoLiang concept, and Nalan home stage name are the same. There are many in line with Nalande Fei's.


"Odd" Why do not love bamboo thigh? Hot search on such a cute video that is for sure. Qiu Lan recalled the information she had thought of and associated with it: Odd Seven One Oddities, trappist Nirvana 1,7 for other stars. Jia Yun Nalan Cedar Songtsan Gambo, Defei Wang Xi Feng Lin Daiyu Xiaoxiang concubine bamboo dragon Teng Yin thin raiding. Yesterday afternoon write: Behind all the Zhao Mengmeng all sit under the tree as the custody of the Buddha, riding like Linde Yu riddles. Cedar species of bamboo, such as the Dream of Red Mansions Jia Yun for the Grand View Garden planted pine and other vegetation. Zhao Meng Douman self-portrait screen bamboo, water, hand-held Lin Daiyu funeral flowers hoe. There Shilin painting, etc. ... carefully read the cedar figure, that is above the Kangxi Nalande Fei, the following is a kind of bamboo. Yesterday saw Yaan is a giant panda base, check failed. Pipe like bamboo or bamboo should be referred to Lin Tai Tak. Fifty-seven seconds, who also thought of the age of fifty-seven. Xiaozhuang seventy-five is also fifty-seven. River map center for five, 27 171 have already said. Yesterday saw Emperor Qianlong or which emperor died to wear seven pieces of clothes. Video "planting bamboo" Zhang Bo breeder, yesterday saw a name inside the skin, do not understand how the word contact with the Nalan, another person's name must have water, the German concubine. M letter original meaning for the moon, water. Zhang Bo shoes actually have an E, looking sideways is M. millet phone MI is a heart shape.

See a lot of Mencius, think of Meng Zhong quarter. Meng on behalf of the boss first. Nalan is the first eldest son. Qianli Jiangshan map author Wang Xi Meng. Magpie autumn map by Zhao Meng. Corresponds to Wang Xifeng hope Menzi Nalan. Zhao Meng corresponding Mega Mencius, trillion dream, Meng Meng should be closely linked, many dreams of the Dream of Red Mansions, dream type and more, it is vast.

Just watch Microblogging carving brother, how do you not fly to heaven, and then man built a heart-shaped fly to heaven. Empty house after relocation Someone just took the car key. Pig baby. The original meaning of the letter M is water or waves, H is the lotus. White people. Blue origami. Found that microblogging hot search with one to three red, orange later. Discover platinum rings. These and the observer network microblogging never landing MH370 flight microblogging 9 map information is extremely relevant, and why? Is a particular Zen equal to all the time required for this Zen's completion? And the deadline is the observed result of the Zen observer, the true observer, rather than the unidentified participant, as well as the Zen meditator in a parallel world of low real-world frequency. Because man is wave-particle-like.

Because reality takes some time and space, meditation does not take so long, but the meditation's germinal has to move forward in reality until the result of this meditation is completed, and he clearly senses the antecedents and consequences of the incident. That is, meditation is the very finest beginning source. The reality is that this event occurred after the kun event. The uncertainty of the superimposed package was like a big bang, just as the carving time, the ambiguous became definite The high-speed uncertainty becomes chaotic with the controllable, high-energy light-speed turning into low-energy low-speed clarity.

The speed of light is an important physical constant, symbol c (from constant in English, meaning constant, or celeritas in Latin, meaning fast), c is not only the speed of visible light propagation, but also all the electromagnetic waves in a vacuum transmission speed. Therefore, it is impossible for the quality object to reach the speed of light. Only photons of zero rest mass always move at the speed of light. The speed of light is superposed with any speed and the speed of light is still obtained. The synthesis of velocity does not follow the laws of classical mechanics and obeys the law of velocity synthesis of relativity. constant, adj. Constant, continuous; eternal, consistent; firm; faithful. n. [number] constant, constant; constant things; eternal value.

Only photons of zero rest mass always move at the speed of light. The speed of light is superposed with any speed and the speed of light is still obtained. The synthesis of velocity does not follow the laws of classical mechanics and obeys the law of velocity synthesis of relativity.

- Rest quality soul neutrons, life and death figure when there is more and more neutrons of greedy stupid, that is, there is more and more information of preference orientation, they are automatically sucked together, so that they meditate (Such as uncut carved stones); the nephew neutron (empty nobility monk) at zero speed of light rests at a speed of light rotation of photons whose static mass can not be zero; So big and bigger, that from the collapse of Zen collapsed into the phenomenon of phenomenal world, into the phenomenon of large-scale phenomenal spectrum events (such as engraved jade jewelry jade), because of its inertia can also exercise a specific time Formed an event (The last gem stone back to the Qingfeng peak, that is back to basics)

M represents water or waves, but also the first letter of the moon. Zhang Bo in the shoes have M / E. Is this the message that the neutron of the meditation entraps with the message of greedy demon neutrons.

CCTV news microblogging interview Zhang Bo video odd odd has been lying in the tall tree is really the first time ever seen. Two days ago to see where to say Xiangling or which is hanging in the tree, think of the Journey to the West sequel to people were monsters tied to the tree, there is a hundred years of loneliness in the beginning of the people tied to the tree ... this odd one how Is it hanging tree too? Suddenly think of Lin Daiyu is not linked to jade tree hanging it? Hang Gua painting, painting Lin Daiyu it? Which one? Yong Prince twelve hairpin? Cedar tube Zhongji map female history pro Luo Fu Shen Fu step map?

Giant Panda "odd one" was born on July 1 last year, more than six months old this year, there is a twin sister "odd fruit." This section by the ipanda Panda channel released in its official micro, facebook and other video platform, the current total traffic has reached 838 million. - Or was born on July 7, 2016 and died one day on Nara's day 1685.

"At home, every day to see the Panda microblogging, this is specifically invited the annual fly flew over the network of red panda, it's that rabbit jump and hold the thigh super cute." Nanning panda fans Miss Wu excitedly told reporters.

Yesterday or today, I thought of the panda combination Source: Bear + cat + tai chi figure, Xinjiang jujube core The mosque above you is very much like the Taj Mahal. Sheep is not a short tail ah, the rabbit is. See Dou E injustice, Chang O rabbit sequined quilt, the original rabbit's tail here! Odd one why rabbit jump it? Yesterday I saw the Ya'an Panda base to see its tail like a rabbit.

I really want to know when the giant panda was found!

In 1869, the Frenchman Elmander de David (also known as Armand David) discovered the giant panda in Ya'an Baoxing (then called Muping), and soon the specimen of the giant panda was taken back to France, leaving the international organism More than a century later, on October 9, 2003, the Baoxing County People's Government in Ya'an City signed an agreement on the construction of the "David Memorial Hall" with the hometown of David - Esbritt, Pyrenees, France Since then, Baoxing County has produced a 2.7-meter-tall statue of white marble in honor of the Frenchman who introduced the Chinese giant panda overseas.

Bear head + pig + rabbit tail = dry head + body + Chang'e rabbit tail.

According to the analysis of the giant panda life table, they take about 12 years from one generation to another and the population growth is very slow. If they are caught in large quantities, they will take decades to be restored even if they are well protected.

Cat + bear + fox tail nine green nine chain - the combination of the red panda, this is soft in the just, panda is just in a soft?

Zhao Meng-tung in Dongting Dongshan Figure since the title: "Dongting Bo Xi Mountain 崨 嶪, Sichuan can be economic Xi ​​can not be involved. Mulan for the boat Xi Gui 楫, Miss Yu Huai wind leaves." The inscription "less expensive"钤 "Zhao Zi Zi" Zhu Wenyin. This postscript implies a meaning of Resentment, reflecting the contradictions and depression of Zhao Meng-fei. After the Qianlong Royal title Qijue: "Sanxiang seven Ze 杳 hard to distinguish, you see the breeze fall and fall. Who knows the king Sun graciousness, moon wave cold to Xiangjun." Zhao Mengfu and Qianlong Postscript both with Qu Yuan "Chu · Nine Songs "Xiang Jun related. It can be seen, Qianlong painting on this picture has taken the hint.

This passage confirms all my speculation, and then obvious: Qu Yuan nine songs, Furong Xi Come here Xi, Dongting wave mountains and rivers, Mulan Zhougui tortoise, Huaiyu wind Ye Ye Ye.

Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322), Zi Zi Ang, No. Song Taoist, Gull wave, water Jing Gong Taoist, Huzhou (now Zhejiang Wu Xing) people. Poetry, books, paintings, printed and good. His works include "Blue Bamboo", "Quejiang Huaqiu", "The Picture of the Double Rivers in the Red River", pictographs of "Three hundred kinds of famous paintings in the Forbidden City";

- This is another major verification, the age of Zhao Mengfu plus four hundred years old, is Kangxi age 1654-1722. Another four children.


Dream of Red Mansions mentioned Cao Baoyu Cao Cao Mengde. just. Also see Lanting order release waves outside the body. The final sentence of Orchid Pavilion is the same as Ancient Sinsai of Jin Shengtan.

In front of Jiabao Jade School deer Luming, young son, long my heart is in Cao Cao's poem in the short song there. Jia Baoyu saw a stab in the heart of a short song, and he was surely feeling why Cao Cao's poem is the same as he now thinks. There are black poetry, magpie, Ukrainian, magpie autumn map. Or Cao Cao this poem is Nalan previously wrote, Orchid Pavilion order is practiced after a period of time written? Is unlikely, it should be that Jia Baoyu reading and met his heart thinking the same text, surprised him , Just as you can see on the Internet a lot of Jinjiang article and you think of the key words or meaning exactly the same combination of articles.

"Yuzhu bead curtain" This is too surprising to me, but there are several stories Jinjiang Literature Network a few days ago and I think the same, and found this again today: insects fly yesterday to see news articles. Daoguang Emperor, microblogging Yesterday. Ying Luo, a few days ago wanted the last statue of Jaini wearing that Ying Luo.


Fen Yin Yin seen yesterday:

Hedong prefect pro swept away, welcome to the highest guide Luang Yu.

Five battalion column column Wei, Mikawa look at the empty Lvlu.

Back to Jing Ji drop Lingjiu incense incense invited Bai Xiang.

Jinding hair color is 焜 Huang, Wei Wei 摅 only Jing vision.

Buried jade Chen sacrifice God completed, hold the horse by the public.

Peifen this song Jia Ke tour, Magnolia as Gui for the boat.

- This section corresponds to Jinjiang filial piety into the Empress of the penultimate chapter Meridian offerings to see what the emperor read. At that time do not understand the poetic, just feel like a royal ancestral worship of the great scene.

Countdown to the third chapter the day before or the day before Helena has been thinking, because before the Prince Edward twelve hairpin Hemerocallis know that the mother is concerned, think of a friend daughter called Xuan Er, a few days ago met Xuan and thought for a moment .

Just because of the release of the wreckage, the search for the idioms source: Jin Wang Xizhi "Orchid Pavilion set": "or because of the masthead, let go of the waves."

Example idiom: Only with the treasure? He can forget his identity, let go of the wreckage, enjoy the "people are comfortable with" the real interest. (Goyang "Yudie beads curtain" on the volume)

- Therefore, search Yuzhu bead curtain to see Jinjiang article, the name is very special looked at it, actually the first chapter is the concept of Baiyun, or a hotel, as well as the cats walking east west care, I wonder if the last written is away from me Near meditation? Really just saw the worm yesterday fly, Daoguang! What is going on? Is Jinjiang Literature Network is automatically generated by the intelligent computer article?

Followed by her blog Huineng orchid blog found the follow-up articles: each cloth Bureau, insanity, Zhaogui people, the tip of the iceberg, respectively, correspondent thought: Road fly ~ foot all, go all walks of life (all layout). Meng ~ son dish, dish thought of insanity. Xiao Zhuang think of the Qing Dynasty Zhao Ling Zhaozhao Zhao Zhao what way. Elegant, encounter elegant. Granular world is just the tip of the iceberg. Feel that these are the combination of Zen keyword + history knowledge + current common sense rules.

Dongting Dongshan Figure Qin Yin Zhao Zi Zi Ang, just look DNA genetic map, facing the past, he is the carrier of all past the core of the universe, facing the future but also the future of all the origin of the universe as part of a little feeling before the ancients Not seen ... This poem is Zhao Zi Aung:

     Deng Youzhou song

      Before the ancients,

      Not seen after The company is located in:

      Read the world of leisurely,

      Suddenly but runny nose.

This is not exactly the sigh of Jin Shengtan it?

This is also the decomposition of the Tai Chi diagram, yin and yang, two instruments clearly visible, if the split Promise, Cao Meide may naturally have the short song of the line sigh, then return to Promise, whether or not to return to the lofty sequence Lanting outside the box? Long time will be combined for a long time will be divided, which went to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms went there, who want to return to Hong Meng space, Dream of Red Mansions hometown?


Canada Yun Falls: Yesterday due to write ☞ title Mountains, swallow the Yangtze River, the vast soup, horizontal no boundaries; Zhaohui Xi Yin, the weather. This is the Grand View of Yueyang Tower also. - See this, think of title jade, as well as Zhao Mengmou in the "Dongting Dongshan map" from the title: "Dongting Bo Xi hill 崨 嶪, Sichuan can not be involved in economic Xi. Mulan for the boat Xi Gui 楫, Wind a leaf. "☞ But once again think of Huang Gong Wang Song Wang Wang, Lushan Mountain waterfalls look at the distance to see waterfall hanging Qian Chuan.


The pure intent is that the nirvana is the Ming (2 zen neutron entanglement accumulation), DNA helix people in the Pan-Yi philosophy in the real world of the real life time (4 combination of events), the enclosed empty is intelligent Energy (3 neutron burst), while the hollow channel is the god (1 Nirvana early, through space-time wormholes), through time and space to understand the antecedents and consequences.

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